Goo Yuck Weebly

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Lesson Plan Essential Elements

Title: Liquid or Solid? Goo-Yuck!

Subject: Science (Physical science)

Grade Level: 2nd Time Allotted: 40 minutes

Materials Required:
Walk on water Ellen Degeneres clip (
Goo-Yuck (mixture of cornstarch and water)
Plastic cups
Goo-Yuck worksheet

Michigan Curriculum Framework: P.PM.02.12 Describe objects and substances according to their
properties (color, size, shape, texture, hardness, liquid or solid, sinking or oating).

Objective(s): I can explain the difference between liquids and solids. (Blooms level: knowledge)
Instructional Procedure:
Essential Element
1. Anticipatory Set: Ellen Degeneres walk on water clip (Youtube)
2. State Purpose and Objective(s) of Lesson:
Purpose: To learn the difference between liquids and solids
Objective(s): I can explain the difference between liquids and solids. (Blooms level: knowledge)

3. Plan for Instruction:
1) Review the differences between liquids and solids Explain that a liquid is a form of matter
that doesnt have its own shape. Liquids can be poured and can take the shape of its container.
Explain that solids have their own shape and can be picked up.
2) Show examples of liquids and solids. Have students help sort items into two groups: liquids
and solids.
3) Explain that youve found a mystery item called Goo Yuck. Students have to be scientists
and observe Goo Yuck to figure out if its a liquid or a solid. Show students Goo-Yuck
worksheet and explain how they are to fill it out.
4) Break students into groups and give each group a cup of Goo-Yuck. Let students feel, pour,
try to pick up Goo-Yuck, etc. to determine whether it is a solid or a liquid.
5) Bring the class back together and have groups share their determinations. Have groups
explain their reasoning for their decision.
6) Explain to students that Goo-Yuck is a trick it has both the properties of a solid and a
liquid. Thats why the people in the video can walk on the Goo-Yuck if they go quickly.
4. Differentiation Considerations (accommodations):
* Peer buddies
* Read worksheet out loud to students
* Seat placement
* Whole group work
* Teacher works with group of students
5. Assessment: Teacher will check Goo-Yuck worksheet for understanding of liquids and solids.
6. Closure: ask students the following questions:
How would you describe Goo-Yuck to a friend? Would you tell them it was a liquid or a solid?

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