TGI-NDE06.00 1 of 28
Technical Guideline
Technical Guideline
Nondestructive Examination
Visible Liquid Penetrant Examination TGI-NDE06.00 Rev. 0 1
Issuing Department: Approval: Previous Rev. Date Current Revision Date
QA/QC - Houston Gene Nikstad 5-Mar-04 5-Mar-05
1.0 PURPOSE OF TECHNICAL GUIDELINE .............................................................3
2.0 TECHNICAL GUIDELINE OBJ ECTIVE.................................................................3
3.0 SCOPE OF APPLICATION....................................................................................3
4.0 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................3
5.0 METHOD (PROCESS) ..........................................................................................3
5.1 PROCESS OVERVIEW............................................................................3
5.2 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................4
5.3 PROCESS DETAIL...................................................................................5
5.3.1 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS................................................5
5.3.3 SURFACE PREPARATION.........................................................6
5.3.4 EXAMINATION APPLICATION...................................................6
5.3.5 INTERPRETATION / EVALUATION............................................8
5.3.6 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.........................................................10
5.3.7 POST EXAMINATION CLEANING............................................10
5.3.8 DOCUMENTATION...................................................................10
6.0 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................11
7.0 REPORTS............................................................................................................11
(Table of Contents - Continued on Next Page)
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
8.0 ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................................................11
Attachment 1 - Liquid Penetrant Examination Report Form...................12
Attachment 2 - Color Contrast/Solvent Removable Method Technique
Standard Temperature Examinations...........................14
Attachment 3 - Color Contrast/Water-Washable Method Technique
Standard Temperature Examinations...........................16
Attachment 4 - Recommended Non-Standard Temperature Technique
Guide ............................................................................18
Attachment 5 - Sequence and Time of Examination..............................20
Attachment A - AWS D1.1 - Acceptance Criteria....................................27
Attachment B - ASME Section VIII Division 1 - Acceptance Criteria......28
Attachment C - ASME B31.1 - Acceptance Criteria ...............................28
Attachment D - ASME B31.3 - Acceptance Criteria ...............................28
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
1.2 The purpose of this technical guideline is to provide the specific requirements, methods,
and techniques to be used when performing, evaluating, and documenting Liquid
Penetrant Examinations.
2.2 The objective if this technical guideline is to satisfy all applicable requirements pertaining
to ASME Section V, Article 6, for Liquid Penetrant Examinations.
3.2 This technical guideline is applicable to the performance, evaluation, and documentation
of all Visible, Color Contrast Liquid Penetrant examinations performed by employees of
J acobs.
3.3 This technical guideline applies to the detection of surface discontinuities in both ferrous
and non-ferrous, welds and materials (plates and forgings) that are essentially non-
porous. Liquid Penetrant examinations shall be performed while utilizing one of the
following techniques:
3.3.1 Solvent-Removable
3.3.2 Water-Washable
3.4 The shape and size of objects to be examined are not limiting factors, provided the area
under examination can be properly examined within the specified time intervals.
3.5 This technical guideline has been written to address the specific requirements of the
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section V, Article 6 in addition to the Standard
Practice for Liquid Penetrant Inspection, SE-165.
3.6 This technical guideline is intended to allow the examiner the flexibility of applying
whichever method or technique will provide the best examination results, based on the
particular examination conditions encountered at the time of the examination. Once a
method or technique is selected, compliance with the requirements of that method or
technique is mandatory.
3.7 The sequence and time of examination is defined, in Attachment 5 to meet specific
requirements of ASME Section VIII (Division 1), B31.1, B31.3, and AWS D1.1 for
examinations of welds and base material.
4.2 Liquid Penetrant terminology shall be in accordance with ASME Code Section V, Article
6, Appendix I, and Article 30 or SE-1316.
5.1.1 This nondestructive examination technical guideline provides for both solvent
removable and water washable visible liquid penetrant examination of nonporous
materials for the purpose of detecting discontinuities that are open to the surface
of the part being examined.
5.1.2 This examination method involves the pre-cleaning of the examination surface;
the evaporation of the cleaner materials; the application of the a visible dye
penetrant to the surface to be examined; the entering of the dye penetrant by
capillary action into open-to the surface discontinuities for a specified dwell time;
the removal of the excess penetrant from the part; the evaporation of the cleaner
after excess penetrant removal and the application of a developer.
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
5.1.3 The developer provides a highly contrasting background as the dye bleeds
through the developer hereby creating an indication of ether a linear or rounded
nature. The indications are then evaluated and dispositioned, according to the
acceptance criteria of the applicable code, standard, or specification.
5.2.1 The J acobs NDE level III Examiner/Corporate Level III has the overall
responsibility for administrating the J acobs NDE Program, including this
Technical Guideline. The NDE Level III reports directly to the QA/QC Manager.
Responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to: Develop NDE techniques that are consistent with industry practices
and safety recommendations. Maintain the J acobs NDE program and all Technical Guidelines for
NDE methods and techniques, in compliance with all current
requirements of the latest codes or standards, including applicable
addenda. Develop and administer written and practical examinations in
accordance with J acobs written practice (Technical Guidelines TGI-
NDE-01) for all NDE methods and techniques that the J acobs NDE
program consists of. Provide training and guidance to all J acobs NDE personnel in the
execution of their assigned duties. Develop and administer training programs and classroom instruction,
when application, for J acobs NDE personnel, or others that may
seek such training. Administer the requirements for annual Visual Acuity Examinations
for all J acobs NDE personnel.
5.2.2 QA/QC Administrative Assistant - Responsibilities shall include, but not be limited
to: Maintaining the training, education, qualification and certification
records of all J acobs NDE personnel, in a current and validated
manner. Maintain the NDE Experience Logs and the Visual Acuity
Examination records for all J acobs NDE personnel in a current and
valid manner.
5.2.3 The inspector reports to the QA/QC Supervisor and the Manager QA/QC. The
Inspector is responsible for execution of the requirements of this Technical
Guideline. Responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to: Performing and evaluating NDE Examinations and/or reviewing
documentation for compliance with the criteria of the referencing
code or standard, and this Technical Guideline. Verifying the qualifications and certifications of NDE personnel
engaged in performing and evaluating the NDE examination. Verifying the acceptability of the NDE method and technique and
approval, when required by engineering and/or client specifications. Auditing the performance of NDE examinations for compliance with
the requirements of the referencing code or standard.
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document. Maintaining the records required by this Technical Guideline. Maintaining current and validated Qualification and Certification
Records. Maintaining current and validated NDE Experience Logs and Annual
Visual Acuity Examination Records. Reporting on the results of NDE Examinations.
5.2.4 The NDE Technician may be an employee, or under the direction of J acobs as a
subcontractor, or may be an employee, or under the direction of the
Vendor/Supplier. When an employee of J acobs, the NDE Technician will report
directly to the QA/QC Supervisor and the Manager of QA/QC. Responsibilities
shall include, but not be limited to: Performing and evaluation the NDE Examination in accordance with the
referencing code or standard, and the written practices governing the
NDE examination technique.
5.1.-3.1 Performing the required calibration or technique verifications, to
assure the acceptability and validity of the examination results.
5.1.-3.2 Maintaining current and validated Qualification and Certification
5.1.-3.3 Maintaining current and validated NDE Experience Logs and Annual
Visual Acuity Examination Records.
5.1.-3.4 Reporting on the results of NDE Examinations.
5.3.1 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS Personnel performing, interpreting, and documenting examinations
following this technical guideline shall be qualified and certified in
accordance with J acobs NDE Written Practice, Technical Guideline
5.3.2 PENETRANT EXAMINATION MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT The term penetrant materials, as used in this technical guideline, are
intended to include all penetrants, cleaners/removers, and
developers used in the examination process. The list of approved
materials for each technique is identified in the applicable
Attachment. Control of Contaminants
(a) The Manufacturers Certification of contaminant content shall be
obtained for all liquid penetrant materials used on nickel based
alloys, austenitic or duplex stainless steels, and titanium. These
certificates shall include the penetrant manufacturers batch
numbers and the test results obtained in accordance with ASME
Section V, T-641.
(b) The total residual amount of sulfur and halogens shall not
exceed one percent by weight.
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document. Calibration of Light Meters
(a) A Model DSF-100X, 401027, light meter, or equivalent shall be
used to measure the lighting conditions of the part under
examination. The light meter shall be calibrated at least once a
year or whenever the meter has been repaired. If meters have
not been in use for one year or more, calibration shall be done
before being used.
5.3.3 SURFACE PREPARATION In general, satisfactory results may be obtained when the surface of
the part is in the as-rolled, as-welded or as-forged condition.
However, surface preparation by grinding, machining or other
methods may be necessary where surface irregularities could mask
indications of discontinuities. Cleaner/remover, or other commercial solvents may be used to
remove traces of dirt, lint, oil, or other foreign matter. All cleaning
solvents shall meet the requirements of T-641.
(a) Standard Temperatures. - The temperature of the penetrant
materials and the surface of the part to be processed shall not be
below 50F or above 125F, throughout the examination period.
Local heating or cooling is permitted provided the part
temperature remains within this range during the examination.
(b) When doubt exists as to the actual temperature meeting these
requirements, the temperature shall be verified by use of a
contact pyrometer or thermometer.
(c) Nonstandard Temperatures - Where it is not practical to
comply with the standard temperatures, an examination
technique at the proposed lower or higher temperature range
requires qualification in accordance with ASME Section V Article
6, Paragraph T-653. This qualification shall be documented and
permanently maintained on file.
(d) Attachment 4 provides recommended penetrant materials, and
examination processing times to be used during the qualification
(e) Variations outside the standard temperature ranges are
permitted only by approved technique sheets, which are
attachments to this technical guideline. These technique sheets
shall be approved by the J acobs NDE Level III, and incorporated
into this technical guideline.
(f) Lighting Requirements - A minimum light intensity of 100 fc
(1000 Lx) is required to ensure adequate sensitivity during the
examination and evaluation of indications.
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document. PRE-CLEANING
(a) The surface to be examined and the adjacent areas within at
least one-inch shall be cleaned with absorbent paper towels or
cloths and the approved cleaner/remover as referenced for the
selected technique. The cleaner may be applied directly to the
area being cleaned.
(b) Prior to liquid penetrant application, the cleaned surfaces shall
be allowed to dry by normal evaporation or with forced hot or
cold air. Drying time shall be as specified by the applicable
techniques sheet. TECHNIQUE
(a) The color contrast liquid penetrant examination techniques listed
in Section 3.0 shall be performed in accordance with the general
requirements of this technical guideline, as well as the specific
requirements for the selected technique. (See Attachments 2 or
(a) Dipping, brushing or spraying may be used to apply the
penetrant. If the penetrant is applied by spraying using
compressed air-type apparatus, filters shall be placed on the up-
stream side near the air inlet to preclude contamination of the
penetrant by oil, water, dirt, or sediment that may have collected
in the lines.
(b) Area of Interest - Unless otherwise specified, the examination
area for welds shall be the weld surface plus inch of base
material on each side of the weld, except where physical
configuration prohibits such examination. The examination area
for raw materials (plates and forgings) shall be as defined on the
applicable drawing, specification, or work order.
(c) If the surface to be examined is large enough to preclude
complete examination within the prescribed time, the surface
shall be examined in increments. PENETRANT DWELL TIME
(a) The penetrant dwell time is critical. The minimum dwell time
shall be five (5) minutes for castings and welds. The minimum
dwell time shall be ten (10) minutes for wrought materials
(extrusions, forgings, and plate). The maximum time shall be
sixty (60) minutes.
(b) Variations in dwell times are permitted provided they are
qualified by demonstration for specific applications.
(c) The examination surface shall be kept wetted with penetrant
throughout the specified dwell time. Additional applications of
penetrant may be required if the penetrant appears to be drying or
draining away from the surface.
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document. EXCESS PENETRANT REMOVAL
(a) After the specified penetrant dwell time has elapsed, any excess
penetrant remaining on the surface shall be removed, taking
care to minimize removal of penetrant from discontinuities.
(b) Excess penetrants shall be removed in accordance with the
applicable technique sheet. (See Attachment 2 or 3) DRYING AFTER EXCESS PENETRANT REMOVAL
(a) Normal evaporation, blotting, wiping, or forced air may be used to
dry the part surfaces. Drying times and methods shall be as
specified in the applicable technique sheet. DEVELOPER APPLICATION
(a) Prior to application, the developer shall be thoroughly agitated to
assure that the particles are in suspension. The developer shall
be applied by spraying to form a thin uniform white coating.
Insufficient coating thickness may not draw the penetrant out of
discontinuities; conversely, excessive coating thickness may
mask indications.
(b) The developer shall be applied as soon as possible after excess
penetrant removal and drying time; the time interval shall not
exceed that established in the applicable techniques sheet.
Note: Only non-aqueous developers are approved for use with
this technical guideline. DEVELOPER DWELL TIME
(a) Developing time for final interpretation begins immediately after
the application of non-aqueous developer coating is dry. The
minimum developing time shall be per paragraph
5.3.5 INTERPRETATION / EVALUATION With a color contrast penetrant, the developer forms a reasonably
uniform white coating. Surface discontinuities are indicated by
bleed-out of the penetrant, which is normally a deep red color that
stains the developer. Indications with a light pink color may indicate
excessive cleaning. Inadequate cleaning may leave an excessive
background making interpretation difficult. Discontinuities at the surface will be indicated by bleed-out of
penetrant; however, localized surface irregularities due to machining
marks or other surface conditions may produce false indications. Characterizing Indication(s)
(a) The type of discontinuities is difficult to evaluate if the penetrant
diffuses excessively into the developer. If this condition occurs,
close observation of the formation of indication(s) during
application of the developer may assist in characterizing and
determining the extent of the indication(s).
(b) Classification of indications with regards to being linear, rounded,
relevant or non-relevant shall be determined in accordance with
the applicable governing Code or Standard.
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document. Non-Relevant indications and broad areas of pigmentation, which
could mask indications of discontinuities, are unacceptable, and
such areas shall be cleaned and reexamined. Sufficient illumination is required to ensure adequate sensitivity
during the examination and evaluation of indications. Final interpretation shall be made within 10 to 60 minutes after the
general and specific technique sheet requirements are satisfied. If
bleed-out does not alter the examination results, longer periods are
permitted. AWS D1.1 Liquid Penetrant Indication Evaluations
(a) The liquid penetrant acceptance criteria in Attachment A are
based on the size of the actual discontinuity and not the size of
the discontinuity as indicated by the bleed-out. When surface
discontinuities are revealed by liquid penetrant means,
acceptance shall be based on a direct visual measurement of the
actual discontinuity.
(1) Where the discontinuity cannot be visually seen (with
magnification if required) after removal of the bleed-out,
evaluation shall be based on the size and nature of the
bleed-out. ASME Section VIII, Div. 1 Liquid Penetrant Indication
(a) Except as otherwise stated for Appendix 26 in paragraph
(b) below, liquid penetrant indications shall be evaluated per the
following criteria:
(1) An indication is the evidence of a mechanical imperfection.
Only indications, which have any dimension greater that
1/16-inch, shall be considered relevant.
(2) A linear indication is one having a length greater than three
times the width.
(3) A rounded indication is one of circular or elliptical shape with
a length equal to or less than three times its width.
(4) An indication of an imperfection may be larger than the
imperfection that causes it; however, the size of the
indication is the basis for acceptance evaluation.
(5) Any questionable or doubtful indications shall be reexamined
to determine whether or not they are relevant.
(b) Appendix 26 - Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchanger Expansion
J oints, paragraph 26-5 (Base Metal and Welds)
(1) Indications shall be evaluated, based on the preceding
paragraphs except, any linear indication found by
examination shall be considered relevant if the dimension
exceeds t
/4, but not less than 0.010-inch, where t
is the
minimum bellows wall thickness before forming in inches. ASME B31.1 and B31.3 - Liquid Penetrant Indication Evaluations
(a) An indication is the evidence of a mechanical imperfection
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
(b) A linear indication is one having a length equal to or greater than
three times the width.
(c) A rounded indication is one of circular or elliptical shape with a
length less than three times its width.
(d) An indication of an imperfection may be larger than the
imperfection that causes it; however, the size of the indication is
the basis for acceptance evaluation. ASME B31.1 Only Indications, which have any dimensions
greater than 1/16-inch, shall be considered relevant.
(a) ASME B31.3 indications are not limited on size.
5.3.6 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Unless otherwise stated in the governing work instructions,
acceptance criteria shall be per the applicable code or standard as
(a) AWS D1.1 - Attachment A
(b) ASME Section VIII, Division 1 - Attachment B
(c) ASME B31.1 - Attachment C
(d) ASME B31.3 - Attachment D
5.3.7 POST EXAMINATION CLEANING After final evaluation, the test surface shall be cleaned with the
approved cleaner to remove all traces of penetrant and developer.
5.3.8 DOCUMENTATION Recording of Indications
(a) Nonrejectable Indications. Nonrejectable indications shall be
recorded as specified by the referencing Code Section.
(b) Rejectable Indications. Rejectable indications shall be
recorded. As a minimum, the type of indications (linear or
rounded), location and extent (length or diameter or aligned)
shall be recorded. Examination Records
(a) For each examination, the following information shall be
(1) procedure identification and revision;
(2) liquid penetrant type (visible or fluorescent);
(3) type (number or letter designation of each penetrant,
penetrant remover, and developer used;
(4) examination personnel identify and qualification level;
(5) map or record of indications per the above Recording of
Indication Criteria;
(6) material and thickness;
(7) lighting equipment; and
(8) date and time examinations were performed.
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
6.1 J acobs NDE Written Practice, Technical Guideline TGI-NDE01.00
6.2 ASME Section V, Latest Edition and Addenda
6.3 ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Latest Edition and Addenda
6.4 AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code, Latest Edition and Addenda
6.5 ASME B31.1 and B31.3 Piping Codes, Latest Edition and Addenda
7.1 The Site QA/QC Supervision or the Project QA/QC Coordinator shall be responsible for
maintaining the NDE records, if required, in accordance with the specific site or project
8.1 Attachment 1 - Liquid Penetrant Examination Report Form
8.2 Attachment 2 - Color Contrast/Solvent Removable Standard Temperature Method
8.3 Attachment 3 - Color Contrast/Water Washable Standard Temperature Method
8.4 Attachment 4 - Recommended Non-Standard Temperature Technique Guide
8.5 Attachment 5 - Sequence and Time of Examination
8.6 Attachment A - AWS D1.1 - Acceptance Criteria
8.7 Attachment B - ASME Section VIII Division 1 - Acceptance Criteria
8.8 Attachment C - ASME B31.1 - Acceptance Criteria
8.9 Attachment D - ASME B31.3 - Acceptance Criteria
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
Report No.: Client:
J ob Location: Project No.:
Procedure No.: Rev. No.: Drawing No.: Rev. No.:
Part Status:
Base Material Weld Prep. Weld Root Partial Weld Final Weld Repair
Surface Preparation: Application:
Ground As-Welded Fluorescent Solvent Removable
Machined Color Contrast Water Washable
Material Type: Material Thickness:
Pre-Cleaner Type Batch No. Evaporation/Drying Time
Penetrant Type: Batch No. Dwell Time
Excess Removal Agent Batch No. Evaporation/Dying Time:
Developer Type Batch No. Developing Time:
Post Cleaning Agent Batch No.
Lighting Light Meter
Visible Light Light Intensity at the Examination Surface
(fc) Manufacturer
Ultraviolet Light Intensity at the Examination Surface
Lighting Equipment Used: Calibration Date:
9.0 Acceptance Criteria
ASME B31.1 Normal Fluid Service AWS Statically Loaded Non-Tubular Connections ASME Section I, Appendix A-260.4
ASME B31.1 Severe Cyclic Conditions AWS Cyclically Loaded Non-Tubular Connections ASME Section VIII, Art. 8 & App. 9-2
ASME B31.1 Category D Fluid Service AWS Tubular Connections ASME Section IX, QW-195.2
ASME B31.1 High Pressure ASME B31.3 Par. 136.4,4,B Other:
Examination Results
Accept Reject Linear Length Aligned Rounded Dia. Comments
(See continuation page for additional information, if required)
Examiner/Technician (Print Name) & (Signature) (Level) (Date) (Time)
Client Representative (Print Name) & (Signature)
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
Report No.: Client:
Examination Results Continued
Accept Reject Linear Length Aligned Rounded Dia. Comments
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
1.1 Liquid Penetrant examinations shall be performed using color-contrast, solvent-
removable penetrant and non-aqueous developer. The brand names and specific types
acceptable for use are listed below:
Manufacturer Cleaner/Remover Penetrant Developer
Magnaflux SKC-S SKL-SP SKD-S2
Sherwin Double-Check DR-60 DP-40 D-100
Dynaflux Crack-Check CNF PHF DNF
Met-L-Check E-59A VP-31A D-70
Crown Fault Finder 1071 1075 1079
Note: (1) Intermixing of penetrant materials from different families or different manufacturers is
not permitted.
2.1 The area to be examined shall be pre-cleaned with appropriate cleaner/removers listed
above and in accordance with the general requirements.
2.2 The examination surface shall be allowed to dry 3 minutes after pre-cleaning is
3.1 Using the appropriate penetrant material listed above, the penetrant shall be applied
directly to the surface by brushing, spraying or dipping in accordance with paragraph
4.1 The penetrant shall remain on the surface as specified in paragraph (a).
4.2 The penetrant shall not be allowed to dry on the examination surface. When necessary,
the penetrant materials shall be re-applied in accordance with the general requirements.
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Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
5.1 Step 1 - Excess solvent-removable penetrants shall be removed by wiping with a cloth or
absorbent paper, repeating the operation until most traces of penetrant have been
5.2 Step 2 - Using the appropriate cleaner/removers listed above, the remaining traces shall
be removed by lightly wiping the surface with cloth or absorbent paper moistened with
solvent. To minimize removal of penetrant from discontinuities, care shall be taken to
avoid the use of excess solvent.
5.3 Steps 1 and 2 - Shall be repeated until the excess penetrant has been removed from the
examination surface.
5.4 Flushing or spraying the surface with solvent, for the purpose of removing excess
penetrant is prohibited.
5.5 After all traces of the excess penetrant have been removed, allow the examination
surface to dry by normal evaporation, 3 to 20 minutes prior to application of the
6.1 Using the appropriate developers listed above and after the prescribed drying time has
elapsed, apply the developer by spraying with a light, even spray. The developer shall be
applied in accordance with paragraph
6.2 Examine the surface as the developer is applied for indications that may bleed profusely.
7.1 Developing time for final interpretation begins immediately after the non-aqueous
developer coating is dry.
7.2 Final interpretation shall be made within the time interval established.
7.3 Indications shall be classified in accordance with the applicable criteria and the
Accept/Reject determinations shall be in accordance with the applicable Attachment
listed in paragraph 8.0.
8.1 At the conclusion of the examination, all remaining penetrant and developer shall be
removed from the examination surface with the appropriate cleaning material listed
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
1.1 Liquid Penetrant examinations shall be performed using color-contrast, water-washable
penetrant and non-aqueous developer. The brand names and specific types acceptable
for use are listed below:
Manufacturer Cleaner/Remover Penetrant Developer
Magnaflux SKC-S SKL-WP SKD-S2
Sherwin Double-Check DR-60 DP-51 D-100
Dynaflux Crack-Check CNF PWW-PHF DNF
Met-L-Check E-59A VP-30 D-70
Note: (1) Intermixing of penetrant materials from different families or different manufacturers is
not permitted
(2) A retest with water washable penetrants may cause loss of marginal indications due
to contamination.
2.1 The area to be examined shall be pre-cleaned with appropriate cleaner/removers listed
above and in accordance with the general requirements.
2.2 The examination surface shall be allowed to dry at least 3 minutes after pre-cleaning is
3.1 Using the appropriate penetrant material listed above, the penetrant shall be applied
directly to the surface by brushing, spraying or dipping in accordance with paragraph
4.1 The penetrant shall remain on the surface as specified in paragraph (a).
4.2 The penetrant shall not be allowed to dry on the examination surface. When necessary,
the penetrant materials shall be re-applied in accordance with the general requirements.
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
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revision of this document.
5.1 Excess water washable penetrants shall be removed with a water spray.
5.2 The water pressure shall not exceed 50 psi and the water temperature shall not exceed
5.3 After all traces of the excess penetrant have been removed, the surface may be dried by
blotting with clean cloth or absorbent paper materials, by circulating air, or a combination
of both. If circulating air is used the temperature of the examination surface shall not
exceed 125
5.4 Allow the examination surface to dry by normal evaporation, an additional 3 to 20 minutes
after the drying operation is completed and prior to application of the developer.
6.1 Using the appropriate developers listed above and after the prescribed drying time has
elapsed, apply the developer by spraying with a light, even spray. The developer shall be
applied in accordance with paragraph
6.2 Examine the surface as the developer is applied for indications that may bleed profusely.
7.1 Developing time for final interpretation begins immediately after the non-aqueous
developer coating is dry.
7.2 Final interpretation shall be made within the time interval established.
7.3 Indications shall be classified in accordance with the applicable criteria and the
Accept/Reject determinations shall be in accordance with the applicable Attachment
listed in paragraph 8.0.
8.1 At the conclusion of the examination, all remaining penetrant and developer shall be
removed from the examination surface with the appropriate cleaning material listed
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
Color-Contrast/Solvent-Removable Method Technique Non-Standard
Temperatures Examination Guidelines
1.0 Penetrant Materials
1.1 Recommended types of penetrant materials for specific temperature ranges are listed
Penetrant Developer
Magnaflux SKC-S SKL-PS SKD-S2
Dynaflux CNF PHF DNF
Met-L-Check E-59A VP-31A D-70
F to 40
Crown 1071 1075 1079
Magnaflux SKC-S SKL-PS SKD-S2
Sherwin DR-60 DP-40 D-100
Dynaflux CNF PHF DNF
Met-L-Check E-59A VP-31A D-70
F to 49
Crown 1071 1075 1079
Sherwin K-019 K-017 D-350
Dynaflux CNF PHF DNF
F to 150
Met-L-Check R-502 VP-302 D-702
Sherwin K-019 K-017 D-350
F to 350
Met-L-Check R-502 VP-302 D-702
2.0 Pre-Cleaning and Excess Penetrant Removal Evaporation Times
2.1 Recommended evaporations times for the different types of cleaners/removers for
specific temperature ranges are listed below:
Temperature Range Minimum Evaporation Time
F to 40
F 12 Minutes
F to 49
F 6 Minutes
F to 150
F 3 Minutes
F to 350
F 2 Minutes
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
3.0 Penetrant Dwell Time
3.1 Recommended dwell times for different types of penetrant materials for specific
temperature ranges are listed below:
Temperature Range Minimum Dwell Time
F to 40
F 25 Minutes
F to 49
F 20 Minutes
F to 150
F 10 Minutes
F to 350
F 10 Minutes
4.0 Final Evaluation time
4.1 Recommended Indication Evaluation times for different types of Developer materials for
specific temperature ranges are listed below:
Temperature Range Minimum Evaluation Time
F to 40
F 18 Minutes
F to 49
F 14 Minutes
F to 150
F 7 Minutes
F to 350
F 7 Minutes
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
1.0 In addition to the requirements of paragraph 8.4.2, the following specific criteria shall be
considered when performing examinations to the various referencing codes covered by this
technical guideline.
1.1 Unless otherwise specifically addressed, herein, liquid penetrant examinations should be
performed at the last feasible stage of the manufacturing process.
2.0 AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code
2.1 When welds are subject to Liquid Penetrant Examination in accordance with AWS D1.1,
the testing may begin immediately after the welds have cooled to ambient temperature,
however, acceptance criteria for ASTM A514 and A517 Steels shall be based on
examinations performed not less than 48 hours after completion of welds.
3.0 ASME Section VIII, Divisions 1
3.1 Part UG - Inspection of Materials, paragraph UG-93 (d)(3) (Base Material)
3.1.1. When specified by engineering specification(s) or drawing(s), pressure parts
welded to a flat plate thicker than inch to form a corner joint under the
provision of UW-13 (e), the weld joint preparation in the flat plate shall be
examined before welding as specified in 3.1.3 below by the appropriate liquid
penetrant examination method.
3.1.2. After welding, both the peripheral edge of the flat plate and any remaining
exposed surface of the weld joint preparation shall be reexamined by the
appropriate liquid penetrant examination method as specified in 3.1.3 below.
3.1.3. For Figure UW-13.2 the weld joint preparation and the peripheral edges of flat
plate forming a corner joint shall be examined as follows: The weld edge preparation of typical weld joint preparations in the flat
plate as shown in sketches (b), (c), (d), (f), and (n); The outside peripheral edge of the flat plate after welding as shown in
sketches (a), (b), (c), and (d); The outside peripheral edge of the flat plate after welding, as shown in
sketches (e), (f), and (g) if the distance from the edge of the completed
weld to the peripheral edge of the flat plate is less than the thickness of
the flat plate such as defined in UG-34 (b); The inside peripheral surface of the flat plate after welding as shown in
sketches (m) and (n); No examination is required on the flat plate as shown in sketches (h), (i),
(j), (k), and (l).
3.2 Part UNF - Nonferrous Vessels, paragraph UNF-58 (Welds)
3.2.1 All welds, both groove and fillet, in vessels constructed of materials covered by
UNS N06625 (for Grade 2 only in SB-443, SB-444, and SB-446), UNS N10001,
and UNS N10665 shall be examined for the detection of cracks by the
appropriate liquid penetrant method. This examination shall be made following heat treatment if heat
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
treatment is performed. All cracks shall be removed by grinding, or
grinding and filing. Where a defect is removed and welding repair is
not necessary, care shall be taken to contour notches or corners.
The contoured surface shall then be re-inspected by the same
means originally used for locating the defect to be sure it has been
completely removed.
3.2.2 All joints in vessels constructed of titanium or zirconium and their alloys shall be
examined by the appropriate liquid penetrant method.
3.2.3 Welded joints in vessels or parts of vessels, constructed of materials listed in
Table UNF-23.3, with the exception of alloys 200 (UNS No. N02200), 201 (UNS
No. N02201), 400 (UNS No. N04400), 405 (UNS No. N04405), and 600 (UNS
No. N06600), shall be examined by the appropriate liquid penetrant method
when they are not required to be fully radiographed.
3.2.4 Laser welded lap joints are exempt from liquid penetrant examination
requirements of 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3 above.
3.3 Part UHA - High Alloy Steel Vessels, paragraph UHA-34 (Welds)
3.3.1 All austenitic chromium-nickel alloy steel and austenitic/ferritic duplex steel
welds, both groove and fillet, which exceed a nominal size of in., shall be
examined for the detection of cracks by the liquid penetrant method. This
examination shall be conducted after heat treatment if heat treatment is
3.4 Part UHT - Ferritic Steel Vessels, paragraph UHT-57 (Nozzle Attachment Welds,
Overlay Welds, and all other Welds including welds for attaching non-pressure
parts to heat treated steels)
3.4.1 When specified by engineering specification(s) or drawing(s), welds shall be
examined by the appropriate liquid penetrant method, as follows: Nozzle Attachment Welds. Figure UHT-18.2 type nozzles having an
inside diameter of 2 in. or less shall be examined. For nozzle
attachments illustrated as sketches (a), (b), and (f) of Figure UHT-
18.2, the exposed cross section of the vessel wall at the opening
shall be included in the examination. All corrosion resistant overlay weld deposits shall be examined by
the liquid penetrant method. All welds, including welds for attaching non-pressure parts to heat
treated steels covered by Part UHT, shall be examined after the
hydrostatic test, except that those surfaces not accessible after the
hydrostatic test shall be examined at the last feasible stage of vessel
fabrication. Cracks shall be repaired or removed.
Note: As an acceptable alternative to magnetic particle
examination or when magnetic particle methods are not
feasible because of the nonmagnetic character of the weld
deposits, a liquid penetrant method shall be performed. For vessels constructed of SA-333 Grade 8, SA-334 Grade 8, SA-
353, SA-522, SA-553 Grades A and B, and SA-645 materials, welds
not examined radiographically shall be examined by the liquid
penetrant method either before or after the hydro test.
3.5 Part UHT - Ferritic Steel Vessels, paragraph UHT-85 (Structural and Temporary
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
3.5.1 When specified in the engineering specification(s) or drawing(s), temporary
welds and weld repairs shall be inspected as follows: Temporary welds shall be removed and the metal surface shall be
restored to a smooth contour. The area shall be examined by the
appropriate liquid penetrant method for the detection and elimination
of cracks. If repair welding is required, the finished weld surface shall be
examined by the appropriate liquid penetrant method for the
detection and elimination of cracks.
3.6 Part ULT - Low Temperature Vessels, paragraph ULT-57 (Welds)
3.6.1 All attachment welds, and all welded joints subject to pressure not examined by
radiography or ultrasonic testing, shall be given a liquid penetrant examination
either before or after hydro test.
3.6.2 Liquid penetrant examinations shall be performed prior to any required
pneumatic test.
3.7 Appendix 26 - Pressure Vessel and Heat Exchanger Expansion Joints, paragraph
26-5 (Base Metal and Welds)
3.7.1 When specified in the engineering specification(s) or drawing(s), all expansion
joint flexible elements and welds shall be examined, as follows: All expansion joint flexible elements shall be visually examined for
and shall be free of injurious defects, such as notches, crevices,
material buildup or upsetting, weld spatter, etc., which may serve as
points of local stress concentrations. Suspect surface areas shall
be further examined by the appropriate liquid penetrant examination
method. All full penetration butt-type welds shall be examined 100% on the
inside and outside surfaces by the appropriate liquid penetrant
methods before forming. This examination shall be repeated after
forming to the maximum extent possible considering the physical
and visual access to the weld surfaces after forming. The circumferential attachment welds between the bellows and the
weld ends shall be examined 100% by the appropriate liquid
penetrant examination method.
4.0 ASME Standard B31.1 (Code Cases No. 25 to B31.1 Power Piping
4.1 When specified in the engineering specification(s) or drawing(s), alloy S32550 (P-No.
10H) piping material in exceeds of -inch thickness, shall be examined as follows:
4.1.1 The welds shall be examined by the appropriate liquid penetrant method
5.0 ASME Standard B31.3
5.1 Chapter VI Inspection, Examination, and Testing, paragraph 341.4.3 (Socket and
Branch Connection Welds in Sever Cyclic Service)
5.1.1 When specified in the engineering specification(s) or drawing(s), socket welds
and branch connection welds, which are not radiographed, shall be examined by
the appropriate liquid penetrant method.
5.2 Chapter VI Inspection, Examination, and Testing, paragraph 345.9.1 (Examination
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
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revision of this document.
of Welds in lieu of Hydrostatic or Pneumatic Leak Testing)
5.2.1 When engineering determined the hydrostatic, pneumatic or a combination
hydrostatic-pneumatic leak test to be impracticable, piping welds shall be
examined as follows: All welds, including structural attachment welds, not covered by
100% radiography, shall be examined by the appropriate liquid
penetrant method.
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
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revision of this document.
(Continued on next Page)
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
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(Continued on next Page)
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
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revision of this document.
Welds that are subject to Liquid Penetrant Examination shall have no cracks and shall be acceptable
(a) Thorough fusion exists between adjacent layers of weld metal and between weld metal and
base metal.
(b) Complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed
tensile stress shall have no visible piping porosity. For all other groove welds and for fillet
welds, the sum of the visible piping porosity 1/32 inch or greater shall not exceed 3/8 inch in any
linear inch of weld and shall not exceed inch in any 12-inch length of weld.
Welds that are subject to Liquid Penetrant Examination shall have no cracks and shall be acceptable
(a) Thorough fusion exists between adjacent layers of weld metal and between weld metal and base
(b) The frequency of piping porosity in fillet welds shall not exceed one in each 4 inches of weld
length and the maximum diameter shall not exceed 3/32 inch. Exception: for fillet welds
connecting stiffeners to web, the sum of the diameters of piping porosity shall not exceed 3/8 inch
in any linear inch of weld and shall not exceed inch in any 12-inch length of weld.
(c) Complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed
tensile stress shall have no piping porosity. For all other groove welds, the frequency of piping
porosity shall not exceed one in 4-inch of length and the maximum diameter shall not exceed
3/32 inch.
Welds that are subject to Liquid Penetrant Examination shall have no cracks and shall be acceptable
(a) Thorough fusion exists between adjacent layers of weld metal and between weld metal and base
(b) The sum of diameters of piping porosity in fillet welds does not exceed 3/8 inch in any linear inch
of weld and does not exceed inch in any 12-inch length of weld.
Complete joint penetration groove welds in butt joints transverse to the direction of computed tensile
stress shall have no piping porosity. For all other groove welds, piping porosity shall not exceed 3/8
inch in any linear inch of weld and shall not exceed inch in any 12-inch length of weld.
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Nondestructive Examination Visible Liquid Penetrant Rev. 1, 5-Mar-05
Note: It is the user's responsibility to verify with their supervisor that they are using the correct and/or most current
revision of this document.
1.0 All surfaces to be examined shall be free of:
(a) relevant linear indication;
(b) relevant rounded indication greater than 3/16 inch;
(c) four or more rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 inch or less (edge to edge).
2.0 Part UNF,- Nonferrous Vessels, paragraph UNF-58. In additions to the requirements of
paragraph 1.0, liquid penetrant indications detected and evaluated as cracks, are unacceptable
regardless of length, if detected on groove or fillet welds, constructed of materials covered by
UNS NO6625 (for Grade 2 only in SB-443, SB-444, and SB-446), UNS N10001, and UNS
3.0 Part UHA - High Alloy Steel Vessels, paragraph UHA-34 (Welds) In additions to the requirements
of paragraph 1.0, liquid penetrant indications detected and evaluated as cracks, are unacceptable
regardless of length, if detected on austenitic chromium-nickel alloy steel and austenitic/ferritic
duplex steel welds, both groove and fillet, which exceed a nominal size of -inch.
4.0 Part UHT - Ferritic Steel Vessels, paragraph UHT-57 and UHT-85 (Welds) In additions to the
requirements of paragraph 1.0, liquid penetrant indications detected and evaluated as cracks, are
unacceptable regardless of length, if detected on Ferritic Steel Vessel welds.
The following relevant indications are unacceptable:
(a) Any crack or linear indication;
(b) Rounded indication with dimensions greater than 3/16 inch;
(c) Four or more rounded indications in a line separated by 1/16 inch or less (edge to edge);
(d) Ten or more rounded indications in any 6 square inches of surface with the major dimension of this
area not to exceed 6 inches. This measurement is to be taken in the most unfavorable location
relative to the indications being evaluated.
The following relevant indications are unacceptable:
Cracks are not acceptable in welds or base materials.