The Plutonium Breeder

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The Plutonium Breeder

Thomas B. Cochran
Natural Resources Defense Council. Inc.
1350 NewYork Avenue, N.W.; Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20005, U.S.A.
Telephone: 202-763-7800
FAX: 202-783-5917
Telex: 4900010562 NRD UI
Development efforts worldwide have demonstrated that the Plutonium Fast Breeder is
uneconomical and will remain so in the foreseeable future. The energy security benefits of the
plutonium breeder can be achieved more cheaply and more quickly by stockpiling uranium.
Deployment of plutonium fast breeders would entail staggering amounts of nuclear weapons-
usable plutonium in the reactors and the supporting fuel cycle. There is no adequate means of
safeguarding this material to prevent some of it from being used for nuclear weapons .
. The continued development of plutonium breeders in J apan will legitimize breeder programs and
large plutonium stockpiles in non-nuclear weapons states. In the future these plutonium
stockpiles could be converted quickly for use in nuclear weapons. The existence of large
stockpiles of plutonium In J apan will also make it difficult for the United States and the Union of
Sovereign States (formerly the Soviet Union) to agree to deep reductions in their respective
stockpiles of nuclear weapons and their stockpiles of plutonium for weapons.
A breeder is a nuclear reactor capable of creating fissile material faster than it is consumed. As power
reactors, breeders once held out the promise of an essentially inexhaustible supply of low-cost energy.
Thus, in 1945 Enrico Fermi predicted, lI[t]he country which first develops a breeder reactor will have a
great competitive advantage in atomic energy.1 Fermi turned out to be wrong. He failed to appreciate
what we now know: breeders simply cost too much - they are uneconomical. Fermi also failed to foresee
the enormous risks that a breeder economy would pose for society. In this paper we will examine some
of these risks. But first, for the benefit of those unfamiliar with breeder technOlOgy, we review some of the
technical aspects that distinguish breeders from the more familiar light water reactors (LWRs) in wide use
today. This is followed by a review of the status of worldwide efforts to develop the Uquid Metal Fast
Breeder Reactor (LMFBR), the breeder technology of choice. After reviewing the risks associated with the
LMFBR and its fuel cycle, we touch upon two of the arguments currently offered to justify further
investment In breeder technology: that it provides greater energy security and improves waste
1 As cited in U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, "Cost-Benefit Analysis of the U.S. Breeder Reactor Program, WASH1126, April
As we review these issues we should not forget that the primary purpose of nuclear power reactors is to
generate electricity. The additional purpose of the plutonium breeder is to create plutonium, an alternative
to uranium fuel. Plutonium fuel is important only if its use in reactors is economical, or as a hedge against
insecure supplies of uranium fuel. Despite the complexity and higher capital cost of the technology which
is employed, the plutonium breeder simply represents a sophisticated method of heating water with
nuclear weapons material.
Many heavy atomic nuclei are capable of being fissioned; but only a fraction of these are fissile, that is,
fissionable by slow (or zero energy) neutrons, as well as fast (highly energetic) neutrons. Only one fissile
nuclide, uranium-235 (U-235), is found in nature in sufficient abundance to use as a nuclear fuel. It occurs
with an isotopic abundance of 0.72 percent. The rest of natural uranium, except for traces of U-234, is
nonfissile U-238. Most reactors today are fueled with uranium - usually after it has been enriched to
increase the concentration of U-235. The electric power reactors in J apan today are uranium fueled. They
are called Ught Water Reactors (LWRs) because they are cooled with ordinary water. The water also
serves to moderate, or slow down, the neutrons, thereby improving the probability of fissloning the U-235.
If nuclear reactors were to be operated in large numbers for many years, U-235 would eventually become
scarce, and the cost of uranium fuel could substantially increase. It is possible to manufacture alternative
fissile Isotopes from abundant nonfissile material by a process called conversion. The two most important
fissile isotopes produced by conversion are U-233 and plutonlum-239 (Pu-239). U-233 is.produced from
thorium-232, and Pu-239 from U-238, by neutron absorption.
Nuclear reactors can be very efficient
converters because they can be designed to provide a copious supply of extra neutrons.
On average, fissioning atoms in reactoi'.fuel each eject somewhat more than two neutrons, one of which
is needed to sustain the chain reaction. Those neutrons not entering into fission reactions either leak from
the reactor core or are captured in the fuel or by surrounding materials, including control rods. Typically
in power reactors only a small fraction are lost or are captured in structural materials. Therefore on
average close to one, and sometimes more than one, of the neutrons are captured in fertile materials,
such as U-238. Uranium-fueled reactors (unless enriched to 100 percent U-235
) automatically produce
PU-239, since the fuel contains both U-235 and U-238. Before the spent fuel is removed from the reactor,
some of the neWly created Pu-239 atoms fission, just like the U-235, and some capture neutrons without
2 When U-238 captures a neutron not sufficiently energetic to cause fission. It transforms spontaneously to neptunlum-239, which
in tum transforms to Pu-239 In a relatively short time span.
3Some reactors are fueled with uranium enriched close to this theoretical Umlt. U.S. naval reactors, for example, use uranium
enriched to 97.3% U-235.
fissioning. This latter process creates PU-240, a heavier isotope of plutonium which is not fissile. Even
heavier isotopes of plutonium are similarly created, e.g., Pu-241, which Is fissile, from neutron capture by
Pu-240, and Pu-242, which is not fissile, from neutron capture by Pu-241. At very low fuel burnup levels
the fractional amounts of secondary plutonium Isotopes are very small.
For a Pressurized Water Reactor
(PWR) at a fuel burnup level of 20,000 megawatt-days per metric ton (Mwd/MT), the fraction of Pu-24Ois
about 17 percent of the total plutonium, with the fraction of Pu-241 being approximately 11.5 percent, and
that of PU-242 about 4 percent (Figure 1). At higher burnups these fractional amounts Increase so that at
a burnup of about 40,000 Mwd/MT, the isotopic ratios are about:
(Pu-239: Pu-240: Pu-241:PU-242) =(0.55:0.21:0.15:0.7).
Plutonium with a Pu-240 content less then 7% is called weapon-grade plutonium; 7 to less than 19% Pu-
240 is called fuel-grade; and plutonium with a Pu-240 content of 19% or greater is called reactor-grade
A typical commercial-size LWR will consume about 1000 kilograms (kg) of fissionable material per year.
The conversion ratio, defined as the ratio of fissile atoms produced to fissile atoms consumed, Is about
0.5 to 0.7 for an LWR fueled with low enriched uranium (3% - 5% U-235).7Assuming a conversion ratio of
0.6, then (0.6 x 239/235 =) 0.61 g of Pu-239 are produced for every g of U-235 consumed, or
alternatively, (0.61 x 1.05 x 1.169 =) 0.75 9 of Pu-239 are produced per Mwd.
Most of the Pu-239 is
either fissioned, or converted to heavier Isotopes, in situ.
.Fuel bumup Is a measure of the amount of fuel consumed and Is a function of the reactor design, the power level and the length
of time the fuel remains Inthe reactor. Bumup can be expressed as a percentage of the fuel consumed. Since the energy
produced by the reactor is a function of the amount of fuel consumed, It Is also common to express the bumup In terms of the
megawatt-days of energy produced per metric ton of uranium In the reador (Mwd/MT).
II See also, J . carson Mark, Reactor-Grade Plutonium's Explosive Properties, Nuclear Control Institute, August 1990.
8Here, we assume the reactor capacity Is 3000 Megawatt -thermal (MwJ (1000 Megawatt-electrlc (Mwe>with a thermal8l'ficlency of
33.3%), and Its capacity factor Is 0.75. (A capacity factor of 0.75 means the energy output Of the reactor during a given period is
the same as It would be If the reactor operated at 100% power for 75% of the time.) During one year It will produce (3000 x 365.25
.x 0.75 =) 822,000 Mw-days (Mwd) of thermal energy. One Mwd Is produced by the fission of 1.05 grams (g) of U-235, or 1.068 g
of Pu-239. About 95% of the energy produced Inan LWR comes from fission of U-235 and Pu-239, and the remaining 5% by fast
neutron fission of U-238. Thus, 822,000 Mwd can be produced by flsslonlng820-834 kg of U-235 and Pu-239, and 44 kg of U-238.
In about 14.5% of the cases where U-235 captures a neutron, It does so without flssioning, resulting Inthe production of U-236.
Consequently, 1.169 9 of U-235 are consumed for every 9 flssioned.
7The conversion ratio varies with fuel enrichment and other reactor design parameters. For a reactor fueled with natural uranium
the conversion factor is 0.894; see J ohnR, Lamarsh, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, 1975), p. 110.
8One megawatt-day (Mwd) Is produced per 1.05 9 U-235 fIssIoned, and 1.169 9 U-235 are consumed per 9 U-235 fIssIoned; Ibid,


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o 10 15 20 25 30
Fuel Exposure, Mwd/mtU : I t 10-
Annually, a LWR fueled with uranium will discharge about 260 kg of plutonium (typically, 1.9% PU-238,
57.9% PU-239, 24.7% PU-240,11% Pu-241, and 4.4% PU-242).9When operating with mixed plutonlum-
uranium oxide fuel (MOX), a mixture of reCycled plutonium and natural uranium, after several refuelings
the annual spent fuel discharge may contain as much as 550 kg of plutonium (typically, 3.4% Pu-238,
41.7% PU-239, 29.2% Pu-240,15.2% PU-241, and 10.4% PU-242).10
By judicious choice of fuel and reactor design the conversion ratio can be increased to greater than one,
thereby producing more fuel than is consumed. In this case the conversion ratio is called the "breeding
ratio," and the reactor is called a "breeder." For neutron energies above about 0.1 million electron volts
(MeV) - so-called "fast" neutrons - the average number of neutrons released in fission per neutron
absorbed in U-235, U-233, and Pu-239 increases as the energy, or speed, of the neutron is increased. At
neutron energies around 1 MeV the average number of neutrons released in fission per neutron absorbed
by Pu-239 is 3 - compared to an average of 2.07 neutrons per fission per thermal neutron absorbed by
uranium-235. Thus, a plutonium fueled reactor that is designed so as not to slow down, or moderate, the
neutrons, offers the prospect of achieving a higher conversion ratio relative to other reactor designs. One
can find in the literature fast breeder reactor (FBR) designs with breeding ratios in the range 1.3 to
However, there is a tradeoff between the breeding ratio achieved and the safety of the design.
More recent FBR designs offer breeding ratios in the range 1.0to 1.3. We will have more to say about the
plutonium inventories -of breeders when we return to discuss the r~sksassociated with the breeder~s fuel
In order to avoid slowing down the neutrons, the fast breeder reactor fuel, or core, must be very compact.
The tightly compacted core places greater demands on the coolant, which also should have a low
moderating effect on the neutrons. To meet these two objectives, low neutron moderation and good heat
conductivity, liquid sodium was chosen as the preferred coolant, hence the name Illiquid metal fast
breeder reactor.
8U.S. Nuclear Regulat0IY Commission, Final Genettc Environmental Statement on the Use of Recycle Plutonium in Mixed OXIde
Fuel In Ught Water Cooled Reactors, NURE~ Vol. 3, pp. IV 0.70, 0.75, and C-82. Values Inthese tables, which are for a
boiling water reactor (BWR), have been reduced to reflect operating at a capactly factor of 0.75, rather than o.a For the same level
of fuel bumup the PWR will discharge a slightly smaller amount of plutonium. The concentration of Pu-240 and Pu-242 will be
smaller, with differences due primarily to the differences in fuel enrichment (1-2% higher enrichment in a PWR compared to a
11 U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Proposed Rnal Environmental Statement, Uquld Metal Fast Breede, Reactor Program, WASH-
1235, Vol. 2, December 1974, p. 4.2-170. .
.3. Status of National Fast Breeder Development Efforts13
The U.S. interest in breeder reactors dates back to the Manhattan Project days, when the possibility was
first re~ognized by pioneers in the nuclear field. In 1945 the development of the plutonium-fueled fast
breeder was established as a major goal of the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) Division of the
Manhattan District Metallurgical Laboratory. The 0.025 megawatt-thermal (MwJ mercury-cooled Los
Alamos Fast Breeder ("Clementine") was used beginning in 1946 to demonstrate the feasibility of
operating with fast neutrons, plutonium fuel and a liquid metal coolant. On December 24, 1952 the fuel
cladding burst, releasing plutonium into the mercury coolant, and Clementine was permanently shut
down. (See Table 1 for a summary of the history of FBR's by nation.)
The 1.2 MW
(0.2 megawatt-electric (MwJ ) Experimental Breeder Reactor I (EBR-1) was built and operated
by ANL from August 1951 through December 1963 to prove the breeding principle in a fast reactor and
establish the engineering feasibility of using liquid metal coolant In power producing reactors. In 1951,
EBR-I became the first nuclear reactor technology to generate electricity. EBR-I had a prompt positive
power reactivity coefficient
due to fuel rod bowing, making it unstable under accident conditions. As
the power of the reactor increased, the temperature gradient across the core caused the fuel rods to bow
. '
in toward the center of the reactor core. The more compact fuel arrangement added to the reactivity,
causing the power to further Increase. During an experiment at EBR-I on November 29, 1955, a reactor
accident occurred resulting in a meltdown of the central region of the highly enriched uranium core. The
core was rebuilt and the reactor operated successfully until it was decommissioned.
The 1 MW
Los Alamos Molten Plutonium Reactor Experiment (LAMPRE) experimental fast reactor
operated at Los Alamos for about four years beginning In 1961. It was the first reactor to use a fuel
designed to be liqUid under operating conditions.
13The developments through April 1988 are summarized in OutJ ook On Breeders: Nucleonics Week, April 28, 1988.
14 Reactivity Is the fraction of neutrons born which are In excess of those required to hold the population constant. For an
operating reactor, when the reactivity Is zero the reactor power level stays the same. The term reactivity coefficient Is used to
deSignate the effect on reactivity caused by a small change In a specific operating vartabIe. The power reactivity coeJ 'fIclent Is
defined as the change in reactivity resulting from a unit change In the power level. For a reactor to be ~, you do not want
Increases In the power level to cause changes In the reactor's physical condition, which In turn cause the reactivity, and therefore
the power level, to Increase further.
Table 1.
Fast Reactors by Nation
startup- Capacity
Nation Naine (proposed) Location Operator Shutdown .MWt MWe
1. Clementine LANL USAEC 1946-1952 .025
2. EBR-1 INEL USAEC 19511963 1.2 0.2
3. LAMPRE LANL USAEC 1961-1965 1
4. EBR-2 INEL USDOE 1963- 62.5 20
5. Enrico Fermi-I Monroe, MI PRDC 1963-1971 200 65
6. SEFOR Arkansas USDOE (a) 1969-1972 20
7.FFTF Hanford USDOE 1980- 400
8. (Clinch River BR) (ORNL) (USDOE-TVA) CANCELLED (975) (350)
1. Dounreay FR Dounreay AEA 1959-1977 60 13
2. Prototype FR Dounreay AEA 1974-1994 600 254
1. Rapsodie Cadaraehe CEA 1967/1970-1982 20/40
2. Phenix Marcoule CEA 1973- 567 250
3. Super Phenix Creya GNR- 1985- 3000 1200
1. KNKVII GkN 1971/1977 58 21
2. SNR-300 Kalkar SBKkG (b) IS 736 327
1. BR-1/2 Obnlnsk SCUAE 1955/1956-1957 -/.2
2. BR-5/10 Obninsk SCUAE 1958/1973- 5/10 /15
3. BOR-6O Melekese Dimltrovgl1ld MAPI 196&- 60 12
4.BN-350 Shevchenko SCUAE 1972 750 350(0)
BeIoyarak MAPI 1980- 1470 600
6. (BN-X)) (Beloyarak-4)
7. (South Ur8la 1) (Chelyeblnsk-40) (MAP~ CANCELLED (800)
8. (South Urals 2) (Chelyabinsk-40) (MAP~ CANCELLED (800)
9. (South Ur8la 3) (Chelyabinak-40) (MAP~ CANCELLED (800)
1.J oyo Oaral
PRNFDC 1977/1983- 75/100
2. Monju T8U'Ug8 PRNFDC 1993 714 280
1. FBTA Kalpskkam OAf 1987 42 15
L Sponaora includad Germany'. KNL, Euratom, and the Southwest Atomic Energy AsIoeiation.
b. With Belgium and the Netherlands participating.
c. Includes 150 MWe for desalina1ion.
The 62.5 MW
EBR-II pool-type research reactor went crltlcal
in 1963. It Is stili operating today as a test
facility for a new fuel cycle concept which goes by the name Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) technology. We
will discuss the merits of this technology at the end of this paper.
The 200 MW
(65 Mwe>Enrico Fermi I reactor, located in Monroe, Michigan, was the first LMFBR
demonstration plant. It was built and operated by the Power Reactor Development Company (PRDC), a
utility consortium. On October 5, 1966, during a controlled, slow increase in power, a sodium flow
blockage resulted in a fuel melting in two subassemblies of the reactor core. This accident scenario had
not been considered credible until that time.
The 20 MW
Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor (SEFOR) was constructed in the mid-1960s with
the purpose of conducting research on the safety of the LMFBR. It began operation in 1969, and was
shut down in 1972 after fulfilling its mission.
In 1967 the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (USAEC) selected the LMFBR over other breeder concepts
and made it the highest priority eMlian reactor development effort. After the failure of Fermi I the USAEC
decided to develop a fuel and materials test facility before constructing a larger demonstration plant. After
several years of construction delay, the 400 MW
Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) went critical in 1980. A
fast reactor, FFTF also served as a one-third scale predecessor to the Clinch River Breeder
Reactor (CRBR) demonstration plant. Lacking a radial blanket of U-238, the FFTF was not designed to
breed. FFTF is still operating today.
The 975 MW
(350 Mwe>CRBR project was launched in 1971. On J une 4 of that year, then President
Richard Nixon said "[o]ur best hope for meeting the Nation's growing demand for economical clean
energy lies with the fast breeder reactor.-
In the early 19705 this technology was the largest energy
research and development program in the United States. By the mid-1970s it had become. apparent that
the breeder was not economical and was Inconsistent with U.S. nuclear nonproliferation objectives.
President Carter tried to cancel the CRBR. He suspended the licensing process, but was never able to
convince the Congress to withdraw funding. Shortly after he took office President Reagan renewed the
CRBR licensing process. However, before a Construction Permit was granted a coalition of
environmentalists and fiscal .conservatives convinced the Congress in 1983 to withdraw funding for CRBR,
thus killing the project.
111 When the fission reaction proceeds at a constant rate the reactor Is said to be critical. Simply stated, "went crltlcar means
"WaS turned on.
11In a loop design the intermediate heat exchangers are outside the reactor vessel and connected to It by sodium pipes (or
'Ioops"); in a 'por or 'pool' design the Intermediate heat exchangers are inside a larger reactor vessel ("pot") containing a larger
inventory (or 'pool") of sodium. See section 3.3 for a discussion of pool- vs. loop-type reactors.
17 Press release, The White House, Office of the White House Press Secretary, J une 4, 1971.
With cancellation of the CRBR, the U.S. breeder development program was curtailed. Fuel research
continued at the FFTF and EBR-II. Continued operation of the FFTF is now being challenged in the
Congress annually and its days are numbered. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funded two
competing design concepts for an Advanced Uquid Metal Reactor (ALMR). With Congress having been
convinced that breeders were unnecessary, the word "breeder" was dropped by the program. The Power
Reactor, Innovative Small Module (PRISM), originated by General Electric in 1981, was selected by DOE
in 1988as the reference ALMR design concept for further government subsidized development.'8
PRISM utilizes nine reactor modules arranged in three identical 415Mw. power blocks for an overall plant
net rating of 3825MW
(1245MW.). The reference fuel for PRISM isa heterogeneous metal alloy fuel
being developed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and tested at EBR-II; Mixed Plutonium-Uranium
Oxide (MOX) fuel is an alternate. For the 'reference case, fuel recycling facilities are collocated at the
reactor plant site, and the fuel cycle concept goes by the name Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) technology.
We will return to PRISM and the IFR fuel cycle at the end of this paper when we discuss their respective
Over the last three decades the United States has spent about $16,000 million on breeder reactor
technology.'9 With government funding only for design studies and experimental research at EBR-II and
FFTF, the U.S. breeder program is struggling to survive.
The U.K became involved in FBRs early in its nuclear program. Its 60 MW
(13 MwJ Dounreay Fast
Reactor (DFR) went into operation in 1959, and in 1962became the first FBR to generate on a national
electric grid. DFR was shut down in ~.~n, three years after its successor, the 560 Mw
(250 MwJ
prototype fast reactor (PFR), went on line in Dounreay. PFR has successfully operated as a fast reactor
fuel test facility. A number of small leaks in welds have kept power levels and load factors down, and all
three superheaters and reh~aters in the secondary cooling circuit had to be replaced in 1987. In J uly
1988, the government decided that it would stop funding operations at PFR in March 1994, and its
associated reprocessing plant in 1997.
18 General EIeCb1c1$working with an Industrial team consisting of Bechtel Power Corporailon, Borg Warner, Foster Wheeler, and
United Engineers and Constructors on the design O f PRISM. In addition, research and development work supporting the PRISM
design Is being performed by Argonne National Laboratory, the Energy Technology Engineering center, Hanford Engineering
Development Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National laboratory. The conceptual design report for PRISM was submitted to the NRC
on November 14,1986, and NRC published a draft pre-application Safety Evaluation Report tor PRISM In September 1989
(Source: MHB Technical Associates, Advanced Reactor Study, Prepared for Union of Concerned Scientists, J uly 1990, p. 2-37.)
111 U.S. Congress, OffIce of TechnOlogy Assessment, Energy Technology Choices: Shaping our Future, OTA-E-493, J uly 1991, p.
The U.K at one time planned to build Its own 1320 Mw. Commercial Demonstration Fast Reactor (CDFR),
but It was never funded. The U.K. government subsequently spearheaded an effort to develop a EFR
(European Fast Reactor), only to conclude in 1988 that there was no justification for the U.K's Investing
800 million pounds ($1,360 million) in the EFR -knowing that there [is] not -likelyto be a commercial
customer for the technology for decades.,,21 The House of Commons' Select Committee on Energy
recommended in J uly 1990 that the U.K withdraw from EFR collaboration In 1997 at the latest nifno new
evidence has become available indicating that there is a likelihood of fast reactors becoming viable by
about 2020-2030." In response, the government has decided that it will review its current participation in
the EFR project in 1993 and again in 1997.
The 40 MW
Rapsodie reactor at Cadarache began operation in 1967, marking France's entry into the
breeder race. Rapsodle was shut down permanently in 1982 after cracks were found in reactor vessel
nozzles. The 567 MW
(250 MwJ Phenix pool-type reactor23at Marcoule went on line In 1973, a year
ahead of PFP in the U.K It was followed by the 3000 MW
(1240 MwJ Superphenix (also a pool design) at
Creys-Malville, which went critical In 1983 and became operational In September 1985. With start-up of
Superphenix, the French assumed the lead in the International race to develop the breeder. The French
had grand plans to quickly follow with the construction of several 1,500 Mw. plants, calledRNR-1500, or
Superphenix-2. But French nuclear industry hopes for a robust breeder reactor economy were dashed
when the bills came In. The capital cost of Superphenlx turned out to be about 2.5 times higher than a
comparable pressurized water reactor (PWR) built in Franc.e.
Subsequent cost estimates of the RNR-
1500 by Novatome promise~ a FBR/LWR cost ratio of 1.7-1.8.
The Novatome study also concluded
that with series production of 12 Superphenix units, the cost ratio could be brought down further, but not
below 1.5.
Costs 50% higher than LWRs are unacceptable to the utilities, and France's Commissariat a
23 see discussion later In this section comparing pooI-type and Ioop-type reactors.
24 Nucleonics Week, Aprn 28, 1988, p. 3.
25 Ibid. See alsOAdrlen Mergu(, "Commissioning the World's First Commercial Scale FBR at Creys-Malvllle," Nuclear Engineering
InteinationsJ, May 1988, pp. 20-24; and "What Future Is There for Superphenix?," ibid, December 1990, p. 12-
lie Nuc/eonios Week, Aprll28, 1988, p. 4.
l'Energie Atomique (CEA) has concluded that sufficient capital cost reductions probably cannot be
achieved with current designs, no matter how they are improved.
Unlike the U.S. breeder program, when designing Phenix and Superphenix the French opted for a pool
rather than a loop design.
In the pool design the intermediate heat exchangers are inside the reactor
vessel, whereas in.the, loop they are outside. The pool has construction cost advantages over the 'loop,
but maintenance can be a nightmare. Both Phenix and Superphenix have been plagued by problems
related to use of sodium as a coolant. In both August and September of 1989, Phenix experienced a
series of reactivity' drops. It was hypothesized these were due to entrainment of an argon bubble of
about 30-50 liters by sodium pump currents through the Phenix core periphery. Phenix's gas purge
assemblies and operating procedures were modified, and it was permitted to restart on December 27,
1989. However, the reactivity problem recurred nine months later, in September 1990. This time the
reactivity fluctuation was so large that experts, noting the bubble would have to be hundreds of liters,
doubted that it was caused by argon bubble entrainment. Operators of Phenix now hypothesize the
reactivity fluctuations were due to instrumentation faults. In the absence of sufficient data to prove any
hypothesis, the French nuclear safety authority (DSIN) has refused to permit Phenix to restart.
Superphenix has been plagued by sodium leaks associated with its steam generators and has been shut
down for extended maintenance periods.
It has not operated since J uly 1990, and its capacity factor
is so low it would not be competitive even if Its construction cost was on par with'the PWR. In May 1991,
the Conseil d'Etat, France's supreme administrative court, annulled the legal basis for the Superphenix
operating authorization.
Also, DSIN concluded the reactivity problem at Phenix must be understood
before Superphenix can restart. The French government is now threatening to shut down Superphenix
permanently.32 In oral remarks, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, French Minister for Industry and Energy, told
2lI Nuclear News,' August 1991. ,pp. 92-93.
30 Superphenlx was shUtdown May 26,1987; Nucleonics Week, February 11, 1988, p. 9.
31 Nucleonics Week. May 30, 1991, pp. 5-6. The Superphenlx's orlglnal1977 nUClearconstruction/operation IIcena8 (Decret
d'Autorisation de Creation, or DAC) allowed operation with a fuel transfer-storage drum. The drum failed and was mocllfled limiting
Its use to transfer. but not storage. The government authorized restart of the reactor on J anuary 10, 1989. Swiss and French
intervenors argued before the court that this restart authorization was unlawful in that It precluded the opportunity for public
inquiry. See also, Nucleonics Week. May 23, 1991, pp. 1 and 12. ' ,
legislators in J une of this year that France is abandoning fast breeder reactor development, but his
remarks were later amended to say that "no decision has been taken.
3.4 Germany
The West German government began breeder development in 1956.
The 58 MW
(21 MwJ KNK
research reactor went on line in 1971 at the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center (KFK). KNK was rebuilt as
KNK-2 to test FBR fuel and went on line in 19n. The next FBR development was the 736 MW
(327 MwJ
SNR-300 loop-type demonstration plant at Kalkar, started in 1972 with an initial cost projection of OM
1,500 million ($900 million). By mid-1988, Schnell-Brueter-Kernkraftwerksgesellschaft mbH (SBK), the
quadrilateral European consortium of owners,35had spent OM 7,000 million ($4,800 million), eight times
the original cost, on the project.
At that.pointthe principal owner, REW, no longer had any
commercial interest in operating the reactor.
Whether Kalkar was safe to operate was the SUbject of heated debates between the state government of
North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), run by the Social Democratic Party (SPD), and the federal government in
Bonn. Claiming Kalkar had a large positive reactivity coefficient; a high potential for exothermic chemical
reactions that could lead to sodium-concrete Interactions, sodium fires and gas explosions; a weak
secondary containment; and lack of separation of the redundant electrical systems, for the past three
years NRW has refused to license its operation in defiance of an order from West Germany's Federal
Constitutional Court.
Although fUlly constructed, the Kalkar plant will probably never be operated. It has been costing about
OM 100 million ($69 million) per year to maintain the cold reactor for the past three years; and it will cost
an estimated OM 350 ($242 million) to dismantle it.
Its owners and operators are seeking buyers for
its components. AEA Technology, In hopes of keeping the British PFR alive after March 31, 1994, has
:MNucleonIcs Week; April 28, 1988, p. 11.
315 cOOslstlng of RhBlnJ sch-Westfaeilsch8s ElektrJ zltaetswerk AG (RWE) (68.85%. N.V. S8menwerkende Elektrlc1l8lls-
Proc:J uktlebedrijven (SEP) In the Netherlands (14.75%), SA ElectronucJ ealre N.V. In Belgium (origInally 14.75%. then reduced to
8%), and the central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) In the UK (1.65%).
38Nucleonics Week, April 28. 1988, p. 11.
been discussing with Kalkar's owners and operator the possibility of transferring Kalkar fuel to use In
In 1972 a tripartite effort by French, German and Italian Electric utilities had grandiose plans to build a
5000 MW
(2000 Mw.) SNR 2000, to become operational in 1983, but the demise of Kalkar killed this idea
as well.
More recently, with national programs stalled, European efforts have merged into a program to design the
EFR (European Fast Reactor), but no date has been set for a decision on construction.
Because of
the high cost of breeders EFR is likely to remain a paper study.
The Soviet Union was one of the earliest supporters of fast breeder technology. The 10 Mw
BR-1 0 at
Obninsk began life as the 0.2 Mw
BR-2 in 1956. The 60 Mw
BOR-60 test facility at the Dlmitrovgrad
began operating in 1959. It was followed by the 750 MW
BN-350 loop-type fast reactor, which began
operating In 1972 at Shevchenko on the Caspian Sea to desalinate water and produce power. In
February 1975 BN-350 suffered a major setback with a sodium-water Interaction involving 800 kg of
sodium and resulting In a two-hour fire.
(See Section 4.1 for a discussion of sodium's reactive
properties.) After repair of five steam generators and replacement of the sixth, BN-3S0 operated at 650-
700 MW
(up to 130 MwJ while producing 80,000 MT of water a day for the city of Shevchenko.
The 1470 Mw
(600 MwJ BN-600 pOOl-type demonstration plant at Beloyarsk, an hour north of Sverdlosk
in the central Urals, began operating in 1980 as the world's first commercial-size fast reactor. Early
problems with leaking fuel, and steam generator leaks due to faulty welds, were overcome; for the last
ten years BN-600 has operated at a 66 percent capacity factor.
BN-600 turned out to be 1.5 to 1.7
times as expensive to construct as a 1000 Mw. WER (a PWR).44Thus, fast breeders turned out to be
just as uneconomical in the Soviet Union as they have been in the West.
~ Nucleonics Week, J anuary 24, 1991., p. 8.
41 "Reviewing Progress on the European Fast Reactor, " ibid., August 1990, pp.39-44.
42 Nucleonics Week, April 28, 1988, p. 14.
43 Nucleonics Week, J uly 26, 1990, p. 13.
"Ibid., p. 15. BN-600 cost 550 rubles per Installed kw compared to 333 rubles/kw for the 1000 Mw. WER; Nucleonics Week, J uly
26, 1990, p. 14.
In the past, BN-350 and BN-8oo have been fueled with highly enriched uranium (HEU) rather than
plutonium, probably to conserve the plutonium for possible military use.
Only the small BOR-so fast
reactor in Dimitrovgrad has been operating with MOX fuel.
The use of HEU instead of plutonium
lowers the breeding ratio to below one, which means BN-350 and BN-600 are not being operated as
The Soviets had planned to follow BN-600 with four 800 Mw. BN-800 units, one at Beloyarsk and three
collocated at Chelyabinsk-40. Preliminary work began at Beloyarsk in 1986, but the workers were
reassigned elsewhere in 1989.
The project was one of those frozen by Moscow authorities due to
lack of funds. Similar to the U.S. Hanford Reservation, Chelyabinsk-40 was the.first of three production
reactor sites used to produce plutonium, and later tritium, for nuclear weapons. The three breeder unit
South Urals Nuclear Generating Station was possibly meant to co-produce electricity and plutonium for
weapons, replacing the aging graphite-moderated reactors at the site. The latter were recently shut down
due to the surplus of weapon-grade plutonium already on hand.
Construction of the three unit BN-8oo South Urals project began in 1984, but was halted three years later
in the face of local public opposition, and no doubt for lack of funds as well. The opposition followed the
Chernobyl accident, after which the Supreme Soviet forced Chelyabinsk-40 site managers to reveal
details of the extensive radioactive contamination on and around the site due to 40 years of
mismanagement of high level nuclear waste. Although one-third larger than BN-800, the BN-8oo did not
benefit from economies of scale. The new breeder was estimated to cost 900 rubles!kw compared to 600-
650 rubles/kw for the improved-safety WER-88, a PWR design.
Seeking alternative employment for the production reactor workers at the Chelyabinsk-40 site, and in the
hopes of marketing breeders abroad, the Ministry or Atomic Power and IndUstry (MAPI) recently renewed
construction of one of BN-800 reactors, where some work on the concrete foundation had been
completed. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the resignation of the Minister of Atomic
Power and Industry, who supported the abortive coup d'etat in August, the South Urals project has once
again been stopped.
45 In the Soviet Union the Ministry of Atomic Power and Industry (MAPO . formerly the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, has
been responsible for the nuclear weapons program, the military and cMI reactor fuel cycles, and breeder development.
48 Ibid.
47 Nucleonics Week, J uly 26, 1990, p. 14.
48Nucleonics Week, J uly 26,1990, p. 14.
The J apanese government and Its Power Reactor & Nuclear Fuel Development Corp. (PNC) began fast
breeder development in 1967. Through 1986, J apan pumped 563,OOOmillionyen (U.S. $4,510 million)
into the fast breeder effort. J apan's first FBR reactor was the 75 MW
J oyo (Eternal Sun) which started up
in 1977 and was boosted to 100 Mw
in 1983.
Construction of the 714 Mw
(280 MwJ Monju (Buddha's
Wisdom) demonstration LMFBR was begun in October, 1985. Monju Is located in the Wakasa region on
the Sea of J apan, 65 kilometers from Kyoto. Having cost six hun~red .thousand million yen ($4,300
million) on construction (which took over six years),so Monju is scheduled to reach criticality in October
J apan Atomic Power Co. (J APC) has beg\J n conceptual design studies of a 600 to 800 Mw.
Demonstration Fast Breeder Reactor (DFBR).51The concept will be based on the loop-type design
despite the construction cost advantages offered by the pOOl-typereactor.
J apan's Atomic Energy
Commission (J AEC) has also initiated a research and development effort designed to evaluate nuclide
partitioning and transmutation by irradiation in fast reactors, inclUding a demonstration of the
transmutation concept in J oyo and Monju.
J apan was planning to have a commercial breeder by 2010, but J AEC now projects that commercial
reactors will start operating aroun~ 2020-2030.
India constructed a 40 MW
(15 MwJ Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) at Kalpakkam, near Madras on
the Bay of Bengal, based on the design of France's Rapsodie experimental fast reactor. The FBTR went
critical in October 1985. A series of problems kept FBTR off line for much of the time between 1985 and
48 Nucleonics Week, Apr 28,1988, p. 14.
all Nucleonics Week, November 3,1988, p.3.
51 Nucleonics Week, J uly 19, 1990, pp.4-6.
52 Nucleonics Week, J uly 19, 1990, pp.4-6.
113NuclearFue/, December 12, 1988, p. 10.
54 Nucleonics Weel(, October 4, 1990, p. 8; and Nature, J uly 4, 1991, p.4.
India plans to break ground for a 500Mw. prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR), based on the pool
design, around the year 2000.
It is also to be located at Kalpakkam.
The plutonium for the nuclear device exploded by India in May 1974 was obtained from its CIRUS
research reactor and recovered at the Trombay reprocessing. plant that was established as part of India's
civil breeder program. P.K Iyengar, chairman of India's AEC, played a leading role in developing India's
1974 nuclear weapon test. Thus, India's breeder program appears to have had both a civil and a military
These two Latin American countries announced a joint fast breeder development program in November
1988. Plans are to develop a small fast breeder and bring it on-line by the year 2005, with Argentina
providing the plutonium from Its Ezeiza reprocessing plant and Brazil supplying the sodium moderator.
If wasting money were the only problem with breeders, few people outside of J apan would show Interest
in J apan's program. But economics is not the only issue, nor the most important. Development of a
plutonium breeder economy carries enormous societal risks. J apan's potential reliance on an energy
supply technology based on nuclear-weapons-usable material is cause for profound concern, not just in
J apan, but throughout the world.
There are two. categories of risks associated with fast breeders that differ significantly from those
associated with the conventional LWRs operating with low enriched uranium fuel, namely, those
associated with operation of the reactor itself, and those associated with reliance on weapons-usable
material as fuel.
Any event that leads to substantial loss of integrity of the reactor core geometry is called a core disruptive
accident (CDA).58In a fast breeder this could be an explosion, a non-energetic melt-down of the care, or
a melting of a small part of the core. The energetic CDA is sometimes referred to as a Bethe-rait event,
named after the two authors, Bethe and Tait, who first attempted to model the magnitude of the ensuing
lIB Some breeder enthusiast, not wishing to acknowledge that such events are credible refer to them as Hypothetical Core
Disruptive Accidents (HCDAs).
explosive energy release. There are two broad categories of initiating events that can lead to a CDA: (1) a
combination of a loss of coolant flow with failure to scram the reactor; and (2) a combination of an over-
power transient (where too much reactivity Is introduced into the reactor causing the power level to shoot
up) with failure to scram (i.e., automatically insert the control or safety rods and terminate the chain
reaction). In effect, with a fast breeder, serious trouble can result from either losing adequate cooling
capacity without reducing the power level, or increasing the power without increasing the cooling
The first category of events could be initiated by a loss of power to the main circulation pumps and a
failure of auxiliary power to restart these or any backup pumps. There could also be massive blockage in
the coolant flow system, or a major pipe break in a loop-type design. These are not hypothetical initiating
events. On August 13, 1991, Nine Mile Point Unit 2, an American LWR, experienced a station blackout
and all backup power sources failed to operate. Also, recall that Fermi I experienced fuel melting due to
sodium flow blockage.
Some fast reactors, inclUding most pool designs, are configured so that even if there is total loss of .
power to the pumps, the natural circulation of the sodium will provide adequate decay heat removal and
preserve core integrity, provided the reactor is immediately scrammed. Of course, no fast reactor can
survive core damage if a common mode failure, e.g., an earthquake, destroys the pumps and prevents
Insertion of the control and safety rods.
An over-power transient could be triggered by an earthquake, or mismanagement of the control and
safety systems such as occurred at Chernobyl Unit 4. The Phenix reactor Is now shut down because of
positive reactivity fluctuations that have not been satisfactorily explained.
Botti loss-of-flow and over-power transient Initiators can lead to cladding melting, and in the more severe
cases, fuel melting. This mayor may not lead to an energetic core disruption (a euphemism for an
explosion), depending on how the fuel subsequently moves in the core.
To appreciate the possible consequences we will trace a progression of a hypothetical loss of flow event
which could lead to an explosion. First, power is lost to the pumps, and we must also assume the
redundant safety control systems fail to scram the reactor. In the hottest area of the core, which is near
the center, sodium boiling begins. Because of plutonium's higher fission cross section at higher neutron
energies, when boiling occurs and bubbles are formed in the coolant, there is less moderation of the
neutrons. Consequently, the chain reaction rate increases. The reactor is said to have a positive
reactivity coefficient due to loss of coolant. 58The Increase in power causes the rate of boiling to
ll8Thermal reactors need the coolant to moderate the neutrons. Loss of coolant in an LWR shuts down the chain reaction. Loss of
coolant in a fast reactor speeds up the chain reaction a much more dangerous situation. One of the design ftaws of the
Chemobyl reactor was tI1efact that It had a positive reactivity coefficient with respect to the initial Insertion of the control rods.
When the operators wanted to shut the chain reaction down by Inserting the control rods, they actually Increased the reaction. The
Chemobyl reactor exploded as a result.
increase, which adds more reactivity, and so on. Almost immediately after boiling, the cladding begins to
melt and the molten cladding is swept up the channel between the tightly bundled fuel rods. Fuel melting
immediately follows and the molten fuel Is swept in the same direction. As the cladding and fuel reach
the colder blanket areas they refreeze, clogging up the sodium flow path within the fuel bundles. More
melting occurs and with the flow path becoming increasingly clogged, the cladding and fuel begin to fall
to the bottom of the core, clogging that area as well. Should the fuel mass at the top of the reactor core
fall to the bottom under the force of gravity, recritlcality of the fuel could occur. However, the energy
released probably would not be enough to breech the seal between the reactor head and the reactor
A major unresolved Issue Is whether, and under what circumstances, an energetic interaction between the
molten fuel (or cladding) and the sodium could take place. When molten steel or aluminum is dropped
into water the rapid transfer of the heat from the metal to water causes a steam explosion. The potential
for molten cladding- and molten fuel-coolant interactions offers mechanisms for driving two subcritical
masses of fuel together at speeds greater than those which would occur If one of the masses were
accelerated by gravity alone. With the center of the core melted away, one worries whether the fuel now
trapped at the top of the core could be explosively driven down against the fuel debris at the bottom of
the vessel, all of this perhaps constrained within the intact cooler blanket rods around the circumference
of the interior core. The resulting recriticality event is qualitatively similar to the gun assembly technique
used In the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The explosive energy released under such a scenario
would not be anything like an atomic bomb, but the resulting pressure pulse caused by a mass of
sodium slamming against the reactor head could potentially rupture the seal between the reactor vessel
and reactor head, providing a direct path for the release of sodium, plutonium fuel, and fission products
into the secondary containment. The reactor closure head of the CRBR was designed to accommodate
660 megajoules (MJ ) of energy released
- resulting in 75 MJ of upward kinetic energy of a sodium
slug Impacting the head - without breaking the seal between the reactor head and vessel. 81
Even if the CDA is non-energetlc, that Is, the core melts and slumps to the bottom of the reactor vessel,
melt-through of the reactor vessel can be anticipated within 24 hours. The melt-through of the reactor
80The explosion of one pound of TNT will release abOut 2 MJ of energy.
I' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Safety EValuation Report Related to the Construction of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor,
NUREG-0968. Vol. 2, Appendix A, March 1983, p. A.2-11. The NRC Staff anaJ ysIsIndicated that approximately 2550 MJ would be
required to produce a slug Impact kinetic energy close to the design capability of 275 MJ ; Ibid., p. A.2-10.
vessel, or the rupture of the reactor head seal, provides an avenue for subsequent sodium fires which
ultimately will challenge the integrity of the ~econdary containment.
Sodium interacts exothermically on contact with air, water and concrete. When released as an aerosol in
air, the combustion can be explosive. On contact with concrete, hydrogen is released, which in turn can
burn or accumulate to a concentration that is explosive. Thus, sodium creates a serious safety risk
unique to the LMFBR. Typical of a large pOOl-typefast reactor, the Superphenix operates with 3,500 MT
of sodium in the primary circuit.
Typically the reactor vessel is housed in a concrete cell or cavity which is lined with steel. The cavity is
sealed and filled with an inert gas such as argon. But if fuel melting is sufficient to melt through the
reactor vessel, the much thinner liner is unlikely to remain intact. The very hot sodium will begin
interacting with the concrete, generating additional heat and producing hydrogen gas. In the analysis of
the CRBR COA, it was estimated that the sodium could eat through the concrete at an initial rate of 18 cm
per hour, slowing down as the sodium cools, and reaching a depth of about 75 cm before the sodium
boils dry. The thermal degradation of the concrete caused by the molten core debris would double this
penetration depth during the sodium boil-dry period and subsequent melt penetration cOuld reach 5 to 8
meters (m).63.
Soon after the sodium and molten mass of core debris begin attacking the concrete, the generation of
heat and buildUp of gas in the cavity would rupture the cavity seal and provide a direct path to the
secondary containment. The secondary containment would not have the strength to contain the pressure
increase caused by the resulting buildup. Moreover, there Is the added risk of a sodium and/or hydrogen
fire. All but the smallest fast breeders are likely to be designed with vents in the secondary containment.
The reactor operator would have to open the vent to relieve pressure in the secondary containment to
prevent catastrophic rupture of the containment. In .he"safety assessments of the CRBR, venting was
assumed to occur between 10 and 36 hours after the initiation of the COA,64
Of course, proponents of fast breeder reactors claim they are safe. They say that redundant control and
safety systems will prevent a loss of flow or over-power transient accident. These are familiar arguments
.that have been dispelled by the accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Once you assume that fuel
or cladding m~lting can occur, then the breeder enthusiasts are on very shaky ground, because they
82 Nucleonics Week, December 13,1990, p. 4. The smaller Kalkar and PFR reactors, both lOOpdesigns, have 548 MT and 900 MT
of primary sodium, respectively; Nuclear Engineering International, World Nuclear Industry Handbook, 1991, p. 126.
83U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Safety Evaluation Report related to the construction of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor,
NUREG-0968, Vol. 2, Appendix A, March 1983, pp. A.4-4 to A.4-8.
1M Ibid., p. A. 5-10.
cannot accurately model the sUbsequent course of events using computers. Computer modeling of fuel
and cladding movement, and their interaction with sodium coolant, following the loss of geometric
integrity of the reactor core borders on witchcraft. The possible scenarios from this point to the end game
are infinite. Many simplifying assumptions have to be made. There are so many variables and
assumptions that an analyst can manipulate the calculations to predict any size energy release - anything
from a partial core melt as occurred in the Fermi I reactor to a catastrophic explosion rupturing the
integrity of the reactor vessel.
When the CRBR was canceled by the U.S. Congress it was undergoing a construction permit licensing
review by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The applicant and the NRC staff each utilized a
battery of analysts to assess the magnitude of potential loss of flow and over-power transient accident
scenarios. The applicant's analysts chose parameters and simplifying assumptions leading to predictions
of no energy releases or low-level energy releases which would not challenge the containment. The staff
analysts made more conservative assumptions resulting in greater energy releases, but were always
careful not to predict any consequences that would challenge the Iicensibility of the plant. The goal
appears to have been to force the applicant to make small improvements in the safety of the CRBR
design, without threatening the viability of the enterprise. Small changes to one or two assumptions
would have led to model predictions that could challenge the containment.
Following the TMI accident, and the recognition that U.S. utilities were unlikely to order additional nuclear
plants without radical improvements in reactor safety, the nuclear vendors Initiated competing designs
with Improved safety. They often erroneously claimed that these designs were "Inherently safe. One
entry into the field was General Electric's PRISM design. As noted earlier, PRISM utilizes nine reactor
modules arranged in three identical 415 Mw. power blocks for an overall plant net electrical rating of 1245
Mw. Thus, each of the nine reactor modules has about one-half the power output of Monju.
PRISM, like other advanced paper designs, appears safer than existing and previous designs such as
the CRBR, Kalkar, Monju and Superphenix. The PRISM modules are relatively small pool-type reactors.
Their size enables them to rely on several assertedly passive systems to perform essential safety
functions. For example, PRISM is advertised as having "passive shutdown heat removal for loss-of-
coolant events, and passive reactivity control for undercooling or overpower events with failure to
scram. u05 The passive reactivity control Is a negative reactivity feedback mechanism which causes the
power level to decrease when the fuel heats up without input from control systems or operator action.
This is referred to by some as inherent shutdown," but the reactor does not actually go subcritical.
Rather, the chain reaction keeps going, but at a much reduced power level.
The PRISM design is
subject to large positive reactivity insertions in the event of sodium coolant boiling.
As noted above,
large reactivity insertions can result in the destruction of the reactor, similar to what occurred in the 1986
Chernobyl Unit 4 accident.
Improvements in reactor safety as represented, for example, by the PRISM design, are not cheap. For the
same power output, the large number of small reactor modules with duplicative control and safety
systems should be more expensive than the more conventional LMFBR designs which are already
uneconomical. Also the ability to efficiently breed fuel is lost. The time required to double the fissile
plutonium inventory (Le., the fuel doubling time) advertised for the reference fuel cycle for PRISM is 60
years. This is probably an optimistic value that would further erode under real operating conditions. The
developers of PRISM hope to offset the hfgher costs of the modular design by eliminating safety systems,
including the secondary containment, and by arguing that factory manufacture will bring economies of
scale. This last argument was used previously in claims that breeders would eventually be competitive
with LWRs - claims that were never materialized.
The greatest danger associated with the plutonium fueled fast breeder lies with its fuel cycle. The
advantages of breeding fuel in a fast reactor can only be realized if the plutonium is separated and used
to make fresh fuel. The risks associated with the fast breeder fuel. cycle are qualitatively the same as
those associated with closing the LWR fuel cycle, reprocessing LWR spent fuel to recover plutonium for
reuse in LWRs.
Plutonium in U.S. nuclear weapons is weapon-grade (about 6% PU-240) in the form of delta-phase metal
(density =15.6 glee). The bare critical mass of delta-phase plutonium metal is dependent on the
concentrations of the various plutonium isotopes, and varies from about 15 kg for plutonium with 6% Pu-
240, to about 22 kg for plutonium with 30% Pu-240, reactor-grade plutonium from high burnup fueL Thus,
regardless of the fuel burnup leveJ ,the critical mass of plutonium will be between that of Pu-239 and U-
88MHB Technical Associates, Advanced Reactor Study, Prepared for Union of Concerned Scientists, J uly 1990, pp. 2-47 to 2-48.
~ Ibid., p. 3-56
88J . Carson Mark, Reactor-Glade Plutonium's Explosive Properties, Nuclear Control Institute, August 1990. The bare crftlcal
masses of the fissile Isotopes Pu-239 and Pu-241 are both about 15 kg. For the more brittle alpha-phase Pu-239, the bare critical
mass Is about 10 kg. The other Isotopes d plutonium, PU-238, Pu-240, and Pu-242,are fissionable byfast neutrons and as delta-
phase metal have critical masses Of about 15, 40 and 177 kg, respectively.
The Trinity device (and the Nagasaki bomb) used 6.1 kg of weapon-grade plutonium, and modern
compact fission warheads (using only plutonium) could require as little as 3 - 4 kg of weapon-grade
plutonium. Consequently, a fission device could be made from as little as 6 to 10 kg of delta-phase
plutonium recovered from high burnup fuel. As we proceed we will assume one bomb's worth of reactor-
grade plutonium is .about 8 kg (although in reality it can be smaller),.
Plutonium with a high PU-240 content is less desirable for weapons purposes.than weapon-grade
plutonium, because for low-technology weapons designs the neutrons generated by the high rate of
spontaneous fission of Pu-240 can increase the statistical uncertainty of the yield by "pre-initiating" the
chain reaction before the desired compression of the plutonium core has been achieved. Militarily useful
weapons, with reliable yields in the kiloton range can be constructed based on low technology designs
with reactor-gradeplutonium. Using sophisticated designs, well within the capabilities of the U.S. and the
Soviet Union weapons programs, reliable light weight efficient weapons and high yield weapons whose
yields have small statistical uncertainties can be constructed with plutonium regardless of the Pu-240 .
Pure Pu0
as well as MOX blends with Pu0
concentrations greater than about 20-30 percent appear to
be directly usable in an illicit nuclear device.
However, the material requirements are substantially
larger and the explosive yields of such devices would be substantially less than if plutonium metal were
used, other design factors being the same?1
As is becoming clear in the J apanese case, once reprocessing Is sanctioned, the world is confronted with
large flows of recovered plutc:mlumand plutonium stockpiles. With a plutonium breeder economy the
quantity of plutonium involved Is staggering. The 280 Mw. Monju requires 1.4 MT of fissile plutonium (Pu,)
for its initial core and 0.5 MT Put annually thereafter. The 350 Mw. CRBR in the U.S. was to have been
loaded with 1.7 MT of plutonium (86% PU-239), about the same PUtinventory as Monju.
The average
III For further dIsCussion see, J . carson Mark, Reactor-Grade Plutonium's Explosive Properties, Nuclear Control Institute, August
1990; Thomas B. Cochran, at aI., Nuclear Weapons Databook, Volume I, U.S. Forces and CapabIlities, (Boston: Ballinger
Publishing Company, 1984), p. 24, footnote 17.
70 U.S. Nuclear RegUlatory Commission, Safeguarding 8 Domestic Mixed Oxide Industry Ags./nst a HypOthetIcal Subnational
Threat, NUREG-0414, May 1978, p. 6-9.
71 The bare critical mass for reaetor-grade p1ut!X'iumoxide (PUOal varies from 30 to 70 kg. Bare critical masses for MOX at 30
and 10 percent PuO
concentrations vary between 250 and 600 kg and 3,000 to 10.009 kg. respectively; ibid.
72 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, SstefY Evaluation Repolt ralated to the construction of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor,
NUREG-0968, Vol. 1, Main Report, March 1983, p.4-122.
annual fuel cycle requirements for CRBR are shown in Figure 2. The values in the figure would
approximate the Monju requirements as well.
The plutonium inventory in a commercial-size breeder is about 5 MT, of which 3.5 MT is fissile
- about
600 atomic bombs worth. Although the net amount of plutonium produced in a fast breeder reactor
annually is generally less than that produced in a conventional thermal power reactorof the same size,74
one-third to one-half of the FBR fuel must be removed annually for reprocessing, plutonium recovery, and
remanufacture into fresh fuel. 75 Since the fuel will be outside of the reactor for 3.5 to 7 years the
plutonium inventory needed to support a single commercial-size plutonium breeder is 11-22 MT, about
1300 to 2800 bombs worth. A commercial-size fuel reprocessing plant, such as the proposed Rokkasho-
mura plant with a capacity of 800 MT of heavy metally {MTHMIy).76Ifprocessing LWR uranium spent
fuel would recover enough plutonium annually to construct about 900 nuclear weapons. Up to 10,000
weapons could be constructed from the plutonium recovered if it were processing breeder reactor fuel!
As of J une 1991, J apan operated 41 nuclear power plants with a combined capacity of 32 gigawatt-
electric {GW.).77If only one-third of this capacity, 10 Gw
, were supplied by breeders - hardly enough to
justify the R&D effort even if the economics were otherwise favorable - the plutonium inventory in the
reactors and their supporting fuel cycle would be on the order of 100-200 MT, or about 12,000-25,000
bombs' worth. By comparison, U;S. nuclear weapon.s stockpiles In 1987 consisted of 23,400 warheads,
and the weapon-grade plutonium inventory, most of which was in weapons, was about 100 MT.
About one half of the plutonium created in a breeder reactor is bred in the blanket rods. The burnup of
the blanket material is low. Consequently, the resulting plutonium is weapon-grade, with a Pu-240
concentration lower than that used in U.S. weapons. Thus, J apan, or any country that has large stocks of
breeder fuel, has the capacity to produce a ready stock of weapon-grade plutonium. It only has to
segregate and reprocess the blanket assemblies separately from the core assemblies.
73 The Initial core of the Superphenlx contalned 5.2 MT of plutonium; Nuclear Engineering International, World Nuclear Industry
Handbook, 1991, p. 126. European commercial FBR designs contain 3.4-4.1 MT of fissile plutonium; Nucleonics Week, April 28,
1988, p.6.
74 The net excess fissile plutonium for a European. design commercial FBR with a breeding ratio of 1.17 Is 10 kg, while the excess
is 194-220 for a design with a breeding ratio of 1.26; Nucleonics Week, April 28,1988, p. 6.
75 Superphenlx requires 1.1 MT of plutonium fuel annually; 0.9 MT f1plutonium tor the J apanese advancect reactor program;
Frans Berkhout and William Walker, Thorp and the Economics of Reprocessing, Science Policy ResearCh Unit, University of
Sussex, November 1990.
78Rokkasho Is to be built beginning 11'11992 on the northernmost peninsula of Honshu Island of J apan. It Is sCheduled to begin
operations In 1997.
Figure 2: Average Annual Requirements for CRBRP fuel cyc/e

" 21'
'" "TV
'"'" PUlL
1. ..,..
10. MTU

I'" lie AC'Tt
~ ~----'I
UO ,,.,IL
- ~~
'''O M
CIDIt II 0 0 01
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71 Source: u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Supplement to Final Environmental Statement Related to Construction and
OD!l1lllon ~ Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant. NUREG-0139, SUpplement No.1, Vol. 1, p.5-17.
Adequate physical security is essential to prevent the theft of any quantity of material, even as little as
one bomb's worth. Highly accurate material accounting and control measures are essential to determine
whether a theft has taken place and to provide timely warning to prevent the material from being used for
illicit purposes. It is well established, from experience at existing civil and military chemical separation
(reprocessing) plants, naval fuel facilities, and mixed-oxide fuel facilities, that it is impossible to provide a
sufficient level of physical security, or material accounting and control, at bulk handling facilities that
process large amounts of nuclear weapons-.usable material.
1. Inadequate Physical Security. The difficulty in providing adequate physical security is that theft
of materials can involve a collusion of individuals, including the head of the guard force, or even the head
of the company. This was alleged to have occurred at the NUMEC facility in Apollo, Pennsylvania in the
19608. Despite having guards at every bank, employees at the Bank of Credit and Commerce, Inc.
(BCel) allegedly were able to steal millions of dollars from bank customers because the ,thieves were
running the bank - the collusion was at the top. If the threat includes the potential for collusion involving
the guard force and company directors, providing adequate physical security would require turning the
facility into a heavily armed site occupied by an independent military force.
And of course the principal role of physical security is completely reversed when the collusion involves
elements of the government itself. In this case the primary mission of the security apparatus is to hide the
program from outside scrutiny. It is now known that at various times in the past, the governments of the
United States, J apan (during World War II), Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France, China, Israel, India,
South Africa, Sweden, Argentina, Brazil, Taiwan, Pakistan, North Korea, and Iraq have had secret nuclear
weapons development programs.
2. Inadequate material accounting and control. Material accounting and control procedures,
collectively referred to as safeguards, are meant to provide timely detection of the diversion of significant
quantities of weaponS-USable material. The safeguards goals of the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) have been summarized by Marvin Miller.
Th'e IAEA's Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards
Implementation (SAGSI) in 19n defined a significant quantity of plutonium as 8kg. The use of alpha
phase plutonium, thicker reflectors, and compression by chemical explosives mean that the true
significant quantity is considerably less - on the order of 3 - 4 kilograms. This roughly corresponds to
the critical mass of delta phase plutonium metal with a moderate neutron reflector.
?II MalVin Miller, "Are IAEA Safeguards at Bulk-Handling Facilities Effective?," Nuclear Control Institute, Washington, D.C., August
To provide assurance that a significant quantity of fissile material has not been diverted, the uncertainty in
the inventory accounting must be small compared to the quantity of fissile material considered significant,
e.g., compared to 8 kg of plutonium or less. At a bank one can count every last yen, and this is done
daily, and the books can be balanced precisely. At a bulk handling facility the books never balance
because of material measurement errors. In the parlance of nuclear material accounting the inventory
difference (10) is defined as
10 = 81 +I - R - EI,
where 81is the beginning inventory, EI is the ending inventory, and I and R are, respectively, the material
added and removed during the inventory period.
For the minimum amount of diverted plutonium
(assumed here to be 8 kg) to be distinguished from measurement noise with detection and false alarm
probabilities of 95% and 5%, respectively, it can be shown that 3.30
must be less than 8 kg, where OlD is
the uncertainty in the inventory difference.
At eXisting reprocessing plants handling tons of weapons-usable plutonium, 010 is dominated by the error
in measuring the plutonium Input Into the plant, which is about one percent of the throughput. Tokal Mura
has a capacity of about 90 Metric Tons of Heavy Metal per year (MTHM/y) and the LWR spent fuel
processed has an average total plutonium content of about 0.9 percent. Thus, 3.30
for Tokai Mura is
about 27 kg of plutonium per annual inventory. Even if inventories were taken every six months, 3.30
would be about 14kg, which is still greater than 8 kg. One simply cannot detect the diversion of several
bombs' worth of plutonium annually from Tokal Mura. The proposed Rokkasho-mura plant has a
capacity of 800 MTHM/y. Therefore, the situation at Rokkasho-mura Is projected to be an order of
magnitude worse. It is difficult to imagine running a bank where you only counted the money twice a
year, and then only counted the notes larger than 100,000 yen. Yet the nuclear community sanctions the
commercial use of nuclear weapons-usable material under safeguards that are no better.
Detection time (the maximum time that should elapse between diversion and its detection) should be the
same order of magnitude as the conversion time, defined as the time required to convert different forms
of nuclear material into components of nuclear weapons. For metallic plutonium and HEU, conversion
time was estimated by SAGSI as 7-10 days; for pure unirradlated compounds of these materials, such as
oxides and nitrates, or for mixtures, 1-3 weeks.- These times are already much shorter than the period
between cleanout inventories at any fuel reprocessing plant operating today, including Toka! Mura. Thus,
8Olnthe literature 'Inventory difference' (ID) Is sometimes called 'materlal unaccount8d for" (MUF).
81Marvin Miller, op. ell.
there can be no assurance that the primary objective of safeguards - the timely detection of significant
quantities of plutonium - can be met.
To meet the timely detection criteria reprocessing plants would have to undergo clean-out inventories
every few days, or weeks. But this would reduce their annual throughput - and utility - practically to zero.
It would also drive up the cost of reprocessing. Plutonium recycle, the use of MOX fuel in LWRs, is
already uneconomical due to the high cost of reprocessing. Similarly, the cost of the fast breeder fuel
cy!=leis greater than that of the LWR operating on the once-through cycle, that is, without plutonium
Consideration is being given to Near-Real-Time Accountancy (NRTA) as a means of improving the
sensitivity and timeliness of detection.
NRTA involves taking inventories at frequent intervals, typically
once a week, without shutting down the facility. It and similar concepts are likely to be opposed by
operators due to the added costs that would be imposed. In any case the method and adequacy of
practical NRTA system implementation are open questions."
3. International Implications. Controlling nuclear weapons proliferation will simply become
impossible if the nuclear industries in J apan and abroad continue with nuclear fuel reprocessing for
plutonium recycle and wide-scale deployment of plutonium breeder reactors. As a consequence the
shortest route to the acquisition of nuclear weapons would be through the civilian nuclear power
program, as occurred in India, rather than through the construction of facilities dedicated to weapons
production, as occurred in Israel. In this regard it Is the unanimous opinion of the weapons design and
arms control communities that it is not the capability to design a nuclear device which Is the pacing
consideration In a country's acquisition of a first weapon, but, instead, it is the availability of nuclear
. weapons materials which can be turned to weapons purposes.
The reprocessing of spent fuel and the recycling of plutonium
in fresh fuel for reactors would allow
non-nuclear weapons states to acquire and stockpile nuclear weapons-useable material - seemingly for
peaceful purposes. Without violating any of the International safeguards agreements, countries could
design and fabricate weapon components. By moving to a point of being within hours of having nuclear
84 For a more detailed treatment of the deficiencies of international safeguards, see William Walker and Frans Berkhout,
"International Safeguards and the New British and French Reprocessing PIanIs, Science Policy Research Unit, University of
Sussex, DRAFT, 1991.
85 Thomas B. Cochran, Russell E. Train, Frank von Hlppel, and Robert H. Williams, Proliferation Resistant Nuclear Power
Technologies: Preferred Alternatives to the Plutonium Breeder, ERDA, April 6, 1977,p. 11-2.
eo Or any other weapons material, such as highly enriched uranium or uranium-233.
weapons - perhaps needing only to introduce the fissile material into the weapons - the nascent
weapons state would. have all of its options open. Under these conditions, international safeguards
agreements serve as a cover by concealing the signs of critical change until it is too late for diplomacy to
reverse a decision to "go nuclear."
Acceptance of the plutonium breeder as an energy option provides the justification for the early
development of a reprocessing capability by any country. A non-nuclear weapons country would always
have the option to shift its "peaceful" nuclear program to a weapons program. Without national
reprocessing facilities and breeder reactors, countries wishing to develop nuclear weapons capacity face
very considerable political problems and cost. Obtaining large quantities of weapon-usable plutonium
requires that they. build one or more specialized production reactors. By establishing their nuclear
weapons option through their nuclear eleCtric generation program, they can circumvent these obstacles.
If J apan continues to develop a fast breeder economy with its enormous stocks of weapons-usable
plutonium, other countries that want to preserve the weapons option will point to J apan as the basis for
legitimizing their own breeder development efforts. India, as noted previously, recovered the plutonium
for its first nuclear device in a reprocessing plant that was ostensibly developed as part of its national
breeder program.
With the possible exception of the Initial fuel Inventory, the PRISM fuel will always contain radioactive
fission products and actinides. Consequently, illicit diversion from the plant will be more difficult than
diversion from the breeder fuel cycle currently employed. The PRISM design places plutonium metal fuel
processing and manufacturing facilities at each reactor site. Also at the site will be a ready supply of
about 25 MT of plutonium - about 3000 bombs worth
Finally, a large cadre of nuclear fuel specialists
with hands-on experience in plutonium metallurgy will have access to these materials and equipment. No
country that wants to preserve a nuclear weapons option could ask for a better cover for its military
If J apan alone pursues its breeder development effort, even in a limited program Including only one or
two PRISM sites, the large stocks of weapons-usable plutonium would be viewed by some Intemational
political leaders as providing a potential for nuclear weapons breakout. Under such circumstances, It
would be very difficult to convince the United States and the Union of Sovereign States govemments to
reduce the size of their nuclear weapon stockpiles below several thousand warheads each. Other nuclear
87 Assumes one reactor core and two reloads for each of nine 155 mw. modules. A fresh fuel load module will contain
about 1722 kg of plutonium (23% Pu-240). At each refueling (every 18 months), approximately 536 kg of plutonium will be
diSCharged from, and 508 kg of plutonium loaded Into, the reactor. Data supplied to the author by P.M. Magee. General Electric
Company, September 13, 1991.
weapons states with smaller stockpiles may be unwilling to undergo any reductions. In this way, one
country's breeder reactor program can prevent international arms control progress.
The main selling points of the breeder are the promises that Its fuel can be completely under national
control, and that ttie fuel supply would be essentially inexhaustible. These illusory goals, however, are
unachievable, or at best extremely costly, since there is no indication that breeder capital cost can be
brought down to the level of lWR capital cost.
It is useful to ask whether there is another way of achieving a secure nuclear fuel supply without relying
on nuclear weapons-usable material. We conservatively assume that a 1000 Mw. lWR can be built today
for about $2oo0/kW,88and that the cost of"an LMFBR would be only about 50% greater. We also ignore
the fact that the cost of reprocessing and other breeder fuel cycle requirements is currently more than
twice the cost of direct disposal of lWR fuel. (It is likely to remain at least twice the cost after the year
2000 assuming current uranium prices.~ Today the average price of imported UaOeis about $3O/kg.80
By purchasing an LWR instead of a breeder, the $1,000 million capital cost saving could be used to buy
30,000 MT of U
at today's prices, enough uranium to operate the LWR for about 150 yearsl If more
advanced high burnup lWR fuels W$re used, the LWR could be operated for 300 years.
If J apan canceled its breeder program it could probably save $10,000 million In Mure R&D costs,
including the cost of the DFBR. This amount is sufficient to purchase the UaO
needed to fuel all of
J apan's existing reactors (32 GwJ for 50 years without improving the fuel burnup, or for 100 years if
. advanced lWR fuels were usedl In both cases the energy independence benefits of uranium stockpiling
could be achieved much sooner by purchasing UaO
rather than investing in breeders. Clearly, if energy
independence, or wise' economic investment were the objective, countries like J apan would abandon their
breeder programs and invest in stockpiled uranium.
Charles Komanoff, Variations In Nuclear and Coal Plant CapItal Costs, Komanoff Energy Associates, November 13, 1989.
According to Komanoff for a sample of 30 U.S. nuclear plants completed during the period 1983-1991, the average costof
construction without Interest was $23OO/kW.One utility, Duke Power Co., was able to construct two plants for $13OO/kw(1987
dollars). In 1991 doUars the costs woulcl be about $28OO/kW(30 plant avg.) and $1600/kW (Duke Power Co.) Adding 15% for real
Interest during construction would bring the costs to $33OO/kW(avg.) and $1800/kw (Duke Power Co.)
88According to Frans Berkhout and William Walker, Are Current Back-End Policies SustBinsble, Science Policy Research Policy
Unit, University of Sussex, AprIl 1991: The total undiscounted cost for the direct disposal of LWR fuel Is around $9OO/kgof heavy
metal (kgHM). Fuel reprocessing services at La Hague and Sellafleld during the 19908 will cost between $14QO.$1800/kgHM, not
counting the cost of long term high level waste (HLW) storage, transponatlon and disposal. Even with the reduced prices now
being offered for reprocessing In the post-2000 period $9OO/kgHM - reprocessing seems to double the cost of dealing with spent
fuel. assuming that vitrified HLW cost about as much to bury as spent fuel. Even If the plutonium Is treated a free good, MOX fuel
Is more costly than low enriched uranium fuel given the higher cost of fabrication of MOX fuel.
80 The average price or uranium Imported Into the United Stated In 1990 was 12.56 per pound, a decrease of 25 percent from the
1989 price; U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, EIA Reports, EIA-91-12, J une 24, 1991.
The concept of burning actinides in fast reactors is an old one that has received renewed interest in light
of difficulties in developing national high-level radioactive waste repositories. With actinide burning, many
of the longest-lived radioactive isotopes that would otherwise end up in the high level waste are
transmuted into shorter-lived isotopes in the reactor. The fission cross section of a fast reactor offers the
prospect of transmuting actinides more efficiently than thermal reactors do. In the IFR fuel cycle (selected
as the reference fuel cycle for the PRISM reactor) the plutonium metal fuel is pyroprocessed on site.
Pyroprocessing offers a relatively uncomplicated means of actinide recovery, so that the actinides can be
recycled back into the reactor along with the plutonium. The IFR fuel cycle is advertized as providing "a
means to substantially reduce the toxicity risk associated with these wastes streams from tens of
thousands of years to hundreds of years" (Figure 3).81 But, as demonstrated by Thomas Pigford,
Professor of Nuclear E~gineering at the University of California, Berkeley, this is not the case.
As Pigford concluded, IIcalculated 'toxicities,' used to support the goals stated by the ALMR program, are
not measures of risk. Use of 'toxicity' and the assumption that it is a measure of risk have led to
incorrect conclusions of safety benefits from actinide burning.
"A direct measure of risk from radionuclides in repository waste is the maximum radiation dose to Mure
human beings who may be exposed to radionuclides that finally reach the environment. These doses are
being calculated by repository projects In the U.S. and in other countries as a key part of the
environmental and safety analyses for geologic disposal. A U.S. regulation requires that radiation doses
from radioactive waste buried in a geologic repository be calculated for times far into the future, much
longer than 10,000 years. Because of their low solubilities and their sorption in the geologic media, .
actinides from spent fuel waste contribute far less radiation dose than do the fission products.
...The long-lived fission products will be in the waste even if actinides are removed and even if the
separated wastes are stored on the surface for 200-300 years.
81 C.E. Boardman and C.R. Snyder, "AetvancecI Uquld Metal Reactor (ALMR) Desallnlzatlon/ElectrIc Plant, Paper presented at the
Sildh Intematlonal Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, Mor1tenJ y, CA, J une 16-21, 1991.
Thomas H. Pigford, "Actinide Burning and Waste DlsposaJ , Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Next
Generation of Nuclear Power Technology, Massachusetts Institute of TechnoJ ogy. Odober 4-5. 1990, MIT-ANP-CP.Q01, pp. 8-19 to
13Ibid, pp. 8-20 to 8-22.
M Ibid.
Figure 3: Time Phased Relative Waste Toxicity (LWR Spent Fuel)
10 4
10 2
(with NCYCI e)
~O 3_ 10 , ,;t1"
Pigford also noted that "(c]ontrolling waste streams will be crucial to reprocessing for the ALMR,
particularly the many secondary waste streams of low concentration and high volume. Reprocessing
generates large amounts of alpha-contaminated dilute waste streams that are very difficult to
decontaminate further or to immobilize in a safe waste matrix for geologic disposal. If further
decontamination, to the very low levels necessary to qualify as low level waste, is not practicable, these
wastes would have to be disposed of in deep geologic repositories. They would have to be
concentrated, or they would occupy far larger waste volumes than spent fuel or other high-level waste.
The potential problem of primary and secondary wastes from reprocessing has not been sufficiently
addressed by the ALMR program. The cost of disposing of the expected large volumes of
decontaminated low-level waste has not been addressed .
"Recovering actinides from LWR fuel and recycling them in an ALMR breeder reactor builds up large
inventories of actinides In the breeder reactor and fuel cycle. It will take thousands of years of operation
before the actual total inventory of actinides in waste and In the above-ground fuel cycle is significantly
lower than the total inventory of actinides in repositories without actinide burning. The relative risks have
not been analyzed. u97
In sum, as Pigford notes, (t]here are several technical Incentives to reprocessing sp~nt fuel rather than
burying it directly in a geologic repository, including:
simple concentrated waste forms of the more soluble long-lived radionuclides carbon-14,
technetium-99, iOdine-129, and cesium-135.
These incentives could be realized by reprocessing the LWR fuel, without high-yield recovery of all the
actinides. However, using realistic cost data, the cost of reprocessing for this purpose Is prohibitive. It
hasn't been proven that changing the waste form by reprocessing is necessary for the successful
performance of a high-level waste repository. .
The countries with advanced nuclear programs have spent tens of billions of dollars over a forty-five year
period trying to commercialize the fast breeder reactor. Today they are no closer to that goal than when
they started. Even the most ardent breeder enthusiasts continue to predict commercialization three to four
decades away, just as they were predicting two decades ago. There is now overwhelming evidence
based on the construction of demonstration and commercial-size fast breeder reactors in France,
Germany, the Soviet Union, and J apan that the breeder has no hope of competing with alternative energy
supply technologies, including LWRs operating on the once-through fuel cycle. The fast breeder is a
terrible economic investment.
From a reactor reliability standpoint the technology has been unforgiving. The U.S. EBR-I and Fermi-I
re~ctors both experienced fuel melting, and the latter was permanently shut down; the Soviet BN-350
experienced a serious sodium fire, and the BN-600 has had fuel and steam generator problems; the
French Phenix and Superphenix reactors have been plagued with sodium related problems and are now
shut down. perhaps permanently; and the Indian PFBR has had a similarly poor operating history. The
German Kalkar could not obtain an operating license for safety reasons.
One of the arguments for breeders has been that they will provide energy security. The economic
prospects for the breeder. however, are now so poor that it Is far cheaper, and quicker. to provide fuel
security by stockpiling uranium. rather than by building breeders and their associated fuel cycle facilities.
Fast reactors also are being touted as simplifying the high level nuclear waste disposal problem by
recovering the actinides In spent fuel and burning them. But on close examination this does not
represent a significant improvement In waste management. and may actually make matters worse.
From a reactor safety standpoint the plutonium fast breeder has to be considered one of the more
dangerous reactor technologies. At the very least, the risks are not well understood. In certain scenarios
the reactor can literally blow Its top. The probability that these "paper" scenarios may actually materialize
is not known.
The development of a breeder economy will require the flow of tens to hundreds of tons of nuclear
weapons-usable plutonium annually in the fuel cycle. Providing adequate physical security to prevent the
diversion of a few kilograms of plutonium for illicit weapons purposes Is impossible. There is no credible
material accounting and control regime that can be applied to commercial-slze bulk handling facilities to
provide the necessary assurance that a diversion can be d!tected in a timely fashion.
If J apan continues with its program of nuclear fuel reprocessing and breeder development .itwill be
establishing an International norm of behavior that will make it impossible to control the spread of nuclear
weapons or reduce the large stockpiles of nuclear weapons that currently exist.
With vast quantities of nuclear weapons material flowing through its fuel cycle, the greatest risk of the
plutonium breeder is that of nuclear proliferation. It is incomprehensible that J apan, the one country that
has been subjected to a nuclear weapons attaCk. would decide to base its electric fuel supply on a

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