13-14 Midterm-Final Exam Semester 1 Bell Schedule Memo
13-14 Midterm-Final Exam Semester 1 Bell Schedule Memo
13-14 Midterm-Final Exam Semester 1 Bell Schedule Memo
To: All Staff and Students
From: Mr. Kolson
Date: December 18, 2013
Re: Bell Schedules for Mid-term or Final Exams Week
2 Hour Delay Bell Schedules for Mid-term or Final Exams Week
Mid-term / Final Exams are scheduled as follows:
Day #1 January 13, 2014 Monday Exams during Periods 1 and 5/6 or 6/7
Day #2 January 14, 2014 Tuesday Exams during Periods 2 and 7/8 or 8/9
Day #3 January 15, 2014 Wednesday Exams during Periods 3 and 10
Day #4 January 16, 2014 Thursday Exams during 4 and 11
There are 3 schedules for Mid-term / Final exams week for a student that eats lunch 5, 7 or 9.
The only schedule you will need to follow is the schedule of your lunch period. All scheduled Mid-term/Finals
will be conducted even if school is delayed due to weather. If school is cancelled, the day of the exam will move to
the next day school is in session (regular schedule or 2-hour delay schedule). We will follow Semester One
schedules until all 4 days of the Mid-term/Final Exam week are complete.
To view / obtain a copy of the bell schedule for your lunch period go to www.edline.net, Mars Area High School,
click on For Student and click on Mid-Term / Final Exam Bell Schedules. Teachers will have bell schedules
posted in their classrooms and students may obtain paper copies in the main office.
Please notice the following:
All exam periods are approximately 80 minutes in length
All non-exam periods are approximately 30 minutes in length
There are 4 minutes between lunches and all classes
All Students:
It will be an expectation that all students attend their regularly scheduled classes all day and up to the last
day of the semester / school year.
Final exams dont mean that you are done for the semester / school year. Instruction will occur to the last
day of the semester / school year. Teachers will hold students accountable for this instruction.
All Vo-tech Students:
On day #1, you will be exempt from attending Vo-tech so that you can remain in your period 5/6, 6/7 (class
/ exam) or lunch 7.
You will need a parent note, turned into the main office, to be excused after your exam on day #1.
Otherwise, you will report to the LGI for the remainder of the day.
On day #2, #3 and #4, the Vo-tech bus doesnt depart from the high school until 12:20 pm. After your
lunch 7 or class 6/7, you will report to the LGI study hall until the bus arrives.
All Early Released Students:
You may need to stay longer into the day than you typically do. Please read the schedule and adjust your
work schedules accordingly.
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Mars Area High School
Mid-Term / Final Exams based on Periods for Lunch 5
DAY #1
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:55 9:16 Period 1 (Exam)
9:20 9:50 Period 2
9:54 10:24 Period 3
10:28 10:58 Period 4
10:58 11:29 Lunch 5
11:34 12:55 Period 6/7 (Exam)
12:59 1:29 Period 8/9
1:33 2:03 Period 10
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #2
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:29 9:50 Period 2 (Exam)
9:54 10:24 Period 3
10:28 10:58 Period 4
10:58 11:29 Lunch 5
11:33 12:03 Period 6/7
12:08 1:29 Period 8/9 (Exam)
1:33 2:03 Period 10
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #3
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:28 8:58 Period 2
9:03 10:24 Period 3 (Exam)
10:28 10:58 Period 4
10:58 11:29 Lunch 5
11:33 12:03 Period 6/7
12:07 12:37 Period 8/9
12:42 2:03 Period 10 (Exam)
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #4
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:28 8:58 Period 2
9:02 9:32 Period 3
9:37 - 10:58 Period 4 (Exam)
10:58 11:29 Lunch 5
11:33 12:03 Period 6/7
12:07 12:37 Period 8/9
12:41 1:11 Period 10
1:16 2:37 Period 11 (Exam)
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Mars Area High School
Mid-Term / Final Exams based on Periods for Lunch 7
DAY #1
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:55 9:16 Period 1 (Exam)
9:20 9:50 Period 2
9:54 10:24 Period 3
10:28 10:58 Period 4
11:03 12:24 Period 5/6 (Exam)
12:24 12:55 Lunch 7
12:59 1:29 Period 8/9
1:33 2:03 Period 10
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #2
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:29 9:50 Period 2 (Exam)
9:54 10:24 Period 3
10:28 10:58 Period 4
11:02 11:32 Period 5/6
11:32 12:03 Lunch 7
12:08 1:29 Period 8/9 (Exam)
1:33 2:03 Period 10
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #3
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:28 8:58 Period 2
9:03 10:24 Period 3 (Exam)
10:28 10:58 Period 4
11:02 11:32 Period 5/6
11:32 12:03 Lunch 7
12:07 12:37 Period 8/9
12:42 2:03 Period 10 (Exam)
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #4
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:28 8:58 Period 2
9:02 9:32 Period 3
9:37 - 10:58 Period 4 (Exam)
11:02 11:32 Period 5/6
11:32 12:03 Lunch 7
12:07 12:37 Period 8/9
12:42 1:12 Period 10
1:16 2:37 Period 11 (Exam)
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Mars Area High School
Mid-Term / Final Exams based on Periods for Lunch 9
DAY #1
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:55 9:16 Period 1 (Exam)
9:20 9:50 Period 2
9:54 10:24 Period 3
10:28 10:58 Period 4
11:03 12:24 Period 5/6 (Exam)
12:28 12:58 Period 7/8
12:58 1:29 Lunch 9
1:33 2:03 Period 10
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #2
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:29 9:50 Period 2 (Exam)
9:54 10:24 Period 3
10:28 10:58 Period 4
11:02 11:32 Period 5/6
11:37 12:58 Period 7/8 (Exam)
12:58 1:29 Lunch 9
1:33 2:03 Period 10
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #3
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:28 8:58 Period 2
9:03 10:24 Period 3 (Exam)
10:28 10:58 Period 4
11:02 11:32 Period 5/6
11:36 12:06 Period 7/8
12:06 12:37 Lunch 9
12:42 2:03 Period 10 (Exam)
2:07 2:37 Period 11
DAY #4
7:42 7:50 Homeroom
7:54 8:24 Period 1
8:28 8:58 Period 2
9:02 9:32 Period 3
9:37 - 10:58 Period 4 (Exam)
11:02 11:32 Period 5/6
11:36 12:06 Period 7/8
12:06 12:37 Lunch 9
12:41 1:11 Period 10
1:16 2:37 Period 11 (Exam)
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To: All Staff and Students
From: Mr. Kolson
Date: December 18, 2013
Re: 2- Hour Delay Bell Schedules for Mid-term or Final Exams Week
Attached you will find a copy of the 2-Hour Delay Mid-term/Final Exams Week Bell Schedules. All
scheduled Mid-term/Finals will be conducted on a 2-hour delay. If school is cancelled, the day of the
exam will move to the next day school is in session (regular schedule or 2-hour delay schedule). We will
follow Semester One schedules until all 4 days of the Mid-term/Final Exam week are complete.
Day #1- Mid-Term / Final Exams-2-Hour Delay Schedule
9:42 9:51 Homeroom
9:55 11:16 Period 1 (Exam)
11:16 11:46 Lunch 5 11:20 12:41 Period 5/6 (Exam) 11:20 12:41 Period 5/6 (Exam)
11:50 1:11 Period 6/7 (Exam)
12:41 1:11 Lunch 7
12:45 1:15 Period 7/8
1:15 1:45 Period 8/9
1:15 1:45 Period 8/9
1:15 1:45 Lunch 9
1:49 2:12 Period 10
2:16 2:37 Period 11
Day #2- Mid-Term / Final Exams-2-Hour Delay Schedule
9:42 9:51 Homeroom
9:55 11:16 Period 2 (Exam)
11:16 11:46 Lunch 5 11:20 11:46 Period 5/6 11:20 11:46 Period 5/6
11:50 12:16 Period 6/7
11:46 12:16 Lunch 7
11:50 1:11 Period 7/8 (Exam)
12:20 1:41 Period 8/9 (Exam)
12:20 1:41 Period 8/9 (Exam)
1:11 1:41 Lunch 9
1:45 2:09 Period 10
2:09 2:37 Period 11
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Day #3- Mid-Term / Final Exams-2-Hour Delay Schedule
9:42 9:51 Homeroom
9:55 11:16 Period 3 (Exam)
11:16 11:46 Lunch 5 11:16 11:46 Period 5/6
11:16 11:46 Period 5/6
11:50 12:20 Period 6/7 11:50 12:20 Lunch 7
11:50 12:20 Period 7/8
12:24 12 :54 Period 8/9 12:24 12:54 Period 8/9
12:24 12:54 Lunch 9
12:58 2:19 Period 10 (Exam)
2:24 2:37 Period 11
Day #4- Mid-Term / Final Exams-2-Hour Delay Schedule
9:42 - 9:51 Homeroom
9:55 11:16 Period 4 (Exam)
11:16 11:46 Lunch 5 11:16 11:46 Period 5/6
11:16 11:46 Period 5/6
11:50 12:20 Period 6/7 11:50 12:20 Lunch 7
11:50 12:20 Period 7/8
12:24 12:54 Period 8/9 12:24 12:54 Period 8/9
12:24 12:54 Lunch 9
12:58 1:11 Period 10
1:15 2:37 Period 11 (Exam)