10.1128/JCM.01087-13. 2013, 51(9):2939. DOI: J. Clin. Microbiol. Joseph R. DiPersio Neelam Dhiman, Tamara L. Trienski, Linda P. DiPersio and
VersaTREK Blood Culture Bottles
Identification of Gram-Positive Cocci from Staphylococcus aureus Test for Rapid Evaluation of the BinaxNOW http://jcm.asm.org/content/51/9/2939 Updated information and services can be found at: These include: REFERENCES http://jcm.asm.org/content/51/9/2939#ref-list-1 This article cites 14 articles, 8 of which can be accessed free at: CONTENT ALERTS more articles cite this article), Receive: RSS Feeds, eTOCs, free email alerts (when new http://journals.asm.org/site/misc/reprints.xhtml Information about commercial reprint orders: http://journals.asm.org/site/subscriptions/ To subscribe to to another ASM Journal go to:
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Evaluation of the BinaxNOW Staphylococcus aureus Test for Rapid Identication of Gram-Positive Cocci from VersaTREK Blood Culture Bottles Neelam Dhiman, a * Tamara L. Trienski, b Linda P. DiPersio, a Joseph R. DiPersio a Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Summa Health System, Akron, Ohio, USA a ; Department of Pharmacy, Summa Health System, Akron, Ohio, USA b The ability of the rapid BinaxNOW Staphylococcus aureus (BNSA) immunochromatographic test (Alere Scarborough, Inc., ME) to accurately differentiate S. aureus from coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) and other Gram-positive cocci (GPC) di- rectly from VersaTREK blood culture bottles was evaluated. A total of 319 positive patient blood culture bottles with GPC seen in clusters with Gram staining were tested using the BNSA test and a direct tube coagulase test (DTCT). The BNSA test was accu- rate for the detection and differentiation of S. aureus from CoNS and other GPC within 30 min from the time of blood culture positivity and demonstrated a test sensitivity and specicity of 95.8% and 99.6%, respectively. BNSA test results were faxed to the antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist by noon each day in order to evaluate empirical antimicrobial therapy and facilitate more rapid changes or modications if necessary. Same-day reporting of BNSA test results in conjunction with an antimicrobial stewardship program was more impactful in improving treatment for inpatients with documented S. aureus bacteremia than in reducing empirical vancomycin use in inpatients with CoNS during the rst 24 h following reporting. S taphylococci are the most commonly recovered organisms from blood culture specimens and represent approximately 35% of total patient isolates at our hospital system (1). Approxi- mately 75% of staphylococcal isolates are identied as coagulase- negative Staphylococcus species (CoNS) or other Gram-positive cocci (GPC), most of which represent contamination during blood collection. When laboratories rst report the presence of GPC seen in clusters (GPCCs) with Gram staining from blood culture bottles, it is important todifferentiate as rapidly as possible between Staphylococcus aureus and other GPCCs that may not be clinically signicant. Many patients are started on empirical ther- apy to cover S. aureus, including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), until nal identication and antimicrobial susceptibili- ties are reported 18 to 48 h later. A number of laboratory testing procedures have been used to rapidly differentiate CoNS from S. aureus soon after Gram stain reading. These include nonmolecu- lar methods as well as newer molecular methods that can also determine methicillin susceptibility (26). Our laboratory has used a direct tube coagulase test (DTCT) for many years to rapidly identify S. aureus from blood culture bottles. Positive DTCT re- sults are reported to appropriate medical personnel, but negative DTCT results are not reported because a lowbut signicant num- ber of S. aureus isolates do not turn the DTCT positive within 4 h. This has been demonstrated in our validation studies as well as in published reports (2, 3). The BinaxNOW Staphylococcus aureus (BNSA) test (Alere Scarborough, Inc., Scarborough, ME) is a new in vitro immuno- chromatographic membrane assay that uses polyclonal antibodies to qualitatively detect anS. aureus-specic proteindirectly insam- ples taken from positive blood culture bottles with GPCCs. The test currently has FDAapproval for use only with BacT/Alert stan- dard aerobic and anaerobic blood culture media (bioMrieux, Inc., Durham, NC), and Alere has no immediate plans to expand approval to other instrument or media types. A multicenter clin- ical study of 325 blood culture samples containing GPCCs dem- onstrated a sensitivity of 98.8% compared to standard laboratory methods (BinaxNOW Staphylococcus aureus test package insert; Alere Scarborough, Inc., Scarborough, ME). Only 1 of 85 S. aureus isolates was misidentied. The purpose of our study was to eval- uate the ability of the BNSA test to accurately differentiate S. au- reus from CoNS and other GPCCs growing in VersaTREK blood culture aerobic/anaerobic media and to compare the performance of the BNSA test to that of our in-house validated DTCT method. The study also evaluated the immediate (same day) clinical impact onantimicrobial prescribing that rapid BNSAreporting had when used in conjunction with an antimicrobial stewardship program. (This work was presented in part at the 112th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, San Francisco, CA, 16 to 19 June 2012.) MATERIALS AND METHODS Organism identication. Routine blood cultures were performed using the VersaTREK instrument (Trek Diagnostic Systems, Ltd., Cleveland, OH) following the manufacturers guidelines. Positive blood cultures were removed from the instrument, and Gram staining was performed. Only bottles with GPCCs were included in the study. Blood-broth sam- ples were removedby syringe to performthe BNSAandDTCTprocedures as described below. A total of 319 patient blood culture samples collected between October 2011 and April 2013 were included in the study. S. au- reus isolates subcultured from positive blood culture bottles were con- rmed using a standard latex agglutination method (Staphaurex; Remel, Inc., Lenexa, KS). Discordant results were resolved using the standard Received 24 April 2013 Returned for modication 27 May 2013 Accepted 22 June 2013 Published ahead of print 26 June 2013 Address correspondence to Joseph R. DiPersio, [email protected]. * Present address: Neelam Dhiman, Medfusion, Lewisville, Texas, USA. Copyright 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. doi:10.1128/JCM.01087-13 September 2013 Volume 51 Number 9 Journal of Clinical Microbiology p. 29392942 jcm.asm.org 2939
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tube coagulase test and/or API Staph biochemical identication strips (API Analytab Products, Plainview, NY). BinaxNOW Staphylococcus aureus test. Testing was performed ac- cording to the manufacturers product insert (BinaxNOW Staphylococcus aureus test package insert; Alere Scarborough, Inc., Scarborough, ME). Blood culture bottles were gently mixed, and a 1-ml aliquot was removed to a conical tube followed by addition of 1 ml of reagent A (lysing agent). The tube was vortexed to mix and centrifuged for 5 min at 1,500 g using an angle-head rotor. The supernatant was aspirated and discarded with- out disturbing the pellet. One milliliter of reagent A was again added and the pellet resuspended, and this was followed by repeat centrifugation. The aspirated supernatant was discarded and 5 drops of reagent B (neu- tralizing agent) added to the pellet. The pellet was vortexed to resuspend and 25 l of reagent C (bacterial membrane-lysing agent) added, and this was followed by vortexing. Fifty microliters of this sample was added to the middle of the white sample padlocatedonthe upper right-handside of the test card. Four drops of reagent D (clearing solution) were added to the white wash pad located on the top left-hand side of the device, and 1 drop was added to the top of the white pad onthe upper right-hand side of the test card. The card was closed, sealed, and left at roomtemperature for 10 min, at which time it was read. Ablue control line turns to pink-purple to indicate a negative sample. Ablue control line and a second sample line turn to pink-purple to indicate a positive test for S. aureus. If the blue control line does not change color, the test is invalid. Direct tube coagulase test. The DTCT was performed by adding 0.2 ml of blood-broth sample to 0.5 ml of EDTA rabbit plasma in a tube. The tube was placed in a 36C heating block and examined hourly up to 4 h. Any clot formation was considered positive for S. aureus. If the test was negative at 4 h, the tube was incubatedovernight at roomtemperature and read the next morning. Both the BNSA and DTCT procedures were per- formed on the same positive blood culture bottle. In general, the rst bottle to turn positive was used. If both bottles of the set were positive at the time of testing, then the aerobic bottle was used. Antimicrobial stewardship review. Results of the rst 160 patient blood culture samples tested using the BNSA method were not reported for clinical use but were used to establish test sensitivity/specicity and clinical utility. Subsequent BNSA test results were entered into the labo- ratory computer and all inpatient results were faxed to the antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist for review of appropriateness of empirical anti- biotic therapy. Patients identied as potentially needing interventions, such as changes in therapy or de-escalation of therapy, were discussed on formal afternoon antimicrobial stewardship rounds with an infectious diseases physician. At the end of the study, a reviewof actions taken on 60 inpatient BNSA test results collected between September 2012 and April 2013 (30 patients with S. aureus and 30 patients with CoNS) was under- taken to evaluate the immediate (same-day) clinical impact of this testing procedure. This project was approved as a quality improvement analy- sis by the institutional review board at our institution (IRB). RESULTS A total of 319 patient blood culture samples with GPCCs were included in the nal analysis. Three patient blood culture samples that gave false-negative BNSA results for conrmed S. aureus iso- lates were excluded from analysis because they did not yield a visible pellet (pellet loss) during specimen processing. A fourth patient sample yielding no visible pellet was excluded before nal BNSA testing. The association between pellet loss and false-nega- tive results was noted early in the study and led to a decision not to continue with BNSAtesting if a pellet was not observed. The man- ufacturer intends to address this issue in a future package insert update. Reasons for pellet loss with rare S. aureus isolates are un- clear at this time. The performances of the rapid BNSA test and the DTCT are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. BNSA test sensitivity and specicity were 95.8%and 99.6%, and DTCTsensitivity and spec- icity were 93.8% and 100%, respectively. With the use of the DTCT, 65 of 96 (67.7%) S. aureus isolates were identied by 2 h, and 85.4% of the isolates were identied by 4 h. No false-positive DTCT results were observed. The BNSA test successfully identied S. aureus from two spec- imens that contained additional organisms (one contained Acin- etobacter baumannii and S. epidermidis and another contained Klebsiella pneumoniae and CoNS). Two other mixed specimens with S. aureus gave false-negative BNSA test results (one con- tained a CoNS and the other contained mixed morphotypes of S. aureus). One false-positive BNSAtest was seen froma blood spec- imen containing a presumptive S. lugdunensis isolate (69% likeli- hood on the API Staph test). The breakdown of non-S. aureus isolates recovered from blood cultures is shown in Table 3. Nine- ty-two percent of these specimens contained CoNS either in pure culture or mixed with other CoNS morphotypes. Additional GPC isolated included Micrococcus spp., Enterococcus spp., Aerococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp. Previous reports evaluating the impact of rapid methods that differentiate S. aureus from other GPCCs have documented de- TABLE 1 Performance of the BNSA test Results for Staphylococcus aureus a (no. of isolates) BNSA test results (no. of isolates) b Positive Negative Positive (96) 92 4 Negative (223) 1 222 a Conrmed by latex agglutination. b Sensitivity, 95.8%; specicity, 99.6%. TABLE 2 Performance of the direct tube coagulase test on 319 blood culture specimens Organisms (n) DTCT time to positivity No. (%) of isolates positive or negative for DTCT Positive Negative S. aureus (96) 1 h 30 (31.3) 2 h 35 (36.5) 3 h 9 (9.4) 4 h 8 (8.3) Overnight 8 (8.3) 6 (6.3) Not S. aureus (223) 1 h to overnight 0 223 TABLE 3 Non-Staphylococcus aureus blood culture isolates Organism(s) No. (%) of isolates CoNS 204 (91.5) CoNS and Aerococcus spp. 1 (0.4) Micrococcus spp. 14 (6.3) Streptococcus group C 2 (0.9) Enterococcus spp. 1 (0.4) Streptococcus (alpha-hemolytic) 1 (0.4) Total 223 Dhiman et al. 2940 jcm.asm.org Journal of Clinical Microbiology
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creased costs associated with more rapid de-escalation of anti- staphylococcal therapy when a probable contaminant was identi- ed (7, 8). The daily cost of 2 vancomycin doses per day at our institution was calculated to be approximately $35.00. This in- cludes drug cost together with intravenous (i.v.) preparation and nursing administration costs. Based on a total of approximately 500 patient blood culture isolates with CoNS seen at our institu- tion in 2012, potential savings may be realized if empirical vanco- mycin therapy was removed/discontinued at least 1 day sooner. Additional savings due to reduced length of stay related to faster resolution of blood culture contamination may also occur. BNSA test results on 60 inpatients (30 with CoNS and 30 with S. aureus) were reviewed to determine physician same-day actions with re- spect to antimicrobial therapy. Eighty-seven percent and 90% of patients in the groups with CoNS and S. aureus, respectively, were on antimicrobial therapy at the time of result reporting and 69% versus 83% were on therapy that covered MRSA. BNSA results from patients with CoNS led to few immediate therapy changes. Only one patient, who was receiving vancomycin, had therapy stopped, and 2 patients not on any therapy were not started on therapy. The impact that BNSA test reporting had on nonadmit- ted patients could not be determined, since the antimicrobial stewardship teamcould not reviewthese patients. The impact that BNSA results had on inpatients with S. aureus bacteremia, how- ever, was more evident. Of the 30 inpatients with S. aureus re- viewed, 13 (43.3%) had changes in their antibiotic regimens on the day that the BNSA results were reported. Five (16.7%) were either on no antibiotic (n 3) or on an antibiotic that did not cover MRSA(n 2) at the time of reporting. All 5 of these patients were either started on or changed to an antibiotic that covered MRSA. DISCUSSION S. aureus is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in both health care and community settings. Over half of all nosocomial bloodstream infections have been attributed to GPCCs. Rapid identication and differentiation of S. aureus fromCoNS in blood culture bottles is reported to have a major impact on improving patient outcomes, decreasing length of hospital stays, and reduc- ing health care expenses (811). Conventional identication of S. aureus from blood cultures requires isolated colonies and gener- ally takes 18 to 24 h after positive signaling on continuously mon- itored automated blood culture systems. A number of biochemi- cal, immunological, and molecular methods have been used to decrease identication times. Many of these methods have been shown to either lack appropriate sensitivity or have high reagent, instrument, or labor costs. Several variations of the DTCT with sensitivities of 80% have been reported in the literature. Per- forming the DTCT on organisms concentrated from blood cul- ture bottles may increase test sensitivity (1214). However, fear of a false-negative S. aureus test result and its clinical implications has prevented this rapid and cost-effective test fromgaining wider use. Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) uorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) provides accurate same-day results but at a higher cost than the DTCT. Previous studies using PNA FISH have demon- strated trends in the reduction of antibiotic use and mortality (7, 8). Newer molecular amplication methods can provide accurate same-day results together with methicillin susceptibility but at a signicantly higher cost in reagents and instrumentation. Since the majority of GPCCs from blood culture bottles turn out not to be clinically important, use of expensive molecular testing proce- dures may not be a cost-effective approach if less costly but accu- rate methods are available. The BNSA rapid immunochromato- graphic test is a relatively inexpensive nonmolecular method for differentiating S. aureus from other GPCCs. The supply cost is approximately $10.00 per test and tests can be performed individ- ually or in small batches within 30 min. It is critical that careful attention is paid to pellet loss during processing, and if a pellet is not seen, test results should not be reported. Four of eight poten- tial false-negative S. aureus results were avoided by this observa- tion. In addition, the DTCT should be performed together with the BNSA test, since two of four reported false-negative BNSA results in our study set were DTCTpositive and recognized within 4 h. Combined use of the DTCT with the BNSA test, as is our current laboratory procedure, increased sensitivity of S. aureus detection within 4 h from 96% to 97.9%. Since 31.3% of S. aureus isolates were identied within 1 h and another 36.5% by 2 h using the DTCT, the BNSA test may not have to be performed on all blood cultures with GPCCs. DTCT- or BNSA-positive samples for S. aureus could be reexed to a molecular test method that also detects mecA, thereby further reducing laboratory costs compared to testing all specimens with GPCCs by a molecular method but providing the added value of a methicillin susceptibility result. Based on seeded studies, Staphylococcus schleiferi and coinfec- tions of CoNS with Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium bifermen- tans, or Clostridium histolyticumhave been reported to potentially cause false-positive BNSA results. Only one false-positive BNSA result was observed in our study set, with a presumptive but not conrmed S. lugdunensis isolate. One false-negative BNSA test produced a faint band beyond the 10-min incubation period. The specimen had mixed morphotypes of regular golden colonies mixed with second predominant tiny whitish colonies, both of which were identied as S. aureus. Repeat BNSA testing was pos- itive on isolated colonies for both morphotypes. The analytical limit of detection for the BNSAtest is 5.42 10 8 cells/ml, and this accuracy has not been established in the presence of coinfections with other bacteria. Since VersaTREK bottles are approved for lower blood volumes, the BNSA test may have missed this isolate in a mixed population at a lower threshold. Also, an S. aureus strain (ATCC 14993) has been reported to produce false-negative results, so this test may miss rare clinical strains that may not have been tested during validation. These limitations are noted in the manufacturers product insert. We emphasize being cautious dur- ing the washing steps, as loss of pellet during processing canleadto a false-negative test for S. aureus and these results should not be reported. Rapid differentiation of S. aureus from other GPCCs from blood culture bottles potentially saves only 1 day over traditional subculture. By the next day, subcultured staphylococcal colonies growing on solid media can be identied easily by latex agglutina- tion, and methicillin susceptibility can be determined on S. aureus colonies using rapid penicillin binding protein 2a (PBP2a) detec- tion methods. Previous studies evaluating rapid methods have used testing in conjunction with direct physician reporting and have compared this to traditional culture without direct reporting of organismidentication (7, 11). This approach makes it difcult to independently evaluate the roles of rapid testing versus direct reporting and potentially widens the reporting time interval be- tween rapid test and traditional culture results when comparative data analysis is performed. If microbiology laboratories reported Evaluation of BinaxNOW S. aureus September 2013 Volume 51 Number 9 jcm.asm.org 2941
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next-day subculture identication results directly to physicians, the cost differential between rapid and traditional methods may be less than previously reported. Our review of 30 patients with CoNS showed that only 3 pa- tients (10%) were impacted by rapid identication. Reasons for not stopping empirical vancomycin therapy may include the fol- lowing: (i) if non-S. aureus GPCCs were detected in two of two blood culture sets, the possibility of true infection was still under consideration and (ii) if non-S. aureus GPCCs were detected in one of two blood culture sets, physicians may wait to see if the second set becomes positive later in the day before making a treat- ment change. The role of our antimicrobial stewardship team upon identication of patients with S. aureus bacteremia is to ensure that the patient is receiving the correct empirical treatment and to recommend an infectious diseases consult. More than 99% of inpatients with S. aureus bacteremia at our institution are treated by an infectious diseases physician. In conclusion, this is the rst study that evaluated the perfor- mance of the BNSA test using the VersaTREK blood culture sys- tem. The BNSAtest is a rapid, cost-effective test that canidentify S. aureus and differentiate it from other GPCCs directly from posi- tive blood cultures within 30 min. Early notication of results in conjunction with an antimicrobial stewardship program can po- tentially reduce unnecessary antimicrobial costs and improve care, especially for inpatients with S. aureus bacteremia. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS BinaxNOW SA kits, together with research grant support, were provided by Alere Scarborough, Inc. We thank Thomas M. File, Jr., for reviewing the manuscript. We have no nancial interest in Alere Scarborough, Inc. REFERENCES 1. Annane D, Bellissant E, Cavaillon JM. 2005. Septic shock. Lancet 365: 6378. 2. Qian Q, Eichelberger K, Kirby JE. 2007. 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