Juniper Commands v2

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The document provides an overview of common Juniper command line interface (CLI) commands used for chassis management, system management, configuration management, and firewall/policer configuration and monitoring.

Common commands for chassis management include show chassis, show chassis hardware, show chassis fpc, show chassis pic, and show chassis mac-addresses. These commands provide information on alarms, environmentals, hardware inventory, FPC/PIC status, and MAC addresses.

Common commands for system management include show version, show system software, show system uptime, show system processes, show system statistics, show system connections, show system users, show system storage, and show system boot-messages. These commands provide software, uptime, process, statistic, connection, user, storage, and boot information.

WARNING!!: By no means this is an official supported/recommended Juniper command list !!!

! Furthermore, care must be taken at the time to use Shell commands!! (only under JTAC supervision)
COMMAND Description Example
Chassis Management

showchassisalarm Chassisalarmstatus
showchassiscraft-interface Informationcurrentlyoncraft display
set chassisdisplaymessage"M40eunit for swap" displaysauser definedmessageontheLCD craft interface
showchassisenvironment Environmental information& temperature
showchassistemperature-thresholds Displaystemperaturethresholds
showchassisrouting-engine Displaysinfoabout theRE, memory& CPU utilization
showchassishardware detail/frus/ext Hardwareinventory+serial numbers; frusshowsfans; ext showseeprom, flash/disk capacity
showchassisfpc displaysstatusof all FPCsinstalled(memheapshouldbe<80%!)
showchassisfpcdetail includesalsoSRAM/SDRAM availableMemandusage
showchassisfpcpic-satus Displaysinfofor all PICs
showchassispicfpc-slot 0pic-slot 1 Displaysinfoabout oneparticular PIC
showchassismac-addresses MAC address
showchassis[feb| scb| ssb| sfmslot ] displayssatusabout PFE systemcontrol board(temp, cpu%,DRAM)
System management
showhost nslookup show host
showversion displayssoftwarerunningonthebox
showsystemsoftware detail displaysinstalledpackages
showsystemuptime uptimeof therouter
showsystemprocesses extensive/summary Showtheprocesstable
showsystemstatistics ip, icmp, Showprotocol statistics
showsystemconnections listsonlyactiveIP socketsonRE
showsystemusers Showuserscurrentlyloggedintothesystem
showsystemstorage displaystheamount of amount of freedisk spaceonfilesystem
root%df -k show system storage from Shell
showsystemboot-messages displayscontentsof boot log (boot-upmessages)
showsystemvirtual-memory displayscurrent memorystate
request systemreboot Restartsthesystem
request systemhalt Stopstherouter andpreparesit tobeshut down
request systemreboot Reboot thesystem
request systemsnapshot Saveconfigin/altconfigandsoftwarein/altroot beforeupgrade
request support information showtech
request systemsoftwareadd<pkgname> performsbsdpgkadd; alwaysusejbundle(4->5jinstall)
restart <process>[ gracefully, immediately, soft] Restart process
request chassisrouting-enginediagnosticsall (hidden) runsadiagnosticscript incompact-flash,hard-disk & memory
request systemstoragecleanup Freestoragespaceontherouter byrotatinglogfilesandproposingalist
of filesfor deletion. User input isrequiredfor filedeletion.
configuration entersconfigurationmode
show displaysthecurrent configuration show protocols ospf
| match item filterstheoutput of thecommand show config | match firewall
| finditem filtersstartingwiththeregular expression show config | find firewall
| save<file> saveconfigurationas<file>
edit modifiesconfigurationstatements edit protocols ospf
set setsconfigurationstatements set chassis alarm sonet lo1 red
delete removesconfigurationstatements
exit existsedit modeandalsoconfigmode
commit save, validateandactivateacompleteconfig
commit check just check configdonot apply
commit confirmedx activatesconfigfor ax minutesandthenask for confirmation, x=10default
commit and-quit activatesconfigandexistsedit mode
commit synchronize activatesconfigonactiveRE andreplicatesit intobackupRE
commit full (hidden) signalstoall daemonsaSIGHUP (kill -1) whichforcesthemtoreadtheir configfiles(restartsall daemons)
root%mgd-l (hidden) from shell sameascommit full but fromshell
commit at activatesconfigat agiventime(scheduleacommit) commit at "18:00:00"
clear systemcommit Clear all pendingcommit requests
rollback 0 deletestheneweditedchangesandreturnstocurrent config
rollback returnstothelast commitedconfig
rollback + commit it will returntopreviouslysavedconfig. Onlyat thetoplevel!
loadmerge</var/home/user/config> combinesthecurrent configandthenewone
loadoverride</var/home/user/config> erasesthecandidateconfigandreplacesit with"luis"
loadmergeterminal copyandpasteportionsof theconfig, vanaf root config
loadfactory-default loadsthefactorydefault settingsconfig router# load override /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/install/default-juniper.conf
show| compare comparesthecandidateconfigwiththerunningconfig
showsystemrollback 40 displaysarollback file
showsystemrollback compare032 showsdifferencesbetweenrollbacks0and32files
save savesconfigin/var/homedirectory save CJNR-reset
saveusername@host:filename savesconfiginremotesystemusingssh save [email protected]:SYD-AJNR-basic-intf
showconfigurationgroupsjunos-defaults (hidden) displaysonlycertainJ UNOS default settins(system/services/apps)
Managing files
start shell
/config flashdisk containsactiveconfigandrollbacks1,2& 3
/var/db/config harddisk containsrollback files4through49
/var/tmp harddisk containscorefilesgeneratedbythedaemonswhentheycrash
/var/log harddisk filesgeneratedbytheloggingandtraceoptions
/var/home harddisk containssubdirectoryper user
/altroot harddisk containsacopyof theroot filestructureformtheflashdrive request system snapshot
/altconfig harddisk containsacopyof the/configfilestructureontheflashdrive request system snapshot
filelist displaysall filesonthisuser homedirectory
filelist /config displaysall filesonthe/configdirectory
fileshow<file> displayscontent of <file>
filedelete deletesafilefromharddisk file delete /var/tmp/smpd.core
filecopysource destination copiesfilesfromoneRE totheother GRTAMSTC1>file copy /var/home/jinstall-6.2-domestic-signed.tgz re0:/var/home/lgomez
filecopyfilename ftp://hostname/filename ftp CopyFilesfromtheLocal Router toaRemoteSystem
root@host>filecopy/config/juniper.conf ftp://[email protected]/tmp/juniper.conf
filecopyfilenamescp://user@hostname/filename scp root@host>filecopy/config/juniper.conf scp://user@ssh-host/tmp/juniper.conf

filecopy ftp://hostname/filename filename ftp CopyFilesfromaRemoteSystemtothelocal router root@host>filecopy /var/tmp/jbundle-package-name
root@host>filecopy ftp://[email protected]/jbundle-package-name /var/tmp/jbundle-package-name
showsystemrollback 40 displaysarollback file
showsystemrollback compare032 showsdifferencesbetweenrollbacks0and32files
Logs locatedin/var/log
showlogmessages showsall thelogs, locationis/var/log
showlog file-name showslogsabout anspecificlogfile show log bgp-events.0
showlogcli showlogsabout cli commandsissued
showlogchassisd showlogsabout chassisprobs
showloginstall showlogsreleveant toaninstall J UNOS version
showlogdebug showdaemonlogs
showlogmessages? displaysall thefileswiththeir datesof thecollectedlogs
showloginventory showslogsabout inventory
monitor start file-name monitorslogsinreal time
monitor stop stopsmonitoring
helpsyslog explanationof logmeaning help syslog ASP SFW IP FRAGMENT ASSEMBLY TIMEOUT
Show interfaces
showinterfaces detail showsdetailedinfoabout aninterface
extensive showsall possibleinfoabout aninterface(verydetailed)
terse showsipinterfacebrief
description showsinterfacesdescription
media Displaymediainformation
statistics Displaystatisticsanddetailedinfo
routing Displayroutingstatus
monitor interfacex-x/x/x monitorsinterfacereal-timestatistics
monitor trafficinterfacex-x/x/x printspacket headerstoyour terminal screenfor infosent/receivedbytheRE. Nofilteringallowed!!
monitor trafficinterfacex-x/x/x write-file[file] (hidden) writesoutput tothiscommandtoafile, withL2headerspresent
all infoisstoredinafilesoyoucanusetcpdumptoreadit monitor traffic interface fe-0/0/0 write-file dump
%tcpdump-r Shell command readthecontentsof atcpdumpfile XR1.AMS6> start shell
% tcpdump -r dump icmp
monitor start <var/log/file> printslogfiletoyour terminal screen
showarp showsARP entries
clear interfacesstatisticsso-2/0/1 reset counters& statisticsfor thisparticular interface
showinterfacesdiagnosticsopticsso-1/0/0 displaysSONET signalingpower valuesandlaser Tx Rx
showroute showiproute
showrouteprotocol [static, isis] showiproutefor anspecificprotocol show route protocol static
showroutex.x.x.x extensive extensiveviewof aroute
showrouteforwarding-tabledestinationx.x.x.x displaysrouteentriesinthemaster copyof theFT (onRE) XR1.AMS6> show route forwarding-table destination
clear routeforwarding-tablex.x.x.x clearsentriesfromtheFT (becareful! couldleadtoRIB/FIB inconsistencies!!)
SFM0(vty)#showrouteipprefix x.x.x.x Shell command displaysrouteentriesintothePFE FT (shouldbeidentical toRE FT)
showfirewall showpacket/bytecountsfor all policingfilters
showfirewall log detail loginmemoryresident buffer/kernel cache(detail: packet length)
clear firewall [all|filter-name|counter-name] clearscounters
showinterfacesfilters displaysall firewall filtersonall interfaces
showinterfacespolicers displaysall firewall policersonall interfaces
showpolicer displaysall policers, whereit isusedandno. packetsprocessed
Management & Interface testing
ping icmpecho-request/echo-response
pingatminterface<intf>vci <nr> pingremoteatminterfaceusingoamcells
traceroute sendudp33434/ttl=1- receiveicmptime-exceeded
sendudp33435/ttl=2- receiveicmptime-exceeded

sendudp33439/ttl=6- receiveicmpport unreachable

Loopback test
set t3-optionsloopback local anddelete setsloopback onPIC towardsrouter
set t3-optionsloopback remote anddelete setsloopback onPIC towardsfar-end
BERT test
set t3-optionsbert-period120 BERT test duration
set t3-optionsbert-algorithmall-ones-repeating BERT test pattern
set t3-optionsbert-error-rate0 BERT test error rate
test interfacet3-1/2/0t3-bert-start StartsBERT test
test interfacet3-1/2/0t3-bert-stop StopsBERT test
showinterfacest3-1/2/0extensive| findbert
test policy<policy-name>0/0 Passall routes(0/0) throughthepolicyastest
JTAC support info
request suport information
Restore factory settins
load override /packages/mnt/jbase/sbin/install/default-juniper.conf
load factory-default
Shell Commands (file related)
start shell
root% df -k
root% mgd -l
% sysctl -a | grep bootdev
Resetting cards
request chassis fpc slot 3 offline
request chassis fpc slot 3 online
request chassis pic fpc-slot 3 pic-slot 3 offline
request chassis pic fpc-slot 3 pic-slot 3 online
Processes & Connections
restart .
#deactivate protocols ospf
% which rpd
% ps ax | grep rpd
% netstat -Aa fromshell
% fstat | grep [PCB] fromshell
show systemconnections
file show /etc/services
Core Files

file list detail /var/crash/
show systemcore-dumps
show systemcore-dumps core-file-info detail <core-filename>
request systemcore-dump [process] High memtax!
% gcore -s path/binary-name pid disruptive!!
% gzip vmcore.0.gz
% cat vmcore.0 | gzip vmcore.0.gz
PCMCIA fromroot shell

dd if=filename of=/dev/rdevice address bs=64k
dd if=/deb/zero of=/dev/rad3 count=20
dd if=install-media-7.0R1.5-export of=/dev/rad3 bs=64k
RE & Redundancy
show chassis routing-engine
show chassis routing-engine bios
request chassis routing-engine master switch
request routing-engine login other-routing-engine
root#rsh -T re1
request chassis routing-engine diagnostics all (hidden)
fsck /dev/ad1s1f fromroot shell
show pfe terse
show pfe fpc 0
show pfe statistics error !!
clear pfe statistics Hidden!
show pfe route summary !!
show pfe next-hop
show pfe interface Hidden!
show lchip ifd Hidden!
show ichip ifd Hidden!
Logging into PFE Components
show tnp addresses Hidden!
start shell Shell required
%su requires su
%vty [ntp address]
FPC2(host vty)#show nvram
FPC2(host vty)#show syslog messages
(same but straight fromCLI)
start shell pfe network fpc2
EGFPC2(GRTMIANA2 vty)#sh nvram
EGFPC2(GRTMIANA2 vty)#sh lchip
EGFPC2(GRTMIANA2 vty)#sh lchip 0 errors
show chassis sfmdetail
start shell pfe network sfm0
(vty)#show nvram
(vty)#show syslog info
(vty)#show syslog messages
SFM0 (vty)#show sched
SFM0(vty)#sh throttle
SFM0(vty)#show cchip notif
SBR(Sydney vty)#bringup nic 0 reanimate !!!
SBR(Sydney vty)#test memall verbosity 5 size 10 loops 1 !!!
JUNOS upgrades junos files are in

file copy ftp://hostname/filename filename ftp
file copy
root% dd if=/dev/rad3 of=/dev/null bs=1k count=1
show systemstorage
% sysctl -a | grep bootdev
% sysctl -w machdep.bootdevs=pcmcia-flash,compact-flash,disk,lan
request chassis routing-engine diagnostics all (hidden)
request systemsnapshot
request systemsoftware add validate /var/tmp/jinstall-6.4R3-domestic.tgz
request systemreboot
Memory & processes issues
show systemprocesses extensive/summa
show task memory detail
Shell Commands
i) Kernel related
% sysctl -a
% sysctl -a | grep dump
% sysctl -a | grep bootdev
% sysctl -w
ii) FreBSD related
boot: /boot/loader
collects shoversion, uptime, hardware, processes, pfe stats, fpc detail, boo
Restores the router to its default config
Restores the router to its default config
shows files in the directory
initializes configuration database (commit related problems)
shows boot devices
puts fpc in slot 3 in offline state
puts fpc in slot 3 back in online state
puts pic in fpc 3 slot 3 in offline state
puts pic in fpc 3 slot 3 back in online state
restart a particular daemon process (kill -1)
bounces a particular instance of rpd only
obtains process path
obtains the PID associated with a process
Displays all connections (ports) on which the RE listens
displays sockets (-a) & all Protocol Control Blocks (PCB) info (-A)
Displays info about a file. If you specify a particular PCB you will
determine what PROCESS is actually using one particular port
(get the PCB fromthe netstat -Aa command listed port)
lists only active IP sockets on RE
similar to netstat but restricted only to Internet connections
gives you a list of services-to-port mappings
lists core files if there are
lists core files if there are
decode a core file
forces a core file for one particular process (creates copy of process)
forces a core file by suspending the daemon
compresses corefile to gz
same thing, but keeps original file
copies a file to a removable media
erases removable media (PCMCIA)
copies an install media from/var/tmp to flash
Displays info about the RE, memory & CPU utilization
Displays revision level of the RE BIOS
changes RE mastership fromactive to backup REs
logs into the other RE
logs into the other RE froma root shell promt
runs a diagnostic script in compact-flash,hard-disk & memory
file systemcheck
Show list of Packet Forwarding Engine component
Show FPC status and statistics
displays FPE ASIC-related errors
clears PFE statistics
Show summary version of routing tables (size and #of routes)
Show PFE next-hop information
shows interfaces and indexes (not snmp!)
shows which interface belongs to which PFE for T-series
shows which interface belongs to which PFE for I-chip based PFE
obtains list of tnp endpoints addresses
connects to vty ntp address (FPC, SSB, SFM)
collects disagnostic info fromFPC
shows syslog messages
status of the SFM and mastership
login into the SFM
collects data fromthe SFM
displays logs about the SFM
displays log messages
displays scheduler information (SFM CPU%)
Interrupt throttle information
shows C chip notification registers
restarts a dead FPC
runs memory address data tests (10 meg, loop 1)
n /var/home
Copy Files froma Remote Systemto the local router
copies files fromone place to the other (i.e. between REs)
Checks there is no removable media inserted.
displays the amount of amount of free disk space on file system
shows boot devices
alters the order of the booting devices
runs a diagnostic script in compact-flash,hard-disk & memory
Save config in /altconfig and software in /altroot before upgrade
Installs J UNOS package, validating against potential config errors
Reboot the system
Show the process table
Shows memory tasks
displays all ( -a ) kernel parameters
confirms if kernel core dumps are enabled
shows boot devices in order
writes ( -w ) parameters to kernel components
If your router gets stuck after a reload and you get a
FreeBSD Prompt you might have to help your system
to find the CF
ot messages, memory, buffers, stats, etc
Restores the router to its default config
GRTMADPE2>request chassis fpc slot 2 offline
GRTMADPE2>request chassis fpc slot 2 online
GRTMADPE2>request chassis pic fpc-slot 3 pic-slot 2 offline
GRTMADPE2>request chassis pic fpc-slot 3 pic-slot 2 online
GRTAMSTC1>restart routing
% netstat -Aa | grep 179
c3780200 tcp4 0 0 179 ESTABLISHED
% fstat | grep c3780200
root rpd 2456 20* internet stream tcp c3780200
GRTAMSTC1> file list detail /var/crash/
GRTAMSTC1>show system core-dumps
GRTAMSTC1> request system core-dump routing
root% gcore -s /usr/sbin/rpd 2275
GRTAMSTC1>dd if=install-media-7.0R1.5-export of=/dev/rad3 bs=64k
root@Sydney-3% fsck /dev/ad1s1f
show tnp addresses
lgomez@GRTAMSTC1> start shell pfe network sfm0
SFM0(GRTAMSTC1 vty)# show nvram
SFM0(GRTAMSTC1 vty)# show syslog info
root@host>file copy /var/tmp/jbundle-package-name
root@host>file copy ftp://[email protected]/jbundle-package-name /var/tmp/jbundle-package-name
GRTAMSTC1>file copy /var/home/jinstall-6.2-20040424.0-domestic-signed.tgz re0:/var/home/lgomez
kern.coredump flag must be set to 1
% sysctl -w machdep.bootdevs=pcmcia-flash,compact-flash,disk,lan
>> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
Default: 0:ad(0,a)mfs
COMMAND Description Example
Show commands

show rip neighbor view status of neighbors, send/receivemode(ripv1/2)
show routeprotocol rip view all RIP routes in therouting table
show routeadvertising-protocol rip displays routes that arip interfacesends
show routereceiving-protocol rip displays routes that arip interfacereceives
show rip statistics displays various rip statistics
COMMAND Description Example
Show commands

show ospf neighbor view status of OSPF neighbors, priority, dead intervals, FSM state
show ospf neighbor extensive view detailed info about anospf neighbor (area, option
fields, DR, BDR...)
clear ospf neighbor [] restarts anadjacency or all
show ospf statistics view basic ospf statistics, number of Hellos, DD
LSRs, LSUs, LSAcks. OSPF packet types +LSA rexmit
show ospf interface view status of aninterface, Area, DR, BDR, Neighbors,
State(DR, BDR, DRother, PtoP, Down)
show ospf interfaceextensive ...also cost, MTU
show ospf route abr Theresults of theSPF algorithm, LSA type, metric...
show routeprotocol ospf viet ospf routes ininet.0 (routing table) show route protocol ospf 192.168/16 terse
show ospf database view theLSA databaseper area, Seq no./Age/Checksum, Options
show ospf databasesummary view how many LSA types per area(usefull!!)
show ospf databasebrief view theLSA databasebriefly described
clear ospf databasepurge deletes dedatabaseand restarts adjacencies, purgefloods LSA withmaxage
show ospf database router view theLSA specific typedatabase
show ospf databaserouter advertising-router detail view LSAs advertised by aparicular router ID show ospf databaserouter advertising-router detail
show ospf databaserouter area0 extensive view theLSA databaseinaparticular area
LSA header (opt bits, ID, advertis rtr)
LSA typecontent (V E B bits and all packet)
show ospf databasearea0 lsa-id extensive view oneparticular LSA indetail show ospf databasearea0 lsa-id extensive
show ospf log displays how oftentheSPF is being initiated
show bfd session verify BFD operation
COMMAND Description Example
Show commands

show isis adjacency view status of ISIS adjacencies, Level, state, SNPA, Hold time
show isis adjacency extensive restart capability, piority, circuit type, ip address
clear isis adjacency clears and restarts an adjacency
show isis interface displays the interfaces that are operational for isis
show isis interface details interface, level, circuit ID, DR Level 1/2, Metric
show isis hostname verifies the dynamic hostname resolution of systemID values
show isis spf log displays history of SPF calculations, why it was performed
show isis statistics verifies which isis PDUs are being transmitted/received
(IIH, LSP, CSNP, PSNP) and number of SPF runs
show isis route displays the results of the SPF calculations before the
routes are places into the routing table.
show route protocol isis view routes in inet.0
show isis database displays LSPs on the database, including sequence, checksum,
lifetime and attributes
show isis database detail displays advertised prefixes, metrics, origin for each route
show isis database GRTMADPE2 detail
show isis database extensive [level 1 | 2] plus LSP headers and all TVL details
monitor traffic interface so-0/0/0 size 1514 detail Monitor IS-IS messages
show bfd session verify BFD operation
COMMAND Description Example
Show commands

show bgp summary peers, ASN, Flaps, routes active/received/damped +total/active paths
show bgp group view the configured peer groups
show bgp neighbor detailed info about bgp peers
(AS number, hold time, router IDs, prefixes, NLRI support, capabilities
and received routes, no of input/output packets, state...)
show route next-hop database shows the bgp next-hop dB
show route protocol bgp RIB shows the Local-RIB database as part of inet.0, next-hop, metric1/2 AS-path
show route protocol bgp terse shows next-hop but not protocol next-hop
show route receive-protocol bgp RIB shows the Adjacency-RIB-In table.
(routes received by a peer before a routing policy is applied)
show route advertising-protocol bgp RIB shows the Adjacency-RIB-Out table
(routes being advertised to a peer after routing policy is applied)
show route detail 10.10.1/24 all of the BGP attributes of this route, metric=MED, metric2=IGP cost
show route hidden shows routes with unreachable next-hops
show route community <reg-ex> detail/terse show routes matching community
show route terse community-name <name> detail/terse shows all routes with this community name configured
show route aspath-regex "regex" detail/terse
show route damping [history|decayed|surpressed] detail show routes being damped
clear bgp damping clear damping and reuse damped routes immediately
clear bgp neighbor soft inbound to regain routes not in Adj-Rib-In (keep none or loops)
monitor traffic interface fe-0/0/0 size 4096 detail Monitors BGP messages
COMMAND Description Example
Show commands

show igmp interface shows state, querier (DR for that segment), version (default 2) and IGMP timers
show igmp group shows the multicast groups joined
show igmp statistics shows igmp message statistics
show piminterface lists configured PIM interfaces -- mode (default sparse), state (DR, ptp), neighbors
show pimneighbors detail shows info about pimneighboring routers
show pimstatistics shows pimmessages being sent or received
show pimjoin extensive shows current state of pimjoins, multicast group address & interface used to forward streams. Also rpt or stp tree in use
displays (*,G) and (S,G) states and also RPF interface info
clear pimjoin flushes join states!
show pimsource detail shows active multicast sources and their RPF intf.
also multicast groups serviced by these source
show pimrps extensive shows the RP addresses, how it was learned and which groups are served
show pimbootstrap shows the BSR election process and state
show multicast usage to view packets/bytes seen for every multicast group address
show multicast rpf !!!! to view the RPF table used during multicast forwarding, similar to inet.0
displays source prefix, fromwhich protocol was learned & the uptsreaminterface
show multicast route to verify multicast group addresses and their sources (S,G)
extensive also displais NHID which are a numerical reference to the OIL
show route table inet.1 as above with protocol and preference (S,G)
show multicast next-hops displays the multicast outgoing interface list (OIL), mapping of NHid to interfaces
show nhdb id extensive next-hop database with IFL-list

show msdp detail shows MSDP sessions and their status
show msdp source-active shows MSDP sources active (SA) and whether the SA is accepted, rejected or filtered
show route table inet.4 MSPD table. Almost the same as the above but with (S,G) notation
show multicast rpf inet summary displays what table multicast uses (inet.0 by default)
COMMAND Description Example
Show commands

show mpls interface shows status of an mpls interfaceand admin groups (colors)
show mpls lsp verify theestablishment of theLSP at ingress, egress or transit level AND thelabel in/out/Pushed values
show mpls lsp extensive history of LSP, paths and RRO is shown
show mpls lsp ingress extensive show theoriginated LSPs at ingress. Also secondary paths areshowed and fast reroute
show mpls lsp transit show transit LSPs
clear mpls lsp [optimize|optimze-aggressive] Rebuilds all LSPs, [non-preemptive|aggressive] now
show ted database extensive Examines theinfo in theTE database, including all IGP extensions
(admin groups -colors-, BW priority reservations)

show rsvp interface shows status of RSVP interfaces, Activeresv, Subscription rate, Bandwidth allocations
show rsvp neighbor shows RSVP neighbors which has an LSP active, also Hello-interval
show rsvp session detail shows ingress/egress/transit sessions and thelabel in/out values assigned!!! RRO, Style, ERO and also bypass LSPs
show rsvp session ingress detail shows also thelinks used by detour paths and their status
show rsvp version shows RSVP version, soft-staterefresh timer, keep-multiplier (hello & soft-stateusesame)

show routetablempls.0 shows MPLS switching table(label values)
show routetableinet.3 shows LSP table. RSVP info is installed here

show ldp neighbors displays all LDP neighbors
show ldp session displays all established sessions, stateand hold-time
show ldp database[session peer] displays all label-to-FEC mappings [fromspecific peer]
COMMAND Description Example
Show commands

show routetablevpn-a detail shows this particular VRF table, containing
* all routes learned fromCE
* all routes imported froml3vpn.bgp tablecoming fromother PEs
watchfor theinner (VPN) & outer (LSP) labels
show routetablevpn-a hidden If LSP is missing betweenPEs, VPN IPv4 routes will bevisiblebut withand invalid NH
show routeforwarding-tablevpnvpn-a shows aVRF forwwarding table (notethedoublepushoperation)
ping x.x.x.x routing-instancevpn-a ping using aparticular VRF table
traceroutex.x.x.x routing-instancevpn-a tracerouteusing apartiuclar VRF table
telnet x.x.x.x routing-instancevpn-a telnet using aparticular VRF table
ping mpls l3vpnvpn-a prefix 172.20.4/24 checks if routeat destinationVRF exists and reachability to it no need for inlo0
show routetablebgp.l3vpn.0 houses all VPN IPv4 routes learned fromall PEs
DEFAULT: only storeroutes withamatched RT
"keep all" knob: storeall MBGP routes evenif thereis no matched RT

show routeadvertising-protocol bgp x.x.x.x view routes sent to other PEs
show routereceive-protocol bgp x.x.x.x view routes received fromother PEs
show arp displays ARP entries inbothinet.0 and VRF tables
clear arp vpnvpn-a clears ARP entries off theVRP table
OSPF VPN commands

show ospf interfaceinstancevpn-a displays all configured OSPF interfaces onthis VRF
show ospf neighbor instancevpn-a displays all OSPF neighbors onthis VRF
show ospf databaseinstancevpn-a displays theLSDB for this particular VRF
Kompella Show commands
show l2vpnconnections extensive shows states of layer 2 vpns connections (siteto site)
show routetablevpn-a detail shows contents of aVFT, including
* local siteL2 NLRIs advertised to other PEs [L2VPN]
* remotesiteL2 NLRIs coming fromother PEs [BGP]
L2 NLRI = RD +SiteID +label offset
show routetablebgp.l2vpn.0 houses all L2 VPN NLRIs withat least onematching RT
show routeadvertising-protocol bgp x.x.x.x view L2 VPN NLRIs sent to other PEs
show routereceive-protocol bgp x.x.x.x view L2 VPN NLRIs received fromother PEs
show routetablempls.o detail shows MPLS switching tableentries for L2 VPNs
(displays VRF interfaces to label -doublepushoperation- mappings)
((which VRF interface is mapped to which LSP))
show routeforwarding-tablefamily mpls view FT entries for L2 VPN connections
ping mpls l2vpninstancevpn-a remote-site-id 2 local-site-id 1 test thel2vpnconnectionsiteto site(PE to PE)
ping mpls l2vpninterfacefe-0/0/0.512 test thel2vpnlocal interface
Martini Show commands
show l2circuit connections extensive shows states of layer 2 circuits connections (siteto site)
show ldp neighbor detail check if neighbor relationship is successful betweenPEs
(useof extended neighbor discovery has worked)
show ldp database detail check thepresenceof aFEC associated withthel2circuit
Show commands
show interface xx-x/x/x detail
show interface queue xx-x/x/x
show interfaces so-1/0/0 extensive
show class-of-service ...
show class-of-service interfaces so-1/0/0
show class-of-service code-point-aliases
show class-of-service code-point-aliases dscp
show class-of-service code-point-aliases inet-prec
show class-of-service code-point-aliases exp
show class-of-service forwarding-class
show class-of-service classifier [name]
show class-of-service scheduler-map
show class-of-service rewrite-rule
show class-of-service drop-profile
show class-of-service forwarding-table (all)
show class-of-service forwarding-table classifier mapping
show class-of-service forwarding-table scheduler-map
shows classification results at ingress (BE, EF, AF, NC)
SHOWS HOW TRAFFIC IS CLASSIFIED. Provides info about FC (queue) and RE
show queue statistics for this interface
determines how many queues an interface supports & check the CoS queues
shows what CoS parameters are in effect for a given interface. Number of queues
i.e. which scheduler map, classifier, rewrite is applied
shows listing of cos bits to simbolic name mapings: DSCP, inet-prec, exp
shows mappings between simbolic names and dscp values (unless configured, defaul
shows mappings between simbolic names and IP prec values
shows mappings between simbolic names and EXP values
shows mappings of forwarding class names to queue numbers
Show contents of a specific code point to forwarding class & PLP classifier
shows mapping of forwarding classes to schedulers details
Show mapping of forwarding class/loss priority to code point. Displays rewrite table
Shows available drop profiles and interpolated data points of named drop profile
displays CoS parameters in effect within the forwarding table
displays which classifiers are mapped to what logical units
displays the scheduler map in service for each interface
ED and priority counters for this interface
show interfaces queue forwarding-class best-effort so-0/* | match "Physical| Bytes"
lt will apply)
Show commands
show interfaces filters
show firewall
show firewall filter <filter-name>
show firewall filter <name>prefix-action <psa-name>from1 to 8
show firewall log detail
show log <log-file-name>
clear firewall <name>
show policer
show interface policer fe-0/1/0
show log /var/tmp/<sample file>
show log sampled

displays all firewall filters on all interfaces
displays counter and policer statistics for all firewall filters
displays the contents of a particular firewall filter name
displays the n policers & counters of a Prefix-Specific Counter & Policer (PSCP)
displays the contents of the kernel firewall log
displays logged entries into syslog.
Needs an action of syslog on the filter and also create a file with that name
under systemsyslog.
Basically is all about redirect all logs into syslog system
resets counters associated with a firewall
displays a list of interface policers
displays details about interface policers
displays a sample file created by the otuput of traffic sampling
displays a copy of cflowd aggregates that are sent to the cflowd server
requires local-dump command on the cflowd config
root@r3>show firewall
Filter: lo0-in
Name Bytes Packets
denied-traffic 3480 61
Name Packets
police-icmp-icmp 132
root@r3>show log filtering
requires enabling this particular file
syslog {
file filtering {
firewall info;
Show commands
show snmp statistics extensive
show snmp mib walk .
show snmp mib walk ipfragfails
show interface lo0 extensive | display xml
shows SNMP statistics
(hidden!) shows snmwalk of an OID
shows output of xml tags. What variables are consulted for the display
COMMAND Description Example
Show commands
show interface terse displays the IPv6 address configuration
show route table inet6 displays the IPv6 routing table
show ipv6 neighbor shows IPv6 cache of neighbors neighbors h
show interface lo0 extensive | display xml shows output of xml tags. What variables are consulted for the
have to be discorever (via ping i.e.)

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