Bed Furnishing Expense
Bed Furnishing Expense
Bed Furnishing Expense 1/2
Saikrishna Yadlapalli <[email protected]>
Your Tesco direct order GCC776QW
[email protected] <[email protected]> Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 10:43 PM
To: [email protected]
Dear Mr Yadlapalli,
Thanks for shopping with Tesco
This email is to acknowledge that we've received your order GCC776QW which you placed on 29
March 2014.
Please check your order below to make sure all the details are correct.
Please note that we only accept your order when we dispatch your item(s).
What happens next?
We will send you a further email when we dispatch your order.
Estimated delivery date(s) are shown as a guide.
You can also check the latest status of your order in 'My Account'
Your order summary
Delivery - supplied by Tesco
Items in delivery
1 X Silentnight Miracoil Kingston King 2 Drawer Divan set 349.00
Delivery charge 7.95
Subtotal: 356.95
Delivery address Delivery recipient Delivery options
0007 Wokingham Road
RG42 1QA
Sai Krishna Yadlapalli
Standard delivery
No special delivery instructions
Payment Summary
This will appear as a transaction per seller on your card statement
3/31/2014 Gmail - Your Tesco direct order GCC776QW 2/2
Items: 349.00
Delivery charges: 7.95
Promotional savings
Promotional savings - 20.00
Subtotal 336.95
Total paid for this order
Total Clubcard points 329
We hope that you are happy with your order and return to shop with again soon.
Kind regards,
The Tesco direct team
For questions about your order, visit our help pages or contact us directly
Your right to cancel
Products purchased from Tesco
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we can't accept the return of because of heal th and hygi ene reasons and CDs, DVD's audi o, vi deo and computer software that have been
opened). We al so extend the cancel l ati on peri od for some products. See our Return and Refund Pol i cy for ful l detai l s.
You can cancel your order by l etti ng our customer servi ces team know on 0845 600 4411.
Products purchased from a sel l er at Tesco
You have the l egal ri ght to cancel your contract for product purchased from a sel l er at Tesco wi thi n 7 worki ng days from the day after the
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returns pol i cy, pl ease refer to the sel l er's i nformati on page.
Returni ng the product(s)
You are responsi bl e for returni ng the product(s) to Tesco or the sel l er, i ncl udi ng the cost of the return, for any order you cancel (and thi s
i ncl udes the cost of Tesco arrangi ng for col l ecti on of products where you have requested thi s). If you do not return the product to Tesco
or the sel l er wi thi n 30 days of cancel l i ng your order, we reserve the ri ght to re-charge your credi t card or to charge you our costs of havi ng
to recover those goods from you.
Thi s does not affect your statutory ri ghts under the Di stance Sel l i ng Regul ati ons.
Our terms and condi ti ons appl y to your purchases from us.
Pl ease note that thi s i s not a VAT recei pt. If you need a VAT recei pt vi ew your order i n My Account
Thi s i s an emai l from Tesco.Com (Company Number 519500). Regi stered i n Engl and. Regi stered Offi ce: Tesco House, Del amare Road,
Cheshunt, Hertfordshi re, EN8 9SL. VAT Regi strati on Number: GB 220 4302 31.
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i s the case we woul d be obl i ged i f you woul d contact the sender and then del ete thi s emai l .