Fluid Mechanics Professor: T. I. Eldho Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Fluid Mechanics Professor: T. I. Eldho Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Fluid Mechanics Professor: T. I. Eldho Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Professor: T. I. Eldho
Department of civil engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Lecture 40
Pipe flow systems
(Refer Slide Time: 01:13)
Welcome back to the video course on fluid mechanics. In the last lecturer we have
discussed about the pipe flow systems. We have seen the pipes in parallel, pipes in series
like that, we can have other system like branched pipe in systems and pipe network
systems. So we have seen that, most of the time we will be solving this pipe flow systems
either in parallel series or branched type of systems.
We will be solving mainly, by using the energy equations between various sections, and
then we will be utilizing the continuity equations to get system situations and then, we
will be solving for the unknowns. Whether it can be the unknowns can be the discharge at
various locations at, or it can be at various pipes or it can be the head particle locations.
We will be writing all the equations by using the energy equation and then, or is it
continuity equation and then we will be trying to solve the system. So in the last lecturer
we have discussed about the pipes in series system and pipes in parallel system, now
today we will discuss the branched pipe systems or branching pipe systems.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:39)
Here, the branching network is made up of either three or more elements connected to a
single junction. Here say number of, may be connecting number of reservoir as number
of tanks and then number of piping system is will be there between them.
So, there exists there is no looping or say networking of the pipes but we are connecting
simply connecting various reservoir or various tanks together to form the branching pipe
systems. So here there is no closed loop exists as such, so say for example, if we consider
a system like this, here we have three reservoirs here reservoir A, reservoir C and
reservoir D and we connect this three using three pipe line.
So here pipe 1, pipe 2 and pipe 3, there will be junction at B. We will first discuss how
we can solve such a pipe kind of problem where, branching of pipe takes place. Here the
non values may be say the head values at our elevation head reservoirs A, C and D and
unknowns may be the discharge throw each pipe 1, 2, 3 and then, what is that head at
location B?.
First, we discuss how we can solve such a typical kind of these kinds of branching pipe
systems, and then we will discuss about the pipe networks. Now as we discussed earlier,
so here also, we will be using the basic energy equations between, say between towards
otherwise between two points and then also the using the continuity equation say where
ever junction comes.
So as we discuss earlier this kind of problem, in the analysis direction of flow we do not
necessary. You can see that depending upon the elevation here A, C and D the flow can
be in this direction like as shown in this arrow mark or depending on the elevation of D
and C. It can be other way also, so we exactly do not know what the direction of the flow
So we will assume the direction of flow and then, we will work it out and see, what we
assumed is right or not. Then as I mention earlier the energy equation for each element is
written using an equivalent length account for the minor losses. So as we discuss in the
case of pipe is series and pipe in parallel system.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:12)
So the branching pipes say for example, if we consider we will consider now this
between section A and B then B and D and B and C. So if we consider section between A
and B, we can right the energy equation for each pipe element like as given here so
between A and D. P by gamma plus z at A minus p by gamma plus z at B is equal to R
bar Q
square, where z is the determination at corresponding location say corresponding
to A and B and then, where R
bar is the equivalent resistant coefficient for as we discuss
in our in the earlier lecturer.
When we discuss about the pipe in parallel system for pipe in series system, so similar
way we can equation (1) is return for between either energy equation between A and D.
So now if you right the energy equation between this B and C, here we can write, P by
gamma plus z at B minus P by gamma plus z at C is equal to R
bar Q
square, and
similarly, we can right between B and D this between this point B and D as P by gamma
plus z at B minus P by gamma plus z at D that is equal to R
bar Q
So where this Q
is the discharge throw pipe 1, Q
is the discharge throw pipe 2, and Q
discharge throw pipe 3. So now these 3 are the energy equation which we written
between A and B and B and C and B and D.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:51)
So now next say the piezometric heads at say location at A, C and D are considered to be
known as I mentioned, so the reservoirs which are open or which we considered that head
is not we assume that this here the piezometric heads at A, C and D are known then the
unknown are the piezometric head at D and the discharges Q
, Q
, Q
So by considering the typical problem, here we assume that the piezometric head is
known at A, D and C and but this charges Q
are not known and also the head at
B. So, there are four unknowns so this Q
, Q
, Q
and the head at B. So here at junction B
is considered here, we can assume that, if we assume that flow is taking place in this
direction Q
to the junction and Q
from the junction and Q
from the junction.
So that we can write the continuity equation with respect this given minus Q
minus Q
minus Q3 equal to zero 0, and as in equation number (4). But if we assume the other way
in this direction, Q
in this direction, and Q
towards the junction, then we will be
writing Q
minus Q
plus Q
is equal to 0.
So we can assume the direction initially, and then we will do the calculations will find
out the discharge and then accordingly make later, we can adjust the direction and
depending upon our assumption. Now here you have three energy equation as written
one, two three here between A and B between B and C and between B and D, and then
either one of this, we are having one continuity equation either four or five. So we let us
use this equation here assuming that, Q
is going in this direction, Q
from the junction
and Q
also from the junction, Q
towards the junction, so we use this equation number
We have 4 four equations and 4 four unknowns so that, we can easily solve this system
the unknowns here are Q
, Q
, Q
and the head at junction B and then the equations have
at junction B. We have written the continuity equation one equation, and then we have
written three equations with respect to the energy equation between A and B, B and C
and B and D. So these 4 four equations we can solve to find out these 4 four unknowns,
so here in the slide the basic steps for such kind of solutions are given here. So what we
assume here we start with step number one, assume a discharge of Q
in element 1 with
or without pump if there is pump also in this particular system.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:21)
We have to consider that pump separately, so we assume a discharge Q
in element 1, and
then establish the piezometric head, H at the junction by solving equation number (1),
and then we compute the discharge in the remaining using equations (2) and (3), and we
substitute Q
equation 4 to check for the continuity balance, flow imbalance will be delta
Q is equal to Q
minus Q
minus Q
So basically, we assume that say, we start with some assumption of the flow throw one of
the pipe and then accordingly, then we solve equation 1and equation 2 and 3 which are
the energy equations, and then we put back the continuity equations and see that weather
imbalance is there, and then if there is imbalance we will again iterate.
So it is iterating procedure, the solution is iterative so then the fourth step is, we adjust
the flow in element 1 and repeat the steps 2 and 3 until delta Q is within the desired limit.
So for delta Q so when we do the iterate procedure, we can set the prior value this will be
0.005 or 0.0005 and like that, we can put some value and then, when the computer does
the iteration when it reaches this particular limit, iteration is stopped and we finally get
the value.
So that is the iterate procedure will we adopt for this kind of problem. So if a pump exists
equation say for example say for there is pump say with respect A and B then we have to
consider that pump also, that can be the equation can be return as P by gamma plus z at A
minus P by gamma plus z at B plus H
is equal to R
bar Q
square. So the equation is
one is modified by adding the pump head H
So where H
is the pump head and then additional necessary relationship is the head
discharge curve for our pump. So the pump which are using, we the manufacturer would
given a pump head discharge equation for the pump, so the discharge equation curve we
can utilize to get a solutions here. So if the pump exist in say for example between pipe A
and B we will be writing P by gamma plus x at A minus P by gamma plus at B plus H
equal to R
bar Q
square, where Q
is the discharge throw the pipe, R
bar the resistance
coefficients and H
is the pump here.
So now, we have seen with respect to branching pipe systems typical system, with three
reservoirs. We have seen with three pipes and then there is a junction, so what we
generally do, we write the energy equations between various points, and then also we use
the continuity balance equations at junction and then, we solve for the unknown and we
have seen iterative procedure. So here we use an iterative procedure to solve for the
unknowns and we keep tolerance limits. So that, when the iteration reaches that tolerance
we stop the iteration, and then we get the solution. Here now we will discuss an example,
so here the example problem is for the figure given here below.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:58)
So here three reservoirs are there, so here at A the elevation is 10 meter here that means
the corresponding to piezometric head is given as 10 meter, and here elevation is 30
meter, and here elevation is 18 meter and these three reservoirs are connected by using
three pipes and there is junction at B. So here the pipe 1 is between B and A, and pipe 2
is between B and D and pipe 3 is between B and C.
So now the given piped data regarding the pipes are, for pipe 1 the length is thousand
meter, and the diameter is 0.12 meter, and friction factors is given as 0.025, and then the
minor loss a coefficient sigma k is given as five5. And similarly, for pipe 2 the length of
the pipe is given as fifteen hundred1500 meter between D and B, and then also the
diameter of the pipe is given as 0.16 meter, and friction factor f is given as 0.024, and
sigma k is given as 2.25 between B and D.
Similarly for pipe 3, the length is given as between beyond C, the pipe length is given as
two thousands2000 meter, and the diameter of the pipe is fourteen 14 centimeter or 0.14
meter, and friction factor is 0.020, and sigma k and minor loss coefficient is given as
So for this system we have to determine the flow rates Q
i .
We have to determine the flow
through each pipe, and piezometric head H at the junction. So for this junction we want to
find out Q
, Q
, Q
and we have to find out the piezometric head H at this location. We
want to find out the piezometric head, so the elevations at A, C and D are given and also
various pipe factors or pipe elements details are given like length, diameter, friction
factors and sigma k. So we have to find out Q
, Q
, Q
and the piezometric head at H,
also assume the constant friction factor for the given pipe. When you consider each pipe,
the constant friction factors can be considered.
So now, to solve such a system we have already discussed is very similar system, now the
various numerical values are given for such system. So to solve such a system we will be
writing the equation energy equation and the continuity equation as we discuss. So before
that, corresponding to the minor losses we will be finding the equivalent lengths so the
equivalent lengths as we discussed in the last lecturer.
We can see that the equivalent lengths corresponding to the minor losses can be written
as, this sigma k into D by f. So that is the equation corresponding to the equivalent length
see D into sigma k by f so say for pipe number 1 the diameters 0.12, and sigma k is five 5
and friction factor 0.025. We will get the equivalent length 24 meters and for pipe 2
corresponding diameters 0.16, and then sigma k is 2.25, and then the friction factors
(Refer Slide Time: 16:16)
So we get the equivalent length fifteen 15 meters. Similarly, for pipes 3 the equivalent
length will be 0.14 into eight 8 divide by 0.02, so that will give fifty six56 meters. So
initially, we found all equivalent lengths corresponding to the minor losses. Now the
resistance coefficients as we have already seen the basic equations earlier.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:50)
So now we will be finding the resistance coefficients for pipe 1, pipe 2 and pipe 3. So the
resistance coefficients as we discussed earlier, we can write the resistance coefficient
equation as R
bar is equal to eight into so, f eight 8 into f into the length divide by g into
pie square into d tho the power five5.
So this equation for R
bar will be eight 8 into so for pipe one 1, f is 0.025, and
equivalent length is now thousands 1000 plus twenty four24 so thousands twenty
four1024 into divided by g is 9.81 into pie square into d is 0.12, so d to the power five5,
0.12 to the power five5. So we get the resistance coefficients for pipe 1 as 8.5 into ten 10
to the power four4.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:52)
So similarly, we can find out resistant coefficient for pipe 2, R
bar that will be equal to
2.86 into ten 10 to the power four4, and R
bar will be 6.32 into ten 10 to the power of
four 4, so now we found R
bar R
bar R
bar resistance coefficient. And now the energy
equation we can write for each pipe, and then we can solve for the unknown discharge.
So as we have seen earlier, so with respect to the resistance coefficient and then from the
energy equation we can write, Q
is equal to say if for this first pipe H minus ten 10
divided by R
bar to the power one 1 by two2, and then Q
is equal to thirty 30 minus H
divide by R
bar the power one 1 by two2, and Q
is equal to H minus eighteen 18
divided by R
to the power one 1 by two2.
So here in this problem we assume that, the flow direction is this Q
this towards A, and
towards B, and Q
B to C so this direction. We assume this direction and then based
upon this equation, so here the basic equations we have already seen this equation, we
can now write the final equation, with respect to discharge, so Q
we get as H minus ten
10 divided by R
bar to power one 1 by two 2 or square root of H minus ten 10 by R
and Q
is equal to square root of thirty 30 minus H by R
bar, and Q
is equal to square
root of H minus eighteen 18 by R
So now as for the flow direction shown in figure, we can write the flow direction is
shown here, one is here this towards the junction and other to here from the junction. So
towards the junction it is positive, and away from the junction it is negative, so minus Q
plus Q
minus Q
is equal to zero 0.
So this is the continuity equation so we can now eliminate Q
, Q
, Q
from the above
relation. Here we have relationship for Q
, Q
, Q
so we can eliminate Q
, Q
, Q
and we
can write in terms of H as follows, so here we get a function in terms of H, so W(H) is
equal to minus H minus ten divide by 8.5 into ten to the power four to the power one by
two plus thirty minus H divide by 2.86 into ten to the power four to the power one by two
minus H minus eighteen divide by 6.32 into ten to the power four to the power one by
two minus H minus eighteen divide by 6.32 into ten to the power four to the power one
by two.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:03)
So that is equal to zero 0 by using the continuity equation. Now here as we discussed we
will be using the iterate procedure. To do the iteration we will assume a range of values
between, so now here we got an expression for H, to get H we will assume certain value
an upper limit and lower limit and then, we will write recurrence formula and then we
will check whether we reached the tolerance which we set.
So here the recurrence formula, if you want to find out the head between an upper limit
and over limit the recurrence formula is H
is equal to H
into w (H
), w function of H
minus H
and w (H
) it is function H
divide by w (H
) minus w (H
), where H
is the
lower limit to be assume, and H is the upper limit to be assume and then w(H
corresponding the upper limit if we put here in this equation, so that we will be getting
So that will be w (H
) similarly w (H
) when we put the lower limit we get received that
will be the w (H
) and then we find out different, and then that iteration we find out the
head value H
So for this typical problem you can see that here the maximum elevation is
thirty meter, and minimum elevation is a ten meter ,and here the other one is eighteen
meter so we will assume a value between eighteen meter and thirty meter. So we will put
an initial head value between eighteen and thirty, and we will then do the iteration. The
iterative procedure is given in this table, so here we set a convergence by limit of 0.005.
So here we assume that, H value is between eighteen and thirty.
(Refer Slide Time: 21: 55)
So we will start the iteration with value of H as twenty two meter, and then we will use
the recurrence formula given here. So in this table we can see first column is iteration
number one, two, three and here the upper value which we use head value H
and H
lower head value, and then w (H
) this assumed for the corresponding upper value the w
function which is given by this equation.
And then w (H
) corresponding to lower value function, and then we get the
corresponding H
from this equation using this equation we get H
and then corresponding
w (H
) again we will find, what is the residue we get here corresponding to this equation,
and then we will see that what is sign of this w (H
) and H
and then in this column here.
This direction and then we will see their residue epsilon is the modulus of H
new minus
old divided by H
old. So we start with value of twenty 22 two and lower limit is
always set as eighteen18, so now after substituting twenty two here we will get w (H
) as
minus 0.00311 and correspondingly by putting H
as eighteen18, we get w (H
) as
0.01078 and then correspondingly by solving this equation we will get H
as 21.1 and w
) we the minus 0.00079 and then a since w (H
) is positive and w (H
) is negative.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:17)
So we get this as negative, and then say corresponding to iteration number one 1 and then
the epsilon anyway here we are not calculating since, the first iteration and then the
second iteration we will use this now this H
21.1 as our upper limit and lower limit
already assume eighteen18, and then again the found out double H
so that would be
obtain this is same value and 0.00079, and then w (H
) is constant it will be same 0.01078
since the lower limit is same and then.
If you calculate again H
back we will get H
as, 20.89 and then the corresponding residue
will be residue will be minus 0.000232, so then again this sign will be minus here as
shown, and then if we find out the epsilon, the error H
new minus H
old by H
old is
modulus we will get 0.00995. So now we have improved this solution into 20.89 but you
can see our expected error is convergence is 0.005. We have to continue one more
iteration, so now the next upper values 20.89 and then lower is same, and then we again
calculate w (H
), w (H
) so w (H) is minus 0.000233 and w (H
) is 0.01078 and then H
we can find out here we get as 20.83.
So then we can see that the residue will be minus 0.000072. You can see that now here
again it is minus sign is minus but we can seem here the epsilon, we calculate it is 0.0029
which is smaller than the convergence limit as 0.005. So here we can stop the calculation
even though some error is there, we assume that the values is almost near to 20.83. After
this if you want further accurate value we can continue the through a number of iteration.
We get almost very near by value then, here say let as assume that approximately the
value is equal to, even though we got here is 20.83 as so we will assume it is almost equal
to 20.8 meter and then.
We can find out the discharge Q
is equal to 20.8 minus ten 10 divided by R
8.5 into ten
10 to the power four 4 its square root, we will get 0.013 meter cube per seconds, and Q
will be thirty 30 minus 20.8 divide by 2.86 into ten 10 to the power of four 4 its square
root. We will get 0.0179 cubic meters per seconds similarly, Q
equal to get as 0.00665
meter cube per second. So like this branching pipe system as we discussed, we can right
the energy equation we can use the continuity equation, and then we can solve this
equation to find out the unknowns, like flow through each pipe, and also we can solve for
the piezosmetric head say for example, here we found the piezometric head at the
junction points.
So like that we can solve different kinds of problems, so here we assumed a simple
system. The complex system there can be wolves there can be pumps like that number of
compounds will be there. So the branching pipe system we can solve in a very similar
Next topic is analysis of pipe networks. So far we have seen the pipe in series, pipes in
parallel, and branching of pipe so that is what we had now discussed. Now we will
discuss the pipe network so we can see that, most of the say water supply lines or most of
the system where the a number of pipes, number of uses are there just like in the water
supply system.
We will be using the pipe networks for the distribution. So a simple pipe network like we
can see here in the slide, can see number of pipes are connected through with respect to
reservoir or there will be number of outlets, and then can see that through there will be
number of junction points, and then with respect to junction points various junction
points. We can have also loops like this, so a simple pipe network consists of pipe
elements fitted with bends, valves, joints and number of pipes, and then also
correspondingly we can say where ever pipes are joining that junction which is called
node. We can have the number of nodes likes this so this is one node, second node like
that number of nodes will be there, and then we can also have a loop so like this is typical
(Refer Slide Time: 28: 21)
So like that another loop we can, have number of loops also, this figure shows a typical
pipe network the arrows show the flow direction. Here most of the time we can see that
we may not be knowing the flow direction also the flow direction may change with
respect to time also depending upon the pressure, depending upon the water going from
junction the even the direction can also change.
(Refer Slide Time: 29: 22)
So that is why we call it as a network or pipe network. As I mention the pipe network and
say can be typically in the case of say water distribution system, say where a number of
say systems number of pipes are included and number of connections are there number of
junction are there so as we have seen. There can be multiple inlets and multiple outlets,
and mention the direction of flow is not obvious, and then direction may vary from time
to time, and then pipe network say here as I mention there can be say, where ever the
junctions are there, these are called nodes, and then also there are loops between that.
So here for this simple pipe network system, this is one loop and this another loop so
there will be loops so generally, say we will be considering the nodes and loops and so
we will write equations with respect to nodes and loops, and we can just compare this
kind of pipe flow systems are pipe network system with respect to electrical network.
(Refer Slide Time: 30: 33)
So you can see that electrical system is considered, so there will be number of say
number of wires to be connected together to form a network, electrical network so pipe
flow system is also, we can consider as a typical very similar to electrical network. So
this as we have seen the major challenges here are, we do not know exactly the direction
of flow, and even from time to time the direction may change, and also since the number
of pipes are there, number of fittings would be there, so all this losses we have to
consider, and then also we have to see the continuity equation, and the energy equation in
satisfied to nodes with respect to that.
We have to consider the equation with respect to loops also, so these are some of the
major challenges when we solve such kind of pipe network. So to make it simple while
solving these kinds of pipe network problems, we put some assumption so here the
important assumptions are listed here.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:30)
So the assumption here are first one is, the effect of minor loss elements generally as we
have done earlier and lumped together with major head loss depending upon the system,
so that is assumption number 1, and assumption number 2 the actual withdrawal points
the distributed along the links. Here we can see along the links from one to another the
actual withdrawal points here considered, and then the right of withdrawal at a node does
not exceed the rate of demand.
So each node is considered there will be certain demand, so with respect to demand only
rate of withdrawal what we considered. And then fourth one is, this the velocity head
generally neglected, and say since the system is so complex, that we consider all the thing
are very difficult to solve, so velocity head are neglected and piezomteric head is
generally considered in analysis.
So as we have seen in the system earlier, we will considering the piezometric head
instead of the say velocity head is neglected and the piezometric head is considered, and
effect of transient behavior and not generally consider in this kinds of analysis, since in
this analysis is so complex ,you may not considered the transient effect.
So based upon this assumptions we will try to solve this kinds of complex pipe networks.
Generally, the solution methodology so we have already seen in the branching the pipe
system also, we consider the continuity equation, and we consider the energy equation so
very similar way also here we approach the pipe networks. So the solution methodology
roots continuity equation will be written for each node or junction say, we have seen that
say for such a system there can be number of junction one, two, three like that number of
junction so first, we will consider the continuity equation for each node for junction, and
then net pressure difference say completely around a loop must be zero 0.
So here, we can see that number of loops here like this, like this number of loops will be
there. We consider the net pressure difference completely around a loop must be zero 0,
and then third point is the head loss and pipe flow equation is use as we have seen earlier,
we will be using the head loss equation and the pipe flow equations based upon the
energy equations, or the Darcy weisbach equations we will be using, and then the minor
losses are included as equivalent lengths in each pipe.
(Refer Slide Time: 34: 02)
So as we assume the minor losses, we include as with the major losses, and then we
obtain the flow through the entire network. So depending upon the problem there will be
number of networks, so number of loops, and number of junctions. So we obtain the flow
through the entire network, and then the direction of flow and friction factors the some of
the major challenges include may not know the flow direction, and also if the friction
factors are known it will be more difficult. So to solve this kind of problems we go for
trial and error solutions.
So say system is so complex, we may assume the direction of flow, and we may start
with some of the, by writing the basic equations we start and then, we assume the flow
directions or we assume some of the flow values, and then we go for a trial and error
solution. So generally to solve these kinds of pipe network problems we go for successive
approximations. So, one of the commonly used successive approximation is hardy cross
method which we will be discussing in detail later. Now, we have seen the major
challenges to solve this pipe network complex pipe networks, and then we have also seen
the assumptions which we used to solve the system. You have also seen the solution
methodology is starting from the basic equation like energy equation and the continuity
equation we try to solve the system.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:45)
Now, we will consider typical system, and then we will write the equations which we can
utilize to solve such a systems. Here in the slide we consider a pipe network system here
it includes two reservoirs at A and F and then, we have seven pipes connected like this,
and we have here four junctions here E, C, D and B and the reservoirs are located at A
and F and there is a pump.
The pump at this location P so here we have seven pipe elements, so the above network
consists of seven pipes, two reservoirs and one pump, and then we have four junctions
and four nodes. We will now see how to write the system equation for such a system
typical system, and then for any kind of system we can just extend in a very similar way
the analysis considered, and then the solution part we will discuss in detail later.
So now here between this A and F say, here we have two reservoirs, of this two
reservoirs A and F are assume the values the hydraulic grade lines at A and F are
assumed to be known. So the piezometric heads are known at A and F and these nodes
here at A and F is called fixed grade nodes.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:20)
So this A and F consider the values are known, and we call them as fixed grade nodes.
And then here this system is considered from C and D there is the flow is going out so,
the discharge Q
and Q
these are outflow demands, and C, D, B and E are interior
nodes or junctions.
(Refer Slide Time: 38: 22)
So here we have C, D, B, E so we have four interior nodes or junctions, and initially as
we discuss flow direction are not known, so we can assume the flow direction say for
example this system is considered we can assume that, flow is going this direction A to
B, this direction and B to D, this direction B to C, and then C to D flowing, and E to D
flowing, C to E and F to E these are the flow directions, and here out flow from D and C.
So now we assume the flow directions, now between for each junction each node we can
right the energy balance equations for each pipes we can write. So if we consider A and B
so that means this points A to B so, between A to B we can write H
minus H
plus H
) is equal to R
bar Q
square so that is the energy balance between A and B. So
similar way between B and D so this is from B to D we can write H
minus H
is equal
to R
bar Q
square, and similarly between C and D, H
minus H
is equal to R
bar Q
square, and between B and C it is H
minus H
is equal to R
bar Q
square, and between
C and E is H
minus H
is equal to R
bar Q
square, and between E and D, H
minus H
is equal to R
bar Q
square, and between F and E it is H
minus H
is equal to R
bar Q
So these are the equations with respect to the energy balance, and now we have four
junctions of four nodes. So we can write the continuity balance for each interior node,
here we have four junction so for each junction or each node we write the continuity as,
minus Q
minus Q
is equal to zero 0, and this is coming with respect to we assume
the flow direction with respect to the assumed the flow direction we are writing the
continuity balance for each interior node.
So Q
minus Q
minus Q
is equal to zero 0, and then Q
plus Q
plus Q
is equal to Q
since there is an outflow and D that is equal to Q
and Q
minus Q
minus Q
is equal to
as there is an outflow at C, and then Q
minus Q
plus Q
is equal to zero 0.
So these are with respect each node, we have written four equations like this, and then as
far as pump is considered, so here we have got a pump at this location, so for pump we
can write equation like this H
) is equal to a
plus a
Q1 plus a
square where a
and a
are known coefficients.
So this equation corresponds to the pump curve. So now all the equations are written here
with respect to the energy balance equations, and then continuity balance and the pump
equations. Here we can see that, say the unknowns generally say here this system is
considered as unknowns are the discharge through each pipe.
So we are go to seven pipe so Q
to Q
. Q
, Q
, Q
, Q
, Q
, Q
, Q
so seven unknowns
and then the unknowns will be the heads at each interior nodes.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:29)
, H
and H
and H
and then corresponding to the pump to the discharge is not known.
So H
will be another unknown. We have got here twelve equations, so here we can see
here we have seven equations, and here also we have four equations, and then we have
one equation corresponding to this pump curve. So we have 12 twelve equations, 7 seven
energy equations, 4 four continuity equations and 1 one pump equation and we have 12
twelve unknowns.
So this way the solution is ok, since we can easily get solution 12 twelve equations and
12 twelve unknowns. Now since you can see that equations combined with respect to the
discharge and heads, so these equations we will be trying to reduce number by combining
the energy equations along special paths.
So here we can see that you can have different paths can be written like this or like this.
Along different paths we will combine the energy equations such that, we can reduce the
number of equations and correspondingly number of unknowns also. So we will assume
let the drop in hydraulic radiant line for any pipe line that is i be designated as W
So that as we as seen this drop in hydraulic radiant line can be W
is equal to R
bar Q
square. This is relationship we have seen earlier, so this is the drop in HGL for any pipe
element i is W
is equal to R
bar Q
square as in equation number (4).
So now for the system you can see that, we have possibility of two loops one is this loop,
and another one is this loop. So there is possibility of two loops here for this typical
system. Two closed paths or interior loops can be identified.
(Refer Slide Time: 42: 48)
Flow is considered for positive in a clockwise sense around each loop. Here we consider
the flow is to be positive clock wise, and then the anticlockwise they consider as
negative. So now we can write energy balance we can write around loops 1 and 2, so if
we consider here this figure you can see that this loop is considered, this loop say this
flow is going this is same direction and this is the opposite direction.
So this is clock wise, this is anti clock wise and this way clock wise and this is the anti
clock wise so correspondingly, between these two loops we can right W
minus W
is equal to zero 0, and second equation is W
minus W
plus W
is equal to zero 0 as
in we given here. So now with respect to the energy balance, with respect to two loops
we got two equations. Now the energy balance from A to F so if we consider here this
figure as say from this reservoir A to reservoir F, if we consider here we can write the
equation from A to F by concerning A-B-D-E-F this A-B-D-E-F here A-B-D-E-F.
So if we consider this we can write H
plus H
the pump head minus W
minus W
plus W
that is equal to H
so we can write the energy balance between A to F in the
direction of A, B, D, E and F like in equation number (6). So now the path energy
equation (6) connects two fixed grade nodes, so depending upon the network we can see
where are the fixed nodes, so between this fixed grade nodes we can write the path
energy equation as written here in this case equation number (6). So such a path is
timeless pseudo-loop so here this is called pseudo-loop because an imaginary pipe with
infinite resistance or no flow can be considered to connect the two reservoirs.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:05)
So that is why it is called as pseudo-loop. For the pseudo-loop which we considered here
this equation is to be written, and now we substitute pump equation and friction equation
into the energy equation above this equations, we will get per height all the
corresponding equations here and then this equation equations number (5).
(Refer Slide Time: 46:13)
We will get minus R
bar Q
square plus R
bar Q
square plus R
bar Q
square is equal
to zero 0, and second equation will be R
bar Q
square plus R
bar Q
square plus R
square is equal to zero 0.
So then if you write corresponding to equation number (6) when we substitute all the
values it will be correspondingly for the pseudo-loop it will be minus R
bar Q
plus corresponding the pump equation a
plus a
plus a
square minus R
bar Q
square plus R
bar Q
square plus R
bar Q
square plus H
minus H
is equal to zero 0.
So similarly, with respect to this we have already seen this equation here the continuity
balance that also we can write here Q
minus Q
minus Q
is equal to zero 0, and Q
plus Q
is equal to Q
and Q
minus Q
minus Q
is equal to Q
,and Q
minus Q
plus Q
is equal to zero 0.
So now we have written all the equations with respect to the discharge since here in this
equations H
and H
already known values, so now we have seven unknown Q
to Q
the discharge values, and here we have in have this two equations, and this third
equations three plus this four equations is 7 seven equations and 7 seven unknown in
terms of the discharges Q
to Q
(Refer Slide Time: 47:35)
So here now we can now solve the seven equations first to find out the discharges Q
and then we can solve for the head values, but here we can see that equations like
here the energy equation. We can see these equations are non-linear so we have to either
linearize these equations, or we have to go for an iterative solution. So that is the general
for this typical network which we considered we have seen how to write this equations
how to say see the various equations for with respect to continuity or with respect to the
energy, and then with respect to pump equation we have seen.
The various system equations we have seen so this we consider for a typical system like,
this is the typical system which we considered, so now based upon this equation which
we want to generalize so for a general system, what will be the equations.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:52)
So here for generalize network the equations can be written, so first one is the Continuity
equation at the jth interior node we can write, sigma plus or minus
minus Q
is equal
to zero 0 as in this equation number (8). Where j refers the pipe connected to particular
node, which node we connect, so that is for this j and Q is the external demand. So if
there is in clock going out from the particular node that is called external demand, and
then positive sign for flow into the junction, so we are seen various junction so when ever
flow is going to the junction, we consider it as positive, and when the flow is out of the
junction we consider the flow it as negative.
So in this equation number (8) we are sigma plus or minus
minus Q
where Q
external demand, and Q
is corresponding to the particular pipe j and negative is for flow
out of the junction, and positive is flow into the junction. And then the next equation
generalize equations is, energy balance around an interior loop so we have seen as in the
earlier case are where two loops.
So depending upon the problem number of loops may be there, so for each loop we can
write the equation. So the energy balance around interior loop we can write as sigma plus
or minus
is equal to zero 0 as in equation number (9) so here we consider positive as
clockwise and we consider negative as anticlockwise.
So here i pertains to the pipe that make up the loop, so this is the second equation the
generalize equation in a first one is continuity equation, and second one is the energy
balance around an interior loop. Now next lecturer we will be discussing how to solve
this kinds of system and then get solution whether we go for iteration method, so we will
discussing in details about the solution techniques in the next lecturer for the pipe