Smog On PF Straits Guide
Smog On PF Straits Guide
Smog On PF Straits Guide
Anatomist - +1 to confirm critical hit. An ok trait normally for crit builds, but most of the
critical feats are Level 13 or higher and youll probably retire at 12.
Armor Expert - Reduce your armor check penalty by 1. f you are a fighter !ho really !ants
to use climb, or a rogue !ho really relies on those "e#terity skills, this is for you. $o!ever,
anyone !ith acrobatics and armor !ould benefit from this as !ell.
Bullied - +1 to hit while unarmed on attacks of opportunity. %errible even for monks.
Couraeous - +! bonus on sa"es aainst fear effects. %here are !orse mind-affecting
ha&ards than fear.
#eft #oder - +1 to Reflex $a"es. Adding bonuses to saves is one of the best uses of traits. f
you take one, try to patch up holes left by your 'lass.
#irty %ihter - +1 damae to flanked foes &and it is multiplied on a critical hit'. (eally good
if you are built around flanking, of course any melee character should flank often on principle.
%encer - +1 to hit on attack of opportunities with bladed weapons. )ot as bad as bullied,
but still not good.
(iller - Bonus damae to critical hits based on your weapon. Like anatomist, this is only
lackluster due to the level cap.
Reactionary - +! bonus to )nitiati"e. ts easy to underplay !hat *2 on a d2+ roll gives you,
but initiative is very good and no matter your class you al!ays !ant to have your turn before the
bad guys get theirs.
Resilient - +1 bonus to %ortitude sa"es. Also great on virtue of being a save bonus, but d
personally go !ith (efle# or ,ill if either of them !ere lo!.
%aith Traits
Birthmark - +! bonus on sa"es "s. charm and compulsion and your body becomes a
di"ine focus. )o! 'lerics !ho are thro!n in prison or stolen from never lose their spells. -ut
!ait. 'harm and compulsion are also the nastiest spell effects, so this good on everyone.
Caretaker - +1 to heal and it becomes a class skill. 'lass skill traits are some of the most
used, but heal is a little less valuable in a format !here everyone is assumed to heal to full
bet!een missions.
Child of the Temple - +1 bonus to (nowlede &nobility' and (nowlede &reliion'* and
one of these &your choice' becomes a class skill. f you !ant to identify &ombies, skeletons,
vampires, the list goes on, you !ant /no!ledge 0(eligion1.
#e"otee of the +reen - +1 bonus to (nowlede &eoraphy' and (nowlede &nature'* and
one of these &your choice' becomes a class skill. /no!ledge 0)ature1 identifies really a
great many different monsters and animals.
Ease of %aith - +1 bonus on #iplomacy* and it becomes a class skill. Another class skill
and a very useful one for players !ho !ant to roleplay.
,istory of ,eresy - +1 bonus to sa"es "s di"ine spells as lon as you don-t possess any
le"els in a di"ine spellcastin class. %his !ould be much better if it protected against arcane
spells. 2till not bad.
)ndomitable %aith - +1 to will sa"es. -oosts the best save. f youre a confused ne! player
and dont !ant to put much thought into traits, then this is al!ays one trait !orth getting.
3specially if you have a lo! save.
$acred Conduit - +1 bonus on your channel enery #Cs. f you channel energy and really
!ant to use it to fight the undead 0or are neutral and !ant to fight the living1, here you go. 2till,
you could do better.
$acred Touch - .ou can stabili/e a dyin creature as a standard action. 3very party that
ever meets should have some option at their disposal for stabili&ing but this is 452 and
2644723 you could get unlucky. 2till even then a 18 untrained heal check !ould do the trick
$cholar of the +reat Beyond - +1 bonus on (nowlede &history' and (nowlede &planes'*
and one of these &your choice' becomes a class skill. /no!ledge 04lanes1 lets you identify
demons and other outsiders. 9ood class skill.
0aic Traits
Classically $chooled - +1 bonus to spellcraft* and its becomes a class skill. f you need
spellcraft, it is already a class skill. :ou !ont find too many groups !here half players dont
pack spellcraft, so its pretty !ell covered even in 452. 2till its a class skill enabler on a useful
skill, so !ont make it !orse than green.
#anerously Curious - +1 bonus to 1se 0aic #e"ice* and it becomes a class skill. 6se
;agic "evice is a comple# skill that !ould be called the best skill in the game e#cept for the
e#istence of perception. At any rate 6;" checks are hard, so this isnt bad even if it is a class
skill for you already.
%ocused 0ind - +! on concentration checks. 'oncentration checks are really hard at lo!
levels, and since 452 has a level cap this trait never !ears out its usefulness.
+ifted Adept - Choose one spell and you et a +1 to its caster le"el. f you are ne! to
4athfinder that is reason enough to skip this. f you are e#perienced, then its still kind of a head
scratcher to put this trait to best use.
0aical 2ineae - 3ick one spell. #rop the metamaic cost by 1. Another guide puts this
better than can <%his trait has a ton of uses. 7ne of the best is ;agus and 2hocking 9rasp.
%ake this trait for shocking grasp and then take ntensive 2pell. )o! your shocking grasp taps
out at 1+d= instead of 8 and its still a 1st level spell. Also if you !ant a higher level spell you can
al!ays take the Additional %raits feat later on to get a free metamagic level on your favorite
spell. %his trait is better then alot of actual feats.> 2o yeah its good guess. f you are ne! to
4athfinder though, you might ?ust !ant to steer clear.
0aical Talent - Choose one 4 le"el spell and you can cast it once per day. 4retty stupid,
?ust buy cheap potions.
0athematical 3rodiy - +1 bonus on (nowlede &arcana' and (nowlede &enineerin'*
and one of these &your choice' becomes a class skill for you. /no!ledge 0Arcana1
identifies a great number of magical monsters.
$keptic - +! bonus on sa"es "s illusions. llusions are !eird, if you are really concerned
about them ?ust take the *1 ,ill save trait.
$ocial Traits
Adopted - .ou picked up a race trait from your adopti"e parents and society* and may
immediately select a race trait from your adopti"e parents5 race. (acial restrictions on
racial traits are no! meaningless.
Bully - +1 bonus on )ntimidate* and )ntimidate becomes a class skill. Another class skill,
and intimidate is fun.
Canter - Anyone who attempts to use Bluff to deli"er a secret messae to you ains a +6
bonus on his Bluff check. 7hen you attempt to intercept a secret messae usin $ense
0oti"e* you ain a +6 trait bonus on the attempt. -ig bonus, narro! focus. :ou cant even
invoke this trait by the being the person doing the bluffing.
Charmin - +1 bonus to Bluff and #iplomacy on a character that is sexually attracted to
you* and a +1 bonus to the sa"e #C of any lanuae8dependent spell you cast on such
characters or creatures. A!esome, yes. 6seful, not very.
Child of the $treets - +1 bonus on $leiht of ,and* and it becomes a class skill. %his is
actually probably ;7(3 useful in 452 than standard play.
%ast8Talker - +1 bonus on Bluff* and Bluff becomes a class skill. A friend of a friend says
that this skill is very good. 2o there you go. ts not like use bluff and lie to other players
fre@uently, so youll ?ust have to take this on hearsay.
3o"erty8$tricken - +1 bonus to $ur"i"al checks* and $ur"i"al becomes a class skill.
2urvival is a really fringe skill unless you are a (anger. ,ho kno!s, maybe itll be useful in
$uspicious - +1 bonus on $ense 0oti"e* and $ense 0oti"e becomes a class skill. 7ne of
the t!o great !isdom skills, everyone benefits from sense motive 0and the more party members
!ith it the merrier1.
Racial Traits
:ou need the Advanced 4layers 9uide for (acial %raits. %hey also have racial re@uirements...
unless take the Adopted 2ocial %rait !hich makes these re@uirements meaningless.
Animal %riend &+nome' - +1 bonus on 7ill sa"es as lon as an animal is within 94 feet*
and ,andle Animal becomes a class skill. $andle Animal is not an ama&ing skill, but multiple
classes should be able to get the ,ill save easily. All in all, really good.
Brute &,alf8:rc' - +1 bonus on )ntimidate* and )ntimidate becomes a class skill. ntimidate
is a good skill, and if you are a half-orc !ho !ants 5ast %alker or 2uspicious !ell no! you can
get ntimidate any!ay.
El"en Reflexes &,alf8Elf' - +! bonus on )nitiati"e. Aust like (eactionary it is great, but it does
not stack !ith it.
%ailed Apprentice &,alf8Elf' - +1 bonus to sa"es aainst arcane spells. %his is a lot better
than the e@uivalent for divine spells. ts a pretty good all purpose save bonus.
%reedom %ihter &,alflin' - +1 bonus on skill checks or attack rolls made durin the
process of escapin capture or in helpin a sla"e escape bondae* and Escape Artist is
always a class skill for you. 9et 3scape Artist as a class skill. %he bonus is inconse@uential
but !ho kno!s, could come up.
%orlorn &Elf' - +1 bonus on %ortitude sa"es. $ey its another save bonus, if you !anted a
different 'ombat trait and are an 3lf you can still get that 5ortitude save. )ote that this does not
stack !ith the other 5ortitude bonus.
+oldsniffer &#warf' - +! bonus on 3erception checks related to metals* ;ewels* and
emstones. %his looks really stupid, but most traps are made out of metal so there you go.
,ith no guarantee of rogues on hand in 452, this goes from good to e#cellent.
:utcast &,alf :rc' - +1 bonus on $ur"i"al* and it becomes a class skill. Like -rute but for
2urvival. )o other reason to take these traits, as Adopted is also a social trait.
Rapscallion &+nome' - +1 bonus on Escape Artist and a +1 on )nitiati"e. 9ood for a rogue
but most players !ould prefer one of the *2 to nitiative traits.
$cholar of Ruins &,uman' - +1 bonus to (nowlede &eoraphy' and (nowlede
&duneoneerin'. :ne of these skills &your choice' becomes a class skill. -oth of these
skills are not very good. "ungeoneering is ok for identifying some dungeon scum but thats it.
Tunnel %ihter &#warf' - 7hile underround* you et a +! bonus to initiati"e and a +1
bonus on weapon damae rolls for critical hits. ,henever you are underground this !ill be
ama&ing, but other!ise it is dead !eight.
7arrior of :ld &Elf' - +! bonus on )nitiati"e. 2ure are many !ays to get bonus initiative.
7ell8)nformed &,alflin' - +1 bonus to #iplomacy and (nowlede &local' when attemptin
to ather )nformation. :ne of these skills &your choice' becomes a class skill. %!o great
class skills and a bonus that isnt really all that narro!. /no!ledge 0Local1 is arguably the best
/no!ledge skill, gives you everything youd ever need to kno! so long as it is in a to!n.
7orld Tra"eler &,uman' - $elect one of the followin skills< #iplomacy* (nowlede
&local'* or $ense 0oti"e. .ou ain a +1 bonus to that skill* and it becomes a class skill. All
of these skills are great.
Reional Traits
%hese are from the A49 and have restrictions, but the restrictions are a little inconse@uential.
#esert Child &#esert' - += bonus on sa"es made to resist the effects of bein in hot
conditions and a +1 bonus on sa"es aainst fire effects. )ot very good. :ou could take a
(efle# save bonus and have the same effect against fire.
,ihlander &,ills or 0ountains' - +1 bonus on $tealth* and $tealth becomes a class skill
for you. This bonus increases to +! in hilly or rocky areas. %he bad ne!s is that this does
not involves chopping off peoples heads and stealing their po!er. 5ortunately, it is the only !ay
to get 2tealth as a class skill and !orks inside and outside of mountains. Also <hills> is not a
super uncommon environment.
2o Roller &%orest' - +1 bonus on Acrobatics and a +1 bonus to your C0B when
attemptin to resist trip attacks. ,o! ok, slightly harder to be tripped. 4ass.
0ilitia >eteran &Any town or "illae' - Choose< 3rofession &soldier'* Ride* or $ur"i"al. .ou
ain a +! bonus on that skill* and it becomes a class skill. *2 bonus you sayB %hats nice
and all, but the class skill is the bigger bonus. 2oldier is actually a fine skill in 452 because it
counts as a day ?ob, earning e#tra gold. 2urvival is meh, but if you !ant survival this is a good
trait. 5inally, this trait !ould probably be best if you !ant (ide, say if you are -ard !ho !ants to
ride party "ruids.
Ri"er Rat &0arsh or Ri"er' - +1 bonus to damae dealt with a daer and a +1 bonus to
$wim checks. $wim becomes a class skill. :ou look at it and you think ok !hatever, 2!im.
2!im is the !orst skill in the game. -ut then you see the *1 flat damage to daggers on top of a
class skillB 2ure, not everyone !ants to be using daggers so this isnt a purple trait. -ut it is
great nonetheless.
$a"annah Child &3lains' - 3ick one of the followin skills< ,andle Animal* (nowlede
&nature'* or Ride. .ou ain a +1 bonus on that skill* and it becomes a class skill.
/no!ledge nature is the best skill here.
>aabond Child &1rban' - Choose< #isable #e"ice* Escape Artist* or $leiht of ,and. .ou
ain a +1 bonus on that skill* and it becomes a class skill. A collection of useful skills, the
best being "isable "evice.
Reliion Traits
%hese traits are from the A49. %hey also re@uire you to !orship a certain god, so in other
!ords they are only restricted if you are divine caster. 2till, if your chaotic good bard !orships a
la!ful evil god youll probably make a fe! ";s angry.
Asmodean #emon ,unter &Asmodeus' - +9 bonus on (nowlede &planes' about demons
and a +! bonus on 7ill sa"es aainst mind8affectin spells and effects from demons. %he
bonuses are good, but this only affects demons. f this affected both demons and devils 0!hich
are not the same thing1 maybe itd be good . 7nly take it for flavor. Also, !orth noting that its a
rare religion trait !here you dont actually have to currently !orship Asmodeus.
Calistrian 3rostitute &Calistria' - +1 bonus on $ense 0oti"e and #iplomacy to ather
information* and one of these skills &your choice' becomes a class skill. )ote that unlike
some other traits !here the bonus is a choice, this adds to both 2ense ;otive and "iplomacy,
but only for gathering info. ts a good alternative to other traits like it. mean, if you are ok !ith
being a prostitute.
Child of ?ature &+o/reh' - +! bonus on $ur"i"al to find food and water* and a +1 bonus
on (nowlede &nature'. :ne of these skills &your choice' becomes a class skill. 9o&reh is
a really pathetic god but suppose that the meager survival bonus makes this superior to other
class skill traits !ith these skills. )ature is the better skill here.
#i"ine 7arrior &)omedae' - +1 bonus on melee weapon damae when you cast a di"ine
spell that affect weapons. 4retty decent if you are a 4aladin or melee 'leric.
Ear for 0usic &$helyn' - +1 bonus on one cateory of 3erform* and a +! bonus on any
(nowlede &local' checks that deal with the local art or music scene. ncredibly stupid trait.
Eyes and Ears of the City &Abadar' - +1 bonus on 3erception* and 3erception becomes a
class skill. 4erception is the best skill in the game. f you dont have it as a class skill and are
ok !ith !orshipping a stuffy banker god, this is one of the best traits available.
%lame of the #awnflower &$arenrae' - 7hene"er you score a critical hit with a scimitar*
you deal an additional ! points of fire damae to your taret. ts a cool trait, and its
perfectly fine taking traits for flavor. $o!ever, it is narro! and a little !eak.
%ortified #rinker &Cayden Cailean' - 7hene"er you imbibe any alcoholic be"erae* you
ain a +! bonus on sa"es aainst mind8affectin effects for 1 hour. 7ne of the best flavor
traits in the game. ts almost a *2 to !ill saves in general, and the duration is very generous.
+uardian of the %ore &Tora' - +1 bonus on (nowlede &enineerin' and (nowlede
&history'. :ne of these skills &your choice' becomes a class skill. %hese are ?ust rarely
useful kno!ledge skills.
0aic is 2ife &?ethys' - +! bonus on sa"es "s. death effects as lon as you are under the
effects of any spell . )f you are reduced to neati"e hit points while you are under the
effects of any spell* you automatically confirm stabili/ation checks to stop bleedin. %his
is pretty narro! even if you are a caster !ho plans to be buffed all the time.
3atient :ptimist &Erastil' - +! bonus on #iplomacy checks to influence hostile or
unfriendly creatures* and if you fail at such an attempt you may retry it once. A good
bonus, and the retry is great. might have given this purple if it came !ith a class skill.
$tarchild &#esna' - += bonus on $ur"i"al checks to a"oid becomin lost. :ou ruined mass
effect. f there !as a color !orse than red d give it. ,ell to be fair the trait sucks regardless.
1ndead $layer &3harasma' - +1 bonus on weapon damae aainst undead. 2ome might
call this narro!, and yet /no!ledge 0(eligion1 is a good skill and undead is mostly !hat it
identifies. ,ell suppose if you !ant to hunt undead and dont have (eligion, getting that as a
class skill !ould be better. -ut this is still decent.
>eteran of Battle &+orum' - +1 bonus on )nitiati"e* and if you are able to act durin a
surprise round* you may a draw a weapon as a free action durin that round. %his one is
really pretty cool, allo!ing you to reliably attack in surprise rounds. %he initiative is al!ays good.
3athfinder %action Traits
%hese are free and listed in the 9uide to the 4athfinder 2ociety. :ou must pick a trait from your
faction and unlike other restrictions, this isnt one you can kinda hand !aive. f you start playing
!ith the 5irst 2teps modules you might not even have a faction yet, but you can remake any
Level 1 character so dont !orry too much, ?ust make sure you have a faction in mind by Level
Captain5s Blade &Andoran' 8 .ou et +1 to Acrobatics and Climb while on a boat. :ne of
these skills is a class skill &your choice'. Acrobatics is a good class skill, but the bonus is
a!ful. Aust take another trait if you must have these class skills.
Explorer &Andoran' 8 .ou et +1 to $ur"i"al* and $ur"i"al is a class skill. Like ve said,
mediocre skill.
%reedom %ihter &Andoran' 8 +1 to $tealth. +1 to attack rolls durin a surprise round.
Lack of a class skill kills this. 2ure if you are an adapt stealth user then you can get the attack
bonus some!hat reliably, but !ithout a class skill this ?ust becomes too narro!.
,unter5s Eye &Andoran' 8 2onbow and $hortbow inore the first rane increment
penalty* and one of these weapons is always proficient &your choice'. ,o!ee &o!ee,
class skills are one thing but this gives weapon proficiency. Like said, everyone should have a
ranged !eapon and no! no one has to use shitty slings and crossbo!s forever. 2till, casters
might generally prefer using spells and many melee classes already have access to bo!s. %hen
again, doubling your effective range is also great. Aust so much to love, even if not for every
)ndomitable &Andoran' 8 +1 to sa"es "s. enchantment spells and effects. 7nly *1 reallyB
Again these are some of the nastiest effects, but this trait is clearly outclassed by the *1 !ill
saves or the *2 to compulsion saves.
#e"il5s 0ark &Cheliax' 8 +! to Bluff* #iplomacy* )ntimidate* and $ense 0oti"e when
dealin with e"il outsiders. A big bonus to four a!esome skills, but only !hen talking to devils
or demons. A great bonus but a narro! focus.
%iendish 3resence &Cheliax' 8 +1 to #iplomacy and $ense 0oti"e* and one of these is a
class skill &your choice'. 6nlike any class skill bonus up until no!, this gives a bonus to both
"iplomacy and 2ense ;otive. 2o if you !ant either as a class skill then this completely
outclasses similar skills, especially if you are putting ranks into the other skill.
%ires of ,ell &Cheliax' 8 1@day as a swift action* set your weapon on fire that deals 1 fire
damae on hit. This lasts a number of rounds eAual to your Charisma modifier. %his
!ould be orange, but it is pretty cool. :ou need at least 12 'harisma for this to !ork at all, but a
high 'harisma is a better idea 0and even then this doesnt last long enough to be an effective
magical light source1. Also the damage !ill really stop being effective after about 8 levels. 2till, it
gives you a free anti-s!arm tool.
0aster of 3entacles &Cheliax' 8 1@day when castin a Con;uration spell* treat your caster
le"el as ! le"els hiher for the duration of the spell. (eally narro!, but this !ould actually be
pretty good early game for a con?uration ,i&ard.
$oul #rinker &Cheliax' 8 1@day when an enemy is killed &by you or an ally'* as an
immediate action ain temporary ,3 eAual to the enemy5s hit dice. $it dice are basically
levels for monsters, so this !ill never be a big bonus but it is free and could be pretty good in a
big fight. t is a decent and interesting trait.
)nsider (nowlede &+rand 2ode' 8 +1 bonus to #iplomacy or (nowlede &2ocal'* and
the chosen skill becomes a class skill. %!o good skills in case you didnt get them from
another trait.
2oyalty &+rand 2ode' 8 +1 to sa"es "s. enchantment spells and effects. 3#actly the same
as ndomitable and ?ust as outclassed.
:bser"ant &+rand 2ode' 8 +1 bonus to 3erception or $ense 0oti"e* and the chosen skill
becomes a class skill. 9etting pretty redundant !ith these faction traits, but perception is
a!esome so its ok.
3roper Trainin &+rand 2ode' 8 +1 bonus to (nowlede &+eoraphy' or (nowlede
&,istory'* and the chosen skill becomes a class skill. f this !ere proper training then it
!ouldnt be training in bad skills.
Teachin 0istake &+rand 2ode' 8 1@scenario* when you roll a natural 1 on a sa"in throw
you et a +1 bonus to your next roll. !ould humor this trait, e#cept that it only applies to
saving thro!s. %he odds of you getting this in any one scenario is e#tremely lo!, and the
immediate bonus is un!ieldy. ;ay be the !orst trait on this list.
0eridian $trike &2antern 2ode' 8 1@day when you critically hit* reroll any 1s on your
damae dice. %his is a hard trait to ?udge. t sounds great, but then you reali&e that most
!eapons only have one damage dice. 2o its better for greats!ord or falchion.
0eticulous Artisan &2antern 2ode' 8 +1 to Craft when doin #ay Bob checks. 9ag me.
%his !ould be orange even if it came !ith a class skill. "ay ?obs are not vital, you might as !ell
go !ith the 4rofession 02oldier1 trait if this is attractive to you.
0ind o"er 0atter &2antern 2ode' 8 +1 to 7ill sa"es. As al!ays, ?ust one of the best traits.
$toryteller &2antern 2ode' 8 1@scenario* you can make a (nowlede check with a bonus
eAual to your )ntellience modifier +9 &min +1'. .ou can make this check e"en if you
don5t ha"e the (nowlede skill. take it back. This is by far the best cool skill. A *3 is huge
even if you have 1+ nt. f you are a ,i&ard or the like !ith 1C nt, you could make any
kno!ledge check at *11 even with no training. ,ant a free identification once per scenarioB
,ant to never be caught unprepared !hen those rare $istory or 9eology checks are neededB
%his is an a!esome trait.
7eapon $tyle &2antern 2ode' 8 .ou are proficient with any one monk weapon of your
choice. ;ore free !eapon proficiencies. %he good ne!s is that several monk !eapons are
e#otic and thus hard to get proficiencies for. %he bad ne!s is that monk !eapons suck dick. 2o
if you really !ant to use )unchaku or 1d2 2hurikens then here is the enabler for you. $o!ever,
this trait becomes awesome if you !ere to get the book 6ltimate 3@uipment. 6ltimate
3@uipment has much better monk !eapons, like the )ine-2ection ,hip, 5ighting 5an, "ouble
'hained /ama, 2even -ranched 2!ord, (ope "art, and several others. n fact, the ;onk class
does not actually have proficiencies !ith these, so a monk !ho !ants to forgo his mighty fists
even benefits from this trait.
Attuned to the Ancestors &:sirion' 8 1@day you can hide from undead for a number of
rounds eAual to half your character le"el &min 1'. could be !rong, but this looks really
#unewalker &:sirion' 8 += bonus on sa"es made to resist the effects of bein in hot
conditions and you treat any nonmaical sand as normal terrain. %his is only slightly better
than "esert 'hild in that sand is not difficult terrain for you. t is still very narro! though.
0ummy Touched &:sirion' 8 +! to sa"es "s. curses and diseases. 7h my god not curses
and diseases, the rarest and least immediately threatening maladies. ,ell, in 452 you have to
deal !ith any long lasting problems like these by the end of the scenario or you die so this trait
goes from red to green. 2till, a little money solves most ills.
$ecrets of the $phinx &:sirion' 8 1@day et a +! bonus to any (nowlede check. Choose
any (nowlede skill and it becomes a class skill. Ah look, a cut rate storyteller. ,ell, it can
make any /no!ledge skill a class skill, so it does have @uite a bit of merit.
Tomb Raider &:sirion' 8 +1 to 3erception and (nowlede &#uneoneerin'* and one of
these skill is a class skill &your choice'. f you have been paying attention to this guide, you
kno! !hy this is purple. t is for the perception class skill. $o!ever, this gives a bonus to both
skills, making it also outclass any other perception trait.
#er"ish &Cadira' 8 +1 to AC when mo"in out of threatened space. %hese are supposed to
be half feats but ;obility gives *D to A' for the same thing. 6nless you !ant to stack the t!o,
*1 ?ust doesnt cut it.
#esert $hadow &Cadira' 8 ?o penalty to $tealth when mo"in at full speed throuh the
desert. %his is a great boon to 2tealth for a trait, but as a globe trotting adventurer you may not
al!ays find yourself in the desert.
Eastern 0ysteries &Cadira' - 1@day cast a spell with +! #C to its sa"in throw. A fe! of
these faction skills are ?ust ama&ing. -y taking 2pell 5ocus and 9reater 2pell 5ocus, t!o feats,
a caster gets the same bonus on all spells of a single school. 3astern ;ysteries is only 1Eday
but can affect any school, !hich also makes it great for divine casters. f you are caster and
;agical Lineage looked too intimidating, this !ill make you ?ust as po!erful at least.
+old %iner &Cadira' 8 +1 to #isable #e"ice and $leiht of ,and* and one of these skills is
a class skill &your choice'. Another and bonus, making these great for players !ho !ant both
,orse 2ord &Cadira' 8 +! to Ride and it becomes a class skill. Another rare *2 bonus in
(ide. ,ell if you !ant the skill this is a pretty good trait.
Bad Reputation &$c/arni' 8 +! to )ntimidate and it becomes a class skill. %he *2 to (ide
!as nice and all but no! this is ?ust a!esome. f you !ant an ntimidate skill, you !ant this one.
+reasy 3alm &$c/arni' 8 7hen bribin an ?3C* pay 14D less. -ribes go against my moral
code, in that have to spend money on things that are not myself.
) (now a +uy &$c/arni' 8 +! to #iplomacy when atherin information* and +1 (nowlede
&2ocal'. %he bonuses are fine but !ith no class skill this is lackluster.
$hi" &$c/arni' 8 +1 to damae on one8handed piercin or slashin weapons durin a
surprise round. "ecent selection of !eapons, poor selection of situations. 'ould help you turn
a battle in your favor before it really starts though.
Trouper &$c/arni' 8 +1 to the 3erform skill of your choice* and +1 to sa"es aainst
3erform related effects. ,o!. :ou serve up a heaping pile of shit and dont even give a class
skill. )ot even *2 to the saves portion. 7h no. $o! !ill !e survive against the armies of bards
that dont e#ist because ?ust made them upB
Aid Allies &$hadow 2ode' 8 +9 when usin aid another instead of +!. ;aybe underrate
aid another, but this a pitifully small bonus any!ay.
%ortified &$hadow 2ode' 8 1@day you et a !4D chance to neate a sinle critical hit or
sneak attack. initially pegged this as a red trait but guess it is 2+F chance to not get fucked
over. 2till, the odds of you using this on a regular basis are slim.
0edic &$hadow 2ode' 8 +! to heal checks to remo"es poison or disease. .our Caster
2e"el is 1 hiher when castin healin spells with remove in the name. f you really !ant
to be a bro 0and are a divine caster preferably1, this trait !ill get rid any nasty long term ailments
before the scenario ends. 7nly get this if you are very self sacrificing, it is still pretty mediocre.
$hadow #iplomat &$hadow 2ode' 8 +1 to #iplomacy and it becomes a class skill. )o *2
or double bonusB guess !ere getting a spoiled as of late. %his is still a good trait.
7atchdo &$hadow 2ode' 8 +1 to $ense 0oti"e and it becomes a class skill. am feeling
like the faction designers ble! their load early and no! all the good traits are kinda old hat. %his
is still a good trait.
A $ure Thin &$il"er Crusade' 8 1@day you et +! to attack aainst an e"il creature. f this
fails it is !asted, but 4aladins !ould al!ays kno! !hat is evil. Any!ay its a decent bet youll
encounter evil creatures. 7ne might even call it... a sure thing.
Beneficial Touch &$il"er Crusade' 8 1@day when you cast a spell or use a class ability that
heals ,3 damae reroll any 1s. %his is a huuuuuge boon to a single healing spell. %his !ould
be purple if healing spells !erent kind of lackluster in 4athfinder, but youll still use them so this
is a great trait.
Comparati"e Reliion &$il"er Crusade' 8 +1 to (nowlede &Reliion' and it becomes a
class skill. A fair class skill for a fair trait.
%orce for +ood &$il"er Crusade' 8 +ood alined spells function at +1 to your Caster
2e"el* and your aura is more powerful. %he aura is mostly cool fluff. )o! m not familiar !ith
ho! many spells are good aligned, but this is a pretty good boon to any that are.
1northodox $tratey &$il"er Crusade' 8 +! to Acrobatics when tumblin throuh
threatened spaces. ;uch better than the A' e@uivalent, but still mediocre !ith a class skill.
Expert #uelist &Taldor' 8 +1 to AC when ad;acent to a sinle foe. #oes not apply to Touch
or %lat8%ooted AC. A free A' bonus that is pretty easy to utili&e. t is nice, but you can do
%ashionable &Taldor' 8 7hen wearin clothin and ;ewelry worth more than E4 old* you
et a +1 bonus to Bluff* #iplomacy* and $ense 0oti"e. :ne of the skills is a class skill
&your choice'. ;y favorite trait in the game. :ou !ont get a bonus immediately, but after your
first scenario you !ill have more than enough gold. A buff to three great skills is a!esome, but a
class skill on top of that is ?ust ama&ing.
)mpressi"e 3resence &Taldor' 8 1@day as a full round action distract all ad;acent enemies
with a martial display. Enemies who fail a 7ill sa"e &#C 14 + F your le"el + your
Charisma modifier' are shaken for 1 round. ts hard to say if this trait is good or not. t is
really held back by affecting only ad?acent enemies, and only for one round.
3erformance Artist &Taldor' 8 +1 to a 3erform skill of your choice and it becomes a class
skill. ;y knee ?erk reaction is to say <fuck you> but 4erform can be used for "ay Aobs so there
you go.
>indicti"e &Taldor' 8 1@day when takin damae* as an immediate action declare the
offender to be your "indicti"e taret. That tarets takes +1 damae from you for 1
minute. %his is the most reliable !ay to deal e#tra damage !ith a trait.