Gauntlet v1.03
Gauntlet v1.03
Gauntlet v1.03
They are the only weapon that takes up a body slot. Well, there are those two helmets, but there arent any
special magic helmet weapons, are there? The helmets dont even have a 5 foot reach. No, the only real
body slot occupying weapon is the gauntlet. The problem is, depending on the author, a gauntlet is either a
weapon, a wondrous item, or sometimes both. This makes for a muddled and confusing set of rules for the
gauntlet. Well, I aim to change that.
Flurry of Blows and Gauntlets
So can you use any of these with flurry of blows? Unfortunately, there is no clear cut answer. In the
clear cut, black and white side of this, only the tiger claws are special monk weapons. Therefore, only tiger
claws can be used with flurry of blows. However, the players handbook also states, a monk may attack
only with unarmed strikes. Well, the gauntlet is an unarmed attack. Is that an unarmed strike? Under battle
gauntlets it states, Like gauntlets that come with armor, battle gauntlets allow the wearer to make unarmed
strikes as if he were armed. So if battle gauntlets attack like regular gauntlets, and regular gauntlets are
unarmed attacks, are battle gauntlets unarmed strikes as well? The Ward Cestus also does your unarmed
strike as damage, like the battle gauntlets. Are they too unarmed attacks?
Let us look at some definitions:
Unarmed Attack: A melee attack made with no weapon in hand.
Unarmed Strike: A successful blow, typically dealing non-lethal damage, from a character attacking
without weapons. A monk can deal lethal damage with an unarmed strike, but others deal non-
lethal damage.
Improved Unarmed Strike: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed.
Flurry of Blows: When using flurry of blows, a monk may attack only with unarmed strikes or with
special monk weapons (kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shuriken, and siangham).
Anti-FoB Argument
It does not specifically list that you can use any weapon other than Special Monk Weapons with
flurry of blows. Since all gauntlets are weapons, you cannot flurry of blows with any gauntlet but a
tiger claw.
Limited FoB Argument
An unarmed attack is an attack that is unarmed. If you hit with an unarmed attack, you are making
an unarmed strike. FoB states that it is usable with a monks Unarmed Strikes. A gauntlet is listed
specifically as an Unarmed Attack. Therefore, any attack with a gauntlet MUST be considered an
unarmed strike. Thus a gauntlet is usable with FoB.
Under battle gauntlet it states, Like gauntlets that come with armor, battle gauntlets allow the
wearer to make unarmed strikes as if he were armed.. Battle gauntlets can be used to make unarmed
strikes. FoB applies to a monks unarmed strikes. Therefore, battle gauntlets are usable with FoB.
Under ward cestus it states, A strike with a ward cestus is considered an unarmed attack. When
an unarmed attack hits, it becomes an unarmed strike. If its an unarmed strike, its usable with FoB.
Unlimited FoB Argument
If you can approve the use of three non-special monk weapons for use with flurry of blows, then
why not just allow any weapon that takes up the Hand body slot to do flurry of blows? They all the
same when you boil it down, weapons that take up a body slot. If its a weapon in a body slot, it is a
body weapon. Improved Unarmed Strike is a feat that makes your body into a weapon, so this is the
same thing. Accepting this view point, any weapon that uses a body slot is therefore an unarmed strike.
As you can see, the argument against allowing it is fairly straight forward and simple. It doesnt clearly
say you can, so you cant. That is a perfectly valid viewpoint and if you want o avoid rules abuse, then you
should use this interpretation. It is by far the easiest way to look at things.
The limited FoB argument allows you to use gauntlet, battle gauntlet, and ward cestus with FoB. The
argument is rather convoluted and is dangerously close to boot strapping. In the editors opinion, it is a
valid interpretation. Technically true, but in a dangerously gray area.
The unlimited FoB argument is the danger. While I cannot directly prove that any weapon that takes up
a body slot is an unarmed strike, that is one possible way to see things. It clearly is NOT RAW. However, I
can see how intuitively that might be true. It does explain how a gauntlet can be an unarmed attack and be a
weapon at the same time. If you accept this argument, then helmet based weapons would also be unarmed
Monks have enough problems and the anti-FoB argument kicks monks while they are down. The
unlimited FoB argument opens up the floodgates. Is a stump knife an unarmed strike? It definitely takes up
a hand slot. You can really abuse this with some seriously twisted combinations. The limited FoB argument
seems to give monks a few toys, but doesnt go completely off the deep end.
So in the editors opinion, the limited FoB argument is the correct one. However, before you accept the
above arguments, read on about the FAQ.
The FAQ About Gauntlets and FoB
Can a monk get her unarmed strike enhanced as a magic weapon?
No. Even a magic gauntlet or spiked gauntlet isnt the ideal answer, since these arent listed as special
monk weapons (and therefore arent as versatile as unarmed strikes). The amulet of mighty fists (DMG
246) grants the wearer an enhancement bonus on unarmed and natural weapon attacks, which would
include the monks unarmed strike.
Can a monk use a +5 gauntlet in an unarmed attack, gaining all of her class benefits as well as the +5
bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls from the gauntlet?
Gauntlets are indeed a weapon. If a monk uses any weapon not listed as a special monk weapon, she
does not gain her better attack rate. She would, however, gain the increased damage for unarmed
First of all, they came out with necklace of natural weaponry and bracers of striking before the FAQ
was published, so you clearly CAN do more to modify your unarmed strike then buy an amulet of mighty
fists. The second question states that the +5 of the gauntlets applies to the monks damage ONLY. Why
would it do that? It shouldnt modify the monks unarmed strike at all. It can only modify the gauntlet
damage. And if it can do that, why only damage, and not to hit AND damage? If I wear +5 gauntlets I get
+5 damage to kicking someone in the face? So right there we can show that the people answering these
questions clearly didnt put a great deal of research into this. If the individuals answering the questions
cant get basic game mechanics correct, how can we trust anything they say?
Second, it clearly states the FoB applies to a monks unarmed strikes. IUS states, You are considered
to be armed even when unarmed. So if CustServes argument is, that only Special Monk Weapons can be
used with flurry of blows, then you cant use your unarmed strike with it, because you are armed. What
am I armed with? I dont know, but its not a monk special weapon. It is for this reason that under FoB it
specifically states that special monk weapons AND unarmed strikes can be used with FoB. Unarmed strikes
must be specifically included with FoB because they are not Special Monk Weapons. Ironic, I know, but
technically true. I suppose a monks unarmed strike is a Normal Monk Weapon. Who knows.
So if unarmed strikes are included, they anything that does an unarmed strike can be used with flurry
of blows. Even if you dont agree with an unarmed attack being an unarmed strike, then you only eliminate
the gauntlet and the ward cestus. That does not eliminate the battle gauntlet.
The battle gauntlet states specifically, battle gauntlets allow the wearer to make unarmed strikes.
Unarmed strikes are clearly allowed with FoB. The FAQ only speaks about normal gauntlets, not Battle
Gauntlets. By RAW, you have to allow FoB with battle gauntlets. By RAI, it seems like WotC would not
allow it. Alas, the answers to both questions have holes in them, making me seriously doubt the knowledge
of those answering the questions.
Its a convoluted mess that is poorly defined. I have tried by best to outline all the arguments for and
against. Alas, this is one of those muddled gray areas that the DM has to decide for himself. I hope I have at
least defined the problem and leave the individual interpretation up to you.
Hand Body Slot Weapons
There are a number of weapons that are basically gauntlets. They are the following:
Battle Gauntlet - The One-handed gauntlet, that occupies your hand and forearm slot. You use your
unarmed damage. While it stops you from using bracers, a monk can use this two handed, thus
allowing him to double the damage from a power attack. He can still freely manipulate objects with his
hand. This is a simple weapon and simple weapon proficiency is fairly easy to come by. It is up to the
individual DM to determine if a monk can use his flurry of blows through this weapon.
Bladed Gauntlet - An Exotic weapon that does more damage, but you are still allowed to manipulate
objects. Excellent choice for duskblades.
Gauntlet - Your Basic Gauntlet. You can still use your hand for other things. It is the only simple unarmed
attack. The other unarmed attack is the ward cestus. However, this weapon does not go off your
unarmed damage. So while a monk could do a flurry of blows with a gauntlet (assuming the DM
approves that it can be used with FoB in the first place), he cannot use his monk damage with the
gauntlet. See the ward cestus for the combination of both.
Manople -The gauntlet that also doubles as a shield, which you do not lose when you attack with the
weapon. . You cannot use your hand for anything else, mind you, making this the only hand slot
weapon that prevents you from manipulating objects, but its a fair trade if you happen to be a two
weapon fighter.
Nekode - A stripped down gauntlet that is a special monk weapon and climbing tool. Not the best choice
out of all of them, but you can still manipulate objects, and if scaling a wall is important to you, every
little bit counts.
Scorpion Claw Gauntlets - An exotic weapon that is superior to the bladed gauntlet, in that if you wear a
pair, you gain a +2 to grapple checks.
Spiked Gauntlet - Not as much damage as the bladed gauntlet, but it is still a simple weapon, and you can
still manipulate objects with your hands. A step over normal gauntlets, yet doesnt require an exotic
feat like many of the others.
Spring-Loaded Gauntlet - This is the only ranged weapon that occupies a body slot. You can still freely
manipulate objects, but your other hand must be free to load. This still qualifies as a gauntlet, while
allowing you to also include ranged weapon WSAs. An interesting option.
Steel Fins - A poor choice, but included all the same. Its a gauntlet that makes your hands look like
flippers, yet do not inhibit your ability to manipulate objects in any way, and do not give you any
advantage over any of the other choices.
Tiger Claws - A monk special weapon that has no special features.
Ward Cestus - The Monks friend. It does damage entirely off your unarmed attacks, thus allowing a
monk to use his superior unarmed damage, yet gain WSAs on his unarmed attacks. Alas, it is an exotic
weapon, and thus requires a feat to use. If you dont mind losing your bracers slot and have simple
weapon proficiency, use a battle gauntlet instead. It is up to the DM if you can use this with FoB or
The following are a list of extrapolated WSAs that I uncovered by searching for every instance of gauntlet
that I could find. Technically, while some of these are wondrous items, the wondrous item was a gauntlet,
and therefore a weapon. These WSAs are not included in my general extrapolated WSA file, because I
believe that part of the game balance of these WSAs is that they were built for a weapon that was meant to
occupy a body slot. That changes the values dramatically when you try to make them eligible for weapons
that are held instead of worn. It might be possible to use these WSAs with a necklace of natural weapons,
or bracers of striking, since both would be modifying you bare hand attacks, but that is a choice for the
individual DM. Those two weapons occupy a body slot as well, so I would assume that mathematically
they would remain the same cost as listed below.
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate (DC 19) transmutation
Description: Each of these heavy leather gloves bears a violet crystal set on a small plate of adamantine.
Adamantine mind blade gauntlets allow you to give your mind blade the properties of adamantine. If you
are able to enhance your mind blade (with the mind blade enhancement class feature), whenever you
materialize your mind blade while wearing these gauntlets, you can choose to treat it as an adamantine
weapon for the purpose of ignoring hardness or overcoming damage reduction. This ability takes the place
of a property with a +1 enhancement bonus value. For example, a 6th-level soulknife wearing the gauntlets
could either choose to apply the gauntlets effect or apply one of the +1 enhancement bonus value
properties given on the table (EPH 29). A 10th-level soulknife could apply both the gauntlets effect and a
+1 enhancement bonus value property rather than applying a combination of properties from the table
totaling +2. Adamantine mind blade gauntlets function an unlimited number of times per day. The gauntlets
require no separate activation; using them is part of the action to materialize your mind blade.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, mind blade
Editor: Dont use mind blades. Not sure how useful this is.
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) abjuration
Activation: Immediate (command)
Description: These leather gauntlets have small polished steel disks set in their palms.
Gauntlets of arrow reflection allow you to redirect a deflected thrown or projectile weapon back at your
attacker. When you use the Deflect Arrows feat to deflect a ranged weapon attack, you can activate the
gauntlets to cause the weapon to fly back at the character who made the attack. Use the attackers original
attack roll to determine the attacks success, and roll damage as normal as if your attacker had successfully
hit with the weapon. This ability functions three times per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, protection from arrows
Editor: A small price to pay to say, Screw you, Range guy. Its any thrown or projectile weapon. From a
rock to a ballista bolt, you get to shoot it right back at the person who tried to kill you. After the first
time you do this, he is unlikely to ever target you again, so the number of times per day you can use it
is actually not that big of a concern.
Price: 2,500 gp
Property: Gauntlet (Piercing Only)
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Faint (DC 18) Transmutation
This WSA only works on gauntlets that do piercing damage. The gauntlets will have points at the tips of
the fingers. This allows the wearer to make a claw attack. If for some reason you had the feat Multiattack,
this would allow you to qualify, but to take full advantage, you might want to buy two beast gauntlets. If
worn by a creature that already has a claw attack, your gain an additional +1 enhancement bonus that stacks
with the weapons base enhancement bonus. The creature does its normal claw damage, plus an additional
1d6. Convincing a creature of animal intelligence to wear a pair of these requires magical persuasion of to
teach them a trick. They will usually not willingly wear coverings on their forelimbs.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, polymorph self or ability to wild shape
Editor: The intent was for this to be on spiked gauntlets, but there is also the normal gauntlet, which does
bludgeoning damage, the bladed gauntlet, which does slashing. It is up to the DM to allow it, but I see
no reason to disallow it. I would also like to point out the scorpion claw gauntlets which would be a
superior choice, since it includes bonuses to grapple.
Price: 6,300 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate (DC 18) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Description: These finely crafted metal gauntlets are etched with flames. Each is set with small red crystals
that rest on the tops of the knuckles.
When activated, gauntlets of the blazing arc create a 15-foot cone-shaped burst of flame that deals 4d4+4
points of fire damage to all creatures in the area (Reflex DC 14 half). This ability functions three times per
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, burning hands
Editor: Meh. Although those energy transformation gauntlets would let you change the damage to other
Price: 1,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: The iron links and leather grips of these gauntlets are rough and worn from hard use.
Wrestlers and priests of the brawler god Kord prize these gauntlets. When activated, for 1 round, they grant
you a +2 bonus on grapple checks and damage rolls when making unarmed attacks. Brawlers gauntlets
function three times per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, bulls strength
Editor: For what they do, they are a bit expensive, but if you are into unarmed grappling, then you could
spend 1,000 gp on worse.
Price: 500 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: This pair of heavy black leather gauntlets is set with metal studs.
Brute gauntlets allow you to temporarily increase your physical might. These gauntlets have 3 charges,
which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending 1 or more charges grants you a morale bonus on Strength
checks, Strength-based skill checks, and melee weapon damage for 1 round.
1 charge: +2 morale bonus.
2 charges: +3 morale bonus.
3 charges: +4 morale bonus.
Cost to Create: 250 gp, 20 XP, 1 day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, bulls strength
Editor: Now a morale bonus to strength is something that stacks with enhancement bonuses. For 500 gp
you could get a +2 to strength for 3 rounds. Very nice. 500 gp well spent.
Price: 56,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Range: 920 ft.
Target: One primary target, plus 13 secondary targets (each of which must be within 30 ft. of the
primary target)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half (DC 19)
Spell Resistance: Yes (1d20 +13)
You can use chain lightning once a day.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, chain lightning
Editor (Chain Lightning): This spell creates an electrical discharge that begins as a single stroke. Unlike
lightning bolt, chain lightning strikes one object or creature initially, then arcs to other targets. The bolt
deals 13d6 points of electricity damage to the primary target. After it strikes, lightning can arc to 13
secondary targets. The secondary bolts each strike one target and deal half as much damage as the
primary one did (rounded down). Each target can attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage. You
choose secondary targets as you like, but they must all be within 30 feet of the primary target, and no
target can be struck more than once. You can choose to affect fewer secondary targets than the
maximum (to avoid allies in the area, for example).
Editor: Way over priced.
Price: 19,400 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 21) necromancy
Activation: Worn and Attack Roll
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This is a modification of the base gauntlet design and results in a particularly demonic looking pair of
gauntlets. The wearer can make claw attacks that deal 1d10 (x2 critical) points of damage and afflict the
target as if she had been struck by a contagion spell (Fortitude negates DC 14). The armor bestows one
negative level on any non-evil creature wearing it. This negative level persists as long as the gauntlets are
worn and disappears when the gauntlets are removed. The negative level never results in actual level loss,
but it cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the gauntlets are worn.
Construction: Craft Arms and Armor, contagion
Editor (Contagion): The subject contracts a disease selected from the table below, which strikes
immediately (no incubation period). The DC noted is for the subsequent saves (use contagions normal
save DC for the initial saving throw).
Disease DC Damage
Blinding sickness 16 1d4 Str
Cackle fever 16 1d6 Wis
Filth fever 12 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Con
Mindfire 12 1d4 Int
Red ache 15 1d6 Str
Shakes 13 1d8 Dex
Slimy doom 14 1d4 Con
Each time a victim takes 2 or more points of Strength damage from blinding sickness, he or she must
make another Fortitude save (using the diseases save DC) or be permanently blinded.
Editor: Based off the demon armor, the armor and EBs have been removed. Alas, there is no way to
calculate the cost of the negative level, nor the ability to inflict contagion on every blow. Normally
contagion isnt that impressive, but combining it with an impressive light weapon attack definitely
improves this mediocre spell. The problem with it is that you can only inflict a disease once. While it
take effect immediately, which is good, you have to cycle through the diseases. If your DM is doing
his job, you wont know if he makes the save or not. Also, it does not matter what the original base
damage of the gauntlets were. It is completely replaced with 1d10. However, it will retain the base
damage type.
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 6th
Aura: Moderate (DC 18) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
You can activate the gauntlets to enable the next melee attack made during your turn to overcome damage
reduction and ignore hardness as if the attack were made with an adamantine weapon. This ability functions
three times per day. Gauntlets of destruction are masterwork gauntlets and can be used as a weapon. You
can enhance a gauntlet beyond its base abilities by using the rules for crafting a magic weapon, but each
gauntlet must be enhanced separately.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bulls strength, shatter
Editor: You know, its only 3,000 gp to buy an adamantine gauntlet. Im just saying.
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 15) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: Stylized flames rendered in scarlet enamel encircle these steel gauntlets.
Devastation gauntlets are prized by anyone who earns gold by fighting in melee, from raging barbarians to
wily swashbucklers. These gauntlets have 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending 1 or
more charges grants you a bonus to the damage dealt by a critical hit you make in melee. You activate the
gauntlets after you have confirmed a critical hit, but before damage is rolled.
1 charge: +2d6 points of damage.
2 charges: +3d6 points of damage.
3 charges: +4d6 points of damage.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, keen edge
Editor: if you are into criticals, then you need this. It is an excellent source of cheap extra damage, but you
have to work at it to make them work. Specifically, you need a weapon that has a wide critical range.
For such a weapon, you cant go wrong with adding this. Excellent choice for people who use rapiers.
Price: 4,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) evocation, transmutation
Activation: Free (mental)
Description: These thick leather gauntlets sport real dragons teeth for studs.
Three times per day, you can activate the gauntlets to treat your next melee attack against a weapon or
shield as though you had the Improved Sunder feat, even if you dont meet its prerequisites. If you have
Improved Unarmed Strike, dragonfang gauntlets allow you to overcome damage reduction with your
unarmed strikes as though you were wielding a magic weapon. In this case, you deal unarmed strike
damage instead of base gauntlet damage.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, bulls strength, magic weapon, shatter
Editor: Yet another wondrous item that should be craft arms and armor. It sucks. Its practically useless.
Price: 24,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 10th
Aura: Moderate (DC 18) evocation
Activation: Swift (command)
When its command word is spoken, a gauntlet of the dwarven forge glows red-hot for 10 rounds,
illuminating everything within 10 feet as if by torchlight. Anyone else touched by the gauntlet during this
time takes 1d6+10 points of fire damage. The wearer of a gauntlet of the dwarven forge takes half damage
from fire-based attacks while the gauntlet is glowing. Fire attacks that allow Reflex saves for half damage
deal the wearer no damage if he makes his save.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, fire shield
Editor: If I was going to make a fire based gauntlet, this would be first on my list. Fire is rather commonly
defended against, but that can be overcome by sheer firepower, pun intended. The other downside is
the cost. But it is a flat cost, so it should
Price: 5,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 10th
Aura: Moderate (DC 20) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: These black leather gauntlets are studded with multicolored gems.
Gauntlets of eldritch energy let you imbue your eldritch blasts with a particular type of energy. When you
activate these gauntlets, the next eldritch blast you use before the end of your turn deals energy damage
(the type of energy depends on the type of gauntlets) instead of its normal damage type. You cant apply
the gauntlets effect to any blast already affected by an eldritch essence invocation. Four varieties of these
gauntlets exist. Each applies a different type of energy damage to your eldritch blast: gauntlets of eldritch
frost (cold), gauntlets of eldritch lightning (electricity), gauntlets of eldritch fire (fire), and gauntlets of
eldritch thunder (sonic). This ability can be used three times per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, eldritch blast
Editor: I find it weird there is no acid version. I dont know enough about warlocks to comment on this
Price: 1,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) evocation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: This pair of leather gloves is imprinted with arcane sigils representing different types of
Gauntlets of energy transformation allow you to temporarily change the type of energy produced by any
weapon you hold. When you activate the gauntlets, you change one type of energy damage produced by a
melee weapon you hold into another type of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) for 1 round.
Transformed energy does the same amount of damage, but a +1 flaming longsword could be changed to
deal acid, cold, or electricity damage instead of fire. If a weapon produces more than one type of energy,
each activation affects only one type of energy produced. For example, if you wield a +1 flaming shock
longsword, you could activate the gauntlets to change the fire damage to acid, cold, or electricity damage,
and you could activate the gauntlets a second time to change the electricity damage dealt by the shock
property to acid, cold, or fire. If your weapon doesnt deal energy damage, these gauntlets have no effect.
This ability functions three times per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, acid splash, burning hands, ray of frost, shocking grasp
Editor: If you have a weapon with multiple sources of energy, say, a bunch of fire and a bunch of
electrical, you can change all the energy damage to one type and hope to overwhelm your targets
defenses. Now, this is only useful to people who invested in energy damage causing weapons, but if
you did buy such a weapon, this is 1,000 gp well spent.
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 17) transmutation
Activation: Worn
Description: Each of these well-made gauntlets is set with small purple crystals that rest across the tops of
the knuckles.
Whenever you throw a weapon or other object, gauntlets of extended range give the weapon a telekinetic
push, doubling its range increment.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, hawkeye or extend range
Editor: So if you throw weapons, you need to drop the 2,000 gp of this. It would stack with other forms of
range increase. Or combine it with Taarnahm gauntlets for throw anything at a range increment of 20.
So worth the cost. Get an Atlatl with ranged and then buy a pair of these and you can throw a halfspear
farther then an archer can shoot a greatbow. Remember that multipliers are added together, they dont
multiply one another.
Price: 3,500 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 15) transmutation
Activation: Worn
These sharkskin gauntlets are adorned with sweeping fins. The wearer gains a natural swim speed of 30
feet, with a +8 competence bonus on Swim checks to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. The
wearer can always take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered, and can use the run action
while swimming. Both gloves must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, swim
Editor: Now this is a nice edition. Now, unfortunately it doesnt come with the ability to actually breathe
underwater, but it does take care of the need to make swim checks.
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong (DC 22 ) evocation
Activation: Wielded, Swift (command)
While wearing the gauntlet, you are protected from chill metal and heat metal spells. This is a continuous
effect and requires no activation. In addition, once per day you can activate the fist. When you do, your
next attack with the gauntlet before the end of your turn deals an extra 2d6 points of damage, knocks the
target prone, and stuns it for 1 round (Fort DC 22 negates the stun and prone effects).
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Bigbys clenched fist, endure elements
Editor: All jokes aside, its not bad for the price. The once a day power has an excellent save DC and the
conditions are nasty. The extra damage is flat damage added to the base damage so it stacks with
criticals. Not bad for a mere 2,000 gp.
Price: 38,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: Sword-like beam
Duration: 13 minutes (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
You can use Flame Blade twice a day.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Flame blade
Editor (Flame Blade): A 3-foot-long, blazing beam of red-hot fire springs forth from your hand. You wield
this bladelike beam as if it were a scimitar. Attacks with the flame blade are melee touch attacks. The
blade deals 1d8+10 points of fire damage. Since the blade is immaterial, your Strength modifier does
not apply to the damage. A flame blade can ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry
sticks, and cloth. The spell does not function underwater.
Editor: So I can create a weapon from my weapon. Except this created weapon only lasts 26 minutes a day
and costs more then a +4 weapon in and of itself. Maybe for 3,800 gp. MAYBE.
Price: 15,000 gp
Property: Piercing Gauntlet/Nekode
Caster Level:12th
Aura: Strong (DC 23) evocation
Activation: Move (mental) then Attack
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
As a move action, curl your gloved hand into a claw to activate the WSA. The effect lasts for 1 round. You
can activate the gauntlets up to three times per day. A successful attack with an activated gauntlet tears a
strip of flesh away from a living corporeal opponent, causing pain and trauma that weakens as well as
dealing damage. This effect occurs even if the opponent is wearing armor. The opponent takes an extra 1d6
points of damage plus 1d4 points of Constitution damage and 1d4 points of Charisma damage. A Fortitude
saving throw negates the ability damage and halves the extra hit point damage. Incorporeal creatures or
creatures of a gaseous nature (such as air elementals) are not affected by this item. Fortitude save is DC 22
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flensing
Editor: Not so cheap con damage, but definitely a sorcerer/bards worst nightmare.
Price: 22,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level:6 th
Aura: Faint (DC 15) evocation
This single wrought iron gauntlet grants its wearer the following benefits.
An invisible but tangible field of force continuously surrounds the wearer, providing a +2 armor bonus to
AC. This defense is otherwise similar to a mage armor spell.
Once every three days, the wearer can cast a magic missile spell (as a 1st-level caster).
Also once every three days, the wearer can make a battle-blow. This melee touch attack deals 2d8+2
points of force damage to the target. The target must make a Reflex save (DC 22) to avoid being
thrown to the ground and a Fortitude save (DC 22) to avoid being stunned for 1d4 rounds.
The wearer also can use the gauntlet once to automatically get a result of 50 on a single Strength check
Using this power makes the gauntlet crumble to dust.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, mage armor, magic missile, Bigbys clenched fist
Editor: Well, over all it sucks, but that one time only 50 on a strength check might come in handy. Maybe
you really need to lift something. Maybe you really need to bend something. For that reason it
becomes a contender. You never know when you might need to do the impossible.
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 21) conjuration
Activation: Worn
Description: This pair of heavy, black leather gloves bears suns and skulls of gold on the knuckles and
around each wrist.
The wearer of gauntlets of ghost fighting deals damage normally to incorporeal creatures with spells or
attacks, ignoring an incorporeal creatures 50% miss chance. In addition, melee attacks made by the wearer
deal an extra 1d6 points of damage against incorporeal foes.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift
Editor: While at first glance this is obviously a huge step above ghost touch, since it also allows you to add
ghost touch to any spells you cast. The downside is, that it only works on a pair of gauntlets. This
requires you to keep this WSA in only a pair of gauntlets that you can still handle material components
and casts spells in. Otherwise, there is no reason for not buying a pair of these for every party member,
if you dont mind having a pair of weapons on your hands at all times.
Price: 10,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 15) necromancy
Activation: Touch attack
When worn by a living creature, these mottled gloves virtually meld with the wearers own flesh, making
his hands appear gaunt and rotting. Once per round, the wearer can make a touch attack that paralyzes the
target for 1d6+2 rounds (Fortitude DC 13 negates). Elves are immune to this paralysis. The wearer can also
deliver this attack as part of an unarmed strike, slam, claw, or similar natural attack made with the hand, but
in that case must attack normally (and not with a touch attack). The ghoul gauntlets have no effect when
worn by a construct or undead creature. If the wearer dies, the gauntlets revert to their normal appearance.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, ghoul touch.
Editor: The DC sucks so about the time that you can afford it, your enemy will be making their saves. That
said, you can use it every round. Worth a look, if you plan on making your gauntlets your primary
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: These leather gloves are cracked and worn, but still quite durable.
When you activate gauntlets of giantfelling, you gain a bonus on the next weapon damage roll you make
against a creature larger than you before the end of your turn. The extra damage is based on how many size
categories larger than you the target is. This ability functions three times per day.
1 Size Category Larger: +1d6
2 Size Categories Larger: +2d6
3+ Size Categories Larger: +3d6
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, reduce person
Editor: Why not just call it Halfling gauntlets, because small size class PCs will get the most out of this.
Im not sure if the 2,000 gp cost is worth it, but I have a gut reaction that for a halfling, youll get
enough use out of it.
Price: 11,800 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Faint (DC 17) Illusion
This black gauntlet of sturdy black leather has two large green gems mounted on the back that resemble
staring eyes. The wearer of the gauntlet has darkvision (60 feet), and each gem can glow with a light spell
once per day. The wearer can cast phantasmal killer, but this power functions only once (at which point the
gauntlet maintains its other powers). The gauntlet does not interfere with spellcasting.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, light, phantasmal killer
Editor: I wish I could separate these magical effects, but you have to buy them as a set. Its way over
priced for what it does.
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 17) necromancy
Activation: Standard (mental)
Three times a day, this WSA allows the wielder to make a melee touch attack and blind the target for one
hour. The target gets a Fortitude saving throw (DC 14) to negate the blinding effect. Elves take a -4 penalty
to the save.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Editor (Blind): Unable to see. A blind character takes 2 penalty to Armor Class, loses his Dexterity bonus
to AC (if any), moves at half speed, and takes a 4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength-
and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading and Spot
checks) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance)
relative to the blinded character.
Editor: Blinding on a touch attack, but only three times a day. Well, at low levels it might be nice as a fall
back. DC 14 fortitude save, meh.
Price: 48,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You can cast heal once a day. The will save is DC 19.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Heal
Editor (Heal): Heal enables you to channel positive energy into a creature to wipe away injury and
afflictions. It immediately ends any and all of the following adverse conditions affecting the target:
ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued,
feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, sickened, stunned, and poisoned. It also cures 130 hit points of
damage. Heal does not remove negative levels, restore permanently drained levels, or restore
permanently drained ability score points. If used against an undead creature, heal instead acts like
Editor: Expensive.
Price: 3,200 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate (DC 18) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: The fingers of these gray and scarlet gauntlets end in sharp talons, and a faint odor of
brimstone rises from them.
When you activate hellcat gauntlets, the next spell you cast during your turn that targets a single creature
also deals 1d6 points of slashing damage per level of the spell, unless the spell has no effect on the target
(due to spell resistance or a save negating the spell, for example), in which case the extra damage is
negated. This ability functions three times per day, but it cant be activated in consecutive rounds.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, spectral hand, keen edge
Editor: Only useful to offensive spellcasters who directly target foes, but for those who do, this is nothing
short of pure awesome. Who couldnt use an extra 2d6 damage on all four rays from a scorching ray
spell? Targeted fear spell? Does an extra 4d6. For a mere 3,200 gp.
Price: 30,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Duration: 13 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You can cast Hold Monster by touch once a day. Will Save is DC 17
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Hold Monster
Editor (Hold Monster): This spell functions like hold person, except that it affects any living creature that
fails its Will save.
Editor (Hold Person): The subject becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware and breathes
normally but cannot take any actions, even speech. Each round on its turn, the subject may attempt a
new saving throw to end the effect. (This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of
opportunity). A winged creature who is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer cant
swim and may drown.
Editor: Expensive and unlikely to be worth it.
Price: 2,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: This pair of flexible but tough maroon leather gauntlets has a complex sigil on each palm.
This EWSA turns any handheld weapon into a deadly thrown weapon. When you activate gauntlets of
hurling, you grant any one melee weapon you hold the throwing and returning properties for 1 round. This
ability functions three times per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, magic stone, telekinesis
Editor: The math doesnt add up. Gauntlets of Taarnahm does the same thing all the time for 10,000 gp.
By the DMG, that would mean these should only work once a day, but they work three times a day. So
either the Taarnahm EWSA is too expensive, or these are too cheap. I cannot figure out which one is
high or low, so I am including both.
Price: 6,500 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 12th
Aura: Strong (DC 21) conjuration, divination
Activation: Swift (mental)
Description: This gauntlet is made of braided mithral links.
A gauntlet of infinite blades allows you to produce a weapon at a moments notice. When it is activated, a
dagger appears in the hand wearing the gauntlet. This ability functions as often as needed, though the
dagger disappears 3 rounds after it is created. In addition, the gauntlet has 5 charges, which are renewed
each day at dawn. Spending 1 or more charges creates a more potent dagger than normal, as described
1 charge: +3 dagger.
3 charges: +3 dagger of seeking.
5 charges: +3 bane dagger of seeking (choose the creature type and subtype, if needed, when activating the
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, greater magic weapon, major
creation, summon monster I, true seeing
Editor: Im seeing this as a cool way to smuggle in a weapon, but during combat it wont hold up in the
long term. It has some use, but over all there are far better choices for the average PC.
Price: 5,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 17) Transmutation
Activation: Touch Attack
Three times per day, you can make a melee touch attack with these gauntlets. With a successful melee
touch attack, the gauntlet of lassitude slows the target for 5 rounds (Will DC 14 negates).
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, slow.
Editor: Heres the problems, the DC sucks. A great concept, but Im sure it doesnt stack with itself. Of
course, when combined with a normal attack, you can get some work out of it, but Im sure of you
miss, you waste a charge. Not bad, but not impressive either.
Price: 30,000 gp
Property: Gauntlets, Pair Only
Caster Level: 6th
Aura: Faint (DC 15) transmutation
While wearing claws of the leopard, the wielder gains lowlight vision and a +10 enhancement bonus on
Climb checks. If the wielder charges a foe, she can make a full attack with claws of the leopard. This
ability functions like the pounce special attack.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cats grace, creator must have 5 ranks in Climb
Editor (Pounce): When a creature with this special attack makes a charge, it can follow with a full attack
including rake attacks if the creature also has the rake ability.
Editor: You dont buy it for the climb, you buy it for the pounce. I would consider putting these in
scorpion claw gauntlets.
Price: 1,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Description: Threads of copper run along the fingers of these finely crafted black leather gloves.
Each pair of lightning gauntlets has 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending 1 or more
charges allows you to deal electricity damage to an adjacent target. No attack roll is required, but a
successful DC 14 Reflex save halves the damage dealt.
1 charge: 2d6 points of electricity damage.
2 charges: 3d6 points of electricity damage.
3 charges: 4d6 points of electricity damage.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, shocking grasp
Editor: Meh. A cheap source of renewable damage, but it requires you to use your standard action to use it.
At low levels its awesome. As you advance in level, it becomes a back-up source of electrical damage.
By double digits its useless because your targets with either have evasion or have enough electrical
defense to suck it.
Price: 24,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 10th
Aura: Moderate (DC 20) conjuration
Activation: Free (mental)
Description: A shimmering opalescent gleam shifts slowly across this leather gauntlet.
A mind blade gauntlet allows a soulknife to enhance the power of his mind blade. Each mind blade
gauntlet is created with a particular weapon property with a market price modifier of +2 (such as collision)
that can be used by a soulknife with the mind blade enhancement class feature (see the soulknife class
description, EPH 26). When you expend your psionic focus while manifesting your mind blade, the blade
gains the weapon property designated by the gauntlet. This effect lasts for 1 minute. If you split your mind
blade into two matching blades, the effect applies only to the mind blade manifested through the mind
blade gauntlet. Unlike most items that occupy the hands body slot, you can wear two mind blade gauntlets
simultaneously, allowing an effect to be applied to each mind blade (but not two effects to one mind blade).
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mind blade
Editor: Dont use mind blades. Dont know if this is useful or not.
Price: 42,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 15th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) conjuration
Activation: Free (mental)
Description: This softly glowing gauntlet seems made from seamless cloth spun from opals.
A greater mind blade gauntlet functions as a mind blade gauntlet, except that it holds a weapon property
with a +3 bonus market price modifier that can be used by a soulknife with the mind blade enhancement
class feature.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mind blade
Editor: Dont use mind blades. Dont know if this is useful or not.
Price: 10,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 17) conjuration
Activation: Free (mental)
Description: This soft leather gauntlet has an opalescent shine.
A lesser mind blade gauntlet functions as a mind blade gauntlet, except that it holds a weapon property
with a +1 bonus market price modifier that can be used by a soulknife with the mind blade enhancement
class feature.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, mind blade
Editor: Dont use mind blades. Dont know if this is useful or not.
Price: 11,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 17) transmutation
Activation: Standard (command)
Description: These gauntlets appear pitted and decayed, although closer inspection reveals them to be
sound. Each is set with small amber crystals that rest on the tops of the knuckles.
Once per day, gauntlets of mindfire can be activated to project a 15-foot cone-shaped burst of mental
sickness. A successful DC 14 Fortitude save negates the effect. Any creature that fails its saving throw
contracts a virulent form of mindfire. A victim can be infected only once; subsequent uses of this item on
an infected target produce no further effect. Mindfire has no incubation perioda victim immediately takes
1d4 points of Intelligence damage. Each day thereafter, a victim must succeed on a DC 14 Fortitude save or
take another 1d4 points of Intelligence damage. If a victim succeeds on its Fortitude save two days in a
row, it fights off the disease and takes no more damage.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, mind poison or mindfire
Editor: Well screw you, wizard. However, the time you can afford this, your enemies will be making a DC
14 fortitude save with annoying regularity. That said, this is more for a DM then a PC, as this will
continue to screw them for quite some time and drive them to use up cure disease reserves.
Price: 4,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, pair only
Caster Level: th
Aura: Faint (DC 15) evocation
These gauntlets are made of tough leather with iron studs running across the back of the hands and fingers.
They grant the wearer great strength, adding a +2 enhancement bonus to his Strength score. Both gauntlets
must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, bulls strength.
Editor: Strength. Whee.
Price: 50,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Range: Touch
Target (Stone to flesh): One creature
Target (Flesh to stone): One petrified creature or a cylinder of stone from 1 ft. to 3 ft. in diameter and up
to 10 ft. long
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You can cast stone to flesh once per day by touch. You can cast flesh to stone once per day by touch. The
fortitude save is DC 19.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, flesh to stone, stone to flesh
Editor (Flesh to stone): The subject, along with all its carried gear, turns into a mindless, inert statue. If the
statue resulting from this spell is broken or damaged, the subject (if ever returned to its original state)
has similar damage or deformities. The creature is not dead, but it does not seem to be alive either
when viewed with spells such as deathwatch. Only creatures made of flesh are affected by this spell.
Editor (Stone to flesh): This spell restores a petrified creature to its normal state, restoring life and goods.
The creature must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to survive the process. Any petrified creature,
regardless of size, can be restored. The spell also can convert a mass of stone into a fleshy substance.
Such flesh is inert and lacking a vital life force unless a life force or magical energy is available. (For
example, this spell would turn a stone golem into a flesh golem, but an ordinary statue would become a
corpse). You can affect an object that fits within a cylinder from 1 foot to 3 feet in diameter and up to
10 feet long or a cylinder of up to those dimensions in a larger mass of stone.
Editor: The original was worded poorly and Im not sure if they meant that you could both once a day, or
one or the other, once a day. Considering its already overpriced, Im thinking you can use both once a
Price: 26,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Range: Touch
Target: Willing living creature touched
Duration: 13 minutes (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You can cast polymorph by touch once a day.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, polymorph
Editor (Polymorph): This spell functions like alter self, except that you change the willing subject into
another form of living creature. The new form may be of the same type as the subject or any of the
following types: aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid,
ooze, plant, or vermin. The assumed form cant have more Hit Dice than your caster level (or the
subjects HD, whichever is lower), to a maximum of 15 HD at 15th level. You cant cause a subject to
assume a form smaller than Fine, nor can you cause a subject to assume an incorporeal or gaseous
form. The subjects creature type and subtype (if any) change to match the new form. Upon changing,
the subject regains lost hit points as if it had rested for a night (though this healing does not restore
temporary ability damage and provide other benefits of resting; and changing back does not heal the
subject further). If slain, the subject reverts to its original form, though it remains dead. The subject
gains the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the new form but retains its own Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma scores. It also gains all extraordinary special attacks possessed by the form
(such as constrict, improved grab, and poison) but does not gain the extraordinary special qualities
possessed by the new form (such as blindsense, fast healing, regeneration, and scent) or any
supernatural or spell-like abilities. Incorporeal or gaseous creatures are immune to being polymorphed,
and a creature with the shapechanger subtype (such as a lycanthrope or a doppelganger) can revert to
its natural form as a standard action.
Editor: Very expensive for what it does. The spell itself is broken.
Price: 500 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: Each of these gauntlets bears a brass plate set with a faceted pale blue crystal on the back of
the hand.
If you are a psionic character, reach gauntlets allow you to temporarily create a telekinetic extension of
your normal attacks. You must spend 1 power point to activate the gauntlets, effectively extending your
normal reach by 5 feet for all melee attacks you make until the end of your turn. This ability functions three
times per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, mage hand or extend reach
Editor: ARG! Cool ability, a pity you can only use it if you are psionicist.
Price: 66,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You can cast regenerate once per day.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, regenerate
Editor (Regenerate): The subjects severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or
even heads of multi-headed creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. After the spell is
cast, the physical regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present and touching
the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise. Regenerate also cures 4d8 points of damage +1 point per
caster level (maximum +35), rids the subject of exhaustion and/or fatigue, and eliminates all nonlethal
damage the subject has taken. It has no effect on non-living creatures (including undead).
Editor: Horribly overpriced.
Price: 3,000 gp
Property: Piercing Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) evocation
Activation: Swift (command)
Description: These heavy, fingerless leather gloves bear shining adamantine bands across the knuckles.
These masterwork spiked gauntlets allow you to tear the flesh of any creature you strike with at least two
weapons. If you deal damage to a creature with at least two different weapons or natural attacks on your
turn, you can activate rending gauntlets to deal an extra 2d6 points of damage with the second attack. This
ability functions three times per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, shatter
Editor: Of course what makes these awesome is that there is no reason they cannot stack with the rending
feat. Just a side note, I would like to point out that this is a wondrous item that is built into a weapon.
The weapon is calculated as a masterwork weapon, and yet, the item does not need craft arms and
armor to make. This is the example I would point at to show that all these should be extrapolated
weapon special abilities, because the original authors did such a poor job following their own rules.
Price: 2,300 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate (DC 15) conjuration
Activation: Immediate (command)
Description: Dark birds of prey, four small chains, and a black-and-yellow checkered field adorn these
leather gloves.
Inspired by the spells of the legendary wizard Bigby, these gloves help keep enemies at a safe distance.
You can activate repelling gauntlets only when a visible enemy moves into a square adjacent to you. That
enemy must attempt a DC 17 Reflex save; if this fails, it is immediately pushed 5 feet away from you and it
loses any remaining movement allowed in that action (though it can use additional actions to move farther).
For example, if a wolf (speed 50 feet) moved 30 feet into a square adjacent to you, and it failed its save
against the effect, you would push it 5 feet away from you in any direction and it would lose the remaining
20 feet of that move action. It could then use another move action, if it still had one, to close the remaining
distance. If the wolf were charging, its entire full-round action would be wasted. This ability functions once
per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, Bigbys interposing hand
Editor: Immediate actions are good. Once a day is bad. Still, a nice thing to have as a wizard if someone
gets too close.
Price: 11,500 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Faint (DC 17) evocation
Activation: Worn and Touch Attack
Target: One non-magical ferrous object (or the volume of the object within 3 ft. of the touched point) or
one ferrous creature
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This single metal gauntlet looks rusted and pitted but is actually quite powerful. Once per day, it can affect
an object as with the rusting grasp spell. It also completely protects the wearer and her gear from rust
(magical or otherwise), including the attack of a rust monster.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, rusting grasp
Editor (Rusting Grasp): Any iron or iron alloy item you touch becomes instantaneously rusted, pitted, and
worthless, effectively destroyed. If the item is so large that it cannot fit within a 3-foot radius (a large
iron door or a wall of iron), a 3-foot-radius volume of the metal is rusted and destroyed. Magic items
made of metal are immune to this spell. You may employ rusting grasp in combat with a successful
melee touch attack. Rusting grasp used in this way instantaneously destroys 1d6 points of Armor Class
gained from metal armor (to the maximum amount of protection the armor offered) through corrosion.
For example, full plate armor (AC +8) could be reduced to +7 or as low as +2 in protection, depending
on the die roll. Weapons in use by an opponent targeted by the spell are more difficult to grasp. You
must succeed on a melee touch attack against the weapon. A metal weapon that is hit is destroyed.
Striking at an opponents weapon provokes an attack of opportunity. Also, you must touch the weapon
and not the other way around. Against a ferrous creature, rusting grasp instantaneously deals 3d6+7
points of damage +7.
Editor: A nasty attack, that falls sort due to not affecting magic items. That can be solved by including the
dispel magic WSA in with the gauntlet. Dispel magic will render the magic item non-magical for a few
rounds, more then enough time to corrode it away.
Price: 66,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Free (command) with Attack
Range: Touch
Target: Creature or object touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
You can cast shocking grasp three times a day.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Shocking Grasp
Editor (Shocking Grasp): Your successful melee touch attack deals 5d6 points of electricity damage. When
delivering the jolt, you gain a +3 bonus on attack rolls if the opponent is wearing metal armor (or made
out of metal, carrying a lot of metal, or the like).
Editor: ARE YOU ON CRACK? Seriously? 66,000 gp for a 3/day 1
level spell? REALLY? I assume that
means you can use this with the attack of the weapon. I mean, it would be insane to have it work any
other way. The original entry is unclear, but I assume thats what they mean. It HAS to be because
there is no other reason for this to even exist. That would mean you can use it as a touch attack, all by
itself, or if you make a normal attack roll with the weapon, you can add 3d6 electrical damage, but you
have to choose BEFORE you swing. Thats the price you pay for stacking damage.
Price: 3,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 17) evocation
Activation: Free (command)
Soulsmite gauntlets allow a soulborn (MoI 25) to channel the power of a soulmeld into her smite opposition
ability. When you use smite opposition, you can select one soulmeld you have shaped. All essentia invested
in that soulmeld becomes uninvested, and you gain an additional bonus on your attack roll and damage roll
equal to the essentia that was invested. For example, if you were an 8th-level soulborn with 2 essentia
invested in your impulse boots, you could drain that soulmeld temporarily to gain an additional +2 bonus
on the attack roll and damage roll of your smite attack. Essentia drained from a soulmeld in this way
returns to your essentia pool and can be invested again as normal.
Chakra Bind (Hands): If you bind soulsmite gauntlets to your hands chakra, you gain one additional daily
use of your smite opposition ability. When the gauntlets are bound, the gems mounted on them glow
with soft inner light. See Magic of Incarnum for rules on binding magic items to your chakras.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, essentia pool
Editor: I do not get incarnium at all, so I cant tell you if these are good or not.
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Gauntlet (Piercing Only)
Caster Level: 4th
Aura: Faint (DC 15) evocation
When worn as a pair, piercing gauntlets or nekode permit the wielder movement on vertical surfaces or
even upside down, though both the wearers hands must be used for climbing. The wearers speed is 15
feet. Because of the weapons sharp claws, even extremely slippery surfaces can be negotiated with ease.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spider climb
Editor: If you like climbing, there ya go. Meh.
Price: +1 Bonus
Property: Gauntlet, Pair Only
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate (DC 18) evocation
Activation: Standard
This pair of gauntlets grants electricity resistance 5. This is a continuous effect and requires no activation.
The gauntlets also have four charges that are renewed at dawn each day. It has the following abilities:
Shocking Grasp: As the spell cast by a 9th-level wizard, save DC 13. This power uses 1 charge.
Lightning Bolt: As the spell cast by a 9th-level wizard, save DC 15. This power uses 2 charges.
Electric Spheres: These act like flaming spheres, except that you create four spheres of crackling
electricity. You can direct any or all of the spheres with the same action. Multiple spheres directed at
the same creature deal damage separately (Reflex DC 13 half). These spheres deal electric damage.
This power uses 4 charges.
Storm gauntlets have 50 charges when new. After the last charge is expended, the remaining properties of
the weapon remain the same.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
Editor: This is the weapon that was inspired by Star Wars. Dark Force Lightning! It costs 954 gp retail per
charge. It costs 3,816 gp to fire the ball lightning ONCE. This sucks.
Price: 10,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate (DC 18) transmutation
This chainmail gauntlet allows the wielder to hurl any melee weapon he carries as though it had the
throwing and returning special abilities.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, magic stone, telekinesis
Editor: So for 10,000 gp you get the equivalent of a +2 WSA to your weapon, whatever you are holding.
Now, Im not a big fan of returning, since you have to wait for it to come back to you. If the DM was
flexible, Id ask for this with throwing and teleporting. It costs exactly the same, but it returns to your
hand if you move before it returns. Of course it doesnt work in teleport warded areas, but its a small
price to pay.
Price: 20,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 22) evocation
Activation: Standard (command)
Range: Touch
Target or Targets: See text
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 round/level) or instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) or None; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes (object); see text
You can cast telekinesis twice a day with a range of touch, but you can only use the violent thrust feature of
the spell. The will save is DC 17.
Construction: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, telekinesis
Editor (Telekinesis-Violent Thrust): You can hurl one object or creature per caster level (maximum 13) that
are within range and all within 10 feet of each other toward any target within 130 feet of all the
objects. You can hurl up to a total weight of 325 pounds. You must succeed on attack rolls (one per
creature or object thrown) to hit the target with the items, using your base attack bonus + 2. Weapons
cause standard damage (with no Strength bonus; note that arrows or bolts deal damage as daggers of
their size when used in this manner). Other objects cause damage ranging from 1 point per 25 pounds
(for less dangerous objects such as a barrel) to 1d6 points of damage per 25 pounds (for hard, dense
objects such as a boulder). Creatures who fall within the weight capacity of the spell can be hurled, but
they are allowed Will saves (and spell resistance) to negate the effect, as are those whose held
possessions are targeted by the spell. If a telekinesed creature is hurled against a solid surface, it takes
damage as if it had fallen 10 feet (1d6 points).
Editor: Wait a sec, a 1
level spell is 66,000 gp, but this 5
level spell is 20,000 gp? Who priced this crap?
Note, there is no to hit roll to use this against an enemy, if he falls under the weight limit. He just gets a
will save. It would be best to use this to hurl a heavy object, or 13 weapons. Preferably something with
a high base damage. A Sugliin does 2d8 and weighs 20 lbs and by far the cheapest at 35 gp. Scissor
swords do the same but have a better crit range, with a cost of 100 gp. Fullblade comes in at 23 lbs and
does 2d8, again, 100 gp each.
Price: 3,500 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) divination
Activation: Standard (command)
When you activate true strike gauntlets, you gain a +20 insight bonus on the next attack you make before
the end of your next turn. This ability functions once per day.
Cost to Create: 1,750 gp, 140 XP, 4 days.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, true strike
Editor: Once a day sucks.
Price: 12,700 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint (DC 15) evocation and transmutation
Activation: Standard (command) and Standard (command)
Range: 35 ft
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
The plates that make up the gauntlets always seem to be caked with frost and ice. The wearer of gloves of
the uldra savant can create a ray of frost at will as a standard action. Three times per day, the user may
imbue any melee weapon held in her hand with the frost special ability as a standard action; this causes the
weapon to do an additional 1d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit. The weapon retains this quality
for 5 rounds.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, frost weapon, ray of frost
Editor (Ray of Frost): A ray of freezing air and ice projects from your pointing finger. You must succeed
on a ranged touch attack with the ray to deal damage to a target. The ray deals 1d3 points of cold
Editor: Words fail me as to how much this sucks. Its a trap. It looks nice until you realize just how little
damage a ray of frost does every round. 15 rounds of frost WSA, but you have to waste 3 rounds using
a standard action to activate it? Holy crap this is awful.
Price: 96,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong (DC 15) Necromancy
Activation: Touch Attack
Description: This spiked gauntlet of jet-black steel smells faintly of brimstone.
If the wearer succeeds on a melee touch attack, the target must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be reduced
to a pile of smoldering cinders. If the Fortitude save succeeds, the target instead takes 10d6 points of
damage. A gauntlet of utterdeath is usable three times per day.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, destruction
Editor: Now, by the time you can afford this, youre going to see your targets make the save with an
obscene amount of regularity. On the other hand, it automatically does 10d6, which can be combined
with any other attack you care to make with your gauntlet. Just under stand you have to declare the
touch attack before you take it, and if you miss, you lose the charge. Still, an impressive amount of
damage, with a possible instant kill.
Price: 4,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair Only
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Moderate (DC 16) Transmutation
Activation: Worn
Description: These simple metal gauntlets are the type that normally comes with a suit of full plate armor,
though they are abnormally well polished. Symbols of war are etched deeply across the back of each.
While you wear gauntlets of war, you gain a +1 bonus on melee weapon damage. If you worship any deity
that grants access to the War domain, this bonus increases to +3 with that deitys favored weapon.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, bulls strength, access to the War domain.
Editor: Now this is a nice perk, especially if you follow a war god. Note, you dont have to be a cleric, just
follow a war god. Also note that since clerics worship a specific concept, like Good or Corn, and
receive spells without actually following a god, you too can choose to worship the concept of War
itself, without worshiping a specific god. If you worship the domain of war, you can believe that the
concept of wars favored weapon is anything you want it to be. This is a rather extreme viewpoint and
totally ruins the RAI of this WSA, but that doesnt stop it from being any less RAW.
Price: 6,000 gp
Property: Gauntlet, Pair Only
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint (DC 16) Transmutation
Activation: Worn
Any weapon (even a nonmetallic one) you hold while wearing these gauntlets overcomes damage reduction
as if it were a magic silvered weapon.
Construction: Craft Wondrous Item, magic weapon
Editor: Its just cheap enough to be sort of useful. If you plan on switching your weapons often and use
only mundane normal, non-magical weapons, then this might be of use. But its fairly expensive.