NewsRecord14 05 28
NewsRecord14 05 28
NewsRecord14 05 28
Published by
Grimsrud Publishing, Inc.
225 Main Street, PO Box 97
Zumbrota, MN 55992
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Email: [email protected]
Communities Served:
Goodhue ............................ 8,10B
Pine Island/Oronoco .......... 1-5,8B
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Celebrity tree gets a logo
The Moose Tree logo was created by NexGen Sign & Graphics, Rochester.
By Karen Snyder
ORONOCO Soon a new sign
with a Moose Tree logo will wel-
come visitors to Oronoco Park.
The city council, at its May 20
meeting, unanimously agreed to
Public Works supervisor Cain
Dolans request to honor the tree,
Oronocos largest, oldest, and most
unusual resident.
Measuring 91 feet high and 192
inches around, the Moose Tree is
Minnesotas biggest basswood,
dubbed by the DNR the Big Tree
Champion American Basswood
The 150-plus-year-old champ
thrives in the center of Oronoco
Park. Because of fluky limb growth,
the tree looks as if moose heads
three of them perch in it.
The basswood is a celebrity. Its
been featured in newspaper sto-
ries, and three years ago, WCCO-
TV aired a Moose Tree story.
Also in 2011, the tree got its
first professional grooming. Vol-
unteers, including Dolan, Adam
Hoehne, and Jon Marx of Arborists
of Rochester, and Corey Schulte
of Rainbow Tree Care, donated
time and tools to trim the crown
and install cables to protect
branches from high winds.
Now the cables need adjusting.
When the tree leafs out fully, the
volunteers will tend to that task.
The Moose Tree is alive and well,
Dolan said. Weve prolonged its
life for many years.
GOODHUE The Goodhue
Lions Club celebrated 50 years of
serving the community on May
10 with a banquet attended by Li-
ons International representatives
along with two local men who have
served as district governors.
Vaughn Bien, a founding mem-
ber when the Kenyon and
Wanamingo clubs sponsored
Goodhues Lions, admitted he had
no clue what Lions Club was about
at the beginning. But it didnt take
Zumbrota Cemetery among those
to have veterans markers stolen
This is an example of a veterans
marker left untouched at the
Zumbrota Cemetery. Over 30
markers are known to have been
removed from gravesites at the
cemetery. The theft was first noticed
May 10th when five stars were found
along the walking trail adjacent to
the cemetery.
By Marilyn Anderson
ZUMBROTA Several area
Memorial Day preparations and
observances this year were marred
by the thefts of veterans markers
at cemeteries. Zumbrota was
among the communities that also
included Cannon Falls, Frontenac,
Vasa, and Oronoco to have been
hit by thieves who snatched the
brass rods with the mounted orna-
mental stars from the gravesites.
The incidents were first reported
in late April and continued into
May is typically a busy month
for Frank Aunan, Commander of
Stary-Yerka VFW Post #5727,
with preparations for the Memo-
rial Day observance and the an-
nual Field of Honor held over the
same weekend in Zumbrota. What
he didnt expect was the follow-
up to the theft of more than 30
veterans markers at the Zumbrota
Aunan became aware of the in-
cident after Erik Hostager, of Zum-
brota and son of a veteran, came
into the VFW on Saturday, May
10. Hostager had found five vet-
erans stars along the walking trail,
adjacent to the west side of the
cemetery. Since that time, Zum-
brota Police Chief Gary Selness
said a total of 32 stars have been
found. But Aunan said, We might
still find more. And who knows,
some may have even been tossed
in the river.
The stars, engraved with Vet-
eran are affixed to two-foot long
brass rods that are placed in the
ground at the gravesites of mili-
tary veterans. Throughout the year,
Aunan keeps a list of veterans
deaths and in early spring, sends a
request to the Goodhue County
Veterans Officer. An appropriate
number of rods and stars are re-
ceived to have on hand ahead of
Memorial Day when flags are also
placed at the gravesites. The county
receives the ornamentation and
rods from the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs.
In addition to Zumbrota Cem-
etery, VFW Post #5727 also over-
sees duties for five other area cem-
eteries for veterans. No missing
markers have been noted at the
other locations.
Aunan has contacted the sup-
plier in Ohio for the cost to re-
place the stolen rods and dam-
aged stars. The cost for one orna-
mental, detailed star and one brass
rod totals $27.90, with the major-
ity of the cost for the star. Ship-
ping costs are additional. With the
thieves apparently just taking the
rods and presumably selling them
for less money than the $4.50 per
rod purchase price, Aunan asked,
Is it (stealing) worth it for that
amount of money? The stars are
pretty incriminating, so they are
broken off and left behind. The
service markers have a mounting
on the back to accept the rod and a
flag dowel. Brass is an alloy made
of copper and zinc.
Aunan has been weighing the
pros and cons of other options that
may be less expensive and/or not
as attractive to thieves. Aluminum
rods would be less expensive but
more easily damaged by weed
whackers and lawn mowers. Steel
would be durable, but prone to
rust over the years. Another thought
has been to see what a company
such as Custom Iron could do -
perhaps a coating over steel that
would be durable, yet attractive.
While unable to have the mark-
ers replaced in time for Memorial
Day 2014, Aunan said We are
determined. Im sure we will get
help. Word of the loss has begun
to travel and as of May 22, he had
already begun receiving notifica-
tions from family members of
veterans who had checked loved
ones gravesites to report missing
Aunan welcomes being con-
tacted with names of where ser-
vice markers were stolen. Match-
ing of deceased veterans names
against the cemetery directory,
followed by checking the actual
sites for missing markers, will be
a tedious task. Announcements
were being made at the Field of
Honor Ceremony on May 24 and
Memorial Day, May 26.
If you visit the Zumbrota Cem-
etery and find a marker is miss-
ing, call the VFW office at 732-
5411 or Aunans home at 732-
7227. Leave a brief message, stat-
ing the veterans name and a phone
number for returning a call. You
will be contacted to obtain addi-
tional information.
Selness said law enforcement
agencies in Goodhue and Olmsted
Counties have been notified of the
thefts and of a suspect in the case
after a recycling center reported
rods being brought in.
Pine Island Cheese Festival begins June 6
PINE ISLAND The 78th an-
nual Pine Island Cheese Festival
begins at noon on Friday, June 6.
On Main Street in Pine Island, enjoy
a variety of carnival foods, live
music, special events, fireworks,
and sporting events.
Cheese Festival buttons and
wristbands are on sale at several
merchants. A button or wristband
will enter you in the many draw-
ings going on throughout the week-
end. They also get you into spe-
cial events going on all weekend
long. Carnival ride tickets are avail-
able in advance as well and can be
purchased at a discount at Pine
Island Bank or First American
There will be a ton of things for
children to enjoy including a spe-
cial Kids Day at Collins Park fea-
turing kids games, face painting,
and much more on Friday. And
Kids Day at the Carnival is Satur-
day from 1-6 p.m. with discounts
of one ticket each per ride.
Besides the usual carnival good-
ies cheese curds, hamburgers,
hot dogs, pronto pups, popcorn,
and ice cream you can enjoy
cheese samples at the welcome
booth. St. Paul Lutheran Church
will be at their popular pie stand
and the American Legion holds a
pancake breakfast on Sunday
New events this year include a
Cheese, Wine, and Beer Gala from
3-7 p.m. on Saturday, a teen mu-
sic mingle with live music, also
on Saturday, and a dunk tank ben-
efiting the Pine Island swimming
pool fund throughout the week-
Fireworks are scheduled for
Friday night and there are street
dances both Friday and Saturday
nights. For more athletic folks, a
canoe/kayak race is set for Fri-
day, and a Pink Ribbon 5K Run/
Walk will be held on Saturday
morning followed by a volleyball
tournament. The annual golf tour-
nament starts Saturday at 9 a.m.
with registration.
The Grand Parade starts at 2
p.m. on Sunday, but dont think
that is the end of the festival. Come
watch the firemens water fight
after the parade, visit the History
Center, and dont forget the food
booths will still be open and Bingo
runs until 7 p.m. Merriams Mid-
way Rides will be open Sunday
until 10 p.m. Stick around for the
final button drawings at 7 p.m. at
the Gazebo on Main Street includ-
ing a grand prize drawing of $500.
For a full schedule of events,
see next weeks issue. You can
also visit www.pineislandcheese or like us on Facebook.
News-Record photo by Faye Haugen
Stary-Yerka VFW Post 5727 hosts ninth annual Field of Honor
ZUMBROTA Luminaries lit up the 500 American flags at the ninth annual Field of Honor sponsored by the Zumbrota VFW at the Covered Bridge Park over the Memorial Day weekend. Many area veterans attended
Saturdays opening ceremony. Veterans also manned the Field of Honor from Saturday morning through late Monday.
From left to right are Goodhue Lions President Richard Bigelow, District
Governor Earl Orvik, Past District Governor Lowell Peterson, International
Director Mike Melinda, Past District Governer Vaughn Bien, and Past
International Director Brian Sheehan.
long. At the clubs first meeting
the members decided to hold a
chicken and corn feed as a
fundraiser. That first chicken bar-
becue served about 300 people in
the rain. Today the event draws
about 3,000.
Fifty years seems unbelievable
now, Bien said, recalling the
good times, good friends, and
good deeds weve done. These
things included raising funds to
build a community swimming pool
and to establish the Goodhue Li-
ons building as a community cen-
The Goodhue club went on to
sponsor five clubs in the district,
and it sponsored the Goodhue Li-
oness Club in 1975. That group is
still active, as well.
Bien and 40-year club member
Lowell Peterson of Morristown
were honored for their service to
the club and for serving as district
Goodhue Lions
celebrate 50 years
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Legal newspaper for the Cities of
Goodhue, Mazeppa, Oronoco, Pine
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of area townships and Goodhue County
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Ad and News Deadlines: Friday noon.
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Office Hours:
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Publisher: Peter K. Grimsrud
Editor: Matthew R. Grimsrud
News Reporters:
Goodhue School Board: R. Duane Aaland
Zumbrota and Goodhue City Council:
Tara Chapa
Oronoco City Council: Karen Snyder
Pine Island: Audra DePestel (356-2182)
PI council and PI and ZM School Meetings:
Alice Duschanek-Myers
Wanamingo and Mazeppa City Council
and KW School: Alicia Hunt-Welch (824-
Zumbrota: Marilyn Anderson, Tawny
Sports: Faye Haugen (732-7617)
Ad Composition:
Jennifer Grimsrud
News Composition:
Virginia Schmidt
Deb Grimsrud and Virginia Schmidt
Amendment 19 of the United States Constitution
Passed by Congress June 4, 1919. Ratified August 18, 1920.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or
by any State on account of sex.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
To the Editor:
Many Democrats in Congress,
including U.S. Senators Amy
Klobuchar and Al Franken, sup-
port a proposed constitutional
amendment to fix the federal cam-
paign system. The proposal would
take aim at the political action
committees and unregulated
money flowing into campaigns.
Ever since the Supreme Court
ruled on Citizens United in 2010,
you could say big corporations and
labor unions won the fight over
average Americans regarding free-
dom of speech. The trend contin-
ued in early April when the Su-
preme Court ruled to strike down
the overall limits that wealthy
donors can contribute to political
campaigns. Once again, the aver-
age guy without much influence
or access to our political system
was left on the sideline.
Ive heard debate about public
disclosure of money to campaigns,
which is a good thing. My idea of
a democracy is citizens freely dis-
cussing and debating issues with-
out secrecy or special access. How
can our democracy work when big
corporations or wealthy individu-
als spend obscene amounts of
money to influence elections and
remain anonymous besides? The
average guy can go down to city
hall and sit next to his neighbor
and have a completely different
view-point and walk away with-
out getting into fist fight. We ex-
pect civility and respect, unlike
other countries where masked men
roam and burn buildings due to
political ideology. It hasnt always
been easy in this country, but we
can be proud of the gift we call
So, this is a time in our countrys
history to stand up and reverse the
trend of big money and special
Time for courage
interests in our political system.
If it takes a constitutional amend-
ment to address this issue, then I
concur, but the Democrats in Con-
gress need to turn this into more
than an election year gimmick.
They way things stand now in
Congress, this constitutional
amendment wont move forward
without Republican support. Why
not include term limits, which the
Tea Party faction of the conserva-
tive wing endorses? Why not craft
tougher regulations for Washing-
ton D.C. lobbyists and some former
members of Congress who feed at
the same taxpayer trough?
One thing is for sure, this en-
deavor will take courage. Putting
the flag and democracy up for sale
isnt courageous. We can do bet-
ter than this.
Jeffrey W. Flaten
By Steve Drazkowski
MN Rep. District 21B
Misplaced priorities
highlight 2014 session
Another legislative session has
come and gone, and while there
are a handful of positives that can
be found in our legislative work
over the past few months, Im find-
ing that theyre being trumped by
a long list of negatives.
As someone who is fiscally con-
servative and tries to limit
governments intrusion in your life,
its been difficult to watch Demo-
crats pass the largest spending in-
crease in the history of the state,
needlessly raise taxes and fees on
all hardworking Minnesotans, and
approve their radical social agenda.
$3 billion was spent on new,
permanent spending on state gov-
ernment in 2013, and apparently
it wasnt enough. On the last day
of the 2014 session, Democrats
chose to spend $262 million more.
After the majority raised taxes
and fees by roughly $2.4 billion
in 2013, we chose to eliminate
three troublesome Democrat-ap-
proved business taxes and return
some money to the taxpayers
roughly $550 million.
Unbelievably, the majority party
praised themselves for fighting for
the taxpayer. In essence, they took
a dollar out of your pocket last
year, handed you a dime in return
this year, and told you to enjoy the
tax relief.
Legalizing gay marriage was a
top Democrat priority in 2013, so
its no surprise this agenda was
highlighted as part of Minnesotas
new statewide anti-bullying leg-
islation that was approved in 2014.
Attempts were also made to take
away the rights of law-abiding gun
owners, but fortunately hundreds
of them spoke up or visited the
State Capitol and put an end to
that nonsense.
These are the joys of one party
Republicans did have alterna-
tives. We didnt want to spend
more than the state brought in
through tax collections. We wanted
to return every dollar of this years
$1.2 billion surplus to the
hardworking taxpayers because the
legislature and the governor over-
charged them last year.
Democrats chose a different
direction, and are banking that
Minnesotas economy will con-
tinue to exceed expectations. If it
doesnt, the era of budget deficits
will return because leadership was
anything but prudent when it came
to state government spending in-
creases over the past two years.
Another area the parties differed
was on capital investment. Mil-
lions were wasted on sculpture
gardens, museums, art centers, and
snowmaking equipment, while not
nearly enough money was included
for local road and bridge repair.
I authored a bonding bill that
would have dedicated $517 mil-
lion for road and bridge improve-
ment projects statewide, prioritized
State Capitol reconstruction along
with wastewater and drinking water
projects, and would have left out
the pork - completely. It did not
receive consideration.
Statewide spending is now out
of control, and some of the priori-
ties that were funded by legisla-
tive leadership will make you shake
your head. An Obamacare bail-
out that costs more than $400 mil-
lion. A new senate office building
that is not needed and costs tax-
payers nearly $90 million. The list
goes on and on and on.
Minnesota cannot continue
down this path where we spend
every nickel we can and worry
about the consequences later. In
the future, we are going to need to
show fiscal restraint, restore bal-
ance, present workable solutions,
and discover respect for
Minnesotas hardworking taxpay-
By Jan David Fisher
And now for something
completely different
Yes, the line is from Monty
Pythons Flying Circus show. I
am not going to write about edu-
cation, or politics.
Once upon a time (you dont
know how much I have been want-
ing to start a column with this
phrase) George Lucas had a dream
and an idea. He finally decided to
make his dream come true. Lucas
made a movie called Star Wars,
A New Hope, Episode 4 The
idea was to make a retro movie
of science fiction movies made in
the 30s and 40s. He did it for fun.
He didnt expect it to be highly
successful. Yet he touched a nerve
and Star Wars became BIG! He
made five more Star Wars epi-
sodes for a series of six continu-
ous stories.
After the first movie (Episode
4), he agreed to a comic version of
the movie and beyond. The con-
tract did give him and his staff
editorial control of the story line.
Nearly ten years later, Marvel
(Spiderman, etc) thought they
could sneak in an idea without
approval from him. It turns out
that his staff was reading the com-
ics and he pulled the plug on Mar-
vel. The Marvel artists and writ-
ers (writers are artists as well) who
worked on the Star Wars comics
left Marvel and approached Mr.
Lucas and company. They really
wanted to do Star Wars. They
agreed to the editorial oversight.
Darkhorse started producing Star
Wars comics. (And life was good!)
Relevant, but off to the side,
Disney & Company bought Mar-
vel to help make the Marvel mov-
ies. Then Disney bought Lucass
company, Lucasfilm Ltd. And
suddenly the ground rules changed.
For those of us who like what
Darkhorse had and has done, their
effort will end at the end of 2014.
Marvel will take over production
of Star Wars comics. Hopefully
this time they will follow the edi-
torial oversight of Lucass staff.
The first Star Wars novel was
The Splinter of the Minds Eye
published in 1978. Since then,
hundreds of novels have been pub-
lished spanning reading levels from
young people to adults. The graphic
novels (comic books) have been
published and repackaged and
published again. Disney is mak-
ing Episode 7 now. If you look
for it, a spinoff movie was made
about the Ewoks.
The Star Wars phenomena has
exceeded Lucass dream. Fortu-
nately, he has control of the dream
and we have Star Wars. Watch
the movies again, but this time, go
deeper. You will find social com-
ments on a variety of topics from
religion to politics and other so-
cial activities. You can enjoy the
story as just a story. You can also
determine Lucass principles and
beliefs and see that both view-
points are correct and true. In Star
Wars terms, the truth from a cer-
tain point of view. And that is
what is different. Until next week.
By Tim Kelly
MN Rep. District 21A
Session ends with some tax corrections
and even more spending
The final week of the 2014 leg-
islative session was highlighted
with good news and bad news.
First the good: Weve begun to
correct some of the legislative
majoritys tax increase mistakes.
Last session, Governor Dayton and
House and Senate Democrats ap-
proved more than $2 billion in
unnecessary tax and fee increases
that impacted all hardworking tax-
payers across Minnesota.
I discussed the potential prob-
lems associated with this economic
strategy with legislative leader-
ship. As you recall, the impact felt
locally was tremendous. Compa-
nies such as Red Wing Shoe and
other local businesses stepped for-
ward and shared how a number of
the new business taxes would put
them at a competitive disadvan-
tage with Wisconsin and other
states, and how that disadvantage
would ultimately impact their
workforce and economic liveli-
To their credit, the Democrats
listened. We repealed three of their
business-to-business taxes early
in the 2014 session. We even passed
two other proposals that attempted
to give money back to Minneso-
tans through income tax deduc-
tions as well as some limited prop-
erty tax relief.
This is a philosophic difference
that often puts Republicans and
Democrats at odds. Democrats
believe the best way to collect more
state revenue is to raise taxes.
Republicans believe state govern-
ment should create an environ-
ment that encourages private sec-
tor businesses to grow. Doing so
would employ more of our work-
ers, allowing them to contribute
to the states coffers through the
income tax, and allowing them to
buy more products, thereby pay-
ing more in sales taxes.
In my opinion, correcting tax
increase mistakes is always a good
idea, and I was happy to support
these plans. Unfortunately we
didnt do more.
The City of Red Wing can be
somewhat pleased that theRiver
Town Renaissance Project was
included in this years capital in-
vestment bill, though not at the $6
million level it requested.
Roughly $1.5 million will now
be available to begin this tourism
project, as it seeks to improve sewer
and drinking water infrastructure;
replace a harbor retaining wall;
construct riverboat docking facili-
ties at Levee Park; and renovate
the historic Sheldon Performing
Arts Theatre. The Port Authority
will also receive $500,000.
The downside to the 2014 ses-
sion is the majority partys deci-
sion to continue down the path of
more regulations, more mandates,
and more spending.
Some of the most egregious:a
$400 million bailout of Obamacare;
$160 million on the MNsure agency
and its troubled website; unnec-
essary Obamacare and statewide
anti-bullying mandates that will
cost Minnesotas schools hundreds
of millions over the next three
years; and $90 million for a brand
new office complex at the State
Capitol for the Minnesota Senate.
In all, the majority party and
Governor Dayton increased state
spending by more than $3 billion
in 2013, and on the last day of the
session they added another $283
million to the expense sheet.
To me, that level of spending is
simply unsustainable and will force
future legislatures to make ex-
tremely difficult budget balanc-
ing choices in the future if tax
collections begin to underperform.
As lawmakers leave St. Paul,
they do so knowing, despite their
philosophical differences, that the
budget is in balance and a pro-
jected $1.2 billion surplus has been
allocated. In roughly six months,
an updated economic forecast will
tell us if the financial decisions
made by this legislature were pru-
dent, or if the next legislature is
going to be forced to explore dif-
ferent economic alternatives.
A one-trick president
A one-trick pony is an idiom in
the English language that refers
to a person noted for only one
achievement or skill. We have a
one-trick president. President
Obama is very skilled in getting
elected to public office. He proved
that when he won an Illinois Sen-
ate seat on his first try, and then,
as a freshman senator, won the
presidency of the United States,
getting elected in 2008 and re-
elected in 2012.
Unfortunately, for him, but
mostly for his electorate, getting
elected is his only accomplishment.
After assuming the office, he has
done nothing of any note. Heres
what John Hinderaker says on
The emerging narrative of
Barack Obama, the one that actu-
ally comports to reality, is that he
is a rare political talent but a di-
saster when it comes to actually
governing. The list of his failures
is nothing short of staggering, from
shovel-ready jobs that werent so
shovel ready to the failures of to the VA debacle.
But it also includes the presidents
failure to tame the debt, lower
poverty, decrease income inequal-
ity, and increase job creation...
Overseas the range of Obamas
failures include the Russian re-
set and Syrian red lines to Irans
Green Revolution, the Egyptian
overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, and
Libya post-Gaddafi. The first
American ambassador since the
1970s was murdered after requests
for greater security for the diplo-
matic outpost in Benghazi were
denied. ...
But thats not all. The White
House response to everything from
the VA and IRS scandals to the
seizure of AP phone records by
the Department of Justice is that it
learned about them from press
reports. More and more Mr. Obama
speaks as if hes a passive actor, a
bystander in his own administra-
tion, an MSNBC commentator
speaking about events he has no
real control over. We saw that ear-
lier today [5/21/2014], when the
president, in trying to address the
publics growing outrage at whats
happening at the VA, insisted he
will not stand for it and will not
tolerate what he has stood for and
tolerated for almost six years. His
anger at whats happening to our
veterans seems to have coincided
with the political damage it is now
causing him.
The two worst presidents in my
lifetime Jimmy Carter and Barack
Obama have had management
styles that are polar opposites.
Carter was completely hands on
to a fault. Obama is Laissez Faire
Management Style. In this lead-
ership management style, the team
is given the freedom to complete
the job or tasks in any way they
deem it should be done. It is a
hands off approach at the man-
agement level in terms of direc-
tion, but the manager is there to
answer questions and provide guid-
ance as needed. (Brick Jackson,
The Different Types of Manage-
ment Styles)
President Obama does not like
his job. If he did, he would per-
form it. The recent VA medical
scandal is the best (worst) example.
It is now patently obvious that he
was aware of the issues surround-
ing the VA when he took office in
2009. He spoke of cleaning up
the situation in 2008. But he has
done nothing. Now that the scan-
dal is public, he wont even fire
the person responsible, General
Shinseki. It took him literally weeks
to even publicly address the VA
issue. The word on the street after
the Obamacare rollout debacle is
that he had never even had a meet-
ing with his Secretary of Health
and Human Services, Kathleen
Sebelius, in the months leading
up to the launch. He seldom meets
with his cabinet. This administra-
tion is on autopilot. It is Laissez
Faire management style at its worst.
This is what you get when you
elect a man to lead you who has
had no prior management experi-
ence. He doesnt understand sched-
ules, checkpoints, resources, sta-
tus, accountability, or any of the
other myriad of parameters sur-
rounding the management of a large
operation. Clearly, we dont ex-
pect him to run every department
in the bureaucracy, but we do ex-
pect that he would have a man-
agement system in place to keep
that bureaucracy accountable to
him. In this he has failed miser-
Previously, I wrote that Vice
President Biden was Obamas in-
surance policy against impeach-
ment. Now, Im not so sure. This
one-trick president has under-
achieved even for my low expec-
God bless America!
Write Here
Right Now
By Bob Schmidt
Apply online:
Company paid health insurance
for full-time drivers after probation.
Holland's Owatonna Terminal is
hiring full-time local drivers.
Drivers must be 21 years old,
having a CDL-A with hazmat &
tanker with one year or
50,000 miles experience.
EEO/AAE Minorities/Females/Persons
with Disabilities/Protected Veterans
Charles Grover 1924-2014
Grover, 89, of St. Louis Park, died
on Saturday, May 17, at 1:30 a.m.
He was born in Zumbrota on
November 20, 1924. He served in
World War II with the 3rd Battal-
ion, 80th Infantry Division of the
US Army in the European The-
ater. He was wounded in action
and earned the Purple Heart and
Bronze Star medals. After more
than 30 years with Continental
Baking, he retired.
Charles is survived by his sons
Chuck (Alyce), Brian (Cyndie),
Jeff (Kathy), and Darryl (Victoria)
Grover; daughter Kim (Randy)
McGregor; sister Gerry Vangness;
grandchildren Chase, Janelle,
Brooke, Blair, Kelly, Chelsy,
Aaron, Abby, Drew, Devyn, and
Reese; great-grandchildren Skylar,
Peyton, Sydney, and Tyson.
He was preceded in death by
his beloved wife of 69 years, Fran;
and brothers Vernon, Lyle, and
A funeral service was held
Wednesday, May 21, at Zion
Lutheran Church in Hopkins with
the Reverend Randall Neal offi-
ciating. Burial was in Fort Snelling
National Cemetery. Memorials are
preferred to Zion Lutheran Church,
241 5th Avenue North, Hopkins,
Minnesota 55343.
Wayne Lubahn 1927-2014
Lubahn, age 87, of Pine Island,
died on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at
Pine Haven Care Center sur-
rounded by his family.
Wayne Lubahn was born on
January 26, 1927, in Oronoco, to
John and Effie (nee Finstuen)
Lubahn. He attended country
school in Roscoe Township
through the eighth grade. On July
24, 1949 he married Elsie
Weckerling at Stordahl Lutheran
Church in rural Zumbrota. They
farmed in Roscoe Township from
1942 to 1989. Wayne also did cus-
tom work for many of his neigh-
bors. After his retirement, he drove
school bus for Zumbrota Schools,
worked for Pine Island Lumber
and Wanamingo Soil Center, and
also managed the Goodhue County
Wayne served on the Land O
Lakes Board and was a past presi-
dent. He was a past member of the
50-60 club, and also served on the
Roscoe Township Board for many
years. He was an active member
at Stordahl Lutheran Church where
he served on the church council,
and was a past president many
times. He also enjoyed working
on the various projects at the
In his early years he loved danc-
ing, playing cards, and John Deere
tractors, as green was the only color.
Wayne had a passion for helping
build, fix, and repair everything
including houses, fences, and
sheds, especially for his family.
He was always putting others first
and was the first to help. He adored
his grandchildren and great-grand-
children and enjoyed spending time
with them.
Wayne is survived by his wife,
Elsie; children, John (Mary)
Lubahn of Pine Island, Margie
(Gary) Berg of Pine Island, David
(Jackie) Lubahn of Eyota, Bar-
bara (Dean) Anderson of Zum-
brota, and Donna (Jo Brandau)
Lubahn of Clear Lake, Iowa; grand-
children, William (Dawn) Lubahn,
Dan (Chelsea) Lubahn, Kathryn
Lubahn, Melissa (Jeremy
Thomforde, Jennifer (Matt Moore)
Berg, Amanda Anderson, and Amy
(Wesley) Dorhn; step-grand-chil-
dren, Jennifer Frounfelter, Jodi
(Jim) Streit, and Joel (Sara)
Brownell; five great-grandchil-
dren; six step-great-grandchildren;
and many nieces and nephews.
Wayne was preceded in death
by his two infant grandsons;
brother, Roger Lubahn; sisters,
Arline Haugen, Ruth Bjugan, and
Betty Jean Lubahn.
A funeral service was on Satur-
day, May 24, 2014 at Stordahl
Lutheran Church in rural Zum-
brota with Pastor Kathleen Lowery
officiating. Burial was in Pine Is-
land Cemetery. Memorials are
preferred to Stordahl Lutheran
Church, Pine Haven Care Center,
or Evergreen Assisted Living.
Elmer Miller
MAZEPPA The burial for
Elmer A. Miller will take place on
Sunday, June 1, at 1 p.m. at Sts.
Peter & Paul Catholic Cemetery
in Mazeppa. A gathering will fol-
low at the church, 222 1st Ave S.
Elmer passed away on January 29,
2014. Memorials are preferred to
the Seasons Hospice Foundation
(online at seasonsfoundation. org)
or an Alzheimers/dementia re-
search organization of the donors
Buck graduates
basic training
Force Airman 1st Class Nicholas
M. Buck graduated from basic
military training at Joint Base San
Antonio-Lackland, San Antonio,
The airman completed an in-
tensive, eight-week program that
included training in military dis-
cipline and studies, Air Force core
values, physical fitness, and basic
warfare principles and skills.
Airmen who complete basic
training earn four credits toward
an associate in applied science
degree through the Community
College of the Air Force.
Buck is the son of Tammy M.
Buck of Pine Island and grandson
of Gerald Buck of Lake City and
Patrica Buck of Pine Island.
He is a 2011 graduate of Pine
Island High School. He earned an
associate degree in 2013 from
Alexandria Technical and Com-
munity College.
Creighton University
OMAHA, NE Matthew Roth
of Oronoco was awarded a bach-
elor of science in business admin-
istration from the Heider College
of Business during Creighton
Universitys commencement cer-
emony on May 17.
University of Minnesota
TWIN CITIES Holly Husband,
a student at Goodhue High School,
received a Norman Borlaug Sci-
ence Achievement Award from
the University of Minnesotas Col-
lege of Food, Agricultural and
Natural Resource Sciences
(CFANS). As part of the award,
Husband received the book Our
Daily Bread, The Essential Norman
Borlaug, written by Noel
Vietmeyer. The book tells the story
of Dr. Borlaug, a CFANS gradu-
ate and recipient of the Nobel Prize
who is credited with saving a bil-
lion people from starvation. The
award also includes a $500 schol-
arship upon successful enrollment
Emily (Ojanen) Goellner, 2006
graduate of Zumbrota-Mazeppa
High School, received her master
of urban planning degree from the
U of Ms Hubert H. Humphrey
School of Public Affairs on May
18. Her classes and internships
were focused on land use plan-
ning at the city government level.
Bemidji State University
BEMIDJI Trevor Beniak of
Mazeppa was among art and de-
sign students receiving scholar-
ships. His was for $8,124.
Southwest MN State University
MARSHALL Turi Jystad of
Zumbrota has been selected to
receive a University Gala and Fine
Arts and Alpha Psi Omega Schol-
arship for the 2014-15 academic
year. Recipients are recognized
for their academic accomplish-
ments and leadership abilities.
Because the
memory will
live forever.
Over the past year, we
have had the privilege of
serving the families of many
veterans of foreign wars.
In recognition of the service
these veterans rendered to
their country, we would like to
show our appreciation this
Memorial Day.
In memory of their lives and
their service, we recall...
John L. Anderson
Roy J. Bradley
Donald J. Collins
Robert M. Graham
Orville A. Lubahn
John D. Mentes
Larson Chapel
1475 Jefferson Dr.
Zumbrota, MN
Mahler Chapel
209 NW 1st Ave
Pine Island, MN
Family Funeral and Cremation Services
Richard L. Miller
Donald H. Musty
Carl A. Owen
Phil Tommeraas
David L. Tri
Clifford W. Swarthout
Michael A. Wright
Sidney Ronningen 1920-2014
GOODHUE Sidney Alton
Ronningen, 94, died peacefully on
Sunday morning, May 25, 2014
at his sons home in Goodhue.
Sidney was born January 22, 1920,
on the family farm in Roscoe
Township, Goodhue County. He
was the tenth of twelve children
born to Knute and Marie (Dybvad)
Ronningen. Sidney was baptized
and confirmed at Lands Lutheran
Church and attended Bringgold
Country School, graduating in
After the bombing of Pearl
Harbor, Sidney wanted to serve
his country and signed up on
December 26, 1941. He served in
the Pacific at Port Moresby in New
Guinea with the 27th Air Depot of
the Army Air Corps. While
stationed there he built a washing
machine using a jeep transmission
and ran the Wishy Washy
laundry, which helped to combat
jungle rot in the 130 degree
weather. Sidney was honorably
discharged on November 14, 1945.
Sidney married Ruth Ann
Yennie on November 23, 1945, in
Pine Island. They farmed northeast
of Zumbrota from 1951 until 1982
when they retired. Sidney was very
interested in soil and water
conservation. He built many ponds
and terraces, and set aside land
for wildlife habitat.
Sidney was a lifetime member
of Stary-Yerka VFW Post 5727
and served as commander three
times. He was also a member and
past president of the 65-50 Club
in Zumbrota. His passion was
sharing WWII photos and
memorabilia with family, friends
and hundreds of school children.
It was important to him to share
his experience with the community
and to educate others about the
war. Sidney received the
Presidents Call to Service Award
in 2006 for his 4000 plus hours as
a volunteer driver taking veterans
to the VA Hospital in Minneapolis.
In 2009, he received the Goodhue
County Outstanding Senior
Volunteer Award.
Sidney is survived by his son,
Lary (Bunny) of Goodhue;
daughters, Barbara Ronningen of
Afton, Shirley (Brent Drummond)
Ronningen of Burke, Virginia,
Patsy (Dave) McKee of Colorado
Springs, Colorado; six grand-
children; ten great-grandchildren;
brother Melroy Shorty (Nancy)
Ronningen of Pine Island; and
many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by
his wife, Ruth, who died December
14, 1987; brothers, Olaf, Kenneth,
Marshall, and Lester; sisters,
Florence Nord, Marion Pykles,
Gladys Morseth, Irene Wichser,
Estella Whalen, and Borghild
The funeral will be at 11 a.m.
on Wednesday, May 28, at Our
Saviors Lutheran Church in
Zumbrota with Pastor Eric
Westlake officiating. Burial will
be in Lands Cemetery. Visitation
will be one hour prior to the service
at the church. Memorials are
preferred to Our Saviors Lutheran
Community Calendar
Senior Dining
Reservations are required by
calling 24 hours ahead at each of
the nutrition sites.
In the Pine Island area, meals
are served at the Pine Island Se-
nior Center; Zumbrota area, Zum-
brota Towers.
May 29 - June 4
Thursday: Crab salad (alt: chef
salad), grapes, dinner roll, cookie
Friday: Roast beef, mashed
potatoes and gravy, asparagus,
carrot raisin salad, orange wedges
(salad alternate: grilled chicken)
Monday: Tater tot hotdish, fruit
cup, dinner roll, bar (salad alter-
nate: taco)
Tuesday: Hawaiian chicken,
rice, broccoli, Waldorf salad, pud-
Wednesday: Lasagna, green
beans, garlic toast, cole slaw, des-
If you have questions, call 356-
Seasons Hospice
All groups are held at the Cen-
ter for Grief Education and Sup-
port, Seasons Hospice, 1696
Greenview Dr. SW. Registration
is required two days prior to the
date of the event. For details: 507-
285-1930 or shbp@seasonshos
Olmsted County Parks
Oxbow Park Ice Cream Mak-
ing, Saturday, May 31, 1 p.m. Get
ready for the heat of summer as
we teach you how to make your
own ice cream. Limited to 25
people. Call for reservations.
Questions about Chester Woods,
call Celeste Lewis at 507-287-
2624. Questions about Oxbow
Park, call Clarissa Josselyn at 507-
Farm Safety Class
The Farm Safety Class will be
held again this year at Goodhue
School. The class runs from June
4-6, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. each day. The
written test is on Monday, June 9.
Call the school to register: 651-
923-4447 (option 1).
Community Library
The Goodhue School Library,
in conjunction with SELCO and
Goodhue County, is open to the
community on Mondays and
Wednesdays, 3:30-7 p.m. when
school is in session. The library is
equipped with interlibrary loan
service, which means if the library
does not have a book you want,
that book can be there in two days.
Historical Society
The Goodhue Area Historical
Society is closed for the season
until June 1 when regular hours
resume. If you want to arrange a
visit in the meantime call Ardis
Henrichs, 651-923-4629; Marie
Strusz, 651-923-4302; Ray Mc-
Namara, 651-923-5117; or Roy
Buck, 651-923-4388. Visit good for information
about the historical society.
Historical Society
Open House
The Mazeppa Area Historical
Society will host an open house
on May 31 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. at
188 1st Ave N. Refreshments will
be served.
Area History Center
The Oronoco Area History Cen-
ter is open to visitors in the City
Building every second Saturday
from 10 a.m.-noon. Contact us at
OAHC, 54 Blakely Ct. NW or
call 507-367-4320. You may also
visit our web page at oronocoarea
Tops #1280
PI Tops #1280 meets every
Monday night at St. Paul Luth-
eran Church. Weigh-in is at 5:15
and meeting time is 6 p.m. Every-
one welcome. Questions call 356-
8596 or 356-8990.
Senior Citizens Meeting
The Senior Citizens meet
Wednesday, June 4, at noon at the
handicapped accessible Senior
Center for their business meeting.
All community seniors 55 and over
are welcome.
Toastmasters Meeting
The Pine Island Toastmasters
meet at 6:30 a.m. Fridays at St.
Paul Lutheran Church. They do
not meet on holiday weekends:
Christmas, New Years, Easter,
Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor
Day or Thanksgiving.
History Center
The Pine Island Area History
Center is located at 314 North Main
Street. Open hours are Sunday from
1-3:30 p.m. and Mondays from 8-
11 a.m. or by appointment. To
contact the History Center please
call 507-356-2802 or 507-398-
5326 or visit www.pineisland
Moms in Prayer
Moms in Prayer meet on Mon-
days, 7 p.m. at Our Saviours
Church, 1549 East Avenue, Zum-
Zumbrota Towers Events
May 29 - June 4
Thursday: 10:15 a.m. Exercises
Tuesday: 10:15 a.m. Exercises;
1:30 p.m. 500
The Zumbrota Public Library
is at 100 West Ave., Zumbrota,
507-732-5211. Hours are Mon.,
12-8; Tues. 10-6; Wed., Thurs.,
12-8; Fri., 10-5; and Sat., 9-3. Dur-
ing closed hours you can learn
more about the library at http://
Community Blood Drive
The Zumbrota Community
Blood Drive is on Tuesday, June
3, from 1-7 p.m. at Stary-Yerka
VFW Post 5727. For an appoint-
ment, call Bunny at 507-259-4792
or Darla at 651-307-1257. 16-year-
olds are eligible to donate with a
signed American Red Cross con-
sent form. The VFW Post and
Ladies Auxiliary hand out pop-
pies at this time of year because it
is one of the most recognized sym-
bols for soldiers who have died in
History Center
The Zumbrota History Center
has a new photo stand displaying
over 50 photographs of early Zum-
brota scenes. They have been en-
larged to 8 x 10 for easier view-
ing. New photos are being added
all the time. Also on display are
military memorabilia, including
Civil War items, different models
of telephones, Zumbrota telephone
books dating back to the 1900s,
and items of Zumbrota advertis-
ing. Museum hours are Saturdays,
10 a.m.-1 p.m. Other hours by ap-
pointment (732-7049).
The Zumbro Valley Woodturn-
ers meet Thursday, May 29. Visit for de-
tails, or call Bob Post or Bill
ZAAC Meeting
The Zumbrota Area Arts Coun-
cil meets Monday, June 2, at 7
p.m. at the Zumbrota Public Li-
Tops Meeting
Zumbrota Tops #563 meets ev-
ery Monday night at Our Saviours
Lutheran Church. Weigh-in time
is changed to 5:30 p.m. and meet-
ing time to 6 p.m. Everyone wel-
come. Questions call 732-7459 or
Community Band Practice
The Zumbrota Community Band
practices on Monday nights at 7:30
p.m. in the Zumbrota-Mazeppa
High School music room. Volun-
teer musicians are welcome.
State Theatre
The State Theatre is at 96 East
4th Street in Zumbrota. For infor-
mation visit call 507-
Ann Tristani, Laura Weimert
exhibit, through June 30.
For more information go to
www. or
call 507-732-7616. Crossings is
at 320 E Ave.
James Jim Olson 1943-2014
KASSON James G. Jim
Olson, age 70, passed away at his
home on Friday, May 23, 2014,
surrounded by his family.
He was born on November 3,
1943, at home in Pine Island. He
was the son of Glennes and Eileen
(Barth) Olson. James grew up on
a farm and attended school in Pine
Island. He married Mary Lee Mann
on September 25, 1965 at St. Pauls
Catholic Church in Zumbrota. They
lived in Pine Island for 25 years.
James retired from Bob Braaten
Construction, ending a long ca-
reer as a truck driver. He was a
member of St. Michaels Catho-
lic Church in Pine Island.
He is survived by his wife, Mary
Lee; son, Tracy (Kris) Olson of
Byron; daughters, Laura (Todd)
Eggler of Kasson and Lisa (Wayne)
King of Pine Island; six grand-
children, James (Alexis) Olson and
Hunter Olson, Larissa and Maria
Eggler, Tessa and Stephany King;
four great-grandchildren, Hannah,
Leila, Tate and Trent; brothers,
Dean (Jan) Olson of Crecent City,
California and Lynn (Sandy) Ol-
son of Cripple Creek, Colorado;
sisters Roxanne (Wally) Bray of
Apache Junction, Arizona and
Kabrie (Jim) Miller of Pine Is-
He was preceded in death by
his parents, Glennes and Eileen;
brother Chuck Olson; and grand-
daughter, Jessica King.
A memorial service was held
on Tuesday, May 27 at Church of
The Holy Family in Kasson with
Father Paul Surprenant, officiat-
Arrangements were made by
Dibble Funeral Home & Crema-
tion service in Kasson.
Please support the following businesses
for sponsoring these pages:
Anthony Anderson Jessica Anderson Steven Askvig Kenedy Beebe Megan Bennett Ryan Bennett
Leah Binondo Danielle Blakstad Shane Bode Elizabeth Boettger Hunter Broin-Clemens Kaitlen Buck
Emma Drackley James Drettwan Lisa Ecker Whitney Ellefson Emma Flotterud Allison Frederixon
Kurt Gadient Griffin Gartner Amber Gehrke Taylor Groby Cennedy Gunhus Samuel Gunhus
Shelby Hart Cody Heitman Carley Henning Abigail Hinchley Cody Hinrichs Ellis Hirman
Anna Budensiek Adam Burdick Collin Carney Drew Collins Nichlaus Culver Jennica Darcy
Morgan Hoefs Brady Holst McKensi Jackson Marie Johnson Kyle Kirtz Amber Klankowski
Megan Klotz
Graduation commencement exercises will be on
Saturday, May 31, 2014 at 7 p.m.
in the ZM High School gymnasium
Graduation speakers will be Lisa Ecker and Griffin Gartner
Class motto: The moment may be temporary, but the memory is forever.
Class colors: navy blue and silver
Class flower: lime green Gerber Daisy
Zumbrota-Mazeppa Graduates
AB Custom Builders
Ag Partners Coop
Ameriprise Financial Services Advisor Karolin
Anderson Veterinary Service
ATI Services
Bank of Zumbrota
Bergs Body Shop
Bombay Elevator Inc
Bridgets Caf
Busby Hardware & Furniture
Cathys Catering & Deli, Pine Island
Coffee Mill
Ds Auto Care
Dairy Queen Grill & Chill
Dan Greseth Drywall, Wanamingo
Duanes Repair Service
Feils Oil Company, Mazeppa
First Farmers and Merchants Bank
First State Bank Red Wing, Mazeppa, Medford
Flowers on Main
Gerald & Carol Erickson Trucking
Goodhue County Cooperative Electric
Please support the following businesses
for sponsoring these pages:
Derek Kubista Shania LaCanne Emma Lawler Molly Lawler Isaac Leonard Damian Lohrenz
Mikell Luhmann Tahtina Martinez Jonathan McDonough Deborah Miller Kyle Mitchell Jose Monjarez
Danielle Sanborn Danika Smith Timothy Smith Paige Solie Kaitlyn Sommerfield Jacqueline Sorensen
Sully Spratte Chase Steffen Alyssa Stehr Alyssa Swarthout Christopher Theisen Catherine Tri
Jacob Tschann Jacob Ugland Chad Vodovnik Thomas Voss Jamie Warneke Megan Warneke
Michelle Nygaard Madison Nyhus Kalli Paukert Hunter Prodzinski Lindsey Renken Madeline Roberts
Logan Wegner Rachel Whipple Michael Wicks Christopher Wingfield Dylan Wood Kayla Zamenski
Zumbrota-Mazeppa Graduates
Goodhue Family Dental
Groth Implement
Grover Auto Company
Gunners Grill
H&R Block, Zumbrota office
Hair Designers
Hay Creek Mutual Insurance
Hemann Grover & Co LTD
Hinderaker Insurance
Hometown Salon & Spa
Hub Food Center
Isaacson Implement, Nerstrand
Jims Barber Shop
Kalass Agency
Leos Sports Bar
Living Well Massage
Mahn Family Funeral Home
Main Attraction
Mark Losure Construction, LLC
Matt Maring Auction Company
Matthees Midtown Shell
Matthees Oil, Inc.
Mazeppa Area Historical Society
Motoproz, Inc.
Napa Auto Parts of Zumbrota
News-Record/Zumbro Shopper
Northland Buildings Inc.
Olmsted Medical Center
Paulson Plumbing & Heating of Zumbrota
Pellicci Ace Hardware
PEMIK Electric
Pine Island Lumber, Inc.
Prigges Flooring Center
Reliable Heating & Cooling
Rockne Law Office
Route 58 Motor Company
Schaefer Heating & Air Conditioning
Shane Electric
Shock City Cellular
Stary-Yerka Post 5727
State Farm Insurance Lyle Wendroth
Subway of Zumbrota
Total Auto & Tire
Traxler Power & Equipment, Kenyon
Ungers Metal Recycling
Village Barber Shop
Wallys Covered Bridge Restaurant
Wanamingo Grooming
Wilson Install
Zumbrota Eye Care
Zumbrota Golf Course
Zumbrota Telephone Company
Zumbrota Veterinary Clinic
ZM SADD students pledge to be drug-free
ZUMBROTA The Zumbrota-Mazeppa High School Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) pledge to
be drug-free as part of Goodhue Countys Chemical Health Initiative at Covered Bridge Park on May 16. From
left to right: Olivia Gadient, Rachel Tschann (on Gadients back), Tianna Beniak, Kennedy Mueller, Emily
Ugland, Evan Block with Noah Prodzinski on his back (behind Ugland), Abby Hinchley, Justine Weber, Emma
Flotterud (behind Weber), Kenedy Beebe, Emma Gunhus, Caleb Arendt with Blake Lerum on his shoulders
(behind Gunhus), Michelle Nygaard, Kevin Nordquist, Taylor Blakstad (behind Nordquist), Bethany Renken
(in front of Nordquist), Payton Kruse, Amber Mitchell, Chloe Berg, Tara Matuska, and Natalie Majerus.
Wilsons piano students present recital
ZUMBROTA Students of Cindy Wilson held their spring piano recital at United Redeemer Lutheran Church
in Zumbrota on May 4. First row, from left to right: Evan Kutschied, Camryn Kovars, Megan Jasperson, Anna
Cylkowski, Cora Anderson, William Ottem, and Neva Anderson; second row: Sheridan Wilson, Hayden
Burdick, Olivia Seymour, Rianne Buck, Kyle Moyer, and Cora Ohm; third row: Anthony Cylkowski, Bill Wendt,
Ethan Kovars, Olivia Seymour, Katie Keach, Gretta Anderson, Abby Norstad, and Tristan Anderson; fourth
row: Cindy Wilson, Anne Wilson, Kathryn Hodgman, and Emma Flotterud.
Art in East Park to
celebrate 15 years
ZUMBROTA Calling all art-
ists for Art In East Park on June
21. The Covered Bridge Festival
event is in its fifteenth year. Booths
are still available. Check out for information and an
entry form.
The youth art contest is back! It
is open to grades K-12. Entry forms
are also available at ZAAC. org.
All art can be dropped off the week
prior to the event at Flowers on
Main, 345 S. Main Street
Featured music will be by Annie
Lawler and Patchouli.
For any questions regarding this
event please contact Brenda at 507-
225 22nd Street, Zumbrota 507-732-4499
Front to Back
Full Auto Service.
Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
By Tawny Michels
ZUMBROTA Zumbrota-
Mazeppa High School seniors and
their parents gathered in the
Neuman Auditorium on Wednes-
day, May 21, for Senior Scholar-
ship Night. The emcee for the event
was ZM Superintendent Tony
At the end of every school year
the school recognizes the outstand-
ing achievements of seniors and
awards them scholarships. This
year over $30,000 in scholarships
were awarded and every ZM se-
nior who applied for a scholar-
ship was awarded at least one.
Education MN Zumbrota-
Mazeppa (EMZM) Jacob
Mayo Clinic Dependent Schol-
arship Jacob Tschann, Kaitlyn
Sommerfield, Kyle Kirtz, Griffin
Gartner, Rachel Whipple, Anna
Budensiek, Jacquelyn Sorensen,
Brady Holst, Jamie Warneke,
Megan Warneke
Nate Chalberg Memorial Jes-
sica Anderson
Rita Webster/Mazeppa Jaycees
Jennica Darcy, McKenzi Jack-
Willis Aebly Memorial Ryan
Bennett, Emma Flotterud, Allison
Fredrixion, Molly Lawler, Kalli
Paukert, Lindsey Renken, Alyssa
Stehr, Jacob Tschann
Wally Friese Memorial Carley
Henning, Jacob Ugland
First Farmers and Merchants
Bank Emma Drackley
National Mutual Benefit-Red
Wing Lisa Ecker
Chemical Health Initiative (CHI)
Emma Flotterud
Patrick Gadient Memorial Ellis
Peter Sand Memorial Leah
Binondo, Danielle Blakstad, Eliza-
beth Boettger, Whitney Ellefson,
Cennedy Gunhus, Abby Hinchley,
Cody Hinrichs, Brady Holst, Kyle
Kirtz, Amber Klankowski, Derek
Kubista, Shania LaCanne, Debbie
Miller, Maddie Nyhus, Hunter
Prodzinski, Denika Smith, Tim
Smith, Kayla Zamenski
Zumbrota Area Arts Council
Griffin Gartner
Goodhue County Electric Assn
Isaac Leonard
Goodhue North/Wabasha Corn
& Soybean Growers/Goodhue
County Pork Producers Lisa
Mazeppa Veterans Honor Guard
Kurt Gadient, Emma Flotterud
Bank of Zumbrota Megan
Bennett, Kenedy Beebe
Mazeppa Fire Relief Kyle
Mitchell, Kaitlyn Sommerfield
University of MN CFANS
Alumni Association Emily
Ugland (junior)
Zumbrota Telephone Amber
Charles Buck Scholarship
Allison Frederixion
Gale Hellerud Memorial
Jacquelyn Sorenson
Bill Peper Memorial Jacob
Mazeppa Lions Kaitlen Buck,
Kurt Gadient, Ellis Hirman,
Danielle Sanborn
First Security Bank-Byron
Molly Lawler
Foldcraft Co. Lindsey Renken
Also awarded this year were the
following FFA scholarships to
outstanding seniors:
Derek Tri Memorial Lisa Ecker
Sanborn Family Farm Adam
FFA Alumni Scholarships
Alyssa Stehr, Emma Flotterud
Shepherd Buffalo Farms Schol-
arships Lisa Ecker, Danielle
ZM seventh grade tours Mystery Cave and Historic Forestville
PRESTON On May 16, the Zumbrota-Mazeppa seventh grade class took a day trip to tour the Mystery Cave and Historic Forestville near Preston.
Students had the opportunity to walk through a one-mile portion of the 13-mile underground Mystery Cave, viewing different rock formations and
underground terrain. They then toured Historic Forestville, a village from the 1800s. Original store merchandise and hands-on f arm work with
authentic tools, as well as feeding heirloom chickens, made this a day to remember for the students. On the left, Matthew Postians works to saw
a log with an old-fashioned saw blade at Historic Forestville. On the right, Nate Moline tills a garden with a plow from the 1800s.
By Tawny Michels
MAZEPPA Brian Wright, food
service director for Lunchtime
Solutions, presented the 2014-15
school year food service plan at
the Zumbrota-Mazeppa School
Board meeting on May 19. Dur-
ing the past school year, breakfast
and lunch participation was up
significantly and Lunchtime So-
lutions hopes to increase partici-
pation even more in the upcom-
ing year. They are looking at us-
ing local produce, holiday meals
for parents and students, and co-
operating with the high school
agriculture classes for a school yard
garden. The board agreed to re-
new its contract with Lunchtime
Solutions for the upcoming school
Principals reports
High School Principal Erick
Enger noted that grades 7-12 had
a community service day for Zum-
brota and Mazeppa on May 7. Next
year prom will be moved to the
last Saturday in April due to other
area school prom conflicts. Pro-
posed handbook changes will be
available by the next board meet-
Principal Quinn Rasmussen re-
ported for the primary and elemen-
tary schools. He noted that pre-
liminary Minnesota Compre-
hensive Assessment testing results
are in for math and science. Read-
ing will be later in the summer.
Second grade classes held orien-
tation at the elementary school last
week and the sixth grade will be
touring the middle school later this
Superintendents report
Superintendent Tony Simons
reported that enrollment for May
was 1,102. Graduation is sched-
uled for May 31 at 7 p.m. and
board members are asked to re-
port by 6:45 p.m to the gymna-
The June 9 work session was
previously canceled; however, if
the Goodhue County Education
District has their resolution ready
for board approval, the board may
call a special meeting prior to the
Strategic Planning Committee
Staff changes
The resignation of Deborah
Drake, education assistant, was
approved for the end of the 2013-
14 school year.
The reassignment of Rich Tessler
to a part-time technology integra-
tionist was approved, beginning
in the 2014-15 school year.
Upcoming events
Last student day and early dis-
missal (1:25 p.m. MS, 1:40 p.m.
HS/ES) May 30
Graduation May 31, 7 p.m.
128th annual Zumbrota
Memorial Day events held
ZUMBROTA Veterans, the Zumbrota-Mazeppa High School marching
band, Girl Scouts, Boys Scouts, Cub Scouts, the Zumbrota Community
Band, and citizens take part in the annual Memorial Day Parade in
Zumbrota on Monday. Although it rained early in the day, the long string
of holding the exercises outside was extended for another year.
News-Record photos by Faye Haugen
Rob Weber of the Zumbrota Community Band plays Taps to end the
Memorial Day ceremony at the Zumbrota Cemetery.
World War II veteran Francis Goplen
is the featured speaker at the
Zumbrota Cemetery on Memorial
Left: Zumbrota Girl Scout Melanie
Raasch was one of many in her
troop who decorated graves at the
Zumbrota Cemetery.
ZMHS holds Senior
Scholarship Night
Superintendent Tony Simons kicks
off Senior Scholarship Night on
Wednesday, May 21, by talking about
what an extraordinary school year
it was.
Summertime Fun
Picnic Table Rental
Special Events Reunions Graduations
Weddings Festivals Business Functions
26697 520th St.,
Pine Island
ZM students perform at SEMBDA Festival
COTTAGE GROVE On Saturday, May 10, Zumbrota-Mazeppa Elementary School students, from left to right,
Cole Poncelet, Jakalyn Arendt, Grant Haferman, Taylor Benson, Madelyn Fitzgibbons, Anja Thorson, and
Trace Erdmann participated in the Southeast Minnesota Band Directors Association (SEMBDA) Second Year
Band Festival. At this event, second year band musicians from all over the southeastern Minnesota region
came together to practice throughout the morning, and then perform a concert at noon at Park High School
in Cottage Grove.
ZM renews contract with Lunchtime Solutions
Staff recognition breakfast
June 2, 7:30 a.m. Breakfast is at 8
a.m. in the cafeteria, Zumbrota
Teacher Workday June 2
Strategic Planning Committee
meeting June 9, ZMHS Media
Center, Zumbrota
Regular School Board Meeting
June 23, ZMHS Media Center,
ZM High School choir presents awards
On May 15 the Zumbrota-Mazeppa High School choir gave out the National School Choral Award, which is
chosen each year by the choir director. The award goes to one senior girl and one senior boy in recognition
of merit, ability, and achievement of outstanding contributions to the success of the school vocal program,
and for an unusual degree of loyalty, cooperation, and high quality of conduct. This year, The National Choral
Award was presented to Ryan Bennett and Elizabeth Boettger (left photo). The choir also gave out the Choir
Student of the Year Award which is chosen each year by the choir and the director. This award is given to a
senior in recognition of outstanding contributions to the ZM vocal music program and is chosen on the basis
of attitude; character and maturity; commitment and years of service; and musical growth and achievement.
This year, the award was given to Griffin Gartner (right). Letterwinners for the 2013-14 school year were,
first year: Bailey Berg, Elizabeth Boettger, Chris Thiesen, Emilie Rubio, Mackenzie Goplen, Sabrina Spratte,
Sophie Holm, Tianna Beniak, Laura Schueler, Elyse Lodermeier, and Amber Brown; second year: Caleigh
Avery, Craig Banks, and Jessica Anderson.
Booths available for Covered
Bridge Festival street market
ZUMBROTA Since it was
brought back in 2006, the street
market has grown into one of the
Covered Bridge Festivals main
attractions, and is still increasing
in popularity. We are still accept-
ing booth reservations from ven-
dors throughout the area who wish
to display and sell their goods at
the 2014 Covered Bridge Music
& Arts Festival Street Market,
Saturday June 21.
Shoppers will find everything
from collectibles to antiques, from
sports paraphernalia to household
gadgets. Be sure to stop by. The
Street Market runs from 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. Saturday, June 21, and will
be located on East Avenue be-
tween 4th Street and 6th Street
If you are interested in a booth
to sell your crafts, flea market items
or farmers market merchandise,
call Cindy at City Hall, 732-7318,
or log onto the city website at
Officer Leifeld will celebrate
his retirement on June 5
By Tara Chapa
ZUMBROTA After 23 years
and four months of keeping the
town of Zumbrota safe, Police
Officer Gene Leifeld retired on
May 9. The community is invited
to celebrate his career on June 5
at the city hall from 3:30-5:30 p.m.
At the May 15 city council meet-
ing, councilors expressed their
thanks for Leifelds service. Tina
Hostager described him as not only
a police officer but a peace
officer. Brad Drenckhahn said that
thank you just did not seem ap-
propriate enough to describe the
citys appreciation of Leifelds
Leifeld was born and raised in
Hastings. Upon turning 18, he
enlisted in both the Army and
National Guard. He completed
basic training at Fort Dix in
Burlington County, New Jersey,
and Advanced Individual Train-
ing (AIT) and training for the Sig-
nal Corp at Fort Gordon in Geor-
gia. Although not called out to
duty during the first or second Gulf
War, Leifeld was on standby. He
did spend some time in Guate-
mala with the Minnesota National
Guard to assist with setting up roads
and communication, and he was
also involved with stateside as-
signments to help administer in
disaster recovery where needed.
Leifeld began his police career
as a reserve officer in Red Wing
assisting with crowd control at
parades and sporting events. He
said he felt this was a great intro-
duction to becoming a police of-
ficer. Because he enjoyed the as-
pect of community assistance so
much, he decided to go to school
at Inver Grove Community Col-
lege in 1988 to complete a two-
year program to become a state-
tested and certified police officer.
He came to Zumbrota in 1991.
His first arrest was for a DUI.
When asked if he was nervous, he
said it was simply part of the job
and he was excited to begin his
career. Through the years, when
responding to calls Leifeld said
he never became complacent. He
said he never knew what to expect
and always tried to be ready for
anything. On a few occasions he
had to draw his gun; however, he
never had to shoot it. Leifeld con-
siders domestic calls to be the high-
est risk for spinning in a down-
ward cycle fast. Another high-risk
situation is when assisting with
Highway 52 calls or stops. If there
is a car accident and Zumbrota
Police are first on the scene, first
aid will be rendered until an am-
bulance and either the County or
State Patrol arrives. Those mo-
ments until backup arrives, Leifeld
said, are when lives are at stake.
The nature of crime has changed
some over the years, according to
Leifeld. Theft and robbery seem
to happen more via computers now.
Victims of identity theft have had
to be advised about what personal
information they put online. Its a
change from the former advice on
preventing thefts suggesting
people lock their doors or obtain a
home alarm system. Crime is more
mobile now and travels faster. In
some ways social media can help
officers and in other ways its a
nightmare. The war on drugs hasnt
changed necessarily, Leifeld said,
but it seems different. Drugs are
more potent now, with synthetic
forms available and drug trends
changing constantly. Leifeld said
he feels it is crime prevention within
not only the school but the city,
Safe & Sober programs, Click it
or Ticket campaigns, as well as
his work with the Chemical Health
Initiative that have made deeper
impacts within Zumbrota.
Leifeld said his main goal as an
officer was to be involved in the
lives of the community. He has no
regrets and has enjoyed his time
serving Zumbrota immensely.
After spending many years jug-
gling night and day shifts of pa-
trolling, he looks forward to a
normal routine where there is more
time to spend on hobbies and with
family. Although Zumbrota resi-
dents will not see him in uniform,
they may catch him with a fishing
pole or walking his dog Cocoa.
Leifeld also plans to continue with
his volunteer work with the Chemi-
cal Health Initiative, National
Guard Enlist Association, Veter-
ans Organizations, as well as the
American Legion.
Officer Gene Leifeld has retired from
the Zumbrota Police after 23 years
of service.
Farmers Market returns to East Park
with several changes for the summer
Karen Carlson of Spring Hill Gardens helps Gary Ofstie select plants and
baked items at the Zumbrota Farmers Market in East Park on Tuesday,
May 20. Carlson is a new vendor at the Zumbrota market this year.
Stephan Jennebach is ready to put two spinach pizzas in the portable
wood-fired oven at the first outdoor Zumbrota Farmers Market of the
season on May 20. This year, the market has switched the day of the
week and hours to Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
By Marilyn Anderson
ZUMBROTA As the Zum-
brota Farmers Market began its
fifth season in East Park on Tues-
day, May 20, shoppers had sev-
eral changes to consider this year.
The first was the day of the week
and the time of the event. The
market is now on Tuesdays, and
its hours have switched to a later
time, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Shop-
pers can choose from a wide se-
lection of goods from local ven-
dors including new vendors and
items. Also, between June 10 and
July 30, the market will overlap
with Music in the Park for some
special entertainment.
A new vendor to the first mar-
ket of the season was Karen Carlson
of Spring Hill Gardens of rural
Rochester in Wabasha County. She
had brought a pickup load of an-
nual and perennial flowers as well
as a variety of baked goods. Carlson
also sells on a regular basis at the
Rochester Downtown Farmers
Other vendors had plants, canned
vegetables and jams, baked goods
and fresh rhubarb. With the late
spring, other items from the gar-
den are running a bit late, but more
will be available in the coming
weeks. Andrew Johnmeyer of
Zumbrota had freezers in the back
of his truck selling grass-fed beef,
pastured pork, and free-range
chickens as well as fresh eggs.
Stephan Jennebach is back with
a variety of his Firebrick Bread. A
new addition for him is a wood-
fired oven on a trailer. He or an
assistant will take your order for
five different pizzas on the menu
that are freshly baked on-site, tak-
ing less than ten minutes from start
to finish. Pizzas come with a bottle
of water. With the green grass,
shade trees and picnic tables at
the park, the site is perfect for a
pizza picnic. After making its de-
but at the market, Jennebach said,
It looks like the spinach pizza
was the best seller, followed by
sausage and mushroom. For the
kids, theres a cheese pizza, or a
Among those trying the pizzas
were Christoph and Robin
Hauenstein of Rochester.
Christoph is a native of Germany.
The couple met when Robin, origi-
nally from Texas, worked in
Munich, Germany for IBM. Fa-
miliar with how bread is baked in
Germany and learning of
Jennebachs business, they came
to Zumbrota and the market.
Jennebach is also manager for
the market. This year, attendance
is being tracked with 108 adults
counted May 20. Not too bad for
the opener, said Jennebach. From
what I had heard, everybody was
very happy with the turnout. We
especially liked the fact that quite
a few people came with their kids
and made it a family outing. I think
the swings at the playground were
going non-stop. I saw people leave
with plants, canned goods, eggs,
meat and baked treats. Were look-
ing forward to having more pro-
duce once the season hits full
Jennebach also reminds custom-
ers of the later start time this year.
Were encouraging customers to
start coming at 4:00 p.m. It gives
our vendors a chance to settle in
and put all of their items on dis-
There are still openings for ad-
ditional vendors. For more infor-
mation, call Jennebach at 507-732-
East Park is located one block
east of Main Street between 6th
and 7th Streets.
Sit Stay Read is the theme for summer
program at Zumbrota Public Library
ZUMBROTA The Zumbrota
Public Library is known to be a
lively place in the summer months,
and this year will see even more
activity than previously. The sum-
mer program theme, Sit Stay Read,
is a reminder to take the time to
read and learn something new.
Several new learning experiences
have been added to the program,
including special guests, demon-
strations, work-shops, contests, and
The summer library program
officially runs from June 7 - Au-
gust 2. Readers who sign up for
the program will be given a read-
ing log and a learning activity log
to track their progress through the
summer. Completed logs can be
turned in to the library for rewards.
This years rewards include pizza,
ice cream, books, and other prizes.
Some special events will take
place at the library that you will
want to mark on your calendar.
The Summer Kick-off Scavenger
Hunt is on Saturday, June 7. Stop
by the library any time between
10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to participate
in this event. Different challenge
levels will be available for differ-
ent ages, and participants can com-
pete as a family, a team, or indi-
On Wednesday, July 16, at 6:30
p.m. a talented duo from A Touch
of Magic Entertainment will be
performing a kids comedy show
called Mixed Nuts. This project
was funded in part or in whole
with money from Minnesotas Arts
and Cultural Heritage Fund.
This summers young adult af-
ter hours party will be Friday, July
25 at 7 p.m. and will have a Mur-
der Mystery theme. This event is
open to all students in grades 7-12
and will include snacks, costumes,
and intrigue.
The final summer program event
will be on Thursday, July 31 at
6:30 p.m., and will be a Harry
Potter Birthday Party. Readers
are encouraged to come in cos-
tume and expect a magical time.
Summer Read Together, Learn
Together story times at the li-
brary will be every Tuesday morn-
ing at 10:30 a.m., followed by
special visitors and demonstrations
at 11 a.m. Visitors include Read-
ing Education Assistance Dogs, a
Goodhue County K-9 unit, a vet-
erinarian, the Humane Society of
Goodhue County, Smokey the
Bear, and others. The librarys
favorite READ dogs, Midnight and
Annie, will also be available for
appointments many Saturdays
throughout the summer.
An exciting new feature at the
library this summer is the addi-
Covered Bridge Festival
collectors pottery piece unveiled
ZUMBROTA The Covered
Bridge pottery piece is both use-
ful and versatile. The Red Wing
Stoneware egg separator is stamped
with the Zumbrota Covered Bridge
and Red Wing Pottery logo and
fire-glazed to ensure lasting qual-
ity. The piece will sell for $25,
and with only 100 available, youll
want to be sure to get yours the
day of the Festival, Saturday, June
21, starting at 9 a.m. in front of
City Hall.
Only one made! This 2014 fes-
tival year a very special larger piece
is going to be available to the high-
est bidder. This old fashioned Red
Wing Stoneware butter churn lamp
with shade will also be decorated
with the Covered Bridge logo. The
silent auction on June 21 will award
this special lamp to the highest
bidder. The bidding will begin June
21 at 9 a.m. in front of city hall
where the 2014 pottery will be
sold. In the afternoon, the bidding
sheet will be moved to Art in The
Park at East Park. Bidding ends at
1 p.m.
After purchasing your limited-
edition pottery piece, be sure to
check out the library book sale
held outside of the library, start-
ing at 8 a.m.
One hundred Red Wing Stoneware
egg separators with the Covered
Bridge logo and Red Wing pottery
logos will be on sale at Covered
Bridge Festival.
The Red Wing Stoneware butter
churn lamp with shade and Covered
Bridge logo is a silent auction item.
tion of several workshops for vari-
ous ages. These workshops will
be on topics such as acting, gar-
dening, drawing, robotics, Zumbro
River exploration, balloon sculpt-
ing, juggling, and various crafts.
Sign-ups for these workshops start
June 7. Another new addition to
the program is three contests:
LEGO creation, short story writ-
ing, and art.
Details about the contests,
events, workshops, and other as-
pects of the program can be found
on the librarys website,, or by call-
ing the library at 507-732-5211.
Keep on reading and learning!
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PI boys win Section 1A track title
By Faye Haugen
MEDFORD The Pine Island
boys track team edged Byron 183-
180 for the sub-section 4A track
title on Tuesday in Medford. More
importantly, the Panthers will
advance six boys and two relay
teams to the Section 1A meet in
Winona on Tuesday and Thurs-
Kenyon-Wanamingo will ad-
vance three individuals and two
relay teams. Zumbrota-Mazeppa
moves one athlete and one relay
team to the section meet.
Pine Island
Six Pine Island athletes will
advance to Winona to compete
in 10 events.
Ben Farrell will run in three
individual events since he won
the long jump, was second in the
100-meter dash and was third in
the 200-meter dash.
Kyle Groven won gold in the
400-meter dash and silver in the
200-meter dash.
Mitchel Acker dominated the
800-meter run, racing to a first-
place finish in 1:58.9, nearly four
seconds faster than the second-
place finisher.
Jack Miller won the discus and
Chris Frick was second in both
the triple and long jump. Isaiah
Ondler advances to Winona af-
ter placing third in the 800-meter
The Panther 4x800-meter re-
lay team of Mitchel Acker, Ja-
cob Higgins, Jason Hoerle and
Isaiah Ondler placed first, and
the 4x400-meter relay team of
Mitchel Acker, Andy Bogard,
Jason Hoerle and Isaiah Ondler
placed second.
Kenyon-Wanamingo had two
gold medal winners. Eric Hokan-
son won the 1600-meter run and
the Knights 4x200-meter relay
team of Caleb Greseth, Devyn
Stordahl, Mason Stevenson and
Kyle Keller placed fist.
Caleb Greseth placed second
in the 110-meter hurdles and
Mason Stevenson was second in
the 300-meter hurdles.
The Knights 4x800-meter re-
lay team of Ben Nystuen, Ben
Ringham, Eric Hokanson and
Micah Grove placed second.
Bailey Berg will represent
Zumbrota-Mazeppa at the sec-
tion meet after placing second in
the 3200-meter run.
The Cougars also advanced
their 4x100-meter relay team of
Jacob Dahl, Matt Lyon, Sean
OMalley and Steve Askvig when
they placed second.
Pine Island 183, Byron 180, Bethle-
hem Academy 113, Cannon Falls 108,
Kenyon-Wanamingo 91, Zumbrota-
Mazeppa 87, MSAD 73, Medford 50
Track events
100-meter dash: 2. Ben Farrell (PI) 11.43;
5. Jacob Dahl (ZM) 11.91 6. Devyn Stordahl
(KW) 12.05; 110-meter hurdles: 2. Caleb
Greseth (KW) 16.15; 5. Nicholas Cain (PI)
17.96; 8. Dillon Downes (ZM) 18.45; 1600-
meter run: 1. Eric Hokanson (KW) 4:38.8;
4. Jack Williams (PI) 4:54.43; 5. Micah Grove
(KW) 4:58.9; 7. Logan Meurer (PI) 5:01.33;
400-meter dash: 1. Kyle Groven (PI) 50.95;
4. Craig Banks (ZM) 53.06; 5. Kyle Keller
(KW) 53.42; 7. Aaron Bianchi (ZM) 55.30; 8.
Andy Bogard (PI) 55.95; 800-meter run:
1. Mitchel Acker (PI) 1:58.11; 3. Isaiah On-
dler (PI) 2:04.25; 7. Jacob Higgins (PI) 2:15.34;
200-meter dash: 2. Kyle Groven (PI) 23.09;
3. Ben Farrell (PI) 23.21; 4. Jacob Dahl (ZM)
24.33; 6. Devyn Stordahl (KW) 24.45; 8.
Matt Lyon (ZM) 24.84; 300-meter hurdles:
2. Mason Stevenson (KW) 42.93; 5. Ben
Ringham (KW) 45:09; 7. Dillon Downes (ZM)
45.88; 8. Marcus Aarsvold (PI) 46.29; 3200-
meter run: 2. Bailey Berg (ZM) 10:38.66;
4. Jack Williams (PI) 10:56.85; 6. James
Drettwan (ZM) 11:11:04.46; 7. Logan Meurer
(PI) 11:05.84; 8. Ben Bohn (KW) 11:07.46
Field events
High jump: 5. Ben Farrell (PI) 57; 6. Zach
Sanborn (ZM) 57; Discus: 1. Jack Miller
(PI) 13711; 7. Alex Guse (ZM) 1057;
Triple jump: 2. Chris Frick (PI) 40.5;8.
Jimmy Kroll (PI) 355 Shot put: 6. Caleb
Greseth (KW) 403; 8. Jack Miller PI) 399;
Long jump: 1. Ben Farrell (PI) 207; 2.
Chris Frick (PI) 20.5; 6. Zach Sanborn
(ZM) 182.5; 7. Adam Krage (ZM) 18..5;
8. Tristan Akason (PI) 18; Pole Vault: 6.
Maverick Jackson (ZM) 95; 8. Craig Banks
(ZM) 95
4x800-meter relay: 1. Pine Island (Isaiah
Ondler, Jason Hoerle, Jacob Higgins, Mitchel
Acker) 8:27.8; 2. Kenyon-Wanamingo (Micah
Grove, Ben Ringham, Ben Nystuen, Eric Ho-
kanson) 8:35.54; 6. Zumbrota-Mazeppa (James
Drettwan, Max Smothers, Colton Webster,
Noah Krueger) 9:34.01; 4x200-meter re-
lay: 1. Kenyon-Wanamingo (Caleb Greseth,
Devyn Stordahl, Mason Stevenson, Kyle Keller)
1:34.33; 4. Zumbrota-Mazeppa (Dillon Downes,
Jacob Tschann, Adam Krage Steve Askvig)
1:40.48; 4x100-meter relay: 2. Zumbrota-
Mazeppa (Jacob Dahl, Matt Lyon, Sean
OMalley, Steve Askvig) 46.1; 4. Pine Island
(Tristan Akason, Pat Bogard, Mitchell Mag-
nuson, Colton Pike ) 47.94; 7. Kenyon-Wana-
mingo (Bailey Paquin, Noah Rechtzigel,
Nathaniel Bauernfeind, Cole Johnson) 50.5 ;
4x400-meter relay: 2. Pine Island (Andy
Bogard, Isaiah Ondler, Mitch Acker, Jason
Hoerle) 3:33.73; 4. Zumbrota-Mazeppa (Zach
Sanborn, Matt Lyon, Adam Krage, Craig Banks)
3;43.83; 6. Kenyon-Wanamingo (Cole Johnson,
Shane Deland, Ben Erickson, John Nelson )
4:16.96, 3:49.41
PI girls place second in sub-section meet
By Faye Haugen
MEDFORD Every coach
would like to see his team win a
section title, but area track
coaches are more concerned about
advancing as many athletes as
possible to the next level of com-
petition. Eight area girls and four
relay teams punched their tick-
ets to advance to the Section 1A
meet in Winona on Tuesday and
To qualify for the Section 1A
meet, an athlete or relay team
must finish in the top three.
We had a good performance
night overall, but we couldnt
keep up with Byron, lamented
PI coach Bill Frame of finishing
second to the Bears in the final
team standings, 248-172. We are
hoping to get several medalists
at the section meet in Winona
and advance some people to
Pine Island
The Panthers will advance five
girls in eight events and have all
four relay teams advance to Wi-
Eliza Warneke had a huge
meet winning gold in the 100-
meter hurdles, 300-meter hurdles
and 200-meter dash, and she was
third in the high jump.
Laura Torgeson placed first
in the 800-meter run. Placing sec-
ond were Niki Fokken in the high
jump and Caitlin Schartau in the
400-meter dash. Adeline Angst
was third in the 3200-meter run.
The Panther 4x200-meter re-
lay team of Caitlin Schartau, Madi
Owen, Madison House and Brit-
tney Arndt, placed first as did
the 4x400-meter relay team of
Caitlin Schartau, Sara Schartau,
Brittney Arndt and Laura Torge-
The PI 4x800-meter relay team
of Adeline Angst, Abby Gushu-
lak, Sara Schartau and Taylor
Rasmussen was second, and the
4x100-meter relay team of Madi-
son House, Ana Marx, Katie
Schultz and Madi Owen placed
Mara Quam did not bring any
gold medals home for Kenyon-
Wanamingo, but the freshman
was second in three events and
third in another to extend her track
season. Quam was second in the
100-meter hurdles, 300-meter
hurdles and long jump, and she
was third in the triple jump.
Tess Hokanson won a gold
medal when she won the 400-
meter dash.
As she has all season, Zum-
brota-Mazeppas Maddie Lindhart
dominated the weight events. She
won the shot put and discus titles,
setting a new Cougar discus
record of 1196. She breaks her
own record of 1189 she set a
few years ago.
Skyler Jacobson will also see
double duty at the section meet.
The eighth-grader won the 1600-
meter run title and was third in
the 800-meter run.
Byron 248, Pine Island 172, Cannon
Falls 137, Kenyon-Wanamingo 106,
Medford 76, Zumbrota-Mazeppa 70,
Bethlehem Academy 44, MSAD 24
Track events
100-meter hurdles: 1. Eliza Warneke (PI)
16.05; 2. Mara Quam (KW) 16.07; 6. Breanna
Haag (ZM) 17.41; 100-meter dash: 5. Madi-
son House (PI) 13.48; 6. Megan Groth (KW)
14.01; 1600-meter run: 1. Skyler Jacob-
son (ZM) 5:37.07; 4. Jocasta Adelsman (PI)
6:01.38; 5. Jordan Braaten (PI) 6:02.72; 7.
Maddie Patterson (KW) 6:10.75; 400-meter
dash: 1. Tess Hokanson (KW) 1:01.97; 2.
Caitlin Schartau (PI) 1:03.8; 5. Sara Schar-
tau (PI) 1:04.72; 200-meter dash: 1. Eliza
Warneke (PI) 26.87; 4. Tess Hokanson (KW)
27.79; 5. Brittney Arndt (PI) 28.12; 6. Bella
Wagner (ZM) 28.63; 8. Megan Groth (KW)
29.21; 300-meter hurdles: 1. Eliza Warneke
(PI) 46.96; 2. Mara Quam (KW) 48.06; 5.
Breanna Haag (ZM) 50.84; 6. Corynne Dahl
(KW) 51.92; 800-meter run: 1. Laura Torge-
son (PI) 2:27.1: 3. Skyler Jacobson (ZM)
2:29.18; 6. Kasey Dummer (KW) 2:39.65;
3200-meter run: 3. Adeline Angst (PI)
12:57.59; 6. Jordyn Braaten (PI) 13:37.78;
8. Katie Bohn (KW) 13:42.22
Field events
High jump: 2. Niki Fokken (PI) 411; 3.
Eliza Warneke (PI) 49; Triple jump: 3.
Mara Quam (KW) 351.5; 8. Breanna Haag
(ZM) 32.75 Long jump: 2. Mara Quam
(KW) 166; 8. Debbie Miller (ZM) 147.5;
Shot put: 1. Maddie Lindhart (ZM) 384;
6. Kaitlin Bronk (PI) 293; Pole vault: 5.
Leah Anderton (PI) 73; Discus: 1. Maddie
Lindhart (ZM) 1196; 6. Maddie Patterson
(KW) 9111; 7. Kaitlin Bronk (PI) 8811;
8. Kalley Berg (PI) 8611
4x800-meter relay: 2. Pine Island (Ade-
line Angst, Sara Schartau, Abby Gushulak,
Taylor Rasmussen) 10:32.03; 4. Kenyon-
Wanamingo (Katie Bohn, Kasey Dummer,
Alex Blomgren, Maddie Patterson) 11:13.09;
4x200-meter relay: 2. Pine Island (Caitlin
Schartau, Madi Owen, Madison House, Brit-
tney Arndt) 1:51.07; 4. Kenyon-Wanamingo
(Corynne Dahl, Kaitlyn Vold, Victoria Clouse,
Sydney Way) 1:58.34; 5. Zumbrota--Mazeppa
(Debbie Miller, Katie Lawler, Breanna Haag,
Bella Wagner) 1:58.42 4x100-meter re-
lay: 3. Pine Island (Madison House, Ana
Marx, Madi Owen, Katie Schultz) 53.85; 5.
Kenyon-Wanamingo (Megan Groth, Victoria
Clouse, Sarah Benrud, Erin Groth) 55.76; 6.
Zumbrota-Mazeppa (Amanda Edstrom, Katie
Lawler, Debbie Miller, Emma Drackley) 57.13
4x400-meter relay: 1. Pine Island (Caitlin
Schartau, Sara Schartau, Brittney Arndt, Laura
Torgeson) 4:15.8; 2. Kenyon-Wanamingo
(Kassandra Keller, Kasey Dummer, Maddie
Patterson, Tess Hokanson) 4:22.95
News-Record photos by Faye Haugen
Pine Islands Leah Anderton clears the pole vault bar in Tuesday Sub-section 4A track meet at Medford.
Anderton placed fifth in the event. The top three individuals and top three relays advance to the section meet
in Winona on Tuesday and Thursday.
Zumbrota-Mazeppas Zach Sanborn takes off from the start of the long
jump board in Tuesdays sub-section meet at Medford. He placed sixth
in the event.
Kenyon-Wanamingos Erin Groth pushes out of the blocks at the start of
the 100-meter dash at the sub-section track meet in Medford on Tuesday.
Section 1A Track Qualifiers
Mara Quam 100 and 300-meter hurdles, long jump, triple jump
Tess Hokanson 400-meter dash
Eric Hokanson 1600-meter run
Caleb Greseth 110-meter hurdles
Mason Stevenson 300-meter hurdles
Boys 4x200-meter relay
Boys 4x800-meter relay
Pine Island
Eliza Warneke 200 meter dash, 100-meter hurdles, 300-meter hurdles, high jump
Caitlyn Schartau 400-meter dash
Laura Torgeson 800-meter run
Adeline Angst 3200-meter run
Niki Fokken high jump
Girls 4x100-meter relay
Girls 4x200-meter relay
Girls 4x400-meter relay
Girls 4x800-meter relay
Ben Farrell 100-meter dash, 200-meter dash, long jump
Chris Frick long jump, triple jump
Jack Miller discus
Kyle Groven 200-meter dash, 400-meter dash
Mitchel Acker 800-meter run
Isaiah Ondler 800-meter run
Boys 4x400-meter relay
Boys 4x800-meter relay
Skyler Jacobson 800 and 1600-meter runs
Maddie Lindhart shot put and discus
Bailey Berg 3200-meter run
Boys 4x100-meter relay
Pine Islands Jack Miller begins his spin in shot put competition at the
sub-section meet in Medford on Tuesday. Miller placed sixth in the shot
put, but he placed first in the discus.
Debbie Miller hands off the baton to Bella Wagner in the 4x200-meter relay at the subsection meet. The
Zumbrota-Mazeppa relay team placed fifth.
Kenyon-Wanamingos Eric Hokanson runs at the front of the pack in the 1600-meter run. Teammate Micah
Grove runs second and Pine Islands Jack Williams runs fourth in the sub-section meet.
From left, Pine Islands Marcus Aarsvold, Kenyon-Wanamingos Lucas Bakken, Pine Islands Andy Bogard
and Zumbrota-Mazeppas Jacob Tschann break out of the blocks in the finals of the 110-meter high hurdles
in Medford, Tuesday.
KW moves into West Section 1A finals
By Faye Haugen
Wanamingo baseball team was
seeded fourth in a tough West
Section 1A bracket. Coaches who
seeded the bracket may be scratch-
ing their heads now that the Knights
are in the West Section 1A finals.
KW earned an easy win over
fifth-seeded Medford to open the
tournament. They then nudged top-
seeded Southland out of the way
in the semifinals to move into the
West Section finals.
KW crushed fifth-seeded Med-
ford in Wanamingo on Thursday,
beating the Tigers 16-0 in five in-
nings. A combination of good hit-
ting and seven Medford errors al-
lowed KW to get off to a 12-0
start in three innings.
We put the ball in play and
found a few holes to get on base,
said Coach Randy Hockinson.
Alex Roosen ground it out on the
mound for us.
Roosen was in control on the
mound for KW. The right-handed
senior struck out eight, walked three
and scattered two hits over five
Leading KW at the plate was
Drew Sathrum, three for three, with
two RBI and two stolen bases.
Blake Jacobson had a triple and
three RBI and Luke Rechtzigel
and Connor Sviggum (two RBI)
each hit a double.
Kenyon-Wanamingo 16 - Medford 0
Medford 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 7
KW 4 8 1 3 x 16 9 1
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
KW - A. Roosen 5 8 3 2 0 0
1B: KW - Drew Sathrum (3); 2B: KW - Luke
Rechtzigel (1), Connor Sviggum (1); 3B: KW
Blake Jacobson (1)
The Knights pulled off an upset
on Saturday when they stopped
top-seeded Southland (17-4) 2-1
in semifinal play in Austin.
Drew Sathrum was dominte on
the mound when he struck out 13,
walked three and scattered three
KW scored both of their runs in
the third inning. The Rebels Lu-
kas Anderson came into the game
with a 0.19 ERA, but the Knights
were able to string together the
two runs on a hit batter, a sacrifice
bunt, a wild pitch, a single by Blake
Jacobson, a single by Jace Claw-
iter and a Rebel error.
Southland scored a solo run in
the fourth inning and threatened
again in the bottom of the seventh
with a two-out triple. An inten-
tional walk by the Knights was
followed by Sathrum throwing his
13th strikeout to end the game.
The Knights had just three hits,
singles by Jace Clawiter, Jake
Whipple and Blake Jacobson.
The Knights were playing sec-
ond-seeded Randolph as the News-
Record went to press. A win would
put them into Saturdays Section
1A semifinals at Mayo Field in
Rochester at 10 a.m. A loss would
knock them into the elimination
bracket and force a second game
on Monday.
Kenyon-Wanamingo 2 - Southland 1
KW 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 3 1
Southland 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 1
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
KW - Sathrum 7 13 3 3 1 1
1B: KW - Jace Clawiter (1), Jake Whipple (1),
Blake Jacobson (1)
ZM faces tough foes at the end of their season
By Faye Haugen
ZUMBROTA The final week
of the season was a tough one for
the Zumbrota-Mazeppa baseball
team. The Cougars closed out the
season against three of the better
teams in the HVL.
ZM traveled to Rochester to take
on HVL Gold Division champion
Lourdes on Monday. The Eagles
posted an 8-0 win by limiting ZM
to just a pair of singles by Chase
Steffen and Brady Schoenfelder.
Schoenfelder was called to the
hill, striking out three, walking
one and giving up 13 hits over six
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 0 - Lourdes 9
ZM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
Lourdes 4 0 3 0 1 0 x 8 13 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
ZM - Schoenfelder 6 3 1 13 8 7
1B: ZM Chase Steffen (1), Brady Schoen-
felder (1)
ZM got in a rescheduled game
with Hayfield on Tuesday, falling
8-5 to the Vikings in Zumbrota.
Three ZM pitchers, Brady
Schoenfelder, Michael Wicks and
Jacob Ugland, combined to strike
out three, walk two and give up 13
Leading ZM at the plate were
Connor Hegseth, 2 for 4 with a
homerun and three RBI, Chas Stef-
fen with a double and RBI and
Cody Heitman, Brady Schoen-
felder, Cody Hinrichs and Free-
dom Hunt all with singles
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 5 - Hayfield 8
Hayfield 4 0 0 0 1 0 3 8 13 0
ZM 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 5 7 2
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
ZM - Schoenfelder 1 1 0 6 4 4
ZM - Wicks 2 2 0 1 0 0
ZM - Ugland 3 0 2 4 3 2
1B: ZM Cody Heitman (1), Connor Heg-
seth (1), Brady Schoenfelder (1), Cody Hin-
richs (1), Freedom Hunt (1); 2B: ZM Chase
Steffen; HR: ZM Connor Hegseth (1)
The Cougars saw their 2014
campaign come to an end with a
17-0 loss to second-seeded Kas-
son-Mantorville in the opening
round of the West Section 1AA
The hard-hitting KoMets had
17 hits in the victory. Cody Hin-
richs struck out one, walked two
and gave up 14 hits over 2.1 in-
nings. Michael Wicks closed out
the last 1.2 innings with one walk
and three hits.
ZM had just one hit by Free-
dom Hunt.
The Cougars end the season with
a 4-17 record. ZM will graduate
five seniors in Jacob Ugland, Chase
Steffen, Cody Hinrichs, Cody
Heitman and Michael Wicks.
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 0
Kasson-Mantorville 17
ZM 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4
KM 6 4 7 0 x 17 17 2
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
ZM - Hinrichs 2.1 1 2 14 16 13
ZM - Wicks 1.2 0 1 3 1 1
1B: ZM Freedom Hunt (1)
Byron pulls an upset over Pine Island
By Faye Haugen
PINE ISLAND Byron pulled
off a slight upset in the opening
round of the West Section 1AA
playoffs when they stopped Pine
Island 4-2 in Pine Island, Thurs-
Anyone who has been paying
serious attention to the pairings
for the 1AA West Baseball Tour-
nament knew that Byron had been
playing some improved baseball
as the season went on. They split
with Lourdes earlier in the season
and had lost to Kasson-Mantor-
ville in 10 innings, pointed out
Pine Island baseball coach Craig
Anderson of the fifth-seeded Bears.
PI took a 1-0 lead in the third
inning and trailed 2-1 heading into
the bottom of the sixth before knot-
ting the score 2-2. But the Bears
notched two runs in the top of the
seventh, and they proved to be
game winners.
We got another fine pitching
performance from Jordan Pin, but
Byron was able to get a couple of
clutch hits, a ground ball single
up the middle and a bloop single
over first in the seventh inning
with two outs to score their runs,
said Coach Anderson. Overall,
we hit the ball decent and only
struck out four times, but we hit
into two double -plays and left
guys in scoring position in four
innings. It was a tough way to end
the season.
Pin struck out three, walked two
and gave up eight hits in the mound
loss. Leading the Panthers at the
plate were Matt Kukson (RBI) and
Ben Warneke (double) with two
hits each. Aaron Gillard had a
double, and earning a single were
Nathan Waletzko, Ben Bauer and
Adam Pleschourt.
The Panthers finish with a 12-7
overall record. They will lose most
of their starting lineup when 12
seniors graduate in Adam Ple-
schourt, Brandon Miller, Ben
Warneke, Ben Bauer, Tyler Le-
jcher, Jordan Pin, Alex Kautz, Luke
Schmidt, Colin Rucker, Nathan
Waletzko, Jared Lohmeyer and Ian
Pine Island 2 - Byron 4
Byron 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 8 3
Pine Island 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 9 1
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
PI - Pin 7 3 2 8 4 4
1B: PI Matt Kukson (2), Ben Warneke (1),
Aaron Gillard (1), Nathan Waletzko (1), Ben
Bauer, Jared Lohmeyer (1); 2B: PI Ben
Warneke (1), Aaron Gillard (1)
Randolph eliminates Goodhue
By Faye Haugen
GOODHUE The season came
to an end for the Goodhue base-
ball team on Thursday when they
were eliminated from play by sec-
ond-seeded Randolph in Randolph.
The Rockets used a number of
Goodhue errors to jump out to a
9-0 lead through the first two in-
nings. The Wildcat regrouped and
were abel to outscore Randolph
8-3 over the remaining five in-
nings, but they were able to get no
closer than the 13-8 final score.
Nathan Altendorf and Sam
Kyllo had two singles each.
The Wildcats will graduate four
seniors in four-year starters Alex
Thomforde and Riley Bollum and
two-year starters Ben Ramboldt
News-Record photos by Faye Haugen
Kenyon-Wanamingo third baseman Jared Clawiter fires the ball to first base for an out against Medford on
Thursday in Wanamingo.
Kenyon-Wanamingos Ted Androli takes a swing at the pitch against Medford on Thursday in Wanamingo. The
Knights crushed the Tigers 16-0 in five innings in the opening round of the West Section 1A tournament.
Saturday, May 31
at Mayo Field,
Rochester, 10 a.m.
Saturday, May 31
at RBC, Rochester
10 a.m.
Tuesday, June 3 at
Mayo Field,
Rochester, 5 p.m.
Monday, May 26
2014 Section 1A Baseball Tournament
Monday, May 26
Monday, May 26
Monday, May 26
Top two teams advance to the Section 1A
tournament Saturday, May 31 at Mayo Field, Rocheseter
Saturday, May 31
at Mayo Field,
Rochester, 1 p.m.
Elimination bracket
T u e s d a y ,
June 3 at
Mayo Field,
if needed
7 p.m.
HVL Softball Conf. Overall
Kasson-Mantorville 12 0 23 0
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 10 2 20 3
Hayfield 10 2 17 4
Stewartville 9 3 13 7
Triton 8 4 10 7
Cannon Falls 7 5 9 7
Byron 6 6 12 9
Lourdes 6 6 10 10
Pine Island 4 8 6 15
Kenyon-Wanamingo 3 9 11 11
LaCrescent 3 9 3 12
Goodhue 3 9 4 14
Lake City 0 12 0 16
and Austin Buck. Goodhue ends
the season with a 5-12 overall
Goodhue 8 - Randolph 13
Goodhue 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 8 - -
Randolph 4 5 1 2 0 0 x 13 - -
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
G - Bollum 1.1 2 1 7 8 -
1B: G Nathan Altendorf (2), Sam Kyllo (2)
HVL Baseball Conf. Overall
Blue Division W L W L
Cannon Falls 11 1 21 4
Kenyon-Wanamingo 9 3 14 6
Pine Island 9 3 12 7
Lake City 7 5 10 11
Goodhue 3 9 5 12
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 3 9 4 17
Triton 1 11 2 18
Gold Division W L W L
Rochester Lourdes 8 2 16 5
Kasson-Mantorville 7 3 16 4
LaCrescent 6 4 14 7
Hayfield 5 5 12 7
Byron 3 7 8 12
Stewartville 1 9 6 14
Pioneers wins a pair of games
Island Pioneers are well into their
summer season of town team
Members of the Pioneers this
season are, from Pine Island:
Charlie Arendts, Erik Diskerud,
Andrew Brooks, Brian Sorum,
Colton Sinning, Jesse Donahue,
Dan Drazan, Luke Schmidt, Jared
Lohmeyer, Adam Pleschourt,
Jordan Pin and Ben Bauer; from
Byron: Bryce Schutte, Mitchell
Enerson, Matt Dammen, Nic
Enerson, Noah Schutte, Jamey
Strand, Andrew Ihrke and Colin
Anderson; from Rochester:
Michael Brandt, Ben Brandt,
Justin Streiff, Brad Smoley and
Brad Russell; from Plainview:
Sam Jensch; and from Zumbrota:
Erik Ferguson
Hager City Tournament
The Pioneers competed in the
Hager City Tournament on May
10 with Pine Island coming up
short in both games, losing to
Elmwood 5-2 and 8-2 to Hager
Johnny Mangouras suffered the
loss against Elmwood in relief of
Erik Ferguson. Mangouras gave
up three runs (none earned) on
three hits with three walks and
two strikeouts in three innings.
Ferguson gave up two runs (one
earned) on five hits with two walks
and two strikeouts.
Sam Jensch and Charlie Arendt
each had a single and an RBI.
Jensch took the mound loss
against Hager City, giving up seven
runs (four earned) on three hits
with five walks and six strikeouts
in 5.1 innings. Mangouras threw
1.2 innings of relief, giving up
one earned run on no hits with
three walks and two strikeouts.
Ben Brandt led PI with two hits
and a run scored.
The Pioneers fell 6-1 to Mor-
ristown in a non-league game on
May 11.
Dan Drazan suffered the loss
giving up two earned runs on
three hits, three walks and three
strikeouts is six innings. Justin
Streiff pitched three innings of
relief and gave up four earned
runs on three hits and five walks.
He struck out three.
Erik Diskerud collected a
single and a double for the Pio-
Tri County
The Pioneers earned a 7-1 win
over Tri County in Pine Island on
May 18.
Sam Jensch secured the victory
on the mound giving up one earned
run on three hits and two walks.
He struck out seven in seven in-
nings. Colton Sinning pitched two
innings of relief giving up no runs,
no hits, no walks and he three struck
out three.
Mike Valentyn led the offense
with two singles, a double three
RBI and a run scored. Nick Ener-
son collected two hits and an RBI.
Wednesday, May 28
Pine Island Pioneers at Plainview, 7:30 p.m.
Wanamingo Jacks at Waterville, 7:30 p.m.
Zumbrota Tigers at Winona, 7:30 p.m.
Friday, May 30
Pine Island Pioneers at New Richland, 7:30 p.m.
Zumbrota Tigers, Pine Island at Zumbrota, 6 p.m.
Saturday, May 31
Wanamingo Jacks at St. Charles, 2 p.m.
Zumbrota Tigers, Waseca at Zumbrota, 2 p.m.
Sunday, June 1
Pine Island Pioneers, St. Paul Hops at Pine Island, 2 p.m.
Wanamingo Jacks, Owatonna at Wanamingo, 2 p.m.
Zumbrota Tigers, PEM at Zumbrota, 2 p.m.
Wednesday, June 4
Pine Island Pioneers at Winona, 7:30 p.m.
Wanamingo Jacks at Plainview, 7:30 p.m.
Zumbrota Tigers at Rochester Roadrunners, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 27
Section 1A track at Winona, 4 p.m.
Section 1A softball at Austin, 5 p.m.
Section 1AA softball at Austin, 5 p.m.
Section 2AA golf at Mankato, 9 a.m.
Wednesday, May 28
Section 1AA golf at Eastwood Golf Course, 9 a.m.
Thursday, May 29
Section 1A track at Winona, 4 p.m.
Section 1A softball at Austin, 5 p.m.
Section 1AA softball at Austin, 5 p.m.
Saturday, May 31
Section 1A baseball at Mayo Field, Rochester, 10 a.m.
Tuesday, June 3
Section 1A baseball at Mayo Field, Rochester, 5 p.m.
Pine Island All Comers Track
Meets are June 2 and 10
PINE ISLAND The annual
Pine Island Lions All Comers
track meets will be held Mon-
day June 2 and Tuesday, June
10 at the Pine Island High School
track beginning at 6:30 p.m.
This event is open to all chil-
dren 12 and under with a predict
your own time one-mile run open
to all ages. There is no fee as the
Pine Island Lions Club sponsors
this event.
The informal event is for fam-
ily fun. Events are 50-meter, 100-
meter, 400-meter and 800-meter
runs, long jump, 4x100-meter
relay, hurdles, high jump and shot
put. Age groups for both boys
and girls are 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and
If you have any questions con-
tact Wayne Dicke at 252-1011
or Mike Haider at 356-4274.
Area Sports
Goodhue falls to Chatfield in opening round
By Faye Haugen
GOODHUE Six errors by the
Goodhue softball team doomed
the Wildcats in their East Section
1A opening round tournament
game in Chatfield, Tuesday.
The third-seeded Gophers earned
a 9-4 win to end Goodhues sea-
son at 4-14.
Goodhue trailed 3-1 after three
innings, but Chatfield added two
runs in the fourth, fifth and sixth
KW advances to winners
bracket in Section 1A softball
By Faye Haugen
Wanamingo softball team has a
modest 11-11 record this season,
but a number of those losses have
come against three HVL teams
ranked in the top 10 in Class A
and AA.
In a mild upset, the third-seeded
Knights won the West Section 1A
title on Friday when they downed
last years State Class A cham-
pion, Blooming Prairie. KW
opened tournament play with wins
over Waterville-Elysian-Morris-
town, second-seeded Randolph and
fourth-seeded Blooming Prairie
who upset top-seeded Hayfield in
the semifinals.
The Knights were facing Fill-
more Central on Tuesday evening
in Austin at the Section 1A tour-
nament. The final round of play
will conclude on Thursday.
The Knights got a tough 2-0
win in the opening round of West
Section 1A play from Waterville-
Elysian-Morristown in Wana-
mingo, Tuesday.
We had runners on base all
night and finally punched some
runs across in the fifth inning,
said Coach Matt Nelson. Kailee
Berquam pitched very well and it
was a good win to start the play-
The Knights stranded five run-
ners on the base paths before scor-
ing in the fifth inning when, with
one out, Makayla Sokoloski and
Berquam (RBI) hit back-to-back
doubles and the Bucs committed
an error that scored one. But those
two runs were all they would need
as Berquam struck out 15, walked
one and gave up one hit.
Savannah Bleess led KW at the
plate going 2 for 3. Ellyn Beulke
and Shayla Berkner each had a
Kenyon-Wanamingo 2
Waterville-Elysian-Morristown 0
WEM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
KW 0 0 0 0 2 0 x 2 7 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
KW - Berquam 7 15 1 1 0 0
WEM - Larson 6 1 3 7 2 1
1B: KW Ellyn Beulke (1), Shayla Berkner
(1), Savannah Bleess (2); 2B: KW Makayla
Sokoloski (1) Kailee Berquam (1)
KW and Randolph had played
the week before in non-confer-
ence action with nothing on the
line. The Knights won 2-0. This
time around KW had to work a
little harder, pulling out a come-
from-behind 4-3 victory in Ran-
dolph, Wednesday.
What a game and what a great
finish, remarked an excited Coach
Nelson. We have left way too
many runners on base so we need
to get a few more timely hits. But
Kailee (Berquam) pitched another
good one. Sydney (Klemish) called
a good game behind the plate.
Trailing 3-2 heading into the
top of the seventh, Makayla Soko-
loski led off the inning with a single.
With one out, Ellyn Beulke hit a
two-run homerun to give KW the
lead. The Rockets went down in
order in the bottom of the seventh
to give KW the win.
Kailee Berquam struck out 12,
walked none and gave up six hits.
Beulke had a big game at the
Pine Island falls to top-seeded KM
By Faye Haugen
KASSON Pitching prevailed
in Wednesdays West Section 1AA
softball game between eighth-
seeded Pine Island and top-seeded
and top-ranked Class AA Kasson-
The KoMets Maddie Damon
threw a perfect game with 10 strike-
outs and no hits or walks.
Kaitlyn Champa gave up nine
hits and six walks in the mound
loss for Pine Island.
The KoMets scored four runs
in the second inning and ended
the contest early with six runs in
the bottom of the fifth inning.
The Panthers end the season with
a 6-14 record. Pine Island will
graduate a pair of seniors in out-
fielder Marissa DeWitz and first
baseman Allie Anderson.
Pine Island 0 - Kasson-Mantorville 10
Pine Island 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
KM 0 4 0 0 6 10 9 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
PI - Champa 4.2 0 6 9 10 6
KM - Damon 5 10 0 0 0 0
plate going 3 for 4 with a hom-
erun, double and three RBI. Soko-
loski was 2 for 4, and Siri Svig-
gum (RBI), Shayla Berkner and
Savannah Bleess each had a single.
Kenyon-Wanamingo 4 - Randolph 3
KW 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 8 1
Randolph 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 3 6 3
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
KW - Berquam 7 12 0 6 3 1
R - Mayer 7 4 2 8 4 3
1B: KW Ellyn Beulke (1), Savannah Bleess
(1), Makayla Sokoloski (2), Siri Sviggum (1),
Shayla Berkner (1), Savannah Bleess (1);
2B: KW Ellyn Beulke (1); HR: KW Ellyn
Beulke (1)
Blooming Prairie
The Knights knocked off last
years State Class A champion on
Friday in Austin when they de-
feated Blooming Prairie 5-1.
Kailee Berquam picked up her
10th win of the season when she
struck out 16, walked two and al-
lowed two hits.
The score was tied 1-1 after the
first inning, but KW added two
runs in the third inning and two
more in the fifth for the win.
Siri Sviggum had two of the
Knights five hits. The senior short-
stop drove in two runs. Both Ber-
quam and Shayla Berkner hit
doubles and Makayla Sokoloski
added a single.
Kenyon-Wanamingo 5
Blooming Prairie 1
BP 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0
KW 1 0 2 0 2 0 x 5 5 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
KW - Berquam 7 16 2 2 1 1
BP - Strunk 6 7 4 5 5 5
1B: KW Mikayla Sokoloski (1), Siri Sviggum
(2); 2B: KW Shayla Berkner (1), Kailee
Berquam (1)
Zumbrota-Mazeppa keeps their season
alive with a win over Stewartville
By Faye Haugen
1 win over Stewartville in the West
Section 1AA elimination bracket,
the Zumbrota-Mazeppa softball
team kept their season rolling into
the Section 1AA tournament.
The Cougars (20-3) were play-
ing Caledonia/Spring Grove as this
weeks News-Record went to press.
ZM would need to win four straight
games to advance to the State Class
AA tournament. A loss will end
their season.
The second-seeded Cougars
opened West Section 1AA play at
home on Tuesday, soundly defeat-
ing Lourdes, 9-0.
ZM pounded out 13 hits, six of
them for extra bases. Leading ZM
at the plate were Morgan Olson, 3
for 4 with a homerun and three
RBI; Carley Henning was 2 for 3
with a double, homerun and two
RBI; Tayler Mort, 3 for 4 with a
homerun and three RBI; Amber
Gehrke was 2 for 3 with a triple
and an RBI; and Ali Fredrickson
had a triple.
Olson started on the mound and
earned the win, striking out two,
walking two and giving up five
hits over five innings. Gehrke
earned the save with two strike-
outs and one walk over two in-
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 9 - Lourdes 0
Lourdes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3
ZM 1 0 3 0 4 1 x 9 13 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
ZM - Olson 5 2 1 5 0 0
ZM - Gehrke 2 2 0 1 0 0
RL - Virgin 6 1 1 13 9 7
1B: ZM Rachel Mensink (1), Morgan Olson
(2), Hailey Dykes (1), Tayler Mort (2); 2B:
ZM - Carley Henning (1); 3B: ZM - Amber
Gehrke (1), Ali Frederixon (1); HR: ZM -
Morgan Olson (1), Carley Henning (1), Tayler
Mort (1)
Stewartville - game one
Third-seeded Stewartville came
to Zumbrota on Wednesday and
10 innings were needed to decide
a winner.
The Tigers took a 2-0 lead in
the third inning and upped it to 3-
0 in the fifth.
ZM was able to bunch some
hits together to close the gap to 3-
2 in the sixth inning, one a double
by Morgan Olson, a single by Am-
ber Gehrke and RBI singles by
Tayler Mort and Hailey Dykes.
The Cougars knotted the score
at 3-3 in the bottom of the seventh
on a single by Jackie Matuska and
an RBI double by Olson.
ZM took advantage of a walk to
Carley Henning, a Tiger error and
a walk-off double by Alyssa Quam
to win 4-3.
Olson went the distance on the
mound with nine strikeouts, one
walk and seven hits.
Olson aided her cause at the plate
by going 4 for 5 with a pair of
doubles and an RBI.
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 4 - Stewartville 3
Stew 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 2
ZM 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 4 10 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
ZM - Olson 10 9 1 7 3 3
S - Hughes 7 5 0 8 3 3
S - OByrne 2.1 1 1 2 1 1
1B: ZM Morgan Olson (2), Amber Gehrke
(1), Tayler Mort (1), Carley Henning (1),
Hailey Dykes (1), Alyssa Quam (1), Jackie
Matuska (1); 2B: ZM - Morgan Olson (2)
The Cougars knew they would
need to play their best game of the
year if they were going to beat
top-seeded and top-ranked Kas-
son-Mantorville in the West Sec-
tion 1AA finals in Stewartville,
Friday. The 23-0 KoMets prevailed
winning 9-1.
KM jumped out to a 3-0 lead in
the first inning and they added
two more in the second. ZM was
able to come back for a solo run in
the top of the third on a homerun
by Rachel Mensink. But KM would
score four more times in the fifth
inning for the 9-1 final score.
Maddie Damon struck out 12,
walked one and gave up four hits
in the mound win for KM.
Morgan Olson threw two innings
for ZM with one strikeout , no
walks and six hits. Amber Gehrke
tossed three innings with one strike-
out, no walks and seven hits. Tara
Matuska saw one inning of mound
work with one strikeout, no walks
and one hit.
Mensink finished the game go-
ing 2 for 3 with an RBI. Olson and
Tayler Mort had ZMs other two
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 1
Kasson-Mantorville 9
ZM 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 2
KM 3 2 0 0 4 0 x 9 14 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
ZM - Olson 2 1 0 6 5 5
ZM - Gehrke 3 1 0 7 4 4
ZM - T. Matuska 1 1 0 1 0 0
KM - Damon 7 12 1 4 1 1
1B: ZM Morgan Olson (1), Tayler Mort (1),
Rachel Mensink (1); HR: ZM - Rachel Men-
sink (1)
Stewartville - game two
Dropped into the elimination
bracket the Cougars earned a 4-1
win over Stewartville late on Fri-
The Cougars broke open a score-
less game in the fourth inning when,
with two out, Alyssa Quam tripled
followed by RBI singles by Rachel
Mensink and Jackie Matuska. ZM
plated two more runs in the fifth
inning when Tayler Mort singled
and Hailey Dykes hit a homerun
over the center field fence.
Stewartvilles only run was
scored in the top of the seventh on
a single, fielders choice, stolen
base and a single.
Morgan Olson struck out five
and gave up six hits over seven
innings of work.
Mort, Matuska (RBI) and Ali
Frederixon each added a pair of
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 4 - Stewartville 1
Stewartville 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 5
ZM 0 0 0 2 2 0 x 4 9 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
ZM - Olson 7 5 0 6 1 1
S - OByrne 2.2 4 0 6 2 1
S - Hughes 3.1 1 0 3 2 2
1B: ZM Tayler Mort (2), Rachel Mensink
(1), Jackie Matuska (2), Ali Frederixon (2);
2B: ZM - Alyssa Quam (1); HR: ZM - Haley
Dykes (1)
innings. Three of the four runs
that were scored in the fifth and
sixth innings were unearned as Cat
errors piled up.
Laurie Pearson struck out two,
walked one and gave up 10 hits in
the mound loss.
Lexi Kennedy had two of
Goodhues three hits, one a solo
homerun in the second inning.
Ashley Thompson had Goodhues
other hit.
Goodhue will graduate two se-
niors in first baseman Ashley Th-
ompson and pitcher Laurie Pear-
Goodhue 4 - Chatfield 9
Goodhue 4 3 6
Chatfield 9 10 0
Pitching IP K BB H R ER
G - Pearson 7 2 1 10 9 6
2B: G Lexi Kennedy (1), Ashley Thompson
(1); HR: G Lexi Kennedy (1)
Tuesday, May 27
6:45 p.m.
Tuesday, May 27, 5 p.m.
2014 Section 1A Softball Tournament
Tuesday, May 27, 5 p.m.
Fillmore Central
All games at Todd Park, Austin
Thursday, May 29
5 p.m.
May 29,
6:45 p.m.
if needed
Tuesday, May 27
6:45 p.m.
Caledonia/Spring Grove
Tuesday, May 27, 5 p.m.
2014 Section 1AA Softball Tournament
Tuesday, May 27, 5 p.m.
Winona Cotter
All games at Todd Park, Austin
Thursday, May 29
5 p.m.
May 29,
6:45 p.m.
if needed
News-Record photos by Faye Haugen
Zumbrota-Mazeppas Rachel Mensink tags out Kasson-Mantorvilles Abbie Overton when Overton gets
caught in a hot box between third and home in Fridays West Section 1AA finals.
Pitcher Amber Gehrke throws the ball to first base for an out on a
Kasson-Mantorville bunt in Fridays West Section 1AA final.
By Faye Haugen
brota-Mazeppa girls golf team
placed second in the West Sec-
tion 1AA golf tournament at
Eastwood Golf Course on Fri-
day, earning the right to play in
the Section 1AA meet on
Wednesday that will also be held
at Eastwood.
Stewartville won the team title
with a low score of 360. ZM was
just four strokes back at 364.
Lourdes came in third with a tally
of 375. The top two teams and
next top 10 individuals qualify
for the section meet.
Kari Thoreson powered Zum-
ZM girls advance to section golf finals
brota-Mazeppa with a low score
of 86 on the par 71 course. She
was followed by Emily Krohn
and Molly Lawler, each with a
92, and Emma Schnieders with
a 94.
Pine Islands only player,
Bailey Trogstad-Isaacson, carded
a 121 to finish out her season.
Mackenzie Olson of Stew-
artville earned medalist honors
with an 80.
Stewartville 360: Mackenzie Olsen 80,
Makayla Olsen 81, Jordyn Danielson 101
Ahna Boe 98
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 364: Molly Lawler 92,
Kari Thoreson 86, Emily Krohn 92, Emma
Schnieders 94
Lourdes 375: *Anna Becker 97, *Anna
Hennessey 104, *Jessica Alexander 87, *Made-
line Pagel 91, *Wynter Bergner 100
Kasson-Mantorville 424: *Camille Snyder
99, Gretchen Johnson 107, *Kendall Alexander
107, Emma Brumfield 111
Triton 447: *Gretchen Keller 92, Carli Kruk-
erberg 113, Taylor Abbott 109, Chloe Thiemann
Byron 455: Citori Gowlland 114, Bailey
McPhee 117, *Grace Hillmeier 105, Kelsey
Engebose 119
Pine Island: Bailey Trogstad-Isaacson 121
Dover-Eyota: *Cadee Miller 95, Ali Graham
Medalist: Mackenzie Olsen, Stewartville 80
Top two teams and top 10 individuals (*)
advance to Eastwood Golf Course for the
Section 1A meet on Tuesday
By Faye Haugen
ROCHESTER Three area
boys, Zumbrota-Mazeppas Isaac
Leonard and Noah Erickson, and
Pine Islands Matt Smith, ex-
tended their high school golf sea-
son by placing in the top 10 at
the West Section 1AA tourna-
ment that was played at East-
wood Golf Course in Rochester.
The top two teams and next
top 10 individuals qualify for
Wednesdays Section 1AA meet
that will also be played at East-
Playing in perfect weather
conditions for the first time all
season, Byron took team honors
with a score of 322. Lourdes was
second with a 327 strokes fol-
lowed by Triton 331, Kasson-
Mantorville, ,346, Zumbrota-
Mazeppa 348, Stewartville, 360,
Pine Island, 370 and Dover-Eyota
The Cougars Isaac Leonard
carded a six-over par 77 to place
third in the meet. Byrons Hunter
Fjerstad shot a one-over par 72
to earn medalist honors. Noah
Erickson just made the cut for
the final 10 when he shot an 87.
Also playing for the Cougars were
Joey OGorman, 92 and Alex
Hunstad, 92.
Pine Island
Matt Smith qualified for the
Three area boys extend their golf season
next round when he shot an 83
for Pine Island. He was followed
by Jake Barr, 95 and Kaleb Kautz
and Kevin Claussen each with a
Byron 322: Hunter Fjerstad 72, Riley Truax
81, Lance Mortland 84, Nick Hillemeier 85
Lourdes 327: Jack Tahyer 81, Josh
Fritzjunker 81, Peter Alexander 86, Robert
Simari 79
Triton 331: *Zach Otto 78, Austin Gillund
92, *Jaden Thiemann 76, *Preston Pflaum
Kasson-Mantorville 346: Max Blaisdell
93, Kellen Enright 89, *Kegan Kochle 82,
*Thomas Gossard 82
Zumbrota-Mazeppa 348: *Isaac Leonard
77, *Noah Erickson 87, Joey OGorman 92,
Alex Hunstad 92
Stewartville 360: *Alex Sperber 85, Jason
Danielson 90, David Rysted 89, Michael
Stageberg 96
Pine Island 370: *Matt Smith 83, Kaleb
Kautz 96, Jake Barr 95, Kevin Clausen 96
Dover-Eyota 421: Dalton Nelson 92, Harrison
King 100, Wes Brown 107, Austin Himrich
Medalist: Hunter Fjerstad, Byron, 72
Top two teams and top 10 individuals (*)
advance to Eastwood Golf Course for the
Section 1A meet on Tuesday
Zumbro Valley Womens Softball
Brew Crew/Zumbrota VFW 1 0
Leos Sports Bar/Bergs Towing 1 0
Roy N Als 1 0
Grover Auto 1 0
Majerus Garage 1 0
B&N Construction/Mahn Funeral 0 1
Hot Boxers 0 1
Gunners Grill/Moto Proz 0 1
Pine Island Lumber 0 1
WDs/Gen X Farms 0 1
Results of May 21
Roy N Als 18 - B&N Construction/Mahn Fu-
neral 17
Leos Sports Bar/Bergs Towing 15 - Hot Box-
ers 2
Grover Auto by forfeit over WDs/Gen X Farms
Majerus Garage 14 - Gunners Grill/Moto Proz
Brew Crew/Zumbrota VFW 12 - Pine Island
Lumber 8
Schedule for Wednesday, May 28
B&N Construction/Mahn Funeral at Hot Boxers
in Mazeppa
Majerus Garage at Brew Crew in Zumbrota
Leos Sports Bar/Bergs Towing at Grover Auto
in Zumbrota
Gunners Grill/Moto Proz at Roy N Als in
Pine Island Lumber at WDs/Gen X Farms in
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or Listen to the Morning Sports Show Monday-Saturday at 7:40 a.m.
Section B of NEWS-RECORD Wednesday, May 28, 2014 No. 22
Wanamingo Pine Island
Jacquelyn Roberts wins
first place in VFW art contest
Jacquelyn Robertss art entry is now in the state level of competition. If she wins, her artwork will go on to
the national competition.
By Audra DePestel
Roberts, a junior at Pine Island
High School, earned first place at
the local level of the VFW Young
American Creative Patriotic Art
Contest. Roberts, who is the daugh-
ter of Kirk and Nicole Ramanaukas
of Pine Island, received her award
for the local competition from
Sharon Parker.
Robertss art entry was also for-
warded to the District 1 competi-
tion which includes all VFW posts
of southeastern Minnesota. She
earned first place at the district
level. Her district level award was
presented by Kari Hermanson,
coordinator of the district compe-
tition, along with the District 1
President Julie Odette, Wednes-
day, May 14, at the Pine Island
High School Awards Night.
Her work is now at the state
level of competition which includes
nine other districts. The State VFW
winner will be announced at the
VFW State Convention, June 4-
8, in St. Cloud. If she wins the
state competition her art will be in
the national competition in St.
Louis, Missouri July 16-23.
Jacquelyn Roberts
Sodbusters 4-H Club makes blankets
for Community Pride Project
Some of the 4-H members and their families who helped construct care blankets gather to show off the long
receipt listing the fabric that was purchased for the tie blankets. Front row, from left to right: Makenzie
Alberts, Anne Simpson, Jan McNallan, Ryan Kohlmeyer, Lauren Saner, Talie Mentjes, and Reed Kohlmeyer;
back row: Tina Culbertson, Cheryl Simpson, Angie Alberts, Nicole Mentjes, Michelle Ryan, and Sally
Kohlmeyer. About 24 families helped work on the care blanket project.
4-H member Krista Zemke and her mom Terri Zemke work together on
one of the care blankets.
By Audra DePestel
ven Sodbusters 4-H Club has taken
on a major Community Pride
project this year. Club members
gathered together on May 3 at St.
Michaels Catholic Church to make
over 50 care blankets for chil-
dren who are patients at Mayo
Clinic Eugenio Litta Hospital in
The idea for the blanket project
was proposed to the club at a 4-H
meeting last October, by Youth
Leader Ryan Kohlmeyer and
Youth Leader Advisor Jan
McNallan. With the clubs ap-
proval and support, Kohlmeyer and
McNallan then sent in an applica-
tion to the Minnesota 4-H Foun-
dation, Helping Hands Grant.
Kohlmeyer wrote a letter of intent
and explained the purpose of the
care blankets. In March, the club
received news that the grant had
been approved and they were
awarded $350 in support of the
project. The 4-H club also held a
silent auction that raised $290 to
help benefit the project. At the
end of March, ten 4-H members
along with four parents went shop-
ping and purchased $819 worth
of fleece from Jo-Anns Fabric in
Rochester to make the tie blan-
kets. The club received a 25% dis-
count from JoAnns Fabric in sup-
port of the project.
During the construction of the
tie blankets, club members enjoyed
refreshments donated by Kwik Trip
in Pine Island that included milk,
juice and six dozen donuts. The
care blankets were crafted in three
different sizes in an assortment of
colors and patterns to accommo-
date children of various ages and
McNallan said it was nice to
see adults and 4-H members work-
ing together to lend a helping hand
for such a wonderful and needy
project. She hopes that by making
these blankets, the families of these
patients will know that others care
and want to give a helping hand.
McNallan said this care blankets
project has also added much depth
to the clubs community involve-
ment. Ryan has done a wonder-
ful job as a youth leader. He has
seen this project through from the
very beginning, and I have en-
joyed working with him on this
project. He really displayed lead-
ership qualities as he worked with
both youth and adults, she said.
Kohlmeyer said he plans on using
the care blankets project as his
Youth Leadership exhibit at the
Olmsted County Fair.
The Sodbusters club has a long
history when it comes to commu-
nity pride projects, including those
that have been short and long-term
commitments of service. Along
with the care blanket project, other
Community Pride projects have
included Adopt-A-Highway, Toys
for Tots, food shelf program,
Christmas caroling, Cookie Sun-
day at Pine Haven Care Center,
bake sale for cancer telethon, and
wrapping presents for the L.O.V.E.
Auditions will be held for
The Circus of Terror in June
By Alicia Hunt-Welch
ZUMBROTA The Circus of
Terror, a new murder mystery
musical comedy written by locals
Luke Davidson and Jonathan Horn,
will be performed at the historic
State Theatre in Zumbrota this Au-
gust. Auditions are scheduled for
June 7 at 2 p.m. and June 9 at 7:30
p.m. at the theatre. Set during late
1929 on the site of a run-down cir-
cus in desperate need of financial
assistance, the circus performers
endure numerous obstacles that pre-
vent them from putting on a show
including a mysterious killer who
is murdering the main circus acts.
Horn is currently majoring in
music composition and theatre at
Northwestern College in St. Paul.
He has written several compositions
for piano, as well as a few other
instruments. Horn wrote the music
for the show.
Davidson is studying musical the-
atre at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New
York. He has written screenplays
for a few short films, such as Crazy
About Macy, directed by Adam
Jacobs, which won Best Narrative
and Best of the Festival at the EDU
Film Festival in Minneapolis.
Davidson and Horn began writ-
ing the musical for fun in early 2012
while still high school students.
Davidson said, I dont think either
of us were expecting it to be per-
formed the following year when we
first started writing together. But
while a student at Perpich Center
for the Arts High School, Davidson
mentioned the musical endeavor to
his teachers. Their response was
surprising. My theatre teachers were
so interested, Davidson said, and
they told me that we should per-
form it at Perpich. I thought they
were joking at first, but as it turned
out, they were quite serious.
Over the next year the stories,
dialogue, and lyrics were tweaked
and cleaned up. Davidson said, It
was kind of a crazy process. But the
performance at Perpich was very
much a workshop project. Jonathan
and I are incredibly grateful to the
people at Perpich who made our
show possible because they really
helped us to make it the show that it
is today.
The production hit the Perpich
Center stage in 2013. Many people
from our area wanting to witness
Davidson and Horns musical were
unable to and requested it be per-
formed locally.
Davidson had performed in For-
ever Plaid at the State Theatre in
Zumbrota and enjoyed that experi-
ence, so the men set their sights on
bringing The Circus of Terror to
the theatre. Davidson said, The
people that are involved with the Z-
theatre are all friendly, dedicated,
local people that are enjoyable and
easy to work with. He also said the
State Theatre has the perfectly sized
stage for this production. Horn agreed
and said, The people at Z-Theatre
have been incredibly generous in
collab-orating with us on this project
and allowing us to use their space
and resources; we greatly appreci-
ate their commitments to local art-
Bruce Bulgar, the greedy, con-
niving ringleader, begins the show
by singing a verse. The carnies and
other characters join him in a grand
performance. But during the per-
formance, Louie Laughingstock, the
circus best clown, suddenly dies.
Afterwards Eddy Biggar, the circus
assistant manager, along with other
characters, attempts to find the rea-
son behind Louies sudden death,
but are unable to. Officer Howard,
a bumbling, accident-prone police
officer, enters and announces that
there is a dangerous murderer loose
in the area, and he believes the mur-
derer is connected to the death of
Louie Laughingstock. The carnies
are thrown into frenzy, and Eddy
and Bruce are faced with the chal-
lenge of putting a show together in
three days in order to make some
money. Otherwise the tax collec-
tor, Ms. Zimmerman, will shut down
the circus.
The story involves many other
whacky twists and turns that leave
the audience wondering,
Whodunnit? Many personal se-
crets and feelings are revealed by
different characters as the story
progresses all because of the mur-
der of one clown.
Actors of all ages are needed.
Certain actors may be double-cast,
if necessary. Unsure of your vocal
chops? Davidson recommends you
audition anyway! He said, These
characters are larger-than-life, sati-
rized showbiz archetypes. Have fun!
Bruce Bulgar the greedy and
conniving circus leader. Voice type:
baritone (male) or alto (female).
Eddy Biggar the hard-working,
ambitious young male circus
managers assistant. Voice type:
lyric tenor, baritone.
Dolores Von Tuff emotional
leading female circus diva. Voice
type: soprano, mezzo-soprano.
Eleanor Dotson a talented and
independent young female singer.
Voice type: mezzo-soprano.
Gary Giggles an easily angered
clown. Voice type: baritone (male)
or alto (female).
Officer Howard a goofy, acci-
dent-prone, police-officer-in-train-
ing. This is a very physical, non-
singing role.
Willie a nave female animal
trainer with a tendency to be abu-
sive towards the animals. Voice type:
Wallace the circus veterinar-
ian who appears to be a dimwitted
buffoon but he has a secret that no
one knows. Voice type: baritone.
Mr./Mrs. Zimmerman the tax
collector. This is a non-singing role.
Louie Laughingstock a lovable
clown who mysteriously dies dur-
ing a performance. This is a non-
singing role.
Chorus of carnies a variety of
circus acts. You could be a clown, a
strongman, an acrobat, or a bearded
lady! Males and females with all
voice types needed.
Audition preparation
For auditions, prepare a song on
your own. The song can be any-
thing, but they highly suggest sing-
ing an upbeat, lyrical show tune.
Keep it short, one verse and a cho-
rus. An accompanist will be pro-
vided. Have sheet music prepared
for the accompanist in the key that
you would like to sing. In addition
to singing a song, actors will be
given a few lines to read in groups
of two or three.
If not interested in auditioning
for a leading role, the writers en-
courage you to still audition for a
part in the chorus. These vocalists
may sing without reading during
Performances will be August 15-
Ziprail planning on track
By Paul Martin
RED WING Trains could run
between the Twin Cities and Roch-
ester at up to 180 mph when ZipRail
is built, the Goodhue County Board
of Commissioners heard at its May
20 meeting. Praveena Pidaparthi
from MnDOT, and Zip Rail Project
Manager Charles Michael updated
commissioners about the project.
ZipRail would further the de-
velopment of Rochester as a cen-
ter for medical treatment and re-
search, and could eventually form
part of a high-speed rail network
linking the Twin Cities to Chi-
cago and other Midwest cities. With
the first studies completed, the
project now moves ahead to more
detailed planning and a full Envi-
ronmental Impact Study. Planners
will also work on the business case
to present to state and federal au-
thorities for funding.
In terms of routes, The uni-
verse centers on Coates, said
Michael. North of Coates, ap-
proaching the metro area, trains
would run at a maximum speed of
79 mph. Lines could run to MSP
airport, Union Depot in St. Paul,
or possibly both. South of Coates,
trains would run at full speed along
one of two corridors. One would
follow Hwy 56 and the line of the
old Chicago and Western Rail-
road, the other would follow Hwy
52, or a line slightly to the west of
it. The Hwy 56 route is less hilly,
and would be easier in terms of
right of way acquisition. The Hwy
52 route would come closer to
centers of population. Although
trains are planned only to run non-
stop from the Twin Cities to Roch-
ester, the line would have enough
capacity to run commuter rail ser-
vice in the distant future, with
possible stations at towns such as
Zumbrota and Cannon Falls.
To learn more about the project,
and to sign up for updates, go to
the website http://www.goziprail.
Road works
County commissioners ap-
proved an agreement with the City
of Pine Island and MNDot to share
the costs of a new roundabout on
Hwy 11 east of Hwy 52 in Pine
Island. This will provide a better
link from the city to the Elk Run
Work to replace the Prairie Creek
bridge on 330th St. in Stanton
Township starts May 26. 330th
St. will be closed until comple-
tion, planned for August 22.
Expect long-term lane closures
on Hwy 61 between Hwy 316,
east of Miesville, and Hwy 19 near
Red Wing due to resurfacing. Work
runs through August.
Other business
The number of feedlots in the
county registered with the state
has dropped from 724 to 595 in
the last four years, Goodhue County
Soil and Water District reported.
They believe that most are still
working, but have reduced their
operation to under 50 head of cattle
because of the high cost of cattle
feed. At that point, they are only
under county regulation. Others
have expanded their operation. Soil
and Water has also noticed more
specialization, such as feedlots with
heifers only.
The board approved payment
of the legal fees needed to rein-
state the Welch Village Septic
Cooperative, first started in 1998.
The board renewed the contract
with Minnesota Department of
Correction to house up to 50 in-
mates in the Goodhue County Jail.
Boarded inmates help fund the
running of the facility in Red Wing.
Pine Island
PI ag science and FFA students had a busy year
By Alice Duschanek-Myers
19 Pine Island School Board meet-
ing, agricultural science instruc-
tor Shawn Erickson reported on
the many activities in agricultural
science and Future Farmers of
America (FFA) this year. Students
are also participating in a Super-
vised Agricultural Experience
(SAE), which is an individual
project, and work cooperative ex-
periences, which combine class-
room education and practical ex-
FFA members participated in
Cheese Festival, Olmsted, and
Dodge County Fairs, and the Min-
nesota State Fair. They studied
wildlife, Employee-Right-to-
Know Regulations from OSHA,
natural resources, small animals,
veterinary animal care, agricul-
ture, food science, and animal sci-
ence. The students participated in
competitions for regional and state
FFA and trapshooting.
They provided Ag Week activi-
ties at the school. Elementary stu-
dents were treated to a petting zoo.
They provided a farm-to-table
experience for the elementary with
pizza for the students. They are
currently busy in the school court-
yard greenhouse.
Erickson will attend the CASE
(Curriculum for Agricultural Edu-
cation) Institute for teachers this
summer with a Rochester Area
Math Science Partnership grant.
The curriculum focuses on agri-
culture and resources, and is similar
to Project Lead The Way.
By Alice Duschanek-Myers
the Pine Island School Board ap-
proved signing the purchase agree-
ment with Elk Farm Four, LLC
(of Tower Investments LLC) for
38.4 acres of land to construct the
new PreK-4 building and nine-
lane competitive track. The dis-
trict will pay $1 in cash for the
land. Elk Farm Four will consider
the remainder of the cost of the
property as a charitable donation
to the school.
Superintendent Tammy Berg-
Beniak said there were discussions
with the City of Pine Island and
the agreement was done in coop-
eration with the city, as well. Rep-
resentatives of the school are now
allowed to enter the property. The
school districts insurance was
extended to include it, and there
will soon be a sign reading, Fu-
ture home of Pine Island PreK-4
The school district is respon-
sible for completing the environ-
mental reports for the land. Other
expenses can be expected prior to
the sale of the referendum bonds
because of the timeline of the
project. The board approved a reso-
lution to establish procedures to
repay any funds spent from the
proceeds of the school construc-
tion bond sale.
The school board met with con-
struction managers Kraus-Ander-
son after the referendum election
to discuss a timeline to construct
the new school. The July school
board meeting was rescheduled
to July 10 to award the bond sale.
In August, excavation work will
be started at the site. Building con-
struction will begin in Septem-
ber. The new school should be
finished to open for students in
September of 2015.
PI School Board approves land purchase
agreement with Tower Investments
Pine Island hears about DMC
from Rochester Chamber president
By David A. Grimsrud
has left the station, said Jerry
Williams, interim president of the
Rochester Area Chamber of Com-
merce. He was referring to Roch-
ester and the Mayo
Clinic becoming the worlds
premier Destination Medical Cen-
ter. He spoke at the Pine Island
American Legion on Wednesday,
May 21.
Williams reported that over the
next 30 years, the Mayo Clinic
will invest $3.5 billion in its Roch-
ester medical and research facili-
ties. Thats more money than three
Vikings dome stadiums, Williams
added. In addition, private invest-
ment in Rochester will be $2.1
billion for hotels, hospitality, and
other things. Public investment
from the state will be $585 mil-
lion for transportation, site prepa-
ration, and infrastructure.
Over this period, 35,000 to
45,000 new jobs are projected, not
all medical related. $200 million
must be invested first before any
state money is given to the DMC
The Rochester population is
expected to grow in twenty years
from 106,769 to 173,208. Will-
iams said that surrounding com-
munities will grow, as well. Many
people prefer smaller schools and
This was background informa-
tion. Williams then turned to the
main reason he was speaking in
Pine Island, one of the above-men-
tioned surrounding communities.
He asked, Why would the top
people in the medical/research
fields want to live in cold Minne-
sota? Research shows that people
move to communities for more
than just the job.
DMC planning sessions came
up with eight core pillars that
employees appreciate. They are:
Livable city, retail, and dining
Hotels and hospitality
Entertainment, arts, and cul-
Commercial, research, and
Health and wellness
Learning environment
Sports, recreation, and nature
Considering the combination of
medical and research facilities, a
convention center, new Univer-
sity of Minnesota site, hotels/hos-
pitality, and a government center
all in close proximity to the down-
town, future transportation/park-
ing needs will be enormous.
Research shows that many em-
ployees prefer to live within walk-
ing distances to work; therefore,
high density housing is planned.
The impact of both spouses
working is reflected in the distances
traveled to the Mayo Clinic.
1,274 employees come from Min-
neapolis and 1,268 from St.
Paul. Some come from the north-
ern Twin Cities suburbs, as well.
Cannon Falls markets itself as being
an ideal half-way place to re-
Williams complimented Pine
Island on passing its school build-
ing referendum and added that
quality teachers are a must when
competing for these new Mayo
Clinic employees. Williams, be-
ing a distance runner himself, made
note of Pine Islands connection
to the Douglas Trail. A person in
the audience added the importance,
too, of Pine Islands 18-hole golf
Williams said that churches were
not directly listed but he assured
the audience that they were rolled
into the existing pillars.
He issued both encouragement
and a challenge to Pine Island to
consider the eight pillars that at-
tract people to reside in a commu-
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By Alice Duschanek-Myers
PINE ISLAND To allow time
for improvements to the flood
buyout property on CSAH #11 and
at the Douglas Trail Park, the
Cheese Festival Committee made
plans for the event to remain on
Main Street in downtown Pine
Island for another year.
On May 20, the city council
approved the committees request
to close South Main Street from
2nd Street to 5th Street for the
festival. The street will be closed
from June 5 at noon until June 9 at
8 a.m.
City Clerk Jon Eickhoff said that
since Main Street is a county road,
the committee needs to request
the closing from Goodhue County.
The approval is to acknowledge
the citys awareness.
Randy Bates asked if the street
will be open for the businesses
that afternoon. Steve Oelkers of
Public Works said the festival will
set up to the south first. The street
will not be completely closed un-
til 4 or 5 p.m.
Rick Keane presented a request
from the Cheese Festival Com-
mittee for a permit for the annual
fireworks display on the school
soccer fields. The fireworks will
be set off on Friday, June 6, at
dusk with a rain date of Sunday,
June 8. As in previous years, pyro-
technicians from J and M Displays
of Yarmouth, Iowa, will shoot the
fireworks. The Pine Island Fire
Department has agreed to provide
protection against fire. The coun-
cil approved a permit for the fire-
works display.
Cheese Fest to stay on
Main Street this year
High School held the 2014 Awards
Night Ceremony on May 14. Stu-
dents were recognized that evening
for their academic and athletic
successes. Seniors who received
local scholarships were also rec-
American Legion Auxiliary
Citizenship: Marissa DeWitz
American Legion: Ben Bauer
Arel Education: Marcus
Army Scholar/Athlete Award:
Adeline Angst and Jack Miller
Certificate of Merit Award (So-
ciety of Women Engineers): Torri
Simon and Taylor Schroder
FFA Alumni: Danielle Bye,
Zach Knutson, and Ian Radtke
FFA Williams:Danielle Bye and
Zach Knutson
Goodhue County Cooperative
Electric: Siera McNallan
Goodhue County Corn & Soy-
bean Growers: Ian Radtke
Iwen: Marcus Aarsvold
Jay Kispert FFA Memorial:
Kalley Berg and Ian Radtke
Judy Miller: Laura Torgeson
Kasson-Mantorville Masonic
Lodge: Kelly Leibold
Leon Hayward: Marcus
Aarsvold, Allison Anderson, Tay-
lor Baker, Ben Bauer, Kaylie
Briske, Kaitlin Bronk, Danielle
Bye, Marissa DeWitz, Kaitlin Dick,
Zach Knutson, Lindsey Landon,
Kelly Leibold, Ryan McNallan,
Siera McNallan, Jack Miller, Ian
Radtke, Torri Simon, and Ben
Mayo Clinic Dependent: Allison
Anderson, Adeline Angst,Peter
Beach, Kaylie Briske,Marissa
DeWitz, Kaitlin Dick, Sam Heeren,
Zach Kennedy, Jared Lohmeyer,
Emily McAdams, Jack Miller,
Jordan Pin, Adam Pleschourt,
Shawn Pletz, Kevin Poliszuk, and
Torri Simon
Honorary Mel Schroeder Me-
morial: Ben Warneke
Mel Schroeder Memorial: Adam
National Mutual Bank: Kelly
Nick Kehoe: Tyler Lejcher and
Stephanie Pike
Peoples Energy Cooperative:
Jordan Pin, Luke Schmidt, and
Taylor Schaefer
The Honor Guard and Girl Scouts stand at attention during the Pine Island Memorial Day ceremony at the
bridge crossing the Zumbro River.
Photos by Peter Grimsrud
Pine Island Scout Pack 69 marches in the Memorial Day parade down Main Street.
Pine Island celebrates Memorial Day
The Pine Island High School Band plays during the Memorial Day ceremony on May 26.
PIHS Awards Night was May 14
PIEA Future Teacher: Adeline
Pine Island Bank: Kelly Leibold
Pine Island Fire Relief Asso-
ciation: Ana Marx and Andre
Pine Island PTSO: Ben Bauer,
Kaitlin Bronk, and Kelly Leibold
Pine Island White Pines
Sportsmans Club George
Dickinson Memorial: Kayley Eye
and Ian Radtke
Post-Bulletin: Peter Beach and
Esther Gutzmer
Verne West: Adeline Angst,
Adam Pleschourt, and Kayla
Senior athletes
Senior Female Athlete: Nicole
Senior Male Athlete: Ben
Collaboration and Communication
Committee kept community informed
By Alice Duschanek-Myers
PINE ISLAND Doug Strandell
presented a summary of the work
of the Collaboration and Commu-
nication Committee in 2013-14 at
the Pine Island School Board meet-
ing on May 19. The committee
met monthly.
This year they were very active
studying the facility and assisting
with communication with the com-
munity. They discussed and fol-
lowed up on recommendations
from the suggestion boxes in the
community, and they gave input
about the food service and items
served at the concession stand.
They discussed snow removal,
ZED proposals for the future, the
tablet program and repairs, trans-
portation issues, the calendar, feed-
back from OSHA and the fire
marshal, putting Wi-Fi in the buses
for homework, decreasing insur-
ance costs, and legislative
updates. Jackie Walter will serve
as chair and Kelly Barker will serve
as vice chair next year.
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Pine Island
Pine Island High School
students compete in Envirothon
PIHS Envirothon team members are Coach Megan Schimek, Kelly Leibold, Emalie Stolp, Adam Barsness, and
Peter Beach. Not pictured: Kayla Sneller.
By Audra DePestel
land High School students com-
peted in the 2014 Southeastern
Minnesota Envirothon. Emalie
Stolp, Kelly Leibold, Kayla Sneller,
Peter Beach, and Adam Barsness
participated in the regional event
on May 7 at Alexander Park in
Faribault. The PIHS team, coached
by biology teacher Megan
Schimek, then advanced to the state
competition on May 19 at St. Johns
University, placing eighth out of
28 teams.
Leibold was very impressed with
the competition, saying Enviro-
thon really illustrated for me the
real-world connections between
the classroom and the environment
around us. It was a refreshing ex-
perience to work with such a di-
versity of students, and where some
had agriculture backgrounds, oth-
ers had chemistry knowledge! We
worked great as a team and made
some great memories along the
Envirothon is an outdoor, hands-
on learning experience for high
school students. It centers around
five different learning stations
(soils, wildlife, water resources,
forestry, and current environmental
issues), each of which are staffed
by professionals on that subject.
At a teach station, teams com-
posed of five students answer ques-
tions on the subject. Since the event
takes place outdoors, questions
involve actual contact with natu-
ral resources. An oral presenta-
tion was also part of the days ac-
Pine Island approves rezoning for
Dollar General Store on CSAH #11
By Alice Duschanek-Myers
the Pine Island City Council ap-
proved rezoning lot 2, block 2 of
J&D Storage from I-1 (Heavy In-
dustrial) to C-1 (Central Business
District) for a proposed 9,100
square foot Dollar General retail
store. The public hearing for the
rezoning of the property was held
by Planning and Zoning on May
The council approved a request
to vacate 19.64 feet of 1st Street
NE directly abutting the property
and replatting J&D Storage, First
Addition for the store. The pro-
posed building will be set back
farther from County State Aid
Highway #11 than other buildings
to accommodate turning delivery
The public hearing to vacate this
portion of 1st Street NE was also
held by Planning and Zoning on
May 13. The owner of property in
the area voiced concerns about
future traffic on the street and water
drainage issues. City building in-
spector Tom Thompson will re-
view site plans as these are sub-
mitted to ensure that sufficient
storm water management is in-
cluded in the plans.
Highway 52/East Frontage Road
City Engineer Neil Britton re-
ported that the council will award
the bid for the Highway 52/East
Frontage Road project to a con-
tractor at a special council meet-
ing on June 3 at 7 p.m. at City
He has been investigating LED
lighting for the streets in the project.
Originally the lighting selected
matched the lights on Main Street.
However, these LED lights were
too costly.
The council authorized the sign-
ing of an agreement with the Min-
nesota Department of Transpor-
tation and Olmsted and Goodhue
Counties to designate responsi-
bilities for the CSAH #11 inter-
section roundabout. Pine Island
will maintain the roundabout. The
county must reconstruct it if nec-
Other business
The city council recognized
Janice Prescher for her 32 years
of service as the deputy registrar
at city hall. The City of Pine Is-
land presented her with a clock
with a plaque.
Morgan Hansen reported that
the Van Horn Library roof was
finished. There has been increased
attendance in the programs offered
and at the library in general.
The council approved allowing
Rod Steele to install a handicapped
ramp to replace the steps on the
south side of 246 South Main Street,
which is an encroachment to 250
South Main Street (city hall). Jon
Eickhoff said that Steeles prop-
erty line is at the brick of his build-
ing. Planning and Zoning recom-
mended allowing the ramp as an
improvement to the current situa-
Steve Oelkers reported that
sludge was hauled from the waste
treatment plant; air conditioners
will be installed at Evergreen Place;
grinding mulch with soon begin
at the brush dump; the old chlori-
nators must be replaced at the plant;
and the entire street maintenance
budget has been spent on potholes
and patching. He recommended
visiting Kasson to see their LED
lights. In June the large swimming
pool pump and pool chlorination
pump will be replaced.
The city council approved:
Implementing a 2014 perfor-
mance measurement program
New official signatories and
wire transfer authorizations be-
cause of new staff
A raffle permit for the Church
of St. Michael for September 28
The hiring of library assistant
Rebecca Collins at $9.25/hour
New probationary firefighters
Benjamin Lenz, Charles Lenz,
Nicklus Goranson, and Michael
Eickhoff presents PI
Fire Department report
By Alice Duschanek-Myers
Fire Chief Jon Eickhoff presented
the 2013 Pine Island Fire Depart-
ment report to the city council.
The mission of the department
is to protect and preserve the life
and property of the people it serves.
It is committed to providing emer-
gency services, strong public re-
lations, and fire safety training.
The department is dedicated to
protecting and preserving the health
and safety of members, and re-
turning them safely to their fami-
lies. Eickhoff said, The safety of
our crew comes first.
The department is manned by
volunteers. There are 26 staff
members. 23 are Firefighter I cer-
tified. 21 are Firefighter II certi-
fied. There are eight Instructors
(I) and four officers (I). There are
six EMTs, 13 First Responders,
and a few in EMT training. There
will soon be two more EMTs.
The department completed 1,362
hours of specific fire training. They
must be trained on hazardous
materials and confined areas. They
completed 643 hours of medical
training and 179 hours of other
The department responded to
258 service calls which included
20 fires, 13 hazardous (gas, elec-
trical, etc.), six false alarms, and
189 medical calls. There were also
false alarms and cancelled calls.
The average response time was 3
minutes 11 seconds within the city
and 5 minutes 21 seconds in the
Below is the current list of equip-
ment at the fire department.
Eickhoff said they are giving the
Gamma Goat back to the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources because
New Haven Township purchased
a vehicle to replace it. The depart-
ment could get rid of the 1971
GMC Reserve Pumper that no
longer holds water. Another ve-
hicle would be put into reserve.
The firefighters need new turnout
gear, which will cost about
City owned equipment:
City pumper reserve engine:
750 gallons per minute (gpm), will
no longer hold water, 1971 GMC
Brush 4 200 gpm, 200 gal-
lon, 4x4, 1989 Ford
New Haven Township owned:
581 Engine: 1,250 gpm, 1,000
gallon, 3rd EMS, 2002 Pierce
582 Pickup: command, tow-
ing, 2nd EMS, 2006 Ford
583 Engine: 750 gpm, 500
gallon, 4x4, 1984 Pierce
586 Tanker: 1,500 gallon,
1993 Chevrolet
587 Tanker: 1,500 gallon,
1991 Chevrolet
588 Tanker: 2,000 gpm
vacuum, 3,500 gallon, 2011 In-
Joint ownership:
589 Rescue engine: 1,500
gpm, 970 gallon, 1st EMS, 2004
Hovercraft 1 Ice/water res-
cue, 1989 Hoverguard
ATV 1 and ATV 2 Rescue/
wildland fire, 2006 Polaris
DNR owned:
Brush 1 200 gpm, 250 gal-
lon, 6x6, 1975 Gamma Goat
Care Center is so excited for nice
weather! That means bus rides!
We so enjoy touring the country-
side, so give us a wave as we go
by. Remember, summer begins
June 21.
We start the month off by judg-
ing the Kiddie Parade for Cheese
Fest and watching the Cheese Fest
Parade. Flag Day we will wear
red, white and blue, as our resi-
dents are very patriotic, and on
June 15 we will celebrate Fathers
Day. We will enjoy various enter-
tainers and activity events through-
out the month.
Our monthly birthday party will
be hosted by Mary Anne Owen
and Conrad Lechelt on Monday
June 9 at 2 p.m. in the dining room.
Those celebrating June birthdays
are: Gordon Vicker June 9,
Geraldine Horseman 11, Carol
Wees 17, Phillip Goplen 18, Rita
Prescher 24, and Maggie Gragert
The Pine Haven Auxiliary will
meet in the activity room Wednes-
day June 25 at 1:30 p.m. They are
busy planning the ice cream so-
cial for July. Please join them, as
new members are always welcome.
For all of our activity events
you can request a calendar by call-
ing Pine Haven Community at 356-
8304 or e-mail us at
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Pine Island FFA hosts trap shoot
PINE ISLAND The Southeast Minnesota Clay Bust FFA trap shoot was hosted by the Pine Island FFA on
Saturday May 17 at White Pines Sportsmans Club. Eleven teams from seven schools participated. Pine
Island Team 1 took third place honors. Team members are, from left to right: Kayley Eye, William Eye, Ian
Radtke, Connor Swarthout, and Emailie Stolp. Stolp was awarded High Female Gun. Other Pine Island trap
shooters are Grace Stolp, Riley Smith, Ryan Scapanski, Gunner Maxson, and Tyler Letjcher.
Pine Island FFA holds annual banquet
PINE ISLAND The Pine Island FFA chapter held its annual chapter banquet on Friday May 9 in the school
cafeteria. The evening included a meal, awards and recognition. It concluded with the installation of the new
officer team. Parents, supporters, members, and advisors were in attendance. FFA members participating
are, front row: Chelsey Haugen, McKenna Wood, Emalie Stolp, Danielle Bye, Isabelle Bond, Katie Jackson,
and Katelynn Leibold; middle row: Jenna Garness, Kelly Jackson, David Eaton, Michael Moitzheim, and
Linnea Nichols; back row: Kalley Berg, William Eye, Ian Radtke, and Zach Knutson.
Miller hired as Pine Island
girls basketball coach
By Alice Duschanek-Myers
the Pine Island School Board ap-
proved a recommendation from
Activities Director Craig Ander-
son to hire Scott Miller as the head
coach for girls basketball. Miller
worked with Rick Canton coach-
ing the team and in summer pro-
grams. He was the assistant girls
varsity coach. He lives in Pine Is-
land and teaches in Kasson.
The board approved hiring
Katherine Susa for the high school
language arts teacher. She ex-
pressed an interest in working with
the students in theatre.
The school board approved a
recommendation from Superinten-
dent Tammy Berg-Beniak to add
a 1.0 FTE teacher on special as-
signment for a dean of students,
curriculum advisor, and the inte-
gration and achievement program
for middle school. Half of the fund-
ing for the position would come
from the integration and achieve-
ment grant. Grant writing could
be included in this position, de-
pending on the applicants. This
position will be posted internally
K-8 principals report
Principal Cindy Hanson reported
that next year middle school will
return to an eight-period day. Multi-
tiered Systems of Supports will
be integrated into the day.
The teacher evaluation pilot
program will continue into fall.
Student learning data must be in-
cluded in the evaluation. Pine Is-
land Education Association do-
nated funds for a team to meet in
June to create an evaluation plan
for 2014-15.
This year students cleaned city
parks and yards for senior resi-
dents for City-Wide Clean Up.
These were more suitable activi-
ties because students did not need
to work along roads.
The FCCLA organized the Jump
Rope for Heart campaign. They
presented a virtual assembly and
organized the jumping at recess.
The students raised $9004.61 for
the American Heart Association.
Community education
Director Kelly Barker provided
a summary of community educa-
tion services. School readiness
preschool enrollment increased
from 66 with six staff in 2007 to
120 with seven staff this year.
Participation at special events and
Outreach 15+ events has increased
from 500-700 in 2007 to 700-1,000
per year. School-age childcare has
grown from 81 with 12 staff to
130 with 27 staff. This program is
expected to continue to grow.
Afterschool and early out partici-
pation is also expected to grow.
Last year 67 students participated
in the summer reading program
with six staff. Participation this
year is yet to be determined.
There was a long season at the
ice rink due to the unusually cold
weather. This is the first year the
ice never melted. Originally there
were four employees involved for
the rink, now there are six.
The sharing shelf evolved to be
renamed Panther Holiday Help-
ers. The program served 15 fami-
lies in 2007. It now serves 33 fami-
Community education also in-
cludes ECFE, Adult Basic Edu-
cation, life-time learning oppor-
tunities, community classes and
activities, and preschool to adult
enrichment and field trips.
Pine Island has a Four Star Par-
ent Aware program for preschool.
This qualifies the district for Path-
way Grants for Olmsted County
families. This year there were iPads
in Early Childhood classrooms.
Early Childhood Professional
Learning Communities (PLCs) are
Other business
Donations of $500 from the Pine
Island Fire Department and $125
from BevComm for the ice rink
were accepted by the school board.
The school board approved:
Renewing the membership to
MSHSL (Minnesota State High
School League) for 2014-15
A private party providing con-
cessions for softball and baseball
only for this summer
Development of Parental In-
volvement Policies for Title I Pro-
The process and format to com-
plete Superintendent Tammy Berg-
Beniaks annual evaluation by July
Moving to the District Con-
ference at the end of meetings to
discuss building construction up-
Berg-Beniak suggested using the
stored beef that was purchased last
year for a staff appreciation event.
The school board agreed with us-
ing the meat, rather than continu-
ing to store it. She recommended
looking at the open enrollment
policy and cap levels for grades.
April Bailey, Angie Heiden, and
Rob Warneke will serve on the
negotiations committee for the
principals, cabinet, and non-li-
censed personnel. Kerry Hayden,
John Champa, and Kim Fall will
serve on the facility committee
for the construction. Kim Fall and
Rob Warneke will work with the
grades 5-12 facility advisory team.
John Champa, Kerry Hayden, and
Angie Heiden will work with the
PreK-4 facility advisory team. Kim
Fall and Kerry Hayden will work
with the activities/athletics team.
the Board of Directors of the South-
eastern Minnesota Arts Council,
Inc. (SEMAC) awarded 32 grants
for a total of $181,585 in funding
to applicants throughout southeast-
ern Minnesota. This included five
Presenter/ Production Assistance
grants for $13,325, nine Small
Towns/Rural Areas grants for
$19,610, and eighteen Arts &
Cultural Heritage grants for
$148,650. Among the recipients
was Pine Area People for the Arts
(PAPA), who received a $1,500
Small Towns/Rural Areas grant
for eight Sunday evening music
SEMAC is the state arts board-
designated granting authority for
local/regional arts producing and
sponsoring organizations, and it
disburses funds allocated for this
purpose by the Minnesota State
Legislature. The SEMAC region
includes the counties of Dodge,
Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue,
Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Rice,
Steele, Wabasha, and Winona.
PAPA receives
$1,500 grant
from SEMAC
Please support the following businesses
for sponsoring these pages:
Emily Aakre Marcus Aarsvold Alexa Anderson Allison Anderson Hayden Anderson Chelsea Anderton
Kaylie Briske Kaitlin Bronk Danielle Bye Martina Chester Sara Cramer Marissa DeWitz
Adeline Angst Alyssa Baker Taylor Baker Benjamin Bauer Kalley Berg Cody Block
Zachary Knutson
Kaitlin Dick Brendon Dugstad Lezhanae Edge Ethan Ellefson Matthew Ellefson Kayley Eye
Nicole Fokken Esther Gutzmer Maxwell Hale Sarah Haskell Samantha Heeren Melinda Heimberg
Allison Higgins Anika Hooyer Jennifer Hornseth Alexander Kautz Amber Kennedy Zachary Kennedy
Graduation will take place on Sunday,
June 1, at 2 p.m. in the gold gymnasium
Class motto: Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson
Class flower: Alstroemeria lily
Class colors: Maroon and gold
Pine Island Graduates
AB Custom Builders
AR Auto Care
Ag Partners Coop
Adrians Parts City
Anderson Veterinary Service
Arels Flowers & Gifts
Becks Auto Repair
Better Brew Coffeehouse
Birds Auto Repair
Bombay Elevator Inc
Borgy Boyz Pizza
Bridgets Caf, Zumbrota
Cathys Catering & Deli
Ds Auto Care of Zumbrota
DMC Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
DS Manufacturing, Inc.
Dan Greseth Drywall, Wanamingo
Donna Manthei - Property Brokers of MN
Dr. Nyla Nolden Family Dentistry
Family Hair Styling
Feils Oil Company, Mazeppa
Gars Mobile Repair & Garage Service
Goodhue County Cooperative Electric
Goodhue Family Dental
Gormans Main Street Meats
Groth Implement
Grover Auto Company, Zumbrota
Gunners Grill, Zumbrota
H&R Block, Zumbrota office
Hay Creek Mutual Insurance
Hemann Grover & Co LTD
Henrys Hair Designers
Hidden Meadows RV Park Inc
Hometown Salon & Spa, Zumbrota
Hub Food Center, Zumbrota
Isaacson Implement, Nerstrand
Please support the following businesses
for sponsoring these pages:
Brittany Kunz Lindsey Landon Kelly Leibold Tyler Lejcher Tamerra Levi Hunter Lienau
Samuel McPhail Brandon Miller Jack Miller Kayla Morey Stephanie Pike Jordan Pin
Jared Lohmeyer Jordan Martin Anamarie Marx Emily McAdams Ryan McNallan Siera McNallan
Marcus Woelfle Jessie Wollschlager
Adam Pleschourt Shawn Pletz Ian Radtke Andre Ringle Colin Rucker Coltan Runge
Taylor Schaefer Brianna Schleck Luke Schmidt Katie Schultz Spencer Schultz Haily Shelstad
Torri Simon Kayla Sneller Laura Torgeson Nathan Waletzko Ryan Ward Benjamin Warneke
Pine Island Graduates
Island Market
Island Tool & Die
Joe Pikes Plumbing & Backhoe
Kalass Agency, Zumbrota
Kautz Trucking & Trailer Sales
Mahn Family Funeral Home
Main Street Dentistry Dr. Joel Swan
Maley Photography
Matt Maring Auction Company
Meints Chiropractic Health Center
News-Record/Zumbro Shopper
North Main Laundry
Northland Buildings Inc., Oronoco
Olmsted Medical Center
Owen Locker Plant
PI Liquor
Pellicci Ace Hardware, Zumbrota
Pine Haven Community
Pine Island Bank
Pine Island Cabinets
Pine Island Hardware Hank & Rental
Pine Island Lumber, Inc.
Pine Island Pool & Pins
Pine Island Sports Bar & Liquor Store
Rons Auto Repair
Schaefer Heating & Air Conditioning
Shane Electric
Stamps by Judith
State Farm Insurance - Lyle Wendroth
Stevenson Insurance
The Banks Agency, Inc.
Traxler Power & Equipment, Kenyon
Wanamingo Grooming
Workout 24/7 of Pine Island
Zumbrota Eye Care
Zumbrota Veterinary Clinic
Luke Bauernfeind Casey Baumgartner Kailee Jo Berquam Kaitlin Bohn Samuel Boughton Celia Brazelton
Hudson Ades Madeline Anfinson Bailey Auseth Julianna Baalson Lucas Bakken Reed Bartsch
Samantha Ellingson Cody Evenson Erin Groth Myranda Gruenhagen Aaron Holk Connor Holthe
Marcus Irrthum Ashley Jackson Emily Karl
Trent Brossard Audra Clark Meg Clark Peter Clauson Jace Clawiter Tiffany Donkers
Please support the following businesses for sponsoring
these pages:
Graduation is on Sunday, June 1, 2014 at
1 p.m. at the Kenyon-Wanamingo Middle
School/High School gym
Class motto: We find the great things in this world are not so much where we stand, as in what
direction we are moving. Oliver Wendell Holmes
Class flower: Daisy
Class colors: light blue and charcoal gray
Class song: Dont You (Forget About me) by Simple Minds
Kenyon-Wanamingo Graduates
AgReliant Genetics
Ag Partners Coop
All the Buzz
Anderson Veterinary Service
APR Forklift
Area 57 Coffee Caf
B&N Construction
Baker & Axelson LTD
Bakers Tire Service
Blossoms & Keepsakes
Bombay Elevator, Inc.
Bridgets Cafe, Zumbrota
Ds Auto Care, Zumbrota
Dan Greseth Drywall
Feils Oil Company, Mazeppa
Freds Market Place
Goodhue County Cooperative Electric
Goodhue Family Dental
Groth Implement
Grover Auto Company, Zumbrota
Gunners Grill, Zumbrota
H&R Block, Zumbrota office
Hay Creek Mutual Insurance Company
Held Bus
Hemann, Grover & Company Ltd.
Hub Food Center, Zumbrota
Isaacson Implement, Nerstrand
JBs Tavern
Jerrys Ace Hardware, Kenyon
Kalass Agency, Zumbrota
Keller Insurance Agency
Kenyon Ag Service
Kenyon Country Club
Kenyon Holden Warsaw Mutual
Kenyon Muni
Kenyon Veterinary Clinic
Kittelson Plumbing & Heating
Mahn Family Funeral Home
Maple Island, Inc.
Matt Maring Auction Company
Michaelson Funeral Home
Milo Peterson Ford
NAPA Auto Parts Kenyon
News-Record / Zumbro Shopper
Northland Buildings Inc., Oronoco
Olmsted Medical Center
Papas Kenyon Family Restaurant
Peterson Law Office
Pine Island Lumber, Inc.
Revland Alignment
River Country Co-op, Kenyon
Schaefer Heating & Air Conditioning
Schweich Bar & Hotel
Security Insurance Agency, Kenyon
Security State Bank of Kenyon
Security State Bank of Wanamingo
Shane Electric
South State Bedding Company
State Farm Insurance Lyle Wendroth
Tatge Jewelry/Awards by Tatge
Toms Automotive Repair, Zumbrota
Traxler Power & Equipment
VFW Post #141 Kenyon
Wallys Covered Bridge Restaurant
Wanamingo Grooming
Wanamingo Mutual Insurance Co.
Workout 24/7 Wanamingo & Kenyon
Zumbrota Eye Care
Zumbrota Veterinary Clinic
KW School Board
meeting May 30
regular Kenyon-Wanamingo
School Board meeting will be held
on Friday, May 30, at 5:30 p.m. in
the elementary school media cen-
ter in Wanamingo. Items on the
agenda include the personnel, the
teacher contract for 2013-15, teach-
ers on special assignment for 2013-
14, employment pay lane changes,
membership in the Minnesota State
High School League for 2014-15,
fees for 2014-15, a Goodhue
County Education District joint
powers agreement for the new
building in Red Wing, non-certi-
fied staff for 2013-14, the 1:1
technology initiative, the food ser-
vice contract for 2014-15, Infi-
nite Campus license, software and
support renewal for 2014-2015,
activity fundraiser requests, ex-
tended field trip requests, a part-
nership for Collaborative Open
Educational Resource Initiative,
a school district photographer for
2014-15, and committee and ad-
ministrative reports.
The meeting is open to the pub-
lic. Anyone wishing to speak to
the board may do so during the
Recognition of Visitors/Corre-
spondence time at the beginning
of the meeting.
Abram Medrano Kyle Munstermann Luke Nelson Katlin Noland Nicole Persson Bryan Pliscott
Kyla Kincaid Benjamin Kleese Sydney Klimesh Scott Lurken Garrick Mallery Stephanie Matul
Miranda Strandberg Ryan Stucky Siri Sviggum Trevor Thomas Jessica Thompson Nichele Thompson
Alex Trapp Haylie Vezzoli
Alexander Roosen Jeremy Sauer Nathaniel Schmidt Jonathan Schultz Alex Seeger Travis Simonson
Not pictured: Caleb Giannini
Kenyon-Wanamingo Graduates
By Alicia Hunt-Welch
KENYON Imagine a program
that could help students better un-
derstand the global world they live
in and break down cultural barriers
while educating and preparing them
for life in a technology driven soci-
ety. At Kenyon-Wanamingo School
students in Adam Kuehnels sev-
enth and eighth grade English classes
have experienced just that through
a global partnership with schools
around the world. From exchang-
ing electronic letters with kids in
Tanzania to sharing essays with stu-
dents in Alaska, Kuehnels global
classroom has broadened the hori-
zon of learning for students both at
KW and around the Earth.
Kuehnel first got the idea for a
global classroom while pursuing a
masters degree in architecture at
the University of Minnesota. He said,
As we studied the work of con-
temporary architecture firms, we
learned that many firms are open-
ing global offices in order to take
advantage of a continuous work day.
In essence, when the office in New
York closes at the end of the day, all
of the project documents are for-
warded to an office in Beijing, and
then on to Amsterdam, and then on
to New York again. In this way,
projects are completed at a rapid
Kuehnel was also inspired by the
book Hot, Flat and Crowded by
Thomas Friedman. Friedman de-
veloped the idea that technology has
flattened the planet, he said. What
was once sent by sailing ship, horse-
drawn carriage, or plane could now
be sent digitally and instantly and
virtually for free. I began thinking,
how can this type of information
flow improve the work of students
and teachers alike? If we as teach-
ers are supposed to be preparing
our students to be active partici-
pants in their community, and if tech-
nology has flattened the world, then
it makes sense that we should be
preparing our students to be active
participants in a global community.
Kuehnel was hired by KW School
in July 2009 and at that time was
amazed by the technology invest-
ments in the district, which made
opportunities for a global program
possible. The teacher brought his
idea to the principal and received
the go-ahead. Kuehnel said, I drafted
a letter of introduction and explained
the focus of the program. Then I
researched schools around the globe.
The United States Department of
State has connections to almost 200
schools in every continent. Kuehnel
started sending letters but saw little
response. He then targeted a small
town English teacher and saw a bit
of interest, but not enough to get the
project off the ground.
Then in 2011, he made contact
with a teacher in Anchorage, Alaska,
who agreed to give the project a try.
Kuehnel designed a tool kit cur-
riculum in which students wrote
about themselves, their families, their
towns, and their culture. The KW
essays were exchanged with stu-
dents in Alaska. Kuehnel said, It
was exciting for me as a teacher to
share in the excitement of the stu-
dents as they read about someone
their age in another part of the world.
One student from Alaska had to take
KW Senior Recognition
Night held May 14
By Alicia Hunt-Welch
KENYON Senior Recognition
Night and Baccalaureate for the
Kenyon-Wanamingo High School
class of 2014 was held May 14.
Several local scholarships and
awards were presented at a dinner
at the KW commons. Upon the
completion of the awards ceremony,
Baccalaureate was held at New Life
Church in Wanamingo. The follow-
ing is a list of local scholarships and
awards presented to seniors.
AgStar Scholarship Marcus
Alverne Strandemo Agricultural
Scholarship (a charitable fund es-
tablished at the Lutheran Commu-
nity Foundation) Sydney Klimesh
American Red Cross Scholarships
Audra Clark, Meg Clark, and Kyla
Dennison Lions Club Stephanie
Matul and Siri Sviggum
Faribault Elks Lodge Scholarships
Julianna Baalson, Kaite Bohn, and
Marcus Irrthum
First District Association
(Fieldgate Dairy Products) Marcus
Foldcraft Scholarship Marcus
Goodhue County Electric Trent
Harlan Rippentrop Memorial
Scholarship by the Kenyon Veteri-
nary Clinic Trent Brossard
Isaacson Implement and AGCO
FFA Scholarship Kailee Berquam
Jack Holmes Memorial Scholar-
ship Sydney Klimesh
Jacob Baalson Memorial Schol-
arship Jace Clawiter
KABA (Kenyon Area Business
Association) Julianna Baalson
Kenyon Area Jaycees Scholar-
ship Sydney Klimesh
KW CHI Scholarship Julianna
Kenyon-Wanamingo Education
Association Luke Bauernfeind
KW FFA Alumni Association
Senior Achievement Award Kailee
Berquam, Marcus Irrthum, and
Sydney Klimesh
KW SADD Julianna Baalson
Lowell Estrem Scholarship
Audra Clark and Siri Sviggum
Mack Noble Memorial Scholar-
ship Madeline Anfinson and Siri
Minnesota Educational Facilities
Management Professionals Schol-
arship Peter Clauson
Security Insurance Agency Kyla
Security State Bank of Kenyon
Julianna Baalson and Jessica Th-
Security State Bank of
Wanamingo Bailey Auseth and
Erin Groth
Peder J. Sviggum Memorial
Scholarship Kaite Bohn
Wrestling Booster Club Scholar-
ship Jace Clawiter
Dolores Wrolstad Memorial
Scholarship Madeline Anfinson
Mark Wrolstad Memorial Schol-
arship Marcus Irrthum
KW NHS seniors honor
most influential teachers
By Alicia Hunt-Welch
KENYON Members of the
Kenyon-Wanamingo High School
National Honor Society held their
induction ceremony on April 23.
Senior NHS members had the op-
portunity to recognize a teacher or
staff member who was most influ-
ential to their education or personal
growth. The following is a list of
seniors and the staff member they
Hudson Ades high school guid-
ance counselor Mary Peters Smith
Madeline Anfinson Spanish
teacher Anna Bauer
Bailey Auseth middle school
teacher Adam Kuehnel
Jessica Thompson and Julianna
Baalson art teacher Shane
Casey Baumgartner high school
social studies teacher and theater
director Randy Hockinson
Kailee Berquam ag teacher and
FFA advisor Chuck Larson
Kaitlin Bohn Advanced Place-
ment History teacher from Goodhue
Josh Grant
Audra Clark high school physi-
cal education teacher and coach Brent
Meg Clark, Sydney Klimesh, and
Emily Karl fourth grade teacher
Kevin Anderson
Peter Clauson industrial tech-
nology teacher and robotics coach
Doug Thompson
Erin Groth band director Claire
Marcus Irrthum and Trent
Brossard high school math teacher
and football coach Scott Van Epps
Kyla Kincaid retired KW fourth
grade teacher Bonnie Rapp
Siri Sviggum elementary physi-
cal education teacher and athletic
coach Tracy Erlandson
Jace Clawiter principal, wres-
tling coach, and former elementary
teacher Matt Ryan
Tiffany Donkers family and
consumer science teacher Stacy
Sam Boughton and Luke
Bauernfeind high school social
studies teacher Dan Rechtzigel
Students who met NHS criteria
since the fall of 2013 were also in-
ducted into the KW NHS chapter
that evening. They were Emily
Ashland, Jessica Bauer, Luke
Bauernfeind, Sarah Benrud, Madi-
son Born, Alexa Christenson, Jace
Clawiter, Ethan Cota, Riley Donkers,
Brittney Flom, Erin Gudknecht, Erin
Houglum, Courtney Houglum, Clint
Irrthum, Kayla Knott, Kaitlin Knott,
Ella Lee, Erica Meyers, Franziska
Miles, Ebelin Morales Delgado, John
Nelson, Bailey Paquin, Megan
Quam, Mariah Quam, Siri Quam,
Mason Stevenson, Quinn Traxler,
Madeline VanGuilder, and Jacob
The special guest speaker for the
event was KW alum Katy Vrieze.
The 2013-14 KW NHS officers
were president Kyla Kincaid, vice-
president Bailey Auseth, secretary
Madeline Anfinson, and treasurer
Sydney Klimesh. The KW NHS
advisor is Rich Kincaid.
KW teacher implements global classroom
a seaplane to school because she
lived on an island. Several students
wrote about salmon fishing and
hunting. Of course, there were con-
nections of music, sports, video
games, television shows, and fam-
ily life.
This year Kuehnels students be-
gan working with students in North
Carolina. He has also set his sights
on creating classroom partnerships
with students in Uganda, the Demo-
cratic Republic of Congo, Tanza-
nia, and some South Pacific Islands.
But technology is limited in some
of these countries and therefore the
project has its challenges. Another
issue is the varying school year cal-
endar of equatorial schools, differ-
ent from Minnesotas September to
June calendar. And of course there
are language barriers that must be
taken into account, but even online
translators can help with this issue,
Kuehnel said.
As the school invested in one-to-
one technology, Kuehnel said
Google Chrome is also opening new
doors in this project. By using
Chrome, there is a possibility of
setting up live discussion forums,
he said. It is neat to watch students
putting their ideas together.
Links to global classroom stu-
dents essays can be found on
Kuehnels page on the KW school
website at
Click on the Middle School link to
reach the page for Kuehnel.
By Alicia Hunt-Welch
The following information was pro-
vided by the Goodhue County Sheriffs
May 1
6:03 a.m. A 911 hang-up call was
received from Hillcrest Manor Ave.
9:04 a.m. A person on the 12500
block of Cty 11 in Roscoe Township
received a suspicious call saying they
would be arrested on a federal warrant.
A deputy called the number and was
hung up on.
10:07 p.m. A suicide threat was
reported on 2nd Ave. The subject re-
ceived assistance.
May 2
6:51 a.m. A gas drive-off theft was
reported from Cenex. It was unfounded.
A deputy attended to civil matters there.
4:15 p.m. A vehicle on Hillcrest
Manor Ave was damaged on one side
and it was thought to be suspicious.
May 3
2:17 a.m. A possible fight at a party
was reported on 4th St E. A deputy
checked the area. The complaint was
8:07 a.m. A burglary was reported
on 3rd Ave. The complaint was unfounded.
The same complainant reported a bur-
glary one hour later. That complaint was
also unfounded.
6:02 p.m. An unknown person was
pouring chemicals on the complainants
clothes in an apartment building laun-
dry room on 3rd Ave.
8:49 p.m. A brown and white lab
dog was running around near 2nd St E.
A deputy checked the area but did not
locate the dog.
10:45 p.m. A deputy checked on
an occupied vehicle near Riverside Park.
He spoke to the man who said his wife
was chaperoning the ZM after-prom party
at midnight. She was napping in the
passenger seat.
May 4
1:55 a.m. A man was arrested near
Cty 30 and Main St for 4th degree driv-
ing while intoxicated.
2:26 p.m. A dog was unleashed by
an apartment building on 3rd Ave. The
pet owner was advised and the dog was
leashed when a deputy arrived.
2:40 p.m. A gas drive-off theft of
$27.14 was reported at Cenex. The sub-
ject returned and paid for the gas.
8:25 p.m. Harassment invol-ving
neighbor issues was reported on Hillcrest
Manor Ave.
May 5
9:51 a.m. Home checks were re-
quested on the 51500 block of Cty 1 in
Cherry Grove Township.
8:57 p.m. A domestic incident was
reported on the 16200 block of 460th
St in Roscoe Township. It involved sib-
lings. No arrests were made.
9:41 p.m. A fire call involving a tree
fire with sparks hitting the ground was
reported on the 9400 block of Cty 11 in
Cherry Grove Township.
May 6
5:23 p.m. A fire was reported in a
field with no one around near the 14900
block of Cty 12 in Roscoe Township.
May 7
12:09 p.m. An incident involving a
person with mental illness was reported
on 3rd Ave. The subject received assis-
4:14 p.m. Driving complaints were
reported on West Ave.
May 8
10:02 p.m. Noisy people were re-
ported outside on 4th St E. When a
deputy arrived, people were in the ga-
rage talking and the volume was fine.
The subjects closed their garage down.
An hour later another complaint was
reported. The deputy sat in the area but
could only hear quiet talking.
Veterans marched down Main Street from the Wanamingo Community Center to Riverside Park for the 9 a.m.
Memorial Day remembrance ceremony on May 26. Leading the parade were members of the Wanamingo
Veterans Honor Guard Color Guard. Visible from left to right: Eric Dierks, Kurt Carlstrom, Dan Torkelson, and
Tim Hazen.
Right: Guest speakers at Riverside
Park are Mayor Ryan Holmes and
World War II veteran and former
prisoner of war Ken Axelson. Holmes
encouraged those in attendance to
personally thank a veteran that day
and to participate in the national
moment of silence observed at 3
p.m. Axelson shared poignant and
somber stories of war. Pastor Patrick
McBride served as the program
officiator and led all in prayer.
Memorial Day in Wanamingo
The Wanamingo Veterans Honor Guard rifle squad, from near to far, Jim Kittelson, Jeremy Wallaker, Larry
VanDeWalker, Morrie Hjermstad, Don Reynolds, Jim Kiffmeyer, and Gary Floan, stand in Riverside Park
during the Wanamingo Memorial Day remembrance service on May 26.
Photos by
Alicia Hunt-Welch
By R.D. Aaland
GOODHUE At the Goodhue
City Council meeting on May 14,
Stacy Thuman reported on the latest
accomplishments of the swimming
pool meeting. At the pool meet-
ing it was decided to renovate the
bath house. The current structure
was given a good rating on its foun-
dation and walls, but the plans call
for a major change in room lay-
out, so I & S Group drew up plans
on a bath house.
The city council decided to ac-
cept the plan for the renovation of
the bath house. They further de-
cided to solicit bids separately for
the pool construction and to act as
the general contractor for the bath
house renovation. They then ap-
pointed Thuman to the position of
coordinator of the project. She
will start with soliciting donations
and volunteers for the project.
Garbage license
Local resident Jordan Erickson
approached the council to get a
license to collect garbage in
Goodhue. There was a discussion
and it was stated that there is one
license available from the city and
that is held by Gibsons Sanita-
At the moment Dale Gibson has
not signed a contract, but starting
in January 2014 the city verbally
promised Gibsons Sanitation an
additional five years to pay for
their new can collection system.
Jordan was asked to come back
when this period is over.
Fitgerald Excavating
City engineer Andy Brandel
reported that Fitzgerald Excavat-
ing has dropped off papers for the
bonds and insurance necessary for
the Third Street project. There
will be a pre-construction meet-
ing at 5 p.m. on May 28.
The project is set to begin on
June 16 and must be completed
by October 17. There is the stan-
dard MNDOT fine of $1,200 per
day if the job is not completed on
Third Street sidewalks
The sidewalk on both sides of
Third Street will be replaced. Areas
without sidewalks will stay with-
out sidewalks. In areas where the
sidewalk has damage from trees,
the trees will be removed. The
city will replace water and sewer
pipes that are on city property, but
the home owner is responsible for
all water and sewer pipes on their
Continued from front page
governors. Bien also was council
chair. One other charter member,
Gerald Lefty OReilly, also was
Keynote speaker at the event
was Past International Director
Brian Sheehan of Bird Island, who
cited the Goodhue groups many
accomplishments as a primary
reason why the club still exists.
It is a big deal, the things that
you do, he said. We believe in
this club... The Goodhue Lions
have figured out how to make
things happen. The world has
changed greatly since 1964,
202 3rd Avenue, Goodhue 651-923-4455
Youve got the blueprint.
Jessica Lindholm
Mortgage Loan Officer
Call me today.
Goodhues bath house
will be renovated
Other business
The actual walking trail is not
the same as the original trail ease-
ment. To correct this, the firm of
Samuelson Surveying, Inc. of
Cannon Falls was hired to survey
the trail. This has been completed
and the findings have been re-
The city issued liquor licenses
to the Corner Bar & Grill and Dars
Goodhue Police Officer Michele
Clements reported that National
Family Night Out will be held on
Tuesday, August 5. This is the
opening day of the Goodhue
County Fair.
It was noted that Verizon still
has not paid for the alterations made
to the water tower that were nec-
essary to support their antennas.
City attorney Dick Gorman will
write a letter to Verizon for this
payment and to get them to cor-
rect water drainage on the tower.
The next regular city council
meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on
Wednesday, May 28.
Sheehan pointed out, but clubs like
Goodhues continue to be strong.
Were all family, he said, point-
ing out the importance of respect
and trust, communication, team-
work and maintaining a positive
The club today has 107 mem-
bers, which is about eight percent
of the entire Goodhue population.
Current president is Richard
Also speaking and presenting
awards at the banquet were Inter-
national Director Mike Melinda
of Rosemount and District Gov-
ernor Earl Orvik of Adams.
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Berne Wood-Fired Pizza and
concert series kick off June 4
Volunteers gather on May 21 to practice their pizza making skills during the Berne Wood-Fire Pizza training
night. From left to right are Ken Schuck, Leon Spreiter, Angela Organ, Julie Fuchs, Elaine Hanenberger,
Jenifer Wilson, and Blaine Benson.
By Audra DePestel
BERNE Celebrating its third
year, Berne Wood-Fired Pizza will
kick off on Wednesday, June 4,
with a special performance by Les
Fields and the Turkey River All-
Stars Dixieland at 6:30 p.m. Berne
Wood-Fired Pizza is located out-
doors next to the Zwingli United
Church of Christ in Berne, just a
few miles west of Pine Island off
County Road 24.
New this year will be an addi-
tional brick oven to accommodate
growing popularity. The second
oven is expected to be ready by
mid June. Berne Wood-Fired Pizza
is also partnering this year with
St. Paul Lutheran Church and
Minneola Lutheran Church which
will add eight extra volunteers to
the twenty current volunteers who
will be helping each Wednesday
during the event.
Berne Wood-Fire Pizza events
are picnic style. Some tables and
benches are available on the
grounds, but visitors are encour-
aged to bring their own lawn chairs
or blankets. Pop, water, and chips
will be available for purchase, or
visitors are welcome to bring their
own refreshments including wine
or beer. Besides the free concerts
there are also some outdoor lawn
games for families to enjoy. A
merchandise stand selling a vari-
ety of items such as ice cream, t-
shirts, and an assortment of knick-
knacks is also available.
Pizza is cooked rain or shine.
Orders are taken between the hours
of 5-8 p.m. each Wednesday
night. Some indoor seating is avail-
able, if necessary, and pizza can
be taken to go. No call-ahead or-
ders will be taken and credit cards
are not accepted. In case of rain,
concerts will be held in the lower
level of the church.
All workers are volunteers or
members of the Zwingli Church
and all proceeds go toward the
church. Some of the funds raised
will help benefit five non-profit
organizations including the St. Paul
and Minneola Lutheran Churches
Baja Mission Trip.
Musicians will perform on the
outdoor stage every Wednesday
night starting at 6:30 p.m. From
blues and jazz to rockn-roll to
country, there is something for
everyone. This years concert line-
up includes:
June 4 Les Fields and the Tur-
key River All-Stars
June 11 Cabin Fever
June 18 The Chubs
June 25 Doghouse Jon and
the Misbehavers
June 2 LP & the 45s
July 9 Nodding Wild Onions
July 16 Jeremy Jewell
July 23 RavensFire
July 30 Incognito
August 6 Tribute to Swissfest
Alphorns, Flag Throwing, Swiss
August 13 The Dovetailers
August 20 The Morning Kings
August 27 Annie Mack Band
Proposed county ordinance
could sink Oronoco home sales
By Karen Snyder
ORONOCO The Olmsted
County Board is considering a new
ordinance that could hinder real
estate transactions in Oronoco. Its
a big deal, said City Engineer Joe
Palen at the May 20 city council
The proposed law, Subsurface
Sewage Treatment System Ordi-
nance for Olmsted County (SSTS),
would forbid selling a house un-
less its septic system passes an
inspection. If it doesnt pass, the
sale must wait until the system
gets fixed or replaced.
As the biggest small town in
Minnesota without municipal
sewer service, Oronoco is upset
by SSTSs restrictiveness. The
citys houses and businesses use
individual septic systems, many
obsolete and/or failing.
Whats more, the city is work-
ing on a plan to build a wastewa-
ter treatment facility. Nothings
definite yet, but the plan is pro-
gressing. If the county passes SSTS,
Oronoco wants an exemption.
Septic systems cost a lot. It
would be a hardship to spend
$15,000 to $20,000, if the owners
have that ability, or else not be
able to sell their houses, Palen
said. Then if the municipal sewer
goes through, theyll have to spend
several thousand dollars more to
connect. People will be angry.
We dont need this for our resi-
dents, and I think its important to
make that case to the county.
Oronoco does intend to make
its case, to John Harford, Super-
visor for Development and Re-
view Services Division of the
Rochester/Olmsted Planning De-
partment. Harford will attend the
Oronoco Water and Sewer Com-
mittee meeting on May 27.
SSTS will be the subject of public
hearings, too. The Olmsted County
Environmental Commission will
hold a hearing, 7:15-9:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, June 18, in the Cas-
cade/Whitewater rooms, Public
Health Services Building, 2100
Campus Drive S.E., Rochester.
Later this summer the Olmsted
County Board will also have a
public hearing.
Peoples Co-op can keep
its not-so-fancy fence
An agreement between Oronoco
and Peoples Energy Co-op speci-
fied that a colored or coated fence
be installed around the companys
new solar array, but when the site
changed, the builder put in a plain
chain link fence instead.
The council, unhappy with the
switch, discussed the aesthetics,
insisting on landscaping to pret-
tify the view, and voted 2 to 1 to
allow the unadorned fence.
Councilor Jayne Krause voted
no; Mayor Kevin McDermott ab-
stained because he works for
Peoples, and councilor Nathan
Hartung cautioned the builders
representative, Ill be watching.
National Night Out
The last two years Oronocos
National Night Out celebration won
Best In Olmsted County honors,
and now the town is going for three.
The August 5 event will have food,
prizes, a giant slide, and a bounce
For sliding and bouncing equip-
ment rental, councilors chose the
lowest bid, $528 by Jolly Jumpz.
Oronoco Area History Center
The Oronoco Area History Cen-
ter has a lot of treasures, Carole
Wells told the council. The center
started in 2006 and is working on
getting 501(c)(3) designation.
Its display at the community
center features items and infor-
mation relating to Oronocos early
settlers and businesses. The his-
tory center is open 10 a.m. - noon,
second Saturdays of the month,
and by appointment. Its web ad-
dress is oronocoarea,
and its on Facebook. We invite
you to come see, Wells said.
Other business
The city will send letters to
owners of residences still not con-
nected to the municipal water sys-
tem. Those who fail to meet the
July 31 deadline will be assessed
An FYI from Mayor
McDermott: Oronoco Township
approved the building of an eques-
trian center in the township, just
outside the city.
The council unanimously ac-
The low bid, $117,920 by
Aslaksons Blacktopping Service,
to pave the streets in the Cedar
Woodlands I subdivision.
The only bid submitted for
trash collection. The current hauler,
Advanced Disposal, got the job
again. The company raised its rates
but offered free pickup for Gold
Rush Days. The mayor accepted
with thanks. Thats a big savings
for us, he said.
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Kids of Christ preschoolers graduate
ZUMBROTA Kids of Christ students at Christ Lutheran Church in Zumbrota celebrated preschool graduation
on Tuesday, May 20. Caps, gowns, stowels, and diplomas made for a special occasion. Front row, from left
to right: Chase Dohrn, Taylor Thomforde, Mya Walerak, Hannah Barton, Anthony Storey, Chloe Lochner, and
Cooper Meyers; back row: Addison Myran, Domonic Lewis, Molly Hennig, Olivia Fogarty, Caden Boelter,
Jackson Lindquist, and Peyton Loftus.
CHURCH, Belvidere Town Hall, 2
miles north of Bellechester on County
2, Pastor Aaron Witmer, 651-923-
4240. Sundays: 10 a.m. Sunday
School; 11 a.m. Worship; 7 p.m. Hymn
Sing every fourth Sunday.
ester, Father Paul Kubista. Sunday
mornings: 8:30 a.m. Mass. Tuesday
mornings: 8 a.m. Mass.
Goodhue, Father Paul Kubista. Sat-
urdays: 5:30 p.m. Mass. Monday,
Wednesday, Friday: 7:45 a.m. Mass.
651-923-4695, Pastor Regina Has-
sanally. Wed., May 28: 6 p.m. Clean-
ing Zion Church.
WELS, 702 Third Ave., Goodhue,
Randall L. Kuznicki, Pastor. Sun.,
June 1: 8:15 a.m. Worship, Synod
Sunday and food shelf; 9:15 a.m.
Bible study. Tues., June 3: 1-4 p.m.
Pastors office hours.
Mazeppa, Alan Horn, Pastor. 843-
6211, home; 843-5302 work. Bible
class every Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Sun., June 1: 9:30 a.m. Worship.
Mazeppa. Weekends-Masses: Sun.:
10 a.m., Mazeppa, Fr. Joe Fogal.
David Neil, Pastor. Church: 843-4962;
home: 732-4291. Every Sunday: 9:30
a.m. Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.
Avenue NE, Oronoco: 507-367-4329,
Pastor Ben Kempfert 507-367-4426.
Office hours: Tuesday-Friday 9 a.m.-
noon. Sundays: 9:30 a.m. Worship.
ORONOCO, 40 3rd Street SW., Rev.
Lisa Johnson office hours Mondays
1-4 p.m.; Office hours: Tuesdays and
Thursdays, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Wed., May
28: 5-7 p.m. Food shelf open.
CHURCH, Pine Island, Tim Graham,
Pastor, 507-356-4306, www.corner, ASL Interpretation avail-
able. Cornerstone Kids meet every
Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. Prayer meet-
ing is Wednesdays at 7 p.m. Sun.,
June 1: Graduation reception after
evening worship.
CHURCH, 208 North Main, Pine Is-
land, Chris Paulson, Pastor, (507)
356-4834. Sundays: 9:15 a.m. Sun-
day School for children and adults;
10:30 a.m. Worship; 7 p.m. Youth
Group for grades 7-12. Wednesdays:
6 p.m. AWANA for grades K-6; 7:30
p.m. Bible study for all ages.
520 So. Main St., Pine Island, 356-
8622, email: dashpole@bevcomm.
net, Rev. Dan Ashpole, Pastor. Sun-
days: 9:30 a.m. Adult Bible class and
Childrens Sunday School; 10:30 a.m.
Street SW, Pine Island, 356-4280,
Father Randal Kasel, Pastor; Satur-
day Mass 5 p.m.; Sunday Mass
10:30 a.m.; Confessions 4:15 p.m.
Saturday; Daily Mass Wednesday
8:30 a.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m.; Con-
fessions 8 a.m. Office Hours Tues-
day-Thursday, 9 a.m.-noon and 1-5
p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
3rd St. S.W., Box 708, Pine Island,
John Torris Lohre, Senior Pastor; Kip
A. Groettum, Associate Pastor. Email:
[email protected]; Web site: Sat., May 31:
5:30 p.m. Worship with communion.
Sun., June 1: 8:15 and 10 a.m.
Worship with communion; 9:30 a.m.
Fellowship. Mon., June 2: 5:30 p.m.
Think Tank. Tues., June 3: 9 a.m.
Staff meeting; Noon Elizabeth circle
potluck at City Centre; 1:30 p.m. Bible
study; 7 p.m. Adult ed meeting. Wed.,
June 4: 1:30 p.m. Lydia circle; 6
p.m. Youth board.
North, PO Box 8, Pine Island, Caro-
lyn Westlake, Pastor; Office hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-2:15 p.m.;
Web address:; email:
[email protected] Wed., May 28:
Pastor gone to annual conference.
Thurs., May 29: Pastor at annual
conference; 7 p.m. Disciple study.
Sun., June 1: 9 a.m. Worship with
communion. Mon., June 2: Disciple
2. Tues., June 3: Communion at City
Pastor Patrick McBride, 507-824-
3019. New Life Church meets at 10
a.m. at 525 Beverly Street, Wana-
mingo. Free nursery for infants
through age three; Sunday School
for all ages beginning at 9 a.m. Small
Group Bible Studies Sunday evenings
at 7 p.m.
Christopher Culuris, Pastor 507-824-
2155. Fri., May 30: 5:30 p.m.
Schaefer-Stoppel rehearsal. Sat., May
31: 3:30 p.m. Schaefer-Stoppel wed-
ding. Sun., June 1: 9 a.m. Joint
worship with communion followed by
fellowship; 6 p.m. Bible study. Wed.,
June 4: 2 p.m. Heritage Hill com-
Wanamingo, MN 55983, Christopher
Culuris, Pastor. Office hours Thurs-
days 1-3 p.m., 507-824-2410. Fri.,
May 30: 5:30 p.m. Schaefer-Stoppel
rehearsal at Trinity. Sat., May 31:
3:30 p.m. Schaefer-Stoppel wedding
at Trinity.
and School, WELS, 223 East 5th
Street, Zumbrota, Office 732-5421.
Wayne Schoch, Pastor, 732-4089;
School, Daniel Kell, Principal, 732-
5367. Wed., May 28: 10 a.m. Chapel;
10:30 a.m. Bible study; 1 p.m. Nurs-
ing Home service. Fri., May 30: 5
p.m. Wedding rehearsal. Sat., May
31: 3:30 p.m. Semlow-Johnson wed-
ding. Sun., June 1: 8 a.m. Worship;
10:30 a.m. Graduation service. Mon.,
June 2: 7 p.m. Worship.
worship services: 81 West 5th Street,
Zumbrota, 507-732-7438, www.fwc Sunday: 9:30 a.m.; Eccle-
siastes, Wednesday 7 p.m., Bible
School classes and seminars
UCC, 455 East Avenue, Zumbrota;
Rev. Lisa Johnson office hours Tues-
days 8-11 a.m. at Bridgets. Secr-
etarys office hours: Tuesdays and
Thursdays 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
a Wesleyan church, 179 W. 3rd St.,
Zumbrota, lighthousecommunityzum, Janet Fischer, Pas-
tor. Office: 732-5074. Thurs., May
29: 6:30 p.m. Bible study at church,
Ask the Pastor study. Sun., June
1: 10:45 a.m. Worship; John 13: 34-
290 South Main Street, Zumbrota.
507-398-2604. Pastor Gary Basin-
ski. Service times: Saturday, 7 p.m.
Eric Westlake and Tim Banks, Pas-
tors, 1549 East Avenue, Zumbrota,
732-5449, church office. Website: Office hours: Tues.,
Wed., and Fri., 8 a.m.-noon. Wed.,
May 28: 6 p.m. Youth group; 7 p.m.
Bible study. Sat., May 31: 7 a.m.
Mens prayer breakfast. Sun., June
1: 8:30 a.m. Prayer time; 9 a.m. Wor-
ship with communion. Mon., June
2: 7 p.m. Church council meeting.
Wed., June 4: 12:30 p.m. Junior youth
group trip to Como Zoo; 6 p.m. Youth
St. South, Zumbrota, 732-5324, email
[email protected] Pastor Father
Randal Kasel, pastor. Hours: Tues-
day, Wednesday, Thursday, 7:30
a.m.-3:30 p.m., Friday 7:30-11:30
a.m. Mass
Schedule: Sunday, 8:30 a.m.; Tues-
day and Thursday, 8:30 a.m. Mass
at the nursing home is the second
Tuesday of the month at 9:15 a.m.
560 W. 3rd St., Zumbrota, 732-7303,
Susan Vikstrom, pastor; Cindy Wil-
son Youth director. Sun., June 1: 8
a.m. Outdoor worship; 9:30 a.m. In-
door worship. Wed., June 4: 8 a.m.
Ruth circle; 6 p.m. WELCA meeting.
Martin Horn, Pastor. Wed., May 28:
7:30 p.m. Bible study and prayer at
Hauge. Sun., June 1: 9 a.m. Wor-
ship. Mon., June 2: 6:30 p.m. Dea-
cons meeting; 7:30 p.m. Church coun-
cil meeting. Wed., June 4: 6:30 p.m.
Choir; 7:30 p.m. Bible study and
strand, Don Kloster pastor, (507) 334-
2822. Sundays: 9 a.m. Worship; 10:15
a.m. Coffee hour; 10:30 a.m. Sun-
day School; Confirmation class.
CHURCHES, Rural Goodhue, County
4 Blvd., Vacancy Pastor: Randall
Kuznicki. Grace: Sundays: 10 a.m.
Worship. Communion is held on sec-
ond and last Sunday of each month.
St. Johns: Sundays: 8:30 a.m.
Worship.Communion is held on the
second and last Sunday of each
Martin Horn, Pastoral. Wed., May 28:
7:30 p.m . Bible study and prayer.
Sun., June 1: 10:45 a.m. Worship.
Wed., June 4: 6:30 p.m. Choir at
Emmanuel; 7:30 p.m. Bible study and
prayer at Emmanuel.
Hay Creek (LCMS), 24686 Old Church
Road. Pastor Lowell Sorenson, 651-
388-4577. Sundays: 9 a.m. Sunday
School; Bible class; 9:45 a.m. Fel-
lowship time; 10 a.m. Worship.
LANDS LUTHERAN, 16640 Highway.
60 Blvd., Zumbrota, MN 55992-5105.
Zumbrota. Text study; 7 p.m. Spiri-
tual guidance. Wed., May 28: 9 a.m.
Coffee and conversation; 7 p.m. Choir
practice. Thurs., May 29: 10:30 a.m.
Newsletter collation. Sun., June 1:
8:30 a.m. Park worship with com-
munion; Installation of Ashley Corbett,
the new children, youth and family
professional. Mon., June 2: 6;30 p.m.
Worship meets. Tues., June 3: 11
a.m. Text study; 6 p.m. Executive
meets. Wed., June 4: 9 a.m. Coffee
and conversation; 7 p.m. Youth group.
County 50 Blvd. Sun., June 1: 8:30
a.m . Youth board meeting; 9:30 a.m.
Worship; Cemetery board is serving
root beer floats following to raise
money for summer lawn care; 10:30
a.m. Adult ministry board meeting;
Call committee is meeting with Pas-
tor Audree following worship.
36483 County. 47 Blvd., Belle Creek,
Father Paul Kubista. Sundays: 10:30
a.m. Mass.
Valley, Alan Horn, Pastor. 843-6211,
home; 843-5302 work. Bible Class
is every Wednesday at 6 p.m. in
Mazeppa. Sun., June 25: 10:30 a.m.
Minneola Township, County Road 7,
rural Zumbrota, Randall Kuznicki,
Pastor. Sun., June 1: 10:30 a.m.
Worship, Synod Sunday. Tues., June
3: 1-4 p.m. Pastors office hours.
eran Church Missouri Synod, Bel-
videre, 28961 365th St., Goodhue,
MN 55027-8515, Dr. Scott T. Fiege,
Pastor. Sun., June 1: 10:30 a.m.
Worship with communion.
ral Zumbrota. Church: (507) 732-5711,
Kathy Lowery, Pastor, Home 507-
271-5711. Sun., June 1: 9:30 a.m.
Worship with communion. Tues.,
June 3: 11 a.m. Text study. Wed.,
June 4: 6:30 p.m. Church council.
9 Blvd., Cannon Falls, MN 55009.
Church: 507-263-5544; Pastor David
Hurtt, Interim. Wed., May 28: 6 a.m.
Mens Bible study. Sun., June 1: 9:30
a.m. Communion worship. Mon.-Wed.
June 2-4: 5:30 p.m. VBS at Spring
Garden; Wed., June 4: Mens Bible
LCMC 34289 County 24 Blvd., Can-
non Falls, Curtis Fox, Pastor, 507-
663-9060; Linda Flom, Visitation Min-
ister, 263-5613. Sundays 9 a.m.
Worship. Thursdays 9:30 a.m. Bible
study; 7 p.m. Blue grass jam.
CHRIST, 23148 County Highway 24,
West Concord (Berne), 507/527-2622.
Rev. Victor Jortack, Pastor.
Face time and think time
make a difference.
Welch campground to stay closed
By Paul Martin
RED WING At its May 20
meeting, the Goodhue County
Board of Commissioners addressed
problems with Corey Axelson,
owner and operator of Hidden
Valley Campground. The popu-
lar family business, which lies on
the banks of the Cannon River in
Welch, has been run by Axelson
and his father for over 50 years.
Axelson has crossed swords re-
peatedly with state and county
regulators over the last few years,
however, and has also suffered
damage and erosion in the severe
floods of the last four years.
The meeting was a follow-up to
the lengthy public hearing of April
1, at which staff detailed a long
list of violations, failed negotia-
tions and missed deadlines in their
dealings with Axelson. The county
alleges that Axelson expanded the
campground in the area and num-
ber of sites without approval; op-
erated a campground without a
license; and lacks the state-required
permit for the camps sewage sys-
As on April 1, the meeting took
on a courtroom atmosphere.
County and state staff were sworn
in, and the county court recorder
documented all documents pre-
sented, and all that was said. Once
again, commissioners heard staff
report that no substantial progress
had been made since that hearing,
at which they had given Axelson
until May 20 to agree with staff
on a specific and workable plan
for coming into compliance.
Axelson spoke for an hour in
response, expressing frustration
with county staff, who he feels
have singled him out, and say
one thing when you meet with them
face to face, and another when
they come before the county
board. Surrounded by mounds
of documents, he moved back and
forth between blaming the state
and county, and listing things he
has done and plans to do. He also
claimed that the conditional use
permit now in dispute covers only
one of the five tax parcels that
make up the campground. He said,
The rest is a legal, non-conform-
ing use, because it was in use as a
campground before the Cannon
River was given Wild and Scenic
designation. Chairman Ron Allen
asked, So you think that if we
revoke your CUP, you can still
operate on the rest of the area?
Yes, said Axelson, and let
people enjoy day use of the whole
He was unable to answer most
of the countys complaints. Chal-
lenged by County Attorney Steve
Betcher to produce a written plan
of action, he said he had none.
Its all in my head, he said.
Commissioners believe they
have done everything in their power
to work with Axelson, and give
him time to put things right at Hid-
den Valley. Commissioner Jim
Bryant defended county land use
and planning staff. They are de-
tailing what needs to be done to
correct what is wrong, he said. I
hoped you would come here to-
day and say you are prepared to
work with them. We have been
working on the same issues for
years. Commissioner Dan
Rechtizigel finally cut off debate,
and proposed the motion to re-
voke Axelsons permit to oper-
ate. Only Commissioner Ted
Seifert dissented, believing that
Axelsons claim that investors are
close to putting money in and help-
ing manage the campground mer-
ited an extension until August. The
vote to revoke was 3 to 1.
After the meeting, Axelson told
this reporter, My next step is an
appeal to the State Appellate Court.
We did that in 2012, and I won.
Sheriff McNurlin
seeks re-election
Sheriff Scott McNurlin an-
nounced on May 20 that he will
seek another term as Goodhue
County Sheriff. Sheriff McNurlin
is a thirty-year veteran of the
Goodhue County Sheriffs Office,
and he is currently in the fourth
year of his first term as sheriff.
McNurlin remarked, It has truly
been a privilege to serve the people
of Goodhue County for the past
thirty years and most recently as
your sheriff. I am enthusiastically
looking forward to the opportu-
nity to continue my service to our
Brett Dankers Matthew Deneen Lorena Figueroa Emily Germain Ryan Grigoleit* Luis Hernandez
Riley Bollum* Claire Bradley Andrew Brunholzl** Austin Buck Joshua Dahling Adam Dahlstrom
Jedediah Lindblom Louis Losbanos Gavin Luhman** Mikayla Miller Cody Nord** Maira Olmos
Deidre OReilly Laurie Pearson* Jo Ellen Poncelet** Rebecca Priem Benjamin Ramboldt Emilee Roschen*
Brianna Ryan** Kali Ryan* Derek Ryan Kendrah Schafer Courtney Schmitz Zachary Scott
Taryn Smith Angela Stehr Alex Thomforde** Ashley Thompson Mikayla Tipcke** Matthew Vieths
Blake Hinrichs Breanna Hinrichs Jacob Hopperstad Riley Huemann James Jonas Matthew Lexvold*
McKenna Valenzuela Tyler Vikingson* Meredith Watson* Mitchell Wecklerling Jaqueline Zavala
Kendrah Schafer
Louis Losbanos
** High Honors
* Honors
The 101st annual commencement
exercises will be on June 1, 2014,
1 p.m. at the high school auditorium
Class colors: purple and silver
Motto: Nothing we do can change the past, but everything we do
changes the future Ashleigh Brilliant
Class flower: white rose with purple tulips
Please support the following
businesses for sponsoring this page:
Goodhue Graduates
Ag Partners Coop
American Family Insurance
Wade Shelstad
Anderson Veterinary Service
Blooms on Broadway
Bombay Elevator Inc
Bridgets Caf, Zumbrota
C&G Hardware Hank
Country Station
Ds Auto Care, Zumbrota
DQ Grill & Chill, Zumbrota
Dan Greseth Drywall,
Dons Foods
Feils Oil Company, Mazeppa
First Farmers and
Merchants Bank
G&B Feeds
Gadient Plumbing &
Heating LLC
Goodhue County
Cooperative Electric
Goodhue Family Dental
Groth Implement
Grover Auto Company, Zumbrota
Gunners Grill, Zumbrota
H&R Block, Zumbrota office
Hay Creek Mutual
Insurance Company
Hedeen Insurance Agency
Hemann, Grover &
Company Ltd.
Hub Food Center, Zumbrota
Isaacson Implement Co, Inc.
Jonas Farm Seeds
Kalass Agency, Zumbrota
Keith Carlson Trucking Inc.
Knobelsdorff Electric, Inc.
Larsen Industries Vinyl &
Farm Supply
Lodermeiers, Inc.
Majerus Garage
Mahn Family Funeral Home
Matt Maring Auction Company
Mike Lodermeier Construction
News-Record/Zumbro Shopper
Northland Buildings Inc.,
Olmsted Medical Center
Pine Island Lumber
Richs Auto Body &
Southside Storage
Roy N Als Auto Service
Schaefer Heating &
Air Conditioning
Schulz & Company Realty
Shane Electric
Shear Enhancement
State Farm Insurance -
Lyle Wendroth
Traxler Power & Equipment,
Voth Insurance Agency
Wanamingo Grooming
Workout 24/7 of Goodhue
Zumbrota Eye Care
Zumbrota Veterinary Clinic