Zumbrota Visitors' Guide
Zumbrota Visitors' Guide
Zumbrota Visitors' Guide
$5.00 OFF
With coupon at Pellicci Ace Hardware, Zumbrota, MN. Not valid with any other offer.
Best Burg
Coffee, an ers,
d Pi
in town. es
Front to Back
Full Auto Service. 365 Main Street,
225 22nd St., Zumbrota • 507-732-4499
Zumbrota, MN 55992
(Hwys. 52 & 58, south of Route 52 Car Wash) 507-732-4646
Auto and Light Truck Repair Take Out or Dine In.
Catering Weddings and Parties.
Diagnostic • Mechanical • Tires • Alignment • Brakes • AC
"From Current to Classic" Hours: Tuesday-Friday 7 a.m.-3 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m.-2 p.m.; Closed Sunday and Monday
8 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide — 37
Like Christmas Cards
Dotting the countryside like year-round Christ- the woodland country, these bridges have weath-
mas cards, more than 1,500 covered bridges re- ered time with the same ease with which they
main to remind Americans of their horse ‘n buggy spanned the nation’s streams long ago.
past. Though most common in Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Architecturally sound and uniquely suited to Indiana and the New England States, these sturdy
structures can be found as far west as California,
as far south as Louisiana, as far north as Alaska.
The Midwestern and central plain states are
almost devoid of these landmarks, perhaps be-
cause the great land rush was to the western coastal
states during the 1800’s and they did not become
densely populated until after the covered bridge
Not the least of the casualties of the Civil War
• Local Handcrafted Items • Faire Trade Products was the destruction of hundred of these “kissing
bridges.” Yet, the wonder is not that so many of
• Specialty Food Products • Furniture these links with the past have disappeared, but
that so many remain.
• Seasonal • Dwell Local Hand-Poured Many citizens are now dedicated to assuring
that the covered bridge will continue to add its
• Home Decor Soy Candles special charm to rural America: camera-laden tour-
ists wander off the well-trodden path in search of
them, artists and poets have become “covered
bridge buffs,” and civic groups for their restora-
tion and reconstruction have come into being.
(From Americana series, Hammermill Paper Co.)
Zumbrota Covered Bridge
Full-Service Builders
4057 28th Street NW Suite 100, Rochester, MN
bigelowhomes.net •©Bigelow Homes • License #20431673
10 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide/Historic Downtown — 35
History of Zumbrota Covered Bridge
Minnesota’s last remaining covered bridge, the tially constructed, the bridge was built with white-
Zumbrota Covered Bridge, is located in Zum-
ZUMBRO SHOPPER brota, Minnesota in Goodhue County and crosses
the North Fork of the Zumbro River.
pine timbers used for the structural supports and
the floor, and the planks were pinned together
with turned white-oak dowels. The dowels were
soaked in linseed oil and coated with a red iron
Celebrating the people, 1856 The Strafford Western Immigration oxide in order to preserve them from the elements.
The bridge has a span of about one hundred
places and local Company traveled west from Massachusetts to
businesses that make find a new homestead. Coming upon the beautiful twenty feet and is fifteen feet wide. Originally, no
Zumbrota special! Zumbro River Valley, they founded the settle- center support was used. The exterior was origi-
ment that would become the city of Zumbrota. A nally painted red. In later years, it was painted
series of bridges were built but were destroyed by white and is red again today.
ice and flooding. Something more permanent was
needed to assistant travelers going north from
Zumbrota to Goodhue and Red Wing.
It should be noted that the famous Dubuque to
St. Paul stagecoach trail passed through down-
town Zumbrota but its river crossing was north-
west and up stream from the city and never did use
the Zumbrota Covered Bridge, as sometimes re-
ported. Today, U.S. Highway 52 roughly follows
this old trail.
KEEPING OUR 1869 The Zumbrota Covered Bridge was 1871 The bridge became a covered bridge.
COMMUNITY CONNECTED first constructed without a roof over the river on It was enclosed with weatherproof sides and por-
225 Main Street, Zumbrota Highway 58 – at the north end of the Main Street tals and a low gabled roof with cedar shingles. A
www.Zumbrota.com • 507-732-7617 business district. vertical board-and-batten exterior trim was added
The bridge was constructed using the town lat- to the sides and portals. The enclosure lengthened
tice truss design, plans by A.J. Thatcher and con- the life of the structural supports beyond their
struction supervised by E.L. Kingsburg. As ini- normal projected twenty years of serviceability.
[email protected]
Zumbrota Community Band
Annuals, Perennials, Trees, Shrubs, Zumbrota’s premier live theatre company The Zumbrota Community Band is an organi-
Productions at the State Theatre zation of musicians of all experience levels that
Garden Decor, Bulk Rock, Mulch and Soils, come together for the enjoyment of music. Any
instrument and experience level are welcome.
Landscape and Garden Supplies Our goal is to have fun and share the music with
• Landscaping • Design performances throughout the year. Practices are
weekly on Monday evenings. Contact Mary Goplen
• Patios/Pavers 507-398-2378 for details or with any questions.
• Retaining Walls
• Ponds/Water Features ZM Public School
• Mowing
• Fertilizing Fine Arts Facilities
Neumann Auditorium at Zumbrota-Mazeppa
• Snow Removal High School in Zumbrota holds plays and dance/
Jake Raasch, Owner and Operator musical performances. The outstanding ZM March-
http://zaac.org/art-2/art_splash ing Band performs at many summer parades/fes-
50 Jefferson Drive, Zumbrota, MN Open house at area artist studios and other loca- tivals. The Art Department holds an exhibition
tions. An annual event.
507-732-4404 • www.countrysidellinc.com every spring.
12 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide/Arts & Entertainment — 33
1876 The bridge was raised about two
47427 180th Avenue, Zumbrota
We’re more than
just flowers...
507-732-7792 • 507-951-1852 1970 The Covered Bridge was moved from
the fairgrounds to the Covered Bridge Park. Due
Farm Toys • Pedal Tractors Gifts, Kitchen Items, to a lack of funds and the poor condition of the
bridge, the decision was made to not put it across
NASCAR • Muscle Cars Kids and Baby, Tux Rental, the river.
Candles and More.
Plus we deliver!
Flowers On Main
345 South Main Street
Highway 52 to Zumbrota,
Zumbrota, MN 55992
1932 The Covered Bridge was replaced
exit on Highway 58 West, go past McDonald's by the Minnesota Highway Department with a
and continue south for one mile. ZumbrotaFlowersOnMain.com steel bridge that could handle the increased traf-
fic. The bridge was moved to the nearby Goodhue
County Fairgrounds for preservation purposes. It 1997 The Covered Bridge was placed over
FIND THE was used during Fair Week for exhibitions, a bar
and storage.
the Zumbro River at West Avenue, one block west
of its original location and near the City Hall and
Public Library. A concrete center support column
PERFECT FIT 1964 The Zumbrota Covered Bridge Soci- and steel under-support beams were added. From
ety was formed. A pasture along the Zumbro River years of sitting on the ground, the wooden under-
Frames by
David Spencer.
Zumbrota Area Arts Council brings art to the
streets of Zumbrota. Banners by many artists
brighten the downtown in the summer. They hang
with flower baskets from historical period light-
Heritage of Promise
BenOlsenTeam.com 100 West Avenue/next to Public Library
“Heritage of Promise”, sculpture by Jeff Bar-
Ben Olsen Travis Goodman
(c)507-382-2496 (c)651-380-3913
[email protected] [email protected]
Food Center
“Family-owned since 1903”
the open air) events where artists produced paint-
ings of the bridge, plus providing funds to paint
the bridge. A special effort to provide fire protec-
tion and surveillance equipment was successful
and a grant was received from the National Cov-
It will be a part of a trail system that connects
two very popular and well-used trails, the Cannon
Valley Regional Trail in Red Wing, and the Dou-
glas State Trail in Pine Island.
Currently, completed paved trail goes 5.5 miles
ered Bridge Preservation Program. north of Zumbrota’s Covered Bridge Park and
228 West Avenue, Zumbrota from Hay Creek to Red Wing.
HARDWARE & FURNITURE 507-732-7329 Preservation The preservation of
the Covered Bridge is assured not only by the
321 Main Street, Zumbrota Hours: Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-9 p.m. and Zumbrota community, but also by the Goodhue
507-732-5232 Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m.-8 p.m. County Historical Society which have contrib-
uted both support and technical assistance.
Considered a form of art by many, and a tech-
nical innovation when they were first built, cov-
East Park
We think shoes are works of art. East Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets.
Park has a playground and band stand.
Join us at
1605 Main Street, Suite 200, Zumbrota
Cannon Falls • Faribault
507-732-5817 • ZumbrotaGolfClub.com
High School
Debb Shareen Home of the ZM Cougars
Two outdoor tennis courts are located behind
the Zumbrota-Mazeppa Primary School, 199 Mill
Street, Zumbrota. The high school school com-
plex has a playground, indoor gyms, outdoor hoops
for basketball, football field, baseball and softball
45440 200th Avenue, east of Zumbrota field.
Veterinary Service
44326 County 6 Blvd., Zumbrota • 507-732-7338
Fax: 507-732-7846
email: [email protected]
385 Main Street, PO Box 7, Zumbrota
Telephone Co.
411 Main Street, PO Box 205
Zumbrota • 507-732-5103
Serving Zumbrota for over 100 years!
24 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide — 21
Trail Systems
Quality, Commitment Goodhue Pioneer State Trail
Southern Portion
Currently, there are two sections of the
Excavating, Inc.
the Goodhue Pioneer connects with the city
of Red Wing’s city trails, as well as the Can-
non Valley Trail, a 19.7 mile trail that con- Goodhue Pioneer State Trail (Southern Portion)
nects Red Wing to Cannon Falls. and City of Zumbrota Trail
Goodhue Pioneer State Trail will even-
ZUMBROTA, MN tually connect to other well-known trails City of Zumbrota Trail
Site Work, Road Construction, Soil Conservation Work, When completed, the Goodhue Pioneer State
Trail will connect the cities of Red Wing,
Several miles of paved and scenic walking
trail is within the city. The trail follows along-
Septic Systems, Sewer and Water Installation, Goodhue, Zumbrota, Mazeppa, Bellechester, side Jefferson Drive on the city’s west side and
and Pine Island for a distance of 47 miles. It northward into the Covered Bridge Park. On
Basements and Footings, Sand and Gravel Products, will be a part of a trail system that connects your way to the park, you’ll cross over an old
railroad trestle and pass through beautiful hard-
Black Dirt and Crushed Rock two very popular, and well- used trails, the
Cannon Valley Regional Trail in Red Wing, woods. At the famous Covered Bridge, you’ll
Todd and Scott Schumacher and the Douglas State Trail in Pine Island. pass over the Zumbro River and onto West
Avenue. To complete a full circle, go south on
Certified, Licensed and Bonded 507-732-5043 Check out state trail information on this
website: mndnr.gov/state_trails. West Avenue 14 blocks to Jefferson Drive.
22 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide / Trail System — 23
Trail Systems
Quality, Commitment Goodhue Pioneer State Trail
Southern Portion
Currently, there are two sections of the
Excavating, Inc.
the Goodhue Pioneer connects with the city
of Red Wing’s city trails, as well as the Can-
non Valley Trail, a 19.7 mile trail that con- Goodhue Pioneer State Trail (Southern Portion)
nects Red Wing to Cannon Falls. and City of Zumbrota Trail
Goodhue Pioneer State Trail will even-
ZUMBROTA, MN tually connect to other well-known trails City of Zumbrota Trail
Site Work, Road Construction, Soil Conservation Work, When completed, the Goodhue Pioneer State
Trail will connect the cities of Red Wing,
Several miles of paved and scenic walking trail is
within the city. The trail follows along-side Jefferson
Septic Systems, Sewer and Water Installation, Goodhue, Zumbrota, Mazeppa, Bellechester, Drive on the city’s west side and northward into the
and Pine Island for a distance of 47 miles. It Covered Bridge Park. On your way to the park, you’ll
Basements and Footings, Sand and Gravel Products, will be a part of a trail system that connects cross over an old railroad trestle and pass through
Black Dirt and Crushed Rock two very popular, and well- used trails, the
Cannon Valley Regional Trail in Red Wing,
beautiful hardwoods. At the famous Covered Bridge,
you’ll pass over the Zumbro River and onto West
Todd and Scott Schumacher and the Douglas State Trail in Pine Island. Avenue. To complete a full circle, go south on West
Avenue 14 blocks to Jefferson Drive.
Certified, Licensed and Bonded 507-732-5043 Check out state trail information on this
website: mndnr.gov/state_trails.
22 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide / Trail System — 23
Rockne We give you peace
of mind, which gives
Law Office us peace of mind.
• Real Estate/Business Law
• Tax Planning and Preparation
• Estate, Wills and Trusts
• Family Law
• Bankruptcy
• Agricultural Law
Fax: 507-732-7846
email: [email protected]
385 Main Street, PO Box 7, Zumbrota
Telephone Co.
411 Main Street, PO Box 205
Zumbrota • 507-732-5103
Serving Zumbrota for over 100 years!
24 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide — 21
Trout Fishing north of Goodhue, Mazeppa Creek (Trout
Brook) and Cold Spring Brook west of
Zumbro Falls.
Veterinary Service
44326 County 6 Blvd., Zumbrota • 507-732-7338
High School
Debb Shareen Home of the ZM Cougars
Two outdoor tennis courts are located behind
the Zumbrota-Mazeppa Primary School, 199 Mill
Street, Zumbrota. The high school school com-
plex has a playground, indoor gyms, outdoor hoops
for basketball, football field, baseball and softball
45440 200th Avenue, east of Zumbrota field.
Join us at
1605 Main Street, Suite 200, Zumbrota
Cannon Falls • Faribault
507-732-5817 • ZumbrotaGolfClub.com
East Park
We think shoes are works of art. East Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets.
Park has a playground and band stand.
Food Center
“Family-owned since 1903”
the open air) events where artists produced paint-
ings of the bridge, plus providing funds to paint
the bridge. A special effort to provide fire protec-
tion and surveillance equipment was successful
and a grant was received from the National Cov-
It will be a part of a trail system that connects
two very popular and well-used trails, the Cannon
Valley Regional Trail in Red Wing, and the Dou-
glas State Trail in Pine Island.
Currently, completed paved trail goes 5.5 miles
ered Bridge Preservation Program. north of Zumbrota’s Covered Bridge Park and
228 West Avenue, Zumbrota from Hay Creek to Red Wing.
HARDWARE & FURNITURE 507-732-7329 Preservation The preservation of
the Covered Bridge is assured not only by the
321 Main Street, Zumbrota Hours: Monday-Friday 7 a.m.-9 p.m. and Zumbrota community, but also by the Goodhue
507-732-5232 Saturday and Sunday 7 a.m.-8 p.m. County Historical Society which have contrib-
uted both support and technical assistance.
Considered a form of art by many, and a tech-
nical innovation when they were first built, cov-
Zumbrota Area Arts Council brings art to the
streets of Zumbrota. Banners by many artists
brighten the downtown in the summer. They hang
with flower baskets from historical period light-
ing. Heritage of Promise
100 West Avenue/next to Public Library
Sculpture by Jeff Barber
Ben Olsen Travis Goodman
(c)507-382-2496 (c)651-380-3913
[email protected] [email protected]
47427 180th Avenue, Zumbrota
We’re more than
just flowers...
507-732-7792 • 507-951-1852 1970 The Covered Bridge was moved from
the fairgrounds to the Covered Bridge Park. Due
Farm Toys • Pedal Tractors Gifts, Kitchen Items, to a lack of funds and the poor condition of the
bridge, the decision was made to not put it across
NASCAR • Muscle Cars Kids and Baby, Tux Rental, the river.
Candles and More.
Plus we deliver!
Flowers On Main
345 South Main Street
Highway 52 to Zumbrota,
Zumbrota, MN 55992
1932 The Covered Bridge was replaced
exit on Highway 58 West, go past McDonald's by the Minnesota Highway Department with a
and continue south for one mile. ZumbrotaFlowersOnMain.com steel bridge that could handle the increased traf-
fic. The bridge was moved to the nearby Goodhue
County Fairgrounds for preservation purposes. It 1997 The Covered Bridge was placed over
FIND THE was used during Fair Week for exhibitions, a bar
and storage.
the Zumbro River at West Avenue, one block west
of its original location and near the City Hall and
Public Library. A concrete center support column
PERFECT FIT 1964 The Zumbrota Covered Bridge Soci- and steel under-support beams were added. From
ety was formed. A pasture along the Zumbro River years of sitting on the ground, the wooden under-
Frames by
David Spencer.
[email protected]
Zumbrota Community Band
Annuals, Perennials, Trees, Shrubs, Zumbrota’s premier live theatre company The Zumbrota Community Band is an organi-
Productions at the State Theatre zation of musicians of all experience levels that
Garden Decor, Bulk Rock, Mulch and Soils, come together for the enjoyment of music. Any
Landscape and Garden Supplies instrument and experience level are welcome.
Our goal is to have fun and share the music with
• Landscaping • Design performances throughout the year. Practices are
• Patios/Pavers weekly on Monday evenings. Contact Mary Goplen
507-398-2378 for details or with any questions.
• Retaining Walls
• Ponds/Water Features ZM Public School
• Mowing
• Fertilizing Fine Arts Facilities
• Snow Removal Neumann Auditorium at Zumbrota-Mazeppa
High School in Zumbrota holds plays and dance/
Jake Raasch, Owner and Operator http://zaac.org/art-2/art_splash
musical performances. The outstanding ZM March-
ing Band performs at many summer parades/fes-
50 Jefferson Drive, Zumbrota, MN Open house at area artist studios and other loca- tivals. The Art Department holds an exhibition
tions. An annual event.
507-732-4404 • www.countrysidellinc.com every spring.
12 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide/Arts & Entertainment — 33
History of Zumbrota Covered Bridge
Minnesota’s last remaining covered bridge, the tially constructed, the bridge was built with white-
Zumbrota Covered Bridge, is located in Zum-
ZUMBRO SHOPPER brota, Minnesota in Goodhue County and crosses
the North Fork of the Zumbro River.
pine timbers used for the structural supports and
the floor, and the planks were pinned together
with turned white-oak dowels. The dowels were
soaked in linseed oil and coated with a red iron
Celebrating the people, 1856 The Strafford Western Immigration oxide in order to preserve them from the elements.
The bridge has a span of about one hundred
places and local Company traveled west from Massachusetts to
businesses that make find a new homestead. Coming upon the beautiful twenty feet and is fifteen feet wide. Originally, no
Zumbrota special! Zumbro River Valley, they founded the settle- center support was used. The exterior was origi-
ment that would become the city of Zumbrota. A nally painted red. In later years, it was painted
series of bridges were built but were destroyed by white and is red again today.
ice and flooding. Something more permanent was
needed to assistant travelers going north from
Zumbrota to Goodhue and Red Wing.
It should be noted that the famous Dubuque to
St. Paul stagecoach trail passed through down-
town Zumbrota but its river crossing was north-
west and up stream from the city and never did use
the Zumbrota Covered Bridge, as sometimes re-
ported. Today, U.S. Highway 52 roughly follows
this old trail.
KEEPING OUR 1869 The Zumbrota Covered Bridge was 1871 The bridge became a covered bridge.
COMMUNITY CONNECTED first constructed without a roof over the river on It was enclosed with weatherproof sides and por-
225 Main Street, Zumbrota Highway 58 – at the north end of the Main Street tals and a low gabled roof with cedar shingles. A
www.Zumbrota.com • 507-732-7617 business district. vertical board-and-batten exterior trim was added
The bridge was constructed using the town lat- to the sides and portals. The enclosure lengthened
tice truss design, plans by A.J. Thatcher and con- the life of the structural supports beyond their
struction supervised by E.L. Kingsburg. As ini- normal projected twenty years of serviceability.
First Thursdays
Full-Service Builders in Zumbrota
Every month participating Zumbrota businesses
will be open the first Thursday of every month
until 7:00 p.m. – all year ‘round.
4057 28th Street NW Suite 100, Rochester, MN
bigelowhomes.net •©Bigelow Homes • License #20431673
10 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide/Historic Downtown — 35
Like Christmas Cards
Dotting the countryside like year-round Christ- the woodland country, these bridges have weath-
mas cards, more than 1,500 covered bridges re- ered time with the same ease with which they
main to remind Americans of their horse ‘n buggy spanned the nation’s streams long ago.
past. Though most common in Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Architecturally sound and uniquely suited to Indiana and the New England States, these sturdy
structures can be found as far west as California,
as far south as Louisiana, as far north as Alaska.
The Midwestern and central plain states are
almost devoid of these landmarks, perhaps be-
cause the great land rush was to the western coastal
states during the 1800’s and they did not become
densely populated until after the covered bridge
Not the least of the casualties of the Civil War
• Local Handcrafted Items • Faire Trade Products was the destruction of hundred of these “kissing
bridges.” Yet, the wonder is not that so many of
• Specialty Food Products • Furniture these links with the past have disappeared, but
that so many remain.
• Seasonal • Dwell Local Hand-Poured Many citizens are now dedicated to assuring
that the covered bridge will continue to add its
• Home Decor Soy Candles special charm to rural America: camera-laden tour-
ists wander off the well-trodden path in search of
them, artists and poets have become “covered
bridge buffs,” and civic groups for their restora-
tion and reconstruction have come into being.
(From Americana series, Hammermill Paper Co.)
Zumbrota Covered Bridge
Best Burg
Coffee, an ers,
d Pi
in town. es
Front to Back
Full Auto Service. 365 Main Street,
225 22nd St., Zumbrota • 507-732-4499
Zumbrota, MN 55992
(Hwys. 52 & 58, south of Route 52 Car Wash) 507-732-4646
Auto and Light Truck Repair Take Out or Dine In.
Catering Weddings and Parties.
Diagnostic • Mechanical • Tires • Alignment • Brakes • AC
"From Current to Classic" Hours: Tuesday-Friday 7 a.m.-3 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m.-2 p.m.; Closed Sunday and Monday
8 — Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide Zumbrota Visitors’ Guide — 37
Welcome to Zumbrota
Zumbrota warmly welcomes you to enjoy all of
our fantastic amenities. Our city is located in
Goodhue County of southeastern Minnesota.
$5.00 OFF
With coupon at Pellicci Ace Hardware, Zumbrota, MN. Not valid with any other offer.