This document provides an overview and objectives of an ABAQUS workshop, including:
1) The workshop will cover launching ABAQUS, using the manual, importing example files, and preprocessing, running, and postprocessing examples like stress analysis, heat transfer analysis, and dynamic explicit analysis.
2) File types used in ABAQUS, their purposes, and how to open them are described, including .cae, .inp, .odb, .sta, .msg, and .dat files.
3) An introduction explains ABAQUS commands, units, degrees of freedom, stress/strain measures, time, and iteration types.
This document provides an overview and objectives of an ABAQUS workshop, including:
1) The workshop will cover launching ABAQUS, using the manual, importing example files, and preprocessing, running, and postprocessing examples like stress analysis, heat transfer analysis, and dynamic explicit analysis.
2) File types used in ABAQUS, their purposes, and how to open them are described, including .cae, .inp, .odb, .sta, .msg, and .dat files.
3) An introduction explains ABAQUS commands, units, degrees of freedom, stress/strain measures, time, and iteration types.
This document provides an overview and objectives of an ABAQUS workshop, including:
1) The workshop will cover launching ABAQUS, using the manual, importing example files, and preprocessing, running, and postprocessing examples like stress analysis, heat transfer analysis, and dynamic explicit analysis.
2) File types used in ABAQUS, their purposes, and how to open them are described, including .cae, .inp, .odb, .sta, .msg, and .dat files.
3) An introduction explains ABAQUS commands, units, degrees of freedom, stress/strain measures, time, and iteration types.
This document provides an overview and objectives of an ABAQUS workshop, including:
1) The workshop will cover launching ABAQUS, using the manual, importing example files, and preprocessing, running, and postprocessing examples like stress analysis, heat transfer analysis, and dynamic explicit analysis.
2) File types used in ABAQUS, their purposes, and how to open them are described, including .cae, .inp, .odb, .sta, .msg, and .dat files.
3) An introduction explains ABAQUS commands, units, degrees of freedom, stress/strain measures, time, and iteration types.
How to launch ABAQUS from EOS (supercomputing facility)
How to use the ABAQUS manual How to download an example file from ABAQUS manual and how to import it into ABAQUS? Preprocessing, running the analysis and post processing using the following examples a) Example 1: 3D stress analysis b) Example 2: Transient Heat transfer Analysis c) Example 3: Extrusion of metal (Dynamic Explicit Analysis) d) Example 4: Frequency Analysis of Gear e) Example 5: Modeling of 2D particle reinforced composite f) Example 6: Modeling of 3D particle reinforced composite 2 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY Objectives 3 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY File type Purpose .cae a) All the preprocessing can be done with this b) Can be opened with ABAQUS CAE .inp a) Analysis input file. b) One of the ways to generate an input file is by using ABAQUS CAE c) Contains all the information related to the problem (ex: coordinates of nodes, element connectivity matrix, element type, material props, step, type of analysis performed, boundary conditions, loads etc). d) input file can be opened with wordpad and can be edited. It can also be imported into ABAQUS CAE. e) Using the following command input file is run: abaqus job=jobname.inp .odb a) Results file written by the analysis. b) Can be opened with ABAQUS viewer (opens in the visualization module) and any postprocessing can be performed. .sta a) Status file. The analysis writes incremental summaries to this file b) We can know step time, total time, CPU time, increment number, # of equilibrium iterations, severe discontinuity iterations etc in a tabular format c) Can be opened with wordpad d) You should see The analysis has completed successfully in the status file. otherwise analysis didnt complete and the errors can be seen in .msg and .dat files if they exist .msg a)Message file written by the analysis b)contains any error or warning messages, convergence checks, step time, total time, incrementation and other important information written for each iteration and increment of each step c) can be opened with wordpad .dat a)Print output file written by the analysis (you can use *Node Print, *El Print in the .inp file to write nodal and elemental ouputs in a tabular format in the .dat file) b)contains any error or warning messages with other important information written for each iteration and increment of each step c) can be opened with wordpad .fil a) Results file written by the analysis b) You can use *Node File, *El File in the .inp file to write nodal and elemental ouputs to the .fil file of one analysis, which can be used in another analysis. Ex: sequentially coupled thermo-mechanical analysis c) cant be opened with wordpad or ABAQUS viewer Introduction 4 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY Introduction Command Purpose module load abaqus to invoke abaqus modules in EOS abaqus cae to launch abaqus abaqus cae -mesa to launch abaqus (if there is graphics problem with above command) abaqus job=jobname.inp to run the input file jobname.inp module load intel-compilers to load fortran compilers in EOS abaqus job=jobname.inp user=fortranname.f to run an input file jobname.inp along with user subroutine fortranname.f abaqus fetch job=jobname.inp to copy an input file from abaqus example problems manual to your present working directory man abaqus to get a detailed description of various commands of abaqus on EOS abaqus help some more commands Before going into examples you should know the following things Units: Abaqus has no units built into it (except for rotational DOF (radians) and other angle measures(degrees)). Therefore, the units chosen must be self-consistent >> Refer: 1.2.2 Analysis users manual DOF: Primary variables a) Ex: Temperature(for heat transfer analysis); Displacements-translational & rotational(for mechanical analysis); Temperature + displacements (for thermomechanical analysis) b) Displacements or other degrees of freedom are calculated at the nodes of the element. At any other point in the element, the displacements are obtained by interpolating from the nodal displacements. Stress and strain measures: a) Stress is always reported as >> Cauchy or true stress b) Shear strain is always reported as >> engineering shear strain c) True strain is not that useful and therefore ABAQUS has different strain measures (Integrated strain, Greens Strain, Nominal Strain, Logarithmic strain>> Refer: 1.2.2 Analysis users manual) d) By default Stress and strains are calculated at integration points. If specified ABAQUS can interpolate these values to obtain at nodes or centroid of the element Time: a) Step time>> measured from the beginning of each step b) Total time>> starts at zero and is the total accumulated time over all the steps(except Linear perturbation) 5 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY Introduction Incrementation: Each step in an Abaqus analysis is divided into multiple increments. And 2 choices for incrementation. a) Automatic Incrementation>> Just define the step and specify certain tolerances or error measures, Abaqus then automatically selects the increment size as it develops the response in the step. b) Fixed incrementation:>> Increment size is specified by the user. If you have a good feel for the convergence behavior of the problem. c) Automatic incrementation is recommended for most cases. Types of Iterations: ABAQUS attempts to perform multiple iterations for each increment until convergence is obtained a) Equilibrium iterations >> the solution varies smoothly; b) Severe discontinuity iterations (SDIs)>> abrupt changes in stiffness occur. c) These can be seen in .sta file 6 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY Introduction c) # of nodes in an element is clearly identified in its name. (S4R>> 4 node shell element ; C3D8>> 8 node brick element) a) Commonly used element families in a stress analysis. b) The first letter indicates to which family the element belongs (S4R>> shell element; C3D8>> continuum element) 7 Introduction PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY 8 Introduction PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY Example 1: 3D Stress Analysis PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY 9 EXAMPLE 1 10 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 11 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 12 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 The section property provides any additional data required to define the geometry of the element and also identifies the associated material property definition. 13 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 14 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 15 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 16 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 17 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 18 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 19 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 20 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 21 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 22 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 23 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 24 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 25 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 26 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 27 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 28 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 29 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 30 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 31 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 1 Example 2: Transient Heat Transfer Analysis 32 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 Refer: Section 2.11.1 Abaqus Theory manual 33 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 34 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 35 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 36 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 37 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 38 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 Make sure BC-0temp is inactive (not propagated) in Step-1 39 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 40 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 41 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 42 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 43 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 44 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 45 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 46 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 2 Example 3: Extrusion of metal (Dynamic explicit analysis) 47 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 48 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 49 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 50 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 This surface will be later used in Interaction module to define contact between different surfaces Choose magenta as metal is going to come in contact with top surface of the bottom die 51 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 52 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 53 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 This surface will be later used in Interaction module to define contact between different surfaces Choose yellow as metal is going to come in contact with bottom surface of the top die 54 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 55 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 56 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 These surfaces will be later used in Interaction module to define contact between different surfaces 57 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 58 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 59 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 60 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 61 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 62 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 63 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 Refer section 15.14.1 of CAE users manual 64 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 Refer section 15.13.6 of CAE users manual 65 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 66 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 67 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 68 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 69 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 70 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 71 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 3 Example 4: Frequency Analysis of Gear 72 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 Refer: Section 2.5.1 Abaqus Theory manual 73 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 74 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 Choose Y-axis 75 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 When asked to choose edge or axis, choose the datum axis created in last slide 76 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 77 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 78 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 Purpose of creating datum plane will be explained in next slide 79 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 When asked to select a plane for extrusion, select the datum plane as shown in the picture (the datum plane was created in the last slide for this purpose) 80 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 81 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 82 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 83 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 84 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 85 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 86 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 87 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 88 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 4 Refer: sections 7.5 and 7.6 of Getting started with Abaqus interactive edition manual >> for a more detailed post- processing of a similar problem Example 5: Modeling of 2D Particle Reinforced Composite 89 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 5 90 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 5 91 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 5 92 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 5 93 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 5 Example 6: Modeling of 3D Fiber Reinforced Composite 94 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 6 95 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 6 96 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 6 97 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 6 98 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 6 99 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 6 100 PREPARED BY PRADEEP GUDLUR, TEXAS A & M UNIVERSITY EXAMPLE 6 1) ABAQUS manual: 2) Matweb, online materials property database: