Crazy English - Spoken English Course
Crazy English - Spoken English Course
Crazy English - Spoken English Course
Im LiYang
Hi , Im LiYang . Im from
GuangZhou . Its a very beautiful city .
I like listening to music and I also like
swimming . nd I like !nglish very
much .
Im ha""y to meet you all .
#hank you $
My Friend Carol
#his is my friend %arol . &he
comes from %hicago , '& . (ow she
lives in &henZhen . &he teaches
!nglish in a college . &he is a good
teacher . &he loves her students . nd
all her students love her .
I have a happy familly
I have a ha""y family . #here
are three "eo"le in my family , they
are my "arents and myself . I am a
student . )y dad is a great
"oliceman . )y mom is a wonderful
!nglish teacher . *e love each other
very much .
Jeff and his family
)y best friend is +eff . He has a
sister named )ary . *e attend the
same school . nd we live on the same
street . +eff likes dogs . He has a "et
dog . His name is ,en . +effs "arents
are )r. and )rs. ,rown . #hey are very
nice to me . I like them very much .
My ome!o"n
I was born and live in %hengdu ,
the ca"ital of &i%huan . %hengdu is a
wonderful city . #here are many
beautiful "arks and big sho""ing malls
. It also has some historic s"ots .
%hengdu is famous for its food and
local snacks . ,ut I dont like the
summer here . Its too hot .
Le!s !ake our um#rellas
It is raining hard outside. Lets
take our umbrellas with us . ,e sure to
take your own . #his is my umbrella . It
belongs to me . It is mine . #hat is
your umbrella . It belongs to you .
#hese umbrellas are ours . #hose
umbrellas are not ours . #hey belong
to those ladies over there . #hey are
theirs .
I go !o s$hool #y %us &
I live with my family in the
suburbs . )y school is about -
kilometers away from my home . I go
to school by bus . )y dad works
downtown . He drives to work . )y
mon work near our home . &he walks
to work . )y brother has a cool bike .
He rides to school .
My favori!e food
.ood is necessary in our life . I
like many different kinds of food . Let
me tell you a little about my favorite .
)y favorite vegetable is lettuce . I
dont like carrots . )angoes are my
favorite fruit . #hey are sweet , /uicy
and delicious . nd my favorite meat
is chicken . I always have chicken for
dinner .
'e $ome from differen! $oun!ries
#here are several foreign
students in my class . Lily is !nglish .
&he is from !ngland . Larry is
merican . He comes from the 'nited
&tates . 0achel is ustralian . &hes
from ustralia . Zhou is %hinese , but
he isnt from %hina . He is from
%anada . He is an overseas %hinese .
*e come from different
countries , but we all get along well .
(ha!s my day &
s an office worker , my day
starts "retty early and is very busy . I
get u" at 1233 , have breakfast at
about 12-3 , and then leave for work .
)y working hours are 4233 .) to 5233
6.) . &ometimes I need to work late .
often I get home at about 1278 . #hen I
watch #9 and read some books . I go
to bed at about :: oclock . #hats my
day .
Spring Fes!ival
&"ring .estival is the most
im"ortant festival in %hina . !veryone
tries to be at home with his or her
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Crazy English Spoken English Course
family . 6eo"le have a big meal in the
evening .
6eo"le in northern %hina always
make +iao;i . !ach family cooks some
delicious food . #oday many "eo"le
like to have dinners in good
restaurants .
eal!hy Food
Health is im"ortant to
everyone . &o I always eat healthy
food to kee" fit . I usually eat fruit and
vegetables . I seldom eat desserts or
fried food . I always eat an a""le a day
. s the saying goes 2 n a""le a day
kee"s the doctor away . nd I often
drink milk . I usually eat meat and
vegetables for dinner . &ometimes I
have some sou" .
*ifferen! Children
&ad children love to cry . #hey
always think there are black clouds in
the sky . 0ude children talk too loud .
#hey dont listen but /ust s"eak aloud .
ngry children stam" their feet , and
shout at "eo"le who they meet . ,ut
ha""y children talk and "lay with their
good friends every day .
Sarah and Jean
&arah and +ean are my good
friends . &arah is kind of short and a
little heavy . &he has curly hair . &he is
"retty , smart and warm hearted . &he
is also funny . +ean is tall and thin .
&he has straight hair . &he is good<
looking and easy<going . ,ut
sometimes she looks serious .
I like #eau!iful dresses &
I am a secretary . I like beautiful
dresses . t work , I wear dark colors .
I am usually in a black suit . =n
weekends , I often go out and I always
wear bright colors . #oday is
&aturday . Ill go sho""ing with my
friend . Im wearing a "ink blouse , a
blue skirt and a "air of white shoes .
You know , my favorite color is
"ur"le , so I "lan to buy a "ur"le dress
+ lovely #edroom
I have my own bedroom . I kee"
it clean and tidy . I have a dresk under
the window . I "ut my com"uter on the
desk . (e>t to the desk is my bed .
#here is a small book shelf beside the
bed . #here are a lot of books on it .
nd there is a "oster on the wall
above the bookshelf . )y room is
small , but its lovely . I love to read in
my room . )y room is my favorite
"lace .
Chinese is my mo!her !ongue
I am %hinese . %hinese is my
mother tongue . )y first foreign
language is !nglish . I love !nglish and
I "ractice !nglish everyday . #hats
why I can s"eak good !nglish . )y
cousin grew u" in Germany . He
s"eaks German very well . How is his
%hinese ? He s"eaks a little %hinese ,
but he cant read it at all .
My par!,!ime Jo#
I am a university student . Ive
got a "art<time /ob . I work every
weekend from @ .) untill @ 6.) . )y
"art<time /ob takes u" a lot of my
s"are time . I dont have time for fun .
Yet I dont want to Auit the /ob . *ith
this /ob , I dont need to ask my
"arents for money . I can even
contribute to hel" children in "oor
areas .
My -eigh#orhood
I live in a a"artment . )y
neighborhood is really nice $ #here is a
market on the left of my building .
#here is a barbers ne>t to the
market . #here are three banks near
the barkers . #here is a drug store
across from the a"artment building .
#here are two flower stores nearby .
#here is a subway station between the
flower stores and the drug store .
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Crazy English Spoken English Course
*hat a nice neighborhood $
!verything is vonvenient . I am so
lucky to live here .
My .lans
#omorrow is the weekend . I
have many "lans . =n &aturday
afternoon , I am going to rela> and
"lay basketball with my classmates .
t night I am going to meet my friends
for a "arty . =n &unday , I am going to
stay with my family and do my lessons
at home . *hat are you going to do ?
&hao>ing is a small city in
Zhe+iang 6rovince . It is really a nice
city . 6eo"le there are very friendly .
#here are rivers and bridges here and
there . Its a ty"ical little city at the
south of %hang+iang 0iver .
&haoCing is famous as the
hometown of LuCun . )any tourists
visit the city every year . I was born in
this city . How lucky I am $
'ere a! *isneyland
Dear grand"a .
How are you ? *ere at
Disneyland in .rance now . #here are
a lot of e>citing rides here $ I like
going on the roller coaster . Its fun .
#omorrow , we will go sho""ing.
Dad wants to buy a tie . )om wants to
buy a bottle of "erfume . Daisy wants
to buy a dress , and I want to buy an
)6- "layer . *hat would you like ?
*e will come back to ,ei+ing
ne>t week . &ee you soon .
Love , #erry .
+ day off "ork
#oday is my day off work . I am
s"ending it with my mother . *e are
not doing anything s"ecial . *e are
/ust staying at home and rela>ing . )y
father is doing something else today .
He is now taking a self<im"rovement
course . He finds the course very
useful . Im thinking about taking the
course too .
+ "oman and her dog
Its a wetday . Im on my way to
school on the bus . woman with a
dog gets on the bus . Its a big dog
and its feet are very dirty . #he
woman says 2 E %onductor , if I "ay for
my dog , can he have a seat like the
other "ass engers ? E . #he conductor
looks at the dog and says 2 E
%ertainly , madam . He can have a
seat like all the other "assengers , but
, like the other "assengers , he must
not "ut his feet on it E .
+ fas!,pa$ed life
#oday , many "eo"le try to save
time . In most families , both the
husband and the wife work full time .
#heir free time is very im"ortant to
them . &o they look for Auick ways to
do the sho""ing and the housework .
)ost of them eat out in fast<food
restaurants . 6eo"le order meals at
the counter and get served in a few
minutes .
%e .oli!e
)y grand"a hel"s me a lot in my
life . He teaches me to be "olite to
others . He often says 2 E !veryone
should be "olite E Is he right ? =f
course , yes . 6olite "eo"le show good
manners . #hey are "o"ular . =n ther
contrary , bad manners are a sign of
"oor education . &o , why not be "olite
? sim"le E 6lease E , E #hank you E or
E Youre welcome E can make a big
difference .
%offee "lays an im"ortant role in
western culture . 6eo"le often use the
words E *ill you come for coffee ? E to
mean E *ould you like to come to my
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Crazy English Spoken English Course
home for a chat ?E lso the host may
serve the guests with other drinks like
tea , hot chocolate or a soft drink . #he
guests can choose for themselves .
Generally s"eaking , there wont be
wine at a E %offee E "arty .
0e! s!ar!ed on English no" 1
#hese days , !nglish is
im"ortant for good reasons . Its an
international language , and it can
hel" you to get a better /ob . Its can
allow you to communicate and make
new friends with "eo"le from all over
the world . Its also the language of
the Internet and the huge I# industry .
You will also find a nice sur"rise<
s"eaking !nglish is fun $ &o get
started now $
good book is like a good friend
. 0ead as many books as you can .
Dont always /ust take a Auick look at
a book . Good books are worth reading
carefully again and again . )ake
books your friends . Let them take you
around the world . Get a book now and
dive into it . Let the wisdom in the
books guide you through your life .
My "ork
)y work is very uniAue . 'nlike
most "eo"le , I dont have to go to an
office everyday . I am my own boss ,
so I can arrange my own schedule .
)aybe I will work for a whole night or
maybe I will have several days off . I
do business with foreigners , so I often
meet a lot of interesting "eo"le . I feel
lucky to work for myself , so I can
really en/oy my life . )y /ob makes me
very ha""y $
Learning English is a .ie$e of
)any "eo"le are worried about
learning !nglish. #hey think !nglish is
difficult and its hard to memori;e new
words and grammatical rules. In fact,
learning !nglish can be a "iece of
cake. Dont worry about
"ronunciation. Dont worry about
grammar. Dont be afraid of making
mistakes. +ust try to s"eak. &"eak
!nglish as much as "ossible.
&uccessful "eo"le s"end a lot of time
"racticing . 0emember, "ractice
makes "erfect. &"eak !nglish every
day. nd youll im"rove.
Modern 0irls
Helen is like many girls her age.
&he lives for today, en/oys her life, and
doesnt worry about the future.
Helen has a terrible habit. &he
wastes money. &he buys clothes that
she never wears. &he also en/oys
eating out, and she always goes to
e>"ensive restaurants. &he often eats
only half the food she orders. &he
takes ta>is everywhere, even when
the bus is convenient. &he never
thinks about saving money, or
s"ending it more wisely.
Living a wasteful life is really a
terrible habit.
Do you know there are tow kinds
of football games ? =ne is merican
football, the other is soccer. In %hina
many young men like "laying soccer.
It is very "o"ular in %hina. ,ut the
%hinese dont call it soccer. #hey call
it football. #here are eleven "layers on
a team. #hey "lay with a round ball.
=nly the goalkee"er can "lay the ball
with his hands. #he other "layers
mustnt use their hands. .or this
reason I think the %hinese name E
foot<ballF makes sense $
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Crazy English Spoken English Course
'el$ome !o My (o"n
*elcome to my town. It is great
"lace to rela>. #he biggest "ark is
ne>t to the "olice station. #here is a
terrific store on Garden &treet. It is
across the street from the "ark . You
can buy all kinds of local food there. If
you like to eat %hinese food, you can
eat at the %hinese restaurant on the
street. Its ne>t to the sho""ing mall.
If you feel like dancing, there is a
disco. Its across from the %hinese
restaurant. It is called %otti Disco, and
it is o"en very late.
I ho"e you have fun here.
(hree Sugges!ions for a %eau!iful
)y father often gives me useful
advice. I still remember his three
sugestions for a beautiful life. #he first
thing is, think before you s"eak. &ay
"ositive things. Dont hurt other
"eo"le with words. #he second thing
is, treasure everything. Life is
"recious. Dont take anything for
granted. #he third thing is, nothing is
im"ossible. If you think you can, you
can. (ever doubt yourself. You can do
anything. #hese three suggestions
have hel"ed me a lot of throughout
my life.
Seasons in China
In much of %hina, s"ring is
usually very short. It comes in )arch
and ends in )ay. &ummer is often
very hot. It lasts from +une too ugust.
#he hottest month of the year is +uly.
utumn starts in &e"tember, and goes
on to (ovember. #he weather can be
"retty warm in autumn. *inter lasts
from December to .ebruary, and is
very cold. You need to wear lots of
warm clothes.
#hes best time to visit %hina is
s"ring or autumn. In summer it is
often too hot, and in winter it is too
'here is his fa!her 2
#wo sisters were looking at a
book of religious "ictures and came
across a "ainting of the 9irgin and the
baby +esus. E&ee there,F said the older
girl, Ethats +esus, and thats his
E*here,F the younger girl
wanted to know, Eis his father?F Her
sister thought for a monment, and
then e>"lained, E=h, hes taking the
'ha! !o 'ear in *ifferen!
In winter it is very cold in
,ei/ing. 6eo"le have to wear coats.
#he coats are very big and heavy. In
"rill it is warmer. &o "eo"le change
clothes. #hey "ut on /ackets and
sweaters. +eans are very "o"ular
among the young. #hey also like to
wear s"ortswear. .rom )ay to ugust,
it is the hottest time in ,ei/ing. 6eo"le
are usually dressed in #<shirts and
shorts at home. Girls love to "ut on
skirts when they go out to the movies,
sho""ing malls or concerts.
#hank<You (ote
Dear my, thank you for your
invitation last night. #hat was a great
"arty $ *e really had a good time. #he
food was delicious. I loved the cookies
with chocolate on to". I think I ate
more than ten of them $ #he cookies
with nuts were good too. I can hardly
believe you made all of them yourself.
I en/oyed meeting your boss,
colleagues and friends. ,y the way,
which one was your boss ? &orry I
didnt get to know her. #hanks again
for a wonderful evening.
My .aren!s ave *ifferen!
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