Crazy English - Spoken English Course

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The passage provides introductions and details about several characters including LiYang, Carol, Jeff and his family, and the narrator's hometown and family.

LiYang is from GuangZhou, China and likes listening to music and swimming. Carol is from Chicago, USA but now lives in ShenZhen, China where she teaches English at a college. She loves her students.

His father often suggests thinking before speaking and saying positive things, treasuring everything in life, and believing that nothing is impossible with hard work and determination.

Crazy English Spoken English Course

Im LiYang
Hi , Im LiYang . Im from
GuangZhou . Its a very beautiful city .
I like listening to music and I also like
swimming . nd I like !nglish very
much .
Im ha""y to meet you all .
#hank you $
My Friend Carol
#his is my friend %arol . &he
comes from %hicago , '& . (ow she
lives in &henZhen . &he teaches
!nglish in a college . &he is a good
teacher . &he loves her students . nd
all her students love her .
I have a happy familly
I have a ha""y family . #here
are three "eo"le in my family , they
are my "arents and myself . I am a
student . )y dad is a great
"oliceman . )y mom is a wonderful
!nglish teacher . *e love each other
very much .
Jeff and his family
)y best friend is +eff . He has a
sister named )ary . *e attend the
same school . nd we live on the same
street . +eff likes dogs . He has a "et
dog . His name is ,en . +effs "arents
are )r. and )rs. ,rown . #hey are very
nice to me . I like them very much .
My ome!o"n
I was born and live in %hengdu ,
the ca"ital of &i%huan . %hengdu is a
wonderful city . #here are many
beautiful "arks and big sho""ing malls
. It also has some historic s"ots .
%hengdu is famous for its food and
local snacks . ,ut I dont like the
summer here . Its too hot .
Le!s !ake our um#rellas
It is raining hard outside. Lets
take our umbrellas with us . ,e sure to
take your own . #his is my umbrella . It
belongs to me . It is mine . #hat is
your umbrella . It belongs to you .
#hese umbrellas are ours . #hose
umbrellas are not ours . #hey belong
to those ladies over there . #hey are
theirs .
I go !o s$hool #y %us &
I live with my family in the
suburbs . )y school is about -
kilometers away from my home . I go
to school by bus . )y dad works
downtown . He drives to work . )y
mon work near our home . &he walks
to work . )y brother has a cool bike .
He rides to school .
My favori!e food
.ood is necessary in our life . I
like many different kinds of food . Let
me tell you a little about my favorite .
)y favorite vegetable is lettuce . I
dont like carrots . )angoes are my
favorite fruit . #hey are sweet , /uicy
and delicious . nd my favorite meat
is chicken . I always have chicken for
dinner .
'e $ome from differen! $oun!ries
#here are several foreign
students in my class . Lily is !nglish .
&he is from !ngland . Larry is
merican . He comes from the 'nited
&tates . 0achel is ustralian . &hes
from ustralia . Zhou is %hinese , but
he isnt from %hina . He is from
%anada . He is an overseas %hinese .
*e come from different
countries , but we all get along well .
(ha!s my day &
s an office worker , my day
starts "retty early and is very busy . I
get u" at 1233 , have breakfast at
about 12-3 , and then leave for work .
)y working hours are 4233 .) to 5233
6.) . &ometimes I need to work late .
often I get home at about 1278 . #hen I
watch #9 and read some books . I go
to bed at about :: oclock . #hats my
day .
Spring Fes!ival
&"ring .estival is the most
im"ortant festival in %hina . !veryone
tries to be at home with his or her
: ) 6 a g e
Crazy English Spoken English Course
family . 6eo"le have a big meal in the
evening .
6eo"le in northern %hina always
make +iao;i . !ach family cooks some
delicious food . #oday many "eo"le
like to have dinners in good
restaurants .
eal!hy Food
Health is im"ortant to
everyone . &o I always eat healthy
food to kee" fit . I usually eat fruit and
vegetables . I seldom eat desserts or
fried food . I always eat an a""le a day
. s the saying goes 2 n a""le a day
kee"s the doctor away . nd I often
drink milk . I usually eat meat and
vegetables for dinner . &ometimes I
have some sou" .
*ifferen! Children
&ad children love to cry . #hey
always think there are black clouds in
the sky . 0ude children talk too loud .
#hey dont listen but /ust s"eak aloud .
ngry children stam" their feet , and
shout at "eo"le who they meet . ,ut
ha""y children talk and "lay with their
good friends every day .
Sarah and Jean
&arah and +ean are my good
friends . &arah is kind of short and a
little heavy . &he has curly hair . &he is
"retty , smart and warm hearted . &he
is also funny . +ean is tall and thin .
&he has straight hair . &he is good<
looking and easy<going . ,ut
sometimes she looks serious .
I like #eau!iful dresses &
I am a secretary . I like beautiful
dresses . t work , I wear dark colors .
I am usually in a black suit . =n
weekends , I often go out and I always
wear bright colors . #oday is
&aturday . Ill go sho""ing with my
friend . Im wearing a "ink blouse , a
blue skirt and a "air of white shoes .
You know , my favorite color is
"ur"le , so I "lan to buy a "ur"le dress
+ lovely #edroom
I have my own bedroom . I kee"
it clean and tidy . I have a dresk under
the window . I "ut my com"uter on the
desk . (e>t to the desk is my bed .
#here is a small book shelf beside the
bed . #here are a lot of books on it .
nd there is a "oster on the wall
above the bookshelf . )y room is
small , but its lovely . I love to read in
my room . )y room is my favorite
"lace .
Chinese is my mo!her !ongue
I am %hinese . %hinese is my
mother tongue . )y first foreign
language is !nglish . I love !nglish and
I "ractice !nglish everyday . #hats
why I can s"eak good !nglish . )y
cousin grew u" in Germany . He
s"eaks German very well . How is his
%hinese ? He s"eaks a little %hinese ,
but he cant read it at all .
My par!,!ime Jo#
I am a university student . Ive
got a "art<time /ob . I work every
weekend from @ .) untill @ 6.) . )y
"art<time /ob takes u" a lot of my
s"are time . I dont have time for fun .
Yet I dont want to Auit the /ob . *ith
this /ob , I dont need to ask my
"arents for money . I can even
contribute to hel" children in "oor
areas .
My -eigh#orhood
I live in a a"artment . )y
neighborhood is really nice $ #here is a
market on the left of my building .
#here is a barbers ne>t to the
market . #here are three banks near
the barkers . #here is a drug store
across from the a"artment building .
#here are two flower stores nearby .
#here is a subway station between the
flower stores and the drug store .
B ) 6 a g e
Crazy English Spoken English Course
*hat a nice neighborhood $
!verything is vonvenient . I am so
lucky to live here .
My .lans
#omorrow is the weekend . I
have many "lans . =n &aturday
afternoon , I am going to rela> and
"lay basketball with my classmates .
t night I am going to meet my friends
for a "arty . =n &unday , I am going to
stay with my family and do my lessons
at home . *hat are you going to do ?
&hao>ing is a small city in
Zhe+iang 6rovince . It is really a nice
city . 6eo"le there are very friendly .
#here are rivers and bridges here and
there . Its a ty"ical little city at the
south of %hang+iang 0iver .
&haoCing is famous as the
hometown of LuCun . )any tourists
visit the city every year . I was born in
this city . How lucky I am $
'ere a! *isneyland
Dear grand"a .
How are you ? *ere at
Disneyland in .rance now . #here are
a lot of e>citing rides here $ I like
going on the roller coaster . Its fun .
#omorrow , we will go sho""ing.
Dad wants to buy a tie . )om wants to
buy a bottle of "erfume . Daisy wants
to buy a dress , and I want to buy an
)6- "layer . *hat would you like ?
*e will come back to ,ei+ing
ne>t week . &ee you soon .
Love , #erry .
+ day off "ork
#oday is my day off work . I am
s"ending it with my mother . *e are
not doing anything s"ecial . *e are
/ust staying at home and rela>ing . )y
father is doing something else today .
He is now taking a self<im"rovement
course . He finds the course very
useful . Im thinking about taking the
course too .
+ "oman and her dog
Its a wetday . Im on my way to
school on the bus . woman with a
dog gets on the bus . Its a big dog
and its feet are very dirty . #he
woman says 2 E %onductor , if I "ay for
my dog , can he have a seat like the
other "ass engers ? E . #he conductor
looks at the dog and says 2 E
%ertainly , madam . He can have a
seat like all the other "assengers , but
, like the other "assengers , he must
not "ut his feet on it E .
+ fas!,pa$ed life
#oday , many "eo"le try to save
time . In most families , both the
husband and the wife work full time .
#heir free time is very im"ortant to
them . &o they look for Auick ways to
do the sho""ing and the housework .
)ost of them eat out in fast<food
restaurants . 6eo"le order meals at
the counter and get served in a few
minutes .
%e .oli!e
)y grand"a hel"s me a lot in my
life . He teaches me to be "olite to
others . He often says 2 E !veryone
should be "olite E Is he right ? =f
course , yes . 6olite "eo"le show good
manners . #hey are "o"ular . =n ther
contrary , bad manners are a sign of
"oor education . &o , why not be "olite
? sim"le E 6lease E , E #hank you E or
E Youre welcome E can make a big
difference .
%offee "lays an im"ortant role in
western culture . 6eo"le often use the
words E *ill you come for coffee ? E to
mean E *ould you like to come to my
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Crazy English Spoken English Course
home for a chat ?E lso the host may
serve the guests with other drinks like
tea , hot chocolate or a soft drink . #he
guests can choose for themselves .
Generally s"eaking , there wont be
wine at a E %offee E "arty .
0e! s!ar!ed on English no" 1
#hese days , !nglish is
im"ortant for good reasons . Its an
international language , and it can
hel" you to get a better /ob . Its can
allow you to communicate and make
new friends with "eo"le from all over
the world . Its also the language of
the Internet and the huge I# industry .
You will also find a nice sur"rise<
s"eaking !nglish is fun $ &o get
started now $
good book is like a good friend
. 0ead as many books as you can .
Dont always /ust take a Auick look at
a book . Good books are worth reading
carefully again and again . )ake
books your friends . Let them take you
around the world . Get a book now and
dive into it . Let the wisdom in the
books guide you through your life .
My "ork
)y work is very uniAue . 'nlike
most "eo"le , I dont have to go to an
office everyday . I am my own boss ,
so I can arrange my own schedule .
)aybe I will work for a whole night or
maybe I will have several days off . I
do business with foreigners , so I often
meet a lot of interesting "eo"le . I feel
lucky to work for myself , so I can
really en/oy my life . )y /ob makes me
very ha""y $

Learning English is a .ie$e of
)any "eo"le are worried about
learning !nglish. #hey think !nglish is
difficult and its hard to memori;e new
words and grammatical rules. In fact,
learning !nglish can be a "iece of
cake. Dont worry about
"ronunciation. Dont worry about
grammar. Dont be afraid of making
mistakes. +ust try to s"eak. &"eak
!nglish as much as "ossible.
&uccessful "eo"le s"end a lot of time
"racticing . 0emember, "ractice
makes "erfect. &"eak !nglish every
day. nd youll im"rove.
Modern 0irls
Helen is like many girls her age.
&he lives for today, en/oys her life, and
doesnt worry about the future.
Helen has a terrible habit. &he
wastes money. &he buys clothes that
she never wears. &he also en/oys
eating out, and she always goes to
e>"ensive restaurants. &he often eats
only half the food she orders. &he
takes ta>is everywhere, even when
the bus is convenient. &he never
thinks about saving money, or
s"ending it more wisely.
Living a wasteful life is really a
terrible habit.
Do you know there are tow kinds
of football games ? =ne is merican
football, the other is soccer. In %hina
many young men like "laying soccer.
It is very "o"ular in %hina. ,ut the
%hinese dont call it soccer. #hey call
it football. #here are eleven "layers on
a team. #hey "lay with a round ball.
=nly the goalkee"er can "lay the ball
with his hands. #he other "layers
mustnt use their hands. .or this
reason I think the %hinese name E
foot<ballF makes sense $
7 ) 6 a g e
Crazy English Spoken English Course
'el$ome !o My (o"n
*elcome to my town. It is great
"lace to rela>. #he biggest "ark is
ne>t to the "olice station. #here is a
terrific store on Garden &treet. It is
across the street from the "ark . You
can buy all kinds of local food there. If
you like to eat %hinese food, you can
eat at the %hinese restaurant on the
street. Its ne>t to the sho""ing mall.
If you feel like dancing, there is a
disco. Its across from the %hinese
restaurant. It is called %otti Disco, and
it is o"en very late.
I ho"e you have fun here.
(hree Sugges!ions for a %eau!iful
)y father often gives me useful
advice. I still remember his three
sugestions for a beautiful life. #he first
thing is, think before you s"eak. &ay
"ositive things. Dont hurt other
"eo"le with words. #he second thing
is, treasure everything. Life is
"recious. Dont take anything for
granted. #he third thing is, nothing is
im"ossible. If you think you can, you
can. (ever doubt yourself. You can do
anything. #hese three suggestions
have hel"ed me a lot of throughout
my life.
Seasons in China
In much of %hina, s"ring is
usually very short. It comes in )arch
and ends in )ay. &ummer is often
very hot. It lasts from +une too ugust.
#he hottest month of the year is +uly.
utumn starts in &e"tember, and goes
on to (ovember. #he weather can be
"retty warm in autumn. *inter lasts
from December to .ebruary, and is
very cold. You need to wear lots of
warm clothes.
#hes best time to visit %hina is
s"ring or autumn. In summer it is
often too hot, and in winter it is too
'here is his fa!her 2
#wo sisters were looking at a
book of religious "ictures and came
across a "ainting of the 9irgin and the
baby +esus. E&ee there,F said the older
girl, Ethats +esus, and thats his
E*here,F the younger girl
wanted to know, Eis his father?F Her
sister thought for a monment, and
then e>"lained, E=h, hes taking the
'ha! !o 'ear in *ifferen!
In winter it is very cold in
,ei/ing. 6eo"le have to wear coats.
#he coats are very big and heavy. In
"rill it is warmer. &o "eo"le change
clothes. #hey "ut on /ackets and
sweaters. +eans are very "o"ular
among the young. #hey also like to
wear s"ortswear. .rom )ay to ugust,
it is the hottest time in ,ei/ing. 6eo"le
are usually dressed in #<shirts and
shorts at home. Girls love to "ut on
skirts when they go out to the movies,
sho""ing malls or concerts.
#hank<You (ote
Dear my, thank you for your
invitation last night. #hat was a great
"arty $ *e really had a good time. #he
food was delicious. I loved the cookies
with chocolate on to". I think I ate
more than ten of them $ #he cookies
with nuts were good too. I can hardly
believe you made all of them yourself.
I en/oyed meeting your boss,
colleagues and friends. ,y the way,
which one was your boss ? &orry I
didnt get to know her. #hanks again
for a wonderful evening.
My .aren!s ave *ifferen!
8 ) 6 a g e

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