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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan.

26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

Level of Job Satisfaction of the Employees in Selected Fast

Food Establishments
Ma.Rhona P. Beriales, Di-am Granda J. Permocillo, Charlene May C. Bartizo& Carljan P. Porras

Abstract— Job satisfaction refers to the degree to which an The term fast food establishment was defined as quick
individual feels positive or negative about his job. Most of the service restaurants that serve food with little or no waiting [1].
successful organizations have highly satisfied employees. Job Thus, it is perceived that working in a fast food establishment is
satisfaction is something that is often expressed in either formal or very challenging.
informal conversations within and outside the organization. The One of the most important aspects of an individual's work in
level of job satisfaction can be measured using various criteria a modern organization concerns the management of demands.
considering that there are many factors that affect someone’s
Demands can be characterized as a communication load, which
feelings towards job.
The objective of this study was to determine the level of job refers to "the rate and complexity of communication inputs an
satisfaction among employees in selected fast food establishments individual must process in a particular time frame”. According
in Iloilo City in terms of working condition, pay and promotion, to the ideas of communication overload and under load, if an
use of skills and abilities and work activities. individual receives too many messages simultaneously, or does
The respondents of the study were 50 employees from two fast not receive enough input on the jobor is unsuccessful in
food establishments, who were selected using purposive sampling. processing these inputs, the individual is more likely to become
The respondents were asked to rate their job satisfaction using the dissatisfied, aggravated, and unhappy with their work which
researcher-made questionnaire. leads to a low level of job satisfaction.
The data gathered were analyzed using the frequency counts,
To prevent job withdrawal, the organization must promote
percentage, mean and standard deviation as statistical tools.
The findings revealed that the respondents were satisfied with job satisfaction. According to [5], job satisfaction refers to a
their job when taken as a whole group. In the same way, when pleasant feeling resulting from the perception that one’s job
they are grouped according to age, gender, and employment fulfils or allows for the fulfillment of one’s important job
status and employment position. values. Job satisfaction is related to a person’s values, defined
The test for significant differences in the level of job as “what a person consciously or unconsciously desire to
satisfaction among employees revealed that there was no obtain.” Values, perceptions, and ideas of what is important are
significant difference in the level of job satisfaction when grouped the three components of job satisfaction. People will be
according to age, gender, employment status and establishment. satisfied with their jobs as long as they perceive that their jobs
Based from the findings it is recommended that the
meet their important values.
management of the fast food establishments should look into
making improvements on some factors specifically on pay and At the individual level, the evidence suggests the reverse to
promotion potential since these have the lowest cluster mean be more accurate-that productivity is likely to lead to
among the four areas. It is further recommended to the future satisfaction. When satisfaction and productivity data are
researchers to include other factors affecting the level of gathered for the organization as a whole, rather than at the
satisfaction. individual level, we found out that organizations with more
satisfied employees tend to be more effective than
Keywords-- Employee’s satisfaction, fast food establishment, organizations with less satisfied employees [3].
job satisfaction Job satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings
and emotions with which employees view their work. Job
I. INTRODUCTION satisfaction is an effective attitude-a feeling of relative like or
Job satisfaction is the level of contentment a person feels dislike towards something. The important aspects of job
regarding his or her job. This feeling is mainly based on an satisfaction include pay, one’s supervisor, the nature of tasks
individual's perception of satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be performed, an employee’s co-workers or team and the
influenced by a person's ability to complete required tasks, the immediate working condition. Job satisfaction is dynamic, for
level of communication in an organization, and the way it can decline even more quickly than it develops. Managers
management treats employees. Employee satisfaction is cannot establish the conditions leading to high satisfaction now
essential to the success of any business. Thus, keeping and later neglect it, for employee needs and viewpoints may
employees satisfied with their careers should be a major fluctuate suddenly.
priority of the employer. While this is a well-known fact in The level of job satisfaction across groups is not always the
management practice, economic downturns seem to cause same but it is related to a number of variables. Analysis of
employers to ignore it. There are numerous reasons why these relat5ionships allows managers to predict which groups
employees can become discouraged with their jobs and resign, are more likely to exhibit the problem behaviors associated
including high stress, lack of communication within the with dissatisfaction. The key variables revolve around age,
company, lack of recognition, or limited opportunity for occupational level and organization size.
growth. As workers grow older, they initially tend to be slightly
more satisfied with their jobs. Apparently, they lower their
St. Therese-MTC Colleges, Iloilo City, Philippines expectations to more realistic levels and adjust themselves

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

better to their work situations, later, their satisfaction may marital status and employment position. The moderating
suffer as promotions are less frequent and they face the realities variables are the hygiene or maintenance factors and
of retirement. Predictably too, people with higher level motivational or job content factors. The dependent variable is
occupations tend to be more satisfied with their jobs. They are the level of job satisfaction which is categorized into very
usually better paid, have better working conditions, and hold dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied and very satisfied.
jobs that make fuller use of their abilities. Finally, evidence
Employee’s Profile That May Affect Performance and
suggests that levels of job satisfaction are higher in smaller
organization units, such as a branch plant or a small enterprise.
Larger organizations tend to overwhelm people, disrupt Various references presented the factors that may affect job
supportive processes, and limit the amounts of personal satisfaction and explained the bearing of age, gender and tenure
closeness, friendship and small-group teamwork that are on job satisfaction [6].
important aspects of job satisfaction among many people [4]. Age. It is perceived thatthere are many positive qualities that
Causes Job satisfaction older workers bring to their jobs: specifically, experience,
Of the major-satisfaction facets (work itself, pay, judgment, a strong work ethic, and commitment to quality. But
advancement opportunities, supervision, co-workers), enjoying older workers are also perceived as lacking flexibility and as
the work is almost always the one most strongly correlated with being resistant to new technology. The older the employee gets,
high levels of overall job satisfaction. Interesting jobs that the less likely they are to quit in their job. As workers get older,
provide training, variety, independence, and control satisfy they have fewer alternative job opportunities. In addition, older
most employees. In other words, most people prefer work that workers are less likely to resign than are younger workers
is challenging and stimulating over work that is predictable and because their long tenure tends to provide them with higher
routine. You’ve probably noticed that pay comes up often when wage rates, longer paid vacations, and more attractive pension
people discuss job satisfaction. There is an interesting benefits.
relationship between salary and job satisfaction, for people who Gender.The evidence suggests that the best place to begin
are poor (for example, living below the poverty line) or who is with the recognition that there are few, if any, important
live in poor countries, pay does correlate with job satisfaction differences between men and women that will affect their job
and with overall happiness. Jobs that are compensated performance. There are, for instance, no consistent male-female
handsomely have average job satisfaction level no higher than differences in problem-solving ability, analytical skills,
those that are pain much less. Job satisfaction is not just about competitive drive, motivation, sociability, or learning ability.
job conditions. Personality also plays a role. People who are Psychological studies have found that women are more willing
less positive about themselves are less likely to like their jobs to conform to authority and those men are more aggressive and
research has shown that people who have positive core more likely than women to have expectations of success, but
self-evaluations-who believe in their inner worth and basic those differences are minor. Similarly, there are no evidence
competence-are more satisfied with their jobs than those with indicating that an employee’s gender affects job satisfaction.
negative core self-evaluations. Not only do they see their work Tenure. If we define seniority as time on a particular job,
as more fulfilling and challenging, they are more likely to we can say that the most recent evidence demonstrates a
gravitate toward challenging jobs in the first place. Those with positive relationship between seniority and job productivity. So
negative core self-evaluation set less ambitious goals and are tenure, expressed as work experienced, appears to be a good
more likely to give up when confronting difficulties. Thus, predictor of employee productivity. Tenure is also a potent
they’re more likely to be stuck in boring, repetitive jobs than variable in explaining turnover. “Tenure has consistently been
those with positive core self-evaluations [3]. found to be negatively related to turnover and has been
suggested as one of the single best predictors of turnover.” The
II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY evidence indicates that tenure and satisfaction are positively
This study aimed to find out the factors that can affect the related.
quality work life of employee.
Specifically this study addresses the following: IV. METHODOLOGY
1. To determine the level of job satisfaction among Research Design
employees in selected fast food establishments. This survey on job satisfaction among the employees in
2. To determine if there is a significant difference among selected fast food establishments made use of the
employees in selected fast food establishments when descriptive-survey method. Descriptive studies describe a
categorized according to age, gender, and employment given state of affairs as fully and carefully as possible. In
position. educational research, the most common descriptive
3. To determine if there is a significant difference in the methodology is the survey, as when researchers summarize the
level of job satisfaction between the two fast food characteristics (abilities, preferences, behaviors, and so on) of
establishments? individuals or groups or (sometimes) physical environments
Since the study describe about the Level of Job Satisfaction
This study aimed to determine the level of job satisfaction among the employees in selected fast food establishments in
among employees in selected fast food establishments in Iloilo Iloilo City the descriptive-survey method is the most
City. The independent variables of the study were age, gender, appropriate to use. Through this research, the factors which

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

have an effect on the job satisfaction of the employees can be V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
determined with the aim of improving the satisfaction of
employees for them to be more effective and efficient. TABLE 1. JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES WHEN TAKEN AS A WHOLE
This study focused on the level of job satisfaction among QUALITATIVE
employees in the two fast food establishments in Iloilo City. ITEM MEAN
There were 50 employees selected in this study using the I. Hygiene Factors
purposive-convenience sampling method. The data gathering
instrument used for this study was a researcher-made A. Working Condition
questionnaire. The survey was conducted within December 1. Location of work 4.18 Satisfied
2014 to January 2015. 2. Safety 4.30 Highly Satisfied
Respondents of the Study
Fifty (50) employees from the two fast food establishments 3. Hours work each week 3.64 Satisfied
were purposively chosen as respondents of this study. 4. Amount of paid vacation 3.48 Satisfied
Research Instrument time/sick leave offered
Cluster Mean 3.90 Satisfied
The researchers used a questionnaire-checklist, a survey
B. Pay and promotion Potential
form which required selection and check responses from the 1. Salary 3.62 Satisfied
respondents. The questions contained inthis
2. Opportunities for promotion 3.50 Satisfied
questionnaire-checklist were thoroughly formulated, and 3. Benefits 3.84 Satisfied
checked for the respondents to understand well. 4. Job Securities 4.16 Satisfied
Cluster Mean 3.78 Satisfied
Validity II. Motivational
A copy of the questionnaire was submitted to the research Factors
adviser for corrections. Copies of the corrected questionnaire
A.Use of Skills and Abilities
were again submitted to three experts in research for content 1. Opportunity to learn new skills 4.44 Highly Satisfied
validation using the Eight-point criteria by Good and Scates.
2. Opportunity to utilize your skills 4.32 Highly Satisfied
The three experts gave their comments. All comments, & talents
corrections and recommendations were incorporated in the 3. Opportunity for advancement 4.18 Satisfied
final copy of the questionnaire. The final copy of the 4. Support for additional training 4.04 Satisfied
questionnaire was approved by the three experts. With that, it Cluster Mean 4.24 Satisfied
was considered valid. B. Work Activities
1. Flexibility in scheduling 4.20 Satisfied
Reliability 2. Variety of job responsibilities 4.10 Satisfied
The questionnaire was pre-tested among 10 employees of the 3. Degree of independence 4.06 Satisfied
associated with your work roles
two fast food establishments in Iloilo city who were not part of
4. Adequate opportunity for periodic 3.96 Satisfied
the final survey. After encoding and statistical analysis, it was changes in duties
found out that the Cronbach’s Alpha was 0.801. Cluster Mean 4.08 Satisfied
If the Cronbach’s Alpha result is greater than .70, the COMPOSITE MEAN 4.00 Satisfied
instrument is considered reliable [4]. Mean Scale Description
Thus, the instrument was considered reliable. 4.21-5.00 Highly Satisfied
Data Gathering Procedure 3.41-4.20 Satisfied
To successfully conduct the study, the researchers made a 2.61-3.40 Neutral
1.81-2.60 Dissatisfied
questionnaire-checklist. This was used as a survey formwhich
1.00-1.80 Highly Dissatisfied
requires selection and responses from the respondents who
were the employees of selected Fast Food Establishments in
The Table 1 showed that in Item A. (Hygiene Factors)
Iloilo City, these questionnaires were checked by the evaluators
under the Category Working Condition, “Safety” was the
for the validation.
highest mean of 4.30 interpreted as highly satisfied under Pay
The researchers wrote letter asking permission from the
and Promotion Potential Category; “JobSecurity” got the
College Dean to conduct the survey. The researchers also wrote
highest mean of 4.16 interpreted as satisfied.
a letter to the managers of the two fast food establishments in
In Item B. (Motivational Factors), Opportunity to learn new
Iloilo City to allow them to conduct the survey. After the two
skills has the highest mean of 4.44 interpreted as highly
letters were approved, the researchers conducted the survey in
satisfied, followed by “Flexibility in Scheduling” with a mean
the two fast food establishments.
of 4.20 interpreted as satisfied under Work Activities.
The analyses of data made for this study were both
The overall mean of 4.00 indicated that the employees of the
descriptive and inferential
two fast food establishments when taken as a whole grouped
Descriptive statistics involved the use of frequency counts,
were satisfied.
percentage, mean and standard deviation. T-test was used as
inferential statistics.

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

TABLE 2.T-TEST RESULTS FOR SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES IN THE LEVEL OF Working Activities, when grouped according to age, gender
and employment status.
T Df Sig Decision Interpretatio 5. The test for significant differences in the level of job
(2-tail n satisfaction among employees revealed that there were no
ed) significant differences in the level of job satisfaction when
grouped according to age, gender and employment status.
Age .59 47.9 .554 Accept Not
6 50 HO significant
Gender 1.4 46.9 .163 Accept Not Based on the findings of this study, the respondents in both
17 68 HO significant Fast Food establishments were satisfied with their job when
taken as a whole and when categorized according to age, gender
Employme 1.2 13.4 .218 Accept Not
nt Status 94 00 HO significant and employment status.
Also, the respondents in both Fast Food Establishments
Establishm -.7 47.0 .433 Accept Not found satisfaction in terms of Working Conditions, Pay and
ent 90 47 HO significant Promotion, Use of Skills and Abilities, and Working Position
both when taken as a whole and categorized according to age,
*Significant @ ∝ = 0.05 gender and employment status.
The findings further showed that there was no significant
T-test results in Table 2 shows that the computed value of difference in the level of satisfaction when grouped according
.554 is greater than 0.05 level of significance, so the null to age, gender and employment status.
hypothesis is accepted. Thus, there is no significant difference
in the level of job satisfaction of employees in selected fast food VIII. RECOMMENDATION
establishments in terms of working condition, pay and
promotion potential, use of skills and abilities and work Based from the findings and conclusion, the following
activities when grouped according to Age. recommendations are hereby presented.
When grouped according to gender, T-test results shows 1. It is recommended that both management of the two fast
that the computed value of .163 is greater than 0.05 level of food establishments look into making improvements with
significance, so the null hypothesis is accepted. Thus, there is regards to the pay and promotion potential of employee since
no significant difference in the level of job satisfaction of this was the lowest cluster mean satisfaction to motivate
employees in selected fast food establishments in terms of employees and this will increase the level of performance of
working condition, pay and promotion potential, use of skills employees and discourage them to leave their job.
and abilities and work activities. 2. Management should give vacation and sick-leave
When grouped according to employment status, T-test benefits to their employees.
results showed that the computed value of .218 is greater than 3. It is also recommended that the management of Fast
0.05 level of significance, so the null hypothesis is accepted. Food Establishments 1 to have feedback and recognition are
Thus, there is no significant difference in the level of job both important – developmental feedback helps employees
satisfaction of employees in selected fast food establishments make corrections to their behaviour and recognition or positive
in terms of working condition, pay and promotion potential, use feedback provides recognition and supports positive affect.
of skills and abilities and work activities. 4. For the management of Fast Food Establishments 2 it is
Lastly, T-test results shows that the computed value of recommended that they should give incentives to their
.433 is greater than 0.05 level of significance, so the null employees to give their best efforts to their work.
hypothesis is accepted. Thus, there is no significant difference 5. It is also recommended that part of the training of
in the level of job satisfaction of employees in selected fast food personnel should include on personality development,
establishments in terms of working condition, pay and especially in customer relations so that pleasant attitudes could
promotion potential, use of skills and abilities and work be portrayed in dealing with customer.
activities when grouped according to Establishment.
VI. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS [1] Cariňo, C., & Beltran M. P. (2013).The hospitality industry. Intramuros,
Manila: Mindshapers Co., Inc.
The following were the findings of the study: [2] Fraenkel & Wallen.(2010). How to design and evaluate research in
1. The respondents were satisfied with their job in both fast ducation 7th edition. New York, NY 10020: McGraw-Hill Companies,
food establishments, when taken as a whole group. Inc.
[3] Judge, T. (2009). Causes job satisfaction. Journal of Socio-Economic,
2. The respondents were also satisfied with their job in both fast 34, 656-673. doi:10.1016/j.socec.2005.07.027
food establishments, when grouped according to age, gender [4] Newstrom, J. W. (2011). Organizational behaviour: Human behaviour at
and employment status work. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
3. In terms of working condition, pay and promotion, use of [5] Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.H., Gerhart, B & Wright P.M.
(2010).Fundamentals of human resource management. New York
skills and abilities and working activities the respondents were McGraw-Hill/Irwin
satisfied when taken as a whole. [6] Robbins, S. (2001). Organizational Behaviour. Jurong Singapore:
4. The respondents were satisfied with their Working Pearson Education, Inc.
Condition, Pay and Promotion, Use of Skills and Abilities and

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

MA. RHONA P. BERIALES was born in

Zarraga, Iloilo, Philippines on February 14,
1978. She finished Bachelor of Science in
Management and Master of Management
major in Business Management from the
University of the Philippines in the Visayas
in Iloilo City, Philippines. She is currentky
pursuing her Doctor of Management major
in Development Management at the Central
Philippine University in Iloilo City,
She serves as a faculty member at the same time, the Research and
Development Coordinator of St. Therese-MTC Colleges, Iloilo City,
Ms. Beriales is a member of various national and international research
organizations. She has various publications in reputable research journals
and she was able to present research papers in various research conferences
and fora in the Philippines and abroad.

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