Address: 89 Whareroa Road, Hawera, Taranaki, New Zealand
Phone: +64 6 278 2300 Fonterra WHAREROA QUICK FACTS Milk processing capacity (peak) 14 million litres per day Annual Production 428,000 tonnes - 200,000 tonnes whole milk powder and skim milk powder - 95,000 tonnes cheese products - 88,000 tonnes cream products - 35,000 tonnes protein products - 10,000 tonnes lactic casein 1,000 staf 10 plants including 5 milk, 2 cheese, 1 cream, 1 protein and 1 casein plants The largest plant, Powder 5, can produce 20 tonnes of milk powder per hour Nearly 500 20ft. containers flled every week Relies heavily on rail transport Whareroa AUCKLAND Milk Powders Whareroas fve powder plants produce about 200,000 tonnes of milk powder per year 20 tonnes per hour for export. These products include whole milk powder, skim milk powder, milk protein concentrate and butter milk powder. Productivity initiatives implemented under the Operational Excellence Programme at Whareroa has seen the powder plant produce an additional eight tonnes of milk powder per day during the peak production period. Cream Products Whareroa currently produces 88,000 tonnes per year of butter and anhydrous milk fat for export around the world. The plant has the capacity to produce 30 tonnes of butter per hour, with a total production of 98,000 tonnes per year. The total number of butter cartons produced at Whareroa each year amounts to 176 million 500g packs, and would stretch the entire length of New Zealand if laid end to end. In the heart of Taranaki, Whareroa at Hawera collects up to 14 million litres of milk a day and produces the largest volume of dairy ingredients from a single factory anywhere in the world. Established in 1972, Whareroa processes a ffth of Fonterras dairy production in New Zealand and turns it into 428,000 tonnes of milk powder, cheese, cream, protein and lactic casein ingredients every year. Whareroas team of 1000 produce enough dairy ingredients to fll more than three Olympic-sized swimming pools each week. Every six hours a train pulls into the factory to ship fve containers flled with dairy products around New Zealand and to international markets. Fonterra Whareroa This document is printed using vegetable inks on certied forest paper. Cheese Products Whareroa has two cheese plants that can process up to 3.3 million litres of milk per day. The plants can produce 95,000 tonnes of mozzarella and dry salt cheese products per year which is equivalent to 95 million 1kg blocks of cheese. The site currently produces 420 tonnes of product per day the average weight of 40 school buses. Productivity initiatives implemented at Whareroa has seen the Cheese 2 plant make an additional 14 tonnes of mozzarella per day during the peak production period. The mozzarella and dry salt cheese is produced for customers in Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand. Protein Products Whareroas Milk Protein Concentrate Plant can produce more than 35,000 tonnes of protein products per year. These proteins are manufactured for international customers for use in various cheese, physical, nutritional and pharmaceutical applications. Lactic Casein Casein is a heat-treated whey protein generated with the addition of bacterial starters. Whareroa produces both edible and technical casein, manufacturing about 10,000 tonnes of lactic casein per year for export to international markets. It is used as a binding agent in foodstufs, pharmaceuticals and in industrial applications. Environment & Sustainability The sites gas-fred co-generation plant supplies all its electricity. The plant produces 380 GWh of electricity per year, and more than 60 per cent of this feeds the national grid. Waste heat is used to run the sites milk processing plants. Rail is Whareroas main distribution method to and from the site. A substantial investment by Fonterra in rail transport, as part of its 20-year logistics strategy with Toll NZ, removed 65,000 truck movements from North Island roads, reducing trafc congestion and carbon emissions. Transporting milk on this scale by rail is a world frst. Quality Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) plans are an integral part of Whareroas Product Safety Risk Management Programme, and are certifed to the internationally recognised food safety standard ISO9001:2008. Whareroa was the frst site to implement lean manufacturing practices under Fonterras Operational Excellence Programme, which has seen it improve its eco-efciency, energy reduction, efuent losses and health and safety performance. Whareroas team of 1000 produce the largest volume of dairy ingredients from a single factory anywhere in the world.