Vaastu Ayaadi Shadvarga

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Seminar paper for Vastupanorama 2008

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By Er. Sureshlal SD Nair, Kochi, Kerala


In big Cities and towns there has been extensive boom in the construction of residential,
industrial and commercial buildings. Because of the complexity in the architecture and
construction methods, there has been lot of confusion about the proper application of
Vaastu Shastra based Building Formulae. Appropriate application of various Vaastu
based formulae is possible when one clearly understands the concepts and significance
embedded in the Vaastu based Building Formulae.
It is interesting to know about much about the importance of the Building Formulae
referred to as Ayadi Shadvarga Computations based on the Classical Sanskrit text book
known as Manushyalaya Candrika as bestowed by the ancient masters of wisdom.
Manushyalaya Candrika is written in a thesis form on residential architecture in
technical Sanskrit by Sri. Nilakanthan Musat. It is believed to be written in 16th century
AD after referring all available classical texts. In South India, especially in Kerala Vaastu
Sasthra is being practiced based on this classical text.
Any artifact or Vaastu is defined primarily by its three characteristics, viz. size, shape &
orientation. Here we explain only size and orientation as a part of Building Formulae.
Size is defined by the dimensions. The most famous text book on Vaastu, Manasara
exemplifies this. The name of the book itself denotes the mana means the dimension
and sara means the essence. Manasara means the essence of dimensions.
Sarveshamapi Vaasthunam manenaiva vinischaya: Mayamata, Chapter V-1 also
shows that dimensions are very important. Two systems were exist in ancient times for
the measurement of length. One based on the grain size, Yavamana and the other based
on human figure, Manusyapramana. In Yavamana, the basis of the measurement was
based on the size of Barly grain. Manusyapramana is based on the human body parts or
the anthropometric measurements. The relationship between the both are as shown
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8 yava (3.75 mm) =1 angula (3cm)
8 angula =1 pada (24 cm)
8 pada =1 vyama (192 cm) - the arm stretch or span of a perfect man
1 Hasta =3 Pada (72 cm)

Table 1. Vaastu Measurements
Vastu Unit Octal sub unit
Fine details, carvings etc. Yava Tila
Icons, pitha etc. Angula Yava
Building elements Hasta Parva
Buikding plan Vyama Pada
Building plot Danda Vitasti
Measurement of land Rajju (23.00) Danda (2.88m)
Townships and settlements (janapada) are measured in Yojana (1000 Rajju) . Its
octal subunits is 1000 danda which can be covered in 1 Nadika (24 min) by walk.

Ayadi is a group of six formulae Yoni, Aya and Vyaya, Rksha, Vara and Tithi that are
used to determine the dimensional conformance of a building. The six formulae are
divided in to three sets and each set consists of two formulae. A specific set of formulae
is used to work out the length, breadth and height of the building or the structure. The
length and breadth are the outer measurements of the foundation (bhumilamba) or its
base (adhistana). The height of the building is considered to be from the bottom of the
foundation or the bottom of the base to the topmost point of the building. The remainder
obtained by using these formulae determines the gain or loss accruing, the constellation
compatibility and the lunar and solar days that conduce to ones well being.
The prime dimension considered for Ayadi Computations varies from place to place. In
some places Plinth area of the building is considered. In some places the length, width or
the perimeter is considered. The classical texts such as Brhatsamhita prescribes area as
the prime dimension, while Vaasturajavallabha prescribes Height as the prime
dimension, Manasara prescribes width as the prime dimension, Mayamata and
Tantrasamuccaya prescribes perimeter as the prime dimension. In some complicated
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buildings like catussala etc, the centre line distance is considered (Madhyapraroodha) as
the prime dimension. There is no hard and fast rules for the Prime dimensions. If you
follow one of the dimensions, then it should be followed for the entire Vastu. But
normally the Ayadi Computations and its formulae remains the same with some simple
conversions. In Kerala, the prime dimension is perimeter.

3.1 YONI (Origin)
Vastu Shastra clearly emphasizes the importance of orienting the constructions to the
cardinal directional. Therefore, the orientation of the building should be one of the four
cardinal directions (North, East, South or West). As far as possible, buildings facing
angular directions are to be avoided. But in rare situations, if the site is oriented in the
angular directions, the orientation (or Yoni) formulae can be worked out in such a way so
that the remainder is 1. The ancient masters were aware of the power of monsoon winds
and other energies (physical and metaphysical). These energies were also considered in
the orientation and construction of the buildings.
Yonis are of 8 types based on the 8 prime directions. They are
Dhwaja dhuma simha kukkura vrsa khara gaja vayasa: kramenasyu I
Praagaadiyonayoshtou teshva yuja: sampade yujo vipade II
(Manushyalayacandrika: Chapter 3, stanza-26)
[Meaning: Starting from the East, the eight yonis will be Dhwaja (flag), Dhuma (smoke),
simha (Lion), kukkura (monkey), vrsa (bull), khara (dog), gaja (elephant) and vaayasa
(crow) in order. Of them, the odd ones are for wealth and even ones are for disaster]
As per Vaastusastra the Orientation of the building towards the Cardinal Directions are
considered to be auspicious and good, where as the Corner directions such as SE, SE,
NW & NE are considered to be inauspicious. This is made in the formulae format with
reference to a focal point, which in known as nabhi. Yoni is the connecting link between
the two characteristics of Vaastu, viz. Dimension and Orientation. The prime dimensions
in pada unit shall be divided by 8 (the count of cardinal directions). The Remainder of
shall be denoting the Yoni of the Vastu. Every Vastu is facing the focal point, a prime
point which should be considered before starting the Vaastu designs.
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Yoni concept gives the functional identity to the building on the basis of its orientation.
Out of the 8 prime directions, 4 cardinal directions (N, E, S, W) are preferred by all. As
far as possible, buildings facing angular directions are to be avoided. But in rare
situations, if the site is oriented in the angular directions, the orientation (or Yoni)
formulae can be worked out in such a way so that the remainder is 1. The ancient masters
were aware of the power of monsoon winds and other energies (physical and
metaphysical). These energies were also considered in the orientation and construction of
the buildings.
The details of the Yoni table is given below:

Yoni # Direction Element Results Application
1 East Dwaja/ Ketu Desired
Temples, houses,
2 South East Dhuma/Smoke Fear Not used
3 South Simha (Lion) Prosperity Seats & chairs
4 SouthWest Kukura/monkey Quarrel Not used
5 West Vrsabha/ bull Abundance of
for making boxes,
wells, lakes & cages
6 North West Khara/ dog Fickleness Not used
7 North Gaja/ elephant Welfare Used for making coats
8 North East Vaayasa/ crow Extinction of
Not used
Table 2: Yoni table
Yoni Power Spiral (PLEASE see the high resolution pictures separately)

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Yoni = Remainder of
Prime Dimension x 3
Aya = Remainder of
Prime Dimension x 8
Vyaya = Remainder of
Prime Dimension x 9
3. Rksha
= Remainder of
Prime Dimension x 8
4. Vayas
= Quotient of
Prime Dimension x 8
Vara = Remainder of
Prime Dimension x 3
Tithi = Remainder of
Prime Dimension x 9
Table 3: Ayadi Shadvarga Computations

3.2 AYA (Income) & VYAYA (Expenditure)
In the traditional sciences of India, material and esoteric aspects are interlinked. So it is
very difficult to separate the both and ignore the mysterious aspects of the science. The
Aya and Vyaya thus Calculated as per the formulae mentioned in table 3.
The Aya should be greater than Vyaya.
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The sloka given below says that Danger will occur if the Vyaya exceeds the Aya.
Aayadhikyam vyayatha: sampadya sarvadhanyadhapathi: I
Nakshatradi subhathwam jyothi: sastradibhi: suvischeyam II
(Manushyalayacandrika: Chapter 3, stanza-32)
[Meaning: By all means, income more than the expenditure should be earned, otherwise
dangers will occur. The auspiciousness of the star etc. should be well understood though
astrology etc.]
The income and expense of an auspicious perimeter should be such that the income is
more than the expenditure. Table 4 gives the computed values of Aya & Vyaya
Hasta -Angula
Yoni Aya
Hasta -Angula
Aya - Vyaya
3-00 1 12-00 9 3-00
3-16 3 5-08 11 -(5-16)
4-08 5 10-16 13 -(2-08)
5-00 7 4-00 1 3-00
5-16 1 9-08 3 6-08
6-08 3 2-16 5 -(2-08)
7-00 5 8-00 7 1-00
7-16 7 1-08 9 -(7-16)
8-08 1 6-16 11 -(4-08)
9-00 3 12-00 13 -(1-00)
9-16 5 5-08 1 4-08
10-08 7 10-16 3 7-16
(the measurements in Bold letters are auspicious since this creates a positive profit)

3.3 RKSHA (Nakshatra)
The Prime dimension multiplied by 8 and divided by the 27 ( the total number of Stars).
The reminder from 1 to 27 gives the Stars staring from Aswati.
The Rksha (or Nakshatra) formula should be worked out such that the remainder
indicates a constellation that is compatible to the masters (or spouses) constellation.
Divide the 27 constellations into three sets of nine each and count the nakshatra obtained
from your nakshatra. The count as per following table indicates the compatibility or
Table 5: Vastu Nakshatra from yajamanas nakshatra
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Count from your
Referred to as Indicates
1 J anma Danger
2 Sampath Wealth and Prosperity
3 Vipath Danger, Loss, Accidents
4 Kshema Prosperity
5 Pratyak Obstacles
6 Sadhana Realization of Ambitions
7 Naidhana Danger
8 Mitra Favorable
9 Parama Mitra Very Favorable

3.4 VAYAS (Age of Vastu)
This is having more importance as per Manusyalaya candrika is concerned. The quotient
of the above process of finding out Nakstra will give the Vayas. Vayas is of five types.
Baalatva (Childhood), Kaumara (adolescence), Youvana (youth), Vardhakya (old age)
and Mrtyu (death).
The following sloka denotes the Computation of Age.
Baalatwam Kaumaram Yauvanamath Vardhakam ca nidhanam ca I
Panch vayamsweswantham nesham shistani vastunishtani II
(Manushyalayacandrika: Chapter 3, stanza-33)
[Meaning: The age has 5 stages- Baalatva (Childhood), Kaumara (adolescence), Youvana
(youth), Vardhakya (old age) and Nidhana/Mrtyu (death). Of these the last one (death) is
not desirable. The others are good in artifacts]
As given in Table 3, the age is determined on the basis of the quotient obtained when the
Prime dimension is multiplied by 8 and divided by 27. When the quotient is 1, the age is
child hood. Till adolescence, childhood continues. It is denoted by numbers. 2 for
adolescence, 3 for youth, 4 for old age and 5 for death. Out of all 5 is adhamatva and
should not be used in any Vastu, 2 and 4 are madhyamatva, 3 and 4 are uttamatva (best).

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Quotient of *Px 8/27 Stage of Life
1,6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31 etc. Child hood
2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 etc Adolescence
3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28 etc. Youth
4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29 etc Old age
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 etc Death
Table 6: Age of a Vastu (*P=Prime dimension)

3.5 VARA (Week)
When the perimeter multiplied by 3 and divided by 7, the reminder denotes the VARA
starting from Monday. The astrological characteristics of each days are applicable for the

3.6 THITHI (Phase of Moon)
The Prime perimeter multiplied by 9 or the prime dimension as such divided by 30, what
remains is the phase of the moon in both Pakshas (half the lunar month). The
astrological characteristics of each phases of moon are applicable for the Vastu.

Like human beings, Vastu also has a horoscope. The Ayadi Shadvargas denote the
horoscope of a Vaastu. It is the guiding formulae for the prosperity and well being of the
inhabitants of the house. Here a master designer can change the horoscope of the artifact
he designs, by giving due attention to the Ayadi Shadvarga formulae.

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