Project Diary

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Motion Graphics

- Production Diary -
Lmlly Wllson
Monday 2nd uecember
Saw eace aL Leeds MeL unlon.
Sunday 26Lh !anuary
l vlsuallzed my ldea and wroLe
rough umlngs.
Iueas foi S minute motion giaphic pioject:

Peace- Follow Baby S:uS

Faue in peace sign, quick flashing coloui changes

u:u4- u:1S
A man falls slowly anu lanus with a thuu

u:16- u:2u
Black lines fall uown, tiapping the man in a cage

u:21- u:29
Zoom out anu the lines aie the stiings of a blue bass guitai

u:Su- u:S8
Zoom in to the blue anu see a woman walking fiom behinu

u:S9- u:46
Quick pan anu the woman falls to the flooi, bloou tiickles uown anu to the iight

u:47- u:S4
Zoom into the bloou quickly anu zoom out- ieu is woman's lips

Woman blinks

Explosion of ioses fills the scieen

Woman's haii whips away floweis anu whips iounu again making the scieen

1:u7- 1:14
Stais anu a moon appeai on the black zoom out at its the eye of the man at the

1:14- 1:24
The man tuins anu staits walking to the left

Nan stops as woman is uancing, he watches

She stops anu jumps slowly into the man

1:S8- 1:41
A heait beats full scieen

1:42- 1:47
Pan up the woman's bouy

1:48- 1:S2
Blue colouis uaiken- ueep- ueep- ueep- ueep

1:SS- 1:S7
The man anu woman iise out of the ocean facing each othei

The two tuin into skin colouieu stianus anu wiap aiounu one anothei iising up
anu up onto white

Explosion of ioses, they faue away

Both the man anu woman fall slowly fiom the top of the scieen anu lanu on a

2:18- 2:2S
The couple lanu on a uium, sticks aie banging anu they jump up anu uown

They both bounce off anu caiiy on falling anu fall out of shot

2:29- 2:SS
Beating heait

Beait moves closei to the scieen with each beat eventually making whole scieen

Reu faues to pink skin coloui

Slow zoom out of the couple holuing hanus in the centei of the scieen looking
out the a moonlaige peace sign

The couple faue away leaving only the peace sign

Cuts away to black
1hursday 30Lh !anuary
llrsL LuLorlal- movlng dog.
l found drawlng and anlmaung ob[ecLs
was easler Lhan anuclpaLed.
l felL condenL enough wlLh Lhe baslc
anlmauon and declded Lo go ahead
wlLh lnlual ldea.

1hursday 6Lh lebruary
Second LuLorlal- baslc Lypography
l found lL parucularly dlmculL Lo
move muluple Lhlngs round aL
one lnLo speclc places. lL
knocked my condence ln my
ldea sllghLly.
Monday 10Lh lebruary
l became a blL apprehenslve and
felL my ldea was perhaps Loo
l sLarLed research.
lound nlck khoo and wanLed Lo
adopL hls sLyle of drawlng

l sLarLed drawlng my characLers
Lo geL rough ldea of how Lhe
1he man ls based on Alex 1urner
from Lhe Aruc Monkeys. l felL hls
sklnny and angular appearance
would convey my young and
confused characLer well.
1he woman ls based on a
modernlsed appearance of a
1930's pln-up glrl.
Sunday 16Lh lebruary
Carrled on wlLh research lnLo
anlmauon and found several
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Lasy Lo follow and Lake noLes.
Advances Lowards Lhe end.
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Anchor polnLs and mouon blur.
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noL so helpful:

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no audlo explanauon.
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Slow paced and very baslc.
1uesday 18
Aer Lhe lecLure on colour l
declded Lo look lnLo whaL l
wanLed Lo use for my colour
l parucularly llked Lhe use of
colour ln K, L)>'+%D+) by Loln
l plcLured my anlmauon Lo have
loud, bold, prlmary colours buL
wlLh a recurrlng Lheme of blue Lo
convey angsL.
l chose a Lrladlc colour scheme of
blue (base colour), llghL plnk on
black (domlnanL) and red (accenL
1hursday 20Lh lebruary
l plLched my ldea Lo my pracucal
leedback was overall very
Monday 24Lh lebruary
l sLarLed my Lypography, l
declded Lo use a slow paced,
upbeaL audlo Lrack- lalryLale
Lullaby by 8ombay 8lcycle Club.
lL was very hard Lo sLarL o wlLh,
buL goL easler as l wenL along and
l was able Lo nlsh Lhe rsL half.
1uesday 23Lh lebruary
l conunued wlLh my Lypography- l
declded Lo experlmenL wlLh
harder Lransluons and
movemenLs as well as addlng
preseL eecLs.
l found lL very dlmculL Lo edlL ln
ume wlLh Lhe muslc as lL was hard
Lo see Lhe dlerenL polnLs ln Lhe

1hursday 27Lh lebruary
l drew a sh ln Adobe lllusLraLor.
lL was Lhe rsL ume l had used Lhe
l used Lhe lllusLrauon as a
Lransluon and compleLed my
formauve anlmauon.
Sunday 2
of March
l waLched several LuLorlals on
lllusLraLor ln order Lo use Lhe
soware beuer and enable me Lo
creaLe my own characLers (as l
was lnlually plannlng on havlng
someone else deslgn Lhem for
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SaLurday 13Lh March
l sLarLed wlLh my lllusLrauons for
my summauve anlmauon.
Powever, l found lL parucularly
dlmculL Lo draw a bass gulLar.
Sunday 16Lh March
ln order Lo draw Lhe bass gulLar l
came up wlLh Lhe ldea Lo draw
over a downloaded one ln a
separaLe layer, Lhe deleLe Lhe
LemplaLe gulLar.
Monday 17Lh March
l sLarLed edlung, l felL a blL more
connemenL on uslng aer eecLs aer
compleung my Lypography.
l declded Lo edlL on Lhe unlverslLy compuLer
as opposed my own as help was avallable lf l
needed lL.
Wednesday 19Lh March
l edlLed my rsL Lwo Lransluons.
Cage Lo gulLar.
CulLar Lo woman.
1hursday 20Lh March
l used Lhe puppeL Lool ln order Lo
move a slngle gulLar sung Lo Lhe
l sLarLed Lo make Lhe woman
1uesday 23Lh March
l carrled on wlLh anlmaung Lhe
woman walklng and Lransluon
from walklng Lo falllng on Lhe
24 March
l drew roses uslng Lhe same
meLhod l used Lo make Lhe bass
gulLar. lL made Lhe process much
l anlmaLed Lhe exploslon of roses
and puL lL ln a composluon so l
could use lL agaln.
Cver Lhe LasLer 8reak:
1uLorlals based on characLer
drawlng Lechnlques, some more
advanced Lhan oLhers:
urchased a graphlcs
pad Lo help wlLh Lhe
drawlngs- made Lhe
process much fasLer and
more preclse. lL Look
some pracuce buL l goL
Lhe hang of lL qulckly.
1hursday 1sL May
l conunued wlLh my lllusLrauons. l
found lL dlmculL Lo reLaln body
proporuons for each separaLe
1uesday 6Lh May
3 hours edlung.
SLarLed Lhe mouon of Lhe walklng
man and woman danclng.
l declded Lo add muslcal noLes Lo
lmprove Lhe walklng sequence.
1hursday 8Lh May
l drew Lhe woman ln her Lurnlng/
[umplng mouon.
l Lhen spenL 3 and half hours
Cemng Lhe rlghL movemenLs for
Lhe woman Lurnlng and [umplng
proved exLremely Lesung and l
found Lhere were some umlng
lssues as l underesumaLed how
qulck many movemenLs were. lL
meanL Lhe anlmauon was sllghLly
Loo qulck for Lhe muslc.
1he woman's arm was coverlng her
halr ln Lhe sequence desplLe belng
layered above Lhe arm.
l wasn'L sure how Lo resolve Lhe
lssue lnlually. l also declded Lo have
Lhe man lnch away and fall ouL of
shoL Lo make lL more lnLeresung.
Sunday 11Lh May
llnlshed o lllusLrauons ln order
Lo compleLe anlmauon.
Aer waLchlng Lhe anlmauon
back, l declded LhaL Lhe sequence
of Lhe woman walklng from
behlnd was poor quallLy. Per
body dldn'L seem Lo maLch each
ume so l redrew her from behlnd.
Monday 12
l spenL much of Lhe day Lrylng Lo
x Lhe woman walklng sequence.
Changlng Lhe lllusLrauon around
was much harder Lhan
anuclpaLed. l ended up lmporung
her body as one enuLy and uslng
Lhe puppeL Lool, buL lL sull looked
l managed Lo compleLe up Lo
2:08, Lhls lncluded a Lrlple hearL
Lransluon, pannlng down Lhe
woman's body as she wlpes blood
from her llp, Lhe palr rlslng ouL of
Lhe ocean and a second exploslon
of roses uslng Lhe orlglnal
composluon- Lhls saved a loL of
1uesday 13
l sLarLed wlLh anlmaung Lhe
couple falllng onLo a drum, l
declded Lo use a preseL Lransluon
as lL worked well ln Lhe sequence.
l had Lrouble lllng a 10-13
second gap Lowards Lhe end, l
underesumaLed how qulck Lhe
drum sequence would be.
l lled Lhls wlLh anoLher exploslon
of roses and Lhe palr splnnlng
Lhrough Lhe shoL.
l nlshed wlLh a slow zoom ouL of
Lhe couple on a beach, Lhe umlng
worked qulLe well for Lhls.
l added drop shadows Lo Lhe
characLers Lo make Lhem less 2u.
My anlmauon was compleLe.
Wednesday 14
l pollshed up a couple of areas on
Lhe anlmauon lncludlng:
1he man blushlng aL Lhe woman- l
added a Causslan blur as l felL lL
looked sllghLly sLrange oLherwlse.

l was able Lo x Lhe prlor lssue of
Lhe woman's halr belng hldden by
her arm by changlng a 3u posluon
whlch meanL lL was belng
l exporLed my pro[ecL wlLh no
lssue ln [usL 10 mlnuLes.

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