Quotes About Jews You Will Never Hear in Schools
Quotes About Jews You Will Never Hear in Schools
Quotes About Jews You Will Never Hear in Schools
The death squads and concentration camps of history were never staffed by rebels
and dissidents. They were were run by those who followed the rules.
Posted on March 23, 2013 by horse23
!"nti#$emitism is a disease%you catch it from &ews'%(d)ar &. $teele
*+*(,- .Marcus Tullius *icero/. 0irst century 1.*. ,oman statesman, writer. !$oftly2 $oftly2 +
want none but the 3ud)es to hear me. The &ews have already )otten me into a fine mess, as they
have many other )entleman. + have no desire to furnish further )rist for their mills.'
4+- *"$$+5$. $econd century ,oman historian. 4escribin) the sava)e &ewish uprisin) a)ainst
the ,oman empire that has been ac6nowled)ed as the turnin) point downward in the course of
that )reat state#form7 !The &ews were destroyin) both 8ree6s and ,omans. They ate the flesh of
their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their
blood9 +n all, 220,000 men perished in *yrene and 2:0,000 in *yprus, and for this reason no
&ew may set foot in *yprus today.' .,oman ;istory/
"<5+="$, T;-M"$, $aint. 13th century scholastic philosopher. +n his !-n the 8overnance of
the &ews,' he wrote7 !The &ews should not be allowed to 6eep what they have obtained from
others by usury> it were best that they were compelled to wor6ed so that they could earn their
livin) instead of doin) nothin) but becomin) avaricious.'
;.;. 1("M+$;, in =ew ?or6 $peech, -ctober 30, 1@37 !The 1oer Aar occurred 3 years a)o.
1oer means farmer. Many criticiBed a )reat power li6e 1ritain for tryin) to wipe out the 1oers.
5pon ma6in) inquiry, + found all the )old and diamond mines of $outh "frica were owned by
&ews> that ,othschild controlled )old> $amuels controlled silver, 1aum controlled other minin),
and Moses controlled base metals. "nythin) these people touch they inevitably pollute.'
A. ;58;($, Premier of "ustralia, $aturday (venin) Post, &une 1@, 1@1@7 !The Montefiores
have ta6en "ustralia for their own, and there is not a )old field or a sheep run from Tasmania to
=ew $outh Aales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the
antipodean continent. Ahat is the )ood of our bein) a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the
hands of 8erman &ewsC'
P-P( *D(M(=T E+++7 !"ll the world suffers from the usury of the &ews, their monopolies and
deceit. They have brou)ht many unfortunate people into a state of poverty,
0,"=F D+$FT, famed composer quoted in *ol. (. =. $anctuaryGs "re These Thin)s $oC, pa)e
2H7 !The day will come when all nations amidst which the &ews are dwellin) will have to raise
the question of their wholesale eIpulsion, a question which will be one of life or death, )ood
health or chronic disease, peaceful eIistence or perpetual social fever.'
&($5$ *;,+$T, spea6in) to the &ews in the 8ospel of $t. &ohn, E+++7::7 !?e are of your father
the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. ;e was a murderer from the be)innin), and
abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. Ahen he spea6eth a lie, he spea6eth of
his own7 for he is a liar and the father of it. % then answered the &ews % ' .which ma6es it clear
that *hrist was addressin) the &ews./
M",T+= D5T;(,, Table Tal6 of Martin Duther, translated by Ailliam ;aBlet, pa)e :37 !1ut
the &ews are so hardened that they listen to nothin)> thou)h overcome by testimonies they yield
not an inch. +t is a pernicious race, oppressin) all men by their usury and rapine. +f they )ive a
prince or ma)istrate a thousand florins, they eItort twenty thousand from the sub3ects in
payment. Ae must ever 6eep on )uard a)ainst them.'
M",+" T;(,($", <ueen of ;un)ary and 1ohemia .11 % 1H@/7 !;enceforth no &ew, no
matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. + 6now
of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by
their fraud, usury and money#lendin) and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises.
$ubsequently they have to be removed and eIcluded from here as much as possible.'
*-5=T ;(DM5T; E-= M-DTJ(, Prussian )eneral7 !The &ews form a state, and, obeyin)
their own laws, they evade those of their host country. The &ews always consider an oath
re)ardin) a *hristian not bindin). 4urin) the *ampai)n of 1H12 the &ews were spies, they were
paid by both sides, they betrayed both sides.'
A"$;+=8T-=, 8(-,8(, in MaIims of 8eor)e Aashin)ton by ". ". "ppleton K *o.7 !They
.the &ews/ wor6 more effectively a)ainst us, than the enemyGs armies. They are a hundred times
more dan)erous to our liberties and the )reat cause we are en)a)ed in9 +t is much to be
lamented that each state, lon) a)o, has not hunted them down as pest to society and the )reatest
enemies we have to the happiness of "merica.'
A+D;(DM ++. 8erman Jaiser7 !" &ew cannot be a true patriot. ;e is somethin) different, li6e a
bad insect. ;e must be 6ept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief % even by po)roms, if
necessary. The &ews are responsible for 1olshevism in ,ussia, and 8ermany too. + was far too
indul)ent with them durin) my rei)n, and + bitterly re)ret the favors + showed the prominent
&ewish ban6ers.' .*;+*"8- T,+15=(, &uly 2, 1@22/
*",4+="D M+=4$F(=T?, of ;un)ary quoted in 1Gnai 1Grith Messen)er, &anuary 2H, 1@:@7
!The troblema6ers in ;un)ary are the &ews9 they demoraliBe our country and they are the
leaders of the revolutionary )an) that is torturin) ;un)ary.'
M,$. *D",( $;(,+4"=, Traveler, Decturer in =(A ?-,J A-,D4, 4ecember 1L, 1@237
!The *ommunists are &ews, and ,ussia is bein) entirely administered by them. They are in every
)overnment office, bureau and newspaper. They are drivin) out the ,ussians and are responsible
for the anti#$emitic feelin) which is increasin).'
!+ fear the &ewish ban6s with their craftiness and tortuous tric6s will entirely control the
eIuberant riches of "merica. "nd use it to systematically corrupt modern civiliBation. The &ews
will not hesitate to plun)e the whole of *hristendom into wars and chaos that the earth should
become their inheritance.' .1ismarc6/
!Aars are the &ews harvest, for with them we wipe out the *hristians and )et control of their
)old. Ae have already 6illed 100#million of them, and the end is not yet.' .*hief ,abbi in
0rance, in 1HL@, ,abbi ,eichorn/.
!Ae shall drive the *hristians into war by eIploitin) their national vanity and stupidity. They
will then massacre each other, thus )ivin) room for our own people.' .,abbi ,eichorn, in De
*ontemporain, &uly 1st, 1HH0/
!There are two life#forces in the world + 6now7 &ewish and )entile, ours and yours9+ do not
believe that this primal difference between )entile and &ew is reconcilable. ?ou and we may
come to an understandin), never to a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as lon) as
we are in intimate contact. 0or nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you
forever.' .Maurice $amuel, ?ou 8entiles, ;arcourt, 1race K *o., =ew ?or6, 1@2:, pp. 1@, 23/.
!The &ews are more sub3ect to diseases of the nervous system than the other races and peoples
amon) which they dwell. ;ysteria and neurasthenia appear to be most frequent. $ome physicians
of lar)e eIperience amon) the &ews have even )one so far as to state that most of them are
neurasthenic and hysterical.' .The &ewish (ncyclopedia, Eol. +M, .1@0L/, p. 22L/.
!(ver since the &ews invented the libel char)e of Nanti#$emitismG in the 1HH0s .The word Nanti#
$emitismG was first printed in 1HH0.G The &ewish (ncyclopedia, Eol. + .1@01/, p. O:1/, it has been
built up with &ewish money, or)aniBations, propa)anda, and lies .such as the ;olocaust#
;olohoaI/, so that now the word is li6e sna6e venom which paralyBes oneGs nervous system.
(ven the mention of the word N&ewG is shunned unless used in a most favorable and positive
conteIt.' .*harles ". Aeisman, Aho is (sau#(domC, p. O3/.
!"nti#$emitism is so instinctive that it may quite simply be called one of the primal instincts of
man6ind, one of the important instincts by which the race helps to preserve itself a)ainst total
destruction. + cannot emphasiBe the matter too stron)ly. "nti#$emitism is not, as &ews have tried
to ma6e the world believe, an active pre3udice. +t is a deeply hidden instinct with which every
man is born. ;e remains unconscious of it, as of all other instincts of self preservation, until
somethin) happens to awa6en it. &ust as when somethin) flies in the direction of your eyes, the
eyelids close instantly and of their own accord. $o swiftly and surely is the instinct of anti#
$emitism awa6ened in a man9there is not a sin)le instance when the &ews have not fully
deserved the bitter fury of their persecutors.' .$amuel ,oth, &ews Must Dive, .1@3:/, p. O:/.
!The $econd Aorld Aar is bein) fou)ht for the defense of the fundamentals of &udaism.'
.$tatement by ,abbi 0eliI Mendlesohn, *hica)o $entinel, -ctober H, 1@:2/.
!Fionism is &udaism, and &udaism is unthin6able without Fionism.' .;arperGs (ncyclopedia of
5nited $tates ;istory, Eol. M, !Fionists'/.
!Ae &ews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. =othin) you can do will meet
our demands and needs. Ae will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.' .?ou
8entiles, by &ewish "uthor Maurice $amuels, p. 1LL/.
!Ae will have a world )overnment whether you li6e it or not. The only question is whether that
)overnment will be achieved by conquest or consent.' .&ewish 1an6er Paul Aarbur), 0ebruary
1, 1@L0, as he testified before the 5.$. $enate/.
!(ven if we &ews are not bodily with you in the trenches, we are nevertheless morally with you.
This is -5, A",, and you are fi)htin) it for us.' .Des =ouvelles Ditteraires, 0ebruary 10,
!-ur tas6 is not to tell the truth> we are opinion molders.' .Aalter *ron6ite/.
!5se the courts, use the 3ud)es, use the constitution of the country, use its medical societies and
its laws to further our ends. 4o not stint in your labor in this direction. "nd when you have
succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own le)islation at will and you can, by
careful or)aniBation, by constant campai)ns about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your
effectiveness, ma6e the capitalist himself, by his own appropriation, finance a lar)e portion of
the quiet *ommunist conquest of that nation.' ."ddress of the &ew Daventria 1eria, The
*ommunist TeItboo6 on Psychopolitics, pa)e H/.
!9PAeQ must stop these swarms of &ews who are tradin), barterin) and robbin).' .5$ *ivil Aar
8eneral Ailliam $herman/.
!The )reatest dan)er to this country lies in their lar)e ownership and influence in our motion
pictures, our press, our radio and our )overnment.' .*harles ". Dindber), $peech at 4es Moines,
+owa, $eptember 11, 1@:1/.
!The 8ula) "rchipela)o, Nhe informed an incredulous world that the blood#maddened &ewish
terrorists had murdered siIty#siI million victims in ,ussia from 1@1H to 1@L2 $olBhenitsyn cited
*he6a -rder =o. 10, issued on &anuary H, 1@217 NTo intensify the repression of the bour)eoisie.G'
."leIander $olBhenitsyn, The 8ula) "rchipela)o/
!The &ews are the master robbers of the modern a)e.' .=apoleon 1onaparte/
!They are the carrion birds of humanity9Pspea6in) of the &ewsQ are a state within a state. They
are certainly not real citiBens9The evils of &ews do not stem from individuals but from the
fundamental nature of these people.' .=apoleon 1onaparte, $tated in ,eflections and $peeches
before the *ouncil of $tate on "pril 30 and May , 1H0O/
!The &ews are the most hateful and the most shameful of the small nations.' .Eoltaire, 8od and
;is Men/
!Mrs. Ean ;ynin), + am surprised at your surprise. ?ou are a student of history R and you 6now
that both the 1or)ias and the Mediciis are &ewish families of +taly. $urely you 6now that there
have been Popes from both of these house. Perhaps it will surprise you to 6now that we have had
20 &ewish Popes, and when you have sufficient time, which may coincide with my free time, +
can show you these names and dates. ?ou will learn from these that7 The crimes committed in the
name of the *atholic *hurch were under &ewish Popes. The leaders of the inquisition was one,
de Torquemada, a &ew.' .AomanGs Eoice, =ovember 2L, 1@L3/
!+ am afraid the ordinary citiBen will not li6e to be told that the ban6s can, and do, create
money9"nd they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of 8overnments and hold
in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.' .,e)inald McJenna, former *hancellor
of the (Ichequer, &anuary 2:, 1@2:/
!Ae are livin) in a hi)hly or)aniBed state of socialism. The state is all> the individual is of
importance only as he contributes to the welfare of the state. ;is property is only his as the state
does not need it. ;e must hold his life and his possessions at the call of the state.' .1ernard M.
1aruch, The Jnic6erboc6er Press, "lbany, =.?. "u)ust H, 1@1H/
!The &ewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. +t will attain world dominion by the
dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the
establishment of a world republic in which the &ews will everywhere eIercise the privile)e of
citiBenship. +n this new world order the *hildren of +srael will furnish all the leaders without
encounterin) opposition. The 8overnments of the different peoples formin) the world republic
will fall without difficulty into the hands of the &ews. +t will then be possible for the &ewish
rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to ma6e use of the resources of the state. Thus
will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is
come the &ews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.' .1aruch Devy, Detter
to Jarl MarI, Da ,evue de Paris, p. L:, &une 1, 1@2H
-n a personal note a youn) &ewish woman in her 20s once admitted that the best of their people
do not li6e us. "nd the only ones who li6e us are terrible people.