Fnyyh U KF D Lsok Ijh (KK & 2014: Vuqns'K

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fnYyh U;kf;d lsok ijh{kk & 2014

vuqns'k / Instructions
. , |ii = t| =|i iu ti ui,u| t l t lu
A candidate shall be eligible to appear at the examination, if he/she is :-
() iiu i -il t ;
(a) a citizen of India ;
(i) iiu = liui = iu ti,t| t ii t liui lil-=, ss u u liui = -|u l
i- t u i t ; i
(b) a person practising as an Advocate in India or a person qualified to be admitted as an Advocate under the Advocates Act,
1961 ; and
() |ii ii ti - | luli +i | t| -| ii u -|, zar i sz i li i i,| -t| t |
(c) not more than 32 years of age as on 1
January, 2015, i.e. on the 1
day of January following the date of commencement of
the examination.
- lu ilu,- ilu =|ii =i= = liu= i |=i = r i | s - | i|| i = s -, i u l- = ili l-=
iiui|- =|i- iu lii| i -i|- =|i- iu lii| i| iil= t , i l li- -i l- = lltu t, i i|
i ti ||
In the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Tribes the upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years. Relaxation in age will
also be available to the Ex-Servicemen including Emergency Commssioned Officers and Short Service Commissioned Officers
as mentioned in the advertisement notice.
fVIi.kh%|ii t u i - - i =|ii i t l-lu -i ilt l |ii = i t u i~ui | i| iu | u t | |ii
l| i| -u ii u i li |ii, = |ii (lliu) uii =i li |ii l l -i , ii ,ii -|u li i, = -i
i li , - -ii| ti i i lltu i~ui iui i - ,ii , +i+u u - - i|- ti i| l l| i| = , i li
|ii, = |ii (lliu) uii =i li |ii ii iu i iu t ii iui t l t =|i i~ui | l| iu
i i -t| ui,u| t ui |ii t u | =|i| , ii ,ii l+-i l| -i ii lulu i | i||
Note : The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the
examination. Their admission at all the stages of examination for which they are admitted by this Court, viz. Preliminary
Examination, Main Examination (Written) and the Viva-voce shall be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed
eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time before or after the Preliminary Examination, Main Examination (Written) and the
Viva-voce, it is found that the candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature for the examination shall
stand cancelled without any notice or further reference.
2- i - ~ = l-liu l-| il i l-=i|, s/a i l-= s , i t
Rule 19 of the Delhi Judicial Service Rules, 1970 referred to in the Application Form, reads as follows :-
() l| i| lu i , i = l- lu i -t| ==i ii l| li |lu l-i ti | u l ii , +iu
u - ti l li l-i ti - s li i ii t , ui t l| i| lu i , l-= = s - u t |
No person who has more than one wife living shall be eligible for appointment to the service. Provided that the Administrator may,
if he is satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this sub-rule.
(z) i , i| | =lti , i = l- lu i -t| ==| i| l- l| lu lit li ti l| t| -| |lu t |
u l ii , +iu u - ti l i - i i , li i ii t ui t | l| i| =lti i u l-= = s - u
t | ( ii l-| il i l-=, s/a l-= z () = liiliu t li ui lii- - s zss u u i- lu ,ii
l- u - s zss u u | - = -il=u i- | iii-| i ~ l-| ii t |)
No woman who is married to any person who has a wife living shall be eligible for appointment to the service. Provided that the
Administrator may, if he is satisfied that there are special grounds for doing so, exempt any such woman from the operation of this
sub-rule. ("Administrator" is defined in Rule 2(a) of the Delhi Judicial Service Rules, 1970 which means the Lieutenant
Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi appointed by the President under Article 239 and designated as such under
Article 239 AA of the Constitution.)
s. =|ii i - i -~ |. .., . |i +i= -| i --, |u i ,ii u l-+ i (u ui) l-| i, i iit
i , -, l-|a ras i - -i= , i -~ ii - l+i+ = i , i i - ilt l i - ilu | lu= luli,
i l li- -i l- = lltu t , - i t i | i -~, i - ilu | lu= luli u l-| ii +i,l i -
+t a.sa + i t .aa + i z.aa + .aa + u l| i| i l = luu - i| l i u t |
Candidates must send their Application Form alongwith DJSE Registration Form by "Speed Post/Registered Post" addressed
to the Joint Registrar (Vig.), High Court of Delhi, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi - 110 503, by designation, enclosed in the envelope
provided with the Application Form so as to reach him before the last date of receipt of applications as prescribed in the
advertisement. Applications can also be submitted personally at the Filing Counter of Delhi High Court from 10:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
and from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. on any working day, till the last date of receipt of application forms.
. =|ii i t it | iu| t l |. .., . |i +i= i i- , ii - - ii i i| ii lu uii -i
i- |
Before filling DJSE Registration Form, the candidates are advised to carefully read and follow the instructions in this regard
appended hereto.
r. i -~, |. .., . |i +i= uii li-|lu ~ i| ,ii - i = i i- ilt| i| ii lu i |. .., . |i
+i= ii l si - l+i+ = i i- ilt| uu i -~, li-|lu~, si - l+i+ = i |. .., . |i
+i = ltu ii = l + l+i+ = i ul-+ i (u ui), l-| ii, i iit i , -, l-|a ras i i i |
i -~, i l i ti i u i ti i lltu i -~ = -t| i t ti i l- ii |. .., . |i +i= -t|
ti , l i |
The Application Form, DJSE Registration Form and the Acknowledgement Card must be completed by the candidate in his /her
own handwriting. DJSE Registration Form duly filled in must be put in separately in the accompanying smaller envelope provided
for the purpose. Thereafter the Application Form, Acknowledgement Card and the smaller envelope containing the DJSE
Registration Form must be put in the accompanying large envelope addressed to the Joint Registrar (Vig.), High Court of Delhi,
Sher Shah Road, New Delhi - 110 503.
Incomplete application forms or application fomrs wrongly filled in or those not on the prescribed Application Form or not
accompanied by the DJSE Registration Form are liable to be summarily rejected.
6- li- -i l- = lltu luli iu l-| i = iu l| i| i -~ lt| i| ll-ilui = li -t| li ii|
Any application form received by the High Court of Delhi after the date prescribed in the advertisement notice shall not be
entertained under any circumstances.
/. (i) t =|i l- -i i - ~ -| i --, | u i ,ii liu li t , - i -~ | ilu +i = l-|
ii | +i,- (+- +- +- .l-| ti, i - .l-.,-) i i ui,u| t |
A candidate who has sent his/her application form through speed post / registered post may see the website of Delhi High
Court (www.delhihighcourt.nic.in) regarding receipt of his/her application form.
7. (ii) luu - +i,l i -, l-| ii i -~ -u u - i =|ii i iu| | i ltu u u
i| | i||
Acknowledgement with receipt no. shall be issued instantly to the candidate submitting application form personally at
Filling Counter, Delhi High Court.
7. (iii) l- =|ii i uiil - |ii = + -- | - =lu l= | t -| | l-| ii | + i,- i ti ||
List of candidates who have been admitted provisionally to appear in the examination would be available on the website of
Delhi High Court.
8. (i) l| =|i i ili |ii iu l- -i i - . , i~ ii - ti - | l-ilu = t =|i - i - ., i~
| l,u| lu l-| ii | + i,- (+- +- +- .l-| ti, i - .l-.,-) i- i u t i -
+ liu |ii - | ti- t u =ii =uiui ti-~,ii - ,+i i li i- ,ii i| l ti-~ i
+i -i l-iu ti |
In case any candidate does not receive his/her Roll Number/Admit Card seven days before the Preliminary Examination, he/
she may download duplicate Roll Number/Admit Card from the website of Delhi High Court (www.delhihighcourt.nic.in) and
appear at the respective examination centre with proof of his identity i.e. Voter Identity Card/Passport/Identity card issued by
the Bar Association and a photograph.
8. (ii) l| i| --|i =i= = =|i u l-+ i (u ui), l-| ii, -, l-| u t |
In case of any clarification, the candidate may contact Joint Registrar (Vigilance), Delhi High Court, New Delhi.
9. l| i| i| i |ii = + -- - i - - +i = l-| i i l-i lu= =i-i ii|
The decision of the Delhi High Court regarding eligibility of a candidate for admission to the examination shall be final.
a. l i| -ii| ii -ii| i| i = t ui -i i -~ l-i - liiii ii ii ii
=i= t| i -i ilt i , i -~ u = l -i - i i l-| ii u l-+ i (u ui)
i i | i| i t - -iil ti i l t l-lu l i -~ l-| ii = = t |
A candidate in Government Service, whether in a permanent or temporary capacity must submit his/her application through the
Head of his/her Department or office who will complete the endorsement at the end of the application form and forward it to the
Joint Registrar (Vig.), High Court of Delhi. It shall, however, be the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that the application
reaches Delhi High Court in time.
11. i| , l = |ii (lliu) = + ii liu li iui t , ui t lii= ii liu ti - l-i i|u u l-+i (u ui)
l-| ii i -i i -a |a a a , a |i +i= i , lu u t l--lliu -ui i | lulli i l
il~u lii| ,ii - - =iliu ti , i
A candidate, if declared successful in the Main Examination (Written) must send copies of the following documents duly attested
by a Gazetted Officer to the Joint Registrar (Vig.), High Court of Delhi within 10 days of the declaration of the result indicating his/
her Roll No. and DJSE Registration Form Number:-
(1) i i =ii (= l- ii | =i |ii i =ii~)
Proof of age (Certificate of Matriculation or other equivalent examination)
(2) ..+|. | l | ii =i l |
LL.B. degree or other equivalent law degree
(3) = l- |ii + u -i|i ii l-iu i| i i =ii~ i ll i
Certificates and degrees of all courses passed or attended commencing from Matriculation Examination onwards
(4) i - i, l l- t t | +i = - l=u t ui - =i i =ii
Advocate's licence if practising/Proof of enrolment, if enrolled with Bar
(5) l i , i| - lu ilu,-ilu = l| +liu ti - i ii ui t ui +ll- lii|, li
=l-- -, i- ti ii l| lii| l +liu i i ,ii u =ii~ i| - l i= -
-il=u li i ti , ,ii i| =ii~ |
In case of a candidate who claims to belong to one of the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, certificate from a Sub-
Divisional Officer, Additional District Magistrate, Revenue Assistant or any other Officer, who has been designated by the
State Government concerned as competent to issue such a certificate.
(6) l i , i| , ii|l li (ii,- l-) (lui|ui +iliu - ti ),l-i li ui (i .. +i iilu (i| i +i| ),
i .. -i iilu (i| i +i| ), +|..(i -i -i iilu +i -t| ) ti - ii iii,s - i ii ui t , ui i
=i - = i| -ui,lli +i ,ii i| l i =ii~|
In case of a candidate claiming reservation/relaxation on account of being Physically Handicapped (Blind/Low Vision)
(mobility not to be restricted)/Orthopaedically handicapped {OA-one arm affected (right or left), OL-one leg affected (right or
left), BL-both legs affected but not arms)}, certificate, issued by a Government Hospital/Medical Board in support of his/her
(7) i , i| i u l-, iiui|- =|i- iu lii| i -i|- =|i- lii| ti - ii i = s - i ii
ui,u| t ui t , +i = i| i i i, ||
In case of a candidate claiming relaxation in age on account of his/her being Ex-Serviceman, Emergency Commissioned
Officer or Short Service Commissioned Officer, documentary evidence in this regard.
z. t i| i - lu ilui ,-ilui ii ii|l - i l-i +liu ti - i ii ui,u| t , l t = |ii
(lliu) = + ii liu li iui t ui lii= ii liu ti - l-i i|u u l-+ i (u ui), l-| ii i -i
= ilu, ui =ii~ -u u -i ti i|
A candidate, who claims to belong to Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes or Physically Handicapped categories if declared
successful in the Main Examination (Written), must submit the original caste/disability certificate to the Joint Registrar (Vig.), Delhi
High Court within ten days of the declaration of the result.
s. i| i li i-= = ii , lu |=i , i| -i , -~i -i | iiii = - ti |
Candidate will be required to answer all questions/question papers in English, except to the extent otherwise indicated in the syllabus.
. l| i| i | l+ili i u ii-i i i i ui =i-i ii|
Canvassing or use of unfair means in any form shall be considered a disqualification.
15- vkosnu&i= ds tek djus ls iwoZ vH;FkhZ ds fy, tkapus ;ksX; lwph %&
Check list for the candidate before submission of the application form :-
(i) i -~ = lltu -ii- ii - ii | +i -i , i il~u lii| ,ii - - =iliu ti , uii |. .., . |i +i=
= lltu -ii- ii - ii | +i -i (i l - =iliu - ti ) i | , t |
A passport size photograph (duly attested by a Gazetted Officer) on the Application Form and a passport size photograph
(unattested) on the DJSE Registration Form has been affixed in the space provided therein.
(ii) - i t-uiilu |. .., . |i +i= i , i - l - l
i l+i+ = i li i t |
Duly filled in and signed DJSE Registration Form has been put in the smaller envelope provided for the purpose.
(iii) + i i i -~ i l+i+i, l= |. .., . |i +i= ii i t , + l+i+ i l ul-+ i (u ui), l-|
ii, i iit i , -, l-|a ras i +i liu t , = i li i t |
The Application Form completed in all respects alongwith the smaller envelope containing the DJSE Registration Form has been
put in the larger envelope addressed to the Joint Registrar (Vig.), High Court of Delhi, Sher Shah Road, New Delhi-110 503.
(iv) + i l+i+i , i i ,ii i i i i luu - l-| ii +i,l i - li i l t i -~
ilu | lltu lu= luli i i lilu i t i|
The larger envelope to be dispatched so as to reach the addressee or personally delivered at the Filing
Counter of Delhi High Court on or before the last date prescribed for receipt of application forms.
. |. .., . |i +i= i -- , l-, -i|, i, +i -i, |i -i ii ilu t i-i =-i t i l ,i - ,ii |i - -
li i-i t |
Do not staple, pin, tag, scribble, tear, wet, soil or damage the application form, particularly the DJSE Registration Form, because
it is required to be directly scanned by the Computer.
z. + l+i+ = iu =, si - l+i+ i , l= |. .., . |i +i= ii i ti , i - ~ ii l- uii -- - i i
- t| -i| |
The smaller envelope containing the DJSE Registration Form must not be pinned, stapled or tagged with the Application Form
while being put in the larger envelope.
. l-| il i |ii i -ii -i ii = ti |
Delhi Judicial Service Examination will be held in two successive stages :-
(i) l-| il i i li |ii (zr% -ii= i ltu -u l-- i |), = |ii = - t u ,
Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (Objective Type with 25% negative marking) for selection for the Main
Examination, and
(ii) l-| il i = |ii (lliu), =i li |ii = + i i- t u li i - t u |
Delhi Judicial Service Main Examination (Written) for selection of candidates for calling for Viva-voce.
z. i| i ilt l -| l,= uii -it| - ii i , l- ii i , i= | l -i - , i i
il |ii i- = -t| i |
The Candidate should bring his/her own pencil/pen and ink but not any other articles such as notes, loose sheets etc. into the
Examination Hall.
s. ili |ii i i -|l- - -- ti i l= - -u l-- i -i ii zaa i i ti i| ili |ii
= , =|ii i i=i i- i i, =|i | lilu | i=ui, | iiii = iui, -u l-- i | lli =-ii i
i- t i l iiu| lii-, li-| li ltui, li ltui, iiu| ltui, lii lil-=, i= i| lil-=,
=-iui lli +liu l,i u, i lil-=, ll-l - - ui i lil-= l|=i lil-= iiilu - iil= l i |
The Preliminary Examination will be a Screening Test and will consist of one paper of multiple objective type questions
carrying maximum of 200 marks. In the Preliminary Examination, questions on general knowledge and aptitude of the
candidate, candidate's power of expression, flair in english, knowledge of objective type legal problems and their solutions
covering Constitution of India, Code of Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Penal Code, Contract Act,
Partnership Act, Principles Governing Arbitration Law, Evidence Act, Specific Relief Act and Limitation Act will be included.
. ili |ii = i=i i| =|ii l -u= t ui sa luiu iliu i l-i =|ii ii u - lu ilui ,
- lu - ilui uii ii|l - ( l-t|-,- l-) (lui|ui +iliu - ti ),li i l rr luiu l-ii lu t | uiil,
= |ii (lliu) = l-iu ti - i =|ii | i i -| | lilu llui | i i a ii li -t| ti ||
Minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination shall be 60% for General and 55% for Reserved Categories i.e.
Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped (Blind/Low Vision) (Mobility not to be restricted)/Orthopaedically.
However, the number of candidates to be admitted to the Main Examination (Written) will not be more than Ten times the total
number of vacancies of each category advertised.
r. = |ii (lliu) = i t u ii liu i =|ii ,ii ili |ii = iu -| i ui = l-ii lu - t u -t| l- i |
The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main
Examination (Written) will not be counted for determining their final order of merit.
s. = |ii (lliu), - ii iiIII = l-ii lu i- = - i ti ||
The Main Examination (Written) will be as per the syllabus prescribed in Part III of the Instructions.
eq[; ijh{kk fyf[kr gsrq ikB~;e@SYLLABUS FOR MAIN EXAMINATION (WRITTEN)
= |ii (lliu) = l--lliu lii iiilu -~ ti ( li i -~ i=- ii liu= i i ti i)
The Main Examination (Written) will include the following subjects (each subject to carry the number of marks shown against it):-
=i Sl.No. li Subject liu= ,Max. Marks
. i=i i- iiii General Knowledge and Language 250
2. |i-| lliI Civil Law-I 200
3. |i-| lliII Civil Law-II 200
4. lli Criminal Law 200
. lkekU; Kku ,oa Hkk"kk % , - ~ i ii ti |
General Knowledge and Language : This paper shall comprise of two sections.
ii I lkekU; Kku , ,ii i=l lii ,il +i = i| | i-i| | i | i|| 100 vad
Section I : General Knowledge : This is to test the candidate's knowledge of current affairs etc. (100 Marks)
ii II Hkk"kk fucU/k] vuqokn ,oa lkjka'k ys[ku&dyk % , ,ii i| | | = lilu i- | i | i||
i| | i -ui li - = ii i lilu i -i i i - li i i| , l|u ii+
lilu, ii i i uii ii ,il i - i = -i u| | i || - i - t u i ,i
l i l-= | = ti i li lt| ( -i| ll = ) - i liu ti i| i ,i lt|
( -i| ll = ) ti i li | = - i li i-i liu ti i| 150 va d
Section II : Language (Essay, Translation and Precis Writing) : This is to test the candidate's knowledge and power of
expression in English. Credit will be given both for substance and expression. Conversely, deduction will be
made for bad expression, faults of grammar and misuse of words etc. There will be two passages for
translation, one in English which will be required to be translated into Hindi (in Devnagri Script). The Second
passage in Hindi (in Devnagri Script) shall be required to be translated into English. (150 marks)
z. nhokuh fof/k&I % iiu| li lil-=, iiu| -u l lil-=, iiu| ii|i| lil-=, ll-l - - ui i lil-=, lt lli, = l-=
lli, l-| lii l-~ lil-= uii lli| 200 vad
Civil Law-I : Indian Contract Act, Indian Sale of Goods Act, Indian Partnership Act, Specific Relief Act, Hindu Law, Mohammaden
Law, Delhi Rent Control Act and Law of Torts. (200 marks)
s. nhokuh fof/k&II% li-| li ltui, i lli, l|=i lli |i lli 200 vad
Civil Law-II : Civil Procedure Code, Law of Evidence, Law of Limitation & Law of Registration. (200 marks)
. n.M fof/k % li ltui, iiu| ltui i iiu| i lil-=| 200 vad
Criminal Law : Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Penal Code & Indian Evidence Act. (200 marks)
ekSf[kd ijh{kk@Viva-Voce
. =i li |ii ra ti | =i li |ii l t| i| i i + ii ii lt - ~ = -u= a luiu
i l=i ra luiu iu t ti | lu ti u iliu i l-i =|ii ii u - lu ilui , - lu -ilui , uii
ii|l - ( l-t|-,- l-) (lui|ui +iliu - ti ),li i i +i t t -i|i ti - l lliu -~
= -u= sr luiu uii l=i r luiu iu - ti |
Viva-voce will carry 150 marks. Only such candidates will be called for Viva-voce who have obtained 40% marks in each written
paper and 50% marks in aggregate except in the case of candidates belonging to reserved categores i.e. Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped (Blind/Low Vision) (mobility not to be restricted)/Orthopaedically in whose case
the qualifying marks shall be 35% in each written paper and 45% in the aggregate.
z. i = l- lu t u -u u l i- l =i li |ii = i=i i -| =|ii i i - iu= ra luiu t ui uii
iliu i l-i ii u - lu ilui , - lu -ilui ii|l - ( l-t|-,- l-) (lui|ui +iliu - ti ),li
=|ii i i - -u= r luiu t ui iu - ti |
A candidate of General Category must secure minimum 50% marks and a candidate of Reserved Category i.e. Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Physically Handicapped (Blind/Low Vision) (mobility not to be restricted)/Orthopaedically must
secure minimum 45% marks in Viva-voce to be eligible for being recommended for appointment to the service.
s. =i li |ii = |ii (lliu) = iu t i = i l i uii i -i i i - iu i - i i| i i ui=
l-ii lu li ii|
The marks obtained in the Viva-voce will be added to the marks obtained in the Main Examination (Written) and the Candidate's
position will depend on the aggregate of both.
laxhrk <haxjk lgxy
egkfuca kd
DJSE Registration Form
The DJSE Registration Form in the envelope is
already folded in a particular manner. Please ensure
that after filling this form, it is folded exactly in the
same manner and kept in the same envelope. Do
not staple the Registration Form with other
You should start filling the DJSE Registration Form,
only after reading and understanding the instructions
completely. Use only HB Pencil for filling the form
and shading the ovals. Use soft rubber / eraser if
you want to erase shading over an oval. Avoid multiple
shading of ovals in a column as the scanning
machine ignores multiple shading.
It is your personal responsibility to ensure
correctness in filling up this form. Please remember
that incorrect filling up of form will result in wrong
information getting stored in the computer. This will
end up in the loss of your identity.
Each item mentioned hereunder relates to
corresponding item of the DJSE Registration Form.
For Filling up of all specific items in the DJSE
Registration Form, refer to sample copy in pages
7-8 where specific items are marked with
DJSE Registration Form Number is provided on
the right top corner of the DJSE Registration
Form. Under this item, a 6 digit DJSE Registration
Form Number is given. Below this number in the
same item 6 empty boxes are provided. Fill these
boxes with all digits of the DJSE Registration Form
No. After filling these digits from left to right, shade
the corresponding digits in the ovals.
Immediately Under this item, 26 blank boxes are
given. Fill these boxes with alphabets forming your
name in the same manner as you write your name
normally. Leave a blank box to separate parts of your
name. After filling these boxes, find the appropriate
alphabets in the column below the box pertaining to
each alphabet and shade appropriate oval containing
the alphabet.
Immediately Under this item, 20 blank boxes are
given. Fill these boxes with alphabets forming your
father's/husband's name in the same manner as
you write their name normally. Leave a blank box to
separate parts of the name. After filling these boxes,
find the appropriate alphabets in the column below
the box pertaining to each alphabet and shade
appropriate oval containing the alphabet.
Immediately Under this item, 18 blank boxes are
given. Fill these boxes with alphabets forming your
father's/husband's place of domicile. After filling
these boxes, find the appropriate alphabets in the
column below the box pertaining to each alphabet
and shade appropriate oval containing the alphabet.
Three blocks consisting of two boxes each are
provided for date of birth. First two boxes for the
birth Date, second two boxes for the birth Month
and third two boxes for the birth Year. Fill the same
in the boxes and shade the appropriate ovals in the
Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only.
Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only.
Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only.
Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only and write the same in the box.
Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only.
One oval each is provided for categories "SC", "ST"
and "General". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only.
Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only. In case of "Yes" then you have to indicate
the type of disability from amongst the options given
as "Blind/Low Vision" (Mobility not to be restricted) or
"Orthopaedic" [OA-one arm affected (Right or Left),
OL-one leg affected (Right or Left), BL-Both legs
affected but not arms].
Below this item, 5 blocks are given. In the first block
(Examination or Degree) ovals are provided after
"10th", "10+2", "Graduation (Degree in Law)" and
"Post Graduation (Degree in Law)". Shade the
appropriate oval. In next 4 blocks, 2 boxes are
provided each for your percentage of marks at "10th",
"10+2", "Graduation (Degree in Law)" and "Post
Graduation (Degree in Law)". The percentage of
marks rounded off to two digits must be filled in these
places. Shade the corresponding ovals.
Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only and write the same in the box.
Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only and write the same in the box.

Under this item, ovals are provided immediately after
"Yes" and "No". Shade an appropriate oval pertaining
to you only and write the same in the box.
Use ball point pen to fill your complete name and
address in capital letters with PIN code. This is just
for reference. However, data furnished at Item Nos.
2 and 18 will only be captured and used.
Sign and write date with ball point pen within the box,
preferably black pen.
Paste your good quality latest photograph (unattested)
of size 3.5 cm 4.5 cm. Make sure to paste the
photograph within the given space. Do not cover the
form number.
This is the same number as provided on the right top
corner of the Registration Form.
At the back of the form, there are 80 boxes provided
for address. Fill these boxes with your present
address. After filling these boxes, find the appropriate
alphabets in the column below the box pertaining to
each alphabet and shade appropriate oval containing
the alphabet. Do not repeat your name while filling
up the address.
Under this item, 6 boxes are provided to fill your
address PIN Code.
In the box provided for the candidate's signature, put
your signature using Ball Point pen after reading the
declaration. Also write the station & date on which
you have signed the form.
A perforation is given at the lower half of DJSE
Registration Form. DO NOT DETACH OR TEAR
Marking the Answer Sheet
Answer sheets are scanned by machine and scores computed. Accuracy in scoring is dependent
on the examinees marking their answer sheets properly and the completeness of their erasures
when used. Therefore, accurate scoring is dependent on your strict adherence to the following
procedures :-
Answer sheet has three parts; Part-A, Part-B and Part-C , Part A is to be filled in ink. Part-B and Part-C
should be filled with Pencil only. The method of filling the answer sheet is given as under (refer to
sample attached.)
PART-A (To be filled in ink)
1. Name Restrict your name to the boxes given in the form.
2. Date of Birth Enter as applicable (for example - 10
April 1989)
3. Address Enter your complete address
4. Test Date Enter Test Date (for example 1
, June 2014)
5. Candidates Signature This is to be signed in front of the Invigilator
PART-B (To be shaded with HB pencil only)
6. Name of the Candidate Restrict your name to the boxes given in the form.
7. Booklet Series To be filled as applicable (Given on Question Paper)
8. Centre Code Enter your centre code as applicable (Ex. 120)
9. Registration Number Enter 6 digit DJSE Registration Number.
10. Examination Roll No. Fill the Roll Number as given in your admit card.
Example : 120005601 (to be filled from left to right).
PART-C (Reverse Side) - To be shaded only in HB Pencil
Ensure that you have filled and signed side 1 and thereafter fill the answers exactly as per the
questions given or else your answers are likely to be evaluated wrong.
The method of shading the circles has been indicated in "Important Instructions" on Side 1 of the
answer sheet and it must be strictly followed.
Note : It is your responsibility to make certain that you understand and follow the instructions for
completing your answer sheet.

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