BSC Academy: Mock-Test Paper-4
BSC Academy: Mock-Test Paper-4
BSC Academy: Mock-Test Paper-4
1) 30 2) 34 3) 40 4) 55 5) 62
108. 0.9631.2543.685=?
1) 2.5 2) 4.4 3) 7.3 4) 6.2 5) 11.2
109. 33.33 + 3.333 + 333.3 + 3333 = ?
1) 3705 2) 3708 3) 3709 4) 3712 5) 3703
008 . 16
895 . 79
989 . 4
= 3.978
1) 92 2) 88 3) 100 4) 112 5) 78
| r ( . 111-115): |-||=rn = =r r =rr = + + = =r nn ; | nn = =r nr |
111. 3 5 11 30 89 314 1259
1) 5 2) 11 3) 30 4) 89 5) 314
112. 7 7 8 16 43 108 232
1) 7 2) 8 3) 43 4) 108 5) 16
113. 3 13 48 203 420 1272 5105
1) 13 2) 48 3) 203 4) 1272 5) 420
114. 4 12 15 28 30 46 43
1) 305 2) 28 3) 30 4) 12 5) 46
115. 318 319 311 338 275 399 183
1) 338 2) 275 3) 399 4) 183 5) 311
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Test III
Quantitative Aptitude
Directions (Q. 101-105): What should come in place of question mark (?) in each of the following questions?
101. 2669 17 7 = ? + 269
1) 830 2) 862 3) 890 4) 922 5) None of these
102. 9.5% of 260 + 3.5% of 470 = ?
1) 31.15 2) 41.15 3) 45.11 4) 41.73 5) None of these
of 3465 = ?
1) 605.5 2) 805.5 3) 850.5 4) 750.5 5) None of these
104. 37.0516 =
1) 1 2) 2.5 3) 2.8 4) 3.4 5) None fo these
105. 2
= 6
1) 2 2) 3.5 3) 1.5 4) 1 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 106-110): What approximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions?
106. 1017.895 12.028 2.997 = ?
1) 23 2) 37 3) 17 4) 28 5) 33
? 166000
1) 30 2) 34 3) 40 4) 55 5) 62
108. 0.9631.2543.685=?
1) 2.5 2) 4.4 3) 7.3 4) 6.2 5) 11.2
109. 33.33 + 3.333 + 333.3 + 3333 = ?
1) 3705 2) 3708 3) 3709 4) 3712 5) 3703
008 . 16
895 . 79
989 . 4
= 3.978
1) 92 2) 88 3) 100 4) 112 5) 78
Directions (Q. 111-115): In each of the following number series only one number is wrong. Find the wrong number.
111. 3 5 11 30 89 314 1259
1) 5 2) 11 3) 30 4) 89 5) 314
112. 7 7 8 16 43 108 232
1) 7 2) 8 3) 43 4) 108 5) 16
113. 3 13 48 203 420 1272 5105
1) 13 2) 48 3) 203 4) 1272 5) 420
114. 4 12 15 28 30 46 43
1) 305 2) 28 3) 30 4) 12 5) 46
115. 318 319 311 338 275 399 183
1) 338 2) 275 3) 399 4) 183 5) 311
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| r ( . 116-120): | | n + = + r ==+ | n| +r I, II r III | n ; | r+r ;
n +r ; |+ +rr = |r nr =rcr +r =-r + | r -n ; r ;| ; | =-r| +rr +r |a r =-r ||
116. ^i i i ^ln i r `
I. ^i i ii i 20 - i ni r |
II. ^i i i i; 30 -i- r |
III. 500 -i- -i- i ^i i 50 - i ni r |
1) ( I 2) ( II 3) I i i ni II i III
4) ( III 5) I ( i III
117. i i i i i r `
I. i i i i i - in i, - i 45 - r |
II. - i i i in 7 : 2 r |
III. - i i i i i i n 5 r |
1) ( I i II 2) i ni I i II i II i III 3) ( I i II
4) ( II i III 5) ;- i ; ri
118. ln li - i i 4 -lri ii l- li i i i n r `
I. ni i-i i i 16 li - i n r |
II. 32 -lri i i 5 li - i n r |
III. 18 i i i - 8 l i - n r |
1) ( I i III 2) ( II 3) ( I i II
4) I i i II i II 5) ;- i ; ri
119. (^ i -i i i r `
I. l(i , (^ i i i
^ ii r |
II. i i i in 1 : 1 r |
III. (^ i ll-ln 68 -i- r
1) ( I i II 2) ( I i III 3) ( II i III
4) ( III 5) ;- i ; ri
120. ln(i lnin i i r `
I. i (ii - l n iiii i 2400 r |
II. i (ii n - iili -i >(l, i i iiii i i n 96 r |
III. ili iiii i i 25 (ii - ni ri ini r |
1) ( I 2) ( I i II 3) ( I i III
4) i ni I i II i III 5) ;- i ; ri
| r ( . 121-125): |-||=rn + r = I r II r ==|+r | n ; | r r r ==|+rr +r ; + r =-r
1) l x < y
2) l x > y
3) l x y
4) l x y
5) l x = y i x i y i i -iiln ri li i ni
121. I. 6x
+ 7x + 2 = 0 II. 2 y
+ 3y + 1 = 0
122. I. 12x
+ 8 x + 1 = 0 II. 2 y
+ 3y + 1 = 0
123. I. 5x
y = 3
124. I. 4x
+ 6 y 16 = 0 II. 2y
+ 12 y + 10 = 0
125. I. x
= 2197 II. y
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Directions (Q. 116-120): In each of the following questions, a question is followed by information given in three
statements. You have to study the questions along with the statements and decide the information given in which statement(s)
is/are sufficient to answer the question.
116. What is the speed of a train?
I. The train crosses a pole in 20 seconds.
II. The length of the train is 30 metres.
III. The train crosses a 500 metre long platform in 50 seconds.
1) Only I 2) Only II 3) I and either II or III 4) Only III 5) I and III only
117. What is a two-digit number?
I. The number obtained by interchaging the digits of the number is less than the original number by 45.
II. The ratio of digits of the original number is 7:2.
III. The difference between the two digits of original number is 5.
1) Only I and II 2) Either I and II or II and III 3) Only I and II
4) Only II and III 5) None of these
118. In how many days can one man and four women together complete a piece of work?
I. 3 men complete a piece of work in 16 days.
II. 32 women complete a piece of work in 5 days.
III. 18 boys take 8 days to complete a piece of work.
1) Only I and III 2) Only II 3) Only I and II 4) I and either II or III 5) None of these
119. What is the area of a square?
I. The diagonal is
times the side of the square.
II. The ratio of the sides is 1 : 1
III. The perimeter of the square is 68 m.
1) Only I and II 2) Only I and III 3) Only II and III 4) Only III 5) None of these
120. What is the rate of interest per annum?
I. The simple interest earned is 2400 for a period of two years.
II. The difference between the CI and SI on an amount at equal interest rate is Rs. 96 at the end of 2 years.
III. An amount triples itself in 25 years at a simple rate of interest.
1) Only I 2) Only I and II 3) Only I and III
4) Either I and II or III only 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 121-125): In each of the following questions two equations I and II are given. Solve both the equations
and give answer
1) if x < y
2) if x > y
3) if x y
4) if x y
5) if x = y or no relation can be established between x and y
121. I. 6x
+ 7x + 2 = 0 II. 2 y
+ 3y + 1 = 0
122. I. 12x
+ 8 x + 1 = 0 II. 2 y
+ 3y + 1 = 0
123. I. 5x
y = 3
124. I. 4x
+ 6 y 16 = 0 II. 2y
+ 12 y + 10 = 0
125. I. x
= 2197 II. y
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| r ( . 126-130): ; r +r =-r + | |-||=rn n r +r =r=rr| + = +|||
|nn rr = r + |r +| r (r=r = +r )
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
ComapnyA Company B
126. 2006 - i B i i, ii (ii - i B i i i lni lnin r `
1) 8.16% 2) 7.26% 3) 8.32% 4) 7.82% 5) ;- i ; ri
127. 2005, 2006 i 2007 - l-i i A i i i 2009, 2010, 2011 - l-i i B i i i in
i r `
1) 27 : 53 2) 54 : 9 3) 29 : 54 4) 53 : 27 5) ;- i ; ri
128. l (i i l i i i - l (i lin- lnin (l, r ; r `
1) i B2007 2) i B2006 3) i B2008 4) i A2009 5) ;- i ; ri
129. 2007 2008 - i B i i - lnin (l, i r `
% 2)
% 3)
% 4)
% 5) ;- i ; ri
130. l ^ ii (ii - i A i ^i^ i n i i r `
1) 65.42 ii 2) 50.16 ii 3) 48.73 ii 4) 58.57 ii 5) 52.32 ii
| r ( . 131-135): | n nr|+r +r =r=rr| + = +|||
lllin nili - in l(nili i ,ii i-ii - l(ii - in i i lnin - li ^i r | i - - i ^; i
- l(i lin- i i ii ni r |
-rr |n+|
+- c |nr
l-n 90 80 70 40 80 85
- 95 50 90 70 70 75
i 80 65 80 60 60 70
i 85 60 85 80 90 63
ni 75 35 80 85 40 87
82 65 50 95 50 60
ii 74 75 65 78 80 80
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Directions (Q. 126-130): Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.
Income of two companies (in lakh) over the years.
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
ComapnyA Company B
126. Income of comapny B in 2006 is what per cent of the total income of company B in all the years together?
1) 8.16% 2) 7.26% 3) 8.32% 4) 7.82% 5) None of these
127. What is the ratio of the toal income of company A for the year 2005, 2006 and 2007 together and the total income of
company B for the year 2009, 2010 and 2011 together?
1) 27 : 53 2) 54 : 9 3) 29 : 54 4) 53 : 27 5) None of these
128. For which comapny and in which year the percentage rise in income from the previous year was the highest?
1) Company B2007 2) Company B2006 3) Company B2008 4) Company A2009 5) None of these
129. What is the percentage rise in the income of company B from 2007 to 2008?
% 2)
% 3)
% 4)
% 5) None of these
130. Approximately what is the average income of company A for all the given years?
1) 65.42 lakh 2) 50.16 lakh 3) 48.73 lakh
4) 58.57 lakh 5) 52.32 lakh
Directions (Q.1 31-135): Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow:-
The following table gives the percentage of marks obtained by seven students in six different subjects in an examination.
The numbers in the brackets give the maximum marks in each subject.
Computer Science
Amit 90 80 70 40 80 85
Aman 95 50 90 70 70 75
Rajan 80 65 80 60 60 70
Neeraj 85 60 85 80 90 63
Pratik 75 35 80 85 40 87
Ranjan 82 65 50 95 50 60
Rakesh 74 75 65 78 80 80
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131. ii in l(nili i ,ii ii lni - in i n i r `
1) 75.23 2) 57.51 3) 45.72 4) 55.71 5) ;- i ; ri
132. ii l(ii - 70% - in (i l(nili i i i i r `
1) i 2) ni 3) i
4) i 5) ii l(niii 70% li in n r
133. ii l(ii - ,ii in i r `
1) 387.75 2) 358.7 3) 384.25 4) 384.25 5) 34.75
134. i i l(niii -i lnin in n r
1) i i i i 2) i ni 3) l-n i - 4) - i i 5) ;- i ; ri
135. ii l(ii i l-i i i l(niii n- in ni r `
1) i 2) i 3) ni 4) 5) l-n
| r ( . 136-140): ; r +r =-r + | |-||=rn n r +r =r=rr| + = +|||
r nn + |r rr =r|n =r|r +r |r
10 10
Type X Type Y
|+ ;| |+ r =r|r +r rn
|+| ;; : |+| ; ;
A 3: 2
B 7: 4
C 4: 1
D 12: 7
E 7: 6
136. i A ,ii i ^; X i -iii i i i r `
1) 9 2) 6 3) 7
4) lii ln ri li i ni 5) ;- i ; ri
137. i A ,ii i ^; -iii i i i i D i ri li -iii i i i in i r `
1) 7 : 9 2) 12 : 5 3) 19 : 7 4) 5 : 3 5) ;- i ; ri
138. l i - ri l (ii -ii lin- r `
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
139. ii li ,ii -iln i n -iii i i, i C i ri l (ii -iii i i i lni lnin r `
1) 250% 2) 363.33% 3) 336.67% 4) 333.67% 5) ;- i ; ri
140. i i i (i li -iii i l>i i r `
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
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131. What is the average marks obtained by all the seven students in Physics?
1) 75.23 2) 57.51 3) 45.72 4) 55.71 5) None of these
132. The number of students who obtained less than 70% marks in all subjects is:
1) Two 2) Three 3) Four
4) Five 5) All the student obtained above 70% marks.
133. What was the aggregate marks obtained by Rajan in all the six subjects?
1) 387.75 2) 358.75 3) 384.25 4) 384.25 5) 34.75
134. Which two students obtained the overall same percentage of marks?
1) Rakesh and Rajan 2) Ranjan and Pratik 3) Amit and Aman
4) Aman and Neeraj 5) None of these
135. Who has obtained the minimum marks in all subjects together?
1) Rajan 2) Neeraj 3) Pratik 4) Ranjan 5) Amit
Directions (Q. 136-140): Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.
Details of two types of machines produced by five different companies.
10 10
Type X Type Y
Ratio of sold to unsold machines is given below
Sold : Unsold
A 3: 2
B 7: 4
C 4: 1
D 12: 7
E 7: 6
136. What is the total number of X type machines sold of company A?
1) 9 2) 6 3) 7
4) Cant be determined 5) None of these
137. What is ratio of machines sold by company A to unsold machines of company D.
1) 7 : 9 2) 12 : 5 3) 19 : 7 4) 5 : 3 5) None of these
138. Which company has the maximum number of unsold machines?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
139. The average number of machines produced by all the companies together is what per cent of the unsold machines of
company C?
1) 250% 2) 363.33% 3) 336.67% 4) 333.67% 5) None of these
140. Which company sold the maximum number of machines.
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
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141. ii i i-n - 20 lnin i -i ri ni r | ln 36 - 500 ^ i- li ii ii ni r | ln li ^ i-
ii i (i-nl( - - i ii`
1) 14.40 . 2) 18 . 3) 15.60 . 4) 16.50 . 5) ;- i ; ri
142. ( ii i-^ii i i n -il ( n 8500 r | l 7 nilii i -il ( n 10,000 i i i i
i n -il ( n 7800 r , ni ( ii - i-^ii i i r `
1) 15 2) 18 3) 22 4) 23 5) ;- i ; ri
143. i , i i (n 20% lr- i ii ,ii ln-iiln li ini r i r l>i ni i i rii ini r | nii
l>i n - i , i i -iii i- ri ini r `
1) 48% 2) 51.2% 3) 56.8% 4) 58% 5) ;- i ; ri
144. 20 liil i - l- 6 ^ i i 3 l( -i iil- n r 11 liil i i l> - -i- ii r | ln l(li
nii -i- n i i i ni r nil -i- - i l(l- i i - - 4 ^ i ri `
1) 22725 2) 27225 3) 22275 4) 25722 5) ;- i ; ri
145. 0, 1, 2, 3 i 4 999 l 4000 i - ln ii i i n r l i(l-i i -ln ri `
1) 499 2) 500 3) 375 4) 376 5) ;- i ; ri
146. i i i + i; i in 3 : 2 r i lii i in 6 : 7 r | ni (>- i -i i i in i
ri ^i`
1) 9 : 7 2) 1 : 1 3) 7 : 9 4) 7 : 4 5) ;- i ; ri
147. i i-i ^ln
r - (i ^ i 15 l-- ri ini r | ; i i n -
,ii li ^i i-i - i r `
1) 1 i -i 20 l-- 2) 1 i -i 15 l-- 3) 1 i -i 4) 45 l-- 5) ;- i ; ri
148. A, B i C ,ii ^^ i i( li i i >-i 6, 12 i 8 r | in >- - ( i i i
n r | l A i i ni r i i B i i >- - i^ , ni i i i - ln li i i(ni
ri ^i`
1) 8 2) 7.5 3) 8.5 4) 9.5 5) ;- i ; ri
149. iii i (-n i - - ; i ln ni r l (r 12 lnin i - i 32 lnin i ii l n
| niil ^ ir 12 lnin i 20 lnin - in ni r | iii i i lnin ii i r `
1) 20% 2) 24% 3) 30% 4) 28.8% 5) ;- i ; ri
150. -i i - 10 i 20 i ^i r l- 3 i 5 i ^i ii r | l r- ii i n r ni i ni i i
i ^i i i i ii ri i i ilni r `
5) ;- i ; ri
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141. The price of Sugar is reduced by 20%. Now a person can buy 500 g more sugar for Rs 36. The orignal price of the Sugar
per kilogram was
1) Rs. 14.40 2) Rs. 18 3) Rs. 15.60 4) Rs. 16.50 5) None of these
142. The average monthly salary of the workers in a workshop is Rs 8500. If the monthly salary of 7 technicians is Rs. 10,000
and the average monthly salary of the rest is Rs 7800, The total number of workers in the workshop is.
1) 15 2) 18 3) 22 4) 23 5) None of these
143. From a container full of pure milk 20% is replaced by water and this process is repeated three times. At the end of the third
operation, the quantity of pure milk reduces to
1) 48% 2) 51.2% 3) 56.8% 4) 58% 5) None of these
144. A cricket team of 11 players is to be formed from 20 players including 6 bowlers and 3 wicket keepers. In how may
different ways can a team be formed so that the team contain exactly 2 wicket keepers and at least 4 bowlers?
1) 22725 2) 27225 3) 22275 4) 25722 5) None of these
145. How many integers, greater than 999 but not greater than 4000, can be formed with the digit 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, if repetition
of digits is allowed.
1) 499 2) 500 3) 375 4) 376 5) None of these
146. The ratio of heights of two cylinders is 3 : 2 and the ratio of their radius is 6 : 7. What is ratio of their curved surface areas?
1) 9 : 7 2) 1 : 1 3) 7 : 9 4) 7 : 4 5) None of these
147. Walking at
of his normal speed, Dewang is 15 minutes late in reaching his club. What is the usual time taken by him
to cover the distance?
1) 1 hr 20 min 2) 1 hr 15 min. 3) 1 hr 4) 45 min 5) None of these
148. The number of days required by A, B and C to work individually is 6, 12 and 8 respectively. They started working
alternately. If A has started followed by B and so on. How many days are needed to complete the whole work?
1) 8 2) 7.5 3) 8.5 4) 9.5 5) None of these
149. A trader marks his goods such that he can make 32% profit after giving 12% discount. However a customer availed 20%
discount instead of 12%. What is the new profit per cent of trader?
1) 20% 2) 24% 3) 30% 4) 28.8% 5) None of these
150. A basket contains 10 apples and 20 oranges out of which 3 apples and 5 oranges are defective. If we choose two fruits
at random, what is the probability that either both are oranges or both are non defective?
5) None of these
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r| IV
+-c nr
151. ^ il (i- - - i i i -- (i l- ^ l(i; - ;-n -i i ini r `
1) ii 2) -i 3) i l-- 4) - i 5) ;- i ; ri
152. lllin - i i - - -i i i n-(i i >- - ini r `
1) -, i;, li , i-, i-i 2) -, i-, li , i;, i-i
3) -, i-, li , i;, i-i 4) l-, i;-, -, li , i-, i;, i-i
5) ;- i ; ri
153. lllin - l l i i ( i ^ li ini r `
1) ilin i nii -ii i i
2) ( i l ^ ir i ii ii ( l
3) i-i i i ^ l ^ ir i ii i l>i i i in r n
4) TCP/IP i l
5) ;- i ; ri
154. - ii- - - i i ri ini r
1) 2) iii -ii 3) li 4) i- 5) ;- i ; ri
155. - i l(ii -( i li i iii i ^i i i ni r ri ini r
1) LAN 2) ( 3) ri; - -- 4) ; - - 5) ;- i ; ri
156. SMTP, FTP i DNS___________ n i ^ r |
1) i-i l 2) -( 3) - i i - 4) i i 5) ;- i ; ri
157. (ii - - l ________ ri r |
1) i( l -( 2) - l nil ^
3) ilin i( l -( i 4) IP Sec - i -i i l ln lin
5) ;- i ; ri
158. - iln i i l li i i ln i ini r `
1) i( ( -i- 2) i= li i ln 3) ii - li i ln
4) i -i- 5) ;- i ; ri
159. i ^ i- i ii ; ; l -(n i ii i i i l-- ni r , ri ini r
1) - -i ; 2) ( i - 3) -i; 4) lr- 5) ;- i ; ri
160. --i l(i; - i - i i ri ini r `
1) -i- 2) ; - 3) - i; -i 4) l(i; i;( 5) ;- i ; ri
161. i ^ i- - i l-i i ri i i rini r `
1) ; - l- ^ 2) - i l- ^ 3) il^ ^ 4) i;l ^ 5) ;- i ; ri
162. - ->i il ^ ni i ri ini r |
1) -i 2) r 3) i;- 4) 5) ;- i ; ri
163. lllin - i i ^ i- - l ^ - ii ii i ni r i liil-n l ii - r i i;
- ini r |
1) i; 2) ; - - 3) (- 4) l i 5) ;- i ; ri
164. i ^ i- l- i-ni DBMS ii i ^ni ; - ri ni r rini r
1) - ; 2) li l-i 3) ; 4) i- 5) ;- i ; ri
165. ; - - r l(i; - l,ni __________ ni ri ni r (l ; - - ni ii ri ini r ) r ;i ri i
nr ni r l i ; -- i- i ni -i i ri ini r |
1) DH 2) DA 3) IP 4) IA 5) ;- i ; ri
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Test IV
Computer Knowledge
151. Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment?
1) Keyboard 2) Mouse 3) Joystick 4) Track ball 5) None of these
152. Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest?
1) Character, file, record, field, database 2) Character, record, field, file, database
3) Character, field, record, file, database 4) Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database
5) None of these
153. A proxy server is used for which of the following?
1) To provide security against unauthorized users 2) To process client requests for Web pages
3) To process client requests for database access 4) To provide TCP/IP
5) None of these
154. Each box in a spreadsheet is called a
1) cell 2) empty space 3) record 4) field 5) None of these
155. The vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world is called _____.
1) LAN 2) Web 3) Hypertext 4) Internet 5) None of these
156. SMTP, FTP and DNS are applications of the ____ layer.
1) data link 2) network 3) transport 4) application 5) None of these
157. Traffic in a VPN is not ______.
1) invisible from public networks 2) logically separated from other traffic
3) accessible from unauthorised public networks 4) restricted to a single protocol in IP Sec
5) None of these
158. How is power supplied to a low-power USB device?
1) Through a power cable 2) From an external power supply
3) Directly from the computer's power supply 4) Through the USB cable
5) None of these
159. Programs that automatically submit your search request to several search engines simultaneously are called
1) metasearch engines 2) webcrawlers 3) spiders 4) hits 5) None of these
160. What is called the main folder on a storage device?
1) Platform 2) Interface 3) Root directory 4) Device driver 5) None of these
161. What is called correcting errors in a program?
1) Interpreting 2) Translating 3) Debugging 4) Compiling 5) None of these
162. The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called
1) mouse 2) hand 3) light 4) cursor 5) None of these
163. Which of the following converts all the statements in a program in a single batch and the resulting collection of
instructions is placed in a new file?
1) Compiler 2) Interpreter 3) Converter 4) Instruction 5) None of these
164. A program that generally has more user-friendly interface than a DBMS is called a
1) front end 2) repository 3) back end 4) form 5) None of these
165. Every device on the Internet has a unique _______ address (also called an "Internet address") that identifies it in the
same way that a street address identifies the location of a house.
1) DH 2) DA 3) IP 4) IA 5) None of these
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166. ^ ir i-i - li ^ ir i- i ii i^i
1) ln - 2) - - i- - 3) li - 4) - i- - 5) ;- i ; ri
167. _____________ l(ii ln^n -i i lln ii^i l -i i n^ n i-in ll-^ n^ n ini
r |
1) LAN 2) BAN 3) TAN 4) NAN 5) ;- i ; ri
168. ad hoc ( i r
1) ( li ln 2) ( lii ln 3) - i -i - -
4) i i ; lii- ri n r 5) ;- i ; ri
169. l( i --i l(li i i i i - - i ________ ,ii lln li ini r
1) ni 2) 3) ^ i 4) i; 5) ;- i ; ri
170. i( l -iii ii i li n l i-in i i ^ li ini r `
1) -i i- 2) i (r i i 3) -i i- i i (r i i
4) - ->i li - 5) ;- i ; ri
171. li i ln^n i -i i i ii(i ln - i -n n i __________ i ii
- ii ini r `
1) - l ^ 2) ri i i i 3) - l ^ 4) r l ^ 5) ;- i ; ri
172. ii i --n- ;i; , l - -n ni r i ilin ni r , ______ - ii ini r |
1) ll- 2) li i;- 3) l- 4) i;- 5) ;- i ; ri
173. i ri ( i i;-- ri r |
1) MP3 i; 2) ii 3) -i i- 4) -i 5) ;- i ; ri
174. i - - i l i i; -i _______ -i i ^ n r
1) i 2) i 3) 4) ( 5) ;- i ; ri
175. - i iil- i- - l(i; r
1) (ili -i i- 2) l - 3) ii 4) -i 5) ;- i ; ri
176. i ^^ i;i ri i- ri n r l
1) ( ^^ i - - ri 2) ( ^^ i;( - ri
3) ii ri ri ni 4) i-i i ^^ l-i; li ^i ri
5) 1 i 2 i i
177. i --i
1) i ln +i i i(ni ri ri ni 2) - l- -ili i i ^ ri ni
3) i - i i ri n r 4) i - i ^ l i i ii i --i ri ni
5) ;- i ; ri
178. i ^ l ii l- - i i l>i rini r
1) l ^ 2) - i l- ^ 3) il ^ 4) i- l- ^ 5) ;- i ; ri
179. ii r n i - i ( i i - i --i i r `
1) -( 2) ^ l ^ 3) i; i 4) ; l-^ - l - 5) ;- i ; ri
180. i;l ^ _______ - ni r `
1) i ^ i- - lil i 2) -^i l - 3) - i ^ i- 4) l- 5) ;- i ; ri
181. PC i i - - l i i l- i ^ li i^i`
1) - l- 2) l--- l- 3) i^i il-- l- 4) i ^i- 5) ;- i ; ri
182. nili -n i - i-in i
1) i lin ri ni r 2) i lin ri ni r 3) --ii;- ri ni r 4) i - ri ni r 5) ;- i ; ri
BSC Academy
PO Mock-Test-4 31
166. In a customer database, a customer's surname would be keyed into a
1) row 2) text field 3) record 4) computed field 5) None of these
167. A _______ typically connects personal computers within a very limited geographical area, usually within a single
1) LAN 2) BAN 3) TAN 4) NAN 5) None of these
168. An ad hoc query is a _______.
1) pre-planned question 2) pre-scheduled question
3) spur-of-the-moment question 4) question that will not return any results
5) None of these
169. Various applications and documents are represented on the Windows desktop by
1) symbols 2) labels 3) graphs 4) icons 5)None of these
170. What is usually used for displaying information at public places?
1) Monitors 2) Overhead Projections 3) Monitors and Overhead Projections
4) Touch Screen Kiosks 5) None of these
171. Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is known as the crime of _______.
1) spooling 2) identity theft 3) spoofing 4) hacking 5) None of these
172. The smallest unit of information a computer can understand and process is known as a
1) digit 2) kilobyte 3) bit 4) byte 5) None of these
173. Which is not an item of hardware?
1) An MP3 file 2) A keyboard 3) A monitor 4) A mouse 5) None of these
174. For creating a document, you use _______ command at File Menu.
1) Open 2) Close 3) New 4) Save 5) None of these
175. The primary output device for computers is a
1) video monitor 2) printer 3) keyboard 4) mouse 5) None of these
176. Two different files can have the same name
1) if they are in different folders 2) if they are on different drives 3) Never !
4) if the names are capitalised differently 5) Both 1 and 2
177. Secondary storage
1) does not require constant power 2) does not use magnetic media
3) consists of four main types of devices 4) does not store information for later retrieval
5) None of these
178. The process of preparing a floppy diskette for use is called _______ .
1) assembling 2) translating 3) parsing 4) formatting 5) None of these
179. ________ links several computers to a server to share programs and storage space.
1) Network 2) Grouping 3) Library 4) Integrated system 5) None of these
180. Compiling creates a(n) _____ .
1) program specification 2) algorithm 3) executable program
4) subroutine 5) None of these
181. What disk is used to cold-boot a PC?
1) Setup disk 2) System disk 3) Diagnostic disk 4) Program disk 5) None of these
182. Numbers in table columns are usually
1) right-aligned 2) left-aligned 3) justified 4) centered 5) None of these
BSC Academy
32 PO Mock-Test-4
183. i; li-- i i - - ________ -i - l - ri n r
1) - 2) i - - 3) - 4) l - 5) ;- i ; ri
184. Ctrl, Shift i Alt ___________ i rin r |
1) --- - 2) i 3) -i li 4) -i - l 5) ;- i ; ri
185. (n -i - i ^ l i r l( i (i l ________ i i i ^ li ini r |
1) ( l( i 2) l- li 3) ( l( i 4) l-( l( i 5) -i i-
186. lllin - i i ( ,ii ri li ini r `
1) ; - i l ^ 2) i-i i l ^ 3) ( i;-i i i l ^ 4) --i 5) i i l ^
187. ________________ ^ iri - iii i l lin ni r
1) i i i ^ i- 2) ;-- i - 3) i l- ^ l---
4) ( i i 5) i;
188. ( ,ii l ^ i ^ i- -i ll i ____________ rin r `
1) 2) -i(i 3) ri 4) l 5) i (
189. - - -i _________ i ii i ni r |
1) - i i i 2) RAM 3) CPU
4) ; - 5) ;- i ; ri
190. -i;>i i - i l _______ i iri r
1) i i i -( 2) i i i -( 3) ri li --i - i -(
4) (l- -i - -ii -( 5) i;
191. DOS i l( i 3 X i; - ______ - n i; i- i i - ni r |
1) i 2) i 3) 4) i- 5) ;- i ; ri
192. lllin - l i i - -- - l - lni i i i i ni r `
1) iil- i 2) l,ni 3) 4) (i= i 5) ;- i ; ri
193. i i ---i l ^ ni ii ^ l i - i l-- ni r `
1) FDM 2) li TDM 3) li TDM
4) 2 i 3 i i 5) ;- i ; ri
194. i ; - - i ii r
1) r i ni i ;-n -i ni r 2) r -i i - ii (ii i ;-n -i ni r
3) r -ii l i- i i ^ ni r 4) -i - i ^ln ii ni( ri ni r
5) ;- i ; ri
195. i --i -ili ri l- - i -( i ^ i- i i i i l>i i rini r `
1) l i 2) ii 3) --i 4) i 5) ; --i i
196. (i; - i _______ - ii ini r , ;i ii rii i ri ini r |
1) iii i ,ni 2) ri;l 3) ->i l- 4) - l ^ i ,ni 5) i- l- ^ i ,ni
197. i - i ,ni, li- l--i i ___________ - -ii ini r |
1) (l- i- i 2) ; - i 3) li - i 4) l 5) i;
198. BIOS i i r
1) Basic Input Output Service 2) Basic Inner Outer Services 3) Better Input Output Services
4) Better Inner and Outer Services 5) ;- i ; ri
199. ( l i-ni i ^ li i (ii ^ il i- - r
1) GIF 2) bmp 3) text 4) Imp 5) TIP
200. i-i i iiii n i-- ;i; l- lin li ri n r
1) ( i 2) i- 3) - 4) l- 5) li -
BSC Academy
PO Mock-Test-4 33
183. By default, your documents print in _____ mode.
1) landscape 2) portrait 3) page setup 4) print view 5) None of these
184. Ctrl, shift and alt are called ______ keys.
1) adjustment 2) function 3) modifier 4) alphanumeric 5) None of these
185. The _______ is the term used to describe the window that is currently being used.
1) Web Window 2) Display Area 3) WordPad Window 4) Active Window 5) Monitor
186. Which of the following functions is not performed by servers?
1) Email processing 2) Database sharing 3) Processing Websites
4) Storage 5) Word processing
187. The _______ controls a client's computer resources.
1) application program2) instruction set 3) operating system 4) server application 5) compiler
188. Vendor-created program modifications are called _____ .
1) patches 2) antiviruses 3) holes 4) fixes 5) overlaps
189. Main memory works in conjunction with _______.
1) special function cards 2) RAM 3) CPU
4) Intel 5) All of these
190. Mocrosoft Office is an example of a _______.
1) closed-source software 2) open-source software
3) horizontal-market software 4) vertical-market software 5) compiler
191. Dos and windows 3. X support file names upto ________ characters in length.
1) Two 2) Four 3) Six 4) Eight 5) None of these
192. Which of the following types of tables constraints will prevent the entry of duplicate rows?
1) Primary key 2) Unique 3) Null 4) Foreign key 5) None of these
193. Which multiplexing technique transmits analog signals?
1) FDM 2) Synchronous TDM
3) Asynchronous TDM 4) Both 2) and 3) 5) None of these
194. One advantage of dial-up Internet access is ________
1) it utilizes broadband technology 2) it utilizes existing telephone service
3) it uses a router for security 4) modem speed is very fast
5) None of these
195. What is called the process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to the hard disk?
1) configuration 2) download 3) storage 4) upload 5) installation
196. When the pointer is positioned on a ________, it is shaped like a hand.
1) grammar error 2) hyperlink 3) screen tip 4) spelling error 5) formatting error
197. Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and
1) vertical dimension 2) intelligence 3) resolution 4) pixels 5) buffer size
198. BIOS stands for
1) Basic Input Output Service 2) Basic Inner Outer Services
3) Better Input Output Services 4) Better Inner and Outer Services 5) None of these
199. A commonly used graphic format for the web is
1) GIF 2) bmp 3) text 4) Imp 5) TIP
200. The basic building block of a data base that contains related records is
1) Query 2) Form 3) Table 4) Edited Page 5) Report
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34 PO Mock-Test-4
r| V
=r=r- =nnr
201. i i^n ii -ii (l ^ i li i ir r n ^l-n - -i i - i l ii ^i r `
1) l- ii 2) . i. l r- 3) --i r l r 4) i - ii 5) ;- i ; ri
202. l- i ( l l-) i - i ri r `
(A) ; l- i 19(i i - i li ( -ii -- l li ii|
(B) r l- li i ii l(i - i i i i i ii i ii i l( ii ni r |
(C) ; l- i li l(i i i ni r ni ii i (-n i i ri i (ii ;i i i lnin -
ri ini r | in - ii i ii i - ri ini r |
ri -i i
1) ( A 2) ( B 3) ( C 4) A i B i i 5) ii - r
203. l ^ ni ^ lin i i; i ; (RIDEF) i i i r `
1) Rural Infrastructure Development Fund 2) Rural Industry Development Fund
3) Road Infrastructure Development Fund 4) Real Inflow Demand Fund
5) ;- i ; ri
204. i ii (ii i) ni r , ni r rini r
1) ri l ^ 2) l- l ^ 3) l- l ^ 4) i l ^ 5) i i l-( l ^
205. l i i ni l^ ;i;i - i i( l -i i r n il-in r , i i ;i; r i ii - ri ini r |
1) -ii-i 2) -ii +i 3) iln ^ 4) l(r 5) il i
206. iin - i- l(n n i - i i in ri i ^; ii`
1) li^ i 2) il l ^ 3) - i 4) ;i(ni 5) iiii
207. l - i i i i -,ni ^ r l i- (ii i i - -iiln ri li ^i ii`
1) li ( iiii 2) ln i i -i l-( 3) iini iii ni ^
4) ;-i^ i - i 5) -i-i i ri i ;-in iiii
208. i i(ii (1966-1967 1968-1969) ri i - ii ii
(A) iinil-ni ,
(B) iii i ii(
(C) - - -n - i ni
ri -i i
1) i n ii 2) ( A i B 3) ( B i C 4) ( A i C 5) ;- i ; ri |
209. i i; .i . . (IOU) i -nn r `
(A) ;i -n I owe you.
(B) r r-ni nii i l-i i - r i ln ni r l i - i i-i i i-i i i r |
(C) r i il- l -i i - (ii -) r |
ri -i i
1) ( A 2) ( B 3) ( C 4) ( A i B 5) ii - r
210. li l ^ ;i i l- i ^ ii i- l(( l(i li - i i i -ii ilin ni r `
1) l(( 2) ni - i - i i i 3) l(( ii ^-
4) ni - i l(-i l^- 5) ;- i ; ri
211. l^ i l,in l ,ii li ^i r `
1) - l--i 2) i > ^- 3) i. i 4) i-- 5) ;- i ; ri
212. l ni ^i - i i r i i - ni ^i - iil- ri r `
1) i n 2) i i 3) iln ^ 4) i- - 5) - l-l-
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PO Mock-Test-4 35
Test V
General Awareness
201. A Committee for suggestions on the working ownership norms of market infrastructure institution has been headed by-
1) Bimal Jalan 2) A. R. Narsimhan 3) Manmohan Singh 4) Pranav Mukherjee 5) None of these
202. What is right about Engel's Law?
(A) This law is given by Ernest Engel, the 19th century German statisticiatn.
(B) This law analyse the budget data of working families and establishes a relationship between the family income and
(C) It says 'When a family's income increases the percentage of income spent on food decreases
1) Only A is correct 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Both A and B 5) All is correct
203. In the context of the banking industry, what is the correct full form of RIDEF
1) Rural Infrastructure Development Fund 2) Rural Industry Development Fund
3) Road Infrastructure Development Fund 4) Real Inflow Demand Fund
5) None of these
204. When one bank deals with another banks it is called-
1) Whole sale Banking 2) Retail Banking 3) Unit Banking
4) Umbrella Banking 5) Co-operative Banking
205. Four industries have been reserved for public sector. Which of the following does not come under the four?
1) Arms and weapns 2) Atomic energy 3) Natural gas 4) Rail transport 5) Mineral resources
206. First Hydel Power plant in India was started at which of the following places.
1) Siliguri 2) Darzeeling 3) Trombay 4) Indrawati 5) Bhakra
207. Which of the following industies was not established during first five-year plan.
1) Sindri Fertilizers Factory 2) Chitaranjan Locomotives 3) Indian Telephone Industry
4) Integral Coach Factory 5) Tata Iron and Steel Company
208. The main reason of "Planning Holiday" during (1966-1967 to 1968-1969) was
(A) Indo-Pakistan war
(B) Lack of resources
(C) Increase in price level
1) All the above 2) Only A and B 3) Only B and C 4) Only A and C 5) None of these
209. What do you mean by I.O.U.?
(A) It means I owe you.
(B) It is non-negotiable promissory note indicating the debt owed by one party to another.
(C) it is a types of P-note. (Participatery Note)
Select the correct answer-
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Only A and B 5) All A, B and C
210. "Reshaping Economic Geography" is a World Development Report being published by who among the following?
1) World Bank 2) IMF (International Monetary Fund)
3) World Trade Organisation (WTO) 4) International Finance Corporation (IFC)
5) None of these
211. The "Big push theory" has been given by
1) Adam Smith 2) Paul Krugmen 3) R. Rodan 4) Amartya Sen 5) None of these
212. Which of the following industries does not come under core sector industries.
1) Crude Oil 2) Coal 3) Natural Gas 4) Cement 5) Aluminium
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36 PO Mock-Test-4
213. i i ^ i- ((- - (ii ) i ^- 12 i; 1982 i l - -i i lili li ^i
1) li(- - -i 2) i ^ - -i 3) li(i il- - -i
4) n ( i - -i 5) ;- i ; ri
214. i -i- i - ri -i |
(A) r i i iiii l(-ni i i i ii|
(B) ; iini l( ,ii 1969 - ii ^i ii|
(C) ; -i- nrn i ^i l i ii l ( (i; i i iini - i (i |
1) ii - r 2) ( A 3) ( B 4) i i A i B 5) ;- i ; ri
215. ii n i - ri -i i |
(A) r - n li i i i i i iin i li n - -i i n ri ni r |
(B) ii n - ( - n (-n ini r |
(C) (i ;- iil- ri ri ni r |
(D) ii n r- ii lln rni r |
1) ii ri r 2) ( A i B 3) ( A, B i C 4) ( C i D 5) ;- i ; ri
216. l( i l(-ii (i l nili i i ri ni r `
1) 1 (i 2) 1 3) 1 i; 4) 2 - 5) ;- i ; ri
217. NEAT i - l - i ri r `
(A) r i --i ,ii i li ^i ii; - l ^ i -( r |
(B) r i ,ii i i ^; i-il l(i i i ^ i- r |
(C) ;i i i i -i - l- - l ^ i i r |
1) ( A 2) ( A i B 3) ( A i C 4) A, B i C ii 5) ;- i ; ri
218. i i-( l -r-( i i n r
1) i -i i - 2) i-i i - 3) i i - 4) i 5) -iilii
219. ii ii ii-i i ; liiii li ir n i i ^; `
1) l- ii - -i 2) (i. . -i-i - -i 3) >(ni - -i
4) l r- - -i 5) ;- i ; ri
220. l(( - iln ^ i i ii ni i i i r `
1) i 2) - li 3) - li 4) 5) ii
221. i -i i l - l ^i - - i i;- i iii -i i ii nin r l-l - i i l i i l^
- l-in li;i i i ii iii i r `
1) i - l-l- 2) lr i-i 3) ii (i 4) ( ini 5) ;- i ; ri
222. r- -iii - ; i i (-ii - i -i i i i - n r | l - i i -i i n^ n ri ini r `
1) i i 2) (ir ni ^ 3) --i
4) i- - 5) n i - i l- -i i
223. l i -i l-i i l( l- (NCDEX) l - l ir - l-in r `
1) - ; 2) i ini 3) r ii 4) 5) ; l-i
224. i ;i iii -n i i r `
1) -i i ( 2) l( (i 3) i l r 4) ; i ri l 5) ;- i ; ri
225. r- -iiii - CRISIL i ICRA i - n r | - l - l (^ - ini r `
1) i - 2) > l- l- ^ i 3) i (i ini
4) 5) ;- i ; ri
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PO Mock-Test-4 37
213. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established on 12th July 1982 on the
recommendation of which committee?
1) Shivraman Committee 2) Shunglu Committe 3) Shivraj Patil Committee
4) Chaturvedi Committee 5) None of these
214. About "Lead Bank Scheme" select the correct answer-
(A) This was the branch expansion programme of bank
(B) Scheme was adopted by the RBI in 1969.
(C) Under this scheme it was compulsory for the people to join bank or open an account in a bank.
1) All are true 2) Only A 3) Only B 4) Both A and B 5) None of these
215. Choose the right answer about balance of Trade (BOT).
(A) This is the difference between the value of of export and import per annum
(B) Under BOT only tangible goods come.
(C) Services are not included in BOT.
(D) BOT is always uncertain (balanced and imblanced)
1) All are right 2) Only A and B 3) Only A, B, and C 4) only C and D 5) None of these
216. The financial year of the RBI starts from which of the following dates?
1) 1st January 2) 1st June 3) 1st July 4) 2nd October 5) None of these
217. Which of the following is true about 'NEAT'?
(A) This is the online trading software launched by National Stock Exchange (NSE)
(B) This is social development programme launched by the Central Government.
(C) Full form is National Exchange for Atuomatic Trading.
1) Only A 2) Only A and B 3) Only A and C 4) All A, B and C 5) None of these
218. For the revenue of the Union Government, the most important source is:
1) Union Excise Duties 2) Custom Duty 3) Corporate Tax
4) Income Tax 5) Succession Tax
219. The new definition of fiscal deficit was suggested by
1) Bimal Jalan Committee 2) VS MalimathCommittee 3) Chakravarty Committee
4) Narasimham Committee 5) None of these
220. The biggest consumer of natural gas in the world is
1) China 2) USA 3) Mexico 4) Russia 5) Japan
221. Which of the following mining conglomerate has announced to shut its one-million tonne aluminum refinery at Odishas
Lanjigarh citing severe shortage of bauxite as the reason?
1) Pennar Aluminium 2) Hindalco 3) PG Foils 4) Vedanta 5) None of these
222. Many times we read in financial newspapers about the performance of the core sectors in Economy. Which of the
following is NOT included in the core sector?
1) Coal 2) Auto sector 3) Steel
4) Cement 5) Oil and Petroleum sector
223. The National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX) is located in which of the following cities?
1) Mumbai 2) Kolkata 3) Hyderabad 4) Jaipur 5) New Delhi
224. Who is the author of the book titled No Easy Day?
1) Mark Owen 2) David Walker 3) Charan Singh 4) ED Hawkins 5) None of these
225. We often read about CRISIL and ICRA in newspapers. These firms fall under which of the following categories?
1) Brokerage firms 2) Credit rating agencies 3) Telecommunication service providers
4) Mutual funds 5) None of these
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38 PO Mock-Test-4
226. l - l l i -i(ilii l( -ii ini r `
1) l 1 2) l 3 3) l 9 4) l 10 5) l 13
227. NRE Deposit i l(-nn r
1) Non Resident External deposit 2) Non Resident Extra deposit
3) Non Resident Exchange deposit 4) Non Refundable External deposit
5) Non Resident Extended deposit
228. l - i li i i - i i i- ri r `
1) i 2) i 3) li 4) ;(ii 5) i
229. l - iin - iri ( i i rn i i i i i i r `
1) JNNURM 2) iin l-i i 3) ii( i(i i i
4) ; li i(i i i 5) ;- i ; ri
230. l i >-i l(i il
(A) ( li-ii lii
(B) (i l(ni
(C) -- i - ^i l(n n li i
n - i i, i >- i ii li - i^ li i ri r `
1) ( A 2) ( B 3) ( C 4) ( A i C 5) A, B i C ii
231. l-i i i l-i i l- n i i i -r-(ii -ii i i i - l - i i, i ri
r ,r `
(A) ii BPL, AAY i JRC i iii, i iiii - l(ni iii i l in n i , ; i i iiiii ri ^ |
(B) ; i i n^ n iiiii l(ii i li - ii ll i -ri li i^i|
(C) 100 i i i^n (ii r li i l-i i i i ri i l - n i i ^i|
1) ( A 2) ( B 3) ( C 4) ( A i B 5) A, B i C ii
232. -(n ini - ri iin i r n ni ^i i -ii i ili rini ni ri r | r l - l -i l-i
ili rini ni r `
(A) (
(B) i
(C) --
1) ( A 2) ( B 3) ( C 4) ( B i C 5) ;- i ; ri
233. i -i , i ri ri - ii (ri l iini ^ i i i l i ii -iii
- ri, l - l i i iiii r `
1) l-(- 2) ii 3) l- 4) i ( 5) ;- i ; ri
234. n i- i -riii ri ri - ll-ni i l - i i i i li`
1) i - i ( -- - 2) - -- -
3) -ii li i -ii; - 4) i ll -
5) ;- i ; ri
235. (iii l - l i , r `
1) l> - 2) ^i - 3) l- - 4) ln ii 5) ;- i ; ri
236. ; ^ l li - l - l ^- ,ii ln (i n i li ini r `
1) lii; l(i 2) l((
3) ni - i - i i i 4) l(( ii ^-
5) ;- i ; ri
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PO Mock-Test-4 39
226. Human Rights Day is observed on which of the following dates?
1) December 1 2) December 3 3) December 9 4) December 10 5) December 13
227. NRE Deposit stands for
1) Non Resident External deposit 2) Non Resident Extra deposit
3) Non Resident Exchange deposit 4) Non Refundable External deposit
5) Non Resident Extended deposit
228. Which of the following is NOT the name of the currency of a country?
1) Rand 2) Pound 3) Dinar 4) Ecuador 5) Dollar
229. Which of the following is a scheme to augment the urban infrastructure in India?
1) JNNURM 2) Bharat Nirman 3) Rajiv Awas Yojana
4) Indira Awas Yojana 5) None of these
230. Consider the following programmes:
(A) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
(B) Navodaya Vidyalaya
(C) Ultra Mega Power Project
Which of the above programmes is/are being implemented in all the districts of the country?
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4) Only A and C 5) All A, B and C
231. Which of the following statements is/are true about Delhi Governments ambitious project to make Delhi a kerosene-free
(A) All BPL, AAY and JRC card holders, who were getting kerosene from PDS shops in the capital, will be beneficiaries
of this scheme.
(B) The beneficiary families will get free LPG cylinders and gas stoves under this scheme.
(C) The scheme at a cost of over Rs 100 crore will make Delhi the first kerosene-free state in the country.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C
4) Only A and B 5) All A, B and C
232. The Indian government has been subsidizing many industries and products since Independence. It provides subsidy on
which of the following commodities?
(A) Fertilizers
(B) Seeds
(C) Tractors
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Only B and C 5) None of these
233. Oslo, which was in news recently for an Indian couple being sentenced to jail terms for maltreatment of their child, is the
capital city of which of the following countries?
1) Switzerland 2) Canada 3) Egypt 4) Norway 5) None of these
234. United Nations General Assembly granted which of the following status to Palestine recently?
1) Non-member observer state 2) Member State
3) Non-permanent member of Security Council 4) Original member
5) None of these
235. Vani Kapoor is associated with which of the following games?
1) Cricket 2) Golf 3) Bandminton 4) Archery 5) None of these
236. The Doing Business Report is prepared by which of the following organizations every year?
1) Asian Development Bank (ADB) 2) World Bank
3) International Monetary Fund (IMF) 4) World Trade Organisation (WTO)
5) None of these
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40 PO Mock-Test-4
237. ; li i(i i i n^ n ^ii ii i l(ii -i l-i i l i i( - - (l, i
ii iii i r i 1 2013 ii(i ri ^i| - -i l iiili i i l - lni ili in ri ^i`
1) 50,000 . 2) 55,000 . 3) 60,000 . 4) 75,000 . 5) ;- i ; ri
238. i ii li- i l - l( .-. i i ii l-ln i ^- l - l li r `
1) l(n -i l(i; ii( l--- l( i r n
2) - i iii ,ii lni lni i lll-- ^ - i i r n
3) li ,ii l-i -- i rn i i i- i ^i - - ( i i - r i i ni r n
4) i ii - l(li i-ni l ^ l( ii l( i lin l-i -iii i ii r n
5) ;- i ; ri
239. iini l( ii i - l l(i il
(A) iin - i i l(l-
(B) iin - --i l( ii l( i i l(l-
(C) - i i ln i l ii ( ( -ii
iini l( ,ii n - i i, i ri li ini r `
1) ( A 2) ( B 3) ( C 4) ( A i B 5) ( A i C
240. i -i in (ii i - l ( nili l(i il
(A) --i l(l- ri l
(B) ^ r i i l( (i;
(C) -i i
n - i i -i 2012 l( nii - ri r `
1) ( A 2) ( B 3) ( C 4) ( A i B 5) ( A i C
241. lni l(i in ln l(i , li ri ri - li ri ^i, i -ii i n l - l -i -iln li i^i`
r lnl-n -i in (i ( i- iini ri ^ `
1) ^ -i i -i
2) ^ -i i;-i;- i(- - -i
3) -- - i (- l --
4) -- il l-
5) ;- i ; ri
242. l - l i i -i l( i i i i i i r l nrn - iii iii i -
iini li i^i`
1) ^ in 2) l-i 3) -i i 4) lri 5) ;- i ; ri
243. i NBFC - -i F l lln ni r `
1) Formal 2) Fiscal 3) Federal 4) Functional 5) Financial
244. i i -ii l(i ini i -iin i rn i >- - , i l i (i ii i l(i
i li ^i r , l ri ini r
1) CTS-2010 2) CTS-2011 3) CTS-2012 4) CTS-2013 5) ;- i ; ri
245. 2012 l iini li i i 500 i i l - i i i iini li - i iii -ii
i ii r `
1) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
2) Reliance Industries Ltd
3) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
4) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
5) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd
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237. Centre has announced a hike in allocation of grants for construction of houses for BPL families under the Indira Awas
Yojana (IAY) which will take effect on April 1, 2013. Now each beneficiary will receive which of the following amounts per
dwelling unit?
1) Rs 50,000 2) Rs 55,000 3) Rs 60,000 4) Rs 75,000 5) None of these
238. Market regulator SEBI has set up a committee under former cabinet secretary KM Chandrashekhar for which of the
following purposes?
1) Reviewing the existing Revised Carry-Forward System
2) Principally looking into the issue of delisting of securities by the exchanges
3) Recommending measures for improving the disclosure standards by corporates and timely dissemination of price
sensitive information to the public
4) Standardising and unifing the rules regarding foreign investments made under various routes into the capital market.
5) None of these
239. Consider the following with respect to the functions performed by the RBI:
(A) Regulation of banks in India
(B) Regulation of foreign direct investment in India
(C) Control and supervision of money supply
Which of the above functions is/are not performed by the Reserve Bank of India?
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Only A and B 5) Only A and C
240. Consider the following scientists with respect to the recipients of the Nobel Prize:
(A) Stephen William Hawking
(B) Serge Haroche and David J Wineland
(C) Mo Yan
Who amongst the above is NOT amongst the recipients of the Nobel Prize 2012?
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Only A and B 5) Only A and C
241. Sitar maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar, who passed away recently, will be honoured with which of the following awards
posthumously? He will be the first Indian to get the prestigious award.
1) Grammy Legend Award
2) Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award
3) Best Contemporary World Music Album
4) Best Classical Compendium
5) None of these
242. Which of the following state governments has launched Saral Money debit card facilitating every Aadhar number holder
with an account in a bank?
1) Gujarat 2) Delhi 3) Uttar Pradesh 4) Bihar 5) None of these
243. What does the letter F denote in the term NBFC?
1) Formal 2) Fiscal 3) Federal 4) Functional 5) Financial
244. In a bid to standardise and enhance the security features in cheque forms, it has now been made mandatory for banks to
issue new format of cheques called
1) CTS-2010 2) CTS-2011 3) CTS-2012 4) CTS-2013 5) None of these
245. According to the Fortune 500 list of Indian companies for 2012, which of the following companies has retained its top
slot among the Indian companies?
1) Indian Oil Corporation Ltd
2) Reliance Industries Ltd
3) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
4) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
5) Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd
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42 PO Mock-Test-4
246. ri ri - l-i - i i i ^; i i i i - l - i i i ri r `
1) ; i i n^ n 600 i -il ili rini ii iiiii iin - r-ni nln ri i^i|
2) r i i 1 ii(i i^ ri ^; r |
3) r (n -i l(ni iii i ln-iiln i l-in r |
4) ( 1 i 2
5) 1, 2 i 3 ii
247. ri i ; li i^ i l - i i, i ri r ,r `
1) ri i ; li i ii i il-nii liil i i i i ii i n ni( i (i i i li li r |
2) ii i; -i r |
3) ; i^ - r -i- ii^ ri r |
4) ( 1 i 2
5) 1, 2 i 3 ii
248. - i - l - i i, i ri r ,r `
1) r -i ^ i i ln i ilni ,ii i -(n i r |
2) r iini l( ,ii n i ini r |
3) r iini l( ,ii i l(-n - ii l ii i n ri ni r |
4) r iini l( ,ii iini i ni( n i ini r |
5) r iin i ,ii i i ii ^ i i i n i ini r |
249. i i l(; l - l ^- i -ii (ii ri -lri ^; r `
2) CII
4) IBA
5) ;- i ; ri
250. iini i i i - l ii l(i il, i ri r(i; iiii i i ri r `
(A) i - i l>- l r i-i l(i i (AAC) l -ii; i i -(iln i r |
(B) ri ri - iini ii i iini (i i ii -( r (i -i i>-i r li - in i l- i;
in i|
(C) - li, i i il-ni i r li i ii i -( i r(i; iiii r |
n - i i ri r `
1) ( A 2) ( C 3) ( A i B 4) ( B i C 5) All A, B i C
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246. Which of the following statements is/are correct with the respect of Annshree Yojna launched in Delhi recently?
1) Under the scheme a monthly cash subsidy of Rs 600 will be transferred directly to the beneficiaries account.
2) The scheme is implemented with effect from April 1.
3) It is aimed at replacing existing public distribution system.
4) Only 1 and 2
5) All 1, 2 and 3
247. Which of the following statements is/are correct about Hockey India League (HIL)?
1) Hockey India has decided to send all the nine Pakistani players back home amid the growing tension between the two
2) Narinder Batra is the chairman of HIL.
3) Total six teams are participating in the league.
4) Only 1 and 2
5) All 1, 2 and 3
248. Which of the following statements is/are correct about the bank rate?
1) It is free to fluctuate according to the forces of demand and supply.
2) It is set by the RBI.
3) It is set by the RBI as directed by the Union Ministry of Finance.
4) It is set by the RBI as advised by the Indian Banks Association.
5) It is set by the Government of India on the recommendation of the Planning Commission.
249. Naina Lal Kidwai is the first woman to become the president of which of the following organisations?
2) CII
4) IBA
5) None of these
250. Consider the following statements with respect to the Indian Army, which is all set to have a dedicated aviation wing
within it:
(A) Army chief General Bikram Singh has approved the creation of a permanent cadre for the Army Aviation Corps
(AAC ).
(B) The Indian Army recently won a hard-fought turf war with the IAF to get heavy-duty attack helicopters of its own.
(C) The US, China and Pakistan are the other countries that that have a dedicated aviation wing within their armies.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
1) Only A 2) Only C 3) Only A and B 4) Only B and C 5) All A, B and C
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44 PO Mock-Test-4