Medieval Arithmetic Geometry
Medieval Arithmetic Geometry
Medieval Arithmetic Geometry
(2013) 67:637705
DOI 10.1007/s00407-013-0121-5
Geometry and arithmetic in the medieval traditions
of Euclids Elements: a view from Book II
Leo Corry
Received: 30 April 2013 / Published online: 18 July 2013
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Abstract This article explores the changing relationships between geometric and
arithmetic ideas in medieval Europe mathematics, as reected via the propositions of
Book II of Euclids Elements. Of particular interest is the way in which some medieval
treatises organically incorporated into the body of arithmetic results that were formu-
lated in Book II and originally conceived in a purely geometric context. Eventually,
in the Campanus version of the Elements these results were reincorporated into the
arithmetic books of the Euclidean treatise. Thus, while most of the Latin versions of
the Elements had duly preserved the purely geometric spirit of Euclids original, the
specic text that played the most prominent role in the initial passage of the Elements
from manuscript to printi.e., Campanus versionfollowed a different approach.
On the one hand, Book II itself continued to appear there as a purely geometric text.
On the other hand, the rst ten results of Book II could now be seen also as possibly
translatable into arithmetic, and in many cases even as inseparably associated with
their arithmetic representation.
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638
2 Euclids Elements: Book II and geometric algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
2.1 Elements Book II: an overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Dedicated to my dear friend Sabetai Unguru on his 82th birthday.
Communicated by: Len Berggren.
L. Corry (B)
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
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2.2 Geometric algebra: an overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
2.3 Visible and invisible gures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
3 Book II in late antiquity and in Islamic mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
3.1 Herons commentary of the Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
3.2 Al-Khw arizm and Ab u-K amil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
3.3 Th abit ibn Qurra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
3.4 Al-Nayrz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
4 Book II in the early Latin medieval translations of the Elements . . . . . . 663
5 Book II in other medieval texts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
5.1 Abraham Bar-H
iyya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
5.2 Liber Mahameleth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
5.3 Fibonacci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
5.4 Jordanus Nemorarius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684
5.5 Campanus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
5.6 Gersonides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
5.7 Barlaam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
6 Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
1 Introduction
Book II of Euclids Elements raises interesting historical questions concerning its
intended aims and signicance. The book has been accorded a rather singular role
in the recent historiography of Greek mathematics, particularly in the context of the
so-called geometric algebra interpretation. According to this interpretation, Greek
geometry as epitomized in the works of Euclid and Apollonius isat least in its
fundamental aspectsnothing but algebra in disguise.
In 1975 Sabetai Unguru published an article in which he emphatically criticized
the geometric algebra interpretation. He claimed that Greek geometry is just that,
geometry, and that any algebraic rendering thereof is anachronistic and historically
misguided (Unguru 1975). Unguru, to be sure, was elaborating on a thesis previously
put forward by Jacob Klein in his classic Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin
of Algebra (Klein 1968 [19341936]), about a great divide between ancient and mod-
ern mathematics around the basic conceptions of number and of geometry. Ungurus
article ignited a harsh controversy with several well-known mathematicians with an
interest in history, such as Bartel L. van der Waerden (19031996), Hans Freudenthal
(19051990), and Andr Weil (19061998) (van der Waerden 1976; Freudenthal 1977;
Weil 1978). In spite of the bitter debate, however, the controversy quickly receded and
Ungurus view became essentially a mainstream interpretation accepted by most his-
torians. Ungurus criticism has since stood (at least tacitly) in the background of most
of the serious historical research in the eld.
Beginning in the late nineteenth century, this view was promoted by prominent scholars such as Paul
Tannery (18431904), Hieronymus Georg Zeuthen (18391930), Sir Thomas Little Heath (18611940),
and Otto Neugebauer (18991990). Book II became a pivotal focus in the elaboration of the details of this
historiographical perspective.
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A view from Book II 639
Still, once we have acknowledged the misleading way in which the geometric
algebra interpretation explains the mathematics of the past by using ideas that were
not present in Euclids or in Apolloniuss time, some additional, interesting questions
arise that call for further historical research. Thus for instance, as an alternative to
geometric algebra, one may ask for a coherent, purely geometric explanation of the
aims and scope of the ideas originally developed in the Greek mathematical texts. This
question has been illuminatingly addressed, for instance, by Ken Saito concerning
Book II and its impact on Apolloniuss Conics (Saito 2004 [1985]), and I will return
to it below.
A different kind of question that arises when one rejects the geometric algebra
interpretation of Greek geometry concerns the origins and historical development of
this very historiographical view. Thus, it is well known that beginning in late antiq-
uity and then throughout history, in editions or commentaries of the Elements, as well
as in other books dealing with related topics, classic geometrical results were var-
iously presented in partial or full arithmetic-algebraic renderings. It is evident that
this mathematical transformation later affected some of the retrospective historical
interpretations of what Euclid had in mind when originally writing his own text. But
what was the precise interplay between the changes at these two levels, mathematical
and historiographical, in the different historical periods? A full exploration of this
longue dure question, starting from Euclid and all the way down to the historians
who vigorously pursued the geometric algebra interpretation in the late nineteenth
century, is a heavy scholarly task. In the present article, I intend to address a partial
aspect of it, by focusing on the ways in which mathematicians in Medieval Europe
presented the propositions of Book II in the most widely circulated Euclidean ver-
sions, as well as in other texts that incorporated some of the propositions of that book.
I suggest exploring the extent to which arithmetic and proto-algebraic ideas were
absorbed in those texts and hence modied the original Euclidean formulation, and
(to a lesser degree) whether and how these changes affected the historical conception
of Euclid.
Before entering the discussion, however, it is important to stress from the outset
that I deliberately ignore the debate about the adequacy of using the term algebra
in this or that historical context, and consider it a matter of taste. As I have explained
elsewhere, the question about the essence of algebra as an ahistorical category seems
to me an ill-posed and uninteresting one (Corry 2004, 397). Thus, I am not interested
in adjudicating the question whether or not certain specic ideas found in Heron or
in al-Khw arizm count as algebra according to some predetermined, clearly agreed
criteria. Rather, I want to identify those mathematical ideas not originally found in
Euclids text and that were gradually incorporated into interpretations of it or even
into the edited versions of the text itself. In this article, just for convenience, I refer
to some of those ideas using the general umbrella terms of arithmetic or alge-
bra, in their more or less agreed sense, and without thereby aiming at an essentialist
perspective on these concepts. This in itself should not give rise to any debate or
The core of the article is preceded by two relatively lengthy introductory sections.
In Sect. 3, I discuss some of the propositions of Book II and their proofs as they appear
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640 L. Corry
in the original Euclidean text known to us nowadays.
I devote particular attention to
II.5 which in most of the examples analyzed here serves well as a focal point that
illustrates the issues considered.
I thus present the typical (anachronistic) algebraic
interpretation of this result and I discuss its shortcomings. In Sect. 4, I present some
versions of the same propositions, as were introduced in texts of late antiquity and of
Islam mathematics. This section is not intended as an exhaustive survey of such texts,
but rather as a presentation of versions that were available to the medieval translators
and interpreters of Euclid and that in many cases provided the source for contemporary
renderings of propositions of Book II. These two sections, Sects. 34, are intended
as a consistent synthesis which, while strongly relying on the existing scholarship,
stresses some less noticed aspects and thus hopefully helps making a fresh reading of
the history of Book II in its early phases.
After these introductory sections, I move to the core part of the article, where I ana-
lyze propositions from Book II as they appear in medieval versions of the Elements
(in Sect. 5) and in other contemporary books that incorporated such ideas (in Sect. 6).
The period discussed comprises the rst Latin translations of the Euclidean text in
the twelfth century, and it also includes additional texts that circulated in Europe in
manuscript versions before the rst printed version of the Elements in 1482. Thus,
I discuss the Liber Mahameleth, as well as additional texts by Abraham Bar-H
Fibonacci, Jordanus Nemorarius, Gersonides, and Barlaam. These works present us
with a rather heterogeneous variety of approaches, within which propositions from
Book II were handled with the help of both geometric and arithmetic ideas. Some of
these treatises organically incorporated into the body of arithmetic the main results
of Book II. Subsequently, and particularly in the Campanus version of the Elements,
existing arithmetic versions of results fromBook II were reincorporated into the arith-
metic books the Euclidean treatise, Books VIIIX. As a consequence, while most of
the Latin versions of the Elements had duly preserved the purely geometric spirit of
Euclids original, the specic text that played the most prominent role in the initial
passage of the Elements frommanuscript to printi.e., Campanus versionfollowed
a different approach. On the one hand, Book II itself continued to appear as a purely
geometric text. On the other hand, the rst ten results of Book II could now be seen
also as possibly translatable into arithmetic, and in many cases even as inseparably
associated with their arithmetic representation. Hence, when symbolic techniques of
algebra started to take center stage in renaissance mathematics in Europe, the alge-
braic interpretation of results in Book II could became a natural, additional step to be
In the discussion below, as already indicated, proposition II.5 provides a signicant
focal point for the analysis pursued. Nevertheless, this focus allows only a limited
The issue of the adequate use of direct and indirect sources in order to establish an authoritative version of
the Euclidean text is a signicant historiographical question still under debate nowadays. See (Rommevaux
et al. 2001). I do not deal at all with this issue here, and I simply follow the widely accepted English version
(Heath 1956 [1908]).
Proposition II.5 has also been used as focal point in other accounts about Greek mathematics or about
changing views on geometry through history; see, e.g., Neal 2002, 123 ff.; Netz 1999, 911; Vitrac and
Caveing 1990, 370372.
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A view from Book II 641
view on the broader issue at stake. On closer analysis, one realizes that another issue
of crucial importance in this story is the way in which distributivity of the product
over addition was handled in the various medieval texts that I study here. In consid-
eration with the already substantial length of this article, I have pursued that issue in
a separate essay, soon to be published, and to which I refer in the relevant places as
Another remark related to the length of my article is the following: Since, of neces-
sity, the text belowincludes many detailed proofs that differ fromeach other in specic
important points, yet in subtle and perhaps non-dramatic manners, I have followed the
convention of writing some paragraphs using a different font. This is meant
as an indication to the reader that these paragraphs comprise purely technical descrip-
tions of proofs and that they are intended as evidence in support of the general claims
made in the corresponding sections. The paragraphs may be read with due technical
attention, or they may be skipped at least temporarily without thereby missing the
general line of argumentation.
2 Euclids Elements: Book II and geometric algebra
Book II of the Elements is a brief collection of only fourteen propositions. The rst
ten can be seen as providing relatively simple tools to be used as auxiliary lemmas in
specic, more complex constructions later on. Euclid applied the results in the proofs
of the last four propositions of Book II (II.11, for instance, teaches how to obtain the
mean and extreme section of any given segment), as well as in other books of the
Elements. Later on, they can be found in important places such as Apollonius Conica.
Each of the rst ten propositions was proved by Euclid directly with the help of results
taken from Book I, and without relying on any other result from Book II. It is easy to
see, however, that once II.1 is proved on the basis of I.34, the other nine propositions
could be proved by relying on II.1. This is not what Euclid did in his text, but as we
shall see, the possibility was acknowledged from very early on.
2.1 Elements Book II: an overview
Since I will be referring throughout the article to some propositions in Book II and to
their proofs, I present now propositions II.1II.6 and II.9II.10, with varying degrees
of detail (according to what is needed in the discussion below). I also add some general
comments at the end of the presentation (all the quotations are taken from Heath 1956
II.1: If there are two straight lines, and one of them is cut into any number of
segments whatever, then the rectangle contained by the two straight lines equals
Recent scholarship has devoted increased attention to the ways in which diagrams appearing in critical
editions of the Elements differ fromthose in extant manuscripts. See, e.g., (Saito and Sidoli 2012). Although
considerations of this kind may be relevant to our analysis here, in this article I will refer only to diagrams
as they appear in the available critical editions.
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642 L. Corry
the sum of the rectangles contained by the uncut straight line and each of the
Figure 1
Here A is the first given straight line, and BC is the second one. BC is
divided into three parts: BD, DE, EC (this is meant to indicate that
BC is cut into any number of segments whatever). The construction is
straightforward, setting BG equal to A, and perpendicular to BC, and
then drawing DK, EL, and CH parallel to BG. All that is necessary to
complete the proof is that DK be equal to A. This follows from the fact
that BK is by construction a rectangle, and hence (by I.34) DK, being
opposite to BG, equals BG. For the same reason also EL and CH are equal
to BG, and all the three parallelograms can be taken together to form
the parallelogram BH.
II.2: If a straight line is cut at random, then the sum of the rectangles contained
by the whole and each of the segments equals the square on the whole.
Figure 2
II.3: If a straight line is cut at random, then the rectangle contained by the whole
and one of the segments equals the sumof the rectangle contained by the segments
and the square on the aforesaid segment.
1 3
A view from Book II 643
Figure 3
II.4: If a line is cut at random, then the square on the whole is equal to the squares
on the segments and twice the rectangle contained by the segments.
Figure 4
II.5: If a straight line be cut into equal and unequal segments, the rectangle con-
tained by the unequal segments of the whole together with the square on the straight
line between the points of section is equal to the square on the half.
The straight line AB is cut into equal segments at C and into unequal segments at
D. The proposition says that the rectangle on AD, DB together with the square on CD
is equal to the square on CB. The diagram is built by taking AK = AD, BF = CB.
Figure 5
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644 L. Corry
In the proof Euclid makes use of a gnomon, NOP, which is the gure obtained
when joining the rectangles HF, CH, together with the square DM. Euclids proof can
be visualized as follows:
Figure 6
Schematically, Euclids argument can be summarized as follows
[Sq(CD) means the square of CD and R(CD, DH) means the rectangle
built on CD, DH]:
(a.1) By I.43: R(CD,DH) =R(HM,MF), and hence R(CB,BM)=R(DB,BF)
(a.2) But R(CB,BM)=R(AC,AK) and hence R(AC,AK)=R(DB,BF)
(a.3) Hence R(AC, AK)+R(CD,DH) =R(DB,DF)+R(CD,DH), or,
(a.4) R(AD,AK) =Gnomon NOP or R(AD,DB) =Gnomon NOP
(a.5) Hence R(AD,DB) +Sq(LH) =Gnomon NOP +Sq(LH) or,
(a.6) R(AD,DB) +Sq(CD) =Sq(CB)
II.6: If a straight line is bisected and a straight line is added to it in a straight
line, then the rectangle contained by the whole with the added straight line and the
added straight line together with the square on the half equals the square on the
straight line made up of the half and the added straight line.
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A view from Book II 645
The segment AB is bisected at C, and a segment BD is added to it in a straight line.
The proposition says that the rectangle AD, DB together with the square on CB equals
the square on CD. The diagram is built by taking AK = BD, DF = CD.
Figure 7
Like in II.5, also in this case, a key step in Euclids proof is based on the use of a
gnomon, NOP, and of II.43 in order to assert that CH = HF.
II.9: If a straight line be cut into equal and unequal segments, the squares on the
unequal segments of the whole are double of the square on the half and of the
square on the straight line between the points of the section.
The straight line AB is cut into equal segments at C and into unequal segments at
D. The proposition says that the squares on AD, DB are double of the squares on AC,
Figure 8
The proof refers to the diagram above where GF = CD, EC = AC = CB, and
wherein the angles AEB, ECA, ECB are easily shown to be right angles.
The Pythagorean theorem (I.47) is thus applied several times, as
(b.1) By construction and by I.47: Sq(AE) =2 SQ(AC)
(b.2) By construction and by I.47: Sq(EF) =2 SQ(GF) =2 SQ(CD)
(b.3) Hence: Sq(AE) +Sq(EF) =2 SQ(AC) +2 SQ(CD)
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646 L. Corry
(b.4) But by I.47: Sq(AF) =Sq (AE) +Sq(EF)
(b.5) Hence [from (b.3) and (b.4)]: Sq(AF) =2 SQ (AC) +2 SQ(CD)
(b.6) But by I.47: Sq(AF) =Sq(AD) +Sq(DF) =Sq(AD) +Sq(DB)
(b.7) From (b.5) and (b.6): Sq(AD) +Sq(DB) =2 Sq(AC) +2 Sq(CD)
a +b
a b
= ab.
One interesting feature of his interpretation is that the relevant expression for the
proposition changes if we call the segments differently. In particular, the two propo-
sitions, II.5II.6, can be made to represent one and the same expression, namely the
difference of the squares of two straight lines is equal to the rectangle contained by
their sum and difference, or (a +b) (a b) = a
. This equivalent formulation
obtains if the two lines in Fig. 10 below represent the two propositions, with a and b
being CB and CD, respectively, whereas AD and BD are taken as their sum and their
difference respectively. Thus:
Figure 10
Moreover, the two same lines could be taken to represent a putative algebraic
interpretation common to II.9II.10: The sumof the squares on the sumand difference
of two given straight lines is equal to twice the sum of the squares on the lines or
(a +b)
+(a b)
= 2 (a
) (Heath 1956 [1908], Vol. 1, 394). This interpretive
exibility may be seen as either an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on what
viewpoint we adopt, but it certainly raises some concerns that require being clearly
Thus, if we remain close to the Euclidean text we have to admit that, particularly in
the cases of II.5 and II.6, both the proposition and its proof are formulated in purely
geometric terms. There are no arithmetic operations involved, and surely there is no
algebraic manipulation of symbols representing the magnitudes involved. The entire
deduction relies on the basic properties of the gures that arise in the initial construc-
tion or that were proved in previous theorems (which in turn were proved in purely
geometric terms). Thus, for instance, the claim that the complement CH is equal to
the complement HF corresponds to proposition I.43 of the Elements. The gnomon
NOP is a geometric gure built out of other gures, and similar gnomons appear in
many other proofs in Greek geometry. It is clear that, while one might easily claim
(albeit with little historical justication, but at least with some mathematical justica-
tion) that rectangle formation is a geometric equivalent of arithmetic multiplication,
no such natural, arithmetic equivalent can be suggested for gnomon formation.
Ungurus criticism of the geometric algebra interpretation laid stress on this kind of
interpretive difculties concerning the meaning of the operations. It also indicated the
inherent difculty to dene a clear, general arithmetic of abstract magnitudes in Greek
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648 L. Corry
mathematics, of which the putative algebra would be a generalization (Unguru and
Rowe 19811982a, b; see also Mueller 1981, 5052).
Whether or not one accepts this kind of criticism, it is pertinent to notice that when
it comes to the arithmetical books of the Elements, Books VIIIX, the discussion may
require some specic adaptations, since the arguments against the algebraic interpre-
tation of geometric situations cannot simply be extended without further comments.
I discuss this issue more at length in [LC2]. Nevertheless, I want to stress here one
point concerning the way in which numbers and operations upon themare represented
in the arithmetical books of Euclid, while contrasting it with the case of the geometric
books. This is a very important point for our discussion below on the medieval texts.
The accompanying diagram for VII.5 is useful for our purposes here:
Figure 11
As in all diagrams associated with the arithmetical propositions in the Elements,
lines represent here numbers while the operations of addition and subtraction can be
represented by concatenation of lines. In this diagram, for instance, EF is the sum of
EH, HF. This is not different fromaddition of two lines in the geometric context. When
it comes to multiplication, however, we need to be more attentive to the differences
between the two contexts. The number A, for instance, is a part of BC, which means
that A, if added repeatedly to itself, yields BC. In the proof, Euclid simply counts and
compares the multitude of times that one number is part of the other in the cases
considered. I will be referring below to this kind of argument as counting units.
In the Euclidean texts, such arguments appear in the context of arithmetic proofs,
where lines appearing in diagrams are used just to represent and to label arbitrary
numbers and actual constructions are never performed on them. These lines are not
multiplied with each other, but they can be multiplied in the sense of repeated addition.
In contrast, in geometric proofs two lines may be multiplied in the sense of rec-
tangle formation. Whereas in the framework of the Elements, the separation is clearly
kept between the geometric and the arithmetic books, and the kinds of proofs used
in each, in the framework of Islam mathematics, and certainly later on in medieval
European mathematics, we nd proofs of both types mixed together in various con-
Among the interesting changes that we shall notice below is that arithmetic
proofs started to be increasingly used also for propositions originally appearing in
Book II.
The distinction between the two kinds of proofs has efciently been used in (Oaks 2011) for the case of
Islam mathematics.
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A view from Book II 649
2.3 Visible and invisible gures
A possible reaction to any criticism against the geometric algebra interpretation of
Book II is to ask for a coherent, purely geometric interpretation of the meaning and
usage of this collection of propositions seen as a whole. One illuminating such inter-
pretation has been suggested by Saito (2004 [1985]), and it is also relevant for our
discussion below. Saitos interpretation is related to the twin-like relation already
mentioned above between pairs of propositions such as II.5II.6 or II.9II.10. Simi-
lar relations can be shown to hold, respectively, for the pairs II.2II.3, II.4II.7, and
II.1II.8. We saw that in the algebraic interpretation, these pairs of twin propositions
may be understood as representing one and the same algebraic expression. But this
immediately raises the question why would the same expression require two different
propositions to express it. This would seem to go against the gist of the algebraic
perspective as known to us nowadays, in which precisely such repetitions become
unnecessary. One of Saitos interesting insights is that the geometric context alone
provides a very coherent and sufcient explanation for the existence of these twin
propositions that obviates the need for an algebraic addition (Saito 2004 [1985], 157
160). Indeed, Saito points to several places in the Elements, in other books of Euclid,
and in Apollonius Conica, where two different, but strongly related, geometric sit-
uations are proved with the help of twin propositions from Book II. An example of
this appears in propositions III.35III.36 of the Elements, which deal with areas of
rectangles built on segments of lines that intersect with each other and with a circle.
In III.35, the lines intersect within the circle, whereas in III.36 they intersect outside
it. Two diagrams appearing in the proofs of the propositions and related to this point
are the following:
Figure 12
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650 L. Corry
In III.35, the line AC is cut into equal parts at G and into unequal ones on E, and thus
II.5 can be applied. In III.36, the line AC is bisected at F and DC is added to it, and thus
II.6 can be applied. Notice then, that not only the relations between the lengths here
are important, but above all their geometric arrangement. Thus, Saito concludes that
Euclid considered lines and areas not as representations of abstract quantities that can
be freely manipulated according to general rules, but specically as geometric entities,
the mutual arrangement of which is signicant for the propositions considered.
Saitos analysis shows that a purely geometric interpretation of Book II does full
justice to Euclid as a conscious planner of the mathematical edice of the Elements. In
later books of the collection, we encounter geometric situations that require the support
of lemmata such as those put forward in advance in Book II in order to complete the
proof or the construction at stake. The very singling out of these results as worthy
of separate consideration in advance appears in retrospect as an under-acknowledged
token of Euclids great insight. I say this, because these lemmata came to be used
signicantly not only where originally intended, but also (as Saito shows) in Euclids
Data and, somewhat later, in Apolloniuss Conica. And as the mathematician Doron
Zeilberger emphasized recently, A Good Lemma is Worth a Thousand Theorems,
precisely because, while trivial in appearance or easy to prove, once stated, the insight
encapsulated in a good lemma allows for its application in a wide variety of unexpected
contexts, and this was indeed the case with Book II.
Another aspect of Saitos analysis concerns the distinction between visible and
invisible gures in the diagrams of the Elements. This important point is also connected
withthe issue of distributivitywhichI discuss infurther details in[LC2]. Here I mention
it only briey. Recall that the geometric fact to be proved in II.1 can be schematically
stated as follows (referring to Fig. 1 above):
R(A, BC) = R(A, BD) +R(A, DE) +R(A, EC) . (1)
The proof itself, on the other hand, is based on (i) taking a segment BG = A, (ii)
constructing the parallelograms and proving on purely geometric grounds (using I.34)
that DK = A = EL, and (iii) then realizing that, according to the diagram:
R(BG, BC) = R(BG, BD) +R(DK, DE) +R(EL, EC) . (2)
So, what is the big difference between (Eq. 1) and (Eq. 2) and in what sense does
the latter prove the former? Notice, in the rst place, that proving DK = A = EL is
fundamental since otherwise the three rectangles in the gure cannot be concatenated
into a single one in (Eq. 2). But what Saito draws our attention to, in particular, is
the fact that the rectangles used in (Eq. 2) are all visible in the diagram, whereas
those of (Eq. 1) are invisible. Situations such as those of (Eq. 2) appear frequently
in the Elements, and the distributivity of the construction of parallelograms is used
See Doron Zeilberger, Opinion 82: A Good Lemma is Worth a Thousand Theorems (written: August
14, 2007; downloaded May 02, 2012: Theorems
are nice, but they are usually dead-ends. A lemma may be trivial, or easy to prove once stated, but if it is
good, its value far surpasses even the deepest theorems.
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A view from Book II 651
there without any further comment. A most prominent example appears in the proof
I.47, whose well-known diagram is the following:
Figure 13
A crucial step in the proof is that
Sq (BC) = R(BD, DL) +R(CE, LE) , (3)
and this step is taken in Euclids text without any special comment. In other words, sit-
uations embodied in (Eq. 2) and (Eq. 3) involve visible gures and hence do not require
further justication other than what the gure itself shows. The situation embodied in
(Eq. 1), in contrast, does require a proof precisely because the rectangles involved are,
as indicated by Saito, invisible. In Book II, then, Euclid shows how the properties of
invisible gures can be derived from those of visible ones for one can apply to the
latter the geometric intuition which is fundamental of Greek geometric arguments
(Saito 2004 [1985], 167). In the texts discussed below, the awareness to this clear dis-
tinction is not strictly kept, and the blurring of borders between the two kinds of gures
runs parallel to the processes of blurring of borders between geometric, arithmetic,
and proto-algebraic ideas.
3 Book II in late antiquity and in Islamic mathematics
Medieval readers, translators, and editors of the Elements were acquainted with various
kinds of commentaries and additions, and not just with the original Euclidean text such
1 3
652 L. Corry
as described above for the particular case of Book II. In this section, I present some
versions of results related to Book II, written in late antiquity and in the mathematical
culture of Islam, and that circulated in Europe since the twelfth century. The texts
discussed here had a direct impact on the way that the results of Book II came to be
interpreted, reproduced, and disseminated in mathematical texts in the middle ages.
3.1 Herons commentary of the Elements
Alternatives to Euclids proofs started to appear already within Greek mathematical
culture itself. It has been speculated that arithmetical versions of some propositions
in Book II circulated at the time of Diophantus and perhaps even earlier (Vitrac 2004,
22). Also, a number of scholia to the Elements include an arithmetic rendering of
II.5, with values AB = 10, AC = CB = 5, AD = 8, and DB = 2 (Heiberg
and Menge 18831893, Vol. 5, 234236), but their exact dating and authorship is a
debatable matter (Vitrac 2003). What can be asserted with relative certainty is that
Heron of Alexandria, who at the end of the rst century A.D. wrote a Commentary
of the Elements, presented original, alternative proofs to many propositions in Book
II. These proofs provide a good illustration of how Euclids arguments started to be
transformed from quite early on. Since Herons text was known, either directly or
indirectly, to some of the medieval authors about whom we shall speak below, his
proofs are worthy of examination here.
Reconstructing the exact contents of Herons text is not a straightforward task, since
only very meager fragments have survived in Greek (Vitrac 2011). The main available
substantial source for the existing reconstructions is found in a commentary to the
Elements written by Abul Abbas al-Fadl ibn Hatim al-Nayrz (c. 875c. 940). This
commentary (which I discuss below) was one of the earliest to be written in Arabic,
and it preserved a considerable number of extracts from Herons book (Heath 1981
[1921], 309310). The medieval authors discussed in this article became acquainted
with Herons ideas via al-Nayrzs commentary, and hence, it seems reasonable to
rely on it for our discussion here. That being said, it is nonetheless important to keep
in mind that more recent historical research has stressed the difculties in asserting
the ways in which the extant Latin and Arab manuscripts reect the original text of
Heron (Busard 1996b; Brentjes 2001a).
As already mentioned, Euclid had proved each proposition in Book II separately on
the basis of results of Book I alone. Heron followed a different approach. He asserted
that II.1 is the only one among the fourteen propositions that cannot be proved without
drawing a total of two lines. As for the remaining propositions, however, he stated
that it is possible that they be demonstrated with the drawing of one sole line, and
he suggested alternative proofs that do not rely anymore on Book I. Rather, he relied
in each case on propositions from the same Book II that he gradually proved as he
went along (Curtze 1899, 8889). Thus, II.1 appears here as the basic statement of
a general law of distributivity of area formation over addition, a law whose proof is
purely geometric, and from which all other propositions in Book II can be derived.
Propositions II.2II.3 appear as particular cases of II.1, and II.4 as directly derivable
from it (see [LC2]). Hence, implicitly, also these propositions derive their validity
1 3
A view from Book II 653
from geometry, but at the same time, they embody situations which Heron saw as
arithmetic and illustrated with numerical examples. Along the proof, he also referred
to rectangles and squares constructed on the various segments (or, as he phrased it,
the surface that the two lines CD,DB enclose), but such gures are truly invisible,
in the sense of Saito, i.e., they are never actually drawn and it is left to the reader to
imagine them. In addition, Heron stressed that each proposition can be proved in two
different ways, namely by analysis and by synthesis. I will present now the details of
Herons proof of II.5, while focusing only on the second of these two components,
namely synthesis.
Herons proof for II.5 relies directly on II.2II.3, rather than on
propositions in Book I, as in Euclids original. Heron draws a line
AB, with two additional points D and C indicated on it, and with C
bisecting the line, as follows (Curtze 1899, 96):
Figure 14
The core of the proof can be visualized in terms of two simple steps:
(1) decomposing the square on BC into smaller pieces; (2) reassem-
bling the pieces into the rectangle on DA,DB and the smaller square
on DC. Graphically this amount to the following (I am using figures
that do not appear in the text):
Figure 15
Schematically, Herons argument can be summarized as follows:
(c.1) By II.2: Sq(CB) =R(CB,DB) +R(CB,CD)
(c.2) But, by II.3 R(CB,CD) =R(CD,DB) +Sq(CD) (since BC =DB +CD)
(c.3) Hence Sq(CB) =R(CB,DB) +(R(CD,DB) +Sq(CD))
(c.4) But AC =CB
(c.5) Hence Sq(CB) =R(AC,BD) +(R(CD,DB) +Sq(CD))
(c.6) But by II.1 R(AC,DB) +R(DB,CD) =R(AD,DB)
(c.7) Hence Sq(CB) =R(AD,DB) +Sq(CD),
Historians have identied Herons proofs as early instances of using algebraic
techniques in geometry, and this assessment remained unchallenged even in critical
And for an English translation, see (Lo Bello 2009, 32).
1 3
654 L. Corry
analyses of geometric algebra (see, e.g., Fried and Unguru 2001, 2021). This way
to interpret Herons work, however, seems to me misleading, as I nd it hard to see this
approach as algebraic in any possible sense of this word. In the proof just presented,
as well as in others in Book II, Heron added areas to areas or decomposed a square into
geometric components, and then manipulated the parts in order to reconstruct a differ-
ent one. On the one hand, these are just legitimate geometric operations also found in
other parts of the original Euclidean text. On the other hand, there is here an interesting
twist of ideas whereby Heron extended the scope of Euclids norms, in the sense that
he applied to invisible gures manipulations that Euclid had legitimately applied only
to visible ones. Indeed, as we saw above, the whole idea of Book II was to provide
tools that created a sound basis for doing these kinds of geometric manipulations
wherever needed, and now we nd here the manipulation of invisible gures being
done already within Book II. Moreover, one cannot overlook the important difference
embodied in the fact that Euclids proof is in essence constructive, while Herons is
operational: what I mean by this is that Euclid starts with an elaborate construction
that needs to be completed before starting the apodictic part of the proof, whereas
Heron proceeds straightforwardly from the divided line to the conclusion, simply by
operating (i.e., adding and comparing areas) with squares and rectangles built on the
segments appearing in the proposition (and using some previous propositions as well).
In fact, it is quite clear that Herons diagram alludes to those appearing in the arith-
metical books of the Elements, which typically comprise just collections of segments
which are referred to in the proof but are not used for any kind of construction. Thus,
Herons proof are different from Euclids in important senses, but not in the sense of
being algebraic rather geometric. Indeed, they are not even arithmetic proofs in the
sense explained above, since two lines multiplied give raise to a rectangle and not to
a third line. Herons proofs are not less geometric than Euclids, but rather differently
geometric, and in a meaningful manner at that.
Given this different geometric approach, some have speculated about the possi-
bility that Herons proof had its sources in Pythagorean ideas from a time in which
arithmetic and geometric practices were less clearly separated than what they came
to be later on, as in the Euclidean text (Vitrac and Caveing 1990, 369). At any rate,
it seems evident that the operational character of Herons proof, even though it is
geometrically operational, more conveniently prepares the road for a possible arith-
metic, and later algebraic, readings of the propositions in Book II. As we shall see
below, this road was indeed taken by later readers of Euclids text and of Herons
commentary. But it is important to stress these kinds of differences between two
geometric approaches (Euclids and Herons) since it is precisely through this kind
of nuances that we come to understand the slow process through which algebraic-
like thinking entered geometry and in particular the kind of geometry developed in
Book II.
(Vitrac 2005, 6 ff.) speaks about two contrasting styles of geometrical proof in Greek mathematics:
demonstrative versus algorithmic. Without wanting to make too much of word choice, and without
the benet of the much broader scope of Vitracs analysis, I think that for the case of Book II, at least,
the contraposition of constructive versus operational is more adequate to encapsulate the difference
between Euclids and Herons proofs.
1 3
A view from Book II 655
3.2 Al-Khw arizm and Ab u-K amil
The development of procedures for solving problems involving unknowns and their
powers was a central contribution of the mathematicians in the culture of Islam. The
terms Islamic algebra or Arabic algebra can be associated with this tradition.
Their most well-known contributions are dated not before the beginning of the ninth
century, but it is likely that some of the earlier ideas began as practical traditions
that were cultivated and transmitted orally over many centuries (Hyrup 1986). It is
obvious, at any rate, that the Islamic context must be explored in any attempt to follow
the incorporation of arithmetic, algebraic or proto-algebraic ideas into later versions
of Book II. One must keep in mind, of course, that the transmission of the Arabic
Elements involved a highly complex network of translations, editions, commentaries,
and reception, about which knowledge continues to be somewhat limited and contested
(Brentjes 1994, 1996, 2001a). The current scholarship typically refers to two basic
Arabic translations of Books IXIII that gave rise to separate textual traditions. One,
composed before 805, is attributed to Al-H
ajj aj ibn Y usuf ibn Mat
ar (. between 786
833). A second one, composed by Ish
aq ibn H
unayn (ca. 830910/11), during the last
third of the ninth century, was later edited by Th abit ibn Qurra (ca. 830901). I will
discuss here ideas of Book II that appear in the works of al-Khw arizm, Ab u K amil,
Th abit ibn Qurra, and al-Nayrz. In all these cases, these ideas appear in contexts
that sensibly differ from the original Euclidean one. Moreover, in each case we nd
different approaches to the way in which the result can be used and interpreted from
an algebraic or arithmetic perspective. These four mathematicians do not exhaust the
variety of relevant texts from the Islamic tradition, but they were among the most
commonly read in medieval Europe, and this is the reason for focusing here on their
The famous Al-kit ab al-muh
ar f h
is ab al-jabr wa-l-muq abala (The Com-
pendious Book on Calculation by Restoration and Confrontation) was written by
ammad ibn M us a al-Khw arizm (c. 780850) in the early ninth century on the
exhortation of the caliph al-Mamun. As it is well known, al-Khw arizm presented here
rules for solving problems that involve squares of an unknown quantity, and he then
added geometric proofs to justify some of the rules. Although it seems unlikely that he
was not aware of some of the existing translations of Euclids text, the fact is that he
did never directly refer to or otherwise mention the Elements (Djebbar 2005, 3436).
Neither did he explicitly state or prove results of Book II in any of his works. Many
of the geometric proofs found in his texts bear similarities with the Euclidean propo-
sitions, but they are used in a less rigorous and more intuitive or visual manner than
in the original. A well-known example is the use of a result similar to II.5 in relation
to the problem known as the square and twenty-one numbers equal ten roots of the
same square. Here, we nd an early, interesting case of embedding the core of II.5
in a typical Arabic algebraic context.
Al-Khwarizms procedure to solve this problem is described as fol-
lows (Rosen 1831, 11):
Halve the number of the roots; the moiety is five. Multiply this by
itself; the product is twenty-five. Subtract from this the twenty-one
which are connected with the square; the remainder is four. Extract
1 3
656 L. Corry
its root; it is two. Subtract this from the moiety of the roots, which
is five; the remainder is three. This is the root of the square which
you required, and the square is nine. Or you may add the root to the
moiety of the roots; the sum is seven; this is the root of the square
which you sought for, and the square itself is forty-nine.
The diagram used to endorse the validity of this procedure is remi-
niscent but not identical to the Euclidean one for II.5. It involves
a square AD, whose side AC represents the unknown magnitude. In the
diagram there is also a rectangle HT, one of whose sides, HN, equals
Figure 16
The diagram accounts for the problem in the sense that rectangle HB
and square AD together build a larger rectangle, HD, that represents
10 times the unknown magnitude AC, while HB one is assigned the value
21. Al-Khwarizms argument, from here on, can be schematically ren-
dered as follows:
(d.1) Bisect HC at G, and construct square MT with side equal to
HG. Since HG is of length 5, then the area of MT is 25.
(d.2) Construct KMHG with KG =GA. Here KR =Sq(GA).
(d.3) Now, we have cut HC into equal segments at G and into unequal
segments at A. Euclids II.5 can be applied here, so that:
Sq(HG) =R(HA,AC) +Sq(GA). Hence, MT =HB +KR.
(d.4) Thus, the value of KR is 4, and its side is 2. And since
GK =GA, it follows that AC is 3, and this is the side we were
looking for.
Al-Khw arizm is thus using here the main idea behind II.5 in the framework of a
specically arithmetic case. He freely associates numerical values to what for Euclid
are continuous magnitudes (line segments), andthenhe canobtain, withthe helpof II.5,
another value that is associated to a certain square. Of course, this association crucially
depends on the conceptions of number typical of Islam mathematics, and which differ
from the classical Greek ones. For al-Khw arizm, as for most of his successors, any
kind of positive quantities arising from calculations, including fractions or irrational
roots, would count as legitimate numbers. In the last step of the argument, the side is
used to nd the value of the unknown magnitude. This approach clearly deviates from
Euclids consistent separation between geometric and arithmetic contexts, and it will
have signicant consequences over later developments. At the same time, however,
1 3
A view from Book II 657
II.5 itself has not lost here its purely geometric character in any way. On the contrary,
al-Khw arizm is clearly implying that by reducing his problemto a geometrical context
he is bestowing theoretical legitimacy to his solving algorithm. He may have wanted
to appeal to certain readers with a more theoretical orientation, though perhaps not all
of his readers would think of this as a necessary requirement. It should be noticed that,
as in any algebraic solution of a quadratic equation, the crucial step in al-Khw arizms
procedure is that of completing squares, only that in this case, this completion is a
purely geometric procedure, rather than a symbolic, algebraic one as it will be much
later in the algebraic tradition of the seventeenth century.
An interesting question that has been a matter of lively debate among historians
concerns the sources of the ideas appearing in al-Khw arizms al-jabr wa-l-muq abala
and the degree of originality of his own contribution. This is true for both the algo-
rithms and the kind of geometric justications illustrated above. In the past, it was
common to assume Greek roots and a direct connection to the Elements, but more
recently, historians also started to indicate more prominently Indian and Central Asian
inuences. Following a different direction, Jens Hyrup has also suggested a possi-
ble connection with Babylonian traditions of problem solving that were alive and
inuential up until the European Renaissance (Hyrup 1986, 2001). One way or
another, ideas from Book II continued to appear repeatedly in later books of the
Arabic algebraic tradition, typically as part of a geometric justication similar to what
we have just seen with al-Khw arizm. Of the highest relevance to our discussion here
is the example of Ab u K amil (c. 850930) in his Kit ab f al-jabr wa al-muq abala,
a treatise written around 900. Ab u K amil presented in a systematic way methods
and results found in al-Khw arizm, while at the same time incorporating a visible
inuence of the arithmetic books of the Elements (Moyon 2007; Oaks 2001). His
treatise was widely read by European medieval mathematicians, and its inuence is
clearly visible, particularly concerning the questions that we are discussing in this
Ab u K amil started by discussing the six cases of problems with squares as intro-
duced by al-Khw arizm. In providing geometric arguments to justify the validity of
his methods of solution, however, he followed the Euclidean source and its standards
much more closely than his predecessor. As a matter fact, in the text we nd for
most problems two geometric justications for each case: one closer in style to al-
Khw arizm and one relying directly on a result from Book II. This may reect a desire
to meet the requirements of two different kinds of readerships: one of practitioners
and another one of theoreticians. Still, in both cases Ab u K amil assigned numerical
values to lines and areas without any limitation, very much like al-Khw arizm had
done before him. Let us see the two proofs for the example of the square and ten
roots of the same square equal thirty nine numbers, where Ab u K amil relied on II.6.
This example, also taken directly from al-Khw arizm, is historically important since
A Latin version is extant which dates from the fourteenth century (Sesiano 1993). I will be referring to
this Latin text, which most likely reects what was available to the European mathematicians we shall be
discussing below. There is also a Hebrew version with comments by Mordechai Finzi (died 1475) which
seems to have been a translation from a Spanish version, but no such Spanish version has been preserved.
See (Levey 1966; Weinberg 1935).
1 3
658 L. Corry
it was repeated, with slight variations, by many mathematicians both in the Islam and
early European algebraic tradition (Dold-Samplonius 1987).
The accompanying diagram is the following (Sesiano 1993, 327328):
Figure 17
In the first proof, the square ABGD represents the square of the
unknown and to this the rectangle ABEU is attached and it is taken
to represent ten roots. This means that the line BH represents the
number ten since the rectangle share with square ABGD the line AB.
Now, in the argument rectangles and squares, as well as line segments
are taken to represent numbers, satisfying the conditions stipulated
in the problem, namely the square of the unknown, ABGD, together
with ten roots, ABEU, is thirty nine. Abu Kamils argument can be
schematically rendered as follows:
(e.1) R(AB,BE) +Sq(GB) =39 =R(EG,DG).
(e.2) But GD =GB, so that R(EG,GB) =39.
(e.3) Bisect BE at H. Accordingly, HB =5, and Sq(CB) =25.
(e.4) But BG is appended to HB in a straight line. Hence, [according
to II.6]:
R(EG,GB) +Sq(HB) =Sq(HG).
(e.5) Since R(EG,GB) =39 and Sq(HB) =25, then Sq(HG) =64.
(e.6) Thus, HG =8, and line HB =5. Finally, GB =3, and Sq(GB) =9.
.1) a +b = 2 (d +b) a = b +2 d 2 d = a b
But notice that what is actually used in step (k.4) is the relation
b + 2 d = a, which is the midstep in this putative derivation and
which I indicated in square brackets in (k.3). This would make the
relation 2 d = ab irrelevant for the derivation. Why would Jordanus
then write twice d is the difference between b and a rather than
a equals b and twice d, which is the rhetorical counterpart of
the relation needed for step (k.4)? It seems, therefore, that we
must look for the justification elsewhere, and as Jordanus remains
silent, we can only speculate. My guess is that the sentence twice d
is the difference between b and a refers to a situation that can be
derived from a visual inspection of the diagram. This can be seen by
imaginarily extending in the following way the situation described
in the original diagram of A-I.19:
Figure 30
1 3
688 L. Corry
By directly inspecting a diagram like this one, it becomes clear
that, indeed, twice d is the difference between b and a, as stated
by Jordanus.
We can find a rather similar situation in relation with the proof of
A-I.20. Let me first stress how the concluding step (k.11) is actually
reached. From (k.7) to (k.8), one obtains c d = b c + e c, and then,
using (k.9) we get c d = b c+e b+e f. From here, using (k.10) we get
the desired result c d = b a +e f. But notice that Jordanus invokes
A-I.9 in three of the steps, whereas in fact, in order to apply this
result in each of the steps some additional relations are required
that are not explicitly mentioned in the text. Thus, for instance,
how do we know in (k.7) that d = b + e, in order to conclude that
c d = c b +c e? Or how do we know in (k.9) that c = b +f, in order to
conclude that e c = e b+e f? Like in the case of A-I.19, we might, on
first sight, suggest putative symbolic derivations that would help
explain how Jordanus obtained the said relations, this time starting
from (k.6). Thus, for instance, we might think of the following two:
Moreover, the geometric rendering also seems appropriate for the argument of MH-I.5,
whose proof is based on repeated applications of distributivity properties, and which
is accompanied by the following diagram:
Figure 38
Here, the number AB (Gersonidess term) is bisected at C and the number BD
is added. The proposition then states, as in II.6, that the area of AD by DB together
with the square on CB equals the square on CD.
Gersonides proof is as follows:
(n.1) R(AD,BD) = R(CD,DB) +R(AC,DB)
(n.2) But R(AC,DB) = R(BC,DB)
(n.3) [Hence R(AD,BD) = R(CD,DB) +R(BC,DB)]
(n.4) Hence by adding Sq(CB),
R(AD,DB) +Sq(CB) = R(CD,DB) +R(BC,DB) +Sq(CB)
(n.5) But Sq(CD) = R(CD,BD) +R(CD,CB)
(n.6) But R(CD,CB) = R(CB,BD) +Sq(CB)
(n.7) Hence Sq(CD) = R(CB,BD) +R(CB,BD) +Sq(CB)
(n.8) Hence Sq(CD) = R(AD,BD) +Sq(CB),
In this case we find no subtractions as in the previous example, but
here the steps are more straightforward and one can simply imagine
them as being similar to those followed by Heron in his operational
geometric proof.
Summarizing this section, then, one can say that Gersonides version of these two
propositions is not easily classied as either geometric or arithmetic. On the one hand,
it is clear that for him the two propositions are meant (like all other propositions in
the book) to express properties of numbers, and not of geometric gures. On the other
hand, while for other propositions in the book which were also arithmetic versions
of propositions in Book II, he had provided arithmetic proofs, here he proceeded in
ways that remind one of those of al-Khw arizm and of his Islamic followers; that
is, he provided a geometric justication for a result related to numbers. It is evident
that lacking a exible language in which the various steps of the proof (as stated
above) could be conceived and formulated in arithmetical, or proto-algebraic terms,
an operational approach to geometric manipulation of areas, such as implicit in Herons
proof, offered a blueprint of a proof that could be more easily adapted to the arithmetic
spirit of the book. Euclids proof would have also worked here, of course, but it would
have been much less akin to the arithmetic spirit of the proposition as conceived by
1 3
698 L. Corry
Gersonides. In this sense, Gersonides proofs do reect a well-developed ability to
manipulate abstract relations between numbers, albeit without having at hand a fully
developed symbolic language. Of course, the proofs discussed here are not among the
most complex ones that Gersonides handles in the treatise, and yet I think that this
conclusion applies broadly beyond the specic cases considered. In terms of historical
development, at any rate, since Maaseh Hoshev had little or no visible inuence on
later mathematical developments in Europe, this highly original version of II.5 soon
fell into oblivion.
5.7 Barlaam
The last text that I want to consider here is a highly original collection of results
embodying arithmetic versions (not a commentary) of Euclids propositions II.1
II.10, and commonly attributed to the fourteenth-century Basilian monk and scholar
Barlaam de Seminara (ca. 12901348).
Barlaam is mentioned in passing in Heaths
edition of the Elements (Heath 1956 [1908], Vol. 1, 74), as well as in some other places
in the secondary literature, but it seems that there exists no serious historical research
on him and on his startling Euclidean text.
In the text, we nd no preliminary explanations about the background, or about what
exactly the author had in mind when composing it. Rather, the text itself opens with
arithmetical denitions similar in spirit and in wording to those found in Book VII:
multiples of numbers, plane numbers, parts of numbers. More generally, the wording of
the propositions and, especially, the accompanying diagrams resemble those found in
Books VIIIX: They are not geometric constructions needed to support the argument,
but rather indications, with the help of various lines drawn one next to the other, of
the various numbers mentioned in the proof. Still, in some places Barlaams use of the
lines appearing in the diagram deviates in important senses from standard usage. Let
us see the details of his proof of II.5.
Barlaams proof of this proposition relies on the use of II.1, and
also, in an original way, of II.4. The accompanying diagram is as
below (Heiberg and Menge 18831893, Vol. 5, 730732):
Figure 39
The standard line appearing in all diagrams of proofs of II.5 also
appears here, with ab representing a number (Barlaam stresses that
this is an even number), that is divided into two equal numbers ag,gb
The full original Greek text appears in (Heiberg and Menge 18831893, Vol. 5), as Appendix Scholiorum
4. I thank Michael Fried for help on translating parts of it.
1 3
A view from Book II 699
and into two unequal numbers ad,db. But the additional three lines
are quite unusual. They are defined as follows:
e represents the square on gb
zh is the plane number from ad,db
hq is the square on gd
kl is the square on bd
nj is the square on dg
lm, mn are each the plane number obtained from bd,dg
According to the diagram (but not mentioned anywhere in the text)
kj = kl + lm + mn + nk. Notice then, that by virtue of II.4 and by
referring to the meaning attributed to each of the four segments,
Barlaam implicitly takes kj to represent the square on bd+dg. This is
nothing but the square on bg, which by definition is e. Also according
to the diagram (and not mentioned anywhere in the text) zq = zh +hq.
Thus, it is clear that the aim of the proof must be to show that also
zq = e. The steps of the argument for reaching this conclusion can be
schematically rendered as follows:
(o.1) By definition, kl = bd bd and lm = gd bd. Hence km = gb bd
[since km = kl +lm and gb = gd +db]
(o.2) But gb = ga, hence km = ga bd
(o.3) But by definition also, mn =gd bd. Hence by (o.1-o.2),
kn =ad bd
[since kn = kl +mn and ad = ag +dg]
(o.4) But also zh = bd ad. Hence [by (o.3)] zh = kn
(o.5) But hq = nj, since both were defined as cd cd. Hence kj = zq
[since kj = kn +nj and zq = zh +hq]
(o.6) But kj = e [by II.4 !!], so that [by (o.5)] zq = e
(o.7) But also zq = ad db +dg
[since in the diagram zq = zh +hq]
(o.8) Hence, zq = ad db+dg
and zq = e, so that ad db+dg
= gb