Introduction To Microeconomic Theory
Introduction To Microeconomic Theory
Introduction To Microeconomic Theory
Economics is the study of choice under conditions of scarcity or the study of choice with constraints.
Specifically we say that economics is the study of how individuals and societies choose to em-
ploy scarce resources that could have alternative uses to produce products and services, and dis-
tribute them, now or in the future, among various individuals and groups in society.
2.1. Unit of analysis and preferences. The fundamental unit of analysis in economics is the economic
agent. Typically this agent is an individual consumer or a firm. The agent might also be the man-
ager of a public utility, the stockholders of a corporation, a government policymaker and so on.
The underlying assumption in economic analysis is that all economic agents possess a preference
ordering which allows them to rank alternative states of the world.
The behavioral assumption in economics is that all agents make choices consistent with these
underlying preferences.
2.2. Definition of a competitive agent. A buyer or seller (agent) is said to be competitive if the
agent assumes or believes that the market price of a product is given and that the agent’s actions
do not influence the market price or opportunities for exchange.
2.3.1. Products as objects of choice. Consider a simple case where consumers are endowed with a
certain amount of money income. Assume that final products and services are the only objects
of choice available to an individual in the economic system. Assume that these are the various
products and services available for purchase in the market. Assume that the number of products is
finite and equal to L (` =1, ..., L). A product vector is a list of the amounts of the various products:
x = .
The product bundle x can be viewed as a point in RL.
2.3.2. Consumption sets. The consumption set is a subset of the product space RL, denoted by XL
⊂RL , whose elements are the consumption bundles that the individual can conceivably consume
given the physical constraints imposed by the environment. We typically assume that the con-
sumption set is X = RL L
+ = {x ∈ R : x` ≥ 0 for ` = 1, ... , L}.
2.3.3. Prices. We will assume that all L products are traded in the market at dollar prices that are
publicly quoted. How they are determined will be discussed later. The prices are represented by a
price vector
p = . ∈ RL
For now assume that all prices are strictly positive, i.e. p` >> 0. We will also assume that all
consumers are price takers in the sense that they cannot influence the price at which they buy or
sell a product.
2.3.4. Income. Assume that each consumer has wealth equal to mi or the representative consumer
has wealth m.
2.3.5. Affordable consumption bundles. We say that a consumption bundle x is affordable for the rep-
resentative consumer if
p x = p1 x1 + p2 x2 + · · · + pL xL ≤ m (1)
If x is also an element of RL
+ , then the set of feasible consumption bundles is x RL
+ : px ≤ m.
This is called a Walrasian budget set and is denoted Bp,m .
2.3.6. Preferences. We assume a preference relation over products with the following properties
1: complete in that for all x1 , x2 ∈ X, we have x1 x2 or x2 x1 (or both)
2: transitive in that ∀ x1 , x2 , x3 X, if x1 x2 and x2 x3 then x1 x3 .
3: locally nonsatiated in that for every x1 ε X and every ε > 0, there is x2 ∈ X such that ||x2 -
x1 ≤ ε|| and x2 x1 .
4: continuous in that for any sequence of pairs
{ (xn n ∞ n n
1 , x2 ) }n=1 with x1 x2 ∀ n,
x1 = lim xn n
1 , and x2 = lim x2 ,
n→∞ n→∞
we have x1 x2.
2.3.7. Existence of a utility function. Based on the preferences defined in 2.3.6, there exists a contin-
uous utility function v(x) that represents in the sense that x1 x2 iff v(x1 ) ≥ v(x2 ).
2.3.8. The utility maximization problem. The utility maximization problem representing the choice
problem for the consumer is then as follows
max u(x)
n (2)
s.t. pi xi ≤ m
− λ pi = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n (3a)
∂ xi
− Σn
i=1 pi xi + m = 0 (3b)
Ratios of any of the equations in 3a will give
∂ xi pi
∂ xj
∂v ∂v
∂ xi ∂ xj
⇒ =
pi pj
∂v ∂v
∂ xi ∂ x1 (4)
⇒ =
pi p1
∂v ∂v
∂ xj ∂ x1
⇒ =
pj p1
∂v pi ∂ v
⇒ =
∂ xi p1 ∂ x1
This implies that the ratio of marginal utilities is equal to the price ratio and that the ratio of
marginal utility to price is the same for all goods.
2.3.9. Properties of the solution. The solution to 2 is given by x(p,m) and has the following properties
a: homogeneity: x(λp, λm ) = x(p, m)
b: Walras law: p x = m ∀ x x(p, m)
c: convexity: If is convex , so that u(·) is quasi-concave, then x(p,m) is a convex set
d: uniqueness: If is strictly convex, so that u(·) is strictly quasi-concave, then x(p,m) con-
sists of a single element
2.3.10. Aggregation. For the time being we will assume that there exists an aggregate demand func-
tion for the I consumers in the economy as follows
Resources are anything that can be used directly or indirectly to satisfy human wants. Products
and services are resources as are natural and human resources. We sometimes call resources factors
of production because they are the things we use to produce products and services for consumption.
We usually talk about three types of resources:
1: land, which is physical space together with the natural resources found above or beneath
2: labor, which is the time human beings spend producing products and services
3: capital, which is a long-lasting resource (not used up in the process) used to produce prod-
ucts and services
4.1. Production system or technology. A production technology is a description of the set of out-
puts that can be produced by a given set of factors of production or inputs using a given method
of production or production process.
4.2. Factors of production. A factor of production (input) is a product or service that is employed
in the production process.
4.3. Expendable factors of production. Expendable factors of production are raw materials, or
produced factors that are completely used up or consumed during a single production period.
Examples might include gasoline, seed, iron ore, thread and cleaning fluid.
4.4. Capital. Capital is a stock that is not used up during a single production period, provides ser-
vices over time, and retains a unique identity. Examples include machinery, buildings, equipment,
land, stocks of natural resources, production rights, and human capital.
4.5. Capital services. Capital services are the flow of productive services that can be obtained
from a given capital stock during a production period. They arise from a specific item of capital
rather than from a production process. It is usually possible to separate the right to use services
from ownership of the capital good. For example, one may hire the services of a backhoe to dig a
trench, a laborer (with embodied human capital) to flip burgers, or land to grow corn.
5.1. Definition of a neoclassical firm. A neoclassical firm is an organization that controls the trans-
formation of inputs (resources it owns or purchases) into outputs or products (valued products that
it sells) and earns the difference between what it receives in revenue and what it spends on inputs.
5.2.1. Technology sets. The technology set for a given production process is defined as
T = {(x, y) : x ∈ Rn m:
+ , y ∈ R+ x can produce y } (6)
where x is a vector of inputs and y is a vector of outputs. The set consists of those combinations
of x and y such that y can be produced from the given x. We assume that n + m = L, the number of
products in the economy. For some technologies the ith factor in the economy may be an input, for
other technologies it may be an output, and for some technologies it could be either. Consider for
example a firm which produces steel ingots which are then cast into a variety of forms, plates, coils,
bars, sheets and so on. The firm could purchase these ingots from another firm or sell ingots to a
different firm. Though this is not likely due to transportation costs, the net flow of ingots to and
from the technology could be different in different periods. Or consider a corn farmer who also
feeds cattle. The individual could sell excess corn on the market, or purchase corn to feed more
5.2.2. Returns from the production technology. The returns to a particular production plan are given
by the revenue obtained from the plan minus the costs of the inputs or
π = Σm n
j=1 pj yj − Σi=1 wi xi (7)
where pj is the price of the jth output and wi is the price of the ith input.
A neoclassical firm is then an organization that controls one or more production technologies
and receives the returns from implementing those technologies in a particular way, paying for the
inputs, and receiving the revenue from the outputs or products.
5.3. Objectives of a firm. We typically assume that a firm exists to make money. Such firms are
called for-profit firms. Given this assumption we can set up the firm level decision problem as maxi-
mizing the returns from the technologies controlled by the firm taking into account the demand for
final consumption products, opportunities for buying and selling products from other firms, and
the actions of other firms in the markets in which the firm participates. In perfectly competitive
markets this means the firm will take prices as given and choose the levels of inputs and outputs
that maximize profits. In the case where the firm controls a single technology within a vertical
chain the problem can be written
max [ p y − Σn
i=1 wi xi ] such that [(x, y) T ] (8)
x, y
If the firm controls more than one production technology it would take into account the interac-
tions between the technologies and the overall profits from the group of technologies. A firm may
choose to acquire more technologies and control more steps in the chain if that will lead to lower
costs of producing and marketing the product within the chain.
The solutions to 8 are given by x(p,w) and y(p,w). The solutions have the following properties
a: homogeneity: y = (tp, tw) = y(p, w) and xi (tp, tw) = xi (p, w)
b: convexity:
∂y (p, w)
≥ 0
≤ 0
d: cross price derivatives: With suitable differentiability properties,
∂y ∂xi
= −
∂wi ∂p
∂xi ∂xj
∂wj ∂wi
5.3.1. Aggregation. Suppose there are J firms in the economy, each specified by a production tech-
nology T1 , T2 , . . ., TJ . For the time being we will assume that there exists an aggregate supply
function for the J firms in the economy as follows
In equation 9, y is a vector containing the total supplied by firms of each of the products in the
5.4. Implications of the definition of a neoclassical firm. Some have said that the neoclassical
definition of the firm treats the firm as synonymous with the technology. The firm is a engineering
construct that specifies how inputs and outputs are related, assumes a decision rule for choosing
the inputs and outputs subject to the technology and earns any returns that come from this pro-
cess. In reality, firms must deal with many complex human challenges, such as creating incentives,
and coping with incomplete information. The neoclassical model of a firm views labor as an input
like any other. However, labor is different, since the workers must be motivated to work effec-
tively (supply the input purchased). Supplying effective incentives may be difficult, because the
employer cannot have complete information about the effort a worker is exerting. Such issues will
be ignored for the present.
6.1. Economic system (economy). One possible definition of an economic system considers it as a
collection of consumers, firms, and products and the environment (defined in section 6.2) in which
they make decisions. We summarize this information as follows.
1: There are I consumers numbered 1, 2, . . ., I , each characterized by a consumption set Xi ⊂
RL and a preference relation i defined on Xi
2: There are J firms numbered 1, 2, . . ., J , each characterized by a production technology Tj ∈
3: There is an initial endowment of factors in the economy. This is given by a vector ω̄ =
(ω̄1, ω̄2, . . . , ω̄L) ∈ RL .
4: Each consumer has an initial endowment vector of products ωi ∈ RL where ω̄ = i ωi .
5: Each consumer has a claim to a share θij ∈ [0, 1] of the profits of firm j where Ii θij = 1
for every firm j.
6: All agents in the economy are assumed to be competitive.
7: All production, exchange, and consumption between agents takes place within the a set of
institutionalized rules, procedures, traditions and other factors that make up the economic
6.2. The economic environment. The actions taken by any agent depend on the opportunities
presented to that agent. These opportunities depend on the economic environmentof the agent. This
environment is determined (constrained) by:
1: basic physical and biological properties of the world in which the agent lives,
2: the man-made technologies available and in use,
3: the actions of other agents,
4: the institutional framework of the economic system, and
5: other legal, social or moral limits on choice,
6: uncertain or stochastic factors that influence other parts of the environment.
6.3. Outcomes ensuing for each agent in the system. Outcomes are the things that happen in an
economic system. An outcome might be that you receive your first paycheck and spend it all on a
new wheel for your bike. Another outcome might be that you quit your job in Des Moines, IA, take
a job in Denver, CO, move there, receive one paycheck and then get fired.
Given a particular economic environment and a set of choices (or choice rules) for each agent, we
can determine the outcome for each agent depending on the actions of all the agents in the system
and a particular realization of the random factors that influence the system.
The outcome of the economic system is thus not predetermined but depends on random events,
individual choices, and other agents reactions to those individual choices.
The joint actions of economic agents influence the outcome of the economic system. The econ-
omy might be viewed as a complex system in which the choices of each agent influence the state
and direction of the system. For example, if a switchman at a railway yard sends two trains in the
same direction on the same track there is high probability that lives and property will be forfeited,
independent of most other choices in the system. Alternatively, if all consumers refuse to buy prod-
ucts made from trees cut from forests with spotted owls, there will be changes in the pattern and
costs of lumber worldwide. At a more microeconomic level, if a person decides to work less hours
in order to enjoy life more, the amount of goods she will consume will probably fall. Or if a firm
chooses to produce less goods, it may have lower profits. But on the other hand it may have higher
than average profits due to a positive production or price shock.
Given the joint actions of economic agents, the state of the economy is not deterministic but
stochastic. We often assume that there are no random factors in the economy to simplify analysis.
This is called economics under certainty. The economics of uncertainty is a study of the nature
of the randomness of the economic environment and its impact on individual choice, individual
welfare and overall economic performance.
7.1. Definition 1 of a market. A market is defined as one particular product (or the product and
its close substitutes and complements) and the economic interactions of individuals who own,
produce, trade and consume this product. This definition is imprecise since it not always obvious
how generally the product should be defined. In a pure sense the product should be homogeneous.
Homogeneity is usually defined in terms of form, place, time, and possession. For example
in some cases the product may be exactly the same as far as physical characteristics (form), but
may differ as far as its location (place) or its time of availability. In many cases close substitutes
must be considered in analyzing a market as with Coke and Pepsi. But the extent to which close
substitutes must be considered is not always this obvious, as for example, chicken versus beef in
considering meat consumption. In general we will assume that a market under consideration is
well defined and involves either a homogeneous product or a group of differentiated products
that are fairly close substitutes (or complements) for at least one product in the group and have
limited interaction with the rest of the economy. Thus we can speak of the market for corn, or the
market for unskilled labor in Detroit, or the market for cocaine in Reno, Nevada.
7.2. Definition 2 of a market. A market is often defined as a situation in which buyers and sellers
can negotiate the exchange of some product or products. One might say that it is a group of buyers
and sellers with facilities for trading. A market may be located in a specific place such as the local
farmers’ market but can just as easily operate without all participants or the product in question
being present such as the market for corn (including futures) or the market for used cars. The
traders may be spread over a whole city, region, country or the world as long as they are in close
communication with each other and can convey the necessary information to promote exchange.
This definition considers a market as a general means to facilitate the exchange of products and
7.3. Product differentiation and market definition. The product under consideration in a given
market is usually assumed to be homogeneous or close to it. A product that is not homogeneous
is referred to as differentiated. Differentiated products usually differ by form, place, time or pos-
session. These differences are sometimes called form, time, place and possession utilities though
they are not assumed to be additive.
7.3.1. Form utility. Products that differ physically are said to differ in form. For example, Pepsi
and Coke are two similar cola products but they differ (at least to sensitive mouths) physically
enough that they are not considered the same product. Similarly with hamburgers, a Big Mac and
a Burger King Whooper are physically different. Form utility may also be in the eye of the beholder.
Processing is a common way to change the form utility of a product.
7.3.2. Place utility. Speaking of place and time utility Marshall [1, p. 113] specifies that ”the more
nearly perfect the market is, the stronger is the tendency for the same price to be paid for the same
thing at the same time in all parts of the market; but of course if the market is large, allowance must
be made for the expense of delivering the products to different purchasers; each of whom must be
supposed to pay in addition to the market price a special charge on account of delivery.” Place
utility is defined as the difference (to a single consumer as an argument in the utility function or
in value in general equilibrium) in an otherwise homogeneous product that occurs because of the
product’s physical location or circumstance. Transportation is the most common way to change
the place utility of a product.
7.3.3. Time utility. In addition to differences such as those based on location, a product may trade
at different prices or terms based on its date of delivery as evidenced by the pattern of cattle futures
prices or the term structure of interest rates. Time utility is defined as the difference in an otherwise
homogeneous product that occurs because of the time at which the product will be available for
delivery. Storage and futures or forward contracts are the most common way to change the time
utility of a product.
7.3.4. Possession utility. In an advanced economy where legal titles and contract terms are impor-
tant, the exact rights conveyed with the product may be important. Often the title to delivery of
a product will specify certain terms such as time of payment, limited liability, ability to return the
product if defective, ties to other products or actions such as agreement to purchase additional
product, pricing based on some index, etc. All of these terms differentiate an otherwise homoge-
neous product. Possession utility is defined as the difference in an otherwise homogenous product
that occurs because of the terms and conditions of sale and transfer of title.
7.3.5. Vertical chains. The process that begins with the acquisition of raw materials and ends with
the distribution and sale of finished products to a consumer is known as a vertical chain. A vertical
chain may be made up of a large number of firms using different or the same technologies or a
single firm that turns raw materials into a finished product ready for final consumption.
7.3.6. Market channels. A market channel is a description of the set of firms or activities that add
place, time, form or possession utility to a product as it is transformed from a raw material or
intermediate product into one that is purchased by another firm or final consumers. A broadly
defined market channel is synonymous with a vertical chain while a more narrowly defined one
may be a subset of a particular chain such as the market channel for new cars (manufacturers
inventory to retail sale) or the market channel for fresh sweet corn sold at a roadside stand.
8.1. Equilibrium (loose definition). A set of prices (p,w) and allocations of products to consumers
and firms is said to be an equilibrium if
1: For every firm the set of inputs used and outputs produced maximize profit at those prices
given the firms technology.
2: For each consumer the consumption bundle is maximal for i in the budget set defined
by the initial endowment (valued at the equilibrium prices) and their share of the profits
of the J firms in the economy.
3: The total consumption of products by consumers is equal to initial endowments plus the
net output of firms.
8.2. Definition of market structure. Market structure refers to all features of a market that affect
the behavior and performance of firms (and consumers) in that market. The keys factors in defining
a market structure are the short run and long run objectives of buyers and sellers in the market,
their beliefs about the ability of themselves and others to set prices, the technologies they employ,
the amount of information available to them about the product and about each other, the degree
of coordination or noncooperation they may exhibit, the extent of entry and exit barriers, and the
degree of product differentiation.
9.2. Examples.
1: What determines the price of rice?
2: What determines the price of coal?
3: What happens to oil output when price rises?
9.3. Hypothesis testing and positive analysis. The hallmark of positive economics is the construc-
tion of various hypotheses about economic behavior and the subjection of these hypotheses to em-
pirical verification.
10.1. Definitions.
1: Determining what ”ought to be”.
2: Using resources optimally so as to achieve the maximum well-being for individuals in
There are usually problems of measuring preferences in normative analysis.
10.2. Examples.
1: Should we build a bridge over the Grand Canyon?
2: Should a tariff on textiles be removed?
3: Should the government compensate labor displaced by tomato harvesters?
4: Should a specific farmer (Jones, Smith or Nakagawa) plant corn or wheat?
11.1. Definition. Understanding, describing and predicting economic behavior by assuming that
economic agents optimize (or maximize their preferences) according to some set of assumptions or
rule, determining their optimal response given that rule, and then using these derived expressions
to test various positive hypotheses.
11.2. Examples.
1: Estimate a production function for corn, determine the supply of corn as a function of corn
price, and then predict the corn supply elasticity.
2: Develop a nonlinear programming model of an electricity firm and the market in which it
operates including a representation of transmission grids, feedback, an auction market for
electricity, final demand, government policy constraints, and so forth. Change one of the
policy constraints and use the model results to predict the actual response to a change in
3: Describe the investment decision of the firm as an optimal control problem, determine the
optimum investment rule, and then use this rule to predict response to a change in the
interest rate.
[1] Marshall, A. Principles of Economics 8th Edition. London: Macmillan, 1946.