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I fc JEE Advanced/ I I TJEE

- ~~~p ~~~ ---

I @-
2. The function f(x) = x2+4x+30 . IS not one -to.-one.
x2 -8x+18
(1983 - I Mark) .
1. The values of f (x) = 3sin -- lie in the interval 3.
Iffi(x) and f,(x) are defined on domains .Dl and D,
respectively, then fi (x) +f, (x) is defined on U, u D2.
................. (1983 - 1 Mark)
(1988 - 1 Mark)
I @-
2. For the function f (x) = ----
1 + e ' / ~ 2 J f O 0 I B
= 0 , x=O .. 1. Let R be the set of real numbers:If f : R -+ R is a function
the derivative from the right, f (0+)'= ........................ and the
defined-by f(x) =.$, then f is : (1 9 79)
derivative fromthe left, f (0-) = ....... : ....... (1983 - 2 Marks)
(a) Injective but not surjective
(b) Surjective but not injective
3. The domain 'of the function f(x) = sin-'(log2 -) is (c) Bijective
(d) None of these.
given by ................. (1d84-2 Marks) 2.
The entire graphs of the.equati& y = x2 +'kx - x + 9 is
, 4. Let A be a set of n distinct-elements. Then the total number
strictly above the x-axis ifand only if (1979)
of distinct functions from A to A i s ................. and out of
these are onto functions. (1985 - 2 Marks) (a) k < 7 ;
(b) - 5 <k <7
(c) k>- 5 (d) Noneof these.
- J11-X2 3. LetAx) = I x- 1 1. Then (1983 - 1 Mark)
5. I f f (x) = sin In --- 1, then domain omx) is ... and its 1
[ I -
(a) A?) = (xxNi (b) Ax +Y) =Ax) +fiv)
( 4 AI x I) = /AX) I
(d) None of these
range is ................. (1 985 - 2 Marks) 4, . ,
Ifxsatisfies / x- 11+1~- 21+j x- 3126, then
There are exactly two distinct linear functions, ..................
, .
and ........... which map [- 1, 1 ]onto [O. 2].'(1989 - 2 Marks)
(1983 - 1 Mark).'
7. Iff isan even function definedon the interval (-5,5), then four (a) O< x < 4 (b) xs - 2 or x14
(c) x s 0 or x I 4 ( d) None of these
real values of x satisfying the equation f(x) = f -
( : : : I
are ................., ..; ............... ................., and ...........
5. I f f(4) =cos(ln-x), then f(x)f(y)-i f - +f&) has
(1996 - I Mark)
the value
I K i I I
8. Ifflx) = sin2x+
(1983 - 1 Mark)
(a). -1 (b) In
( x + ~ ) + c o s x c ~ s ( x + ~ ) m d g ( ~ ) then (c) -2. (d) none of these
6. The domain of definition of the function
(goo (x) = ................. (1996 - 2 Marks)
1 -
I N - - Y= l o g l o ( l - ~ ) (1983 - I Mark)
1. IfAx)=(a-2')'" where a > 0 and n is apositive integer, then (a) (-3, -2) excluding-2.5 (b) [O, I] excluding 0.5
f VDc) ] =x. (1983 - 1 Mark) . (c) [-2,l) excluding0 (d) none of these
-~ ~ ~- .. . . . ~~ ~~~ ~
.. -~
TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd
B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected]
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
M-248 Topic-wise Solved Papers - MATHEMATICS
7. Which ofthe following functions is periodic? 14. The domain of definition of the function&) given'by;the.
(1983 - 1 Mark)
equation 2X + 2Y= 2 is (2000S) .
(a) Ax) =x - [x] where [XI denotes the largest integer less (a) O<x 5 1 (b) 0 ~ x 5 1
than or equal to the real numberx
( c) - - <x50 (d) - < x < l
(b) . f ( x) =si n- for X # O , f(O)=O
(c) Ax) =x COST
(d) none of these
8. Letfix) = sinx and g(x) = In I x 1. If the ranges of the
composition functions fog and gof are R, and RZ
respectively, then (1994 - 2 Marks)
(a) R, = { u : - 1 5 u < l } , R2 = { v : - - < v < O}
. -1, x < 0
Let g(x) = 1 +x - [x] and f (x) = I 0, x = 0 .Then for all
[ 1, x > o
x,Ag(x)) is equal to (2001s)
(a) x OJ) l
If$[l, m)+ [2, w) is given byAx)=x+- then f-'(x) equals
(b) RI ={u: - - <u<O) , R2 = { r : - 1 5 ~ 5 0 ) , (a) (X + =)/2 (b) x i 1 +x2) . ( ~ 0 0 ~ s )
(c) R , = { u : - I < u < I ) , R ~ = { v : - - < v < o ) (cj (X-&G)t2 (d) 1 +
(d) R, = { u : - , l < u < l ) , Rz = { v : - - < v < O) log2 (x + 3) .
. .
1s 17. The domain ofdefinition offix) = x2 + 3x +
9. Let f(x) = (;+I)' -I, x t -1'. Then the set
(a) R\{-1,-2) (b) (-2,m) (ZOOIS)
(x: f(X) = f-'(x)} is (1 995) (c) R\ {-I,-2,-3) (d) (-3,m)\{-13-2) . .
18. Let E = {I, 2,3,4) and F= {I, 2). Then thenumher ofonto
-3+i& -3-iJj
functions from Et'o Fi s (20019 ' .
(b) '16 - ( a) 14
2 : 2
(c) , 12 (d) . ,
(h) {O,l,-I}
' .
(c) {o,-l}
, . 19. Letj(x)= - ,x#-I. ~hen,forwhatvalueofaisflffx))=x?
x +I
(dl elnpty
(a) & , ' (b) -4 (20014
10. The functionflx) = Ipx - qj + r I x 1, x E (--, -) where
(c) 1 (d) r l
p > 0, q > 0, r > 0 assumes its minimum value only on one
20. sLpposef(x) = ( x+
for x > -1 . If g( i ) is the function
point if
whose graph is the reflection ofthe graph off(x) with respect '
(a) ~ * q (b) r f q - to the line y = x, then g(x) equals (2002s)
(c) r * P (d) p = q = r i
(a) - & - I , X ~ O (b) - XZ - I
Let&) he defined, for all x > 0 and be continuous. ~et f ( x)
2 .
- ' ( x + I ) ~ ' .
satis(y/(j) =fix) -&) for all x, y andxe) = I . Then
(c) &T~, xs-I (d) &- l , x20
21. Let function f : R -+ R be defined by&) = 2x + sin x for
XE R, thenfis (2002S)
(a) one-to-one and onto
(a) Ax) is bounded 4:) + Oasx- 0
(b) one-to-one but NOT onto
(c) onto but NOT one-to-one
(c) x&)+ I a s x + 0 (d) Ax)=Inx (d) neither one-to-one nor onto
12. Ifthe function$ [I, m) + [I, m) isdefined by
Ax) = 2X(x.'), thenfl (x) is (1999 - 2 Murks) 22. If f :[0,-)+[O,=+),ond f(x) = - then fis
I +x
, x( ~- I ) . . (a) one-one and onto
(a) (3, . (b) $( I + d l ) .
(b) one-one but not onto .
(c) onto but not one-one
. .
(d) neither one-one nor onto
(c) i (1- d m
(d) not defined
23. Domain of definition of the function
13. Let f : R+Rheanyf unct i on. Def i neg: R+Rby (x) = Jsin-l(zx)+- foFreal valuedx, is (2003s) ,
6 -
g(x) = Kx)l for allx. Then g is (ZOOOS)
(a) ' onto iff is onto
1 1 ; .
(b) one-one iff is one-one . ( a ) [ - 7 3 ] (b)[-+*3 ~.
(c) continuo& iff is continuous . , ,
(d) differentiable iff is differentiable.
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B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected]
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
32. Letf(x) =2 and g(i) =sinx for allx E R. Then the set of all
24. 'Range of the function f (x) = ;x E R is (2003s) x satis&ing (f o g o g o f) (x) =(go g o f) (x), where (f o g) (x)
x2+x+1 =f(g(x)), is
(a) ( 1 , ~ ) (b) ( ~ , l l n l
(c) (1,7131 (dl (1,7/51 (a) i&,ni{0,1,2 ,.... }
25. If f (x) = x2 + 2br+ 2c2 and g(x) = -x2 -2cx+b2 such
(b) *&,n e {1,2 ,.... }
. ~~
that min f (x) > max g (x), then the relation between band c,
is (2003s) - ~ . 7c
(c) -+ 2nlr,n{ 2,-1,0,1,2 ....)
(a) no real value of b & c (b) ' o.< c < b f i 2 .
(c) Icl< l bl fi (d) Icl>Iblfi (d) 2i m, n{ ...- 2,-1,0,1,2 ,....)
26. IfAx)=sinx+cosx,g(x)=2- l,thengV(x))isiWertibe 33. The function f : [O, 31 + [ l , 291, defined by
in the domain (2004S) . Ax) =2x3- 15~+36x+l , i s
[ =I
(a) one-one andonto (b) onto but not onekne
(a) O.z &) [ - : , : I (c) one-one ,but not onto
(d) neither one-one nor onto
( 4 [ - : , : I (d) . [O, XI @ 9 - - v . ~ ~ - P ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ K , ~
27. Ifthe functions f(x) and g(x) are defined on R + R such that
' .
f (x) = 1"
x E rational 0, x E itrational 1. Ify=f(x)=-t hen
; g(x)=
(1984 - 3 Marks) ,
then x-1
x, x E irrational , 1 X, x E rational
If- g) ( 4 is (zooss) , (a) x=fOl)
(a) one-one & onto @) 1(1)=3 . ,
(b) neither one-one nor onto (c) y increases with x for x < 1
(c) one-one but not onto (d) . f is a rational function ofx
(d) onto but not one-one 2. Let g (x) be a function defined on [- I, I]. If the area of the
28. X and Yare two sets and f : X + Y. If {Rc) = y; c c X,
equilateral triangle with two of its vertices at (0,O) and
j1 c Qand v l ( d ) = x; d c Y, x c 8, then the true
statement is (2005S)
(a) IV1(b)) = b (b) TIV(a))=a
[x, g(x)] is - , then the .function Ax) is (1989 - 2 Murks) .
(c) Xf''(b)) = b, b c y
(d) TIV(a)) = a, a c x
@S = 4 7 (a) . g(x) =I 4 7
2 . f q X ) = [f[i]r -t [g[;])' where ,(x) = -fix) and
( c ) g t x ) = - n ( d ) g ( x ) = m
' . Ax) = f (x) and given that F(5) =5, then F(10) is equal to
(a) 5 (b) 10, (2006-JM, -1) 3. Ifflx) =cos[n 1. X + cbs[-7c2]x, where [x] stands for the
(c) 0 (d) 15 greatest integer function, then (1991 - 2 Marks)
30. Lei f(x) = for n 2 2 and @) f ( n) = 1
(1 + xn)l/n. -
g(x) = (fsfo ... of) ( x) . Then J~"- ~g( x) dx equals.
/ occurs n tln~es
(2007-3 marks)
1 1
(a) n(n-l)
(I + nxn{ - i + K @)-(I + n x n / - k K
31. Let f, g and h be real-valued functions defined on the interval
LO, 1 I by f (x) = e2 + e-* ,&) = .xex2 + e-x2 and
h(x) = x2ex2 + e-X . If a, band c denote, respectively, the
absolute maximum off, g and h on [0, I], then
(a) a =ba ndc t b
(b) a = c and a + b
(c) a #bandc t b (d) a = b = c
(c) f ( - ~ ) = 0
4. IfAx) = 32-5, thenfl(x) (1998 - 2 Marks)
(a) is given by -
(6) is given by -
3 .
(c) does not exist because f is not one-one
(d) doesnot exist because f is not onto.
5. ' If gV(x)) = I sin x I andf(g(x)) =(sin 6 )=,then
(a) Ax) = sin2x, g(x) = J; (1998 - 2 Marks) "
(b) Ax) =sin x, g(x)= I xl
(c) f(X) = xZ, gtx) =sin &
(d) f and g cannot be detennhed.
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B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected]
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
kt-250 Topic-wise Solved Papers - MATHEMATICS
b- x
4. Consider the following relations in the set of real numbers R.
Let f : ( 0, l ) -+ R be defined by f (x) = , where b is a
R = { ( x , ~ ) ; x E R , YE R , ~ ~ + J 5 2 5 )
constant such that 0 < b < 1. Then
(a) f is not invertible on (0, I )
(c) f = f-' on (0, I) and f' (b) = -
f '(0)
(d) f-' ~sdifferentiable (0, 1)
7. Let f : (-I, 1) -+ lR be such that f (cos48) =
2-sec2 8
.Then theralue js) of f
(a) 1-g
8. The functionfix) = 21x1+ Ix + 21- 1 + 21- 2 1x1I has a local
minimum or a local maximum at x= . . (JEEAdv. 2013)
(a) ' 2 . "4
( x , y ) : x e R, y ~ R, y > - x
Find the domain and range of R n R'. Is the relation R n R' a
1. Find the domain and range of the function f (x) = ---7 . IS
I + x
the function one-to-one? (1978)
2. Drawthegraphofy=/ xI' "for-ISxSl . (1978)
3. Iff(x)=x9-6?-2~'+12X6+#-7~+6$+~-3,findf(6).
function?, , . (1979)
5. LetA andB be twosets each with afinitenumber ofelements.
Assume that there is an injective mapping from A to B and
that there is an injective mapping from B to A. Prove that
there'is a bijective mapping from A to B.
' (1981 2 Marks)
6 . Letfirty) =Ax)&) for all x and y. ~upposen5) = 2 and
f (0) = 3. Find f (5). (1981 - 2 Marks)
7. Let f be a one-one function with domain {x, y,z) and range
{I , 2, 3). It is given that exactly one of the following
statements is true and the remaining two are false
f (x) = 1, f (y) # 1, f (z) + 2 determineT1(l).
(1 982 - 3 Marks)
8. Let R be the set of real numbers and f : R --t R be such
that for allxand y in R I f(x)-&) I 5 Ix-y l3 .Prove thatfix)
is a constant. (1988 - 2 Marks)
9. Find the natural number 'a' for which
f ( a+k) = 16(2" - I ) , where the function satisfies
k= l
the relation &+y) =j(x) f(y) for all natural numbers x, y and
furtherAl)=Z. (1992 - 6 Marks)
10. Let {x) and [x] denotes the fractional and integral part of a
real number xrespectively. Solve 4{x) =x+ [XI.
(1 994 - 4 Murhs)
A fimction f :IR + IR, where IR is the set of real numbers,
is defined by f(,)= ax +6x-8. Find the interval of
a+6x- 8x2
values of a for which f is onto. Is the function one-to-one
for a = 3? Justify your answer. (1996 - 5 Marks)
12. LetAx) = A. t ? + Bx+C where A, B, Care real numbers. Prove
that iffix) is an integer whenever x is an integer, then the
numbers ZA, A +Band Care all integers. Conversely, prove
that if the numbers ZA, A+B and C are all integers thenfix) is
an integer whenever x is an integer. (1998 - 8 Marks)
. .
, .
,c@ ' 0 0 II
Each question cbntains stateinents given in mo colzrmns, which have to be matched. The statements in Colzm~n-lure IabelledA,
B, C and D, while the statements. in Column-11 are labelled p. q, s and t; Any given statement in Colutnn-I can have correct
matchingwith ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Colzrtnn-11. The appropriate bubbles corresponding lo the answers to these
questions have to be darkened as illustrated in the following example :
@he correct matches are A-p, s and I; B-q andr; C-p and q; and D-s then the correct darkenhg ofbubbles will look like the given.
, . ~ q r s t
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B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected]
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
1. Let the function defined in column I have domain and range (-=,a) , (1 992 - 2 Marks)
Column I
(A) 1+2x
@) tan x
x2 - 6x+5
2. Let f(x) =
x - 5x+6
Column I1
(p) onto but not one-one
(q) one- one but not onto
(r) one- one and onto -
(s) neither one-one nor onto
(2007-6 marks)
Match of expressionslstatements in column I with expressionslstatements in Column I1 and indicate your answer by darkening
the appropriate bubbles in the 4 x 4 matrix given in the ORS.
Column I Columri 11
(A) If-l < x < I, thenfix) satisfies (P) o<f(r)<l
(B) If 1 <x 2, thenfix) satisfies (9) .f(.?)<o
(C) If 3 <,x < 5, thenfix) satisfies. (r) fix)"J
@) I f x> 5, thenfix)satisfies (s) f ( x) <l ,
1. The domain of sin-' [log, (x/3)] is [zoozl 6.
(a) [1,91 (b) 1-1,91
( 4 1-9.11 (4 I-9,-11
The function f (x) = log ( x+ fi), is 120031
, I
(a) neither an even nor an odd function
- (b) an even function
(c) an odd function
(d) a periodic function.
3. Domain of definition of t he function /(x)=---
+loglo(x -x) , i s [20031
(a) (-I,O)u(1,2)u(2,m) (b) (a,2)
(c) (-1,O)u(a,2) (d) ( 1. 2) ~( 2, =~) .
4. If f : R -t R satisfies f ( x+ y) = f(x) + f ( y ) , for all x,
y E R andf(1) = 7, then Z f ( r ) is
r =I
A function f from the set of natural numbers to integers
defined by [2003]
, whenn is odd
f ( 4 = is
--,when n is even
(a) neither one -one nor onto
(b) one-one but not onto
(c) onto but not one-one
(d) one-one and onto both.
. .
The range of the function f (x) =7-x Px-, is
(a) {1,2,3,4,51 . (b) {l,2,3,4,5,61 [2004]
(4 {1,2,3,4,) (dl {1,2,3,1
If f': R + S, defined by
f(x) = sinx-&cosx+l, is onto, then the interval of Si s
(a) I-1,31 (b) [-I, 11 ZOO^^
( 4 [0,11 ( 4 .10, 31
The graph of the function y =fix) is symmebjcal about the
l i ner = 2, then [2004]
(a) f(x)=-f(-x) (b)f(Z+x)=f(Z-x)
(c) f ( 4 = f ( - 4 ( 4 f (x+ 2) = f (x - 2)
sin-'(x-3) .
9. The domain of the function f (x) = IS
(a) I I J I (b) [2,3) [ZOO41
(c) 1121 (d) , 12,31
10. Let f : (- 1, 1) + B, be a function defined by
-1 2x
f(x) = tan - ,then fi s both one - oneand onto when
B is the interval [ZOOS]
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B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected]
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204
Topic-wise Solved Papers - MATHEMATICS
A function is matched below against an interval where it is
15. 'Let f(x)= ( x+02 -I, x 2-1
supposed to be increasing. Which of the following pairs is
incorrectly matched? , . 120051 Statement -1 :The set {x:J(x).= fl(x)=,{O,-I} .
Interval Fzmction Statement-2 : a s a bijection. [2009l
(a) Statement-l is true, Statement-2 is true.
(a) (- m , m ) x3 -3x2 +3x+3
Statement-2 & not a cimect explanation for statement-1.
(b) Statement-l is true, Statement-;! is false. ,
(b) [2, m 2x3 -3x2 -12x+6
(c) Statement-l is false, Statement-2 is true.
(c) ~ .(- m,+] 3x2 - 2x+l
(d) Statement-l is true, Statement-2 is irue. ~
Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-I.
, 16. For realx, letf(x) =2 + 5x+ I , then (Z009l
( 4 ( - a, - 4) x3+6x2+6
(a) f is onto R but not one-one
12. A real valued function f(x) satisfies the functional equation @) f is one-one and onto R.
. .
f (x-Y) =f ( x) f 0t) -f ( a- x) f (a+y), (c) f is neither one-one nor onto R
where a is agiven constant and f(0) = I, f(2a-x) is equal to (d) f is one-oie but not onto R
(a) '-f(x) 0) f(x) [zoos]
SC) f ( a) +f ( a- x) (d) f(-XY
1 , . .
17. The domain bf thk function' f (x) = - ,Is [2611~
(T ;)
13. The largest interval lying i n -,- forwhich the function,
(a) (0. -) @) (--PO)
6) ( - - 7- ) - { OJ (4 (--,,-).
f(x) = 4-' +cis-' ?-I +I o~( cosx) , is defined, is 18. Let f be a function defined by f(x)=(x-I) +l,(x>l).
. .
statement - 1 :
(a) [-a,:) @I[O,;) [ZOO71 The set {x : f (x) = f-' ( x ) } =.{1,2}.
Statement -2:
(c) [o.d : fi sabi j ect i onand' f~' (x)=l +&, x>l . l2011RSI
\ L L J .
(a) Statement-l is true, Statement-:! is true; Statement-2 is
14. . Let 3 N-, Y be a function defined asj(x) = 4x.+ 3 where
- -
a correct explanation for Statement-I.
Y = ~ E N : ~ = ~ X + ~ ~ O ~ S O ~ ~ X E ~ \ ~ .
@j statement-I istrue; statement-2 is true; statement-2 is
Show that f is invertible and its inverse is
NOT a correct explanation for Statement-I.
(c) Statement-l is true, Statement-2 is false.
(a) = 3 (b) g ( ~ ) = 4 + 4
(d) Statement-l is false, Statement-2 is true.
TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd
B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected]
Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204

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