The document contains several math problems related to functions. It asks about properties of specific functions like whether they are one-to-one, onto, bijective, evaluating composite functions, finding domains and ranges. It also contains problems about the number of functions between sets with certain properties.
The document contains several math problems related to functions. It asks about properties of specific functions like whether they are one-to-one, onto, bijective, evaluating composite functions, finding domains and ranges. It also contains problems about the number of functions between sets with certain properties.
The document contains several math problems related to functions. It asks about properties of specific functions like whether they are one-to-one, onto, bijective, evaluating composite functions, finding domains and ranges. It also contains problems about the number of functions between sets with certain properties.
The document contains several math problems related to functions. It asks about properties of specific functions like whether they are one-to-one, onto, bijective, evaluating composite functions, finding domains and ranges. It also contains problems about the number of functions between sets with certain properties.
I @- 2. The function f(x) = x2+4x+30 . IS not one -to.-one. x2 -8x+18 (ia] (1983 - I Mark) . 1. The values of f (x) = 3sin -- lie in the interval 3. Iffi(x) and f,(x) are defined on domains .Dl and D, respectively, then fi (x) +f, (x) is defined on U, u D2. . ................. (1983 - 1 Mark) (1988 - 1 Mark) X I @- 2. For the function f (x) = ---- 1 + e ' / ~ 2 J f O 0 I B = 0 , x=O .. 1. Let R be the set of real numbers:If f : R -+ R is a function the derivative from the right, f (0+)'= ........................ and the defined-by f(x) =.$, then f is : (1 9 79) derivative fromthe left, f (0-) = ....... : ....... (1983 - 2 Marks) (a) Injective but not surjective (b) Surjective but not injective 2 , X 3. The domain 'of the function f(x) = sin-'(log2 -) is (c) Bijective 2 (d) None of these. given by ................. (1d84-2 Marks) 2. The entire graphs of the.equati& y = x2 +'kx - x + 9 is , 4. Let A be a set of n distinct-elements. Then the total number strictly above the x-axis ifand only if (1979) of distinct functions from A to A i s ................. and out of these are onto functions. (1985 - 2 Marks) (a) k < 7 ; (b) - 5 <k <7 ................. (c) k>- 5 (d) Noneof these. - J11-X2 3. LetAx) = I x- 1 1. Then (1983 - 1 Mark) 5. I f f (x) = sin In --- 1, then domain omx) is ... and its 1 [ I - (a) A?) = (xxNi (b) Ax +Y) =Ax) +fiv) ( 4 AI x I) = /AX) I (d) None of these range is ................. (1 985 - 2 Marks) 4, . , Ifxsatisfies / x- 11+1~- 21+j x- 3126, then 6. There are exactly two distinct linear functions, .................. , . and ........... which map [- 1, 1 ]onto [O. 2].'(1989 - 2 Marks) (1983 - 1 Mark).' 7. Iff isan even function definedon the interval (-5,5), then four (a) O< x < 4 (b) xs - 2 or x14 (c) x s 0 or x I 4 ( d) None of these real values of x satisfying the equation f(x) = f - ( : : : I are ................., ..; ............... ................., and ........... 5. I f f(4) =cos(ln-x), then f(x)f(y)-i f - +f&) has -. (1996 - I Mark) the value I K i I I 8. Ifflx) = sin2x+ (1983 - 1 Mark) (a). -1 (b) In ( x + ~ ) + c o s x c ~ s ( x + ~ ) m d g ( ~ ) then (c) -2. (d) none of these 6. The domain of definition of the function (goo (x) = ................. (1996 - 2 Marks) 1 - +Jx+Zis I N - - Y= l o g l o ( l - ~ ) (1983 - I Mark) 1. IfAx)=(a-2')'" where a > 0 and n is apositive integer, then (a) (-3, -2) excluding-2.5 (b) [O, I] excluding 0.5 f VDc) ] =x. (1983 - 1 Mark) . (c) [-2,l) excluding0 (d) none of these -~ ~ ~- .. . . . ~~ ~~~ ~ .. -~ TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected] Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204 I M-248 Topic-wise Solved Papers - MATHEMATICS 7. Which ofthe following functions is periodic? 14. The domain of definition of the function&) given'by;the. (1983 - 1 Mark) equation 2X + 2Y= 2 is (2000S) . (a) Ax) =x - [x] where [XI denotes the largest integer less (a) O<x 5 1 (b) 0 ~ x 5 1 than or equal to the real numberx \ ( c) - - <x50 (d) - < x < l I (b) . f ( x) =si n- for X # O , f(O)=O x (c) Ax) =x COST (d) none of these 8. Letfix) = sinx and g(x) = In I x 1. If the ranges of the composition functions fog and gof are R, and RZ respectively, then (1994 - 2 Marks) (a) R, = { u : - 1 5 u < l } , R2 = { v : - - < v < O} . -1, x < 0 Let g(x) = 1 +x - [x] and f (x) = I 0, x = 0 .Then for all [ 1, x > o x,Ag(x)) is equal to (2001s) (a) x OJ) l 1 If$[l, m)+ [2, w) is given byAx)=x+- then f-'(x) equals X (b) RI ={u: - - <u<O) , R2 = { r : - 1 5 ~ 5 0 ) , (a) (X + =)/2 (b) x i 1 +x2) . ( ~ 0 0 ~ s ) (c) R , = { u : - I < u < I ) , R ~ = { v : - - < v < o ) (cj (X-&G)t2 (d) 1 + (d) R, = { u : - , l < u < l ) , Rz = { v : - - < v < O) log2 (x + 3) . . . 1s 17. The domain ofdefinition offix) = x2 + 3x + 9. Let f(x) = (;+I)' -I, x t -1'. Then the set (a) R\{-1,-2) (b) (-2,m) (ZOOIS) (x: f(X) = f-'(x)} is (1 995) (c) R\ {-I,-2,-3) (d) (-3,m)\{-13-2) . . 18. Let E = {I, 2,3,4) and F= {I, 2). Then thenumher ofonto -3+i& -3-iJj I functions from Et'o Fi s (20019 ' . (b) '16 - ( a) 14 2 : 2 (c) , 12 (d) . , (h) {O,l,-I} ' . CUI (c) {o,-l} , . 19. Letj(x)= - ,x#-I. ~hen,forwhatvalueofaisflffx))=x? x +I (dl elnpty (a) & , ' (b) -4 (20014 10. The functionflx) = Ipx - qj + r I x 1, x E (--, -) where (c) 1 (d) r l p > 0, q > 0, r > 0 assumes its minimum value only on one (1995) 20. sLpposef(x) = ( x+ for x > -1 . If g( i ) is the function point if whose graph is the reflection ofthe graph off(x) with respect ' (a) ~ * q (b) r f q - to the line y = x, then g(x) equals (2002s) (c) r * P (d) p = q = r i (a) - & - I , X ~ O (b) - XZ - I 11. Let&) he defined, for all x > 0 and be continuous. ~et f ( x) 2 . - ' ( x + I ) ~ ' . satis(y/(j) =fix) -&) for all x, y andxe) = I . Then (c) &T~, xs-I (d) &- l , x20 21. Let function f : R -+ R be defined by&) = 2x + sin x for (1995s) XE R, thenfis (2002S) (a) one-to-one and onto (a) Ax) is bounded 4:) + Oasx- 0 (b) one-to-one but NOT onto (c) onto but NOT one-to-one (c) x&)+ I a s x + 0 (d) Ax)=Inx (d) neither one-to-one nor onto 12. Ifthe function$ [I, m) + [I, m) isdefined by X Ax) = 2X(x.'), thenfl (x) is (1999 - 2 Murks) 22. If f :[0,-)+[O,=+),ond f(x) = - then fis I +x , x( ~- I ) . . (a) one-one and onto (a) (3, . (b) $( I + d l ) . (b) one-one but not onto . (c) onto but not one-one . . (d) neither one-one nor onto (c) i (1- d m (d) not defined I 23. Domain of definition of the function I x 13. Let f : R+Rheanyf unct i on. Def i neg: R+Rby (x) = Jsin-l(zx)+- foFreal valuedx, is (2003s) , 6 - g(x) = Kx)l for allx. Then g is (ZOOOS) (a) ' onto iff is onto 1 1 ; . (b) one-one iff is one-one . ( a ) [ - 7 3 ] (b)[-+*3 ~. (c) continuo& iff is continuous . , , (d) differentiable iff is differentiable. TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected] Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204 FUNCTIONS M-249 x2+x+2 32. Letf(x) =2 and g(i) =sinx for allx E R. Then the set of all 24. 'Range of the function f (x) = ;x E R is (2003s) x satis&ing (f o g o g o f) (x) =(go g o f) (x), where (f o g) (x) x2+x+1 =f(g(x)), is (a) ( 1 , ~ ) (b) ( ~ , l l n l (c) (1,7131 (dl (1,7/51 (a) i&,ni{0,1,2 ,.... } 25. If f (x) = x2 + 2br+ 2c2 and g(x) = -x2 -2cx+b2 such (b) *&,n e {1,2 ,.... } . ~~ that min f (x) > max g (x), then the relation between band c, is (2003s) - ~ . 7c (c) -+ 2nlr,n{ 2,-1,0,1,2 ....) (a) no real value of b & c (b) ' o.< c < b f i 2 . (c) Icl< l bl fi (d) Icl>Iblfi (d) 2i m, n{ ...- 2,-1,0,1,2 ,....) 26. IfAx)=sinx+cosx,g(x)=2- l,thengV(x))isiWertibe 33. The function f : [O, 31 + [ l , 291, defined by in the domain (2004S) . Ax) =2x3- 15~+36x+l , i s [ =I (a) one-one andonto (b) onto but not onekne (a) O.z &) [ - : , : I (c) one-one ,but not onto /I (d) neither one-one nor onto ( 4 [ - : , : I (d) . [O, XI @ 9 - - v . ~ ~ - P ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ K , ~ 27. Ifthe functions f(x) and g(x) are defined on R + R such that II x+2 ' . f (x) = 1" x E rational 0, x E itrational 1. Ify=f(x)=-t hen ; g(x)= (1984 - 3 Marks) , then x-1 x, x E irrational , 1 X, x E rational If- g) ( 4 is (zooss) , (a) x=fOl) (a) one-one & onto @) 1(1)=3 . , (b) neither one-one nor onto (c) y increases with x for x < 1 (c) one-one but not onto (d) . f is a rational function ofx (d) onto but not one-one 2. Let g (x) be a function defined on [- I, I]. If the area of the 28. X and Yare two sets and f : X + Y. If {Rc) = y; c c X, equilateral triangle with two of its vertices at (0,O) and j1 c Qand v l ( d ) = x; d c Y, x c 8, then the true J5 statement is (2005S) (a) IV1(b)) = b (b) TIV(a))=a [x, g(x)] is - , then the .function Ax) is (1989 - 2 Murks) . (c) Xf''(b)) = b, b c y (d) TIV(a)) = a, a c x 4 @S = 4 7 (a) . g(x) =I 4 7 2 . f q X ) = [f[i]r -t [g[;])' where ,(x) = -fix) and ( c ) g t x ) = - n ( d ) g ( x ) = m ' . Ax) = f (x) and given that F(5) =5, then F(10) is equal to 2 (a) 5 (b) 10, (2006-JM, -1) 3. Ifflx) =cos[n 1. X + cbs[-7c2]x, where [x] stands for the (c) 0 (d) 15 greatest integer function, then (1991 - 2 Marks) X 30. Lei f(x) = for n 2 2 and @) f ( n) = 1 (1 + xn)l/n. - g(x) = (fsfo ... of) ( x) . Then J~"- ~g( x) dx equals. - / occurs n tln~es (2007-3 marks) I 1 1 I (a) n(n-l) (I + nxn{ - i + K @)-(I + n x n / - k K n-l 31. Let f, g and h be real-valued functions defined on the interval LO, 1 I by f (x) = e2 + e-* ,&) = .xex2 + e-x2 and 2 h(x) = x2ex2 + e-X . If a, band c denote, respectively, the absolute maximum off, g and h on [0, I], then (2010) (a) a =ba ndc t b (b) a = c and a + b (c) a #bandc t b (d) a = b = c (c) f ( - ~ ) = 0 4. IfAx) = 32-5, thenfl(x) (1998 - 2 Marks) 1 (a) is given by - 3x-5 x+5 (6) is given by - 3 . (c) does not exist because f is not one-one (d) doesnot exist because f is not onto. 5. ' If gV(x)) = I sin x I andf(g(x)) =(sin 6 )=,then (a) Ax) = sin2x, g(x) = J; (1998 - 2 Marks) " (b) Ax) =sin x, g(x)= I xl (c) f(X) = xZ, gtx) =sin & (d) f and g cannot be detennhed. 8 TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected] Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204 kt-250 Topic-wise Solved Papers - MATHEMATICS b- x 4. Consider the following relations in the set of real numbers R. 6. Let f : ( 0, l ) -+ R be defined by f (x) = , where b is a R = { ( x , ~ ) ; x E R , YE R , ~ ~ + J 5 2 5 ) constant such that 0 < b < 1. Then (a) f is not invertible on (0, I ) I (c) f = f-' on (0, I) and f' (b) = - f '(0) (d) f-' ~sdifferentiable (0, 1) 7. Let f : (-I, 1) -+ lR be such that f (cos48) = 2 for 2-sec2 8 .Then theralue js) of f (a) 1-g 8. The functionfix) = 21x1+ Ix + 21- 1 + 21- 2 1x1I has a local minimum or a local maximum at x= . . (JEEAdv. 2013) -2 (a) ' 2 . "4 ( x , y ) : x e R, y ~ R, y > - x 9 Find the domain and range of R n R'. Is the relation R n R' a X 2 1. Find the domain and range of the function f (x) = ---7 . IS I + x the function one-to-one? (1978) 2. Drawthegraphofy=/ xI' "for-ISxSl . (1978) 3. Iff(x)=x9-6?-2~'+12X6+#-7~+6$+~-3,findf(6). (1979) function?, , . (1979) 5. LetA andB be twosets each with afinitenumber ofelements. Assume that there is an injective mapping from A to B and that there is an injective mapping from B to A. Prove that there'is a bijective mapping from A to B. ' (1981 2 Marks) 6 . Letfirty) =Ax)&) for all x and y. ~upposen5) = 2 and f (0) = 3. Find f (5). (1981 - 2 Marks) 7. Let f be a one-one function with domain {x, y,z) and range {I , 2, 3). It is given that exactly one of the following statements is true and the remaining two are false f (x) = 1, f (y) # 1, f (z) + 2 determineT1(l). (1 982 - 3 Marks) 8. Let R be the set of real numbers and f : R --t R be such that for allxand y in R I f(x)-&) I 5 Ix-y l3 .Prove thatfix) is a constant. (1988 - 2 Marks) 9. Find the natural number 'a' for which n f ( a+k) = 16(2" - I ) , where the function satisfies k= l the relation &+y) =j(x) f(y) for all natural numbers x, y and furtherAl)=Z. (1992 - 6 Marks) 10. Let {x) and [x] denotes the fractional and integral part of a real number xrespectively. Solve 4{x) =x+ [XI. (1 994 - 4 Murhs) 11. A fimction f :IR + IR, where IR is the set of real numbers, 2 is defined by f(,)= ax +6x-8. Find the interval of a+6x- 8x2 values of a for which f is onto. Is the function one-to-one for a = 3? Justify your answer. (1996 - 5 Marks) 12. LetAx) = A. t ? + Bx+C where A, B, Care real numbers. Prove that iffix) is an integer whenever x is an integer, then the numbers ZA, A +Band Care all integers. Conversely, prove that if the numbers ZA, A+B and C are all integers thenfix) is an integer whenever x is an integer. (1998 - 8 Marks) . . , . ,c@ ' 0 0 II Each question cbntains stateinents given in mo colzrmns, which have to be matched. The statements in Colzm~n-lure IabelledA, B, C and D, while the statements. in Column-11 are labelled p. q, s and t; Any given statement in Colutnn-I can have correct matchingwith ONE OR MORE statement(s) in Colzrtnn-11. The appropriate bubbles corresponding lo the answers to these questions have to be darkened as illustrated in the following example : @he correct matches are A-p, s and I; B-q andr; C-p and q; and D-s then the correct darkenhg ofbubbles will look like the given. , . ~ q r s t TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected] Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204 1. Let the function defined in column I have domain and range (-=,a) , (1 992 - 2 Marks) Column I (A) 1+2x @) tan x x2 - 6x+5 2. Let f(x) = x - 5x+6 Column I1 (p) onto but not one-one (q) one- one but not onto (r) one- one and onto - (s) neither one-one nor onto (2007-6 marks) Match of expressionslstatements in column I with expressionslstatements in Column I1 and indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles in the 4 x 4 matrix given in the ORS. Column I Columri 11 (A) If-l < x < I, thenfix) satisfies (P) o<f(r)<l (B) If 1 <x 2, thenfix) satisfies (9) .f(.?)<o (C) If 3 <,x < 5, thenfix) satisfies. (r) fix)"J @) I f x> 5, thenfix)satisfies (s) f ( x) <l , I B JEE Main/ AlEEE 1. The domain of sin-' [log, (x/3)] is [zoozl 6. (a) [1,91 (b) 1-1,91 ( 4 1-9.11 (4 I-9,-11 2. The function f (x) = log ( x+ fi), is 120031 , I (a) neither an even nor an odd function 7. - (b) an even function (c) an odd function (d) a periodic function. 3 3. Domain of definition of t he function /(x)=--- 4-x2 0. 3 +loglo(x -x) , i s [20031 (a) (-I,O)u(1,2)u(2,m) (b) (a,2) (c) (-1,O)u(a,2) (d) ( 1. 2) ~( 2, =~) . 4. If f : R -t R satisfies f ( x+ y) = f(x) + f ( y ) , for all x, n y E R andf(1) = 7, then Z f ( r ) is r =I [ZOO31 5.. A function f from the set of natural numbers to integers defined by [2003] , whenn is odd f ( 4 = is --,when n is even (a) neither one -one nor onto i (b) one-one but not onto (c) onto but not one-one (d) one-one and onto both. . . The range of the function f (x) =7-x Px-, is (a) {1,2,3,4,51 . (b) {l,2,3,4,5,61 [2004] (4 {1,2,3,4,) (dl {1,2,3,1 If f': R + S, defined by f(x) = sinx-&cosx+l, is onto, then the interval of Si s (a) I-1,31 (b) [-I, 11 ZOO^^ ( 4 [0,11 ( 4 .10, 31 The graph of the function y =fix) is symmebjcal about the l i ner = 2, then [2004] (a) f(x)=-f(-x) (b)f(Z+x)=f(Z-x) (c) f ( 4 = f ( - 4 ( 4 f (x+ 2) = f (x - 2) sin-'(x-3) . 9. The domain of the function f (x) = IS ,L? (a) I I J I (b) [2,3) [ZOO41 (c) 1121 (d) , 12,31 10. Let f : (- 1, 1) + B, be a function defined by -1 2x f(x) = tan - ,then fi s both one - oneand onto when I-x B is the interval [ZOOS] TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected] Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204 M-252 Topic-wise Solved Papers - MATHEMATICS 11. A function is matched below against an interval where it is 15. 'Let f(x)= ( x+02 -I, x 2-1 supposed to be increasing. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? , . 120051 Statement -1 :The set {x:J(x).= fl(x)=,{O,-I} . Interval Fzmction Statement-2 : a s a bijection. [2009l (a) Statement-l is true, Statement-2 is true. (a) (- m , m ) x3 -3x2 +3x+3 Statement-2 & not a cimect explanation for statement-1. (b) Statement-l is true, Statement-;! is false. , (b) [2, m 2x3 -3x2 -12x+6 (c) Statement-l is false, Statement-2 is true. (c) ~ .(- m,+] 3x2 - 2x+l (d) Statement-l is true, Statement-2 is irue. ~ Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-I. , 16. For realx, letf(x) =2 + 5x+ I , then (Z009l ( 4 ( - a, - 4) x3+6x2+6 (a) f is onto R but not one-one 12. A real valued function f(x) satisfies the functional equation @) f is one-one and onto R. . . f (x-Y) =f ( x) f 0t) -f ( a- x) f (a+y), (c) f is neither one-one nor onto R where a is agiven constant and f(0) = I, f(2a-x) is equal to (d) f is one-oie but not onto R (a) '-f(x) 0) f(x) [zoos] SC) f ( a) +f ( a- x) (d) f(-XY 1 , . . 17. The domain bf thk function' f (x) = - ,Is [2611~ (T ;) 13. The largest interval lying i n -,- forwhich the function, (a) (0. -) @) (--PO) 6) ( - - 7- ) - { OJ (4 (--,,-). (2 2 f(x) = 4-' +cis-' ?-I +I o~( cosx) , is defined, is 18. Let f be a function defined by f(x)=(x-I) +l,(x>l). . . statement - 1 : (a) [-a,:) @I[O,;) [ZOO71 The set {x : f (x) = f-' ( x ) } =.{1,2}. Statement -2: (c) [o.d : fi sabi j ect i onand' f~' (x)=l +&, x>l . l2011RSI \ L L J . (a) Statement-l is true, Statement-:! is true; Statement-2 is 14. . Let 3 N-, Y be a function defined asj(x) = 4x.+ 3 where - - a correct explanation for Statement-I. . Y = ~ E N : ~ = ~ X + ~ ~ O ~ S O ~ ~ X E ~ \ ~ . @j statement-I istrue; statement-2 is true; statement-2 is : Show that f is invertible and its inverse is [ZOO81 NOT a correct explanation for Statement-I. 3y+4 Y+3 (c) Statement-l is true, Statement-2 is false. (a) = 3 (b) g ( ~ ) = 4 + 4 (d) Statement-l is false, Statement-2 is true. TransWeb Educational Services Pvt. Ltd B 147,1st Floor, Sec-6, NOIDA, UP-201301 Email. [email protected] Tel:0120-4616500 Ext - 204