Jeter Final 6

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Austin Foundation

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Name of Organization:
Catawba County Healthy Carolinians

Street Address/P. O Box:
3070 11th Avenue Drive SE
City: Hickory State: NC Zip Code: 28603
County: Catawba

Name of contact person:
Angela Jeter
Title of contact person:
Community Outreach Manager
Phone number:
Name of project:
A Sweet Change
Geographic area and/or target population served:
Catawba County
Older Adult Population

Project Dates: 04/22/2014 through 05/8/2014

Amount requested: $1137.11

Signature of Authorized Agency Representative:
Angela Jeter

1. Describe the organizations mission, goals, programs/services.

Catawba County Healthy Carolinians(CCHC) is a coalition that works to improve
communication, identify, obtain, and more efficiently distribute resources, and more effectively
utilize partnerships to improve health and quality of life in Catawba County.
Currently there are several programs and services offered. Larger projects involve senior health
screening, fitness classes and numerous health presentations held in conjunction with the
Catawba County Center for Aging. Catawba County Healthy Carolinians offers an annual
Women's Health Expo that assists in educating the local population about the diseases and
preventative measures that are on the forefront of women's health.
Previously, CCHC has received grants for programs such as Body Recall senior exercise
programs in conjunction with the Catawba County Center for Aging. This grant allowed for
seniors to get in tune to their body's changing needs. The program was very successful and
allowed for home bound seniors to learn how to exercise in their homes. Project Direct,
received a grant from the American Diabetes Association. Project Direct's purpose was to
ensure that impoverished people with diabetes received proper medication and glucose
monitoring devices. These needed services were brought directly to the individuals home.

2. Provide a description of the project including key strategies, timeline for project.

A Sweet Change is a three week program that targets older adults suffering from diabetes. A
Sweet Change begins April 22, 2014 and ends May 8, 2014. The program can accommodate up
to 15 participants. The classes offer group interaction from 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM on
Tuesdays and Thursdays. The program will be held at the Catawba County Health Department.
The main focus is to educate and instill better eating habits. Prior to starting A Sweet Change,
participants will be given a survey to ascertain their skill level on three topics; food choices and
your diabetes, the grocery store and food labels, cooking for your health. These topics will be
graded 0-5. Zero being no knowledge or ability and five being skilled. At the completion of the
course a duplicate survey will be given to summate the gained knowledge. A dietitian will be
brought in all three weeks to help the participants better understand how food choices affect
blood glucose levels. Pamphlets will be given. Week two will focus on easy, healthy,
inexpensive meals. A virtual trip to the grocery store will help participants make better purchases
and encourage label scrutiny. An interactive cooking class will demonstrate how small changes
can morph an unhealthy recipe into a delightful, health conscious choice. Week three will
consist of two parts. Participants will be encouraged to share meals that they have deemed as a
healthy alternative. Any questions will be addressed. Topics of special interest can be re-visited.

3. Describe the program/need that the program will address.

A Sweet Change will give older adults living with diabetes educational tools to help manage the
disease. Catawba County's population 14.1% is over 65 years old, as compared to a state average
of 12.9%(Census, 2012). Catawba County has a lower poverty rate than North Carolina and the
median income is slightly higher but 13% of the population is without health insurance (City
data, 2012). Seventy percent of Catawba County's population is urban with the remaining 30 %
rural( City data, 2012).

The coalition conducted a survey to determine root causes of barriers to care for individuals with
diabetes. From the 450 residents who responded, cost was determined to be the primary barrier
to diabetes care, education, medication, and medical supplies (A Diabetes Survey,2011).
Diabetes is currently the seventh leading cause of death in Catawba County; because the disease
requires regular care and informed self-management, it can be difficult even for insured
individuals to afford the treatment or education needed to keep diabetes in check. North
Carolina's diabetic population is 24.0%, whereas Catawba has a rate of 26.9%(Catawba County
Public Health,2012). This program will better educate the aging population of Catawba county.
Participants will receive educational material, hands on experience and personal instruction.

4. List the overall goal (s) of the program.

To better educate the aging adult population in Catawba County about how to live with diabetes
through food choices.

5. List the objectives. These should be measurable.

By May 8, 2014 approximately 75% of the participants will know how to prepare three
diabetic meals
By May 8, 2014 approximately75% of the participants will understand how to read three
aspects of a food label.

6. List the strategies you will utilize to reach the program objectives.

Initial survey given to ascertain knowledge of the group of participants
Order educational pamphlets on understanding food labels
Obtain video equipment will be utilized for virtual tour of grocery store
Organize volunteers for group interactive cooking class
Prepare recipe cards
Create electronic advertisement through social media
Create flyers
Pass out advertisements to Department of Social Services and at Catawba County
Completion survey will be given to all participants at the end mimicking the initial
Compile and evaluate survey data

7. State how, when, and by whom an evaluation will be conducted including any reports
that will be compiled and how the evaluation will be used for program improvements.
Catawba County Healthy Carolinians will report all finding to Catawba County Health
Department . These reports will be mailed after completion of the evaluations. The pre- and
post-surveys will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of A Sweet Change. The percentage rates
will be held to the set goals of the objectives. The participants will have been educated on how to
properly read food labels and how to prepare acceptable diabetic meals. The data will be
compiled by Catawba County Healthy Carolinians for Healthy Carolinians .

8. If the program will be continued after the funding period, please specify source of
funding and commitment of your agency.

A Sweet Change is a new program that has already gained popularity throughout the older
population of Catawba County. The program has several committed service minded
benefactors including Catawba Medical Foundation, Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian
Ministries, The Service League of Hickory and Catawba County Council on Aging. A Sweet
Change with continual funding will remain in the greater Hickory area and later become a model
for similar programs in the surrounding counties.

Budget Sheet

Project/program Budget Year (s): 2014

Total amount of request: $1337.11

Item Item cost/amount needed Total amount
Volunteer Hours- 3 Volunteers /9 hours 0
Video Virtual Grocery
Store Tour
Web based -free
Funding Needed
Survey Pre $1.49 each x
25 participants
Survey Post $1.49 each x
25 participants
Brochure Label Reading $1.40 each x
50 brochures

Recipe Cards $0.69 each x 100 recipe
Groceries $88.41 per day x 2 days $176.82
Certified diabetic counselor
$ 31.20 x 9 hour $280.80

Projector Rental
$175.00 per day x 2days $350.00
Printed Flyers $0.70each x 50 flyers

Projectable Screen $40.00 per day x 2 days $80.00
Total requested $1137.11

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