This document describes a simplified technique for designing aircraft cockpits based on ergonomic principles. It involves using a 2D scale model ("manikin") based on anthropometric data for the 90th percentile American male. Key dimensions like shoulder room, effective headroom, and seating angles are defined by manipulating the manikin. This technique aims to provide adequate space and comfort for over 95% of pilots, while minimizing cockpit size to reduce drag and improve aircraft performance. The method is presented as an encouragement for homebuilt aircraft designers to consider human factors from the start of the design process.
This document describes a simplified technique for designing aircraft cockpits based on ergonomic principles. It involves using a 2D scale model ("manikin") based on anthropometric data for the 90th percentile American male. Key dimensions like shoulder room, effective headroom, and seating angles are defined by manipulating the manikin. This technique aims to provide adequate space and comfort for over 95% of pilots, while minimizing cockpit size to reduce drag and improve aircraft performance. The method is presented as an encouragement for homebuilt aircraft designers to consider human factors from the start of the design process.
This document describes a simplified technique for designing aircraft cockpits based on ergonomic principles. It involves using a 2D scale model ("manikin") based on anthropometric data for the 90th percentile American male. Key dimensions like shoulder room, effective headroom, and seating angles are defined by manipulating the manikin. This technique aims to provide adequate space and comfort for over 95% of pilots, while minimizing cockpit size to reduce drag and improve aircraft performance. The method is presented as an encouragement for homebuilt aircraft designers to consider human factors from the start of the design process.
This document describes a simplified technique for designing aircraft cockpits based on ergonomic principles. It involves using a 2D scale model ("manikin") based on anthropometric data for the 90th percentile American male. Key dimensions like shoulder room, effective headroom, and seating angles are defined by manipulating the manikin. This technique aims to provide adequate space and comfort for over 95% of pilots, while minimizing cockpit size to reduce drag and improve aircraft performance. The method is presented as an encouragement for homebuilt aircraft designers to consider human factors from the start of the design process.
The article proposes using a standardized manikin and measuring angles rather than linear dimensions to simplify cockpit design for homebuilt aircraft. It aims to accommodate 95% of American males through this technique.
The article proposes using a standardized manikin at the 90th percentile size of American males to fix the dimensions of the cockpit. This is intended to simplify the design process and provide adequate space for most pilots.
The two main factors of comfort discussed are attitude comfort, which is the physiological reaction of the body to position, and seat comfort, which is the degree of support given by the seat.
Cockpit Design Simplified
By Michael C. Myal, EAA 7978
28763 Cunningham, Warren, Mich. rpHERE IS an apparent need for a simple solution to JL the problem of cockpit layout. Other methods are pre- sented elsewhere which unnecessarily complicate the pro- cedure. A design technique, pioneered by General Motors and developed through the SAE (SAE Standard J 826), is used throughout the automobile industry. It is simple, realistic, and positive. Structural design of the aircraft should begin only when the cockpit area is dimensionally fixed and its com- fort variables related to the intended purpose of this de- sign. This simplified cockpit design technique should be an encouragement to the homebuilt aircraft designer to be- gin his project with confidence, and will prove to be a time-saving asset to the manufacturer of aircraft. THE MAN. Human factors specialists agree that man's needs be completely analyzed before attempting the design of any vehicle. These highly skilled people seek to provide the vehicle operator with degrees of roominess, comfort, visibility, and safety consistent with the function of the vehicle or structure. They always begin with the human and his requirements, capabilities, or limitations. Our simplified technique follows this prin- ciple; ample cockpit space is guaranteed. By employing a scale 2 D MANIKIN of a large size, as shown in Fig. 1, people of lesser stature will be fully accommodated. The standard size of this manikin has been selected with extreme care. He is 90 percentile in all body segments, which means 90 percent of the American males are shorter for each body segment. Studies have conclusively proved man is not perfectly proportioned; he may have short legs and a long torso or vice versa. Thus, this manikin actually determines the space require- ments of better than 95 percent of the American males, since all of its body segments are at the 90 percentile level. The question might now be raised, "Why not use a 95 percentile manikin?" Economics of structure weight encourage the use of the 90 percentile size; the cockpit should never be primarily designed for the extremely large person. Persons over the 95 percentile level will possibly be sitting in a "jack-knifed" position. The prob- lem here is no different than that daily faced by that size of man. Doorways, clothing, even tying a shoelace, are generally overcomeif not gracefully. For the sake of improved aircraft PERFORMANCE space must be con- sidered a premium, not to be lavishly used. ATTITUDE COMFORT. We agree that the 90 per- centile manikin will provide adequate space, but the problem now arises as to man's comfort requirements. (Continued on next page) ^Ef f ect i ve Head Room BACK ANGLE BAR BACK 5.0 inches LOWER LEG -I- FOOT J_ ^ 90 THIGH 90 i Fig. 1 Scale layout of the SAE 2 D manikin with degree scale orientation and insert of assembled manikin. The + sign indicates angle increase. SPORT AVIATION 7 MTT |Kjr, HEIGHT 14* Fig. 2 Some seating possibilities of the 2 D manikin. Space is allotted by controlling human comfort angles. Very difficult to compare using linear measurements. COCKPIT DESIGN SIMPLIFIED . . . (Continued from preceding page) There are two comfort factors: Attitude comfort is that PHYSIOLOGICAL reaction of the body to position or pos- ture, while seat comfort is usually considered as that degree of support given the seated body. People tend to recognize the latter and mistakably judge the over- all comfort of the compartment by the softness of the seat cushions. Seated attitude is a far more serious as- pect of comfort, since little can be done to improve it once the aircraft is built without resorting to costly re- work. Let us first consider attitude comfort. The human anatomy (also the 2 D manikin) can be literally doubled up into a "squatting" position so that it occupies only 25 inches of horizontal space in the airplane. Although not at all practical, this comparison brings out several sig- nificant features of the human anatomy. First, the body is highly adaptable to many posture attitudes and many of its segments have considerable freedom of movement. Second, the body segments are highly sensitive to angu- lar displacement. We will use these elements to correctly design our cockpit with the 2 D manikin. COCKPIT ROOMINESS. The actual size of the cock- pit area can now be easily defined by the 2 D manikin and its COMFORT ANGLES. These four angles, the foot, knee, hip, and the back angle are representative of hu- man body segment angular ranges as determined by de- tailed researches of the subject. We can, by manipulat- ing the angles on the 2 D manikin, individually or in combination, depict a realistic cockpit configuration for any type of aircraft which will provide full room and comfort for over 95 percent of American males, (Fig. 2). To complete our side view, the height over the occupant's head is established. Called EFFECTIVE HEADROOM in the automobile industry, this standard dimension is meas- ured on a reclining 8 degree line from the "H" POINT, the hip joint center of the 2 D manikin for conventional back angles. The 8 degree line has been determined as being the average position of the head for conventional seat back angles, which due to postural differences in people, can vary from approximately 2.0 degrees to +12.0 degrees. In order to maintain a consistency with human seated height measurements, this dimension is measured from the "H" point to the roof or headliner, and a constant 4.0 inches is added to this figure to com- pensate for the distance to the bottom of the buttocks. I J ULY 1963 % 95 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 _2Q ___ 10 5 A 38.1 37.6 37.1 36.6 36.3 36.0 35.6 34.3 34.9 34.3 33.8 B 33.2 32.7 32.1 31.7 31.3 31.0 30.7 30.3 29.9 29.3 28.8 c 25.4 24.9 24.4 24.1 23.7 23.4 23.1 22.8 22.4 21.9 21.5 D 24.2 23.9 23.5 23.2 22.9 22.7 22.4 22.2 21.9 21.4 21.1 F 19.1 18.8 18.5 18.2 18.1 17,? 17.7 17.5 17.2 16,9 16.6 PERCENTILE TABLE VERSUS HUMAN DIMENSIONS Fig. 3 Human comfort variabilities. A quick check of these variables will determine your percentile size rela- tive to adult American male statistics and will aid your evaluation of your prototype. The width of the cockpit must be considered from the standpoint of roominess. The prime dimension indi- cated comfort is SHOULDER ROOM, the distance be- tween opposing longerons or the trimmed side walls at the "belt" or lower window opening. This dimension is closely related to human shoulder width shown in Fig. 3. A shoulder room dimension of 40 inches is needed to accommodate two 95 percentile men in the side-by-side configuration, allowing .8 of an inch for light clothing. Perhaps only one 90 percentile and one 50 percentile male will occupy the airplane at a given time, which reduces the shoulder room requirement to 37.5 inches. The PSY- CHOLOGICAL factor here will largely establish cockpit width; presumably, the lesser dimension might be ac- ceptable to the occupants of a fast, short-range ship while the dimensions over 40 inches would possibly be necessary for slower longer-range aircraft. In any case, the 40 inch dimension (or 20 inches for the single-place aircraft) should serve as a point of departure, comparing this figure to existing aircraft cockpit widths to deter- mine the final dimension of shoulder room. To define our cockpit roominess, only six facts are required: the four comfort angles, effective headroom, and shoulder room. Study of aircraft and automobile di- mensioning practices, as found in Fig. 4, before attempt- ing the initial layout will prove beneficial to the de- signer. LAYOUT AND PERFORMANCE. We have estab- lished a guide for determining the proper shoulder room and have briefly mentioned the psychological aspect of this dimension. J ust as we balance the aircraft perform- ance factors of speed, range, and maneuverability to fit the intended purposes of the airplane, so, also, we must consider the size and comfort of the passenger compart- ment in terms of over-all intent of the airplane. It is economically desirable to provide the pilot and passenger with the MINIMUM SPACE consistent with the task as- signed the aircraft. Aircraft profile drag is a function of frontal area; less frontal area results in less drag for the same shape of fuselage. The tandem arrangement which offers mini- mum frontal area, is not completely successful in this re- spect because of present engine configurations. Cockpit frontal area can be said to be the product of the chosen shoulder room and fuselage depth at the cockpit section. The aircraft side views in Fig. 2 best describe fuselage depth. By reducing effective headroom, we immediately lower the top fuselage line and decrease the frontal area. We can also reduce the frontal area by raising the heel of the manikin. These reductions in fuselage depth affect the comfort of the occupants. To what extent this process can be carried out should be of prime concern to the de- signer. To begin our design, we should first construct the 2 D manikin scaled to the drawing size; Fig. 1 contains the necessary information for making an accurate card- board, plywood, or plastic tool. Degree quadrants should be incorporated for each of the body segments. On a clean piece of vellum, horizontal and vertical lines are established. The intersection of the two is used to locate the "H" point. Next, by drawing an 8 degree line from this point, just as in a heading in map plotting, the ef- fective headroom line is established. The average di- mension of 90 percentile male erect sitting heights (but- tock to top of head) is 37.6 inches, while the 95 percentile figure is 38.1 inches from Fig. 3. Normal body posture will reduce this by approximately 1 inch. Since we should accommodate 95 percentile of the males, the dimension we could use is 37.1 inches of effective headroom. How- ever, intimate contact of head and canopy or head lining is not acceptable, so we could increase this figure to 37.6 inches. Scaling this dimension onto our layout and mark- ing off an additional one-half inch for a canopy or head- lining thickness will establish the top fuselage line and the necessary headroom. Next step is to design the attitude comfort of our aircraft. Refer to Fig. 4. The back angle can normally vary from 20 degrees to 35 degrees. According to the N.A.A. rules for 190 cubic inch displacement racing air- planes, the back angle cannot exceed 20 degrees; we can assume that stiffer back angles are required in alert situ- ations. On the other hand, the reclining back angles of over 45 degrees, which are used on the "Foka" and "Zefir," Polish sailplanes, indicate a lesser alert require- ment. It is recommended that a 24 degree back angle be used whenever possible, which provides an attitude with relaxed, but firm, support compared to the best of today's automobiles. Only for crop dusting, racing, or similar alert situations would lesser angles be necessary. Higher back angles, over 24 degrees, are advantageous for the passenger, in that they place more of the torso weight onto the seat back also increasing the hip area comfort. The hip angle is the major comfort angle in the pack- aging of the cockpit. A comfort relationship between the abdomen and the thighs, the large hip angle generally provides more comfort. However, an extreme angle over 105 degrees will usually place the body in an awkward unbalanced position. A hip angle of 95.0 degrees, plus or minus 2.0 degrees, is recommended as a preliminary design starting point. In the rear compartment, varying hip angles ranging as low as 80 degrees can be utilized to develop occasional seating. The knee angle has a high latitude of angular move- ment. Any angle between 80 degrees and 140 degrees can be considered satisfactory for our design. Angles over 140 degrees should be viewed carefully to insure that the under thigh tendons at the knee junction are not sub- jected to excessive seat pressures. The foot angle, which is measured at the barefoot-lower leg intersection, should be held at 90 degrees to establish the zero rudder posi- tion. The ranges of angular movement are 80 degrees to 120 degrees. Rudder pedal travel should be such that under a full turn condition the manikin foot angle does not exceed 115 degrees, preferably 110 degrees, when the heel point position of zero rudder is held. Assuming that we have chosen 24 degrees, 95 de- grees, 120 degrees, and 90 degrees for the back, hip, knee, (Continued on next page) Piper Colt . . . . . . . . . . . . Piper Cherokee . . . . . . . . . . . . Cessna 140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beech Bonanza 1963 Corvette Fastback 1963 Corvair Monza Coupe 1963 Buick Riviera 1963 Cadillac Sixty Special Frontal Area 12.2 13.2 11.5 . 14.2 Fuselage Effective Shoulder Depth Headroom Room 44.1 46.5 44.5 47.4 38.4 39.0 39.3 39.3 37.0 37.8 37.6 40.0 40.0 41.0 37.3 43.0 48.2 53.9 56.3 58.7 Back Angle 25.0 27.5 20.5 22.5 24.5 22.0 27.0 23.0 Hip Angle 95.0" 98.5 91.0" 87.0 96.0 90.5 93.0 91.0" Knee Angle 122.0 118.5 122.5 97.5 127.0 124.5 116.0 120.0 Foot Knee Torso to Torso to Angle Clearance Panel Wheel 89.0 106.5 74.0 62.0 72.0 81.0 84.0 82.0 7.7 7.3 6.5 4.5 21.9 22.1 23.6 19.8 15.5 15,0 14.. 5 9.5 Fig. 4 Fig. 4 Aircraft and automobile dimensions, taken to ac- celerator or rudder pedals. A check of these vehicles and their comfort will be helpful in establishing your initial layout. (Seats in rearmost position). SPORT AVIATION 9 Fig. 5 Photograph of the SAE 3 D manikin. Used by au- tomobile manufacturers to check prototypes and for quali- ty control of production vehicles. Here installed in Cessna 140. COCKPIT DESIGN SIMPLIFIED . . . (Continued from preceding page) and foot angles, respectively, we set these angles on our manikin which is then placed on the vellum with the "H" point superimposed over the intersection point. The manikin is rotated about the "H" point until the back bar is parallel to vertical and the back contour is at 24 degrees. The manikin is outlined on the vellum in this position. A half inch of floor thickness is scaled on the draw- ing below the heel establishing the bottom of the fuse- lage. A full scale check of this layout indicates a design fuselage depth of 44.7 inches and a frontal area of 12.4 square feet as compared to the production aircraft in Fig. 4. If we increase the knee angle from 120 degrees to 130 degrees by raising the heel, fuselage depth be- comes 41.7 inches, a reduction of 3.0 inches in fuselage depth or a reduction of 120 square inches, almost .9 of a square foot of frontal area! The function of human com- fort angles in packaging becomes more apparent with use. Any change from known cockpit roominess is re- ported in terms of changes in human attitude comfort. Linear dimensions expressing the roominess of a cock- pit, on the other hand, never reflect the true comfort con- ditions. These typical comfort angles illustrate the simplicity of this procedure to lay out a cockpit. It is hoped that this example will stimulate the creativity of the reader to seek an INDIVIDUAL solution to his PARTICULAR application. The completed cockpit layout vellum can be used as an overlay to check the finished three-view drawing for structural clearances or can be the beginning of a fresh three-view design. PROVING THE LAYOUT. An indispensable tool for the designer is a seating mockup, Fig. 5. Primarily built to check out the seating developed during the layout phase, it is valuable also as a temporary fixture. As the BIBLIOGRAPHY (covers important facets of dimensioning developments) SAE Paper 267 B (Also see page 16 of 267 B) construction phase develops, the platform can be used to build up the canopy installation, controls, the instru- ment panel, etc., without reference to bulky fuselage. A 4 ft. by 8 ft. sheet of 3 /4 inch builder's fir plywood attached to 2 by 4 sub frame should prove to be suffi- cient to support cockpit components for a four-place cock- pit. Initially, the seating positions should be checked out. Since the manikin establishes the depressed human con- tour, it is necessary before designing the seat frame and location to determine the depressed padding thickness by the "ouch" test. Using a sample of the intended padding material, place the pad over a plastic web lawn chair. Sit on same and have someone check the depressed depth of the pad carefully with a needle! This dimension is then added to the manikin depressed line and establishes the side view line of the seat frame. The same technique can be adapted to the approximation of the depressed manikin line for an existing seat using the assistance of a friend about 69 inches tall and weighing about 170 pounds sit- ting in the seat. Having determined the rearmost location of the seat structure, the construction phase can be concluded by the addition of the foot controls per the vellum layout. If you are about 70 inches in height or shorter you should find an excess amount of leg space in your design. Have a friend over 70 inches in height try it for size; he should find the size of the compartment to be adequate. SUMMARY. We have covered most briefly the argu- ments for using the manikin and the comfort dimension- ing method in developing aircraft seating. If you are of the one percent of the population that matches the scale manikin, feel perfectly free to design your aircraft by the cut and try method. However, you can save valuable design time by following this simple procedure and you are further guaranteed that any potential buyer will find sufficient roominess in your ship. It should be re- membered that linear dimensions from production air- craft can frequently be misleading and, of course, do not tell the entire comfort story. A few pointers to save weight, the seat structure should be designed as part of the wing as in the Beech Bonanza, or fuselage as on the Cessna 140. Foam rubber is the best available pad ma- terial; a cored, easily compressed pad rates best for com- fort than the denser variations, although it is not as dur- able. Seat springs are not necessary for aircraft applica- tion; a web backing is sufficient. Cloth is more comfort- able than vinyl; some military researchers recommend 4 inches of cored foam rubber covered with "Helenca," a stretch ski pant fabric which has high performance and is porous. Seat depth should not exceed 18 inches for comfort, (from the manikin back contour forward). The nose of the seat should not be squared off. The seat structure should be fixed for safety and weight reasons; foot controls should be designed fully adjustable and have at least 5 inches of travel towards the seat from the design location. Individual vertical seat adjustment, up to 4 inches if you wish to consider the ladies, can be easily accomplished by providing for blocking up the seat cushion pad with styrofoam or other low weight materials. The CG of the manikin is at the intersection of a line parallel and 10 inches forward of the back and a line 5 inches above and parallel to the thigh centerline (knee and hip point line) for most sitting attitudes. Technical inquiries concerning the manikin tools and their availability should be directed to the SAE, 485 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. 10 J ULY 1963