This document contains 15 multiple choice questions and their answers related to topics in medicine. Some key details include:
- Infants typically begin sitting without support around 6 months of age.
- Common sites for bed sores are the heels, elbows, and sacrum.
- During pregnancy, a woman typically gains 11-16 kg of weight.
- Thiamine is the chemical name for vitamin B1.
- The National Mental Health Programme was launched for the first time in India in the year 1994.
This document contains 15 multiple choice questions and their answers related to topics in medicine. Some key details include:
- Infants typically begin sitting without support around 6 months of age.
- Common sites for bed sores are the heels, elbows, and sacrum.
- During pregnancy, a woman typically gains 11-16 kg of weight.
- Thiamine is the chemical name for vitamin B1.
- The National Mental Health Programme was launched for the first time in India in the year 1994.
This document contains 15 multiple choice questions and their answers related to topics in medicine. Some key details include:
- Infants typically begin sitting without support around 6 months of age.
- Common sites for bed sores are the heels, elbows, and sacrum.
- During pregnancy, a woman typically gains 11-16 kg of weight.
- Thiamine is the chemical name for vitamin B1.
- The National Mental Health Programme was launched for the first time in India in the year 1994.
This document contains 15 multiple choice questions and their answers related to topics in medicine. Some key details include:
- Infants typically begin sitting without support around 6 months of age.
- Common sites for bed sores are the heels, elbows, and sacrum.
- During pregnancy, a woman typically gains 11-16 kg of weight.
- Thiamine is the chemical name for vitamin B1.
- The National Mental Health Programme was launched for the first time in India in the year 1994.
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1.An infant begin to sit with suo!t b" #
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