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Sieving for perfect

quality control
The widest range of sieving
equipment in the world!
RETSCHs line of sieving machines not only covers a wide measuring range. Thanks to various
sieving motions and sieve sizes it is possible to select the ideal instrument for practically any
bulk material. The instruments produce exact and reproducible results and comply with the
requirements for the test materials monitoring according to DIN EN ISO 9000 ff.
Analytical Sieving Machines
Three dimensional sieving motion
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 200 basic 4
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 200 digit 4
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 200 control 5
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 300 control 6
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 450 basic 7
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 450 control 7
Technical data 8
Clamping devices 8
Order data 9
Horizontal circular sieving motion
Horizontal Sieve Shaker AS 400 control 10
Technical data 11
Order data 11
Horizontal circular sieving motion with taps
Tap Sieve Shaker AS 200 tap 12
Technical data 13
Order data 13
Air jet for dispersion and deagglomeration
Air Jet Sieving Machine AS 200 jet 14
Technical data 15
Order data 15
Analytical Test Sieves
Test Sieves 16
Evaluation Software

Sample Dividers, Ultrasonic Baths,
Fluid Bed Dryer 20
Product videos at
The perfect solution for each measuring range
45 m 63 mm
20 m 25 mm
20 m 25 mm
10 m 4 mm
20 m 40 mm
30 m 30 mm
1 m 3 mm
25 m 125 mm
1 m 1 mm 1 m
AS 200
AS 300
AS 450
AS 400
AS 200 tap
AS 200 jet

n dry measurement
n wet measurement
Sieve analysis
Dynamic Image Analysis
Why particle size
The knowledge of particle size and
distri bution in disperse systems is
very important for research and
develop ment, pro duction and quality
The following list shows product
properties that depend on the parti-
cle size distribution:
n mechanical properties of bulk
n surface reaction
n insulating and absorbing
n flavor
n mixability
n wear resistance
n filtration ability
n stress and breaking behavior
n agglomeration due to adhesive
n conductivity
n extinction
Innovative technology
that sets standards
Vibratory Sieve Shakers
AS 200 basic / digit
RETSCH analytical vibratory sieve shakers are used in research & de-
velopment, quality control of raw materials, interim and finished products
as well as in production monitoring. The three-stage series AS 200 pro-
vides a suitable instrument for every requirement and budget.
The AS 300 control is designed for larger feed quantities up to 6 kg
whereas the AS 450 control is the ideal sieve shaker for even higher
loads up to 25 kg.
All of them are suitable for dry and wet sieving. The patented electromag-
netic drive of these sieve shakers produces a 3-D throwing motion which
ensures optimum use of the open sieve area and lets the sample move
equally over the whole sieving surface. The control instruments feature
digital amplitude adjustment which allows for sharp fractionizing of the
sample even after very short sieving times. These models can be used
as measuring instruments according to DIN EN ISO 9000 ff.
AS 200 basic
The economical alternative of the
series with familiar RETSCH quality
and reliability. With analog ad-
justment of vibration height and
sieving time.
AS 200 digit
The standard model of the AS 200
series is recommended whenever
digital time display, inter val
operation and analog ad justment
along with optical monitoring of the
vibration height are required.
AS 200 basic with
clamping device
economy and
sieve stack
AS 200 digit with
clamping device
standard and
sieve stack
AS 200 control with
clamping device
comfort and
sieve stack
Vibratory Sieve Shaker
AS 200 control
All Sieve Shakers of the series
AS 200, AS 300 and AS 450 work
with an electromagnetic drive that is
patented by RETSCH (EP 0642844).
This drive produces a 3-D throwing
motion that moves the product to
be sieved equally over the whole
sieving surface. The advantage:
Technology of AS 200, AS 300, AS 450
high load capacity, extremely
smooth operation and short siev-
ing times with high separation ef-
Furthermore, this patented
RETSCH drive runs without wear
and does not require maintenance.
The AS 200 control complies with the
highest requirements in quality as-
surance. One particular characteristic
makes this RETSCH product stand out
from others: Instead of the vibration
height, the sieve acce le ration, which
is independent of the power fre-
quency, can be set. Thus, the AS 200
control ensures comparable and re-
producible sieving results world-
wide. It can be calibrated to en-
sure 100% reproducibility of sieving
results, not only in one de vice, but
among all AS 200 control units! Thus,
the re quirement for the test materi-
als monitoring according to DIN
EN ISO 9000 ff is met. Its micro pro-
cessor-controlled measuring and
control unit ensures a constant vibra-
tion height. Operation of the AS 200
control is convenient and easy. All
sieving parameters vibration height,
time, interval are set, displayed and
monitored digi tally. Up to 9 parame-
AS 200 control
Benefits at a glance
n Sieving with 3-D effect
n For sieves up to 203 mm (8")
n Measuring range 20 m to 25 mm
n Suitable for dry and wet sieving
n Available in 3 versions
n Easy operation, ergonomic design
n Low noise and maintenance-free
ter combinations (SOPs) can be
stored for routine analyses. Through
the integrated interface the in-
strument can be connected to a PC
and controlled with the evaluation
software EasySieve

. This pro gram

enables the user to control the whole
sieving process and the sub sequent
documentation with con venience and
All RETSCH Sieve Shakers can be
com bined with various sieve clamp-
ing units. For frequent sieving pro-
cesses, we recommend the user-
friendly quick clamping unit com-
Three dimensional
sieving motion
Vibratory Sieve Shaker
AS 300 control
AS 300 control with
clamping device
comfort and
sieve stack
The AS 300 control is specifically de-
signed for test sieves with a dia meter
of 305 mm (12")/315 mm. Compared
to sieves with a diameter of 200 mm,
a 2.25 times larger sieving surface is
thus available. Therefore, the average
sieving times can be greatly reduced
with the AS 300 control. Another
ad vantage is the large feed quan-
tity (up to 6 kg) that can be separa-
ted in one working run. Repetitive
operations can be greatly sim plified
with the possibility to store up to
9 parameter com bina tions directly
in the sieving instrument.
For perfectly reproducible sieving re-
sults, the AS 300 control can be pro-
grammed with sieve acceleration
in dependent of the power fre-
quency instead of vibration height.
All sieving parameters are set, dis-
played and monitored digitally. The
micro processor-controlled measuring
device monitors and automatically
re adjusts the vibration height in case
of changes of the load or the voltage.
The AS 300 control can be calibra-
ted, and is thus suitable for test ma-
terials monitoring according to DIN
EN ISO 9000 ff. Like all instru ments
of the series control, the AS 300
has an integrated inter face. Using
the evaluation software EasySieve

the instrument can be controlled and
ad justed. With EasySieve

, all siev-
ing parameters are displayed on
screen before and during the sieving
AS 300 control
Benefits at a glance
n Sieving with 3-D effect
n For sieves up to 315 mm
n Measuring range 20 m to 40 mm
n Suitable for dry and wet sieving
n 9 SOPs can be stored
n Short sieving times with large
sieving surface and effective
move ment of the product to be
n Low noise and maintenance-free
Three dimensional
sieving motion
The chart makes it clear: even with
large differences in the fre quency,
sieving processes with equal accele-
ra tion always achieve fully matching
results, indepen dent of the sieving
time. This is because the sieve
accele ration is the decisive factor for
the quick passage of the particles
through the sieve.
The worldwide unique
RETSCH technology:
sieving with controlled
The Sieve Shakers AS 200 control
and AS 300 control are activated
in their natural fre quency. This
means, the sieving fre quency
changes with the load of the instru-
ment. It depends on the weight of
the sieve stack and the quantity of
the loaded product to be sieved. In
order to ensure the reproduci bi lity
of the results even in short-time
sieving pro cedures, the default set-
ting of the vibration height can be
switched to sieve acceleration
(sieving with equal acceleration).
The Sieve Shaker AS 450 control
works at a specially aligned stabi-
lized frequency.
Thus, these instru ments work com-
pletely indepen dent of opera tional
parameters such as power fre-
quency, loading, age, or condi-
tion of the unit.
Therefore, the RETSCH Sieve Shakers
AS 200 control, AS 300 control and
AS 450 control are the only sieve
shakers to feature the possibility of
elimi nating influences of error by
dif ferent sieving frequencies via
auto matic adjustment of the ampli-
tude (patents D 19 522 987,
USA 5,791,494). An amplitude of
up to 3 mm can be achieved under
all nominal load conditions, and the
sieve acceleration achieved can be as
high as 21 g (1 g = 9.81 m/s
Throughput depending on
the sieve acceleration
feed material: potash fertilizer
mesh aperture size: 0.125 mm
sieving time: 3 min
sieve diameter: 200 mm
Sieve acceleration (g)

With the AS 450 basic, RETSCH
offers a budget-priced alternative
to the AS 450 control sieve shaker.
The sieve shaker covers a size range
from 25 m to 125 mm and ac-
cepts loads of up to 15 kg. Time and
amplitude are digitally set which
ensures reproducibility of the sieving
AS 450 basic
The AS 450 basic is suitable for
dry sieving. It is the economic so-
lution for users who need to sieve
larger quantities of dry material
with reliable results.
With the Vibratory Sieve Shaker
AS 450 control RETSCH has designed
its first siever for 400 mm and
450 mm sieves which operates with a
three-dimensional sieving motion. It
can be used for dry and wet sieving
of sample amounts of up to 25 kg
in one working run. With the AS 450
control RETSCH has now combined
the benefits of electromagnetic siev-
ing controlled amplitude with high-
est reproducibility with the power-
ful drive based on the CET technol-
ogy (Continuous Energy Transforma-
tion). The continous and controlled
energy input allows for constant
amplitudes of up to 2.2 mm which
results in a high separation efficiency,
even with high loads, so that manual
re-sieving becomes obsolete. The
AS 450 control is particularly suitable
for materials such as minerals,
ores, construction materials, coal
Benefits at a glance
n Sieving with 3-D effect
n For sieves up to 450 mm
n Measuring range 25 m to
125 mm
n Suitable for dry and wet sieving
n 9 SOPs can be stored
n High sieve loads (up to 25 kg)
n Excellent separation efficiency
even with short sieving times
n With remote operation panel
Vibratory Sieve Shaker
AS 450 control
or soils. Like all instruments of the
control series, the AS 450 can be
controlled with the evaluation soft-
ware EasySieve

When it comes to operating comfort,
the AS 450 control meets all the
requirements of a modern laboratory.
All parameters such as amplitude,
time and interval are digitally set,
displayed and controlled via a remote
operation panel. It is possible to
store up to 9 parameter combina-
tions for routine tasks.
AS 450 control with
clamping device
standard and
sieve stack
Remote operation panel
(e.g. wall-mounted)
AS 450 control
Without the need
for re-sieving!
AS 450 basic,
sieve stack 400 mm ,
remote operation panel
AS 450 basic,
sieve stack 450 mm ,
remote operation panel

Selection guide for
Vibratory Sieve Shakers
Performance data AS 200 AS 200 AS 200 AS 300 AS 450 AS 450
basic digit control control basic control
Applications separation, fractioning, particle size determination
Feed material powders, bulk materials, suspensions
Measuring range* 20 m - 25 mm 20 m - 25 mm 20 m - 25 mm 20 m - 40 mm 25 m - 125 mm 25 m - 125 mm
Max. batch / feed capacity* 3 kg 3 kg 3 kg 6 kg 15 kg 25 kg
Max. number of fractions** 9 / 17 9 / 17 9 / 17 9 / 17 11 / 8 13 / 9
Max. mass of sieve stack 4 kg 4 kg 6 kg 10 kg 50 kg 50 kg
Adjustment of sieving parameters
Amplitude analog analog digital digital digital digital
0 - 3 mm 0 - 3 mm 0.2 - 3 mm 0.2 - >2 mm 0 - >2 mm 0.2 - >2.2 mm
Sieve acceleration 1.0 - >15.1 g 1.0 - >10.0 g 0.6 - >7.1 g
Time analog digital digital digital digital digital
1 - 60 min 1 - 99 min 1 - 99 min 1 - 99 min 1 - 99.9 min 1 - 99 min
Interval operation 10 s (fixed) 10 - 99 s 10 - 99 s 1 - 99 s 10 - 99 s
Storable SOPs 9 9 1 9
Motion of product to be sieved throwing motion with angular momentum
Suitable for sieving of wet products yes yes yes yes no yes
Serial interface yes yes no yes
Including test certificate / can be calibrated yes yes no yes
*depending on feed material and used sieve set **depending on the used sieve sizes
Technical data
Suitable sieve diameters 100 mm to 200 mm / 8" 100 mm to 315 mm 400 mm and 450 mm
Height of sieve stack up to 450 mm up to 450 mm up to 830 mm up to 963 mm
W x H x 400 x 230 x 400 x 235 x 680 x 280 x 714 x 435 x
D 350 mm 400 mm 680 mm 658 mm
Net weight approx. 30 kg approx. 35 kg approx. 140 kg approx. 200 kg
Noise values (noise measurement according to DIN 45635-31-01-KL3)
Measuring conditions: 5 test sieves; vibration height 1.5 mm (AS 200/AS 300), 1.1 mm (AS 450); feed material quartz sand; particle size <1 mm
Emission value with regard to workplace L
63 dB(A) L
59 dB(A) L
69.6 dB(A) L
69 dB(A)
There are many applications for which wet sieving is the
best solution, e.g. when the material to be tested is a
suspension or when a very fine sample (< 45 m) that
tends to agglomerate has to be sieved.
All Vibratory Sieve Shakers AS 200, AS 300 and
AS 450 control can be used for wet sieving. There are
special accessories like clamping lids with spray nozzle
and collecting pans with outlet available. By placing
RETSCHs venting rings between the sieves, air cushions
can expand without letting liquid or sample material es-
Wet sieving with Vibratory Sieve Shakers
AS 200 control (left) und AS 450 control (right) with wet sieving
clamping device and sieve stack with venting rings

Order data
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 200 basic, AS 200 digit, AS 200 control Item No.
AS 200 (not including clamping device, test sieves and collecting pan) basic digit control
AS 200 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, incl. test report acc. to EN 10204 2.2 30.018.0001
AS 200 230 V, 50 Hz 30.016.0001 30.015.0001
AS 200 120 V, 60 Hz 30.016.0005 30.015.0005
Clamping devices, complete for AS 200 dry sieving
economy for test sieves 100/150/200/203 mm (8") 32.662.0003
standard for test sieves 200/203 mm (8") 32.662.0002
comfort for test sieves 200/203 mm (8") 32.662.0001
Universal clamping devices, complete for AS 200 wet sieving dry sieving
standard for test sieves 100/150/200/203 mm (8") 32.662.0007 32.662.0005
comfort for test sieves 100/150/200/203 mm (8") 32.662.0006 32.662.0004
Accessories for AS 200
Sieve stack consisting of 8 test sieves (ISO 3310-1), 200 mm , 50 mm height
(45 m, 63 m, 125 m, 250 m, 500 m, 1 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm) and collecting pan 60.131.000999
Sieve stack consisting of 8 test sieves (ASTM E11), 203 mm (8") , 50 mm height
(325 mesh, 230 mesh, 120 mesh, 60 mesh, 35 mesh, 18 mesh, 10 mesh, 5 mesh) and collecting pan 60.150.000999
Test sieve rack for 10 test sieves 200/203 mm (8") 32.012.0001
IQ/OQ documentation for AS 200 control 99.200.0001
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 300 control Item No.
AS 300 (not including clamping device, test sieves and collecting pan) control
AS 300 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, incl. test report acc. to EN 10204 2.2 30.021.0001
Clamping devices, complete for AS 300 wet sieving dry sieving
standard for test sieves 305 mm (12")/315 mm 32.662.0012 32.662.0008
comfort for test sieves 305 mm (12")/315 mm 32.662.0014 32.662.0009
All clamping devices of AS 200 are also suitable for AS 300
Accessories for AS 300
Sieve stack consisting of 7 test sieves (ISO 3310-1), 305 mm (12") , 40 mm height
(0.63 mm, 1.25 mm, 2.5 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm, 31.5 mm) and collecting pan 60.158.000999
Sieve stack consisting of 7 test sieves (ASTM E11), 305 mm (12") , 40 mm height
(30 mesh, 16 mesh, 8 mesh, 4 mesh, 3/8", 3/4", 1 1/4") and collecting pan 60.159.000999
IQ/OQ documentation for AS 300 control 99.200.0002
Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS 450 basic, AS 450 control Item No.
AS 450 (not including clamping device (AS 450 control), test sieves and collecting pan)
AS 450 basic 230 V, 50 Hz, incl. clamping device standard 30.028.1001
AS 450 control 230 V, 50/60 Hz without clamping device 30.026.0001
Clamping devices AS 450 control wet sieving dry sieving
standard for test sieves 400/450 mm 32.662.0017 32.662.0015
comfort for test sieves 400/450 mm 32.662.0018 32.662.0016
Accessories for AS 450
Sieve stack consisting of 10 test sieves (ISO 3310-1), 400 mm , 65 mm height
(63 m, 125 m, 250 m, 500 m, 1 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm, 8 mm, 16 mm, 31.5 mm) and collecting pan 60.166.000998
Sieve stack consisting of 7 test sieves (ISO 3310-1), 450 mm , 100 mm height
(63 m, 125 m, 250 m, 500 m, 1 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm) and collecting pan 60.168.000999
Sieve stack consisting of 10 test sieves (ASTM E11), 400 mm , 65 mm height,
(230 mesh, 120 mesh, 60 mesh, 35 mesh, 18 mesh, 10 mesh, 5 mesh, 5/16, 5/8, 1.1/4) and collecting pann 60.167.000998
Sieve stack consisting of 7 test sieves (ASTM E11), 450 mm , 100 mm height
(230 mesh, 120 mesh, 60 mesh, 35 mesh, 18 mesh, 10 mesh, 5 mesh) and collecting pan 60.169.000999
For additional accessories such as evaluation software, test sieves, sieve lids, collecting pans, sieving aids etc. please refer to our website
Sieve clamping device
Sieve clamping device
Sieve clamping device
Universal wet sieve
clamping device comfort
Universal sieve clamping
device standard
Horizontal Sieve Shaker
AS 400 control
The base plate performs hori zon tal
circular motions with a radius of
15 mm (according to DIN 53477).
The speed of 50 to 300 rpm is
electronically controlled. It is con-
tinuously adjustable to meet the
requirements of the product to be
Technology of the AS 400
sieved. The actual value of the
number of revolutions is digitally
displayed. The base plate is driven
by a robust, maintenance-free drive
motor with a power of 125 Watt.
The power is trans mitted via an
Sieving on one level
The RETSCH AS 400 control is used for the sieving of dry
goods with test sieves of a diameter up to 400 mm. The
horizontal circular sieving motion is preferably used for
long or fibrous, needle-shaped flat materials. The hori-
zontal orientation of the particles allows for better repro-
ducibility of the sieving results. Fine and coarse-grained
goods as found in the areas of milling, brewing,
chemical industry, quarries, soil testing, woodwork-
ing and plastics industry, can be exactly separated with
the AS 400 control. For the testing of plastics (grainy
moulding materials), the DIN 53 477 even requires the
circular sieving motion.
The AS 400 control can be used as
test instrument for the quality control
according to DIN EN ISO 9000 ff.
Due to the controlled drive the
AS 400 control yields reproducible
results worldwide. The desired num-
ber of revolutions / sieve acceleration
and sieving time are set, displayed
and monitored digitally. The instru-
ment is supplied with a test certifi-
cate and can be recalibrated. If de-
sired, the rotation direction can be
set to alternate in the interval. Up to
9 sieving programs can be directly
stored for routine analyses. An inte-
grated counter mass ensures sta-
bility even with a high mass of the
sieve stack. It is possible to secure
the instrument to the laboratory
bench if desired. The base plate can
take very high loads due to 4 ec-
centric guides. The AS 400 control
has an integrated interface for
controlling all sieving parameters via
the EasySieve

AS 400 control
Benefits at a glance
n Circular sieving motion
according to DIN 53477
n For sieves up to 400 mm
n Measuring range
45 m to 63 mm
n Easy operation, ergonomic
n Low noise and maintenance-
AS 400 control with
clamping device
comfort and
sieve stack
Horizontal circular
sieving motion
As reliable sieving results do not just
depend on the sieve but are also in-
fluenced by the sieving time and sieve
movements, it is extremely advisable
to recalibrate the sieve shaker used
within the framework of test agent
monitoring. Reproducible sieving pa-
rameters are an essential precondition
for assigning variations in the analysis
results unambiguously to the sample
and showing that they are not caused,
for example, by inaccurate sieve
shaker settings. During calibration
within the context of quality assur-
ance as per ISO 9000, all the
relevant parameters of the
control sieve shakers are
checked and, if necessary, ad-
justed. Its proper condition is
confirmed by an inspection
certificate as per EN 10204 3.1B.
Recalibration of Sieve Shakers
The AS 400 control is a robust de-
vice, which meets highest require-
ments due to its superior technology.
With the option to install clamping
devices for sieves with diameters
from 100 mm to 400 mm (4" to 16")
the AS 400 is particularly versatile
and suitable for a wide range of ap-
plications. With the proven clamping
device comfort the sieve stack can
be fastened conveniently with two
simple steps. For occasional sieving
processes we recommend the inex-
pensive clamp standard.
All clamping devices of AS 200 and
AS 300 are also suitable for AS 400.
Order data
Horizontal Sieve Shaker AS 400 Item No.
AS 400 (not including clamping device, test sieves and collecting pan) control
AS 400 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz incl. test report acc. to EN 10204 2.2 30.022.0001
Clamping devices, complete for AS 400 dry sieving
standard for test sieves 400 mm 32.662.0010
comfort for test sieves 400 mm 32.662.0011
All clamping devices of AS 200 and AS 300 are also suitable for AS 400
Accessories for AS 400
Sieve stack consisting of 6 test sieves (ISO 3310-1), 400 mm , 65 mm height
(0.5 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, 20 mm) and collecting pan 60.166.000999
Sieve stack consisting of 6 test sieves (ASTM E11), 400 mm , 65 mm height
(35 mesh, 18 mesh, 10 mesh, 4 mesh, 3/8", 3/4") and collecting pan 60.167.000999
For additional accessories such as evaluation software, test sieves, sieve lids, collecting pans, sieving aids etc. please refer to our website

Performance data AS 400 control
Applications separation, fractioning, particle size determination
Feed material powders, bulk materials
Measuring range* 45 m to 63 mm
Max. batch / feed capacity* 5 kg
Max. number of fractions** 7 / 9 / 17
Max. mass of sieve stack 15 kg
Adjustment of sieving parameters
Speed digital, 50 - 300 rpm
Sieve acceleration 0.04 - 1.51 g
Time digital, 1 - 99 min
Interval operation 1 - 10 min
Storable SOPs 9
Motion of product to be sieved horizontal circular motion
Suitable for sieving of wet products
Serial interface yes
Including test certificate / can be calibrated yes
*depending on feed material and used sieve set **depending on the used sieve sizes
Technical data
Suitable sieve diameters 100 mm to 400 mm
Height of sieve stack up to 450 mm
W x H x D 540 x 260 x 507 mm
Net weight approx. 70 kg
Noise values (noise measurement according to DIN 45635-31-01-KL3)
Measuring conditions:
5 test sieves; speed 150 rpm; feed material quartz sand; particle size <1 mm
Emission value with regard to workplace L
58.4 dB(A)
Tap Sieve Shaker
AS 200 tap
AS 200 tap technology
The AS 200 tap is equipped with
a powerful single-phase a.c.
motor. The sieve plate performs
horizontal circular motions with a
radius of 14 mm.
The mechanical gear keeps the
number of oscillations (280 min
as well as the number of taps
(150 min
) constant, even with
high loads.
Mechanizing hand sieving
The RETSCH AS 200 tap is suitable for dry sieving with
test sieves of 200 mm or 8" diameter. The combination
of horizontal, circular sieving motions with vertical taps
reproduces the principle of hand sieving. The uniform
mechanical action ensures reliable and reproducible
measurement results.
This special type of sieving motion used by the AS 200 tap
is specified in various standards for particle size analysis
of materials such as activated carbon, diamonds, spices,
metal powders, abrasives or cement.
AS 200 tap
Operating the AS 200 tap is excep-
tionally easy and safe. The inte-
grated clamping device allows for
sieve stacks with up to 12 sieves plus
pan, depending on the height of the
sieve frame. The sieving time is set
from 1 to 99 minutes via a digital
display. The number of rotations and
taps is fixed and cannot be adjusted.
The tapping motion can be deactivat-
ed, if required.
A safety switch and an anti-trap pro-
tection provide maximum safety
when working with the AS 200 tap.
Thanks to an integrated interface,
the AS 200 tap can be controlled with
the evaluation software EasySieve

This pro gram enables the user to
control the whole sieving process and
the sub sequent documentation with
con venience and accuracy.
No clamping device is required for
the Sieve Shaker AS 200 tap.
Benefits at a glance
n Sieving with circular motion
and vertical taps
n For 200 mm / 8" sieves
n Measuring range 20 m to 25 mm
n Safe and easy operation
n Robust and maintenance-free
n Sound-enclosure cabinet with
CE mark
AS 200 tap with
sieve stack
Horizontal circular
sieving m
ith taps
The AS 200 tap is a robust sieve
shaker which requires hardly any
maintenance. The compact sound-
enclosure cabinet helps to substan-
tially reduce noise emission and
ensures CE conformity.
Order data
Tap Sieve Shaker AS 200 tap Item No.
AS 200 tap (incl. sieve lid for test sieves up to 203 mm / 8 , not including test sieves and collecting pan)
AS 200 tap 230 V, 50 Hz, incl. sound-enclosure cabinet, conforms with CE standards 30.025.1001
AS 200 tap 120 V, 60 Hz, incl. sound-enclosure cabinet, conforms with CE standards 30.025.1002
AS 200 tap 230 V, 50 Hz 30.025.0001
AS 200 tap 120 V, 60 Hz 30.025.0002
Accessories for AS 200 tap
Sieve stack consisting of 6 test sieves (ISO 3310-1), 200 mm , 50 mm height
(63 m, 125 m, 250 m, 500 m, 1 mm, 2 mm) and collecting pan 60.131.000998
Sieve stack consisting of 6 test sieves (ASTM E11), 203 mm (8") , 50 mm height
(230 mesh, 120 mesh, 60 mesh, 35 mesh, 18 mesh, 10 mesh) and collecting pan 60.150.000998
Test sieve rack for 10 test sieves 200/203 mm (8") 32.012.0001
Ball-pan hardness test kit 22.783.0001
For additional accessories such as evaluation software, test sieves, sieve lids, collecting pans, sieving aids etc. please refer to our website

Performance data AS 200 tap
Applications separation, fractioning, particle size determination
Feed material powders, bulk materials
Measuring range* 20 m to 25 mm
Max. batch / feed capacity* 3 kg
Max. number of fractions** 7 / 13
Max. mass of sieve stack 6 kg
Adjustment of sieving parameters
Speed fixed, 280 min
, 150 taps
Sieve acceleration
Time digital, 1 - 99 min
Interval operation
Storable SOPs
Motion of product to be sieved horizontal circular motion with taps
Suitable for sieving of wet products
Serial interface yes
Including test certificate / can be calibrated
*depending on feed material and used sieve set **depending on the used sieve sizes
Technical data
Suitable sieve diameters 200 mm / 8"
Height of sieve stack up to 350 mm
W x H x D 700 x 650 x 450 mm 715 x 760 x 520 mm
Net weight approx. 68 kg approx. 92 kg
Noise values (noise measurement according to DIN 45635-31-01-KL3)
Measuring conditions:
5 test sieves; vibration height 1.5 mm; feed material quartz sand; particle size <1 mm
Emission value with regard to workplace L
82 dB(A) L
65 dB(A)
AS 200 tap with
sound-enclosure cabinet
and sieve stack
without with
sound-enclosure cabinet sound-enclosure cabinet
For materials that are difficult to sep-
arate we recommend the additional
use of sieving aids in the individual
sieve fractions. Which sieving aid is
best suited depends on the mesh size
of the sieve and the preselected os-
cillation intensity. RETSCH offers
n chain rings,
n balls of agate, rubber or steatite,
n brushes and
n polyurethane cubes.
These mechanical sieving aids destroy
agglomerates and dislodge wedged
particles from the sieve mesh.
Sieving aids
Air Jet Sieving Machine
AS 200 jet
AS 200 jet technology
A vacuum cleaner which is con-
nected to the sieving machine
generates a vacuum inside the
sieving chamber and sucks in
fresh air through a sound absorb-
er. When passing the narrow slit
of the nozzle, the air stream is
accelerated and blown against the
sieve mesh. Above the mesh, the
air jet is distributed over the com-
plete sieve surface and is sucked
in with low speed through the
sieve mesh. Thus the finer parti-
cles are transported through the
mesh openings into the vacuum
cleaner or, optionally, into a
Quick and gentle quality control of fine
The Air Jet Sieving Machine AS 200 jet is particularly
suitable for low density materials with particle sizes
in the lower micron range which tend to agglomer-
ate. It is used with sieves of 10 microns mesh size or
more. The procedure is very gentle on the material as
no mechanical sieving aids are required. The average
sieving time is 2-3 minutes.
Typical applications include construction materials,
flour, spices, plastics and pharmaceuticals.
The AS 200 jet is specifically designed
for test sieves with a dia meter of
200 mm/203 mm (8"). The air jet
generated by an industrial vacuum can
be adjusted by using the manual vacu-
um regulation. The sieving machine
can be optionally equipped with an
automatic vacuum regulation
which constantly monitors and main-
tains the air flow thus increasing the
reproducibility of the sieving process.
The Open Mesh Function, a proce-
dure which greatly reduces the num-
ber of near-mesh particles, provides
optimum separation efficiency and
excellent reproducibility.
Sieving time and nozzle speed are
conveniently set with a single button,
the settings are shown in the graph-
ic display. The Quick Start Mode
allows to start the sieving process
under standard conditions without
entering parameters.
The RETSCH software EasySieve

be used for automated evaluation
and documentation.
AS 200 jet
Benefits at a glance
n Sieving using air jet technology for
dispersion and deagglomeration
n Wide measuring range
from 10 m to 4 mm
n Gentle sieving with short sieving
n Reproducible results due to Open
Mesh Function
n Quick Start Mode for easy operation
n Suitable for RETSCH standard
sieves 200 mm/203 mm (8")
AS 200 jet with
test sieve
and cyclone
Air jet for dispersion
and deagglomeration
Air Jet Sieving Machine AS 200 jet Item No.
AS 200 jet for test sieves 203 mm (8) , with manual vacuum regulation, incl. lids for test sieves 1 and 2 height and rubber mallet
(Please order test sieve and vacuum cleaner separately)
AS 200 jet 100240 V, 50/60 Hz, incl. test report acc. to EN 10204 2.2 30.027.0001
Accessories AS 200 jet
Cyclone with holder and collecting receptacle (250 ml and 500 ml sample bottle) 32.935.0008
Industrial vacuum cleaner GM 80, 230 V, 50/60 Hz (other electrical versions available) 32.748.0004
Automatic vacuum regulation 32.100.0002
Adapter and lids for test sieves 200 mm x 50 mm and 200 mm x 25 mm 02.025.0070
Test sieve with electroformed sheet (ISO 3310-3), 203 mm , 25 mm height, 10 m: 60.142.000010 16 m: 60.142.000016
IQ/OQ Documentation for AS 200 jet 99.200.0003
For test sieves please refer to our website
The maximum batch a sieving machine
can process depends on various
factors such as number and aperture
size of the sieves, maximum grain
size and width of distribution of the
sample. The standard DIN 66165
provides more details, e.g. the
maximum amount of oversize grain
which should remain on a square
decimeter of sieve bottom.
Examples for the maximum batch
and permitted sieve oversize for
200 mm sieves:
Recommended material quantities
Max. sieve
25 m 14 cm
7 cm
45 m 20 cm
10 cm
63 m 26 cm
13 cm
125 m 38 cm
19 cm
250 m 58 cm
29 cm
500 m 88 cm
44 cm
1 mm 126 cm
63 cm
The AS 200 jet is preferably used
with sieves of 25 mm height. When
the particles are dispersed by the jet
of air, they hit the perspex lid and
deagglomerate the shorter the dis-
tance, the better the deagglomera-
tion. 50 mm sieves are only used for
very sensitive materials.
The delivery scope of the AS 200 jet
includes a manual vacuum regulation
(1), two sieve lids (2), a sound ab-
sorber (3) and a rubber mallet.
RETSCH offers a special vacuum
cleaner to be used with the
AS 200 jet. It is powered by the siev-
ing machine and is automatically
switched on when the sieving pro-
cess is started. The AS 200 jet can
also be equipped with any other in-
dustrial vacuum cleaner (<1200 W)
with an IEC connector and a suction
tube with an outer diameter of
32 mm.
To extend the service life of the
flters in the vacuum cleaner and for
recovery of the sample fraction pass-
ing the sieve, we recommend the use
of the optional cyclone. The separa-
tion degree and limiting particle size
respectively depend on the sample
characteristics. Order data

Performance data AS 200 jet
Applications separation, fractioning, particle size determination
Feed material powders, bulk materials
Measuring range* 10 m to 4 mm
Max. batch / feed capacity* approx. 100 g
Max. number of fractions 1 (2 with cyclone)
Adjustment of sieving parameters
Nozzle speed digital, 5 - 55 rpm
Time digital, 00:00 - 99:59 min
Open Mesh Function 10 min
(fixed), +20, -10
Vacuum** 2000 - 9999 Pa / 20 - 100 mbar
Storable SOPs 9
Motion of product to be sieved dispersion by air jet
Serial interface yes
Including test certificate / can be calibrated yes
*depending on feed material and used sieve
**using the automatic vacuum regulation
Technical data
Suitable sieve diameters RETSCH standard test sieves 200 mm/203 mm (8")
Height of sieve stack 1 sieve 25/50 mm (1"/2")
W x H x D 460 x 288 x 305 mm
Net weight approx. 14 kg
Noise values
The AS 200 jet is constructed in a manner that prevents any significant development of noise.
Overloaded sieves prevent
reproducible results!
1. One-piece sieve frame and fabric-transition
without grooves prevent cross contamination
(no sample residues etc.).
2. No hollow spaces which need to be sealed (no
3. High degree of corrosion resistance and easy
cleaning thanks to high-alloy stainless steels
4. Innovative tensioning technology guarantees
permanently tight sieve fabric.
5. Excellent product quality due to extensive
optical inspection.
6. Maximum stability and optimum sealing when
used in sieve stacks thanks to the o-ring
which is placed in the recess designed for this
7. Clear and precise labeling of the sieves with
full traceability based on individualized laser
RETSCH Test Sieves
Seven Unique Benefits
The unique RETSCH manufacturing process ensures
optimum design for each sieve. Experience the
increased quality of your analyses as well as improved
handling and service life of the sieves.
With of 200 / 203 mm (8")
The unique manufacturing process of RETSCH test sieves with a one-
piece stainless steel sieve frame guarantees unrivaled stability and con-
sistency for your sieving application. Paying close attention to mesh size
and other specifc requirements, the sieve fabric is precisely joined into
the frame. Using a unique technology, which is only found in RETSCH
test sieves, the fabric is then permanently and reliably tautened. The
individual laser engraving of each RETSCH test sieve provides a clear
and precise labeling with full traceability.
The sieves can be combined with all other sieve brands without any
problems. Please note: Each sieve that leaves our company
includes a test report or, at your request, a special inspec-
tion certifcate in conformity with national and international
norms. RETSCH calibration certifcates confrm a great
number of precision measurements, thus ensuring an
even higher statistical reliability for your quality manage-
RETSCH test sieves are available in many sizes and variet-
ies, primarily in the four frame sizes most widely used in
laboratory analytics: 200 x 50 mm
200 x 25 mm
203 x 50 mm (8"x 2")
203 x 25 mm (8"x 1").

[m] [#]
20 635
25 500
32 450
38 400
45 325
53 270
63 230
75 200
90 170
106 140
125 120
150 100
180 80
212 70
250 60
300 50
355 45
425 40
500 35
600 30
710 25
850 20
[mm] [#]
1.00 18
1.18 16
1.40 14
1.70 12
2.00 10
2.36 8
2.80 7
3.35 6
4.00 5
4.75 4
5.60 3.1/2
6.30 1/4 in.
6.70 0.265 in.
8.00 5/16 in.
9.50 3/8 in.
11.20 7/16 in.
12.50 1/2 in.
13.20 0.530 in.
16.00 5/8 in.
Comparison Chart for
European and American
Sieve Standards
With of 100 / 150 / 305 (12") / 400 / 450 mm
n Sieve meshes, frames and
labeling comply with standards
n Tested 5 times, with test report
n According to ISO, ASTM, BS
n Individual inspection certificate
for test materials monitoring
according to ISO 9000 ff
available on request
n Stainless steel wire sieve mesh,
20 m to 125 mm
n Also available with perforated
plate, round or square
Every RETSCH high-quality sieve re-
ceives a test report before it is de-
On request, an inspection certifi-
cate according to DIN ISO 3310-1 or
ASTM E11 is available, too, which
documents the measuring results in
tabular and graphical form. The cali-
bration certificate provides even
more statistical details.
As a special service RETSCH offers recalibration of the test sieves. After the
standard measuring process of the sieves, all relevant data are recorded and
confirmed in the certificate.
For the various test sieves, matching
(A) collecting pans
(B) collecting pans with outlet
(C) inter mediate pans
(D) inter medi ate rings
(E) venting rings and
(F) sieve lids
are avail able.
Sieving aids and sieve racks complete
the range of accessories. Please refer to
our website
for order data of the test sieves and
the available accessories.
Sieve accessories
Tested quality with certificates
Control, evaluation, documentation
with EasySieve

1. Parameter entry
All available parameters (such as sieve
stack configuration, dead weight of
the sieve, sieve shaker settings) as
well as the characteristics, which
may have to be calculated, can be
entered by clicking with the mouse in
the corresponding fields. Routine
para meters can be entered, edited,
saved and recalled at a later time.
Product specific settings of the mea-
surement parameters are saved and
ensure a productive workflow.
2. Sieve analysis
The program accepts automatic and
manual data entries from both scale
and sieve system. All RETSCH sieve
shakers of the series control can be
automatically controlled with

After the sieve analysis is completed,
the loaded sieves are reweighed. By
determining the weight difference,
the program automatically detects
the mass proportions and assigns
them accordingly to the corres pon-
ding fractions. All data are imme-
diately available for further pro-
3. Evaluation
The EasySieve

software calculates
all common particle distributions as
well as the characteristic values of
the particle size, thus making it pos-
sible to present the results in stan-
dard presentation forms, such as ta-
bles and charts. Cumulative through-
put or residual values, distribution
density and histograms can be in-
cluded in the standard particle size
distributions. In addition to this, the
program allows for a trend analysis of
production pro cedures, averaging and
much more. Last but not least, fine-
ness and distri bution characteristics
as well as stan dard parameters can
be selected.
An example of a particle size analysis using EasySieve

Parameter entry Trend analysis of production procedures Comparison with specification limits
Simple, fast, and reliable

, the software for particle size analyses,

ex ceeds manual evaluation in many aspects. The
software is able to automatically control the necessary
measurement and weighing procedures from the
registration of the weight of the sieve to the eva-
luation of the data.
Due to the logical design of the software the user
can easily get started with the program and is lead
through the process step by step. More over, the
abundance of evaluation possi bilities allows for
absolute flexibility with regard to adjustment to
individual tasks.
Features EasySieve

General information


, interface Windows

(others on request)
ASTM and Tyler Mesh x
Password protection for sieve analysis x
Serial no. for sieves x
Sieve analysis with
nominal mesh size x
actual mesh size x
Automatic simultaneous data transfer x
Administration of measurement data unlimited
Data import and export x
PDF manual on CD-ROM x
Measurement protocol (according to DIN 66165) x
Language selection English/German x
Throughput values Q3 (x) x
Residual values (1-Q3(x)) x
Fraction p3 x
Fraction m (proportional masses) x
Distribution density q3(x) x
log. distribution density q3*(x) x
Actual mesh size x
Combined representation of several analyses x
Curve representation x
Graphic presentation
x-axis lin, log
y-axis lin, log, RRSB
Windowing (Zoom) x
Cumulative curve (throughput) Q3 (x) x
Residual curve (1-Q3 (x)) x
Fraction p3/histogram x
Lin. Division density q3(x) x
Log. Division density q3*(x) x
Trend analysis x
Limit value graph with specifications limits x
2 representation possibilities x
(including right y-axis)
Reference particles x
(registration of external particle size division)
Fineness parameters, 3 values Q3 (x) x
Quantile particle size, 3 values x (Q3) x
RRSB parameters x
Sauter mean diameter X St x
Splinter value x
Specific surface
volume related Sv x
mass related Sm x
Unequal grade of granularity x
AFS particle fineness No. x
System requirements
n Pentium PC
n for automatic control:
- PC with free serial interfaces/
USB interfaces
- sieve shaker with serial interface
(e.g. AS 200 control,
AS 300 control, AS 450 control,
AS 400 control, AS 200 tap,
AS 200 jet)
- scale with serial interface
A RS 232-USB Adapter is part of the
delivery scope.
Benefits at a glance
n Automatic registration,
evaluation and administration
of measurement data
n Logical design, self-explanatory
n Measurement protocol in
accordance with standards
n Complex presentation
of the results in charts
and tables
n Easy selection and
configuration of common
analytical scales
n Comprehensive data export
n Manual on CD-ROM
n English and German
4. Data export
All measured data can be printed,
saved and exported as tables and
charts. Furthermore, the data can
be processed using other software
applications such as Excel, Word,
PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader, or
can be exported as ASCII files.
Automatic transfer into the LIMS sys-
tem is also possible with EasySieve

Data import and export for modern
optical particle size analyzers such as

from Retsch
Technology is quick and easy.
Retsch GmbH
Retsch-Allee 1-5
42781 Haan, Germany
Telephone +49 2104/ 2333- 100
Telefax +49 2104/ 2333- 199
E-mail [email protected]









RETSCH Your specialist for sample
preparation offers you a compre hen-
sive range of equipment. Please re-
quest information on our crushers,
mills, sieve shakers, sample dividers,
feeders as well as cleaning and
drying machines.
Ultrasonic Baths
UR 1, UR 2, UR 3
RETSCH ultrasonic baths are used
for the gentle and efficient clean-
ing of test sieves, glass and
metal parts, metallographic and
geological samples and many oth-
ers. Further areas of application are
sample preparation of suspensions
(e.g. for wet sieving), dispersions in
chromatography or the degassing
of solutions.
Sample Dividers PT 100,
PT 200, RT 6.5 - RT 75
Sample dividers are essential for
the exact and representative
division of pourable bulk goods in
the laboratory. The Rotary Divider
PT 100 uses the most exact division
method which produces the small-
est qualitative variations. In addi-
tion to the PT 200, which divides
larger amounts up to 30 l per run,
RETSCH offers the sample splitter
RT for manual division.
Fluid Bed Dryer
TG 200
The Fluid Bed Dryer TG 200 is used
in the laboratory for the gentle dry-
ing of bulk materials without local-
ized overheating. The average dry-
ing time lies between 5 to 20 min-
utes which represents a substantial
saving in time compared to other
drying methods. Typical materials
include coal, plastics, soils, phar-
maceutical products or plant mate-
rials. The TG 200 can also be used
for drying test sieves.
Solutions for more efficient
sieve analyses
RETSCH products are used in the quality control of solids for a reason.
From representative sample division to precise particle size analysis to
professional maintenance of the test sieves RETSCH offers a complete
equipment range for perfect results:
For more details on our sample dividers, rapid dryers and ultrasonic cleaning baths see our Assisting brochure.

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