SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-By-Step Guide
SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-By-Step Guide
SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-By-Step Guide
2010 SAP AG 1
SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-
by-Step Guide
Applies to:
SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.2
This is a step-by-step guide for developing, deploying and running a simple process in SAP CE 7.2. Guide
covers installation and configuration of the Java AS and configuration and development in NetWeaver
Developer Studio. Also covered is the creation of a mock web service for testing purposes.
Author: Adam Smith
Company: Topforce.B.V.
Created on: 1 September 2010
Author Bio
Adam Smith is a Consultant in the Integration Practice of Topforce B.V. in Rotterdam, The
Netherlands. His focus lies with EAI and technical implementations of Business Processes
using SAP PI and SAP CE. Adam has worked with Business Process implementations and
application integration for the last three and half years.
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Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Useful URL's ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Preparation, Installation and Configuration ........................................................................................................ 4
Before you Begin ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Download, Install SAP NetWeaver CE7.2 Trial .............................................................................................. 5
Configure Server ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Develop a process .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Create Software Component .......................................................................................................................... 7
Create an interface for your Process .............................................................................................................. 7
Create and Implement Process ...................................................................................................................... 8
Import an External Web Service ..................................................................................................................... 9
Create a Business Rules Service ................................................................................................................... 9
Continue Implementing your Process ........................................................................................................... 10
Deployment, Post Deployment Configuration and Testing ............................................................................... 11
Deployment ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Post Deployment Configuration .................................................................................................................... 11
Check Business Rule .................................................................................................................................... 11
Testing........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Result ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Related Content ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Disclaimer and Liability Notice .......................................................................................................................... 14
SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-by-Step Guide
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This step-by-step guide will detail the procedure for installing and configuring SAP NetWeaver Composition
Environment 7.2 Trial Version and NDWS, developing and deploying a process, and testing your deployed
process. The sample process will include:
Human Approval Tasks
An call to an external web service
A business rule check
The scenario is: Request something , use a web service to check if the request is allowed according to this
external service, if its allowed , Send to a first approver for approval, If he Approves, then check a dynamic
business rule to see if the requester requires more approval, If true have a second Approver review the
In the first variant of the process a denial of the request results in the cancellation of the process. After
building and deploying the first version of the process, we will add more logic and functionality to the
Useful URL's
The following URLs will come in handy during this procedure:
NetWeaver Administrator :
o http://<host>:<port>/nwa
Services Registry :
o http://<host>:<port>/sr_central
Web Service Navigator:
o http://<host>:<port>/wsnavigator
Portal :
o http://<host>:<port>/irj/portal
Business Rules Manager:
o http://<host>:<port>/rulesmanager
Note: Replace <host> with your host name, and <port> with the appropriate port. The default port is 50000.
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Preparation, Installation and Configuration
Before you Begin
1. Ensure host name of your system is no longer than 13 characters.
2. Ensure your system has a paging file of about 8 GB set.
3. Download and install the latest Sun JDK from and
set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to your JDK and not the JRE.
4. Download the Java Cryptography extension from
5. You will need a web service later to call from you application. If you have a web service available
that takes a string and returns a string then you can use that, otherwise create a mock service as
a. Download soap ui :
b. Create a file on your desktop called : testservice.wsdl
c. Open testservice.wsdl with note pad and paste the following :
<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="urn:sap-
xmlns:http="" xmlns:n0="urn:sap-
xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="urn:sap-
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:sap-
com:document:sap:rfc:functions" elementFormDefault="unqualified"
attributeFormDefault="qualified" xmlns:tns="urn:sap-
<xsd:simpleType name="char10">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:maxLength value="10"/>
<xsd:simpleType name="char40">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:maxLength value="40"/>
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="urn:sap-
elementFormDefault="unqualified" attributeFormDefault="qualified">
<xsd:import namespace="urn:sap-
<xsd:element name="ZasWs3">
<xsd:element name="Kunnr" type="n0:char10"/>
<xsd:element name="ZasWs3Response">
<xsd:element name="Response" type="n0:char40"/>
SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-by-Step Guide
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<wsdl:message name="ZasWs3">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ZasWs3"/>
<wsdl:message name="ZasWs3Response">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:ZasWs3Response"/>
<wsdl:portType name="ZWService">
<wsdl:operation name="ZasWs3">
<wsdl:input message="tns:ZasWs3"/>
<wsdl:output message="tns:ZasWs3Response"/>
<wsdl:binding name="ZWServiceSoapBinding" type="tns:ZWService">
<soap:binding style="document"
<wsdl:operation name="ZasWs3">
<soap:operation soapAction=""/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<wsdl:service name="ZWService">
<wsdl:port name="ZWService" binding="tns:ZWServiceSoapBinding">
<soap:address location="http://localhost"/>
d. Save the file and open SOAP UI
e. Create a new Project
f. Select the file you made as the initial wsdl.
g. Right click on the imported service and Generate mock Service
h. Open the mock service and press the play button to start it.
i. GO back to the imported service and open the Request.
j. Change the endpoint. There should already be an endpoint for the mock service which you
just created.
k. Send a request- you should get a reply immediately
l. Note the endpoint of the mock service. http://<host>:8088/mockZWServiceSoapBinding
m. Mock service ready
Download, Install SAP NetWeaver CE7.2 Trial
1. Download trial from
2. Extract the CE72_SDN-Evaluation archive and open the 'start.htm' file.
3. Follow on screen instructions. Remember the master password that you set during this phase.
Deselect the options to start the server automatically
4. Once the installation completes, start the DB server from services.msc (Service for DB in services
will have the same name as the system number you specified during installation{CE1})
5. Once the DB is started, start the server from SAP MMC snap in.
a. Use system login to start server
b. Wait - starting the Java processes for the first time can take a while. If the jstart.exe doesnt
i. Check that the DB is started in services.msc.
ii. Check that you set enough swap space.
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Configure Server
1. Log onto the NetWeaver Administrator with user 'Administrator' and password: <the masterpassword
you created during installation>
2. Go to SOA Management > Application and Scenario Communication>Single Service Administration.
a. Search for *reg* and select ServiceRegistrySI.
b. Go to the Configuration tab under ServiceRegistrySI.
c. Change the host name and port in the url to match your own. Save
3. Add server as provider system
a. Go to SOA management
b. Under technical configuration go to System Connections
c. Under Provider Systems create a New System for your service registry
i. Click new.
ii. Select system type Java.
iii. Provide your system name (CE1).
iv. Provide your host name for the db host.
v. Click next and select WS.
vi. Under Services Search Settings select Service Registry.
vii. Provide the Administrator user and password for connectivity.
viii. Save.
ix. Ping System.
4. Add a provider system for your external web service or mock service.
a. Under Provider Systems create a New System for your service registry:
i. Click new.
ii. Select system type Non Sap.
iii. Provide a name for your system, (web service) and 00 for a system number.
iv. Provide your host name for the db host.
v. Click next and select WS.
vi. Under Services Search Settings select WSDL.
vii. Provide the url to your mock service (
http://<host>:<port>/mockZWServiceSoapBinding ).
viii. Save.
ix. Ping System.
5. Add host as trusted system. (Required for functioning of UWL)
a. Go to Configuration management > Trusted Systems and add your local host as trusted
6. Add roles to administrator.
a. Operations Management> Identity Management.
b. Search for 'Administrator' and assign all available roles.
7. Add users for testing: Approver1, Approver2, Requester.
a. Go to Operations Management> Identity Management
b. Create user 'Approver1'
c. Add roles: SAP_BRM_ADMIN, SAP_BRM_NWA_ADMIN, BPEM End user, Every user core
d. Create user 'Approver2'
e. Add Roles : BPEM End user, Every user core role
f. Create user 'Requester'
g. Add Roles : BPEM End user, Every user core role
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Develop a process
Create Software Component
1. In NWDS -if not already open, open the Composite Designer perspective.
2. We need a container to hold all references between the various development components which we
will use. Create a new Product by right clicking and selecting new>product
a. Provide a name for the product. Eg: 'TEST'.
b. Next.
c. Deselect 'MyComponents'
d. New Software Component.
e. Provide a name for the product. Eg: 'TEST_SC'.
f. Next ,Next, Finish
g. Next, Finish.
Create an interface for your Process
1. We need an .xsd to define the structure of the data object which we will use for persistence in the
process, for the interface of the process and for the generation of the UI components. For the
purposes of this demo create the following .xsd as follows:
a. In the Composite Explorer expand as follows: Process><dcname>>ProcessModelling>Data
b. Create new .xsd called Person.xsd.
c. Add an element called Person.
d. Under Types. Create a complex type called Person.
e. Double click on Person type.
f. Add 4 String elements to the Person type and Name them : PersonId, Status,
g. Save the PersonType
h. Go back to the Person.xsd set the type of the Person element to the Person type which we
just created.
i. Save and close .xsd editor.
2. Create a service interface
a. In the Composite Explorer, under Service Interfaces, create a new .wsdl.
b. Provide 'RequestApprove'.
c. Next, Finish.
d. Rename the operation called 'NewOperation' to something like 'RequestApprove_In'
e. Click the blue arrow next to the input for the operation.
f. Set the data type of the 'in' element to Person. (Browse, Set Search scope to workspace.)
g. Accept the .wsdl re import pop up.
h. Do the same for the output of the operation.
i. Close the .wsdl editor and not the interface has appeared as an external service on the
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Create and Implement Process
1. If not already open, double click the root node of your Product so that you can see the canvas
2. Drag a ' Process ' object from the the pallet onto the process layer of the canvas.
a. Give name. Eg'TESTproc'
b. Check box create New Pool
i. name: RequestApprove
ii. lanes: Requestor, Approver1, Approver2
iii. Next
iv. Create New Trigger.
v. Provide name. Eg. 'raTrigger'.and note the url for later :
vi. Next
vii. Select the service interface you created. (RequestApprove)
viii. Finish,Finish.
3. Design the process:
a. Open your newly created process and if you didnt do so during the process creation add
lanes the Pool RequestApprove and the lanes Requestor, Approver1, Approver2
b. Assign owners to the process and the lanes.
i. In the Properties of the pool, under the administrator tab. Set the principle to
c. Add a Data Object to the pool by dragging from the palette.
i. Name it DO_Person
ii. Go to the properties of the Data Object and set the data type to Person.
iii. Save
d. Delete the connector line between the start and end events
e. Create an automated activity to call an external service
i. Drag an automated activity object into the requestor lane on the canvas.
ii. Name it 'CheckIfAllowed'
f. Add a Exclusive Choice gateway to the Requestor lane underneath the Automated activity
and name it ResultCheck1
g. Draw connector lines from the Start Event to the Automated activity, from the Automated
Activity to the Exclusive Choice and from the Exclusive Choice to the End.
h. Add human activities
i. Drag a Human Activity object into the Approver 1 lane and one into the Approver 2
ii. Name them Approval1 and Approval2 respectively.
i. Add another Automated Activity, this time in the Approver1 lane under the human task and
Name it RuleCheck.
j. Add an Exclusive Choice gateway to the Approver1 lane underneath the Automated activity
and name it ResultCheck2
k. Connect the ResultCheck1 to Approval1, Approval1 to RuleCheck, RuleCheck to
ResultCheck2, ResultCheck2 to the End Event and to the Approval2 activity, Approval2
Activity to the End event.
l. Implement ResultCheck1
i. Click on the connector going to Approval1 and rename to allowed
ii. Click on the connector going to End and rename to notallowed
iii. In the condition evaluation tab of ResultCheck1 set notallowed as the default gate
iv. Edit the condition for allowed and fill in ' DO_Person/Status = "allowed" '
m. Implement ResultCheck2
i. Click on the connector going to Approval2 and rename to moreApproval
ii. Click on the connector going to End and rename to noMoreApproval
iii. In the condition evaluation tab of ResultCheck2 set noMoreApproval as the default
iv. Edit the condition for moreApproval and fill in' DO_Person/Rule = "more" '
n. We now need to add Tasks to the Human Activities.
i. Click on Approval1 and go to the Task tab in the properties.
ii. Create a new Task
iii. Name it 'Approve' and tick the Generate UI component check box.
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iv. Next
v. Expand the DO_Person object and select the status element
vi. Finish.
vii. go to the Task tab in the properties and tick the Potential Owners check box
viii. In the Potential Owners tab which just appeared choose the the use Approver1 as
the principle.
ix. Now go to Approval2 and select the previously create Approve Task as the task.
x. Add the user Approver2 as the principle of the task in the same way as before.
o. be continued in part 2.
Import an External Web Service
1. We need to import the external web service so that we can use it in the process later on.
a. Return to the main canvas of your project and drag a CAF import web service onto the
External Service layer of your canvas.
b. Choose Remote Location/File system.
c. Next
d. provide the url of the mock service you created earlier (or another web service which can be
used for testing) with the '?wsdl' parameter, as follows:
e. Next, Finish.
f. We will add the service import to the process later.
Create a Business Rules Service
We want to see the business rules manager in action and use it in our process so we will create a RuleSet
and expose it as web service:
1. In the composite designer explorer go to the Business Logic node and expand the ' /rules' DC and
then 'src' and a new xsd.
a. Name it Rule.xsd
b. Add a single string element called 'RuleRoot'
c. Add a complex type called 'RuleType' with a single string element called 'RuleValue'
d. Save and close .xsd editor
2. Go to Project Resources under Rules Modeling to add the .xsd as Alias.
a. Click on the Aliases tab and Add the Rule .xsd element
b. Check the rule check box in the Aliases tab.
3. Right Click on Rule Modeling and create new RuleSet called RuleSet1
4. Add a Decision Table and name 'Dt1'.
a. Select the Rule element as input and output.
b. Create the table as follows:
Rule Rule = {String}
1000 nomore
1001 more
5. Under RuleSet1 create a Rule
a. Name it Rule1
b. Fill as follows the IF statement with Boolean.TRUE Equals Boolean.TRUE and the THEN
statement with Evaluate-DecisionTable :: Dt1
6. Now this rule is part of this project but to use in our process we need to use it as if it were a web
service. The difference between this and a normal web service is that the values in the decision table
can be changed by a manager as and when needed.
a. Right click on RuleSet1 and go to Web service > Create WSDL Artifact.
7. We need to deploy this rule set as a web service. We can deploy the rules DC by itself at first.
a. Right click on your project and build.
b. Go to the Deployment perspective of NWDS
c. Import the rules DC by clicking import and selecting from workspace.
d. Select only the component from your namespace that ends with ~rules.
e. Start deployment.
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8. Hopefully your rules DC deployed successfully and now we can check that it works in the NetWeaver
Web services Navigator.
a. Open a browser and go to the Web Services navigator.
b. Select Services Registry and search for your rules service. *rule*
c. Select your rule. Next, Next
d. Fill the RuleValue field with 1001.
e. Next
f. The service should return "allowed".
g. It works.
h. Go back to the Composite Designer and import the web service in the same way as you did
with the mock service. Except this time do it from the services registry:
i. Drag a CAF import web service object onto the canvas and select the Service
Registry radio button.
ii. Search for your rule service. *rule* select the port and finish.
i. Build.
Continue Implementing your Process
1. Go back to the Composite Designer canvas.
2. Connect the imported web service to the process
a. Drag a connector line from the process down to imported mock service.
b. Select the 'CheckIfAllowed' automated activity
c. Next, Next, Finish.
3. Connect the imported business rule service to the process
a. Drag a connector line from the process down to imported rule service interface.
b. Select the 'RulesService' automated activity
c. Next
d. Create a new Service Group.
e. Just change the existing name to have a 2 on the end.
f. Finish.
4. Now map all the activities to the process data object.
a. Open the process again.
b. Map the start event trigger to the process object
i. Click on the 'start' event and go to the 'Output Mapping' tab.
ii. Drag a line from the 'in' node to the DO_Person node.
c. Map the first Automated Activity
i. Click on the 'CheckIfAllowed' activity and go to the 'Input Mapping' tab.
ii. Drag a line from the 'PersonId' node to the 'kunnr' node.
iii. Go to the 'Output Mapping Tab'
iv. Draw a line from the web service response to the 'Status' field in DO_Person
d. Map the first Human Activity
i. Click on the 'Approval1' activity and go to the 'Input Mapping' tab.
ii. Drag a line from the 'Status' node to the 'Status' node.
iii. Go to the 'Output Mapping Tab'
iv. Draw a line from the UIResponse>ApproveCompleteEvent 'status' to the the 'Status'
field in DO_Person
e. Map the second Automated Activity
i. Click on the 'RuleCheck' activity and go to the 'Input Mapping' tab.
ii. Drag a line from the 'PersonId' node to the 'RuleValueIn' node.
iii. Go to the 'Output Mapping Tab'
iv. Draw a line from the rule response 'RuleValueIn' to the 'Rule' field in DO_Person
f. Map the second Human Activity
i. Click on the the 'Approval2' activity and go to the 'Input Mapping' tab.
ii. Drag a line from the 'Status' node to the 'Status' node.
iii. Go to the 'Output Mapping Tab'
iv. Draw a line from the UIResponse>ApproveCompleteEvent 'status' to the 'Status'
field in DO_Person
g. Map the End event
i. Click on the 'End' event and go to the 'Input Mapping' tab.
SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-by-Step Guide
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ii. Drag a line from the 'Status' node to the 'Status' node.
iii. Draw a line from DO_Person to the 'out' node in the response message.
5. Done.
Deployment, Post Deployment Configuration and Testing
If you added you JAVA AS to your workspace preferences then simply right click your project and deploy.
Post Deployment Configuration
1. Open NetWeaver Administrator
2. Configure the Service Destinations that were created when you imported the CAF Import Web
a. Go to SOA management
b. Under Application and Scenario Communication go to Application Communication
c. Find your application .ear , ~rules and ~pm nodes.
d. Expand and select
e. Note the two service groups in the consumed services tab
f. Expand the first one and edit
g. Click assign provider system
h. Select the web service system that you made for you mock service.
i. Save
j. Do the same for the second service group, this time asking the provider system that you
made for your service registry
k. Refresh page. If all is well both service groups are green.
3. Assign authorization to the Approver1 user to edit the business rules.
a. Go to the Operation Management tab and go to Identity Management
b. Select the Business Rules Access Control Management tab
c. Fill the find field with "*BRM*" and select you DC in the search box, search
d. Select the role "SAP_BRM_NWA_ADMIN" and set the DC AccessType to full
e. Do the same for the role "SAP_BRM_ADMIN"
Check Business Rule
Before we kick off the proclets lets check that we can access and edit our business rules.
1. Go to the Rules manager and log in with the user ' Approver1' , you will have to change the
password the first time.
2. Select your DC and open project
3. You should see that you are able to edit rule and decision tables. Dont edit them just yet.
1. In the NetWeaver administrator go to Configuration management>Processes and Tasks>Process
2. You should see your process in the bottom under 'Processes and Tasks'
3. Select your process and click Start Process
4. First we will test the full process , i.e. both web service calls and both approval steps. Fill in the fields
as follows :
1. PersonId = 1001
2. Status = something
3. Comment = Something
4. Rule =something
5. Start Process
6. Log into the portal with 'Approver1' (http://<host>:<port>/irj/portal)
7. Open the universal work list and Click on the Approve Task
8. Change something in the status field and Approve it
9. Log off and Log on again as "Approver2"
10. Approve the request again.
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11. The process should be completed. Check this by going to Operation Management>Processes and
Tasks>Manage Processes.
12. You should see your process instance with the status completed.
13. Now check that the gateways work properly
1. Kick off a new process in the same way as before except this time change the 'the response
value in the mock service to something other than 'allowed'. This should complete the process
immediately without any tasks.
2. Kick off a new process in the same way as before except this time change the 'the response
value in the mock service back to 'allowed'. And set the persoonId to 100 .This should create the
task for Approver1 again , but not a task for Approver2
You have installed and configured SAP NetWeaver CE7.2 and NetWeaver developer studio. You have
developed an executable and synchronous. You have deployed and tested the process and tasks.
SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-by-Step Guide
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Related Content
SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment Library
Business Process Management on SDN
Business Process Modeling on SDN
SAP CE 7.2 Sample Process Step-by-Step Guide
2010 SAP AG 14
Disclaimer and Liability Notice
This document may discuss sample coding or other information that does not include SAP official interfaces and therefore is not
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SAP will not be held liable for any damages caused by using or misusing the information, code or methods suggested in this document,
and anyone using these methods does so at his/her own risk.
SAP offers no guarantees and assumes no responsibility or liability of any type with respect to the content of this technical article or
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