GIS Application For Solar Potential Estimation On Buildings Roofs
GIS Application For Solar Potential Estimation On Buildings Roofs
GIS Application For Solar Potential Estimation On Buildings Roofs
(t)(1 S(t)) + I
], (1)
where t is the calculation time-step, se and sw are sunrise
and sunset, I
the calculated direct radiation, I
the calculated
diffuse radiation and S(t) [0, 1] the shadowing factor. Time
and space-dependent shadowing depends on an accurate posi-
tioning of the Sun, which can be obtained with the Almanac
algorithm [32]. The per-cell irradiance is calculated by con-
sidering many topographical relationships, such as slope and
orientation. The solar potential is then computed as cumulative
yearly irradiance in Watt hours per square meter [Whm
P(t) =
]. (2)
Additionally, P(t) can be multiplied by the constant ef-
ciency factor for a given semi-conducting material in order
to estimate approximate electrical energy production. The
constant efciency is usually taken as the peak-efciency of
a given semiconducting material depending on the type of
PV module. Recently, newer methods [33] [34] are being
developed for more accurate PV potential estimation.
Once the calculation is complete, the output data is con-
verted into the Environmental Systems Research Institute
(ESRI) shape le, where each cell location is stored together
with the values of the estimated solar potential.
B. Server Side Of The Environment
Geographical information systems are available as stand-
alone desktop applications (Quantum GIS [35], The Integrated
Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) [36]) or network
services (GeoServer [37], Mapnik [38]) running on remote
computers. Server applications support Web Map Service
(WMS) and Web Feature Service (WFS) requests, where
results are returned as WFS or WMS layers to the client-side
applications that process the requested data.
The GeoServer and PostgreSQL applications are used
on the server-side. GeoServer [37] is an open-source server
solution written in Java. The GeoServer allows the manage-
ment of the WFS and WMS requests that are specied by
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) [39]. Geospatial data is
stored in the PostgreSQL [40] database with a PostGIS [41]
extension. Data from SP estimation are converted into an ESRI
Shape format (SHP) and imported into the database that can
be accessed from the GeoServer. A proper colouring technique
is required because no colour value is stored in the solar shape
le. The GeoServer provides the OGC standardised Styled
Layer Descriptor language (SLD) that is used for customising
the shape colors according to the specied attribute values.
Colouring of the shapes is divided into 6 groups.
Each group has its own colour, e.g., groups group
are coloured in black, blue, cyan, green, yellow, and
red. The initial value of group
is min(solarpotential) and
the value of group
is max(solarpotential). The rest of the
key values are calculated as:
= (P
) 0.2 + v
. (3)
The remaining values are interpolated.
C. Web Application
A web-based client application is necessary in order to
visualise the stored data and the pre-calculated solar potential.
Therefore, a good solution is to create a web-based client
application that consists of a map view for showing ortophotos
and the solar potential raster layer of the rooftops within a local
region. The simple point-in-polygon test can be performed by
using the combined data of the estate vector maps together
with their address information. The solar map is then aligned
to the vector map, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Alignment of the cells (left: building shape; middle: disarranged
cells; right: arranged cells).
When using this method, all the solar cells can be linked
to the rooftops and simple requests for each rooftop can be
made. Hence, the users can select the rooftops to see detailed
3 Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61208-333-9
WEB 2014 : The Second International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
graphs of the cumulative calculated solar irradiance throughout
the year. OpenLayers [42] is used for displaying the necessary
layers via WMS. The WFS requests are used for obtaining
geometry and attribute data. The result of these requests is the
output formatted with Geometry Markup Language (GML),
which can be parsed with OpenLayers API. The JQuery [43]
libraries are used for Graphical User Interface (GUI) with
which simple pop-up windows can be created for displaying
details. Moreover, a Portable Document Format (PDF) report
can be obtained for the detailed information of a given rooftop.
PDF reports were generated by using L
X interpreter.
D. Mobile Application
Mobile devices are increasing in performance and support-
ing many hardware and software features. Therefore, a mobile
application can provide the same amount of information as
the web-based application, whilst it also supports the nearest
object search with the use of Global Positioning System (GPS)
technology. The developed application is supported on devices
with Android 2.2 or a higher version. The tabbed view is used
to categorise information about the calculated solar potential
because many of the devices still have low-resolution displays.
The map is shown on the rst tab, where the users can
navigate through the area and look for suitable roofs. With
the simple selection of the rooftop, the detailed data about
that rooftop can be viewed within the second tab. On the
map tab the WebView component is used where the mobile
version of the presented web-application is loaded, which is
a simplied version targetted for mobile devices. Using the
Javascript interfaces that are enabled on Android, the Java
and Javascript code can be connected together. For example,
methods implemented in Java (Android Application) can be
accessed from Javascript le on the web. This technique is
used for the data transfer when the user taps on the rooftop.
Application supports the GPS search of the nearest roof, and
also considers the devices orientations. Then it transmits the
GPS coordinates and orientation values to the server in order to
nd the closest rooftop. When the search is completed on the
server, the ID of the building is transferred back to the mobile
application, and the building with received ID is selected.
Solar potential estimation and GIS-based application were
successfully applied for the Municipality of Beltinci in Slove-
nia, where the estimation was performed over 5605 rooftops.
The deployed web application is accessible at [44]. The mobile
application can be obtained at Google Play under the name
SolarEnergo, which currently only supports the Slovene lan-
guage. The total solar potential for all the considered rooftops
was estimated at 181 GWh per year, and the PV potential was
within a range from 16 GWh to 26 GWh, depending on the
type of PV material. The rst step was to obtain the classied
LiDAR data (see Figure 5), and to estimate the solar potential
for each rooftop. The considered solar potential estimation
method also required the use of long-term diffuse and direct
irradiance data from the nearby meteorological station.
Figure 5. Visualisation of the regular grid created from point cloud of LiDAR,
which is classied data into buildings, vegetation, and terrain.
The solar potential was estimated over a regular grid that
was created from LiDAR point-cloud. The grid consists of
multiple cells where each cell contains position, solar potential,
and approximate PV potential based on constant efciency
characteristics for amorphous and polycrystalline cells. In the
second step each cells information was prepared and converted
into a GeoServer supported format. The output was converted
into multiple shape les (see Figure 6) from which the PDF
reports were generated. All of the data was then inserted
into the database that can be accessed from the developed
applications via GeoServer. The colour of each cell was based
on its solar potential value, where the style was dened by
Figure 6. Graphical overview of the solar potential values for the same region
of the WMS layer on GeoServer (left) and the regular grid of the LiDAR data
When a user selects a given rooftop, the detailed data
is shown in the pop-up window. These data consists of a
buildings address, the total solar potential throughout the
year, and the approximately produced electricity. There is an
additional graph where the data for each month are displayed
(see Figure 7). SP and PV values in the graph are represented
by different colors. The brown colour represents PV potential
for A-Si material, red is for P-Si material and blue colour
represents the solar potential.
HTML5 supported browser is necessary for this functional-
ity. Detailed PDF reports are also available for each buildings
rooftop. The user can input an address in order to locate a
given building whilst also receiving suggestions of similar
addresses from the server. Moreover, the shadowing caused by
vegetation and other buildings can be seen in Figure 7. The
4 Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61208-333-9
WEB 2014 : The Second International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
Figure 7. Detailed overview of the calculated solar potential for the selected
building. The marked area in the red circle represents an example of reduced
solar potential due to shadowing from high-vegetation.
deciduous type of vegetation is less dense during the winter,
and has lower impact on the rooftop shadowing. In Figure 8,
the Android application is shown that is a light version of the
Figure 8. Screenshot of the mobile application, where the used language is
Slovene. Two views are shown, namely the map view (left) and the details
view (right), where the graph of the monthly estimations is displayed.
There are no signicant bottlenecks on the server side,
since all the calculations are preprocessed beforehand. The
only possible time consuming operation is the generation of
the raster tiles that consist of multiple layers in the database.
These layers represent different data types: orthophoto, build-
ings shape layer and SP layer. Furthermore, the rasterization
operation of the geometry from SP layer is also one of the
heavier task for Geoserver. Due to possible server overload,
the users can notice slower loading times for tiles (especially
those with SP cells) in their client applications.
Additional statistics were made from the SP data. Detailed
overview on how the rooftops cells slope and aspect values
affects the received SP (see Figure 9). Total amount of grid
cells was 978282.
Figure 9. Graph of SP values through different cell (a) aspects and (b) slopes.
Figure 9.a represents the rooftop cell aspect (cell orienta-
tion), where the highest SP was observed at surfaces oriented
towards the geographic south (i.e., 0 aspect). On the second
graph (see 9.b), information on how the cell slope can affect
on the received SP. Cells with slope perpendicular to average
direction of the Suns radiation (i.e., near 45) can receive
higher irradiance than cells with other slopes.
In this paper, the development of a GIS application was
described that allows users to quickly locate suitable rooftop
areas with the help of the calculated solar potential. This
application provides deep insight into estimated monthly re-
ceived solar irradiance, as well as approximate prediction
of the produced electrical energy. Therefore, such type of
applications help improve sustainability of modern cities.
Furthermore, the presented application uses a recent method
for the solar potential estimation, where long-term diffuse and
direct irradiance measurements were considered, as well as
shadowing from vegetation and surrounding terrain. Addition-
ally, a mobile application was developed, where the user can
select the nearest rooftop by using the GPS technology. From
the implementation perspective, it is important to preprocess
as much of calculations as possible, in order to decrease the
computing load on the web servers. Additionally, the accuracy
5 Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61208-333-9
WEB 2014 : The Second International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
highly depends on the input data (i.e., resolution of LiDAR
point cloud and long term irradiance measurements), therefore
when creating similar applications in the future, modern clas-
sication methods for LiDAR data should be considered, and
an accurate solar irradiance model.
Thanks to the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the
Republic of Slovenia and Slovenian Environment Agency
for providing the estate and irradiance data. Additionally,
we would like to thank the Municipality of Beltinci that
was coordinating the regional project DoFPoLO, which was
supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport, as
well the European Regional Development Fund. This research
was supported by grants J2-5479 and P2-0041.
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6 Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-61208-333-9
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