What is neurolinguistics?
Neurolinguistics studies the relation of language and communication to different aspects of brain function, i.e. it tries to explore how the brain understands and produces language and communication. This involves attempting to combine theory from neurology/neurophysiology (how the brain is structured and how it functions) with linguistic theory (how language is structured and how it functions).
"human language or communication (speech, hearing, reading, writing, or non-verbal modalities) related to any aspect of the brain or brain function" (Brain and Language: "Description") The common problem area of relating aspects of language or communication to brain function in this dynamic formulation, is stated as a common question by Luria in "Basic problems in neurolinguistics": "what are the real processes of formation of verbal communication and its comprehension, and what are the components of these processes and the conditions under which they take place" (Luria, 1976, p.3)
Interdisciplinary enterprise
linguistics,neuroanatomy, neurology, neurophysiology, philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, speech pathology and computer science, neurobiology, anthropology, chemistry, cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Thus, the humanities, as well as medical, natural and social sciences, as well as technology are represented.
Holistic theories consider many language functions as handled by large parts of the brain working together. Evolution based theories stress the relation between how brain and language evolved over time in different species, how they develop in children and how adults perform language functions.
Language evolution
The development of language and speech and prerequisites for language and speech in the evolution of the species also need to be considered by neurolinguists. The changes in the structures and function of the brain are compared to the ways of living of different species. Animal communication systems are studied under natural conditions, especially those of primates, and experiments with primates being taught human communication systems are carried out.
For a neurolinguist, an essential source of knowledge is the possibility of measuring brain activity during language tasks in normal and lesioned brains. Static pictures of the brain, where lesion sites can be seen, such as the CT scan (computer tomography scan), which constructs a 3-dimensional picture of a lesion from X-rays of many planes of the brain, or the MRI (magnetic resonance image) is standard information in hospitals today.
The measurement of dynamic activity in the brain during language tasks by methods such as PET, fMRI and MEG is a relatively new tool. (PET = positron emission tomography, fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging, MEG = magnetic encephalography).
Psycholinguistics, provides the basis for neurolinguistic modeling of processes for language comprehension, linguistic memory, language production, language acquisition and language loss. The models can be the basis of computer simulations using serial (i.e., basically boxand-arrow) models, models with parallel processes running at the same time, Computer simulations involving so called artificial neural network (ANN) or connectionist networks are also used. The models are also the basis of off-line and on-line (i.e., with real-time measurement of processes) experiments of language functions.
1. Try to think of three important questions about language and brain, that you would like to find an answer to. Think about the different contributing disciplines and what type of investigations, methods and potential findings of relevance they might come up with to help answer the question. 2. Imagine a study you would like to make on one of these questions. Try to make an outline of the actual design using methods that the different disciplines might contribute. 3. Try to describe what you think happens when you (silently) read a) a word, b) a text,. Which different functions are needed and in what order? 4. Now, try to describe what happens when a child reads his first words. How does this differ from when you read a word? Keep your answers to these questions and return to them when you have read the main parts of the book.
Localism stands for the differentiation of different higher functions that are localized in different centers of the brain, mainly the cortex. Either these centers can be seen as sisters being equally important or one center, e.g. the prefrontal area (to the front of the frontal lobes) can be seen as superordinate to the others.
Associationism assumes that higher functions are dependent on the connections between different centers in the cortex. Linguistic ability is seen as the relation between images and words. Aphasia results from broken connections between the centers that are needed for linguistic function. Representatives of this view are Wernicke, Lichteim and Geschwind. This view is also sometimes called the classical (WernickeLichtheim) and neoclassical (Geschwind) view.
Holism is the opinion that the brain, at least concerning higher functions, works as a whole. The cortex is said to handle, for example, higher cognitive function, symbolic thinking, intelligence or abstraction and aphasia is a sign of a general cognitive loss, not a specific language loss. This view has also been called cognitivism and some representatives are Marie, Head and Goldstein. The hierarchical views are also sometimes counted as holistic and Jackson is regarded as the founder of the cognitive school.
Bouillaud - Auburtin
Speech areas - frontal lobes Supported Gall Cases, demonstrations Paris Anthropological Society
Paul Broca
1861 Leborgne (Tan) 1865 Cases with damage in Brocas area LH and speech production disorder 1) that it was possible to localize psychological functions to brain convolutions 2) that linguistic symptoms were caused by lesions in the left hemisphere and that language, thus, was lateralized, which was totally unexpected.
Leborgnes brain Brocas area: third frontal convolution: pars triangularis, pars opercularis, BA 44, 45
Carl Wernicke
1874 Wernickes area, the posterior part of the first/superior temporal gyrus and adjacent areas (parts of the angular gyrus, the supramarginal gyrus and the second temporal gyrus are included)first temporal convolution Language comprehension disturbed
Wernicke imagined a specific language gyrus from Wernickes area (with receptive function) to Brocas area (with expressive function). Lesions in one of these areas or in the connection between them would cause aphasia.
Important parts of Wernickes theory are: the identification of symptom complexes, - the idea about flow of information (a sort of high level reflex arc), - the idea of representation. Brocas area is said to have a motor representation of speech, while Wernickes area is said to have an auditory sound representation of it.
Lichtheim found it necessary to postulate a third language center with unspecified localization, the concept center, in the model of language function which he theoretically constructed departing from Wernickes model.
J. H. Jackson
1874 two levels of language: automatic and propositional. The automatic level consists of stereotyped sentences, certain neologisms (= newly made words) and swearing. The propositional level is defined partly by its form (sentences that express a relation between two objects) and partly by its degree of flexibility (that it can be determined by semantics and by the situation). The use of propositions is seen as a superimposed level. Speech is seen as a part of thinking. Aphasia stands for an inability to propositionalize, i.e., to use language in the service of thought, which is why intelligence is necessarily reduced.
Jackson applied Spencers evolutionary principles and considered the nervous system functioning and developing in a hierarchical way: a) from simple to more complex b) from lower centers to higher centers c) from more organized centers to more complex centers d) from automatic to intentional
He distinguished three levels of function: elementary reflexes, automatic actions and intentional actions. These levels are not localized to any centers. Localization rather is vertically oriented, from low level (spinal column and brain stem) to intermediate level (motor and sensory) and further to high level (frontal).
Jacksons warning
localization of symptoms can never be identified with localization of function
1891 On aphasia other symptom complexes were as frequent as the ones Lichtheims model, this model was, thus, incomplete. Language can be represented in a field in the border area between the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes, where all properties of an obejct were connected in a network (smell, taste, look, sound representation etc.). Lesions in the periphery of this network would be common in aphasia
Head found four different types of aphasia, which he claimed represented different aspects of symbolic thinking: verbal aphasia (motor), syntactic aphasia (agrammatism), nominal aphasia (naming disorder) and semantic aphasia (meaning disorder) and he also in fact tried to localize them. The principles behind Heads theory are: 1) When all levels of an activity are damaged, the most complex and most recent are damaged first and most. 2) Negative manifestations of a lesion are noticed at the damaged level. 3) A lesion causes effects that are positive and disinhibit activities that are normally controlled by functions at the damaged level. 4) The functions of the central nervous system have developed slowly in a process from lower to higher functions.
5) The integration of the function of the whole nerve system is based on competition between many physiological activities for the possibility to be expressed
Abstract attitude according to Goldstein involves being able to: - take initiatives - change and choose aspect - simultaneously keep different aspects in memory - extract what is important from a totality - plan symbolic use - distinguish the self from the external world Abstract attitude is lacking in patients with anomia (= inability to name), since they cannot categorize, and in patients with agrammatism (= difficulties in using grammatical morphemes and function words), since they cannot use elements that have no meaning in isolation.
Testpsychological tradition
Weisenburg & McBride
Linguistic influence
Jakobson 1941, 1965 Chomsky, Lenneberg Whitaker
1. Discuss what would be the main reasons for assuming localization of language in
a central structure in the brain, like pineal gland or corpus callosum the ventricles (i.e., central cavities in the brain filled with cerebrospinal liquid) brain substance different specified areas or convolutions of the cortex widespread functional systems or networks of sub-functions involving large parts of the brain hierarchical layers of brain structures
Areas in strong development: linguistic and cognitive linguistic theories, communication research, cognitive neuropsychology
Based on Boston framework - specific abilities (using other parts of brain) - symptom based Based on Lurian framework - restoration of dynamic functional systems (inter- and intrasystemic) Cognitive neuropsychology Communication/pragmatics based, including strategies, compensation, AAC Social approach
The predominant cluster of influences in neurolinguistics during the nineteen-seventies and eighties, and also today, is a cluster combining the following parts: 1) classical influence from the Lichtheim-Geschwind models, 2) linguistic structuralism and/or generative grammar, 3) test psychology, group studies using statistics (lately also case studies), 4) serial modeling and 5) therapy of mainly "neoclassical" or "cognitive psychology" type (in the terminology of Howard and Hatfield 1987).
Neurospychological modeling
Another cluster is based on the Russian tradition in neuropsychology, i.e., ideas from Vygotsky and Luria, together with ideas from general systems theory (Bertalanffy, 1968). In linguistics, structuralism as well as generative grammar have also been used in this cluster, case studies are widely used (although group studies also have their place) and serial modeling is mostly used. This cluster has a strong therapeutic tradition, see above.
Boston Group
Geschwind was very influential in the so called Boston school, a group of aphasia researchers connected to the Aphasia Research Center in Boston. This was the most influential group in aphasia research in the U.S. and in large parts of the western world from the 1960s. It was also strongly influenced by Noam Chomskys linguistic theories and by test psychology tradition.
Boston Group
The Boston group developed the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) (Goodglass & Kaplan 1973), which is used for classifying aphasics in most linguistic research. The Boston classification has been criticized by many researchers as too crude for many research purposes, but the test and the terminology is the most widely used and has been the model of many other tests.
Lurias framework
Luria sees the brain as a functionally connected system, where a task can be performed by different mechanisms with the same result. The activity is complex and demands cooperation between several zones. It is thus not possible to localize a language function to a certain area because the function is lost when that area is damaged. On the other hand, different cortical and subcortical areas give specific contributions to every complex system of activity, which is why antilocalism can not be accepted.
Block I
Block I, subcortical structures (including the limbic system) and the brain stem (including the reticular formation), has the function of regulating tone (=tension) or degree of awareness. According to Pavlov, organized goal directed activity requires sustained optimal cortical tone. This is attained from three sources: 1) metabolic processes, 2) stimuli from the external world, and 3) intentions and plans which are formed consciously with the help of speech, in block III (see below). Damage to Block I causes a non-specific reduction of cortical tone, which reduces the selectivity in psychological processes.
Block II
Block II, the post-central cortex (including visual, auditory and sensory areas in the parietal, occipital and temporal lobes, receive, analyze and store information. Primary zones are highly modality specific (e.g. the auditory center) and handle perception. Secondary zones handle the analysis within each modality and tertiary zones coordinate the analyses from the different modalities. The tertiary zones are in the border area between cortex of the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes and are seen as specifically human. Block II is said to be responsible for the paradigmatic organization of verbal communication, i.e., the organization of phonematic, lexical, morphological, syntactic and semantic units in the linguistic code.
Block III
Block III, the pre-central cortex (the frontal lobes) programs, regulates and controls mental activity. Primary, modality specific zones are in the motor cortex, secondary zones in the pre-motor cortex and tertiary zones in the prefrontal parts of the frontal lobes. The tertiary zones form intentions and programs and are seen as superordinate to all other parts of the cerebral cortex, monitoring behavior. Block III is responsible for syntagmatic organization of verbal communication, i.e., the organization of connected utterances
Three different laws apply to the blocks: 1) The law of hierarchical structure of cortical zones (primary secondary tertiary): Tertiary zones are superordinae to secondary zones, which are superordinate to primary zones. 2) The law of diminishing specificity in the hierarchically ordered cortical zones: most in the primary zones, least in the tertiary zones. 3) The law of progressive lateralization of function: least in primary zones, most in tertiary zones
Block II
Afferent motor aphasia Lesion: Block II, sensory secondary zone Symptoms: Phoneme exchanges (= phonological paraphasias), which the patients attempts but is not able to correct, because of a lack of kinesthetic feedback about the articulatory movements to the secondary zones in Block II.
Block II
Acoustic aphasia (= Sensory aphasia) Lesion: Block II, auditory secondary zone (inlcuding Wernickes area) Symptoms: Problems recognizing and discriminating phonemes. The patient speaks with severe phoneme paraphasias (=substitutions ) and does not react to this. The syntactic and prosodic pattern remains and speech is fluent. In language comprehension the patient can with the help of these patterns interpret part of what is said.
Block II
Acoustic-mnestic aphasia Lesion: Block II, medial zones, deep in the left temporal lobe. Symptoms: Problems in keeping series of audio-verbal traces long enough, which lead to paraphasias (exchanges of phonemes and words) in naming and spontaneous speech. Syntax and prosody remain also in this case.
Block II
Amnestic aphasia (= Semantic aphasia) Lesion: Block II, posterior tertiary zone (posterior and inferior parietal lobe or the border between the parietal and occipital lobes) Symptoms: 1. Disturbances in the semantic network of words, which lead to semantic paraphasias (=substitutions of words), searching for words and circumlocutions (paraphrases). 2. Difficulties handling complex grammatical relations.
Block III
Dynamic aphasia Lesion: Block III, tertiary zone Symptom: Inability to transform a semantic plan into linearly ordered speech via inner speech, no spontaneous speech. The patient repeats and names correctly.
Block III
Efferent motor aphasia Lesion: Block III, motor secondary zone (including Brocas area) Symptoms: Difficulties changing from one phoneme to another, perseveration (= pathological inertia, repetition). (A nonspecific disturbance which affects also other movements.)
Speech comprehension
Linguistic process Brain area I. Comprehension of a word 1. Isolation of phonemes secondary auditory zone, (acoustic analysis) LH 2. Identification of tertiary, posterior zone, LH meaning (image) II. Comprehension of meaning in a phrase as a whole 1) Keeping elements in secondary, auditory zone + memory deep medial-temporal zone, LH 2) Simultaneous synthesis tertiary, posterior zone, LH and logical plans 3) Active analysis of the frontal zones most significant elements Type of aphasia acoustic aphasia amnestic aphasia
acoustic-mnestic aphasia
amnestic aphasia
Linguistic process 1. Intention, plan 2. Inner speech with predicative structure (linear plan)
Theories about speech acts and language games, theories about context, activity, conversational principles, conversation patterns and about body communication, gesture and picture communication. One approach used for interaction analysis is Conversation Analysis, i.e. microanalysis of recorded interaction sequences. The social approach to therapy has also led to a number of suggested procedures for handling aphasia
Cognitive neuropsychology
It involves working from models of linguistic processes and hypotheses about disturbances and therapy related to these models. It has a strong clinical tradition by now, including, for example, the PALPA investigation (Kay et al. 1992, Whitworth et al. 2005), the Pyramids and Palm Trees test (Howard and Patterson 1992) and the documentation of model based clinical work (Byng et al. 2001). Examples of research areas studied extensively in this framework are lexical semantics and reading.
Assignments Below are four descriptions of typical linguistic symptoms or combinations of symptoms (=syndromes) in aphasia. Anomia, i.e. word finding problems in language production Severe language comprehension problems Inability to repeat words or sentences Perseveration, i.e., "getting stuck" in what you have just said and repeating it when you want to move on to something new Try to apply to each one of them what you know about: Dynamic localization of function (Luria) The classical-neoclassical model (Wenicke-Geschwind-Boston) Cognitive neuropsychology, i.e., the model in Figure 3.5, after reading this chapter. Try to describe and explain, according to each one the symptom-syndrome and the type of aphasia. Apply the figures, tables and schemas used by the different frameworks.