The Discourses of Jesus in Matthew

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The Discourses of Jesus in Matthew

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The Discourses of Jesus in Matthew

by Prof. Felix Just, S.J. - Loyola Marymount Uni ersity

The Gospel according to Matthew presents Jesus as "the New Moses" for the people of Israel. The name "Moses" is not directl used in a !hristological title" nor can Jesus #e called the "$on of Moses"" since Jesus #elongs to the Tri#e of Judah" while Moses #elongs to the Tri#e of %e&i. 'owe&er" Jesus is portra ed as #eing &er similar to Moses in se&eral wa s(

Just as Pharaoh )the *ing of +g pt ca. 1,-- .!/ !ille" all the baby boys of the 'e#rews" and onl Moses is sa e" )+0od 1(11221(1-/" o so also 'erod )the *ing of Israel at the #irth of Jesus/ !ills all the male babies in .ethlehem" and onl Jesus is sa e" )Matt 1(1,213/. 4hen Moses5 life is in danger" he flees from #$y%t to &srael" #ut returns to #$y%t after man ears )+0od 1(156 7(827/6 o when Jesus5 life is in danger" he ta9es the re&erse itinerar ( from &srael to #$y%t and later #ac9 to &srael )Matt 1(1,211/. Just as Moses goes up to a mountain to recei&e the Law )incl. the Ten !ommandments/ from God )+0od 1:(,/" o so also Jesus goes up to a mountain to gi&e a new Law )incl. the Nine .eatitudes/ to the people )Matt 5(1/. Just as Moses "oes not eat or "rin! for forty "ays an" forty ni$hts while on the mountain" recording God5s %aw )+0od ,;(13/" o so also Jesus fasts for forty "ays an" forty ni$hts in the desert" #eing tempted # $atan )Matt ;(1/. Just as Moses was thought to ha&e written the first fi e boo!s of the 'e#rew .i#le )Gen" +0od" %e&" Num" Deut/" o so also the teaching of Jesus is contained in fi e s%eeches or e0tended "discourses" in Matthew )ch. 527" 1-" 1," 13" 11215/. <&erall" Moses was considered the greatest teacher, %ro%het an" law$i er in the 'e#rew .i#le )and throughout the NT/6 o so also Jesus is portra ed in Matthew5s Gospel as a great teacher, %ro%het an" law$i er" e=ual to or e&en greater than Moses. Moses is e0plicitl mentioned se&en times in Matthew )3(;6 17(,2;6 1:(7236 11(1;6 1,(1/" most of which ha&e parallels in Mar96 o the Matthean Jesus also e0plicitl upholds the law of Moses" rather than a#olishing it )5(1721-6 11(,52;-6 etc./ >or man more parallels #etween Moses and Matthew5s Jesus" see Dale !. ?llison" The 'ew Moses )Minneapolis( ?ugs#urg >ortress" 1::,/.

The Discourses of Jesus in Matthew

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?n <utline of Matthew5s Gospel(

If one compares Matthew with Mar9" one easil notices that most of the material that Matthew added )i.e." that is not found in Mar9/ is contained in fi&e ma@or sermons or discourses( Infanc Narrati&e( 121 o Narrati&e( ,2; Discourse( A$ermon on MountB( 527 o Narrati&e( 32: Discourse( AMissionar InstructionsB( 1o Narrati&e( 11211 Discourse( APara#les !ollectionB( 1, o Narrati&e( 1;217 Discourse( A!ommunit InstructionsB( 13 o Narrati&e( 1:211 Discourse( A+schatological $ermonB( 1,215 Passion C Desurrection Narrati&e( 18213

The Discourses of Jesus in Matthew

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The $ermon on the Mount )Matt 527/

Pericope The .eatitudes $alt of the +arth %ight of the 4orld <n the %aw and the Prophets <n Murder and 4rath <n ?dulter and Di&orce <n <aths <n Detaliation <n %o&e of <ne5s +nemies <n ?lmsgi&ing <n Pra er The %ord5s Pra er <n >asting <n Treasures The $ound + e <n $er&ing Two Masters <n ?n0iet <n Judging <n Profaning the 'ol The Golden Dule The Two 4a s ". Their >ruits..." $a ing "%ord" %ord" The 'ouse .uilt on the Doc9 The +ffect of the $ermon

Matthew 5(,211 5(1, 5(1;218 5(17215(11218 5(172,1 5(,,2,7 5(,32;1 5(;,2;3 8(12; 8(528 8(7215 8(18213 8(1:211 8(1121, 8(1; 8(152,; 7(125 7(8 7(11 7(1,21; 7(15217(1121, 7(1;217 7(1321:

Mark 222 :(;:25;(11 222 222 :(;,2;3 222 222 222 222 222 11(15 222 222 222 222 222 ;(1;215 222 222 222 222 222 222 1(11211

Luke 8(1-#21, 1;(,;2,5 3(18 18(18217 11(5725: 18(13 222 8(1:2,8(17213" ,12,8 222 222 11(12; 222 11(,,2,; 11(,;2,8 18(1, 11(112,1 8(,72;1 222 8(,1 1,(1,21; 8(;,2;5 8(;8 8(;72;: 222

Missionar Instructions )Matt 1-/

The Discourses of Jesus in Matthew

Page ; of 5 Matthew 1-(1218 1-(17215 1-(182,, 1-(,;2,8 1-(,72,: 1-(;-2;1 Mark 8(3211 222 222 222 222 :(;1 Luke :(125 11(11211 11(12: 11(5125, 1;(15217 1-(18

Pericope !ommissioning the Twel&e The >ate of the Disciples +0hhortation to >earless !onfession Di&ision within 'ouseholds !onditions of Discipleship Dewards of Discipleship

Para#les !ollection )Matt 1,/

Pericope The Para#le of the $ower The Deason for $pea9ing in Para#les Interpretation of the Para#le of the $ower The Para#le of the Tares the Para#le of the Mustard $eed The Para#le of the %ea&en Jesus5 Ese of Para#les Interpretation of the Para#le of the Tares The para#les of the 'idden Treasure and of the Pearl The Para#le of the Net Treasures New and <ld Jesus is De@ected at NaFareth Matthew Mark 1,(12: ;(12: Luke 3(;23

1,(1-217 ;(1-211 3(:211,(1321, ;(1,2,- 3(11215 1,(1;2,- 222 1,(,, 222 222 1,(1-211 222 222 222 222 ;(182,1,(,12,1 ;(,-2,1 1,(1321: 1,(,;2,5 ;(,,2,; 1,(,82;, 222 1,(;;2;8 222 1,(;725- 222 1,(51251 222 1,(5,253 8(128a

!ommunit Instructions )Matt 13/

Pericope True Greatness 4arnings concerning Temptations The Para#le of the %ost $heep <n Depro&ing <ne5s .rother Matthew Mark 13(125 13(82: 13(1-21; 13(15213 Luke

:(,,2,7 :(;:25:(;125- 17(121 222 222 15(,27 17(,

The Discourses of Jesus in Matthew

Page 5 of 5 13(1:2113(11211 13(1,2,5 222 222 222 222 17.; 222

"4here Two or Three are Gathered Together" <n Deconciliation The Para#le of the Enforgi&ing $er&ant

+schatological $ermon )Matt 1,215/

Pericope 4oe to the $cri#es and Pharisees Jesus5 %ament o&er Jerusalem Prediction of the Destruction of the Temple $igns #efore the +nd Persecutions >oretold The Desolating $acrilege >alse !hrists and >alse Prophets The !oming of the $on of Man Matthew Mark 1,(12,8 1;(121 1;(,23 1;(:21; 1,(,72,: 222 1,(121 1,(,23 1,(:21, Luke 1,(,;2,5 11(528 11(7211 11(1121:

11(,7#2;- 1-(;52;7

1;(15211 1,(1;21- 11(1-21; 1;(1,213 1,(1121, 17(1,21; 1;(1:2,1 1,(1;217 11(15213

The Time of the !oming( the Para#le of the >ig 1;(,12,8 1,(132,1 11(1:2,, Tree The Para#le of the >lood and +0hortation to 4atchfulness The Para#le of the Good $er&ant and the 4ic9ed $er&ant The Parable of the Ten Virgins The Para#le of the Talents The Last Judgment (The Sheep and the Goats) 1;(,72;; 1,(,5 1;(;5251 222 15(121, 222 17(182,8 11(;12;8 222 1:(11217 222

15(1;2,- 222 15(,12;8 222

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