Ujian Diagnostik Kimia t5
Ujian Diagnostik Kimia t5
Ujian Diagnostik Kimia t5
Table below shows the total volume of oxygen gas O2, collected in the decomposition reaction of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan jumlah isipadu gas oksigen, O2 yang dikumpul dalam tindak balas penguraian hidrogen peroksida, H2O2.
What is the overall average rate of reaction Apakah kadar tindak balas purata keseluruhan? A !.1"2cm#s$1 B !.2!%cm#s$1 2.
Which of the following acids produce highest rate of reaction when reacts with 1g of 'inc powder Antara asid berikut, yang manakah menghasilkan kadar tindak balas yang paling tinggi dengan 1g serbuk zink? A "! cm# of 1.! moldm$# hydrochloric acid. ! "m# asid hidroklorik 1.! mol dm$# B "! cm# of 1.!moldm$# ethanoic acid ! "m# asid etanoik 1.! mol dm$# C "! cm# of 1.!moldm$# sulphuric acid ! "m# asid sul%urik 1.! mol dm$# D "! cm# of 1.!moldm$# nitric acid. ! "m# asid nitrik 1.!moldm$# The reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid is represented by the following e(uation) &indak balas antara kalsium karbonat dan asid hidroklorik ditunjukkan dalam persamaan berikut' CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O + CO2 Which of the following methods is the most suitable to determine the rate of reaction Antara kaedah berikut, yang manakah paling sesuai digunakan untuk menentukan kadar tindak balas tersebut? A *etermine the change in temperature of solution with time. (enentukan perubahan suhu larutan per masa B *etermine the volume of carbon dioxide gas given off with time (enentukan perubahan isipadu karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan per masa. C *etermine the change in the concentration of hydrochloric acid with time (enentukan perubahan kepekatan asid hidroklorik per masa D *etermine the change in the concentration of calcium chloride with time. (enentukan perubahan kepekatan kalsium klorida per masa.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a catalyst Antara berikut, yang manakah BUKAN si%at bagi mangkin? A , catalyst is specific in its reaction (angkin yang khusus dalam tindak balasnya B , catalyst influences the (uantity of product of a reaction (angkin memberi kesan terhadap kuantiti hasil tindak balas C Only a little amount of a catalyst needed to influence the rate of reaction Hanya sedikit mangkin diperlukan semasa tindak balas berlaku D The chemical property of a catalyst remains unchanged at the end of the reaction )i%at kimia mangkin tidak berubah pada akhir tindak balas Table below shows the total volume of gas evolved at different intervals for the decomposition of
hydrogen peroxide. Jadual di bawah menunjukkan jumlah isipadu gas yang dibebaskan pada suatu selang masa bagi tindak balas penguraian hidrogen peroksida.
What is the average rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide during the second minute *erapakah kadar tindak balas purata penguraian hydrogen peroksida dalam minit kedua? A 1+.!cm#min$1 B 1-.!cm#min$1 C 1%.!cm#min$1 D 2%.!cm#min$1 -. *iagram below shows the graph of volume of carbon dioxide gas against time when ".! g of marble chips is added to "! cm# of !.2mol dm$# hydrochloric acid. +ajah di bawah menunjukkan gra% isipadu gas karbon dioksida melawan masa apabila .! g serpihan marmar ditambah ke dalam ! "m# !.2mol dm$# asid hidroklorik.
,t what time the rate of reaction the highest ,ada waktu bilakah kadar tindak balas paling tinggi? A t1 B t2 C t# D t+ &. .raph below shows volume of collected carbon dioxide gas against time. -ra% di bawah menunjukkan isi padu gas karbon dioksida yang dikumpul melawan masa.
What is the average rate of reaction *erapakah kadar tindakbalas purata? A !." cm# s$1 B 1.! cm# s$1 %.
Which factor does not affect the rate of reaction? Faktor manakah yang tidak mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas? A Size of the solid reactant Saiz bahan tindak balas yang berkeadaan pepejal B Volume of the reactant Isi padu bahan tindak balas C Concentration of the reactant Kepekatan bahan tindak balas D Temperature of the reactant
Suhu bahan tindak balas ropane and heptane are mem!ers of the same homolo"ous series# $em!er of homolo"ous series% Propana dan heptana adalah ahli dalam siri homolog yang sama. Ahli bagi siri homolog A sho& similar chemical characteristics# menunjukkan si!at kimia yang serupa. B sho& similar ph'sical characteristics# menunjukkan si!at !izikal yang serupa. C ha(e different densities !ut the same meltin" point# mempunyai pelbagai ketumpatan tetapi mempunyai takat lebur yang sama. D ha(e the same relati(e molecular mass# mempunyai jisim molekul relati! yang sama.
)0# Which statement is correct a!out al*anes? Pernyataan manakah yang betul tentang alkana" A +nder"o pol'merisation reaction #engalami tindak balas pempolimeran B +nder"o h'dro"enation reaction #engalami tindak balas penghidrogenan C +nder"o su!stitution reaction #engalami tindak balas penukargantian D +nder"o h'dration reaction #engalami tindak balas penghidratan
11. Table below shows two experiments which are carried out to investigate the factors that affect the rate of reaction. Jadual berikut menunjukkan dua eksperimen yang dijalankan untuk menyiasat %aktor yang mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas
0xperiment .ksperimen 1eactant *ahan uji Total volume of gas collected at 2 minutes. Jumlah isipadu gas dikumpul pada masa 2 minit. 2cm#3
0xcess calcium carbonate powder 5 2! cm# of !.1 mol dm$# sulphuric acid )erbuk kalsium karbonat berlebihan / 2! "m# !.1 mol dm$# asid sul%urik. 0xcess calcium carbonate granule 5 2! cm# !.1 mol dm$# sulphuric acid. 0etulan kalsium karbonat berlebihan / 2! "m !.1 mol dm$# asid sul%urik.
*raw a diagram of the set$up of apparatus to carry out this experiment. 1ukiskan gambar rajah susunan radas untuk menjalankan eksperimen ini.
62 mar7s8 2b3 Write the chemical e(uation for the reaction between calcium carbonate and sulphuric acid. &uliskan persamaan kimia untuk tindak balas antara kalsium karbonat dan asid sul%urik. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999.. 62 mar7s8 2c3 :alculate the maximum volume of gas produced in experiment 44. Hitungkan isipadu maksimum gas yang dibebaskan dalam eksperimen 22. 6 ;olar volume) 2+ dm# mol$1 at room condition8
6# mar7s8 2d3 :ompare the rate of reaction between experiment 4 and experiment 44, explain why there is a difference in the rate of reaction based on the collision theory. *andingkan kadar tindak balas antara eksperimen 2 dan eksperimen 22, terangkan kenapa terdapat perbezaan berdasarkan teori perlanggaran ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................... 6# mar7s8