Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide To Formic Acid: Arno Behr, and Kristina Nowakowski
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide To Formic Acid: Arno Behr, and Kristina Nowakowski
Catalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide To Formic Acid: Arno Behr, and Kristina Nowakowski
Catalytic Hydrogenation of
Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid
Arno Behr, and Kristina Nowakowski
Technical Chemistry, Department of Bio- and Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Dortmund,
Dortmund, Germany
1. Introduction 224
2. Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide 226
2.1 Thermodynamics and mechanism of the formic acid synthesis 228
2.2 Heterogeneously catalyzed hydrogenation 230
2.3 Homogeneously catalyzed hydrogenation 230
3. Continuous Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide in Miniplant Scale 247
3.1 Preliminary batch experiments 247
3.2 Miniplant for carbon dioxide hydrogenation 250
3.3 Miniplant experiments 251
4. Conclusions 252
Acknowledgments 253
References 254
In recent years, the utilization of carbon dioxide as alternative C1 building block has
gained more and more scientific interest and has been intensely investigated. Especially
the homogeneously catalyzed hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to formic acid and its
derivates has been well studied. Recently, an increase in product formation was
achieved by further development of the homogeneous catalysts. Currently, iridium-
based catalysts offer the highest catalytic activity known in the hydrogenation of carbon
dioxide. The present chapter gives a wide overview of various catalyst systems, which
have been investigated so far. In addition, current research on the continuously oper-
ated hydrogenation of carbon dioxide in miniplant scale with a promising concept for
catalyst recycling is presented.
At the present time, the utilization of carbon dioxide (CO2) is of par-
ticular interest. Nature shows us the way: the carbon dioxide existing on
CO2 Chemistry 225
Alternative routes for the formic acid production are the following:
• Oxidation of hydrocarbons
• Hydrolysis of formamide
• Carbonylation of a hydroxide (e.g., sodium hydroxide) and subsequent
acid hydrolysis
These processes are generally depending on the toxic carbon monoxide or
synthesis gas. An alternative and economical synthesis route is the
226 Arno Behr and Kristina Nowakowski
Figure 7.2 Formic acid derivates based on carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
Figure 7.4 General mechanism for the homogeneously catalyzed hydrogenation of car-
bon dioxide to formic acid (4).
distinct clarifications have existed until then. Yin et al. investigated and
proved the positive influence of water with the metal hydride species
TpRu(PPh3)(CH3CN)H (Tp ¼ hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borate) in the catalyzed
hydrogenation (73). By experimental and theoretical studies, the catalytic
cycle of the simultaneous transfer of a hydride and a proton from the inter-
mediate TpRu(PPh3)(H2O)H to carbon dioxide to form formic acid was
successfully proven. On the other hand, the presence of water in the
rhodium-catalyzed hydrogenation in nonprotic solvents and tertiary amine
has an unfavorable influence on the catalytic activity (74). Performing the
reaction in water, the employed ligands are needed to be soluble in water.
For this purpose, various water-soluble ligands with different substituents
have been investigated, such as acidic (SO3H) or basic (NR2) functional
groups (75–77).
Carbon dioxide dissolved in water exhibits the following equilibrium
(Equation 7.4):
amounts, and is obtaining higher yields compared to other bases. Leitner and
coworkers have demonstrated this effect by comparing a variety of bases in
the aqueous carbon dioxide hydrogenation with RhCl(TPPTS)3 (133).
Munshi and Jessop investigated various organic and inorganic Brønsted
and Lewis bases in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide catalyzed by
RuCl(O2CMe)(PMe3)4 and methanol as additive (93). In this context, it
was discovered that DBU achieved distinctly higher yields in contrast to
triethylamine. In the presence of bases with a weak basic character, no
formic acid was formed. The product is a formic acid–amine adduct,
whereas various ratios of 1:1, 2:1, and even 3:1 are possible. The common
ratios of HCOOH/NEt3 adducts are 1.3:1 till 1.8:1 using ruthenium(II) or
rhodium(I) complexes (140), for example, the RuCl2[PMe3]4 complex leads
to a ratio of 1.7:1 (Table 7.1, entry 2). Among others, the solvent is decisive
for this ratio: in nonprotic solvents, ratios higher than 1 are possible due to
the formation of stable 2:1 HCOOH/NEt3 adducts (141). Adduct ratios of
1.6:1 are possible in scCO2 (87). Wagner has indentified that 3:1 adducts are
the most stable adducts, and a thermal separation is possible for the longer-
chain alkyl amines (142). Furthermore, a direct application of the synthe-
sized formic acid–triethylamine adducts as selective hydrogen-transfer
reagents in organic synthesis is feasible (143). However, the formation of
pure formic acid–triethylamine adducts is realized by the conversion of car-
bon dioxide and hydrogen in triethylamine at 40 C under 120 bar CO2/H2
with [RuCl2(PMe3)4] as catalyst. After 1 h reaction time, the 1.78:1 adduct is
formed. By distillation of the solution, the ratio of the adduct changes into
2.35:1, a stable azeotrope. Before the distillation has been performed, the
catalyst is deactivated (140).
Table 7.3 Other metals for the conversion of carbon dioxide to formic acid and their
Temp. CO2/H2 Time TON TOF
Entry Catalyst Solvent Base ( C) (bar) (h) () (h1) Refs.
1 PdCl2 H2O KOH 160 n.a./110 3 1580 530 (151)
2 PdCl2 H2O KOH 240 40/106 3 340 n.a. (151)
3 Pd(dppe)2 Benzene NEt3 110 25/25 20 62 3 (72)
4 Pd(dppe)2 Benzene NaOH RT 24/24 20 17 0.9 (152)
5a PdCl2[P Benzene NEt3 RT 50/50 n.a. 15 n.a. (144)
Water as additive.
All abbreviations can be found in “List of the Used Abbreviations.”
In other works, Joó proposed that the formed formic acid could exceed
the amount of base. The resulting solution changes its pH value from alka-
line to acidic (138). This given fact is used for the performance of the cat-
ionic Cp*iridium(III)complexes in aqueous solution. Depending on the pH
value, the properties of the dhbipy- or DHphen-containing catalyst change
from being dissolved homogeneously in alkaline solution to being precipi-
tated heterogeneously during the reaction. This effect is explained by the
electronic effect and polarity of the oxyanion caused by the phenolic
hydroxyl group. By the use of these iridium complexes, a high catalytic
activity and the possibility of catalyst separation can be achieved. The advan-
tages of homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis are thus combined.
Through modification of [Cp*Ir(dhbipy)Cl]Cl, the iridium-based catalyst
[Cp*Ir(dhbipy)(H2O)]2þ is obtained, which is applicable for the synthesis
of formic acid as well as for the formic acid decomposition in the absence
of organic additives. The reaction can be controlled by regulating the pH
242 Arno Behr and Kristina Nowakowski
value (156). Moret et al. investigated the influence of pH level and temper-
ature both in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide and in the decomposition
of formic acid via NMR spectroscopy. Important data for the development
of new catalysts for the CO2–formic acid cycle were identified (157).
Two further iridium-based systems are the [IrI2(AcO)(bis-NHC)] com-
plexes containing heterocyclic carbene ligands (NHC) (see Figure 7.8A
and B). Because of the sulfonate functionalities, the water solubility of the
catalyst is increased. Additionally, the systems are more active in the reduc-
tion of carbon dioxide to formate as in absence of the sulfonate groups. The
complex with the bis-abnormal coordination of the NHC ligand currently
shows the best catalytic activity in the reduction with isopropanol to formate
by transfer hydrogenation (158).
Compared with other iridium-based systems, these catalysts reached sim-
ilar TON in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide with potassium hydroxide
(Table 7.4, entry 5).
In 2009, the Ir(III)–pincer complex [(PNP)IrH3] containing two
diisopropylphosphanyl substituents was announced by Nozaki et al.
(Figure 7.8C) (159). In aqueous solution and with KOH as additive, the
Ir(III)–pincer complex achieved a remarkable TON up to 3,500,000
and a TOF of 73,000 after a reaction time of 48 h at 120 C (Table 7.4,
entry 4). It has to be mentioned that the basicity has a major influence on
the yield. With weaker bases, such as K2PO4, the yield decreases. Currently,
this iridium catalyst is the most active system for the hydrogenation of
carbon dioxide with an impressive high TON.
The mechanism of the iridium(III) trihydride was investigated by means
of density functional theory by Ahlquist (160). The computational studies
Figure 7.8 Iridium-based catalysts: (A) and (B) [IrI2(AcO)(bis-NHC)] complexes (C) Ir(III)–
pincer complex [(PNP)IrH3] (158,159).
Table 7.4 Iridium complexes used for the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide
Entry Catalyst Solvent Base Temp. ( C) Pressure CO2/H2 (bar) Time (h) TON () TOF (h1) Refs.
1 [Cp*Ir(dhbipy)Cl]Cl H2 O KOH 120 30/30 57 42,000 190,000 (154)
2 [Cp*Ir(DHphen)Cl]Cl H2 O KOH 120 30/30 48 222,000 33,000 (106)
3 [Cp*IrCl(DHphen)]Cl H2 O KOH 120 30/30 10 21,000 2100 (92)
4 [(PNP)IrH3] H2O KOH 120 30/30 48 3,500,000 73,000 (159)
5 [IrI2(AcO)(bis-NHC)] H2 O KOH 200 30/30 75 190,000 n.a. (158)
All abbreviations can be found in “List of the Used Abbreviations.”
244 Arno Behr and Kristina Nowakowski
Figure 7.9 Mechanism of the carbon dioxide hydrogenation with Fe(BF4)26H2O, PP3 (164).
As can be seen from Figure 7.12, the yield of formic acid can be increased by
the variation of the base concentration. The maximal TON is achieved with a
base concentration of about 3 mol l1. Higher base concentrations result in a
slight decrease of the TON. The reduction of the yield can be explained by the
lower water concentration, which stabilizes the formed product.
In addition, a two-phase system based on water and triethylamine, which
can be separated easily after the reaction, is obtained above a certain concen-
tration of triethylamine (5 mol l1) (see for the principle Figure 7.13). Inves-
tigations of the catalyst distribution in the aqueous and organic phase by
TON [–]
0.1 0.5 1.0 1.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1
Figure 7.12 Formation of formic acid–triethylamine salt depending on the base con-
centration. VReactor ¼ 30 ml, Vl ¼ 7,5 ml, p(H2) ¼ p(CO2), p ¼ 30 bar, cat: Ru(acac)3,
T ¼ 25 C, c(cat.) ¼ 0.5 mmol l1, t ¼ 6 h, solvent ¼ water, D ¼ 700 rpm.
means of inductively coupled plasma analysis (ICP) show that the majority of
the catalyst (95 w%) is dissolved in the organic phase. A remarkable advan-
tage of this reaction control is that no additional solvents are required for the
formation of a secondary liquid phase. However, the phase ratio is
depending on the yield of product. Before starting the reaction in batch,
the (NEt3)/(water) mass ratio is 1.6; during the reaction, it decreases to
0.4. Performing the reaction in the miniplant scale, constant phase ratios
are absolutely required.
The existing azeotrope between water and formic acid can be avoided by
extraction. For the extraction of formic acid from aqueous solution, different
aliphatic, long-chain amines can be used (179,180). For example, tri-
octylamine is particularly suitable for the extraction due to the
nonmiscibility with water and excellent extractive properties towards formic
acid (181–183). For the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide in the presence of
triethylamine, an extraction of the product is not possible due to the forma-
tion of a formic acid–triethylamine salt, which is only soluble in a protic
residence time in the reactor, the two phases will be separated in a liquid–
liquid separator. The organic amine phase containing the ruthenium cat-
alyst is recycled by means of a gear pump. These two unit operations
are held on the reaction pressure to enable the recirculation of the catalyst
phase. The miniplant is equipped with several pressure and temperature
sensors and is regulated via a fully automatic control system. Hereby, a high
operational safety is achieved. The reaction progress and the formation of
gaseous by-products can be traced via online gas chromatography.
TON [–]
10 20 30
Initialpressure [bar]
Semi-continuous Batch
TON [–]
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5
Figure 7.16 Recycling of the catalyst phase in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide in
miniplant scale via batch experiments. VReactor ¼ 2 l, Vl ¼ 500 ml, p(H2) ¼ p(CO2), p ¼ 10
bar (semi-continuous), cat: Ru(acac)3, T ¼ 25 C, c(cat.) ¼ 0.5 mmol l1, c(NEt3) ¼
5 mol l1, t ¼ 3 h, solvent ¼ water, D ¼ 700 rpm.
the changing phase ratio depending on the product yield, the continuous
hydrogenation of carbon dioxide is carried out at 10 bar.
For a continuously operated process, constant activity of the catalyst is
desirable. Therefore, the recycling of the catalyst was examined. As can
be seen in Figure 7.16, the catalyst phase could be recycled in five consec-
utive runs in batch experiments with continuous gas dosing, and the activity
of the ruthenium catalyst decreases only slightly.
With regard to the recycling experiments, it was found that the catalyst
leaching depends on the yield of product. The more the product is formed,
the lower is the catalyst leaching into the aqueous product phase.
The miniplant concept developed could be verified by the first contin-
uous operations. In further investigations, the long-term stability of the cat-
alyst, the catalyst losses, and the accumulation of by-products will be
examined in more detail.
In the present chapter, a comprehensive overview of the homogenous
hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to formic acid and its derivatives has been
given. Various noble metal complexes based on rhodium, ruthenium, and
CO2 Chemistry 253
iridium were summarized and compared as catalyst. In recent years, the cat-
alytic activity of these homogeneous catalysts has been increased successfully.
In addition, intensive research in the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide with
nonprecious metals has been carried out. The iron and cobalt catalysts devel-
oped show in part similar results compared with the precious metal-based
catalysts. Latest research results present that the highest catalytic activity is
achieved by the Ir(III)–pincer complex (Figure 7.8C). In most cases, formic
acid derivates or formic acid salts are synthesized. Although several separa-
tion methods to obtain pure formic acid are pointed out, the separation of
the resulting products still remains a great challenge. The catalysts used for
the conversion of carbon dioxide also catalyze the decomposition of the
formed product. This result is on the one hand negative considering the sep-
aration; on the other hand, it is highly favorable in the terms of the hydrogen
storage in the carbon dioxide–formic acid cycle (see Figure 7.17). As men-
tioned in the introduction, formic acid can store - relating to the mass - less
hydrogen, but it is definitely a feasible possibility to store hydrogen. However,
the hydrogenation of carbon dioxide is only economical, if the required
hydrogen is produced by regenerative processes on the basis of water. The
presented concept is the research topic in the German joint research project
CO2RRECT (“CO2-Reaction using Regenerative Energies and Catalytic
Technologies”), in which the main focus of investigation is on the catalytic
conversion of carbon dioxide using regenerative energies to form formic
acid and the subsequent decomposition to hydrogen as well as carbon mon-
oxide. By this means, the produced formic acid is a compound, which can
easily be stored and transported for important basic chemicals.
This research work is part of the German project “CO2RRECT,” in which 18 research
groups work together for an efficient use of carbon dioxide as a carbon building block.
The project is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In
addition, we thank the Umicore AG & Co. KG for catalyst donation.
254 Arno Behr and Kristina Nowakowski
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