Chronology of Events: Chapter - 2

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1707 - Battl e of J aj au, accessi on of
Bahadur Shah I
1708 - Death of Guru Govind Singh
1712 - Death of Bahadur Shah I, accession
of J ahandar Slah
713 - Accession of Farukh Siyar, murder
of J ahandar Shah
1714 - Hussain All viceroy of the Deeccan,
Treaty between Hussain Mi and the
1716 - Executi on of Banda Bahadur,
Swman Embassy to the Imperial
1717 - Emperor Farukh siyars firman to
East I ndi a Co. Appoi ntment of
Murshid Quli Khan as Governor of
1719 - Farukh Si yar put to death,
accession and deposition of puppet
emperors, accession of Muhammad
1720 - Fall of the Sayyid brothers
1724 - Appointment of Saadat Khan as
governor of Oudh, vi rtual
independence of the Nizam in the
Deccan, appoi ntment of
Qamaruddin as wazir
1739 - Nadir Shah took Delhi and sacked
i t, death of Suj auddi n and
appointment of his son, Sarfaraz, as
Governor of Bengal. capture of
bassein and Salsette Kha &
1740 - Aliwardi Khan defeated and killed
Sarfraz Khan and became Nawab of
1742 - Marathas i nvaded Bengal ,
appointment of Duplex as Governor
of Pondicherry
1744-48 - First Camatic (Anglo-French) War
1745 - Rohullas in occupied of Rohllkhand
1746 - Capture of Madras by La
747 - Invasion by Ahmad Shah Abdul
1748 - Death of Nizam Chin Qilich Khan,
death of Emperor Muhammad Shah.
accession of Ahmad Shah
1749 - Restoration of Madras to the English
1749-54 - Second Carnatic War
1750 - Defeat and death of Nizam Nasir
J ang after hi m Muzaffar J ang
became Nizam
1751 - Capture and defence of Arcot by
Robed Clive, death of Muzaffar J ang,
accession of Salabat J ang as Nizam,
concl usi on of treaty by
NawabAl i vardi Khan wi th the
Marathas by surrendering Cuttack
1754 - Recal l of Dupl ei x, Godehus
appointment as governor and his
treaty with the English, accessi6n
of Alamgirll
1756 - Death of Alivardi Khan (21 April)
accession of Sirajuddaulab who
captured Calcutta (20 J une)
1757 - Recovery of Calcutta by the English
(2 J anuary), Delhi and Mathura
sacked by Abmad Shah Abdal i
(J anuary) treaty of Alinagat between
Siraj and the English (9th Feb.),
capture of Chandernagoreby the
English (March), battle of Plassey
(23x J une), Mir J afar installed as
Nawab (28 J une), capture and
execution of Siiajuddaulah (2nd
J uly).
1758-63 - Third Carnatic War
1758 - Arrival of Lally in India, occupation
of the Punjab by the Marathas,
Manulipatnam captured by Forde.
1759 - Battle of Bedara, Prince Au J afar,
second Governorship of Clive in
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Bengal, treaty of Allahabad, grant of
the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and
Orissa b31 Shah Alam II to the
1766 - Acquisition by the company of the
Northern Circars.
1766-69 - First Mysore War
1767 - Departure of dive, Verelest governor
in Bengal
1770 - The Great Bengal Famine
1772 - Warren Hasti ngs Governor i n
Bengal, death of Peshwa Madhava
Rao, accessi on and murder of
Peshwa Narayan Rao
1773 - Enactment of the Regulating Act,
Peshwaship of Raghnath Rao of
1774 - Accession of Narayn Rao as Peshwa,
the Rohilla war. Warren Hastings
i nstal l ed as Governor General ,
establishment of Supreme Court in
1775 - Tri al and executi on of Nanda
Kumar, commencement of the First
Maratha War which continued till
1776 - Treaty of Purandhar
1779 - Convention of Wadgaon
I 780 - Gwal i or captured by General
Popham, Second Mysore War
1781 - Deposi ti on of Chai t Si ngh,
Amendment of the Regulating Act
1782 - Affair of the Begums of Oudh, the
treaty of Salbai, death of Haider Ali
1783 - Foxs India Bill
1784 - Treaty of Mangal ore cl osed the
Second Mysore War, Pitfs India Act
1785 - Warren Hastings resigned Governor
1786 - Lord Cornwal l i s appoi nted
1790 - Commencement of the Thi rd
Mysore War (1790-92)
1792 - Treaty of Seringapatnam ended the
Third P4ysore War, Ranjit Siugh
became the ader of a SikhMisl
1793 - Permanent Settl ement of l and
revenue in Bengal, renewal of the
Companys Charter, retirement of
Lord Comwaflis, sir john Shore
Governor General
1794 - Death of Mahadaji Sindhia
1795 - The Battle of Kharda or Khrdla,
death of Ahalya Bai
1796 - Death of Peshwa Madhava Rao
Narayan, Baji Rao II Peshwa
1797 - Zarnan Shah in the Punjab, death
of Nawab Asafiiddaulah of Oudh
1798 - Lord Wellesley Governor General,
acceptance of subsidiary alliance by
the Nizam
1799 - Fourth Mysore War, death of Tipu,
fall of Seringapatnam, partition of
Mysore, installation of the Hindu
Raj family in Mysore, Ranjit Singh
appointed Governor of Lahore by
Zaman Shah, Malcolm led English
tnision to Persia, opening of the
Baptist Mission at Serampore by
william Carey
1800 - Death of Nana Phadnavis
1801 - Carnatic annexed to the British
empire. The battle of Poona, Treaty
of Bassein
1803 - The Second Maratha War (1803-05),
capture of Aligarh, Battles offleihi,
Assaye, Laswari and Argaon, treaty
of Deogaon and cession of Cuttack,
treaty of Surji-Arjungaon
1804 - War wi th the Holkar, defeat of
Monson, battle of Deeg
1805 - Fai l ure of the Engl i sh sei ge of
Bharatpur, recall of Lord Wellesley,
second term of Lord Cornwallins
Governor General, death of Lord
Cornwal l i s, Si r George Barl ow
Governor General, treaty with the
1806 - Vellore Mutiny
1807 - Lord Monto I appointed Governor
General (1807-13)
1808 - English missions under Malcolm to
Persia and under Elphinstone to
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1809 - Treaty of Amritsar between the
English and Ranjit Siugh
1813 - Companys Cahrterf renewed,
reti rement of Lord Mi nto I ,
appoi nted of Lord Hasti ngs as
Governor General (1813-23)
1814 - Out break of War with Nepal (1814-
1816 - Treaty of Sagauli closed war with
1817-18 - The Pindari war and the Third
Marutha War, battles of Kirkee and
Sitabaldi, deposition of Appa Shaheb
Bhonsle, battle of Mahidpur, treaty
with the Holkar
1818 - Battle of Ashti, defence of Koregaon,
surrender of Peshwk Raji Rao II
1819 - Capitulation of Asirgarh, abolition
of the Peshwaship and retirement
of Baji Rao II Bithur as a British
pensioner, protective alliances with
the states of Raj putana,
1820 - Appointment of Sir Thomas Munro
as governor of Madras (1820-27)
1823 - Departure of Lord Hastings, Mr.
Adams acting Governor General,
Lord Amherst Governor General
1824 - The first Burmese War (182426),
Barrackpore Mutiny
1826 - Fall of Bharatpur, treaty of Yandabo,
annexation of Assim Arakan and
1827 - The Enterpri se, a man- of- war
propelled by steam, lay off Madras.
1828 - Lord William Bentinck appointed
Governor General (1828-36)
1829-37 - Suppression of Thuggee
1830 - Annexati on of Cachar, Raj a
Rammohan Roy visited England
1831 - Deposition of the Rajas of-Mysore
and assumpti on of i ts
admini strati on by the Engl i sh,
journey of flumes up the Indus,
meeting at Rupar between Ranjit
Singh and Lord William Bentick
1832 - Annexation of J aintia
1833 - Renewal of the Company's Charter,
various reforms
1834 - Annexation of Coorg, institution of
L4w Member in Supreme Council
with Lord Macaulay as the first
1835 - Foundation of Calcutta Medical
Col l ege, Educati on Resol uti on,
reti rement of Lord Wi l l i am
Benti nek, Si r Charl es Metcal fe
offi ci ati ng Governor General ,
abolition of Press restrictions
1836 - Appointment of Lord Auckland as
Governor Genral (1836-42)
1837-38 - Famine in North India
1838 - Tripartite treaty of the English with
Saha Shuja and Ranjit Singh
1839 - New treaty forced on the Amirs of
Sind; death of Ranjit Singh, First
Afghan War (1839-42), Capture of
Ghazni and occupation of Kabul
1840 - Risings of Afghan tribes, deposition
of Dost Muhammad
1841 - Murders of thirties and Macnaghten
by the Afghans
1842 - British disaster in Afghanistan,
reti rement to J al al abad of Dr.
Brydon alone, Lord Ellenborough
became Governor General (1842-
44), relief of J alalabad, reoccupation
of Kabul , restorati on of Dost
Muhammad British evacuation of
1843 - War with the Amirs of Sind, battles
of Miani and Dabo, annexation of
Si nd baffl e of Mahar- pur.
suppression of slavery
1844 - Recall of Lord Ellenborough, Lord
Hardinge became Governor General
1845 - The Fi rst Si kh War (1845-46),
battles of Mudki and Ferozpur
1846 - Battles of Aliwal and Sobraon, treaty
of Lahore
1848 - Lord Dalhousie became Governor
General (1848-56), revolt of Mulraj,
the Second Sikh War (1848-49),
enunciation of the Doctrine of Lapse
and annexation of Satan by the
application of doctrine
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1849 - Battles of Chillianwalla and Gujarat,
annexation of the Punjab, Bethune
School for girls started in Calcutta,
annexati on of J ai tpur and
1850 - Penal annexati on of a part of
Si kki m
1852 - Second Burnese War, annexation of
Pegu, death of ex-Peshwa Baji Rao
II and stoppage of his pension
1853 - Opening of first railway in India
from Calcutta to Thana, laying of
telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra,
annexation of Nagpur & J hansi,
annexation of Berar by the Nizam,
renewal of the Companys Charter;
entrance into 1.C.S. thrown open to
competition - -
1854 - Education Despatch of Sir Charles
1855 - The Santhal insurrection
1856 - Annexation of Oudh, the I ndian
Uni versi ti es Act, Rel i gi ous
Disabilities Act, Hindu Widows Re-
marriage Act departure of Lord
Dalbousie and appointment of Lord
Canning as Governor General. end
of Crimean War, General Service
Order, Pension War, war in China
(1856-60),introduction of the Enfield
rifle and greased cartridges
1857 - Beginning of the Revolt or Sepoy
Mutiny, foundation of Calcutta,
Bombay and Madras Universities
1858 - Trial of Emperor Bahadur Shah
(J an-March), proclamation of peace
by Lord Canning (J uly), Act for the
better government of India (August),
Queens Proclamation (Nov), Lord
Canning appointed Viceroy
1859 - Withdrawal of Doctrine of Lapse,
gradual restoration of order, indigo
disputes in Bengal (1859-60)
1860 - Enactment of Indian Penal Code-.
1861 - Indian Councils Act, establishment
of High courts, Civil Service Act,
Famine in N.W. India, enactment
of the code of Criminal Procedure
1862 - Retirement of Lord Canning, Lord
Elgin I appointed Viceroy (1862-63),
amal gamati on of Supreme and
Sadar Courts into High Courts
1864 - Si r J ohn Lawrence appoi nted
Viceroy (1864-68), Bhutan War
1865 - Orissa famine (1865-67), operating
of telegraphic communication with
1368 - Opening of railway from Ambala to
1869 - Lord Mayo became Viceroy (1869-
72), visit of the Duke of Edinborough
1872 - Murder of Lord Mayo, Lord
Northbrook appointed Viceroy (1872-
1873 - Famine in Bihar (1873-74)
1875 - Deposition of Maihar Rao Gaekwar,
visit to Edward, Prince of Wales
1876 - Retirement of Lord Northbrook, Lord
Lytton I became Viceroy (1876-80),
the Royal Titles Act, occupation of
Quetta, outbreak of famine in the
1877 - Delhi Durbar (1 J anuary), Queen
Victoria proclaimed Empress of
1878 - Vernacul ar Press Act, Second
Afghan War (1878-80)
1880 - Resignation of Lord Lytton I, Lord
Ripen Viceroy (1880-84)
1881 - Rendition of Mysore, first Factory
Act first General Census
1882 - Repeal of Vernacul ar Press Ac
Hunter Commission
1883 - Begi nni ng of l egi sl ati on
establishing local self-government
in India, the Ilbert Bill
1884 - Resignation of Lord Ripen, Lord
Duffer in Viceroy
1885 - Foundation of the Indian National
1889 - Foundation of British Committee of
the I ndian National Congress at
1890 - Publ i cati on of I ndi a from the
Platform of British Committee of
National Congress
1891 - Second Factory Act was passed.
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b. Manipur rebellion
c. Passing of the Age of Consent Bill
1892 - Indian Council Act was passed.
1893 - I naugurati on of the Gani pati
festival by Tilak.
1895 a. Inauguration of the Shivaji festival
by Tilak.
b. Establ i shment of the Deccan
Sabha" by Gokhale.
1897 - I mpri sonment of Ti l ak for 18
months on ground of Treason
1905 a. (J uly) Announcement of revised
scheme of partition of Bengal by
Lord Curzon.
b. (Oct.) Partition of Bengal came into
c. (Nov.) Establishment of the National
Council of Education
1906 a. (Dec.) Foundation of Indian Muslim
League at Dhaka,
b. Starting of a National College with
Aurobindo Ghosh as principal in
1907 a. Congress split in Surat
b. First Annual Session of the Muslim
League at Karanchi.
1908 - Imprisonment of Tilak for 6 years
sent to Mandley J ail
1909 - Indian Council Act or Morley Minto
Reforms was passed.
1911 a. Coronation of Delhi Darbar.
b. Partition of Bengal was revoked
c. Announcement of transfer of capital
from Calcutta to Delhi
1912 a. (Dee.) Bomb thrown on Lord
Hardinge on his state entry into
b. Transfer of capital to Delhi.
c. Constitution of separate provinces
of Bihar & Orissa,
1915 a. Gandhiji returned to I ndia from
South Africa.
b. Foundation of Sabarmati Ashram by
Gandhi at Abmedabad.
1916 a. (April) Foundation of Home Rule
League by Tilak.
b. (Sept) Foundation of Home Rule
League by Annie Besant
c. Foundati on of Banaras Hi ndu
University by Pt Madan Mohan
d. Uni ty between moderates and
e. Lucknow Pact i n whi ch an
agreement was made between
Congress & Muslim league.
f. Foundation of women's university
at Poona.
1917 a. (April) Champaran Satyagrah by
b. (20 Aug) The Congress and the
Musl i m l eague dropped the
programme of passive resistance.
c. Formation of Rowlatt Committee.
d. Annie Besant dropped the Home
Rule Movement.
1918 a. (March) Organisation of first All-
I ndi a Depressed Cl asses
b. Ahmedabad Satyagrah by Gandhi.
c. Khaira Satyagrah by Gandhi.
1919 a. (Feb.) Foundation of Satyagrah
Sabba by Gandhiji against the of
Rowlatt Bill
b. (6thApri l ) Begi nni ng of Rol att
c. (13 April) J alianwala Bagh massacre
d. (15 April) Martial law in Punjab.
e. (Oct.) Appointment of the Hunter
Committee for the investigation of
Punjab wrongs.
f. (Nov) Foundation of All India Khilafat
g. (Dec.) Montague Chel msford
Reforms or the Govt. of India Act
1919 was passed
h. Gandhi elected as the President of
All India Khilafat Committee at
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i. Formation of National Liberation
1920 a. (J une) Passing of Non-cooperation
proposal by Khilafat committee in
b. (1 August) Launchi ng of Non-
cooperati on Movement by the
c. (Deo.) Approval and ratification of
the pol i cy of non- vi ol ent non-
cooperation by the congress in the
Nagpur Session.
d. First meeting of All I ndia Trade
Union Congress
e. Foundation of the Aligarh Muslim
1921 a. (3 J an) The inauguration of the new
consti tuti on accordi ng to the
Government of India Act 919
b. (1 Feb) Gandhi decided to embark
on Mass Ci vi l Di sobedi ence at
c. (J uly) Passing a resolution by All
India Khilafat Committee prohibited
Musli m to serve Bri ti sh I ndian
d. (Aug.) Moplas rebellion in Malabar
e. Foundation of Chamber of Princess
1922 a. (Feb.) Announcement of starting of
mass civil disobedience by Gandhi
b. (Feb) Chauri-Choura incident and
suspension of the Non-cooperation
c. Opposition of Congress Programmes
in Gaya Session -
d. (May) Vishva Bharti Uni versi ty
started by Rabindranath Tagore -
e. (Dee) Foundation of Swaraj Party-
f. Liberty given to the people of native
states to become a member of
1923 - Compromise between Swarajijsts
and the NoChangers i n the
congress in the special session of
the Congress in Delhi
1925 a. Foundation of the Communist Party
by M.N. Roy
b. Foundati on of Hi ndustan
Association by Chandra Shekhar
c. Vitthalbhai Patel elected as the
President in Centre Legislature-
1926 a. Fi rst Al l I ndi a Non- Brahmi n
Conference held at Belgaum under
the President ship of Ramaswamy
b. Announcement of four- poi nt
programme k co-operation with the
congress by Md. Au J innah lathe
Nagpur session of Muslim league
1927 a. (Nov.) Appointment of the Simon
Commi ssi on (the statutory
b. (Dec.) Passing of "Delhi Proposals
by Muslim leaders
c. Boycott of Simon Commission in
Madras session of Congress
d. Foundati on of Al l I ndi a Praj a
Conference, First session under the
Presidentship of Diwan Bahadur M.
1928 a. (Feb.) Arrival of Simon Commission
in Bombay
b. (Feb.) All Party Conference in Delhi
and demand of Dominion Status
c. Formation of 8 members committee
for framing of Constitution under
Motilal Nehru
d. (Aug.) Presentation of Nehru Report
e. Assault on Lala Lajpat Rai in Punjab
during the Boycott of the Simon
f. (Nov.) Foundation of Independence
League by Subhash and Nehru
g. Appointment of Butler Committee
h. Baradoli Satyagraha under the
leadership of Vallabhai Patel on the
i ssue of i ncrease of revenue
attempted by Government.
i. (Dec.) Demand given by J innab in
Al l I ndi a Party Conference i n
Calcutta for the development of
Musl i m maj ori ty areas and
reservation for Muslims.
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j. (Dec.) Warni ng gi ven to the
Government in Calcutta session of
Congress that if Government did not
accept,-Nehru Report till 31st Dec,
1.929, Congress would begin Civil
Disobedience Movement
1929 a. (J an.) Announcement of 14 points
demands by J innab in the Muslim
League meeting at Delhi.
b. (April) Dropping of the bomb in the
Central Legislative Assembly by
Bhagat Singh Batukeshwar Dun.
c. (18 Aug.) Observation of Political
Sufi erers Day by the All I ndia
Congress Committee
d. (31 Oct.) Announcement the goal of
Bri ti sh pol i cy i n I ndi a that i s
granting of the Dominion status by
Lord Irwin.
e. (Dec.) Passing the resolution for of
Puma Swaraj aya (compl ete
i ndependence) by the I ndi an
Nati onal Congress i n Lahore
Session under the presidentship of
J awaharlal Nehru.
f. (3 1 Dec.) Dropping on Nehru Report
g. Report of Butler Committee
h. Hoisting of tricolour flag for the
first time on 31 Dec.
1930 a. (26 J an.) The Congress observed
Indian Independence Day (14 Feb.)
Passing of the Civil Disobedience
resol uti on by the worki ng
committee of the congress.
b. (2 March) Eleven Points demands of
Gandhi given to Irwin
c. (12 March) Launching of the Civil
Disobedience Movement with the
famous Dandi March for Sal t
Satyagraha (6 April) Violation of Salt
d. (May) Publ i cati on b(Si mon
Commission Report
e. (Nov.) The fi rst Round Tabl e
Conference in London without the
participation of the Congress.
1931 a. (5 March) Gandhi & Irwin pact
b. Suspension of Civil Disobedience
Movement by Gandhi
c. Gandhi took part in the Second
Round Table Conference as the sole
representative of the Congress
d. Executi on of Bhagat Si ngh,
Sukhdeo and Rajguru
e. (Sept) Second Round Tabl e
1932 a. (J an.) Beginning of Second phase of
the Civil Disobedience Movement
b. (Aug.) Announcement of
Communal Award" by the British
Prime Minister Rarnay Mac Donald
c. (Sept.) Gandhi began fast to protest
against Award (Sept.) Poona Pact
between Gandhi and Ambedkar and
other schedul ed castes
d. (Nov.) Thi rd Round Tabl e
Conference wi thout the
participation of the Congress ends
without any settlement
1933 a. Whi te paper on consti tuti onal
b. (May) Suspensi on of the Ci vi l
Disobedience Movement by the
c. (Aug.) Beginning of Individual Civil
1934 a. (May) Wi thdrawal of ci vi l
disobedience Movement
b. Begi nni ng of Hari j an work by
c. (17 May) Foundation of Congress
Socialist Party by Acharya Narendra
Dev and J ai Prakash Narain first
meeting in Patna.
d. (21-22 Oct.) First open session of
Congress Socialist Party in Bombay
under the Presi dentshi p of
Sampoorna Nand.
1935 - (Aug.) The Government of India Act
was passed
1936 - Formation of the first All . India
Peasant Organisation, the All India
Kisan Sabba with Sahjananda as
the President.
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1937 a. (Apri l ) Provi nci al autonomy
according to the Government of
India Act
1935 - Came into force.
b. (3 Sept.) World War II broke out and
the vi ceroy decl ared I ndi a a
belligerent country.
c. Resi gnati on of the Congress
Ministries in the province against
the war policy
d. (22 Dec.) Observance of the Day of
Deliverance from the tyranny of the
Congress rule at the instance of
J innah by the Muslim League
e. All India Praja Conference under
the Presidentship of J awaharlel
1940 a. (March) Passing of the Pakistan
Resolution in the Lahore session by
the Muslim League
b. (10 Aug.) Announcement of August
c. (Aug. 18-22) Rejection of August
Offer by the Congress worki ng
d. (17 Oct.) Launching of Individual
Satyagraha movement by the
congress starti ng wi th Vi noba
Bhave as fi rst Presi dent and
J awaharlal Nehru on the second.
1941 a. Death of Rabindranath Tagore
b. (17 J an.) Escape of Subhash
Chandra Bose from India
c. Suspensi on of I ndi vi dual
Satyagraha Movement in Bardoli
1942 a. (March) Arrival of Cripps Mission
b. (Apri l) The Congress Presi dent,
Maulana Azad rejected the Cripps
Commission Draft Declaration
c. (J ul y) The Congress worki ng
committee passed the Qult India
d. (8 August) The passing of the Quit
India Resolution at the All India
Congress Committee at Bombay
e. (12 August) Cripps left India on the
failure of his mission
f. Beginning of Quit India Movement
g. (1 Sept.) Formal Establishment of
Indian National Army (And Hind
Fauj) by Subhash Chandra Bose.
1943 a. Beginning of Gandhis historical 21
day fast (To show fl i th i n non
violence and purification of self)
b. (Oct.21) Proclamation of S.C. Rose
to form the Provisional Government
of Free India
c. (Dec.) Adoption of the slogan Divide
and Quit by the Muslim League in
Karanchi sesion
1944 - (Sept) Gandhi met J i nnah to
di scuss the C. Rajagopal achari
1945 a. (Dec.) The (vi al of the I .N.A.
b. General Election in India
c. Viceroy Wavell organised the Simla
Conference to discuss Wavell Plan
1946 a. (Feb. 18) Mutiny of the Indian naval
ratings n Bombay (Talwar)
b. (15 March) Announcement of
Cabinet Missi on by the British
Prime Minister Attlee
c. (24 March) Arri val of Cabi net
Mission to Delhi
d. (16 May) The Cabinet Mission Plan
was announced
e. (16 J une) The Cabi net Mission
outlined the procedure for fanning
the interim Government
f. (24 J uly) Muslim League withdraw
i ts acceptance of the Cabi net
Mission Plan and called for direct
action to achieve Pakistan.
g. (J uly) Elections to the Constituent
Assembly as provided in the Cabinet
Mission Plan
h. (14 Aug.) J awaharlal Nehru invited
to form the interim Government at
the centre
i. (16 Aug.) The Direct Action Day
observed by the Muslim League
j. (2 Sept.) Formation of the interim
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k. (26 Oct.) Muslim League joined the
interim Govt.
l . (9.Dec.) Fi rst Sessi on of the
Constituent Assembly
m. Musl i m League Boycotted
Constituent Assembly
l947 a. (20 Feb.) Declaration of granting
freedom t India before J une 1948
by Attlee.
b. (24 March) Appoi ntment of
Mountbatten as a viceroy
c. (3 J une) Mountabatten Plan for the
partition of India
d. (J une) The Congress and the
Musl i m League accepted the
Mountabatten Plan
e. (4 J ul y) I ntroducti on of I ndi an
Independence Bill
f. (15 J ul y) Passi ng of I ndi an
Independence Bill
g. (15 Aug.) freedom to India.

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