Aveva Bocad Tower Strategy

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The document discusses how to organize and structure a major energy project involving multiple transmission towers into separate 3D models and subdivision. It also talks about setting up different member families and performing clash checks.

A major project should be split into a basic body model and different extension models. The basic grids and phases should be created in a main 'grid' model and then copied to individual body and extension models. Profiles used in both should be created in the basic body and imported into the extensions.

Different member families are used to group members by criteria like longitudinal vs transverse faces or floor level members. This helps with clash checks and representation in drawings. The families used and their purposes are described.

How to deal withAveva Bocad Tower

Workflow and hints

Cdric Richard
August 2013

3D MODEL OR A!"#A$"O!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3 Pro&e't su(di)ision %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3 E*a+,le %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Phases %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . E*a+,le %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 7 ERE/$"O! DRAW"! 0 1 2OM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 3 /LA04 /4E/5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 11 L"0$0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1-

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"ro#ect s$%division

An energ6 +a&or ,ro&e't7 in'luding +ore than one single trans+ission tower7 is alwa6s s,litted into 1 A basic body 'o++on for ea'h t6,e of the different towers to (e deli)ered% 8ew different extensions 90 +7 3 +7 . + 7 :; to (e 'onne'ted to the (asi' (od6%

E%g% We +a6 ha)e to fa(ri'ate <0 (asi' (odies7 30 e*tensions of 3 +7 10 e*tensions of . +7: A''ording to this7 6ou should su(di)ide 6our 2o'ad +ain ,ro&e't into se)eral 3D +odels 1 one for the (asi' (od6 9= ar+s; and one for ea'h e*tension% >nder 6our 2o'ad ,ro&e'ts dire'tor67 'reate +anuall6 a dire'tor61 with the na+e of 6our +a&or ,ro&e't 9for e*a+,le ?+ain@Pro&e'tA;% 0tart (o'ad and7 inside the +ain@,ro&e't folder7 'reate a new ,ro&e't na+ed for e*a+,le ?gridA% "n this 3D +odel7 onl6 in,ut the &o( infor+ation and 'reate all the (asi' grids for the e*tensions7 (od6 stru'tures7 'age and ,eak% As first grid7 in,ut a 'u(e of 1000 + s6+etri'al to the glo(al 070707 referen'e ,oint% /reate the other grids using the $ower te+,lates and 'reate all the ,hases reBuired2% /lose this ,ro&e't and 'o,6 its dire'tor6 under new ,ro&e't na+es7 for e*a+,le7 ?(asi'(od6A 7 ?e*t3+A7 ?e*tC+A7 : O,en one of the+ and ,ro'eed%

Regarding the ,rofiles ha)ing so+e 'onne'tions in the (asi' (od6 as well as in the e*tensions7 'reate the+ on'e in the (asi' (od6 then e*,ortDi+,ort the+ in the e*tensions 3D +odels3% A''ordingl6 to where the6 (elong to7 edit their ?initial +arkA to 0 or 1%

1 2

Using Windows Explorer See next chapter 3 Using the functions "Partial Export" and "Partial Import"

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1% /reate a new ,ro&e't na+ed EgridE with a s+all 'u(i' grid of 1000 ++ s6+etri'al to glo(al 07070 referen'e ,oint% Di+ensions and a*is na+es as (6 default in the 'lient2@1@$ower 9$ F $rans)ersal fa'e7 LF Longitudinal fa'e;

2% /reate all the reBuested grids and e+,t6 ,hases onl6%$hanks to the te+,late /A$10<7 6ou are a(le to +odel the grids and 'reating the ,hases in on'e% $his ,ro&e't will (e used as a te+,late for the other +odel% On'e 6ou are done 'lose the ,ro&e't EgridE%

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3% /o,6 the new EgridE ,ro&e't as +u'h as reBuested (6 the +a&or ,ro&e't 9De,ending on the Buantit6 of e*tensions7%%;% Rena+e ea'h ,ro&e't with signifi'ant na+es as (asi'(od67 e*t3+7 e*tC+7:

-% "nside these new ,ro&e'ts7 we will (uild the related ,arts of the tower 9(od67 e*tensions7:;%

Figure 1 !asic!od" model

Figure 2 ext3m model

Figure 3 ext#m model

<% Me+(ers ha)ing 'onne'tions in (asi' (od6 and e*tensions are 'reated in (asi' (od67 then the6 will (e e*,orted in the e*tensions +odels and their initial +ark edited to 0 a''ordingl6% "t +eans the6 will (e listed in the (asi'(od6 +odel%

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"n < words 1 one s&lice one new &hase% $he s,li'e itself alwa6s (elongs to the ,hase a(o)e% $he first ,hase should (e the to, of the tower then the following going down1% "n towers7 the use of ,hases is not onl6 a fa(ri'ationGere'tion ,ur,ose 7 the6 are ne'essar6 for the 2OM dis,la6ed in the ere'tion drawings% "ndeed in these drawings it is shown onl6 one fa'e of the tower (ut Buantities a,,earing in the 2OM are 'orres,onding to the - identi'al fa'es% 8urthe+ore7 the +e+(ers 'an a,,ear onl6 in one 2OM2% 8or 2OM in ere'tion drawings reason also7 6ou +a6 (e o(liged to su(di)ide one ,hase into se)eral in 'ase of the drawings of this ,hase 'an not fit in one sheet of ,a,er% Regarding the (olts7 sin'e the6 +a6 'onne't +e+(ers fro+ different ,hases7 set the +e+(er of 6our 'hoi'e as their owner3%

1 2

See the example on next page See chapter "$%& in erection drawing" 3 Using the macro E'(%)%

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$od" 2 Phase *

$od" 1 Phase +

(age Phase 2

&,-1 Phase .

$,-2 Phase /

3M 2od6 e*tension 1 Phase 3 .M 2od6 e*tension 1 Phase C :%%

Peak 1 Phase 1

$HA3 1 Phase 3

1 2

&iddle , -0& $ottom , -0& 3 1op , -0&

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!ote that the 2OM is not 'orres,onding to what is shown or designated inside the drawing% "n the drawing we show onl6 1 fa'e of the tower (ut in the 2OM it should (e listed the +e+(ers of the fa'es% $o do so7 We ask the 2OM on the whole ,ro&e't and we filter out +anuall6 whi'h ,hase is the one 'orres,onding to the drawing we are ,rodu'ing the 2OM for% Regarding the (olts7 2o'ad will sele't auto+ati'all6 the (olts owned (6 the +e+(ers 9asse+(lies; sele'ted in the 2OM +e+(er list%

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$his is the +e+(er filter to (e a,,lied 1 Do not forget to filter out the ,a'k washers ?du++6 ? ,lates 9nu+(ers C000D11000; %

"n the (olt list7 8ilter out the ,o, +arks and holes 1

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Me+(ers fa+ilies are alwa6s used to regrou, so+e +e+(ers with a 'o++on 'riteria to fa'ilitate their sele'tion later on in the filters% "n towers 7 we set the +e+(ers fa+ilies for 2 +ain reasons 1 /lash 'he'k (etween the ? $rans)ersal fa'e ? and the ? Longitudinal fa'e ?% Re,resentation andGor not the designation of +e+(ers in the ,lane )iews drawings1%

Iour (o'ad +enu 'onfiguration is set for the following fa+ilies organiJation 9for 6our ease alwa6s follow the sa+e; 1 8a+il6 1 1 leg 8a+il6 0 1 longitudinal fa'e e*'luding +e+(ers in a floor le)el 8a+il6 -0 1 longitudinal fa'e +e+(ers in'luded in a floor le)el 8a+il6 2 1 trans)ersal fa'e e*'luding +e+(ers in a floor le)el 8a+il6 -2 1 trans)ersal fa'e +e+(ers in'luded in a floor le)el 8a+il6 3 1 floor le)el +e+(ers not in longitudinal or trans)ersal fa'es 8a+il6 < 1 3rd fa'e +e+(ers

!ote1 $o set in one shot the fa+ilies of the $ and L fa'e7 do as e*,lained here under1 At the (eginning of the ,ro&e't7 6ou should 'reate 6our $Dfa'e 9(od6Kside1; in the fa+il6 0 9default; L then7 &ust after 'o,6ing fro+ $Dfa'e to LDfa'e7 use the 'o++and ? "nfor+ation G 4andled Me+(ers ? and edit all of the+ to fa+il6 2% 8a+il6 11 1 ar+ leg (etween front and (otto+ ra+ fa'es 8a+il6 12 1 ar+ leg (etween rear and (otto+ ra+ fa'es 8a+il6 13 1 ar+ leg (etween front and to, ra+ fa'es 8a+il6 1- 1 ar+ leg (etween rear and to, ra+ fa'es 8a+il6 21 1 ar+ front and rear fa'e +e+(ers 8a+il6 22 1 ar+ (otto+ and to, fa'e +e+(ers 8a+il6 2< 1 ar+ diagonales

See chapter "Plane 2iews"

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$o 'he'k the 'lashes in the whole tower7 6ou should e*e'ute the ? filter G Me+(er /ollision ? test (etween the followings 1 $he angles fa+il6 0 7 -0 $he angles fa+il6 3 with angles fa+il6 2 7 -2 with all fa+il6 07 2

$he angles fa+il6 11 D 1-7 217 22 with all fa+il6 07 -0 $he angles fa+il6 < $he angles fa+il6 2< $he angles fa+il6 21 with all fa+il6 07 -07 27 -27 3 with all fa+il6 11D1-7 217 22 with angles fa+il6 22

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8a+il6 ,

8a+il6 -

8a+il6 .

8a+il6 3

8a+il6 /-

8a+il6 /.

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8a+il6 ,,

8a+il6 ,-

8a+il6 ,3

8a+il6 ,/

8a+il6 -,

8a+il6 --

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L (T(
2e'ause of the PA/5 WA04ER07 whi'h are 'reated as (olt in a du++6 ,late ha)ing (6 default the initial +ark eBual to C0007 we ha)e to 1 and7 for the lists of +e+(ers 7 filter out all those ,ie'e nu+(ers 9C000D11000; % for the lists of (olts 7 in'lude e)er6thing in the list data(aseL

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A0E0A (ol$tions Li1ited 4igh /ross Madingle6 Road /a+(ridge7 /23 042 >5 $el =-- 90;1223 <<..<< 8a* =-- 90;1223 <<....

Co&3ri4ht 5 -.,3 A0E0A (ol$tions Li1ited2 All ri4hts reserved2 A0E0A (ol$tions Li1ited is owned %3 A0E0A Gro$& &lc2 A0E0A6 the A0E0A lo4os and A0E0A &rod$ct na1es are trade1ar7s or re4istered trade1ar7s o8 A0E0A Gro$& &lc or its s$%sidiaries in the 9nited +in4do1 and other co$ntries2 Other %rands and &rod$cts na1es are the trade1ar7s o8 their res&ective co1&anies2

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