Pneumatic Test - NT2 CCPP Project (Final)

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Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Co., Ltd 555 Guygok-Dong, Changwon Gyeongnam, Korea Doc.

Ref Issue Rev : DOOSAN/NHON TRACH : $e% &', (&& : Rev.( CC!! !RO"#CT


I. SCOPE +et0od State1ent of !neu1atic Test

II. RESPONSIBILITY Site +ana2er : !aec3, "i, Hyun Construction +ana2er : Na1, San2 Don2 +ec0anica4 +ana2er : +oon, 5a% Do Safety +ana2er : H6an2, Seon2 -3


#rection of stee4 structure for Site Office


Issued Date
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S!o"e o# $orks% +et0od state1ent of !neu1atic Test !rocedure Br&e# des!r&"t&on o# deta&'ed $ork% Pressure test #or HRS(. Se)uen!e o# o"erat&ons & !re<aration for re4evant docu1ent & <er1it !re<aration e?ui<1ent & too4s 7 !ressuri8in2 4ine insta44ation : !ressuri8in2 4ine for test ' Recordin2 <ressure data Man"o$er #n2ineer Safety #n2ineer Su<ervisor S3i44ed La%ors Mana*ement stru!ture )isitin2 1ana2er: Site su<ervisor: Safety: Out of 0ours contact na1e: Out of 0our@s <0one no. .0o c0ec3s t0e 6or3A ; 9 > = &( -ns3i44ed La%ors O<erator $irst Aider in 2rou< ' :

Na1 San2 Don2 / +oon 5a% Do 5i1 Soo .oon2 H6an2 Seon2 -3 Na1 San2 Don2 / +oon 5a% Do (= 77': (:9= / (= ( 7= &:; Na1 San2 Don2 / +oon 5a% Do

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PURPOSE SCOPE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS DEFINITIONS PROCEDURE DOCUMENTATION ATTACHMENTS Annexure -: Flow Chart for Pneumatic Te ting Annexure -: !rgani"ation Chart for Pneumatic Te ting Annexure -: Pi#e $ork Punch %i t Annexure -: $el& 'n #ection (ummary (heet Annexure -: 'n&ex of ' ometric Drawing Annexure -: Pre ure Te t Certificate Annexure -: Pi#e $ork )e-'n tatement Check %i t Annexure -: *echanical Com#letion Check %i t


PURPOSE The #ur#o e of thi Proce&ure i to #ro.i&e controlle& y tem for Pneumatic Te ting in or&er to meet #ro/ect #ecification an& re0uirement of reference co&e an& tan&ar& ,

2.0 SCOPE The #roce&ure minimum re0uirement for Pneumatic Te ting of a1o.e groun& an& un&ergroun& #re ure #i#ing for 2hon Thach 3 CCPP Pro/ect

3.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENT 3.1 Co&e 4 (tan&ar& : 5+6 A(*7 8 9+,+ 536 A(*7 (7C,: 3.2 (iemen Pro/ect (#ecification : (#ecification of #i#ing y tem for water team cycle an& auxiliary y tem,


5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 5,+,+ Gener ! D!!(A2 hall mark P4'D; a #er #i#ing y tem to 1e te te& an& i&entify the #i#ing i ometric an& the e0ui#ment to 1e inclu&e& for uch te t, Te t #ack hall 1e #re#are& incor#orating marke& u# P4'D; 4 i ometric for te t limit , #unch li t, #re ure te t certificate format, $el& 'n #ection (ummary (heet, Pi#e work )ein tatement check li t format, *echanical com#letion check li t format, etc, All #i#e u##ort , gui&e an& anchor hown on #i#ing i ometric hall 1e fitte& in #o ition,





5,+,= 5,+,>





5,+,+3 5,+,+9 5,+,+< 5,+,+5

Any a&&itional tem#orary u##ort , if re0uire&, hall 1e in talle& 1efore te ting, All wel&e& attachment uch a #i#e u##ort an& hanger lug etc, hall 1e ma&e 1efore #re ure te t, Control .al.e , thermo well , orifice #late , trainer 1a ket , filter element , in-line in trument an& all other in line com#onent una1le to with tan& the te t #re ure or lia1le to &amage 1y the te t me&ium or 1y the im#act of foreign matter &uring the flu hing or #urging #roce hall 1e remo.e& an& re#lace& with tem#orary #ool or #acer , Flange& relief .al.e an& afety .al.e hall 1e 1lanke& off 1y 1olting a 1lin& flange to the mate of the inlet flange, (crewe& relief an& afety .al.e hall 1e remo.e& an& re#lace& with ca# , $here a .al.e to er.e a te t 1lock, the te t #re ure hall not excee& the .al.e eat te t #re ure, 'f the y tem te t #re ure i higher than the .al.e eat te t #re ure, the .al.e hall 1e o#ene& an& 1lanke& or remo.e& to allow 1lanking of the marking flange, All .al.e exce#t tho e co.ere& un&er 5,+,< 4 5,+,5 within the y tem to 1e te te& hall 1e in the o#en #o ition, %ine containing check .al.e hall ha.e ource of #re ure u# tream of the .al.e, 'f thi i not #o i1le, wing check hall 1e 1locke& o#en or ha.e the fla##er remo.e&, an& 1all an& #i ton check hall ha.e the internal #art remo.e&, All #art remo.e& hall 1e eale& in #la tic 1ag an& wire& to the .al.e, 'f none of the e are #ractical, the check .al.e hall 1e 1locke& off or com#letely remo.e&, All han&-o#erate& .al.e within a te t loo# hall 1e tem#orarily tagge& with large re& @CAAT'!2B tag or imilar i&entification to a.oi& acci&ental o#eration &uring filling or te ting, Primary hut-off .al.e in 'n trument lea& line from the main line an& e0ui#ment hall 1e clo e&, Pi#ing or tu1ing &own team of the .al.e hall 1e &i connecte& in or&er to #re.ent any #re ure 1uil& u# or intro&uction of foreign matter into the in trument y tem, 'n trument air u1-hea&er hall 1e i olate& from the main hea&er y tem 1y clo ing the 1lock .al.e a&/acent to the main hea&er an& &i connecting the fir t union &own tream of each .al.e, 'n trument connection hall 1e clo e& with a #ro#erly ga ket 1lin& flange, if flange connection are u e&, Tem#orary ga ket hall 1e u e& to 1lank off line for #re ure te t #ur#o e, unle #ecifie& otherwi e, The e hall 1e remo.e& an& re#lace& with new #ermanent ga ket after te t ha.e 1een ati factorily com#lete&,, #ermanent ga ket hall 1e u e& for flange /oint , which &o not re0uire& to o#en again after te ting, 8olt tightening hall 1e in accor&ance with D!!(A2 Proce&ure, All #o t wel& heat treatment of the wel& /oint hall 1e com#lete& #rior to te ting, All 2D7 re0uirement hall 1e fulfille& 4 confirme& #rior to te ting, The #i#e work y tem hall 1e flu he& with water or 1lown with air in or&er to remo.e all

&e1ri #rior to te ting, 5.2 C"n#$%$"n &"r 'ne() %$* +% %$* %e+%

5,3,+ Pneumatic te t #re ure (E(T7* 'n trument air line for (tack 23 filling line for Drum De ign #re ure +- 1ar ++ 1ar Te t #re ure +3,- 1ar +9,3 1ar )emark De ign #r x +,3 De ign #r x +,3

5,3,3 *ea uring Tool an& 'n tallation 5+6 The #re ure gauge in tall at tem#orary #i#e, 536 The #re ure gauge for #re ure te t nee& to 1e cali1rate& an& the certificate a.aila1le at ite #rior to u ing in the #re ure te t, %ocation of te t gauge will 1e hown in the in&i.i&ual te t-#ack , 5,3,9 Communication 5+6 )a&io: more than 3 walkie-talkie 536 %ocation: Control center 5filling air .al.e an& #re uri"ation e0ui#ment area6 To# 5#re ure gauge an& .ent area6 'n #ector 596 'n #ector an& recor&er mu t #lace in a con.enient area to communicate for the #re ure gauge 'n #ection of control center, 5.3 Pre++(re %e+% e,($')en%+ n# $n+%r()en%+ The e0ui#ment an& in trument to 1e u e& for te ting will 1e checke&, maintaine&, te te& an& for continuing #roce ca#a1ility, 5+6 23 8ottle unit for #re ing #re ure 536 Air Com#re or, 596 The #re ure gauge u e& in #re ure te ting hall ha.e &ial gra&uate& range of a1out &ou1le the inten&e& maximum te t #re ure, 1ut in no ca e hall the range 1e le than + +F3 nor more than 9 time that #re ure, The #re ure gauge hall 1e cali1rate& from authori"e& cali1ration agency 1efore u e an& re-cali1rate& at any time that there i rea on to 1elie.e that they are in error, 7ach gauge hall ha.e an i&entification num1er, which hall a##ear on the cali1ration certification recor&, 5.4 Pre-%e+% '$'$n. / !0 #"/n1I& re,($re+2. 5+6 (afe acce an& any re0uire& tem#orary caffol&ing hall 1e #ro.i&e& for in #ection of all /oint an& a##urtenance #rior to walk-&own an& maintaine& until the ati factory

com#letion of the te t, 536 ' ometric &rawing #ertaining to the te t #ackage hall 1e li te& on the 'n&ex of ' ometric Drawing , 596 !n com#letion of #i#ing in tallation, the y tem will 1e walke& &own 1y the Pi#ing 7ngineer an& out tan&ing item will 1e &ocumente& on the Pi#e work Punch %i t, 5.5 5,5,+ Pne() %$* %e+% "& '$'$n.. Pre ure te t hall 1e normally #erforme& 1y hy&ro tatic metho& unle otherwi e tate&, Pre ure te ting of #i#ing hall in accor&ance with the re0uirement of A(*7 8 9+,+, For &etail , refer Para 5,> of thi #roce&ure, Pre ure te t houl& 1e carrie& out on com#lete y tem #ractica1le, Anle otherwi e tate& on the &rawing, all #re ure #i#ing hall 1e te te& in accor&ance with the te t #re ure with te t me&ium a #er %ine %i t of each y tem, All #i#ing hall 1e #neumatic #re ure te te& when: 5+6 $ater i harmful to the an& cannot 1e &rie& com#letely, 536 'n trument air, utility air, nitrogen y tem an& air, 596 'n ca e of #i#ing connecte& to an e0ui#ment or .e el no""le 1y wel&ing an& where the 70ui#ment i not inclu&e& in te ting, the #i#ing hall 1e #re ure te te& 1efore in tallation, After wel&ing of the #i#ing to e0ui#ment no""le, the final /oint hall 1e u1/ecte& to 2D7 5)T, AT, *T, PT a a##lica1le6 in tea& of #re ure te t, 5<6 %ine which are o#en to atmo #here, uch a .ent , &rain an& o#en afety .al.e &i charge , The e line hall 1e .i ually examine& to .erify that all /oint are #ro#erly ma&e u#, 556 (afety .al.e , flame arre tor , ru#ture &i c an& filter element hall not 1e u1/ecte& to #re ure te t, 5=6 Pre ure gauge , thermometer , flow meter an& other in trument hall not 1e u1/ecte& to #re ure te t, 5>6 )u11er 7x#an ion /oint an& team tra# hall not 1e u1/ecte& to #re ure te t, 5?6 Any other e0ui#ment &e ignate& 1y (iemen , $here an item of e0ui#ment ha 1een 1lanke& off at a flange& /oint &uring #re ure te t of #i#ing, it hall not 1e nece ary to #re ure te t the /oint after the 1lank i remo.e&, (uch /oint hall 1e .i ually examine& to en ure that ga ket are #ro#erly in talle&, 1olt tightene& etc, an& in #ecte& for leak &uring commi ioning an& te t, Flange& /oint that are 1roken for #re ure te t #ur#o e hall ha.e a new #ermanent ga ket in talle& after #re ure te t i com#lete& #rior to commi ioning, Pi#ing that i re#aire& or mo&ifie& after a #re ure te t hall 1e re-te te&, exce#t in ca e

5,5,3 5,5,9 5,5,<



5,5,> 5,5,?

an& agreement with (iemen , +--G 2D7 5)T, AT, *T, PT a a##lica1le6 may 1e u1 titute& in lieu of rete t, +--G 2D7 5)T, AT, *T, PT a a##lica1le6 may 1e u1 titute& after agreement with (iemen in tea& of hy&ro tatic te t for wel&e& tie in #ortion with exi ting #lant facility, All /oint inclu&ing wel& hall 1e left unin ulate& an& ex#o e& for examination &uring te ting exce#t tho e /oint #re.iou ly te te& in accor&ance with thi #roce&ure, Pre' r %$"n "& '$'$n. +3+%e)+ &"r 're++(re %e+%. Pi#ing hall 1e thoroughly .ente& of air 1efore intro&uction of the te t water, Digh #oint .ent to 1e #ro.i&e& a re0uire&, A&e0uate mea ure hall 1e taken not to allow any air to remain in the high #oint of the te te& y tem, Tem#orary 1lin& flange an& te t 1lin& hall 1e in talle& at location hown on the marke& u# P4'D inclu&e& in the Pre ure Te t Pack, Te t 1lin& hall 1e of an a&e0uate thickne to with tan& the te t #re ure, All internal #art an& in-line item remo.e& for the &uration of #re ure te ting hall 1e la1ele& an& the com#onent to which they 1elong or the #o ition in the line from which they were remo.e& hall al o 1e la1ele& to en ure correct re#lacement of com#onent following the te ting, All .al.e , exce#t a exclu&e& #ecifically herein, hall 1e inclu&e& in the #re ure te t , 1all .al.e hall 1e in the half o#en #o ition an& all other .al.e fully o#en,, where the te t #re ure to 1e a##lie& to line i greater than the maximum allowa1le te t #re ure #ecifie& for the .al.e , the .al.e hall 1e 1lin&e& on the te t i&e or re#lace& with a tem#orary #ool, 7x#an ion /oint hall 1e #rotecte& from exce i.e #re ure of the hy&ro tatic te t generally 1y them, *etallic 1ellow ex#an ion /oint hall not 1e u1/ecte& to any #re ure in exce of it ho# te t #re ure, All line in .a#or hall ha.e ufficient tem#orary u##ort to with tan& weight of the te t me&ium, All tem#orary u##ort , #ring u##ort re traint , tem#orary #ool , 1lin& an& #lug etc, hall 1e #rominently flagge& or #ainte&, to en ure their following te ting, The te t #re ure gauge hall 1e locate& at the high #oint of the y tem, a @CheckB gauge hall, in a&&itional, 1e locate& at the low #oint of the y tem if ignificant .ertical leg coul& cau e the tatic hea& #re ure to ure #art of the y tem, All te t manifol& hall 1e hy&raulically te te& an& clearly marke& for the maximum #re ure rating,

5.6 5,=,+





5,=,= 5,=,> 5,=,?


5.7 5,>,+

Pne() %$* Pre++(re %e+%. Pneumatic te t 5+6 Pneumatic te t hall only 1e #erforme& un&er the &irect u#er.i ion of an ex#erience& engineer, who mu t en ure that te t #roce&ure an& criteria are followe&, All #er onnel in.ol.e& with te ting mu t 1e ma&e aware of, an& traine& in, the #roce&ure to 1e im#lemente&, an& 1e familiar with the ha"ar& a ociate& with thi ty#e of te t, A #re ure relie.e .al.e hall 1e ma&e a.aila1le 5for #i#ing y tem of te t #re ure a1o.e +5 1ar6, a et #re ure no higher than the te t #re ure #lu the le er of +-G of the te t #re ure, The relief .al.e hall 1e locate& at the fir t connection on the tem#orary line neare t the #re ure ource , A 1lee& .al.e to facilitate &e-#re uri"ation hall 1e locate& at the te t manifol& rea&ily acce i1le 1y the o#erator in ca e &e-#re uri"ation i re0uire&, An i olation .al.e rate& for the te t #re ure hall 1e #ro.i&e& 1etween the manifol& an& the y tem 1eing te te&, 536 During the te t, the area, which may 1e affecte& 1y 1la t, hall 1e cor&one& off u ing colore& ta#e, (ign hall 1e #lace& to in&icate the &anger, Fla hing light hall 1e u e& to &e ignate area un&er te t &uring non-&aylight hour , 7ntry to the cor&one& area hall 1e re tricte& to the authori"e& #er onnel who are #erforming an& witne ing the te t, 596 The y tem un&er te t hall ha.e warning notice tag affixe& to all .al.e &uring the time that the y tem i #re uri"e&, 5<6 $el& an& flange& /oint hall 1e wa11e& with oa# olution to facilitate &etection of leak , 556 The y tem un&er te t hall 1e gra&ually #re uri"e& to the le er 5-G of the te t #re ure an& hel& for a ufficient length of time to allow #i#ing to e0uali"e train , All /oint 5threa&e&, ocket wel&e&, 1utt-wel&e& an& flange&6 hall 1e in #ecte& for leak with oa# u& , 5=6 Pre ure hall 1e increa e& in te# 5each te# to 1e not more than +-G of the #ecifie& te t #re ure6 until the #ecifie& te t #re ure ha 1een reache&, hel& for a ufficient length of time at each te# to allow #i#ing to e0uali"e train , $hen the te t #re ure ha ta1ili"e& the te t #um# hall 1e &i connecte&, The te t #re ure hall 1e maintaine& for +- minute , :i ual in #ection of all /oint an& com#onent for leak with oa# u& hall 1e #erforme& at the le er of &e ign #re ure or >1ar5G6 5>6 The #neumatic te t #re ure hall 1e either from +3-G u# to maximum +5-G of the &e ign #re ure, or a mutually agree& #re ure 1etween Doo an an& (iemen

)e#re entati.e , 5?6 Throughout the te ting #erio&, the #re ure i to 1e clo ely monitore& to en ure that uring &ue to thermal ex#an ion &oe not occur, 5C6 The #re ure te t of the #i#ing y tem hall 1e recor&e& on the Pre ure Te t Certificate, 5+-6 After com#letion of a #neumatic te t the y tem hall 1e &e-#re uri"e& in a afe manner un&er the &irection of a u#er.i ing 7ngineer, 5.4 5,?,+ 5,?,3 5.8 5,C,+ 5en%$n. 6 &!(+7$n.. All line hall 1e thoroughly .ente& imme&iately after te ting, Care hall 1e taken to en ure again t &amage 1y .acuum to any a##aratu or #i#ing 1y fir t o#ening all .ent .al.e an& high #oint .ent #lug , (#ecial #recaution houl& 1e taken to en ure the &rainage of all #ocket where the te ting flui& may 1e tra##e&, P"+% %e+% re$n+% %e)en%. Following acce#tance of a ucce ful te t, the y tem hall 1e imme&iately &e#re uri"e& an& .ente& in a gra&ual an& afe manner, thoroughly &raine& allowing no #ocket of flui& to remain, Prior to &raining out te t me&ium, all .al.e in #artially o#en #o ition hall 1e fully o#ene& after &ro##ing #re ure to y tem #re ure, For #neumatic te t , warn #eo#le in the .icinity #rior to relea e of #re ure o#en .ent .al.e lowly kee#ing clear of &i charge an& en ure .ente& air or nitrogen cannot cau e &anger, All item remo.e& for the te t hall 1e re#lace& an& all te t 1lin& , tem#orary u##ort , etc, hall 1e remo.e&, The re#lacement of #i#ing com#onent internal hall 1e carefully controlle& to en ure that they are rein talle& in the correct #lace, Flange& /oint o#ene& for the e #ur#o e hall 1e re-ma&e with new ga ket ,


6.0 DOCUMENTATION. The te t #ack hall 1e #re#are& an& u1mitte& to (iemen for #rior to te ting, The te t #ack hall inclu&e following: 5+6 536 596 5<6 556 5=6 5>6 5?6 P 4 ' Diagram 5*arke& u# to how te t limit6 ' ometric Drawing 5*arke& u# to how te t limit6 'n&ex of ' ometric Drawing $el& 'n #ection (ummary (heet Pi#e work Punch %i t Pre ure Te t Certificate Pi#e work )e-in tatement Checkli t *echanical Com#letion Checkli t


Annexure -: Flow Chart for Pneumatic Te ting Annexure -: !rgani"ation Chart for Pneumatic Te ting Annexure -: Pi#e $ork Punch %i t Annexure -: $el& 'n #ection (ummary (heet Annexure -: 'n&ex of ' ometric Drawing Annexure -: Pre ure Te t Certificate Annexure -: Pi#e $ork )e-'n tatement Check %i t Annexure -: *echanical Com#letion Check %i t

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