Player Library 2.0

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MidiShare Library

Player Library 2.0

GRAME Research Lab. 9, rue du Garet - BP 1185 69202 LYON CEDEX 01 France Ph: +33 (0)4 72 07 37 00 Fax: +33 (0)4 72 07 37 01 e-mail : [email protected]



Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 About this manual................................................................................... 2 Introduction.............................................................................................. 3 Overview of a Player .............................................................................. 4 Opening and Closing a Player..................................................... 4 Transport control : playback........................................................ 4 Transport control : recording ...................................................... 6 Synchronization management .................................................... 6 Tracks management...................................................................... 7 Position management................................................................... 7 Events Chase.................................................................................. 7 Loop management........................................................................ 8 State management......................................................................... 8 Midifile management.................................................................... 8 Some examples ........................................................................................ 9 Example 1 : Opening and closing a Player................................. 9 Example 2 : Loading and Playing a MIDIfile .......................... 10 Example 3 : Recording a score and save it as a MIDIfile........ 11 Reference.............................................................................................................. 13 Constants................................................................................................ 14 Data Types.............................................................................................. 16 Error Codes............................................................................................ 18 BackwardStepPlayer ............................................................................. 19 ClosePlayer............................................................................................. 20 ContPlayer.............................................................................................. 21 ForwardStepPlayer ............................................................................... 22 GetAllTrackPlayer ................................................................................. 23 GetEndScorePlayer................................................................................ 25 GetParamPlayer..................................................................................... 26 GetStatePlayer........................................................................................ 27 GetTrackPlayer ...................................................................................... 28 MidiFileLoad........................................................................................... 29 MidiFileSave ........................................................................................... 30 OpenPlayer............................................................................................. 32 PausePlayer ............................................................................................ 34 RecordPlayer.......................................................................................... 35 SetAllTrackPlayer .................................................................................. 36 SetLoopEndBBUPlayer ......................................................................... 37 SetLoopEndMsPlayer............................................................................ 38 SetLoopPlayer........................................................................................ 39 SetLoopStartBBUPlayer........................................................................ 40 SetLoopStartMsPlayer .......................................................................... 41 SetParamPlayer...................................................................................... 42 SetPosBBUPlayer ................................................................................... 43 SetPosMsPlayer...................................................................................... 44

SetRecordFilterPlayer............................................................................45 SetRecordModePlayer...........................................................................46 SetSMPTEOffsetPlayer ..........................................................................47 SetSynchroInPlayer ...............................................................................48 SetSynchroOutPlayer ............................................................................50 SetTempoPlayer.....................................................................................51 SetTrackPlayer........................................................................................52 StartPlayer...............................................................................................53 StopPlayer...............................................................................................54


About this manual

This manual is intended for developers who want to add a sequencer component in their application using the Player library. It contains a complete description of all the library functions and data structures, as well as several examples of code. This library is available on Macintosh and PC/Windows (as a DLL).

The Player library is provided to allow the development of a complete multi-tracks MidiShare sequencer. Each Player is a MidiShare application, has 256 tracks, four different synchronization mode, events chase and loop markers. A Player use MidiShare sequences. Functions are provided to read on write MIDIfiles and convert them to the MidiShare sequence format.

Overview of a Player
This section gives an overview of the Player library functions.

Opening and Closing a Player

A new empty Player is opened using the OpenPlayer function which gives as result the reference number of the corresponding MidiShare application. This reference number will be used for all the Player functions. An empty Player use by default a tempo of 120 bpm, a 4/4 time signature and a tick_per_quarter value of 500 so that 1 tick (the internal time unit) correspond exactly to 1 ms. MidiShare sequences will be loaded into a Player using the SetAllTrackPlayer function. A MidiShare sequence contains usually a tempo-map track which will be used instead of the default tempo and time signature values. After it's creation, the Player should be connected to the MIDI input/output (that is to the MidiShare application), but because the Player is manipulated using it's MidiShare reference number, it's possible to use some MidiShare functions to manipulate it : a Player can be connected to other players or MidiShare applications using MidiConnect, the name of a Player can be accessed an changed using MidiGetName/MidiSetName functions... The Player will be closed using the ClosePlayer function. ClosePlayer frees the Player internal score and close the MidiShare application.

Transport control : playback

A Player has the usual transport control: -StartPlayer starts from the beginning of the score. -PausePlayer stops the Player without sending the pending events (keyoff, sustain off ..) -ContPlayer plays from the current position. -StopPlayer stops the Player and send the chased events (key-off...) - ForwardStepPlayer plays the following chord and take care of solo/muted tracks state. - BackwardStepPlayer plays the previous chord and take care of solo/muted track state. The Player's running state can be accessed at any time using the GetStatePlayer function. The state can be one of the following: kIdle, kPause, kRecording, kPlaying or kWaiting. The Player is in kWaiting mode when waiting for synchronization.

Transport control : recording

To begin a new recording, one must first select a track in record mode using the RecordPlayer function and then start the Player (from the beginning or from the current position). During the recording, the incoming events are stored in the selected track. A recording can be done in two mode : -kMixMode : recorded events are mixed in the recording track. - kEraseMode : the track is first deleted and recorded events are then inserted in the track. The recording state will be controlled with the SetRecordModePlayer function. A record filter can be installed for the Player using the SetRecordFilterPlayer function.

Synchronization management
A Player can be in four different synchronization modes which can be changed using the SetSynchroInPlayer function: -kInternalSync mode: The Player uses it's internal tempo-map which is on the track 0. -kClockSync mode: The Player recognizes synchronization events at it's input and can be driven by Start , Stop , Continue , Clock and SongPos events. -k SMPTESync mode: This is a global synchronization mode for all MidiShare applications. A SMPTE offset can be set, and the Player will automatically starts when the SMPTE offset is reached. The Player will stop when incoming MTC disappears. -kExternalSync mode: The Player does not use it's internal Tempo Map anymore, recognizes incoming Tempo events and the internal tempo can be changed with the SetTempo function. By default, a Player is in kInternalSync mode. A Player can be used as a master to synchronize other Players or others synchronizable MidiShare applications using the SetSynchroOutPlayer function. The Player will send Start, Stop, Continue, Song Position and Clock events. By default, a Player is in kNoSyncOut mode.

Tracks management
Each Player contains a unique internal score where all tracks are mixed. A Player has 256 tracks which can be individually accessed, changed and recorded. Tracks are internally distinguish by the reference number of events which are on them. This means that all events of track 0 have a reference number of 0, all events on track 1 have a reference number of 1 and so on. When loading a multi-tracks MIDIFile (format 1 or 2) the different tracks of the MIDIfile are automatically dispatched on tracks of the MidiShare sequence. If one wants to set a new multi-tracks sequence in a Player, the different tracks must have different reference numbers. A new MidiShare sequence is loaded into the Player using the functions SetAllTrackPlayer or SetTrackPlayer . Internal tracks can be extracted (for example to be saved as MIDIfiles) using GetAllTrackPlayer or GetTrackPlayer functions. By using the function SetParamTrackPlayer, each track can be muted or played solo. The track 0 is use for the tempo map and should be managed carefully.

Position management
The position in a score in managed internally using a tick unit. The position will be manipulated either with musical time (bar, beat, unit) or real-time (hours, min, sec, millisec). The Player's current position can be changed using the SetPosMsPlayer to access the real-time or SetPosBBUPlayer to access the musical time in bar, beat, unit.

Events Chase
Chase Events makes sure that a Player is playing the correct patch regardless of the position in which the track was started. To do that, the Player keeps internally the whole state of program change, volume, pan or other controller information which are inserted in the tracks. This state in automatically updated when the Player moves in both directions. Chase Events can then re-send MIDI events that occurred previously in the tracks.

The following types of events are chased: program-change, controller (volumes, sustain..), pitch-bend, channel pressure, key pressure and tune.

Loop management
Loop markers can be set using S e t L o o p S t a r t M s P l a y e r , S e t L o o p E n d M s P l a y e r , SetLoopStartBBUPlayer and SetLoopEndBBUPlayer functions (even during playback) and loop mode will be switch on/off using SetLoopPlayer.

State management
For displaying purpose, the GetStatePlayer function allows to read the internal state of the Player (position in millisecond and musical time, tempo, time signature ....) at any time. An application typically call this function at regular interval (using a MidiShare task or in it's event loop) to display the current state. The function G e t E n d S c o r e allows to read various information about the score last position.

Midifile management
Two functions, MidifileLoad and MidifileSave allow to read and write MIDIfiles and convert them to MidiShare sequence format. When loading a multi-tracks MIDIfile, the different tracks of the MIDIfile will correspond to different tracks of the MidiShare sequence.

Some examples
We give here some simple examples of the use of the Player library. They where written for the Macintosh but they can be easily adapted for other computers. The specific differences with the Macintosh is that the string arguments to some Players functions are in Pascal format (starting with \p like in \pExample1 ). If you run these examples on another computer, you need to remove the \p.

Example 1 : Opening and closing a Player

Program 1 opens a new empty Player using the OpenPlayer function, connect it to the Midi Output, then closes the Player using the ClosePlayer function, thats all.


1 #include <Player.h> main() { short myRefNum;

myRefNum = OpenPlayer("\pExample1"); MidiConnect(myRefNum,0,1); ClosePlayer (myRefNum); }

Example 2 : Loading and Playing a MIDIfile

Now an example using a MIDIfile, assuming that we have a MIDIfile whose filename is "HD500:test1", we open a Player with the test1 file, connect it to the Midi Output, then play the MIDIfile.


2 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <Player.h> main() { short myRefNum; MidiseqPtr mySeq; MidiFileInfos myInfo; myRefNum = OpenPlayer("\pExample2"); MidiConnect(myRefNum,0,1); mySeq = MidiNewSeq(); MidiFileLoad( "HD500:midifile1", mySeq, &myInfo); SetAllTrackPlayer (myRefnum, mySeq, info.clicks); printf("(type <ENTER> to start playing )\n"); getc(stdin); StartPlayer (myRefNum ); printf("(type <ENTER> to stop playing )\n"); getc(stdin); StopPlayer (myRefNum ); ClosePlayer (myRefNum); }

Example 3 : Recording a score and save it as a MIDIfile

In this example we will open a new Player, connect it to the Midi Input and the Midi Output, record some events and then save the result as a MIDIfile.


3 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <Player.h>

main() { short myRefNum; MidiseqPtr mySeq, myRecSeq; MidiFileInfos myInfo; myRefNum = OpenPlayer("\pExample3"); MidiConnect(myRefNum,0,1); MidiConnect(0,myRefNum,1); RecordPlayer (myRefnum, 1); // record on track one printf("(type <ENTER> to start recording )\n"); getc(stdin); ... play some events... printf("(type <ENTER> to stop recording )\n"); getc(stdin); myRecSeq= GetAllTrackPlayer (myRefnum); myInfo.format = midifile1; myInfo.timedef = TicksPerQuarterNote; myInfo.clicks = 500; MidiFileSave( "HD500:test2", myRecSeq, &myInfo); MidiFreeSeq (myRecSeq); ClosePlayer (myRefNum); }






Player state enum playerstatus {kIdle = 0, kPause, kRecording, kPlaying, kWaiting }; Track control and state #define kMaxTrack #define kMuteOn #define kMuteOff #define kSoloOn #define kSoloOff enum trackparameter Recording state #define kNoTrack #define kEraseMode #define kMixMode Loop control enum loop {kLoopOn = 0, kLoopOff}; Step playing control #define kStepPlay #define kStepMute Synchronisation management

256 1 0 1 0 { kMute = 0, kSolo };

-1 1 0

1 0

enum rcvsynchro { kInternalSync = 0, kClockSync, kSMPTESync, kExternalSync }; enum sendsynchro { kNoSyncOut = 0, kClockSyncOut }; MIDIFile management enum midifiletypes { midifile0 = 0, midifile1, midifile2}; 0 24 25 29 30

#define TicksPerQuarterNote #define Smpte24 #define Smpte25 #define Smpte29 #define Smpte30


Data Types
The PlayerState data structure allows to read the internal state of the Player for displaying purposes. typedef struct PlayerState* PlayerStatePtr; typedef struct PlayerState{ long date; /* date in millisecond */ long tempo; /* tempo in microsec/per/quarter-note */ short tsnum; /* time signature */ short tsdenom; short tsclick; short tsquarter; short short short short short short bar; beat; unit; state; syncin; syncout; /* position in musical time */

/* player state */ /* synchronisation IN state */ /* synchronisation OUT state */

}PlayerState; MidiFileInfos data structure must be used when reading and writing MIDIfile. typedef struct MidiFileInfos* MidiFileInfosPtr; typedef struct MidiFileInfos { long format; /* file format */ long timedef; /* time definition */ long clicks; /* tick/per/quarter-note */ long tracks; /* number of tracks */ }MidiFileInfos; TPos data structure allows to provide position in musical time (bar, beat, unit ) to the Player.

typedef typedef short short short }Pos;

struct Pos* PosPtr; struct Pos{ bar; /* position in musical time */ beat; unit;


Error Codes


1 List of the error codes returned by some Player functions.

Name PLAYERnoErr -1 PLAYERerrAppl -2

Code /* no error */


/* Unable to open MidiShare application */


PLAYERerrEvent -3 /* No more MidiShare Memory */ PLAYERerrMemory -4 /* No more Memory PLAYERerrSequencer -5 /* Player error */


2 List of the error codes returned by MIDIfile functions.

Name NoErr ErrOpen ErrRead ErrWrite ErrVol ErrGetInfo ErrSetInfo 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



/* no error */ /* file Open error */ /* file read error */ */ */ */ format */ /* file write error */ /* Volume info volume /* GetFInfo error /* SetFInfo error /* bad MidiFile



DESCRIPTION This function allows to implement step playing. BackwardStepPlayer plays the previous group of notes (notes at the same date) and allows to move in the score by group of notes. BackwardStepPlayer takes care of the tracks state (mute or solo mode) and works only when the Player is idle.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void BackwardStepPlayer (short refnum, short state); ARGUMENTS refnum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. state : kStepPlay , kStepMute : event will be played or not. (Warning : in version 2.0, this argument is no longer used, events will always be played)

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) BackwardStepPlayer will be used to implement fast/backward playing. The function BackwardButton calls BackwardStepPlayer in a loop while mouse down.
void BackwardButton (refnum) { while (gMouseDown){ BackwardStepPlayer ( refNum , kStepPlay); ... wait some time... } }

See also ForwardStepPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Closes a Player given it's reference number. This function automatically free the internal score and close the MidiShare application. ClosePlayer can not be called at interrupt level.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI short ClosePlayer (short refnum); ARGUMENTS refnum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. See also OpenPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Starts playing from the current position in the score.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void ContPlayer (short refnum); ARGUMENTS refnum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. See also StartPlayer, StopPlayer, PausePlayer.


DESCRIPTION This function allows to implement step playing. ForwardStepPlayer plays the next group of notes (notes at the same date) and allows to move in the score by group of notes. ForwardStepPlayer takes care of the tracks state (mute or solo mode) and works only when the Player is idle.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void ForwardStepPlayer (short refnum, short state); ARGUMENTS refnum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. state : kStepPlay , kStepMute : event will be played or not. (Warning : in version 2.0, this argument is no longer used, events will always be played)

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) ForwardStepPlayer will be used to implement fast/forward playing. The function ForwardButton calls ForwardStepPlayer in a loop while mouse down.
void ForwardButton (refnum) { while (gMouseDown){ ForwardStepPlayer ( refNum , kStepPlay); ... wait some time... } }

See also BackwardStepPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Returns all the tracks contained in a Player as a MidiShare sequence. All tracks are mixed in a unique MidiShare sequence but are distinguish by the reference number of their events. The returned sequence is a COPY of the internal score. GetAllTrackPlayer can not be called at interrupt level.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI MidiSeqPtr GetAllTrackPlayer (short refnum); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player.

RESULT The result is MidiShare sequence where all tracks are mixed or 0 if the sequence can not be allocated.

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Get all tracks from a Player and save the sequence in a MIDIfile.
void SaveMidiFile (short refNum) { MidiSeqPtr mySeq; MidiFileInfos info; mySeq= GetAllTrackPlayer (refNum); myInfo.format = midifile1; myInfo.timedef = TicksPerQuarterNote; myInfo.clicks = 500; MidiFileSave( "HD500:test2", mySeq, &myInfo); MidiFreeSeq(mySeq);

See also GetTrackPlayer, SetAllTrackPlayer, SetTrackPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Returns information about the last event in the score: position in musical time and millisecond.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void GetEndScorePlayer(short refNum, PlayerStatePtr state); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. state : a PlayerStatePtr will be filled with information about the last event in the score : position in (Bar, Beat,Unit) and millisecond.


DESCRIPTION Returns the current value of the parameter solo or mute in a track.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI short GetParamPlayer(short refNum,short tracknum,short param); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player.

RESULT A short : is the value of the corresponding parameter. See also SetParamPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Returns the state of the Player at the current position. This function is usually used for state displaying purpose.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void GetStatePlayer (short refNum, PlayerStatePtr state); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. state : a PlayerStatePtr will be filled with the state of the Player.


DESCRIPTION Returns a track contained in a Player as a MidiShare sequence given the track number. The returned sequence is a COPY of the internal track. GetTrackPlayer can not be called at interrupt level.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI MidiSeqPtr GetTrackPlayer (short refnum, short tracknum); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. tracknum : the track number.

RESULT The result is a MidiShare sequence or 0 if the sequence can not be allocated.

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Get a track from a Player and save the sequence in a MIDIfile.
void SavePlayer (short refNum) { MidiSeqPtr mySeq; MidiFileInfos info; mySeq= GetTrackPlayer (myRefnum, 1); myInfo.format = midifile0; myInfo.timedef = TicksPerQuarterNote; myInfo.clicks = 500; MidiFileSave( "HD500:test2", mySeq, &myInfo); MidiFreeSeq(mySeq); }

See also GetAllTrackPlayer, SetAllTrackPlayer, SetTrackPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Load a MIDIfile and convert it into a MidiShare sequence. When loading a multi-tracks MIDIFile (format 1 or 2) the different tracks of the MIDIfile are distinguish by the reference number which are on them. It means that all events of track 0 have a reference number of 0, all events on track 1 have a reference number of 1 and so on. The function tries to restore (if possible) the Midi event port number using the InstrName event which has possibly been written by the MidiFileSave function (see MidiFileSave).

PROTOTYPE C ANSI long MidiFileLoad (char * filename, MidiSeqPtr s, MidiFileInfosPtr info); ARGUMENTS filename : a C string, the filename of the MIDIFile. s : a MidiSeqPtr : the sequence to be loaded. info : a MidiFileInfosPtr: used to record some information about the MIDIfile.

RESULT The result is a MIDIfile error code.


void LoadMF() { MidiSeqPtr mySeq = MidiNewseq(); MidiFileInfos myInfo; MidiFileLoad( "HD500:midifile1", mySeq, &myInfo); }

See also MidiFileSave.


DESCRIPTION Save a MidiShare sequence in a MIDIfile. When saving a format 1 MIDIfile, the function uses the events reference number to create different tracks in the MIDIfile. The function always write tracks in ascending order starting from track 0 (which is the TempoMap). Notes events are written as a KeyOn/KeyOff pair and EndTrack events are written automatically. If the sequence does not contain a Tempo Map, the function writes a default Tempo of 120 bpm and a Time Signature of 4/4. To save the Midi event port number, a InstrName event is included at the beginning of each track. This event contains the port number coded as a string like "Port 3" for example. This information will be used by the MidiFileLoad function to restore (if possible) the Midi event port number. Note that the port number will be the same for all event on the same track.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI long MidiFileSave (char * filename, MidiSeqPtr s, MidiFileInfosPtr info); ARGUMENTS filename : a C string, the filename of the MIDIFile. s : a MidiSeqPtr : the sequence to be saved. info : a MidiFileInfosPtr : used to record some information about the MIDIfile.

RESULT The result is a MIDIfile error code.


void SaveSeq(MidiSeqPtr seq) { MidiFileInfos myInfo;

myInfo.format = midifile1; myInfo.timedef = TicksPerQuarterNote; myInfo.clicks = 500; MidiFileSave( "HD500:test2", seq, &myInfo); 28

See also MidiFileLoad.


DESCRIPTION Opens a new empty Player and give it's MidiShare reference number as result. The tempo is assumed to be 120 bpm and the internal resolution is set by default to 500 ticks_per_quarter so that the internal time unit (tick) correspond exactly to one ms. Sequences will be loaded in a Player using SetAllTrackPlayer function. Any opened Player should be closed using the ClosePlayer function. OpenPlayer can not be called at interrupt level.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI short OpenPlayer (MidiName playerName); ARGUMENTS playerName: the name of the Player that is the name of the corresponding MidiShare application.

RESULT The result is a Player reference number.

EXAMPLE 1 (ANSI C) Opening of a new empty Player.

void Example1 () { short


myRefnum = OpenPlayer ("\pExample1"); .... .... }


EXAMPLE 2 (ANSI C) Opening of a Player with a MIDIfile.

void Example2 () { short myRefnum; MidiFileInfos myInfo; MidiSeqPtr mySeq = MidiNewSeq(); MidiFileLoad( "HD500:midifile1", mySeq, &myInfo); myRefNum = OpenPlayer("\pExample2"); SetAllTrackPlayer (myRefNum , mySeq , .... .... } myInfo.clicks);

See also ClosePlayer.


DESCRIPTION Stop a Player without sending the chased events (key-off ...).

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void PausePlayer (short refnum); ARGUMENTS refnum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. See also StartPlayer, StopPlayer, ContPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Sets a track in record mode. A Player can record in one track at a time. RecordPlayer called with kNoTrack parameter will disable all recording. The track being recorded can be changed while recording.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void RecordPlayer (short refnum, short tracknum); ARGUMENTS refnum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. tracknum : a 16-bit integer, it is the number of the track to be set in record mode: from 0 to 255. Parameter kNoTrack will switch off all recording.

EXAMPLE 1 (ANSI C) Sets a track in record mode and then start the Player.
void StartRecord (short refnum, short tracknum) { RecordPlayer (refnum, tracknum); StartPlayer(refnum); }

EXAMPLE 2 (ANSI C) Stop recording .

void StopAllRecording (short refnum) { RecordPlayer (refnum, kNoTrack); }

See also SetRecordModePlayer.


DESCRIPTION Replaces all tracks of a Player with a new MidiShare sequence. All tracks are mixed in a unique MidiShare sequence and should be distinguish by the value of the refnum field of the Midi events . The MidiShare sequence given as parameter will be internally used. It means that one must copy it before using SetAllTrackPlayer if one wants to keep it. SetAllTrackPlayer can not be called at interrupt level.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI long SetAllTrackPlayer (short refnum, MidiSeqPtr s, long tpq); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. s : a MidiSeqPtr, is a pointer on a sequence to be set in the Player. tpq : tick_per_quarter : the number of ticks per quarter note, usually read in the MIDIfile header.

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Sets a new sequence read from a MIDIfile into an already opened Player. The sequence is used internally by SetAllTrackPlayer.
short ..... myRefNum;

void SetNewMIDIfile( short refNum, filename) { MidiSeqPtr seq; MidiFileInfos info; seq = MidiNewSeq(); MidiFileLoad(filename, seq, &info); SetAllTrackPlayer (refnum, seq, info.clicks); }

See also GetAllTrackPlayer, GetTrackPlayer, SetTrackPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Sets the position of the loop end marker with a position given in musical time (Bar, Beat, Unit). This function can be used when the Player is moving .

PROTOTYPE C ANSI long SetLoopEndBBUPlayer (short refnum, PosPtr pos); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. pos : a PosPtr is a pointer to a position in musical time (Bar, Beat, Unit).

RESULT The result is a Player error code. This error is returned when trying to set a Loop end marker before a the Loop start marker or a Loop start after a Loop end marker.

See also SetLoopEndMsPlayer, SetLoopStartMsPlayer, SetLoopStartBBUPlayer, SetLoopPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Sets the position of the loop end marker with a date given in millisecond. This function can be used when the Player is moving.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI long SetLoopEndMsPlayer (short refnum long date); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. date : a date in millisecond.

RESULT The result is a Player error code. This error is returned when trying to set a Loop end marker before a the Loop start marker or a Loop start after a Loop end marker. See also SetLoopEndBBUPlayer, SetLoopStartMsPlayer, SetLoopStartBBUPlayer, SetLoopPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Switch on/off the loop state for the Player.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetLoopPlayer (short refnum, short state); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. state : kLoopOn or kLoopOff. See also SetLoopEndBBUPlayer, SetLoopEndMsPlayer, SetLoopStartMsPlayer, SetLoopStartBBUPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Sets the position of the loop start marker with a position given in musical time (Bar, Beat, Unit). This function can be used when the Player is moving.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI long SetLoopStartBBUPlayer (short refnum,PosPtr pos); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. pos : a PosPtr is a pointer to a position in musical time (Bar, Beat, Unit).

RESULT The result is a Player error code. This error is returned when trying to set a Loop end marker before a the Loop start marker or a Loop start after a Loop end marker. See also SetLoopEndBBUPlayer, SetLoopEndMsPlayer, SetLoopStartMsPlayer, SetLoopPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Sets the position of the loop start marker with a date given in millisecond. This function can be used when the Player is moving.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI long SetLoopStartMsPlayer (short refnum, long date); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. date : a date in millisecond.

RESULT The result is a Player error code. This error is returned when trying to set a Loop end marker before a the Loop start marker or a Loop start after a Loop end marker. See also SetLoopEndBBUPlayer, SetLoopEndMsPlayer, SetLoopStartBBUPlayer, SetLoopPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Sets parameters which define the behavior of a track: a track can be muted or played solo.


void SetparamPlayer (short refNum, short tracknum, short param, short val);

ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. tracknum : a 16-bit integer, is the track number to be set. param : is the parameter to be set (kMute or kSolo). val : is the value to be set, can be kMuteOn, kMuteOff, kSoloOn or kSoloOff.

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Mute the 10 first tracks.

short ..... myRefNum;

void MuteTracks( short refNum, seq) { short i; for (i = 1 ; i<= 10; i++) SetParamPlayer (refnum, i, kMute, kMuteOn); }

See also GetParamPlayer .


DESCRIPTION Changes the current position in the score. The new position is given as a position in musical time (Bar, Beat, Unit). This function can be used when the Player is moving.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetPosBBUPlayer (short refnum, PosPtr pos); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. pos : a PosPtr is a pointer to a position in musical time (Bar, Beat, Unit).

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Move the Player to the beginning of the 10 bar.

void MovePos (short refNum) { Pos pos; = 10; pos.beat = 1; pos.unit = 1; SetPosBBUPlayer } ( refNum, &pos);

See also SetPosMsPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Changes the current position in the score. The new position is given as a date in millisecond. This function can be used when the Player is moving. The conversion between the argument date in ms and the internal date in ticks is always done using the Tempo Map information of the Player.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetPosMsPlayer (short refnum, long date); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. date : a date in millisecond.

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Move the Player to the 10 s of the score.

void MovePlayer (short refNum) { long date; date = 10000; SetPosMsPlayer ( refNum, date); }

See also SetPosBBUPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Allows to set a record filter for the Player. Midi events can be filtered by types, channels and ports. The record filter does not interfere with the receive filter of the Player.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetRecordFilterPlayer (short refnum, FilterPtr filter); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. filter: a MidiShare FilterPtr (defined in MidiShare.h).

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Set the filter to record synchronization events.

void SetFilter (FilterPtr filter) { AcceptBit(filter->EvType,typeSongPos); AcceptBit(filter->EvType,typeClock); AcceptBit(filter->EvType,typeStart); AcceptBit(filter->EvType,typeContinue); AcceptBit(filter->EvType,typeStop); SetRecordFilterPlayer } ( refNum, filter);


DESCRIPTION Set the recording mode. A recording can be done in two mode : - kMixMode : recorded events are mixed in the recorded track. - kEraseMode : the track is completely deleted and recorded events are then inserted in the track. By default the recording state is set in kMixMode.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetRecordModePlayer (short refnum, short state); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. state : the recording state : can be kEraseMode or kMixMode. See also RecordPlayer.


DESCRIPTION For SMPTE synchronization mode, allows to set a SMPTE offset.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetSMPTEOffsetPlayer (short refnum, SmpteLocPtr smptepos); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. smptepos : a MidiShare SmpteLocPtr (defined in MidiShare.h).


DESCRIPTION Set the Player mode of synchronization, a Player can be in four synchronization mode : -kInternalSync : the Player uses its internal tempo map -kClockSync : The Player recognizes MIDI Clock at it's input and can be driven by Start, Stop, Continue, Clock and SongPos Midi messages. -kSMPTESync : This is a global synchronization mode for all MidiShare applications. A SMPTE offset can be set, and the Player will automatically starts when the SMPTE offset is reached. The Player will stop when incoming MTC disappears. -kExternalSync mode: The Player does not use it's internal Tempo Map anymore, recognizes incoming Tempo events and the internal tempo can be changed with the SetTempo function. The synchronization mode can be changed only when the Player is stopped. By default, the synchronization mode in kInternalSync.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetSynchroInPlayer (short refnum, short synchrostate); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. synchrostate : the synchronization state which can be kInternalSync , kClockSync, kSMPTEsync or kExternalSync .

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Set a Player in kClockSync mode.

void SetClockSync (short refNum) { SetSynchroInPlayer ( refNum , kClockSync); }

See also SetSynchroOutPlayer .


DESCRIPTION Set the Player mode of synchronization sending, which can be kNoSyncOut or kClockSyncOut . In this case start, stop, continue, and clock Midi messages are sent when the Player is running. By default, the synchronization mode in kNoSyncOut.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetSynchroOutPlayer(short refNum, short synchrostate); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. synchrostate : the synchronization state which can be kNoSyncOut or kClockSyncOut. See also SetSynchroInPlayer .


DESCRIPTION Allows to change the current tempo when the Player is in kExternalSync mode. Tempo is a value in micro-sec/per/quarter-note.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void SetTempoPlayer(short refNum, long tempo); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. tempo : the new tempo value in micro-sec/per/quarter-note.


DESCRIPTION Replace a track in a Player with a new MidiShare sequence. The existing track will be erased before the new track is set. The MidiShare sequence given as parameter will be internally used. It means that one must copy it before using SetTrackPlayer if one wants to keep it. SetTrackPlayer can not be called at interrupt level.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI long SetTrackPlayer(short refnum, short tracknum, MidiSeqPtr s); ARGUMENTS refNum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. tracknum : a 16-bit integer, is the track number to be set. s : a MidiSeqPtr, is a pointer on a sequence to be set in the Player.

RESULT The result is a Player error code.

EXAMPLE (ANSI C) Example1 : Set a new sequence into an already opened Player on track 1. The sequence is used internally by the SetTrackPlayer .
short ..... myRefNum;

void SetTrack( short refNum, seq) { SetTrackPlayer (refnum, 1, seq); }

See also GetAllTrackPlayer, GetTrackPlayer, SetAllTrackPlayer.


DESCRIPTION Starts a Player from the beginning of the score.

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void StartPlayer (short refnum); ARGUMENTS refnum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. See also StopPlayer, ContPlayer, PausePlayer.


DESCRIPTION Stop a Player and send the chased events (key-off ...)

PROTOTYPE C ANSI void StopPlayer (short refnum); ARGUMENTS refnum : a 16-bit integer, is the reference number of the Player. See also StartPlayer, ContPlayer, PausePlayer.


BackwardStepPlayer 19 ClosePlayer 20 ContPlayer 21 ForwardStepPlayer 22 GetAllTrackPlayer 23 GetEndScorePlayer 25 GetParamPlayer 26 GetStatePlayer 27 GetTrackPlayer 28 MidiFileLoad 29 MidiFileSave 30 OpenPlayer 32 PausePlayer 34 RecordPlayer 35 SetAllTrackPlayer 36 SetLoopEndBBUPlayer 37 SetLoopEndMsPlayer 38 SetLoopPlayer 39 SetLoopStartBBUPlayer 40 SetLoopStartMsPlayer 41 SetParamPlayer 42 SetPosBBUPlayer 43 SetPosMsPlayer 44 SetRecordFilterPlayer 45 SetRecordModePlayer 46 SetSMPTEOffsetPlayer 47 SetSynchroInPlayer 48 SetSynchroOutPlayer 50 SetTempoPlayer 51 SetTrackPlayer 52 StartPlayer 53 StopPlayer 54


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