University of Cambridge

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The universities in the United Kingdom (with the exception of The Open University.

University share an undergraduate admission system operated by UC+# +pp"ications must be made by 15 October for admissions to Oxford and Cambridge (and medicine% dentistry and veterinary science courses. and by 15 January for admissions to other UK universities !any universities now operate the Credit +ccumu"ation and Transfer #cheme (C+T#. and a"" universities in #cot"and use the #cottish Credit and 4ua"ifications 5ramewor/ (#C45. enab"ing easier transfer between courses and institutions One$ha"f ha"f of universities have "ost confidence in the grades that are awarded by secondary s schoo"s% and re&uire many app"icants to sit for a competitive entrance examination +ccording to the #choo"s !inister% 'strong evidence has been emerging of grade inf"ation across sub(ects6 in recent years #ome sub(ects% particu"ar"y if high"y competitive or that "ead to a professiona" &ua"ification% re&uire that students be interviewed rviewed prior to being offered a p"ace on the chosen course UK universities have a statutory ob"igation to support their students in the estab"ishment of some form of students) ts) union (sometimes a"so ca""ed a *students) association* or *gui"d of students*% and% in the #cottish +ncients% a #tudents) 7epresentative Counci" . These associations are sometimes members of the ,ationa" Union of #tudents of the United Kingdom and : or their "oca" ,ationa" Union of #tudents +reas -hether or not universities actua""y do conform to such such statutory ob"igations% and if% for examp"e% the code of practice of the ,U# (,ationa" Union of #tudents. is fo""owed when determining the ma/e$up up of such bodies is a hot"y contested and ambiguous matter There is no rea" or we""$ we"" imp"emented vetting service ce used to ensure that% for examp"e% #tudents) Union 0residents are fair"y (or non$discriminating"y. discriminating"y. se"ected 8 or that a minima"% standardised and regiona" method of ensuring an a""ocation of annua" university funding is directed towards such students) union union bodies

The University of Cambridge (informa""y /nown as *Cambridge University* or simp"y as *Cambridge*. is a co""egiate research university in Cambridge% 9ng"and Origina""y founded in 1123% it is the second$o"dest second university in 9ng"ish$spea/ing 9ng"ish areas% and the wor"d)s third$o"dest o"dest surviving university The university grew out of an association of scho"ars that was formed in 1123% ear"y records suggest% by scho"ars "eaving "eavin Oxford after a dispute with townsfo"/ The two *ancient universities* have many common features and are often (oint"y referred to as Oxbridge Today% Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions that inc"ude ;1 constituent co""eges and comprehensive academic departments which are organised into six #choo"s +"" these

organisations occupy different "ocations in the town inc"uding purpose"y$bui"t sites and the student "ife is found in the arts% sport c"ubs and societies <t has nurtured many notab"e a"umni% and 32 ,obe" "aureates have been affi"iated with the University Cambridge is a"so a member of various academic associations and forms part of the *go"den triang"e* of 9ng"ish universities <t is regu"ar"y p"aced among the wor"d)s best universities in different "eague tab"es Cambridge)s endowment of => 3 bi""ion in 121; is the "argest among a"" 9uropean educationa" institutions <n post$nomina"s the university)s name is abbreviated as Cantab% a shortened form of Cantabrigiensis which is an ad(ective derived from Cantabrigia (the ?atinised form of Cambridge. The officia" founding of Cambridge University is traced to the enhancement% by a charter in 11;1 from King @enry <<< of 9ng"and (the first 9ng"ish university to be granted oneA Oxford fo""owed in 11>B.% which awarded the ius non-trahi extra (a right to discip"ine its own members. p"us some exemption from taxes% and a bu"" in 11;; from 0ope Cregory <D that gave graduates from Cambridge the right to teach *everywhere in Christendom* #ir <saac ,ewton was a student of the University of Cambridge +"though diversified in its research and teaching interests% Cambridge today maintains its strength in mathematics Cambridge a"umni have won six 5ie"ds !eda"s and one +be" 0riEe for mathematics% whi"e individua"s representing Cambridge have won four 5ie"ds !eda"s The University a"so runs a !aster of +dvanced #tudy course in mathematics +fter the Cambridge University Act forma"ised the organiEationa" structure of the University% the study of many new sub(ects was introduced% such as theo"ogy% history and modern "anguages 7esources necessary for new courses in the arts% architecture and archaeo"ogy were generous"y donated by 7ichard 5itEwi""iam of Trinity Co""ege Fetween 1B3G and 1321% Howning Co""ege so"d part of its "and to bui"d the Downing Site% comprising new scientific "aboratories for anatomy% genetics and 9arth sciences Huring the same period% the New Museums Site was erected% inc"uding the Cavendish ?aboratory% which has since moved to the -est Cambridge #ite% and other departments for chemistry and medicine

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