Credit Risk Management

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Master of Business Administration Programme

University School of Management Studies Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110006

Under the guidance of: Dr. Deepak Tandon

Submitted by:
ManasKaushik Roll no.04316608909



The project study titled Credit Risk Management of Banks, submitted by Manaskaushik, in partial fulfillment for the Two Year MBA, 2009-2011, is a record of original work conducted by her/him, under my guidance and supervision. The work has not been submitted elsewhere for award of any degree/diploma.

Faculty Guide: Dr. Deepak Tandon


I feel great privilege & pleasure to express my sincere gratitude to my respected guide Dr. Deepak Tandonfor his thorough help & valuable guidance. He has been a pillar of strength right from foundation of the project & till the preparation of this report. He helped me by boosting the morale so that I could surmount the difficulties that came across during the completion of project. I would also like to express sincere thanks to Prof. Anu Singh Lather,Dean Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, University school of Management Studies, for providing me the opportunity to do this project. I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the staffs&my friends for their valuable suggestions & help in the various phases of project.

Decision making is a fundamental part of the research process. Decisions regarding that what you want to do, how you want to do, what tools and techniques must be used for the successful completion of the project. In fact it is the researchers efficiency as a decision maker that makes project fruitful for those who concern to the area of study. Basically when we are playing with computer in every part of life, I used it in my project not for the ease of my but for the ease of result explanation to those who will read this project. The project presents that how risk is managed in the banks,specialy the credit risk and what are the which can be used to manage it. I had toiled to achieve the goals desired. Being a neophyte in this highly competitive world of business, I had come across several difficulties to make the objectives a reality. I am presenting this hand carved efforts in black and white. If anywhere something is found not in tandem to the theme then you are welcome with your valuable suggestions.


1. Introduction 2. Principles of Credit Risk 3. Banks Covered ICICI HDFC Standard Chartered State Bank of India Union bank

4. Basel 2 norms 5. Preparing for Basel 3 6. Research Methodology 7. Seven Forces of Continuity and Change analysis 8. Conclusion 9. Refrence 10. Questionnaire


Credit risk is the possibility of loss due to changes in quality of counterparties. Because there are many types of counterpartiesfrom individuals to sovereign governmentsand many different types of obligationsfrom auto loans to derivatives transactionscredit risk takes many forms. Institutions manage it in different ways. Many banks, investment managers and insurance companies hire their own credit analysts who prepare credit ratings for internal use. Other firmsincluding Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitchare in the business of developing credit ratings for use by investors or other third parties. Institutions that have publicly traded debt hire one or more of them to prepare credit ratings for their debt. Those credit ratings are then distributed for little or no charge to investors. Some regulators also develop credit ratings The various parameters to evaluate credit risk would be specified in the study. While financial institutions have faced difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons, the major cause of serious banking problems are: 1. Lax credit standards for borrowers and counterparties 2. Poor portfolio risk management 3. Lack of attention to changes in economic or other circumstances that can lead to deterioration in the credit standing of a banks counterparties. This experience is common in both G-10 and non-G-10 countries.

Credit Risk Credit risk is most simply defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms. The goal of credit risk management is to maximise a banks risk adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters. Banks need to manage the credit risk inherent in the entire portfolio as well as the risk in individual credits or transactions. Banks should also consider the relationships between credit risk and other risks. The effective management of credit risk is a critical component of a comprehensive approach to risk management and essential to the long-term success of any banking organisation. For most banks, loans are the largest and most obvious source of credit risk; however, other sources of credit risk exist throughout the activities of a bank, including in the banking book and in the trading book, and both on and off the balance sheet. Since exposure to credit risk continues to be the leading source of problems in banksworld-wide, banks and their supervisors should be able to draw useful lessons from past experiences. Banks should now have a keen awareness of the need to identify, measure, monitor and control credit risk as well as to determine that they hold adequate capital against these risks and that they are adequately compensated for risks incurred.

A comprehensive credit risk management program should address these four areas. These practices should also be applied in conjunction with sound practices related to the assessment of asset quality, the adequacy of provisions and reserves and the disclosure of credit risk.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Establishing an appropriate credit risk environment; Operating under a sound credit granting process; Maintaining an appropriate credit measurement and monitoring process; Ensuring adequate controls over credit risk administration,


A. Establishing an appropriate credit risk environment Principle 1: The board of directors should have responsibility for approving and periodically reviewing the credit risk strategy and significant credit risk policies of the bank. The strategy should reflect the banks tolerance for risk and the level of profitability the bank expects to achieve for incurring various credit risks. Principle 2: Senior management should have responsibility for implementing the credit risk strategy approved by the board of directors and for developing policies and procedures for identifying, measuring, monitoring and controlling credit risk. Such policies and procedures should address credit risk in all of the banks activities and at both the individual credit and portfolio levels. Principle 3: Banks should identify and manage credit risk inherent in all products and activities. Banks should ensure that the risks of products and activities new to them are subject to adequate procedures and controls before being introduced or undertaken, and approved in advance by the board of directors or its appropriate committee.

B. Operating under a sound credit granting process Principle 4: Banks must operate under sound, well-defined credit-granting criteria.These criteria should include a thorough understanding of the borrower or counterparty, as well as the purpose and structure of the credit, and its source of repayment. Principle 5: Banks should establish overall credit limits at the level of individual borrowers and counterparties, and groups of connected counterparties that aggregate in a comparable and meaningful manner different types of exposures, both in the banking and trading book and on and off the balance sheet Principle 6: Banks should have a clearly-established process in place for approving new credits as well as the extension of existing credits. Principle 7: All extensions of credit must be made on an arms-length basis. In particular, credits to related companies and individuals must be monitored with particular care and other appropriate steps taken to control or mitigate the risks of connected lending.


C. Maintaining an appropriate credit administration, measurement and monitoring process. Principle 8: Banks should have in place a system for the ongoing administration of their various credit risk-bearing portfolios. Principle 9: Banks must have in place a system for monitoring the condition of individual credits, including determining the adequacy of provisions and reserves. Principle 10: Banks should develop and utilise internal risk rating systems in managing credit risk. The rating system should be consistent with the nature, size and complexity of a banks activities. Principle 11: Banks must have information systems and analytical techniques that enable management to measure the credit risk inherent in all on- and off-balance sheet activities. The management information system should provide adequate information on the composition of the credit portfolio, including identification of any concentrations of risk. Principle 12: Banks must have in place a system for monitoring the overall composition and quality of the credit portfolio. Principle 13: Banks should take into consideration potential future changes in economic conditions when assessing individual credits and their credit portfolios, and should assess their credit risk exposures under stressful conditions.

D. Ensuring adequate controls over credit risk Principle 14: Banks should establish a system of independent, ongoing credit review and the results of such reviews should be communicated directly to the board of directors and senior management. Principle 15: Banks must ensure that the credit-granting function is being properly managed and that credit exposures are within levels consistent with prudential standards and internal limits. Banks should establish and enforce internal controls and other practices to ensure that exceptions to policies, procedures and limits are reported in a timely manner to the appropriate level of management. Principle 16: Banks must have a system in place for managing problem credits and various other workout situations. E. The role of supervisors Principle 17: Supervisors should require that banks have an effective system in place to identify, measure, monitor and control credit risk as part of an overall approach to risk management.Supervisors should conduct an independent evaluation of a banks strategies, policies, practices and procedures related to the granting of credit and the ongoing management of the portfolio. Supervisors should consider setting prudential limits to restrict bank exposures to single borrowers or groups of connected counterparties.

ICICI Bank Risk Management in ICICI Bank As a financial intermediary, ICICI Bank is exposed to risks that are particular to its lending and trading businesses and the environment within which it operates. ICICI Banks goal in risk management is to ensure that it understands measures and monitors the various risks that arise and that the organization adheres strictly to the policies and procedures which are established to address these risks. As a financial intermediary, ICICI Bank is primarily exposed to credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk and legal risk. ICICI Bank has a central Risk, Compliance and Audit Group with a mandate to identify, assess, monitor and manage all of ICICI Banks principal risks in accordance with well-defined policies and procedures. The Head of the Risk, Compliance and Audit Group reports to the Executive Director responsible for the Corporate Center, which does not include any business groups, and is thus independent from ICICI Banks business units. The Risk, Compliance and Audit Group coordinate with representatives of the business units to implement ICICI Banks risk methodologies. Committees of the board of directors have been constituted to oversee the various risk management activities. The Audit Committee of ICICI Banks board of directors provides direction to and also monitors the quality of the internal audit function. The Risk Committee of ICICI Banks board of directors reviews risk management policies in relation to various risks including portfolio, liquidity, interest rate, off-balance sheet and operational risks, investment policies and strategy, and regulatory and compliance issues in relation thereto. The Credit Committee of ICICI Banks board of directors reviews developments in key industrial sectors and ICICI Banks exposure to these sectors.


The Asset Liability Management Committee of ICICI Banks board of directors is responsible for managing the balance sheet and reviewing the asset-liability position to manage ICICI Banks market risk exposure. The Agriculture & Small Enterprises Business Committee of ICICI Banks board of directors, which was constituted in June 2003 but has not held any meetings to date, will, in addition to reviewing ICICI Banks strategy for small enterprises and agribusiness, also review the quality of the agricultural lending and small enterprises finance credit portfolio. As shown in the following chart, the Risk, Compliance and Audit Group is organized into six subgroups: Credit Risk Management, Market Risk Management, Analytics, Internal Audit, Retail Risk Management and Credit Policies and Reserve Bank of India Inspection. The Analytics Unit develops proprietary quantitative techniques and models for risk measurement



Managing Director and CEO

Audit/ Risk/ Credit/Agriculture & Small Enterprises Business Committee of the Board

Executive Director/Corporate Center

Head Risk Compliance & Audit Group


Internal Audit

Credit Policies{RBI }

Retail Risk Managemen t

Market Risk Management

Credit Risk Management


Risk Management and SME lending of ICICI Bank Risk of ICICI bank in SME lending is: Opaque financials - tax planning oriented Asymmetric financial data - cannot be extrapolated for projections Credit risk correlated with parent industry segment as well as parent corporate SME loans have high credit process costs Exhibit high variation in expected losses within segments Risk Management is crucial to SME portfolio due to the following reasons: Pricing presently flat across risk spectrum Need for risk adjusted pricing SME portfolio capital intensive with high potential losses Capital charges will in future be related to credit exposure and potential losses (Basle II) Credit risk needs to be handled at portfolio level Asset classes rather than individual loans Transaction history crucial input for portfolio supervision and monitoring The approach to risk assessment Industry : Correlation with industry trends, Corporate linkages and length of relationships Business : length of operations, sustainable levels Management : Promoter family, Collateral, market standing (trade references) Financial : Sales, cash flows, availability of informal credit Transactional : Payment history, cash flows, defaults, return of collections etc.


Managing Risk with the GIS system (For the purpose of Insurance) Risk management is defined as the process of planning, organising, leading and controlling the activities of an organisation in order to minimize the effects of risk on the said organisations capital and earnings. Enterprise risk management expands this process to include not just the risks associated with accidental losses, but also financial, strategic, operational, and other risks as well. ICICI Lombard used a Risk Management System (RMS) that helped it zoom into spatial level risk data representing real-world entities including both geo-referenced and quantitative attributes attached to it at a national scale. It also used GIS solutions to use tools, maps, and latest census demographic data. This helped the company get a clearer picture of the levels of risks associated not just with financial information, but also with natural risk-prone geographies. It allowed the company to understand its customers better and make strategies according to the more accurate levels of perception offered by the solution. The use of a GIS-based RMS was essentially to identify areas on a map with high population density, a large concentration of rental properties, or other demographic characteristics that affect whether to underwrite a property for fire or burglary insurance. For an insurance organisation like us it makes sense to have such systems as it helps in determining the correct details of a property. The RMS helps to zoom into spatial level risk data representing realworld entities including both geo-referenced and quantitative attributes attached to it at a national scale. This application helps to


manage risks in a better way, and operate more efficiently by geographically assessing and analysing information about underwriting, risk management, and customer service. MapInfo, a Geographical Information System (GIS) based desktop application is used for deploying the RMS and help assess and analyse information related to policy and customer concentrations. It includes risk information and analysis of different nature, such as estimated impact of frequency and severity of earthquakes or other natural calamities, which ultimately leads to efficient management of risk and correct pricing of policies.



Risk Management in HDFC Bank

HDFC Bank has formulated a Risk Management Framework. The Risk Management Committee (RMC) apprises the Audit Committee and the board of the risk assessment and mitigation mechanisms of the Corporation. The RMC comprises the Executive Director as chairperson and senior management heading key functional areas as members of the committee. During the year, the Audit Committee and the board reviewed the efficacy of the Risk Management Framework, the key risks associated with the business of the Corporation and the measures in place to mitigate the same. The audit committee formulated a Risk Management Framework. The Risk Management Committee (RMC) apprises the Audit Committee and the board of the risk assessment and mitigation mechanisms of the Corporation. The RMC comprises the Executive Director as chairperson and senior management heading key functional areas as members of the committee. During the year, the Audit Committee and the board reviewed the efficacy of the Risk Management Framework, the key risks associated with the business of the Corporation and the measures in place to mitigate the same.


Risk Management through ALM technique There are three different but related ways of managing financial risks. The first is to purchase insurance. But this is viable only for certain type of risks such as credit risks, which arise if the party to a contract defaults. The second approach refers to asset liability management (ALM). This involves careful balancing of assets and liabilities. It is an exercise towards minimizing exposure to risks by holding the appropriate combination of assets and liabilities so as to meet earnings target of the firm. The third option, which can be used either in isolation or in conjuction with the first two options, is hedging. It is to an extent similar to ALM. But while ALM involves on-balance sheet positions, hedging involves off-balance sheet positions. Products used for hedging include futures, options, forwards and swaps. It is ALM, which requires the most attention for managing the financial performance of banks. Asset-liability management can be performed on a per-liability basis by matching a specific asset to support each liability. Alternatively, it can be performed across the balance sheet. With this approach, the net exposure of the banks liabilities is determined, and a portfolio of assets is maintained, which hedges those exposures.


Asset-liability analysis is a flexible methodology that allows the bank to test interrelationships between a wide variety of risk factors including market risks, liquidity risks, actuarial risks, management decisions, uncertain product cycles, etc. However, it has the shortcoming of being highly subjective. It is up to the bank to decide what mix would be suitable to it in a given scenario. Therefore, successful implementation of the risk management process in banks would require strong commitment on the part of the senior management to integrate basic operations and strategic decision making with risk management. The scope of ALM function can be described as follows: Liquidity risk management. Management of market risks. Trading risk management. Funding and capital planning Profit planning and growth projection. The objective function of the risk management policy in financial entities is two fold. It aims at profitability through price matching while ensuring liquidity by means of maturity matching. Price matching aims to maintain interest spreads by ensuring that deployment of liabilities will be at a rate more than the costs. This exercise would indicate whether the institution is in a position to benefit from rising interest rates by having a positive gap (assets > liabilities) or whether it is in a position to benefit from declining interest rates by a negative gap (liabilities > assets). The gap between the interest rates (on assets/liabilities) can therefore be used as a measure of interest rate sensitivity. These spreads can however, be achieved if interest rate movements are known with accuracy.

Similarly, grouping assets/liabilities based on their maturity profile ensures liquidity. The gap is then assessed to identify future financing requirements. However, there are often maturity mismatches, which may to a certain extent affect the expected results.


Standard Chartered Bank

Risk Management of Standard Chartered Bank

Standard Chartered is the world's leading emerging markets bank headquartered in London. It offers both consumer and wholesale banking services. The bank employs 30,000 people in over 500 locations in more than 50 countries including the Asia Pacific Region, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the United Kingdom and the Americas. The world-wide IT infrastructure features 5,000 servers and 35,000 desktops. IT supports 600 different applications. The main business problem is that it needs an effective method for tackling critical security problems quickly and efficiently in a high risk high profile environment. Further, developing an effective, global, risk-driven approach to security in a highly distributed enterprise is on the agenda. Standard Chartered's Requirements Prioritise patching effectively Detect vulnerabilities quickly Integrate easily with existing proprietary security approach Solution QualysGuard Enterprise to automate the network discovery, scanning, patching and verification process


Why Qualys? Accuracy Ease of global deployment Scalability Value for money Integration with established security operations

The stakes are very high indeed. With our many large and complex interconnections to the outside world, it's vital to carry out effective patch management. Our aim is to achieve the right level of security through implementing an appropriate risk-based strategy. This cannot be achieved without a clear and accurate understanding of what needs patching and ensuring that it remains reliably patched. We use QualysGuard as a dynamic tool to underpin this process The aim is to achieve the right level of security on our global networks. This means a clear and accurate understanding of what needs patching and ensuring that it remains reliably patched. We rely upon QualysGuard to underpin this process. Being able to report on remediation and response plans has also helped us meet strict financial compliance requirements. QualysGuard reports give me and my security team an instant overview of the overall level of health of security in my organisation.


Standard Chartered's Need for Vulnerability Management Security monitoring in an environment like Standard Chartered's requires the capability to cover diverse IT platforms - including both Windows and Linux - and many applications and services. Its goal was to consolidate these ad-hoc efforts into one cohesive, global process with clear visibility, follow through and accountability. Before the introduction of enterprise vulnerability management, Standard Chartered's network topology and system configurations were unknown. Local operating teams performed only occasional scanning with various tools. Spot audits were made through penetration- testing and there was no rigorous methodology to assess exposure and take corrective action. The bank evaluated four alternatives including tools from Foundscan, ISS, Vigilante and X-Force but eventually, it selected QualysGuard on six clear criteria: Scanning accuracy, deployability, scalability, ease-of-use, integration capabilities and overall cost effectiveness. "It was the only solution which met our demands without compromise, giving the bank a reliable, centralised method for protecting our critical assets worldwide. Their experience of rolling out QualysGuard has been remarkably painless. Working with our integration team in both London and Singapore, the service has been consistently high.


The role of Vulnerability Management at Standard Chartered By introducing vulnerability management, Standard Chartered gained a clear picture of the exposure with common standards worldwide. The company has been able to quickly prioritise remediation; get security and operating teams to work together smoothly and effectively and empowered outsourcing vendors to meet specific security service level agreements. Many major viruses have the ability to recur and creep insidiously back into the network causing considerable problems; another reason why on-going scanning is important. Although Standard Chartered Bank was not hit the first time round by SQL Slammer, it did manage to infect the network a number of months later due to difficulties in restoring patched server builds after operational problems. Our IDS engines and QualysGuard enabled the Bank to pinpoint rapidly the source of the problem and close it down, avoiding major infection. Reports Help to Improve Risk Management and to Address Regulatory Requirements QualysGuard's easily accessible reports provide a clear audit trail for fixing vulnerabilities. Delivered on a monthly basis to the bank's operational risk committee, they have enabled Standard Chartered to improve its risk management methodology and address regulatory requirements that impact financial institutions.


These reports help the security group support the front-line production operations team more effectively to patch and maintain the security of the whole network. They allow centralised management by checking the patch management performance, tracking patching actions to completion and distributing tasks to the relevant geographic support group. Regulatory pressures and increased exposure are driving more complex requirements for managing security risk. The vulnerability management strategy gained the bank ability to view and act upon security risk as it pertains to our organisation's assets. The reports also enable management to justify the investments we need and further define the security strategy. Today, the bank really can deploy our security manpower much more effectively in both preparing and responding to security incidents. Standard Chartered Bank, an international bank that provides interest rate derivatives products for corporate customers globally, is expanding its Sun Microsystems technology infrastructure in four offices worldwide as it implements a more sophisticated, objectoriented global derivatives trading system.


State Bank of India

Risk Management in SBI

In a rapidly growing economy with high credit expansion, changing portfolio composition, and large movements in financial markets (currency exchange rates, interest rates, equity and commodity prices), risk management assumes even greater importance. As SBI enter new areas of business, there will be different risks. Strengthening of risk management practices will therefore crucial. This year SBI Bank will be adopting a New Capital Adequacy Framework in line with Basel II norms, along with other banks that have international presence. This will lead to a more efficient allocation of capital resources based on improved risk assessment. SBI Bank has put in place an independent risk governance structure, in line with international best practices to measure, monitor and control risk. A Chief Risk Officer has been appointed to ensure integrated risk management for credit, market and operational risks. Furthermore, an Integrated Risk Management Policy with Groupwide perspective will be put in place this year, establishing a systematic process to manage risk and assist in the allocation of capital across the diverse range of activities. SBI also seek to enhance the use of various methods of risk mitigation available to the bank.


The Risk Management unit is a separate division within the organization headed by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO). A Risk Management Committee, comprising the MD, Deputy CEO, CRO, COO, CIO and the CMO meets on a regular basis to manage risk within the organization. The CRO is responsible for risk management over all the functions within the organization including Investments, Marketing, Operations, etc. Currently, the CRO is an experienced investment professional and is assisted by a two-member team, one being an investment Professional with an MBA in Finance and the other being an investment professional deputed from SGAM.


Union Bank

Risk Management in Union Bank

Risk is inherent part of Banks business. Effective Risk Management is critical to any Bank for achieving financial soundness. In view of this, aligning Risk Management to Banks organizational structure and business strategy has become integral in banking business. Over a period of year, Union Bank of India (UBI) has taken various initiatives for strengthening risk management practices. Bank has an integrated approach for management of risk and in tune with this, formulated policy documents taking into account the business requirements / best international practices or as per the guidelines of the national supervisor. These policies address the different risk classes viz., Credit Risk, Market Risk and Operational Risk. The issues related to Credit Risk are addressed in the Policies stated below; Loan Policy Credit Monitoring Policy Real Estate Policy Credit Risk Management Policy Collateral Risk Management Policy Recovery Policy Treasury Policy


The Policies and procedures for Market Risks are articulated in the ALM Policy and Treasury Policy. The Operational Risk Management involves framework for management of operational risks faced by the Bank. The issues related to this risk is addressed by; Operational Risk Management Policy Business Continuity Policy Outsourcing Policy Disclosure Policy

Besides, the above Board mandated Policies, Bank has detailed Internal Control Principles communicated to the business lines for ensuring adherence to various norms like Anti-Money Laundering, Information Security, Customer complaints, Reconciliation of accounts, Book-keeping etc. Oversight Mechanism Our Board of Directors has the overall responsibility of ensuring that adequate structures, policies and procedures are in place for risk management and that they are properly implemented. Board approves our risk management policies and also sets limits by assessing our risk appetite, skills available for managing risk and our risk bearing capacity. Board has delegated this responsibility to a sub-committee: the Supervisory Committee of Directors on Risk Management & Asset Liability Management. This is the Apex body / Committee is responsible for supervising the risk management activities of the Bank.

Further, Bank has the following separate committees of top executives and dedicated Risk Management Department: Credit Risk Management Committee (CRMC): This Committee deals with issues relating to credit policies and procedure and manages the credit risk on a Bank-wide basis Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO): This Committee is the decision-making unit responsible for balance sheet planning and management from the angle of risk-return perspective including management of market risk Operational Risk Management Committee (ORMC): This Committee is responsible for overseeing Banks operational risk management policy and process Risk Management Department of the Bank provides support functions to the risk management committees mentioned above through analysis of risks and reporting of risk positions and making recommendations as to the level and degree of risks to be assumed. The department has the responsibility of identifying, measuring and monitoring the various risk faced the bank, assist in developing the policies and verifying the models that are used for risk measurement from time to time


Credit Risk Credit Risk Management Policy of the Bank dictates the Credit Risk Strategy These Polices spell out the target markets, risk acceptance / avoidance levels, risk tolerance limits, preferred levels of diversification and concentration, credit risk measurement, monitoring and controlling mechanisms. Standardized Credit Approval Process with well-established methods of appraisal and rating is the pivot of the credit management of the bank. Bank has comprehensive credit rating / scoring models being applied in the spheres of retail and non-retail portfolios of the bank. The Credit rating system of the Bank has eight borrower grades for standard accounts and three grades for defaulted borrowers. Proactive credit risk management practices in the form of studies of rating-wise distribution, rating migration, probability of defaults of borrowers, Portfolio Analysis of retail lending assets, periodic industry review, Review of Country, Currency, Counter-party and Group exposures are only some of the prudent measures, the bank is engaged in mitigating risk exposures. The current focus is on augmenting the banks abilities to quantify risk in a consistent, reliable and valid fashion, which will ensure advanced level of sophistication in the Credit Risk Measurement and Management in the years ahead.


Basel-ll The New Basel Capital Accord, also known as Basel II, is one of the banking industry's top priorities. Basel II is the basis for the minimum capital requirements for banks and was created in response to the tremendous growth in international financial markets that has occurred over the past few years. The new regulations are intended to encourage banks to manage their capital appropriately and in particular to improve their risk control processes. Although the new requirements are not yet finalized, the main implications of the New Basel Capital Accord are evident today.

Specifically, Basel II is built on three pillars that:

Require banks to align their minimum capital requirements more closely to their actual risk of economic loss. Establish management policies and procedures, enabling banks to exercise sound judgment and set sufficient capital aside to protect against potential credit, market and operational risks, and Motivate prudent management by enhancing the degree of transparency in banks public reporting.


In redefining how banks worldwide calculate regulatory capital and report compliance to regulators and the public, the Basel ll Accord is intended to enhance safety and soundness in the financial system by placing greater emphasis on banks own internal control and risk management processes and models, the supervisory review process, and market discipline. Its rather complex recommendations will very likely result in a variety of regulatory compliance challenges for banks in the Middle East as it has around the globe. These great challenges should be viewed as an opportunity and not as a burden. The ability to demonstrate compliance will certainly set the seal on what is already a mature financial structure in the region. Basel lls risk focus provides banks and financial practitioners with new impetus to concentrate on comprehensive risk management. While the 1988 Capital Accord addressed market and credit risks, Basel ll substantially changes the treatment of credit risk and also requires that banks have adequate capital to cover operational risks. It calls for ongoing improvements in risk assessment and mitigation. While many bank leaders have recognized the important significance of evolving operational risks, many do not yet accept them as a distinct class of risks or understand fully the business benefits banks can accrue from a comprehensive, consistent strategy to operational risk management. Basel ll brings a fresh imperative to the issue by asking banks to implement an enterprise-wide risk management framework that encompasses operational risks. The quantifying of operational risk should not be regarded as a goal in itself. The most glittering prize is a comprehensive improvement in the management of operational risks.


It is widely accepted that the new Accords risk management requirements are likely to prompt significant changes in the core business of an individual bank as well as in its organisational structure. Under Basel ll, the outputs of better management of c redit and operational risk will result from the inputs of a macroeconomic capital model by which banks can allocate capital to various functions and transactions depending on risk. Quite apart from the new or amended methodology that must be adopted, the new capital requirements will also require change in resource needs, processes and IT system architecture. This creates choices as to whether a bank continues to receive a return on its existing systems, albeit enhanced with Monarch s data and report mining applications or roll out new technology with all that such a strategy means in terms of cost, write offs, retraining, and so forth.

Why Basel II? In introducing the concept of risk-based capital ratios, Basel I established the important principle that regulatory capital requirements should be related to risk. At various times, of course, supervisors have also made important adjustments to the Basel I framework, such as the Market Risk Amendment mentioned earlier. Nonetheless, advances in risk management and the increasing complexity of financial activities have prompted international supervisors to review the appropriateness of regulatory capital standards under Basel I, particularly for the largest and most complex banking organizations.


The supervisory organizations have agreed that Basel I, with its broad-brush system for setting the risk weights on various classes of bank assets, is increasingly inadequate for measuring risk and the appropriate level of capital for such firms. For example, under Basel I, a bank's regulatory capital requirement takes no account of the specific risk profile of its commercial loan portfolio, deterioration in asset quality, the risks of certain offbalance-sheet transactions or fee-based activities, and actions banks may take to mitigate balance sheet risks. Supervisors recognize that some of the largest and most complex banking organizations have already moved well beyond Basel I in the sophistication of their risk management and internal capital models. As risk-management practices continue to evolve, the gulf between the determinants of minimum regulatory capital under Basel I and what these banks actually do to manage risk will widen. Most important, if the regulatory capital required of these organizations does not adequately reflect the risks they are actually taking, the safety and soundness of the U.S. banking system may be jeopardized. The U.S. banking agencies have proposed the adoption of the Basel II accord because it links the risk-taking of large banking organizations to their regulatory capital in a more meaningful way than does Basel I and encourages further progress in risk management. It does this by building on the risk-measurement and risk-management practices of the most sophisticated banking organizations and providing incentives for further improvements. Moreover, by providing a framework to be applied consistently across banks, Basel II will make it easier for supervisors to identify banks whose capital is not commensurate with their risk levels and to evaluate emerging risks in the banking system as a whole. Broadly, the Basel II framework encompasses three pillars. Pillar 1 is risk-focused minimum regulatory capital requirements, pillar 2 is supervisory review, and pillar 3 is market discipline. Under pillar 1, the risk sensitivity of minimum risk-based capital requirements would be much greater than under the current accord. This greater sensitivity

would be achieved by linking each banking organization's capital requirement to empirically based measures of credit and operational risk; these measures would be determined in part by risk parameters estimated by the banks, such as a loan's probability of default and its expected loss given default. The methods used to construct these estimates would be subject to regulatory requirements and supervisory guidance and review, including a requirement that the risk parameters used for pillar 1 be consistent with risk assessments actually used by the bank for its internal risk management. The pillar 1 treatment of credit risk also reflects more accurately the risk-reducing effects of guarantees, credit derivatives, and securitization, thus improving regulatory capital incentives for banks to hedge credit risks. The incorporation of operational risk in pillar 1 is based on the recognition that, indeed, operational failures are a potentially important risk that banks should seek to minimize. Pillar 2 of the new accord provides a consistent framework for improving supervisory assessments of capital adequacy and risk management. Under pillar 2, a bank would be required to maintain capital in excess of the regulatory minimums to capture the full set of risks to which the bank is exposed. These include liquidity risk, interest rate risk, and concentration risk, none of which are reflected in pillar 1. Currently, U.S. banking regulators assess a bank's overall capital adequacy as a normal part of the examination process. But the overall quality of assessments of capital adequacy, both by supervisor and by each bank, should improve greatly under Basel II because of the expanded information that will be available from pillar 1, from supervisory reviews under pillar 2, and from the bank's own analyses. Under pillar 3, banks will be required to disclose to the public the new risk-based capital ratios and more-extensive information about the credit quality of their portfolios and their practices in measuring and managing risk. Such disclosures should make banks more transparent to financial markets and thereby improve market discipline.

Taken together, these three pillars provide a broad and coherent framework for linking regulatory capital to risk, for improving internal risk measurement and management, and for enhancing supervisory and market discipline at large, complex, internationally active banks. The three pillars build on the risk-management approaches of well-managed banks and better align regulatory and supervisory practices with the way the best-run banks are actually managed. As a result, Basel II will be better able than the current system to adapt over time to innovations in banking and markets. In addition, Basel II sets standards for the measurement and management of risk and for related disclosures that will give banks ongoing incentives to improve their practices in these areas. Although the Basel II framework provides the basis for modernizing the supervision of large, internationally active banks, I emphasize that it remains in many ways a work in progress.1 Important details remain to be worked out, and much work remains to be done by both banks and supervisors to ensure that the system works as intended. The Federal Reserve Board has only recently approved a notice of proposed rulemaking, which invites comments from interested parties on all aspects of the proposed rules. The Federal Reserve and the other bank supervisors will review these comments carefully and will continue to consult widely. Under current plans, the transition to the new system will be gradual--no U.S. bank will have its capital requirement determined unconditionally by Basel II before 2012--and implementation will be subject to a number of safeguards. The supervisory agencies are also committed to continued review and adjustment of the system as experience accumulates.


Pillar 1: Calculation of minimum capital requirements

Pillar 1 presents the calculation of the total minimum capital requirements for credit, market and operational risk. The capital ratio is calculated using the definition of regulatory capital and riskweighted assets. The total capital ratio must be no lower than 8%. Tier 2 capital is limited to 100% of Tier 1 capital. Risk-weighted assets Total risk-weighted assets are determined by multiplying the capital requirements for market risk and operational risk by 12.5 (i.e. the reciprocal of the minimum capital ratio of 8%) and adding the resulting figures to the sum of risk-weighted assets for credit risk. The Committee will review the calibration of the Framework prior to its implementation. It may apply a scaling factor in order to broadly maintain the aggregate level of minimum capital requirements, while also providing incentives to adopt the more advanced risk-sensitive approaches of the Framework.11 The scaling factor is applied to the risk-weighted asset amounts for credit risk assessed under the IRB approach.

Transitional arrangements For banks using the IRB approach for credit risk or the Advanced Measurement Approaches (AMA) for operational risk, there will be a capital floor following implementation of this framework. If the floor amount is larger, banks are required to add 12.5 times the difference to risk-weighted assets.

The capital floor is based on application of the 1988 Accord. It is derived by applying an adjustment factor to the following amount: i. 8% of the risk-weighted assets ii. plus Tier 1 and Tier 2 deductions. iii. less the amount of general provisions that may be recognised in Tier 2. The adjustment factor for banks using the foundation IRB approach for the year beginning year-end 2006 is 95%. The adjustment factor for banks using (i) either the foundation and/or advanced IRB approaches, and/or (ii) the AMA for the year beginning year-end 2007 is 90%, and for the year beginning year-end 2008 is 80%. The following table illustrates the application of the adjustment factors. Additional transitional arrangements including parallel calculation are set out in paragraphs 264 to 269. In the years in which the floor applies, banks must also calculate 8% of total risk weighted assets as calculated under this Framework Less the difference between total provisions and expected loss amount as described in Section III.G (see paragraphs 374 to 386) Plus other Tier 1 and Tier 2 deductions. Where a bank uses the standardized approach to credit risk for any portion of its exposures, it also needs to exclude general provisions that may be recognised in Tier 2 for that portion from the amount calculated according to the first sentence of this paragraph.


Should problems emerge during this period, the Committee will seek to take appropriate measures to address them, and, in particular, will be prepared to keep the floors in place beyond 2009 if necessary. The Committee believes it is appropriate for supervisors to apply prudential floors to banks that adopt the IRB approach for credit risk and/or the AMA for operational risk following year-end 2008. For banks that do not complete the transition to these approaches in the years specified in paragraph 46, the Committee believes it is appropriate for supervisors to continue to apply prudential floors similar to those of paragraph 46 to provide time to ensure that individual bank implementations of the advanced approaches are sound. However, the Committee recognises that floors based on the 1988 Accord will become increasingly impractical to implement over time and therefore believes that supervisors should have the flexibility to develop appropriate bank-by-bank floors that are consistent with the principles outlined in this paragraph, subject to full disclosure of the nature of the floors adopted. Such floors may be based on the approach the bank was using before adoption of the IRB approach and/or AMA.


The Second Pillar Supervisory Review Process

This section discusses the key principles of supervisory review, risk management guidance and supervisory transparency and accountability produced by the Committee with respect to banking risks, including guidance relating to, among other things, the treatment of interest rate risk in the banking book, credit risk (stress testing, definition of default, residual risk, and credit concentration risk), operational risk, enhanced cross-border communication and cooperation, and securitization. I. Importance of supervisory review The supervisory review process of the Framework is intended not only to ensure that banks have adequate capital to support all the risks in their business, but also to encourage banks to develop and use better risk management techniques in monitoring and managing their risks. The supervisory review process recognises the responsibility of bank management in developing an internal capital assessment process and setting capital targets that are commensurate with the banks risk profile and control environment. In the Framework, bank management continues to bear responsibility for ensuring that the bank has adequate capital to support its risks beyond the core minimum requirements. Supervisors are expected to evaluate how well banks are assessing their capital needs relative to their risks and to intervene, where appropriate. This interaction is intended to foster an active dialogue between banks and supervisors such that when deficiencies are identified, prompt and decisive action can be taken to reduce risk or restore capital.


Accordingly, supervisors may wish to adopt an approach to focus more intensely on those banks with risk profiles or operational experience that warrants such attention. The Committee recognises the relationship that exists between the amount of capital held by the bank against its risks and the strength and eff ectiveness of the banks risk management and internal control processes. However, increased capital should not be viewed as the only option for addressing increased risks confronting the bank. Other means for addressing risk, such as strengthening risk management, applying internal limits, strengthening the level of provisions and reserves, and improving internal controls, must also be considered. Furthermore, capital should not be regarded as a substitute for addressing fundamentally inadequate control or risk management processes. There are three main areas that might be particularly suited to treatment under Pillar 2: risks considered under Pillar 1 that are not fully captured by the Pillar 1 process (e.g. credit concentration risk); those factors not taken into account by the Pillar 1 process (e.g. interest rate risk in the banking book, business and strategic risk); and factors external to the bank (e.g. business cycle effects). A further important aspect of Pillar 2 is the assessment of compliance with the minimum standards and disclosure requirements of the more advanced methods in Pillar 1, in particular the IRB framework for credit risk and the Advanced Measurement Approaches for operational risk. Supervisors must ensure that these requirements are being met, both as qualifying criteria and on a continuing basis. Four key principles of supervisory review The Committee has identified four key principles of supervisory review, which complement those outlined in the extensive supervisory guidance that has been developed by the Committee, the keystone of which is the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision and

the Core Principles Methodology.A list of the specific guidance relating to the management of banking risks is provided at the end of this Part of the Framework.

Principle 1: Banks should have a process for assessing their overall capital adequacy in relation to their risk profile and a strategy for maintaining their capital levels. Banks must be able to demonstrate that chosen internal capital targets are well founded and that these targets are consistent with their overall risk profile and current operating environment. In assessing capital adequacy, bank management needs to be mindful of the particular stage of the business cycle in which the bank is operating. Rigorous,forward-looking stress testing that identifies possible events or changes in market conditions that could adversely impact the bank should be performed. Bank management clearly bears primary responsibility for ensuring that the bank has adequate capital to support its risks. The five main features of a rigorous process are as follows: Board and senior management oversight; Sound capital assessment; Comprehensive assessment of risks; Monitoring and reporting; and Internal control review.


1.Board and senior management oversight A sound risk management process is the foundation for an effective assessment of the adequacy of a banks capital position. Bank management is responsible for understanding the nature and level of risk being taken by the bank and how this risk relates to adequate capital levels. It is also responsible for ensuring that the formality and sophistication of the risk management processes are appropriate in light of the risk profile and business plan. The analysis of a banks current and future capital requirements in relation to its strategic objectives is a vital element of the strategic planning process. The strategic plan should clearly outline the banks capital needs, anticipated capital expenditures, desirable capital level, and external capital sources. Senior management and the board should view capital planning as a crucial element in being able to achieve its desired strategic objectives. The banks board of directors has responsibility for setting the banks tolerance for risks. It should also ensure that management establishes a framework for assessing the various risks, develops a system to relate risk to the banks capital level, and establishes a method for monitoring compliance with internal policies. It is likewise important that the board of directors adopts and supports strong internal controls and written policies and procedures and ensures that management effectively communicates these throughout the organisation.


2. Sound capital assessment Fundamental elements of sound capital assessment include: Policies and procedures designed to ensure that the bank identifies, measures, and reports all material risks; A process that relates capital to the level of risk; A process that states capital adequacy goals with respect to risk, taking account of the banks strategic focus and business plan; and A process of internal controls, reviews and audit to ensure the integrity of the overall management process. 3. Comprehensive assessment of risks All material risks faced by the bank should be addressed in the capital assessment process. While the Committee recognises that not all risks can be measured precisely, a process should be developed to estimate risks. Therefore, the following risk exposures, which by no means constitute a comprehensive list of all risks, should be considered. Credit risk: Banks should have methodologies that enable them to assess the credit risk involved in exposures to individual borrowers or counterparties as well as at the portfolio level. For more sophisticated banks, the credit review assessment of capital adequacy, at a minimum, should cover four areas: risk rating systems, portfolio analysis/aggregation, securitisation/complex credit derivatives, and large exposures and risk concentrations. Internal risk ratings are an important tool in monitoring credit risk. Internal risk ratings should be adequate to support the identification


and measurement of risk from all credit exposures, and should be integrated into an institutions overall analysis of credit risk and capital adequacy. The ratings system should provide detailed ratings for all assets, not only for criticised or problem assets. Loan loss reserves should be included in the credit risk assessment for capital adequacy. The analysis of credit risk should adequately identify any weaknesses at the portfolio level, including any concentrations of risk. It should also adequately take into consideration the risks involved in managing credit concentrations and other portfolio issues through such mechanisms as securitisation programmes and complex credit derivatives. Further, the analysis of counterparty credit risk should include consideration of public evaluation of the supervisors compliance with the Core Principles for Effective Banking Operational risk: The Committee believes that similar rigour should be applied to the management of operational risk, as is done for the management of other significant banking risks. The failure to properly manage operational risk can result in a misstatement of an institutions risk/return profile and expose the institution to significant losses. A bank should develop a framework for managing operational risk and evaluate the adequacy of capital given this framework. The framework should cover the banks appetite and tolerance for operational risk, as specified through the policies for managing this risk, including the extent and manner in which operational risk is transferred outside the bank. It should also include policies outlining the banks approach to identifying, assessing, monitoring and controlling/mitigating the risk.


Market risk: This assessment is based largely on the banks own measure of valueat- risk or the standardised approach for market risk.112 Emphasis should also be placed on the institution performing stress testing in evaluating the adequacy of capital to support the trading function. Interest rate risk in the banking book: The measurement process should include all material interest rate positions of the bank and consider all relevant repricing and maturity data. Such information will generally include current balance and contractual rate of interest associated with the instruments and portfolios, principal payments, interest reset dates, maturities, the rate index used for repricing, and contractual interest rate ceilings or floors for adjustable-rate items. The system should also have well-documented assumptions and techniques. Regardless of the type and level of complexity of the measurement system used, bank management should ensure the adequacy and completeness of the system. Because the quality and reliability of the measurement system is largely dependent on the quality of the data and various assumptions used in the model, management should give particular attention to these items. Liquidity risk: Liquidity is crucial to the ongoing viability of any banking organisation. Banks capital positions can have an effect on their ability to obtain liquidity, especially in a crisis. Each bank must have adequate systems for measuring, monitoring and controlling liquidity risk. Banks should evaluate the adequacy of capital given their own liquidity profile and the liquidity of the markets in which they operate.


Other risks: Although the Committee recognises that other risks, such as reputational and strategic risk, are not easily measurable, it expects industry to further develop techniques for managing all aspects of these risks. 4. Monitoring and reporting The bank should establish an adequate system for monitoring and reporting risk exposures and assessing how the banks changing risk profile affects the need for capital. The banks senior management or board of directors should, on a regular basis, receive reports on the banks risk profile and capital needs. These reports should allow senior management to: The Market Risk Amendment Evaluate the level and trend of material risks and their effect on capital levels; Evaluate the sensitivity and reasonableness of key assumptions used in the capital assessment measurement system; Determine that the bank holds sufficient capital against the various risks and is in compliance with established capital adequacy goals; and Assess its future capital requirements based on the banks reported risk profile and Make necessary adjustments to the banks strategic plan accordingly.


5. Internal control review The banks internal control structure is essential to the capital assessment process. Effective control of the capital assessment process includes an independent review and, where appropriate, the involvement of internal or external audits. The banks board of directors has a responsibility to ensure that management establishes a system for assessing the various risks, develops a system to relate risk to the banks capital level, and establishes a method for monitoring compliance with internal policies. The board should regularly verify whether its system of internal controls is adequate to ensure wellordered and prudent conduct of business. The bank should conduct periodic reviews of its risk management process to ensure its integrity, accuracy, and reasonableness. Areas that should be reviewed include: Appropriateness of the banks capital assessment process given the nature, scope and complexity of its activities; Identification of large exposures and risk concentrations; Accuracy and completeness of data inputs into the banks assessment process; Reasonableness and validity of scenarios used in the assessment process; and Stress testing and analysis of assumptions and inputs. Principle 2: Supervisors should review and evaluate banks internal capital adequacy assessments and strategies, as well as their ability to monitor and ensure their compliance with regulatory capital ratios. Supervisors should take appropriate supervisory action if they are not satisfied with the result of this process. The supervisory authorities should regularly review the process by which a bank assesses its capital adequacy, risk position, resulting capital levels, and quality of capital held. Supervisors should also evaluate the degree to which a bank has in place a sound internal

process to assess capital adequacy. The emphasis of the review should be on the quality of the banks risk management and controls and should not result in supervisors functioning as bank management. The periodic review can involve some combination of: On-site examinations or inspections; Off-site review; Discussions with bank management; Review of work done by external auditors (provided it is adequately focused on the necessary capital issues); and Periodic reporting. The substantial impact that errors in the methodology or assumptions of formal analyses can have on resulting capital requirements requires a detailed review by supervisors of each banks internal analysis.

1. Review of adequacy of risk assessment Supervisors should assess the degree to which internal targets and processes incorporate the full range of material risks faced by the bank. Supervisors should also review the adequacy of risk measures used in assessing internal capital adequacy and the extent to which these risk measures are also used operationally in setting limits, evaluating business line performance, and evaluating and controlling risks more generally. Supervisors should consider the results of sensitivity analyses and stress tests conducted by the institution and how these results relate to capital plans.


2. Assessment of capital adequacy Supervisors should review the banks processes to determine that: Target levels of capital chosen are comprehensive and relevant to the current operating environment; These levels are properly monitored and reviewed by senior management; and The composition of capital is appropriate for the nature and scale of the banks business. Supervisors should also consider the extent to which the bank has provided for unexpected events in setting its capital levels. This analysis should cover a wide range of external conditions and scenarios, and the sophistication of techniques and stress tests usedshouldbe commensurate with the banks activities. 3. Assessment of the control environment Supervisors should consider the quality of the banks management information reporting and systems, the manner in which business risks and activities are aggregated, and managements record in responding to emerging or changing risks. In all instances, the capital level at an individual bank should be determined according to the banks risk profile and adequacy of its risk management process and internal controls. External factors such as business cycle effects and the macroeconomic environment should also be considered.


4.Supervisory review of compliance with minimum standards In order for certain internal methodologies, credit risk mitigation techniques and asset securitisations to be recognised for regulatory capital purposes, banks will need to meet a number of requirements, including risk management standards and disclosures. In particular, banks will be required to disclose features of their internal methodologies used in calculating minimum capital requirements. As part of the supervisory review process, supervisors must ensure that these conditions are being met on an ongoing basis. The Committee regards this review of minimum standards and qualifying criteria as an integral part of the supervisory review process under Principle. In setting the minimum criteria the Committee has considered current industry practice and so anticipates that these minimum standards will provide supervisors with a useful set of benchmarks that are aligned with bank management expectations for effective risk management and capital allocation. There is also an important role for supervisory review of compliance with certain conditions and requirements set for standardised approaches. In this context, there will be a particular need to ensure that use of various instruments that can reduce Pillar 1 capital requirements are utilised and understood as part of a sound, tested, and properly documented risk management process.


5. Supervisory response Having carried out the review process described above, supervisors should take appropriate action if they are not satisfied with the results of the banks own risk assessment and capital allocation. Supervisors should consider a range of actions, such as those set out under Principles 3 and 4 below. Principle 3: Supervisors should expect banks to operate above the minimum regulatory capital ratios and should have the ability to require banks to hold capital in excess of the minimum. Pillar 1 capital requirements will include a buffer for uncertainties surrounding the Pillar 1 regime that affect the banking population as a whole. Bank-specific uncertainties will be treated under Pillar 2. It is anticipated that such buffers under Pillar 1 will be set to provide reasonable assurance that a bank with good internal systems and controls, a well-diversified risk profile and a business profile well covered by the Pillar 1 regime, and which operates with capital equal to Pillar 1 requirements, will meet the minimum goals for soundness embodied in Pillar 1. However, supervisors will need to consider whether the particular features of the markets for which they are responsible are adequately covered. Supervisors will typically require (or encourage) banks to operate with a buffer, over and above the


Pillar 1 standard. Banks should maintain this buffer for a combination of the following: (a) Pillar 1 minimums are anticipated to be set to achieve a level of bank creditworthiness in markets that is below the level of creditworthiness sought by many banks for their own reasons. For example, most international banks appear to prefer to be highly rated by internationally recognised rating agencies. Thus, banks are likely to choose to operate above Pillar 1 minimums for competitive reasons. (b) In the normal course of business, the type and volume of activities will change, as will the different risk exposures, causing fluctuations in the overall capital ratio. (c) It may be costly for banks to raise additional capital, especially if this needs to be done quickly or at a time when market conditions are unfavourable. (d) For banks to fall below minimum regulatory capital requirements is a serious matter. It may place banks in breach of the relevant law and/or prompt non-discretionary corrective action on the part of supervisors. (e) There may be risks, either specific to individual banks, or more generally to an economy at large, that are not taken into account in Pillar 1. There are several means available to supervisors for ensuring that individual banks are operating with adequate levels of capital. Among other methods, the supervisor may set trigger and target capital ratios or define categories above minimum ratios (e.g. well capitalised and adequately capitalised) for identifying the capitalisation level of the bank.


Principle 4: Supervisors should seek to intervene at an early stage to prevent capital from falling below the minimum levels required to support the risk characteristics of a particular bank and should require rapid remedial action if capital is not maintained or restored. Supervisors should consider a range of options if they become concerned that a bank is not meeting the requirements embodied in the supervisory principles outlined above. These actions may include intensifying the monitoring of the bank, restricting the payment of dividends, requiring the bank to prepare and implement a satisfactory capital adequacy restoration plan, and requiring the bank to raise additional capital immediately. Supervisors should have the discretion to use the tools best suited to the circumstances of the bank and its operating environment. The permanent solution to banks difficulties is not always increased capital. However, some of the required measures (such as improving systems and controls) may take a period of time to implement. Therefore, increased capital might be used as an interim measure while permanent measures to improve the banks position are being put in place. Once these permanent measures have been put in place and have been seen by supervisors to be effective, the interim increase in capital requirements can be removed.


The Third Pillar Market Discipline The third pillar of the new framework aims to bolster market discipline through enhanced disclosure by banks. Effective disclosure is essential to ensure that market participants can better understand banks' risk profiles and the adequacy of their capital positions. The new framework sets out disclosure requirements and recommendations in several areas, including the way a bank calculates its capital adequacy and its risk assessment methods. The core set of disclosure recommendations applies to all banks, with more detailed requirements for supervisory recognition of internal methodologies for credit risk, credit risk mitigation techniques and asset securitisation.

A.Disclosure requirements The Committee believes that the rationale for Pillar 3 is sufficiently strong to warrant the introduction of disclosure requirements for banks using the Framework. Supervisors have an array of measures that they can use to require banks to make such disclosures. Some of these disclosures will be qualifying criteria for the use of particular methodologies or the recognition of particular instruments and transactions. B. Guiding principles The purpose of Pillar 3 market discipline is to complement the minimum capital requirements (Pillar 1) and the supervisory review process (Pillar 2). The Committee aims to encourage market discipline by developing a set of disclosure requirements which will


allow market participants to assess key pieces of information on the scope of application, capital, risk exposures, risk assessment processes, and hence the capital adequacy of the institution. The Committee believes that such disclosures have particular relevance under the Framework, where reliance on internal methodologies gives banks more discretion in assessing capital requirements. In principle, banks disclosures should be consistent with h ow senior management and the board of directors access and manage the risks of the bank. Under Pillar 1, banks use specified approaches/methodologies for measuring the various risks they face and the resulting capital requirements. The Committee believes that providing disclosures that are based on this common framework is an effective means of informing the market about a banks exposure to those risks and provides a consistent and understandable disclosure framework that enhances comparability.


Preparing for Basel 3

Limitations of Basel 2

Overview of the Framework Market, Credit Liquidity and Operational risk Tier One and Tier Two Capital Pillar One calculations, Pillar Two supervisory and Pillar Three disclosure requirements.

Introduction to new Basel 3 Requirements

Capital Conservative Buffer Capital Conservative Buffer Liquidity Coverage Ratios New Stable Funding Ratios

Preparing for New Adjustments

Systematic v Non Systematic Banks Capital Deductions, Expected v Unexpected Losses, Minority Interest

Definitions of Common Equity

Ordinary v Preference Shares, Hybrid Instruments, First Loss instruments, Convertible Bonds

Weaknesses With Basel 2

Operational Risk associated with Complicated Instruments Off Balance Sheet Issues Expected v Incurred Loss UKs House of Lords Investigation Marking to Market v Accrual calculations Confusion with Hybrid Instruments and Coco Bonds Leverage Ratio Importance of Leverage, Leverage and Impact on Bonuses, Concealed Leverage, Basel 3 approach


Types of Capital

Tier 1 - Shares and Retained Earnings Tier 2 - Harmonising of Capital Instruments Tier 3 - Impact on the capital markets following its replacement Characteristics of Equity v Loans and impact on Hybrid Instruments

Increased Risk Coverage under Basel 3

Measuring Credit Exposure arising from banks' derivatives, Repo and Securities Financing transactions Raising the capital buffers to absorb the riskss form these exposures Identify and measure Pro-cyclicality and reduce the corresponding risks Tidying up definitions of Tier One and Tier Two

OTC Derivative Clearing

Marking to market Initial, Maintenance and Variation Margin Market Credit and Operational Risks associated with Complex Products Accounting for OTC v Exchange Traded products Impact of Moving to Central Clearing House

Impact of Basel 3 on Strategic Plans of Bank

Too big to fail institutions taking on too much risk Insolvency from contagion and counterparty risk Failed regulatory and supervisory integration Proposals of Basel iii to address these issues

Realistic Impact of Basel 3

Realities of implementing a Leverage Ratio Capital buffer rules revised and their implications Pro-cyclicality changes through dynamic provisioning based on expected losses Reform of the process Shadow banking system Risk Weighted Assets Concentration Issues


International Financial Reporting Standards

Mark to market v Accrual Accounting Hedge Accounting and impact of IAS 39 Disclosures of risk under IFRS 7

Dealing with Structured Products, Exotic and Credit Derivatives

Development of Market Marking to market products Hedge vs. Trade Accounting Use of the OCI/STRGL accounts

Market and Credit Risk Management Techniques

Measuring market risk and credit risk on a portfolio basis Volatility - as measured by Value at Risk Hedging exposures as opposed to hedging assets and liabilities Portfolio risk hedging vs. Accounting risk hedging - understanding the issues

Dealing with Credit Risk

Measuring Credit Risk Basel Committee on methods to measure credit risk Credit Derivatives Total Return Swaps and Credit Default Swaps How the Accounting Standards Deal with Credit Derivatives

Criticisms of Basel 3

Measuring Risk and Bonus schemes OTC Derivatives and their impact on the survival of London and Wall Street Credit Derivatives and Loan Documentation Policies behind International Financial Reporting Standards.



OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The objective of this study is to get an insight of how banks identify and manage the risk borne by them and the measures adopted by them for efficient risk management and to measure what effect do the seven forces of continuity and change has on various banks individually.

RATIONALE OF THE STUDY: All the banks operating in an economy are faced by difficulties which have to be overcome. Their exits a default risk in losing the money lent. Further, as the numbers of borrowers are increasing, hence is deteriorating the credit standing of the overall borrower.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The scope of my study include five banks of which three are private sector banks and two are public sector ones. They are listed as follows: PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS 1. ICICI 2. Standard Chartered 3. HDFC PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS 4. State Bank of India 5. Union Bank

DRAWBACKS: Due to scarcity of time some aspects in relation to the subject would have to be overlooked. Since the data is secondary in nature the information may not be exhaustive. There is a possibility of Data collection errors. Data which is confidential in nature would not be available for completing the report.

Primary Data - Survey in Banks. It will be collected with the help of interaction with bank managers. As well as unstructured observation will also come in use at some part (topic) of study.

Secondary Data - It will be collected with the help of Internet, books, journals, articles of newspapers & magazines and research papers.



FORCES OF CONTINUITY AND CHANGE There are seven forces of continuity and seven forces of change that effect the banking industry and hence effect their risk management process. The degree to which they affect each bank and each operative line of the bank is different. They are listed as follows: SEVEN FORCES OF CHANGE 1. Globalization 2. New Opportunities 3. Competition 4. Customer Needs 5. Technologies 6. Mergers and Acquisitions 7. Government Policies

SEVEN FORCES OF CONTINUITY 1. Customer Base 2. Infrastructure 3. Technologies 4. Core Competencies 5. Supply Chain and Distribution Network 6. Culture 7. Performance

The effect of these forces on the risk management of each of these five banks will be analyzed with the through expert opinion of bank managers which will be obtained with the help of a questionnaire.


The first continuity factor, namely, the customer base of a bank has components inherent such as current market share of key offerings, revenue growth rate, customer retention rate, etc. All other factors of continuity and change have various factors inherent in them which have been discussed individually with bank managers. An Expert Opinion Survey was conducted in various banks across various branches of Delhi. The subjective opinion of managers with their consent and advice was converted to numbers to create the change and continuity grid. The cumulative average of the questionnaires was taken out to give two scores, i.e., one each of the Factors of Change and the other of the Factors of Continuity. These scores are listed as under:



Forces of Change 83 61 79

Forces of Continuity 102 78 88

37 30

97 58



In addition to finding out and studying the risk management techniques of various banks another objective was to create the Change and Continuity Grid for which the questionnaire was conducted. This grid has been constructed as under with the help of some simple calculations. The scores in the above table are to be converted to Change Scores and Continuity Scores respectively. The former can be obtained by dividing the above scores by 21 and the latter by 29

After undergoing these calculations the above score were obtained:


Forces of Change 3.9 2.9 3.7

Forces of Continuity 3.5 2.6 3.03

1.6 1.4

3.3 2


The evolution of risk management as a discipline has thus been driven by market forces on the one hand and developments in banking supervision on the other, each side operating with the other in complementary and mutually reinforcing ways. Banks and other market participants have made many of the key innovations in risk measurement and risk management, but supervisors have often helped to adapt and disseminate best practices to a broader array of financial institutions. And at times, supervisors have taken the lead, for example, by identifying emerging issues through examinations and comparisons of peer institutions or by establishing guidelines that codify evolving practices. The interaction between the private and public sectors in the development of risk-management techniques has been particularly extensive in the field of bank capital regulation, especially for the banking organizations that are the largest, most complex, and most internationally active. The current system of bank capital standards is the so-called Basel I framework, which was established internationally in 1988. Basel I was an important advance that resulted in higher capital levels, a more equitable international marketplace and--most relevant to my theme this evening--closer links between banks' capital holdings and the risks they take. However, as I will discuss, Basel I is becoming increasingly inadequate for our largest and most complex organizations. The activities of these organizations demand that we not only go beyond Basel I but that we continue to improve on today's most advanced methods of risk management. Thus, in the proposed new framework, known as Basel II, supervisors are seeking to draw upon industry best practice while also encouraging the industry to advance the riskmanagement frontier.




THE QUESTIONNAIRE Continuity and Change Forces

Sl. No a a.1 a.2 a.3 a.4 Continuity Factors Customer Base Current market share in key offerings Revenue Growth Rate Customer Retention Rate Customer Management Investments Insignificant Negative Negligible Negligible Market Leader Higher than average Nearly 100% >30% of Revenue 1 2 3 4 5

b b.1

Infrastructure Fixed assets & other facilities of organisation Negligible Highly Capital Intensive Higher than average One of top 10 Brands

b.2 b.3

Number of company owned service outlets Brand Equity

None No branded products None


Business Liquidation Costs


c c.1 c.2 c.3 c.4

Technology R n D Expenditure HR skills in current technology No of patents Training expenses on current technology None Non tech None None >20% of revenue Skills in current tech Higher than average Significant

d d.1 d.2 d.3

Core Competence Degree of differential advantage Sustaining competence State of future competencies None None >4 competencies Significant >10 years None

e e.1 e.2 e.3 e.4

Supply chain and distribution network No of stages of SCM SCM stages division is your organisation ERP/SCM investments in % revenues Supplier development expenditure One One None None >4 stages In all stages >20% of revenues >30% of revenues



Inventory costs in % revenues


>20% of revenues

f f.1 f.2

Culture Organisational structure Cost/effort involved in culture transforming activities Strategy Average tenure of an employees Core values of the organisation Process based Negligible Functional Significant

f.3 f.4 f.5

None <one year None

Clearly defined >10 years Clearly defined

g g.1

Performance Customer satisfaction ratings <=2 (10 point s) >=9

g.2 g.3 g.4

Profitability Quality performance Delivery performance

Negative <=(10 point s) <=(10 point s)

Higher than average >=9 >=9

Sl. No

Change Factors

a a.1 a.2

Globalization Extent of globalization of your industry Extent of globalization of your organisation

b b.1 b.2

New opportunities Availability of new opportunities Maturity of the current technology Nil Matured Numerous New and emerging

c c.1

Competition Type of competition in your industry 1 or 2 players dominant None Nil Numerous small competitors Numerous Almost all players have VI

c.2 c.3

Substitutes of your key offerings Vertical integration potential of your industry players



Entry barriers for global players

Domestic industry totally protected


d d.1 d.2 d.3

Customer needs Knowledge level of your customers Changes in customer requirements Customer loyalty Nil Nil High High Highly dynamic Nil

e e.1 e.2 e.3

Industry technology Industry spending on new technologies Industry adaptation of new technologies Possibilities of implementing e-business Negligible Negligible Nil >30% of revenue High(100%) All processes can be IT enables

f f.1

Mergers and acquisitions JV/ alliance in your industry Almost none Almost all organisa5tions Affecting more than 50%of the industry Affecting more than 50%of the industry


Mergers and acquisitions in your industry(domestic) Mergers and acquisitions in your industry(global)

Almost none


Almost none

g g.1 g.2 g.3

Govt policy and legislation Extent of FDI allowed in your industry Trade tariffs Legal barriers/legislations affecting your industry Govt support for your promotion of your industry 0% 100% Significant control by law Nil 100% 0% No legal control


Significant govt support


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