Web Development 2A Sick Test Page 1 of 8 Damelin©
Web Development 2A Sick Test Page 1 of 8 Damelin©
Web Development 2A Sick Test Page 1 of 8 Damelin©
1. Section A: 44 marks
2. Section B: 37 marks
3. Section C: 21 marks
ALL sections are COMPULSORY. It is in your own interest to write legibly and to present your work
Learners are warned that contravening any of the examination rules or disobeying the instructions of an
invigilator could result in the examination being declared invalid. Disciplinary measures will be taken
which may result in the students’ expulsion from Damelin.
Please ensure that you have read and fully understand the following assessment rules and regulations
prior to commencing with your assessment:
1. To be permitted access to the examination, a learner must arrive with:
- an Identity Document or other official proof of identity (for example,
- a student card, passport or driver's licence card with photo); and
- the required exam stationery.
2. No learner may enter the examination room more than 30 minutes after the examination sitting has
commenced and no candidate may leave the room less than one hour after the examination sitting
has commenced.
3. No extra time will be allowed should a student arrive late.
4. All learners must sign the Attendance Register for the examination on arrival.
5. It is the responsibility of learners to familiarise themselves with the examination rules prior to sitting
for the examination.
6. All examinations are to be written on the date and time officially stipulated by the College.
7. It is the responsibility of learners to ensure that they are writing the correct paper and that the
question paper is complete
8. Cell phones must be switched off prior to entering the exam venue. Cell phones and wallets may
be placed under candidates' chairs rather than at the front of the room.
9. Learners may not handle cell phones or wallets during the exam.
10. No weapon of any description may be taken into the assessment room.
11. All personal belongings are to be placed at the front of the examination room. Personal belongings
brought to the examination are at the owner's risk.
12. Smoking is not permitted, and learners will not be allowed to leave the examination room in order
to smoke
13. Once the examination has commenced, all conversation of any form between candidates must
cease until after candidates have left the room, after the examination.
14. Only the official College examination book, as supplied by the College, may be used.
15. Learners must ensure that their student number is written on the answer book.
16. Learners are responsible for ensuring that they follow the instructions in the examination for
submitting their answers.
17. Please read the instruction appearing on the examination paper carefully
18. The number of every question must be clearly indicated at the top of every answer.
19. No pages may be torn out of the answer book. All question papers and scrap paper must be
handed to the invigilator after the examination.
20. Learners finishing earlier are to leave the examination room as quietly as possible on the
instruction of the invigilator and may not talk until outside the building where the examination is
being written.
21. Only under exceptional circumstances will a learner be permitted to leave the examination room
during the examination, and if the invigilator gives permission. An invigilator must accompany the
learner. Only one learner at a time may be absent from the examination room.
22. Candidates may not act dishonestly in any respect.
1.4 What is the correct HTML element for inserting a line break? (1)
A. <br>
B. <lb>
C. <h1>
D. <bk>
1.7 Where in an HTML document is the correct place to refer to an external style (1)
A. At the end of the document
B. At the top of the document
C. In the < body > section
D. In the < head > section
1.10 What is the correct HTML for adding a background color? (1)
A. <background>yellow<Background>
B. <body color = "yellow">
C. <body bg color = "yellow">
D. <body bg ="yellow">
2.2 It is regarded as a best practice to code using syntax that follows the stricter syntax (2)
rules, which are based on XML rules.
2.3 12 In order to design web pages that can easily adopt to different screen sizes, (2)
designers use a responsive design methodology.
2.4 Crafting a Unified Site Design a grid cannot be used to align page content in order (2)
to enforce a consistent visual structure.
2.5 Active White space may also be utilized to augment content structuring. (2)
3.9 A site must incorporate inbuilt accessibility mechanisms to cater for different users. (8)
List four common features of inbuilt accessibility mechanism.
QUESTION 4 (37 Marks)
4.1 The first step to understanding CSS is to understand how to correctly write style rules. (12)
Describe the following:
The two parts (pieces) of this rule.
The three guidelines for formatting of CSS rules.
Give an example of the basic format of all style rules.
4.3 Using a good example, explain what you understand by Domain Name. (9)
5.1 Write a simple html code to display the image below. Use Appropriate colours to (21)
shade the sections of the web page.