PresenTense Year in Preview 5770
PresenTense Year in Preview 5770
PresenTense Year in Preview 5770
-An experiment in transparency for the sake of collective learning and improvement-
The PresenTense Group is a grassroots organization dedicated to upgrading the
Jewish People’s operating system – that is, putting into place the processes and resources
the Jewish People and their organizations need to continue to serve their purpose in the
world. With such a grand goal, we have determined to hold ourselves to the highest
standards in terms of planning. reporting and transparency – and we have determined that
the publication of this compendium of our project plans will provide the open-source
framework for our community to not only understand where we are devoting our
energies, but also to help us improve our processes and operations so as to increase our
impact on the world.
In this document you will find project plans developed by individuals heading up
PresenTense’s efforts, for PresenTense’s major programs and initiatives in the field.
Seeing as how we have over 300 non-staff community members actively engaged in the
work of PresenTense, these plans make up only a few of the frameworks where we
devote a majority of our time. Items such as FedHeads (workshopping for Federation
professionals), 2048 (a marketplace of ideas about the future of the Jewish People), the
NYC Hub, among others, are not directly reflected simply due to lack of resources to
codify in a formal proposal. We hope that, with time, these too will be reflected in this
annual Year in Preview.
It should be noted that plans developed by the PresenTense Group’s subsidiary
company, PTLogistical Services, are reflected here alongside the PresenTense Group’s
own operations, seeing as how part of PTL’s operations are enacted for the sake of
PresenTense, and thereby fulfill PresenTense’s exempt mission. Some of these plans
were proposed in Hebrew, and they have been translated to create a unified language to
this compendium. Hebrew versions are available upon request.
Finally, it should be noted that this is the first time PresenTense is publishing a
collection of project plans – and as such there is a lot we can learn. Formulating the best
possible format was a challenge - especially since there aren’t many other examples of
such transparency in our market sector – so we hope the format we chose will be clear
and available. We look forward to your comments and suggestions.
The order of these project proposals is intentional: as PresenTense has learned, one must
gather and connect to a community before being able to inspire creativity, and only
through a creative environment can one find pioneers to equip and launch.
It should be clearly noted that all of the plans below will certainly change and
evolve over the next year – these plans were developed and proposed over the course of
August-September 2009, and already, as of this writing, elements have changed. That
said, these plans are still valuable for providing targets over the course of the next year –
and for understanding the direction the PresenTense Group intends on going.
A final item to keep in mind is organizational lifecycle. Internally, PresenTense
Group has started transitioning from the self-image of start-up to that of a small nonprofit
with a wide footprint; PresenTense currently has, as of this writing, 9 staff members,
which makes 7 full time equivalents – but PresenTense’s real power comes from the over
300 contributing community members on the seven different steering committees that
develop and determine programming for the Group around the world. Whereas the
community is the provider of content to our activity, the staff provides the platform and
logistical support to enable these committed individuals to fulfill an aspect of themselves
through the Jewish People. Developing that model further – and improving the support
our staff can provide to our community – is a core mission of the organization as a whole,
and can be understood as the subtext in many of these proposals. In other words, the
community is an asset so very apparent in the minds of our division leaders that it
sometimes goes without saying.
As mentioned in the introduction, the project plans below reflect only a portion of
PresenTense’s operations – but a significant enough portion to begin this inaugural year
of our Year in Preview with a view into what we are doing in the here and now to
upgrade the Jewish People’s Operating System.
Ariel Beery
Co-Director, PresenTense Group
Project Summary:
PresenTense has inspired young Jews around the world, through the Institute,
Magazine, Creative Zionism and our core values. How can more young Jews
access and become a part of PT’s global conversation? For those who have
previously been involved, what is the added value of remaining a part of our
community? The PT Community Division will work with both young Jews who
have been involved with our network as well as any young Jews with ideas and
enthusiasm about the future of Jewish innovation to further a global marketplace
of ideas that inspires, supports, and produces action that can change the world.
1. That there is continued demand for involvement in conversations on
Jewish identity and innovation in the Digital Age and Creative
Zionism (proven thus far through the Magazine)
2. That we will be able (technically, financially) to continue to foster
conversations, online in addition to in-print.
3. That there is a demand for local PT involvement in the global
conversation in the form of Circles and other activities
4. That community members will be interested in growing into
leadership roles both due to this demand, and because they aspire to
be part of the PT Team serving the Jewish People, with the
privileges and responsibilities that that entails
5. That animating local communities will foster innovators who will go
on to be active in PT in other ways
6. That PT can provide tools and resources valuable to local innovators
7. That PT can sustain the infrastructure necessary for a effective and
functional global community, including effective communication,
successful community organizing, and delegation and management
of roles and responsibilities
Steering People who have been *Advise on the direction *To create sustainable
Committee involved with PT of the PT Community infrastructure to support
activities in the past and Division, and get larger the growth of PT
participate in biweekly buy-in and involvement in Community
conference calls it through expanding PT’s
City Leaders Local leaders who are *Create structure that can * Identify innovation and
developed over time to support and sustain PT encourage innovators to
animate and represent Cities, ensuring activity become Fellows
their communities. on an ongoing basis *Build leaders who can be
Responsibilities: *Coordinate activities, part of the PT Team
* PT Circle (monthly or within and between cities *Provide local innovators
bi-monthly) *Publicize and broadcast with necessary resources,
* Shabbat dinner ideas generated locally including mentorship/
(monthly) into the PT community, access to the PT network
*Drunken Brainstorms allowing action to evolve * Have action result from
(once per quarter) the community’s ideas
* Launch Parties
*Yazam fund events (with
*Identifying and tracking
local innovators
Representing that city –
and the ideas of its
innovators – to the larger
PT world:
*Blogging (biweekly)
*Broadcasting events
going on in their
community (monthly) (for
more established
Community Creative young Jews *Engage the community *To produce a magazine in
Editors engaged in facilitating the in what the conversation an open-source,
global conversation is going to focus around collaborative fashion
through working with * Develop creative *To broadcast the ideas of
writers with ideas to take individuals, who may then our community, giving
these ideas to the next them the potential to
Fellow Follow- Continue the Fellows’ *Fellows can inspire their *Fellows help further PT
up involvement with PT communities to become activities and can help
post-Institute through: further involved (Yazam) recruit future fellows
*Mentorship *To provide fellows with
opportunities support post-Institute, and
*Yazam Fund events further knowledge
*Online community development in target
fields (mentorships)
*To allow fellows to
remain connected to the
PresenTense network of
fellow innovators
1. City Stats: In how many cities is PT active? How many activities
happen in a given city per year? How many people have been involved
in that city?
2. Networking Stats: How many mentorships have been established? How
many times have they met? What relationships developed as a result of
PT activities?
Suggested Personnel
1. Community Director: Manages overall process, networking and
recruitment, working with volunteers to produce results
2. Communications Director: Builds technological infrastructure for
conversations to occur; broadcasts the results of Community activities;
develops and employs marketing campaigns
3. Resource Team: Provides funds for production of magazine (online and
in-print), events.
Volunteer positions:
1. City Leaders – Filled over time as leaders emerge
2. Community Editors – PT Magazine’s editors
3. Taskforces – Experts in fields who brainstorm new trends, connections,
and ultimately find ways to generate action
4. Steering Committee
Resource Requirements
Close collaboration with Institute Division regarding Fellow follow-up
Close collaboration with Jerusalem Hub Coordinator regarding
implementing City activities in Jerusalem
In-print magazine: $12,000/issue
Running events in cities: 6 cities at $50/month, 2 cities (those with City
Leaders) at $100/month
Mission for publishing: To build a forum for idea exchange and community building in
the Jewish community online, in print, and in person.
Mission for publishing business development: To generate a profit for the publishing
division so that it will be self-sustaining and able to support its programs and future
Project summary
PresenTense Magazine is a three-year-old all-volunteer publication which focuses on
Jewish culture and innovation. It brings together readers, writers, editors, and artists from
around the globe and fosters discussion on issues significant to young Jews today,
creating a community of idea-driven leaders and entrepreneurs. Over the past ten issues,
the magazine has built up a readership of over 20,000 and has expanded into dozens of
new communities.
The magazine has been on the verge of self-sustainability, and over the coming year’s
next three issues of PresenTense, we plan to bring the magazine into the black, not only
sustaining our publication levels but also increasing the magazine's reach and expanding
the publishing department. This project proposal outlines steps to increase circulation of
the print magazine, expand our online presence, and grow revenues from print and web
PresenTense Magazine publishes the thoughts, ideas, and actions of young Jews
today, in the here and now. It creates an ever-growing community of creative young Jews
who are interested in tackling the big issues facing our people and the world, and is a
forum for discussion and debate.
The Magazine Business Development team makes all of that possible, by
generating necessary operating revenue and also by distributing and publicizing the
magazine, thus expanding the PresenTense community. In addition, lessons learned from
the magazine's business development can be applied to other divisions and used to drive
profitability, whether promoting sponsorship for the Institute or Hub, generating leads for
business connections, or building a strong readership from which to pull future fellows,
coworkers, and both volunteers and attendees for our programs and events. Additionally,
our plans will benefit the network as a whole, as they will create greater visibility for our
innovative content and ideas and help others promote their projects and work.
We make the following assumptions when presenting this proposal:
1. There is still a core market for print publications.
2. The U.S. economy will stabilize and not deteriorate further.
The success of business development can be summed up in one word: revenue. Below is
a detailed list of specific areas of revenue that will be measured.
Income from print advertising
Income from web advertising
Number of recurring advertisers
Number of newly generated advertisers
Number of sponsorships
Number of magazines distributed
Number of subscribers
Income from subscriptions
Income from bulk orders
Number of individual magazines sold
Number of visitors to PresenTense website
Number of pageviews for PresenTense articles
Number of articles forwarded, tweeted, posted to Facebook, or otherwise passed
on electronically
Number of article comments
Number of syndicated articles and their projected readership numbers
Number of PresenTense members
Online store
Income from magazines sold on website
Income from educational materials sold on website
Income from PresenTense merchandise
Income from PresenTense affiliates' merchandise
Number of PresenTense affiliates selling via online store
Statistics will be collected after the publication of each print issue and used to evaluate
each segment's effectiveness and whether changes or alterations are necessary.
As work begins on PT10, the Digital Issue, we will begin to heavily promote web
advertising to current and potential advertisers to capitalize on our new website. Once the
articles for PT10 are completed, we will promote syndication of them to news outlets,
and also drive readers to our site with a publicity campaign. In January 2010, we will
evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and make changes to our web ad
offerings as necessary.
In January, we will begin pitching advertisers for PT11, due out in April, focusing on
both print and web advertising. We will also contact bookstores in order to begin selling
the magazines at Jewish and independent bookstores. We will promote PT11 bulk orders
and renew subscription pitches in April, and also syndication of content. We will evaluate
the effectiveness of the web ad campaign, as well as print ad campaign, and make
necessary changes.
Suggested Personnel
PresenTense Magazine's business development will be led by Simi Hinden, who has been
with the magazine for the past three years. She will be assisted by Rachel Berger in New
York, who will focus on finding new advertising opportunities for PresenTense,
particularly with ad agencies and non-Jewish companies, and also manage New York-
based distribution opportunities. Jonathan Matthews, an intern based in Jerusalem, will be
assisting with developing new leads for both advertising and circulation, and boosting
online revenues.
We also plan to recruit two more advertising representatives, either in Israel or the
US/Canada, to take charge of specific advertising accounts and pitch the magazine to
Resource Requirements
PT10 (Dec '09) PT11 (Apr '10) PT12 (Aug '10) Not tied to a Total
specific issue
Printing 0 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 0 11000
Shipping 0 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 0 3500
Graphic 0 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0 5000
Website $8,000.00 0 0 0 8000
Website 0 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 2000
Launch $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 2000
Small print $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 2000
Advertising $400.00 $1,600.00 $2,400.00 0 4400
(20% of
Misc costs $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 4000
Projected income
PT10 (Dec '09) PT11 (Apr '10) PT12 (Aug '10) Not tied to a Total
specific issue
Print 0 $8,000.00 $12,000.00 20000
We see several challenges for PresenTense's publishing division. One is the oft-
reported "death of print." Newspapers and magazines are struggling with reduced
subscription revenues as more readers prefer the free online content. This has caused
print advertising revenues to drop significantly, and publications are unable to make up
this income on the web. At the same time, they are supporting a very heavy staff of
writers and editors, not to mention a physical building and all the costs of running an
office. PresenTense, on the other hand, has an all-volunteer staff of writers and editors,
and does not have an office for the magazine. This keeps costs extremely low and allows
us to stretch our advertising income farther.
In addition, advertising budgets have been severely reduced during the recession,
and there is less money available for new advertisers or small publications. However, our
concentrated readership of urban, educated Jewish college students and young
professionals is quite attractive to advertisers, and provides more value than a generalized
pool of readers of varying education and income levels.
Also, young people are reluctant to subscribe to print magazines and prefer their
content online and free. This could hurt our efforts to increase print subscriptions and
sales of bulk orders. We are increasing our online content, along with web advertising, to
take advantage of this readership. At the same time, we maintain there is value in a print
publication and in the experience of reading a print magazine, and that there will always
be a strong core of readers who will subscribe.
The Jerusalem Hub is at the heart of PresenTense’s network, and is aimed at
nurturing social entrepreneurs and cementing a creative community in the city of
Jerusalem. Based in the German Colony of Jerusalem, the Hub provides physical space to
empower community members, entrepreneurs, social activists—and creative people at
large. The Hub will provide these creatives with an inspirational home base from which
to make a difference in the world expand their social network, and receive professional
training. It is also a global junction for current members of PresenTense.
The Hub will be used as a platform that connects, integrates, and supports all of
PresenTense’s programs in the Jerusalem area. It also aspires to serve as a model for the
PresenTense Hubs to be built internationally in the coming years.
The Hub’s goal within the PresenTense Group is to nurture and grow social
entrepreneurs. The Hub will be used as a platform linking all the different PresenTense
programs and will combine PT’s overall stages of actualization: community, creativity
and pioneering.
The Hub serves the Magazine as a meeting place for its contributors, a source of
inspiration for articles, a distribution point for the magazine, a place for
discussion of the magazine’s focus topics, and a place to expand the readership
and reach new subscribers. Moreover, the magazine's contributors will participate
in the Hub's ongoing activities.
The Hub serves the Institute as a meeting place for all classes of Institute
fellows, a working place for the fellows, and a place where they can receive
professional consulting. The Hub will host the PresenTense Year-Round Institute.
Moreover, the fellows will participate in the Hub's ongoing activities.
1. 1,500 new organizations are registered in Israel every year. 60% of organizations that
survive the initial start-up cease to exist within the first ten years. Therefore, in order
to avoid being closed, organizations need to receive the tools and skills necessary for
the management and operation of their organization.
2. In light of the global economic crisis, almost two-thirds of social organizations have
taken measures to reduce their costs: freezing wages, relying more on volunteers,
sharing office space with other organizations and so forth (from Dealing with the
Economical Crisis in the Third Sector, Dr. Katz and Mrs. Yogev). We believe that the
Jerusalem Hub can provide them with a physical space for work, a place for building
social networks and for receiving training in the area of acquiring resources.
Social events – an opportunity for members and non-members to meet for a social
activity, free of charge. This activity will be held once every two months. Examples
include networking parties such as ChamShush and community events like Shabbat
dinner. Number of participants: 50 to 100. Duration: 3 hours.
Fellows circle – a meeting of the former Institute fellows using the 'hot seat'
methodology. Provides the fellows with the opportunity to present their project.
1. To reinforce the fellows' social network.
2. To enable fellows to expose their projects.
3. To provide Institute graduates with a place for support and for dealing
with challenges.
Viral Party – a party for disseminating an idea, event, goal, or opportunity. Number
of participants: at least 30. Duration: two hours.
1. To help entrepreneurs and the community disseminate their ideas.
2. To position PresenTense as an original and creative organization that acts
in support of entrepreneurs.
Workshops and advanced studies – participants meet for learning about a particular
topic (managing associations, managing volunteers, recruiting resources). Number of
participants: 8 to 12.
1. To provide tools and skills for social entrepreneurs.
2. To expand the circle of people who come to the Hub.
3. To position the PresenTense Group among non-profit organizations as a
professional body in the area of social entrepreneurship.
4. To expand the pool of potential customers for the organization's various
Lectures – lectures for social entrepreneurs and activists from leaders in the area of
entrepreneurship and professionals in the third sector. Number of participants: 20 to
1. To draw people to the organization.
2. To provide the community with creative ideas and role models.
3. To build a local network for PresenTense.
4. To draw a potential audience to PresenTense for other programs (such as
the Summer Institute).
1. Number of people who come to the shared working space.
2. Number of people who come to lectures at the Hub.
3. Number of people who come to courses and advanced studies in the Hub.
4. Number of partners with the Hub.
5. Number of different activities held at the Hub.
6. Number of courses and advanced studies the Hub holds.
7. Number of forums the Hub holds.
8. Number of activities around the programs that take place in the Hub.
9. Number of work hours in the office (it is necessary to prepare software to
measure this).
10. Number of consultation hours given at the Hub.
11. Satisfaction of Hub users (working space members, course participants).
12. Number of enterprises that came out of the Hub.
13. Number of places that duplicated the Hub's model.
14. Number and nature of local and global connections created thanks to the Hub.
December 2009
In the second stage, after the infrastructure has been built, the ongoing activity of the Hub
will begin, with the participation of volunteers, fellows and graduates of the Summer
Institute, the community, and the members of the shared work space.
1. PresenTense programs: Institute: the Hub will open the annual Institute for social
entrepreneurs. The Summer Institute fellows and graduates will participate in the
Hub's ongoing activities and in the steering committee.
2. Volunteers: building a potential volunteers pool.
3. Activities for the holidays: communal lighting of Chanukah candles.
4. Advanced studies: training, a transmedia course, and a forum for association
directors will take place.
5. Members of shared worked space: a campaign for recruiting new members.
A tri-monthly schedule for March, April, and May will be planned in December.
January 2010
1. Members of the shared working space: will hold a learning session.
2. Training: Forum for association managers and a transmedia course will be held.
February 2010
1. PresenTense programs: Hubs: the Hub will construct a work model for more
Hubs in Israel and abroad.
2. Training: two days of advanced studies, a transmedia course, and an association
directors' forum will be held.
3. Activity for the holidays: Seder Tu Bishvat.
March 2010
1. Shared workspace members will have a learning meeting.
2. Training: training for association managers and a transmedia course will be held.
3. Volunteers: a unique program for volunteers will take place.
4. A tri-monthly schedule for June, July, and August will be planned in March.
April 2010
1. PresenTense programs: magazine: magazine launch party.
2. Training: transmedia course.
May 2010
1. Shared workspace members will have a learning meeting.
2. Volunteers: a unique program for volunteers.
3. Training: association director forum and a transmedia course will take place.
4. PresenTense programs: planning summer membership and an event for the
ending of the annual Institute will take place.
5. Activity for the holidays: an event for Yom HaZikaron.
June 2010
1. Training: two days of advanced studies and a transmedia course will be held.
An annual schedule for September-November will be planned in June.
July 2010
2. Training: a unique program for volunteers.
3. Training: association director's forum will be held.
4. Shared workspace members will have a learning session.
August 2010
1. PresenTense programs: magazine: magazine launch party.
Budget in Brief
135,015 NIS (not including revenue from PTG to PTL)
Expenses (detailed in Budget):
Wages: 161,200 NIS
Site costs (rent, real-estate tax, electricity and so on): 110,640 NIS
Maintenance: 55,260 NIS
Programs: 34,860 NIS
Total expenses: 361,960 NIS. It is important to mention that this sum does not
include the balancing out of the wages and therefore the real expenses are
200,760 NIS.
Project Summary:
The PresenTense Fellowship is the flagship program of the PT Group, giving
individuals with pioneering ideas an exclusive opportunity to change the world. Fellows
are trained in the practical skills of social start-up development and are helped by
PresenTense and the PresenTense Network to launch their ventures into the world.
The Fellowship builds the Jewish Community’s next generation of pioneers by
equipping entrepreneurs with the tools and networks they need to launch ventures.
The Summer Fellowship program is in an intensive six-week bootcamp Jerusalem,
Israel for 16 social entrepreneurs who are chosen from over 100 applicants.
The year-long Jerusalem Fellowship aims to identify and train eight fellows with
Jerusalem-based ventures and provide them with six months of training that will
ultimately help them launch their ventures.
Fellow Follow Up, includes; The Yazam Fund and Mentorship. Our goal is to
provide fellows with support post-Institute, help them further their ventures and
grow their community, as well as further knowledge development in target fields.
The Jerusalem PresenTense Fellowship is the flagship program of the PT Group. It
furthers PT’s mission by providing a platform and tools for Jewish social entrepreneurs
from around the world to launch their ventures into a supportive community, thereby
helping create the next generation of chalotzim (pioneers).
1. That there is continued demand for ventures that focus on innovation in the
Digital Age and Creative Zionism (proven thus far through the sponsored
chairs and the ventures themselves)
2. That there are Jewish individuals who have the ideas for ventures that can
make a difference and impact the Jewish world, but who don’t have tools
and/or knowledge to launch them on their own.
3. That there are organizations that have the need and budget for new and
innovative projects but don’t have the time or HR resources to initiate such
4. That PT can provide tools and resources valuable to innovators
5. That PT can sustain the infrastructure necessary for a successful and
functional Fellowship, including an effective curriculum, adequate living
conditions and a successful Launch Night.
6. That by helping fellows launch their ventures and providing them with the
Yazam Fund they will become an active part of the PT community and will
further PT’s mission globally
7. That the Madoff scandal has been an eye-opener for individuals and Jewish
organizations regarding the importance of self-sustainable grassroots
o Recruiting Stats: How many individuals applied? How many applied
because they heard of us from the PT community, Jewish
organizations, and social media?
o Fellow Stats: How diversified are the fellows? How diversified are the
projects? How many projects were launched? What types of
connections were made between the fellows as a result of PT
o Chair Stats: How many fellows were sponsored? Were the Chairs
happy with the quality of the ventures? What relationships developed
between Chairs and ventures, during and post-Fellowship? Were all
Chairs filled?
o Curriculum Stats: How many classes were taught? How many fellows
felt that the classes given were beneficial? How many fellows attended
the classes? How many classes were taught by the PT community?
First Stage: Laying the groundwork for recruiting and admissions (September-January)
Steering Committee
Suggested Personnel
1. Interns: In order to run a successful Summer Institute, we will need to recruit top
interns from around the world. The internship program should begin mid-June and
end mid-August. We will need about 10 interns for the following positions:
1 Event Planning Intern- For Launch Night, Shabbatonim and Day Trips
2 Design Interns- for Mini-issue, Invites, Fellow logos, flyers, website
2 Tech Interns- For the Communications Dept.
1 Documentary Intern- Who will flip and video tape the summer
1 Assessment Intern- Who will assist with gathering data for assessment
1 PR Intern- Who will assist with PR efforts and will blog on the website
Interns will have a day of orientation on June 1 and will have regular check in and
“bugtracking” once a week.
2. Logistic Assistant: A part-time logistical assistant who will help with the
logistical side of the summer. The assistant will work on average 20 hours a week
and will assist with Shabbatonim, day trips, food, apartment upkeep, phone calls,
Launch Night and more.
o Resource Requirements
Co-Directors and Education Director- Will act as coaches and mentors over
the summer and will assist with recruitment during their monthly visits to the
Communications- Will assist with marketing development for the summer
Institute, and will also have regular meetings with fellows over the summer
Jerusalem Hub - For the Summer Fellowship, the Hub will assist with
building a marketing campaign aimed at Israelis for the Summer Institute. The
Jerusalem Director will also have regular meetings with fellows over the
summer. For the Jerusalem Fellowship, the Hub will assist with admissions,
o Risks
Finding an appropriate place for the Summer Institute
Recruiting a diverse group of Israeli fellows
Coaching hours- finding the appropriate people to have regular weekly
meetings with fellows
Launch Night- Keeping the cost down, but at the same time having a
professional and serious feeling to the evening
Filling chairs – finding organizations or foundations interested in launching
new initiatives in the current economic climate, and investing in our
outsourced research and development.
The Boston Innovation and Engagement pilot will have interdependent modules which
will, in working together, generate a context for entrepreneurial success in Boston.
Module 1: Description Objectives
Innovator Monthly conference calls run 1.1 Develop a knowledge base through regular
Hotseat along Harvard Business School’s conversation around challenges facing social
Hotseat methodology, entrepreneurs
workshopping organizational 1.2 Create a culture of knowledge-sharing among
challenges and creating a young entrepreneurs in Boston
community of support (once a
month, digitally held )
Module 2: Periodic in-person training 2. 1 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
Training seminars providing theory and 2.1.1Introduction to Transmedia
application opportunities, and 2.1.2 Honing Your Mission
Seminars covering the topics of: social 2.1.3 Business Models and Strategy
entrepreneurship, internal 2.1.4 Project Time Management
organizational tools, external 2.1.4Volunteer Acquirement and Retention
development and public tools. 2.1.5 Guerilla Web 1
(once every two months, Sundays) 2.2 Internal Tools
2.2.1 Board Development
2.2.2 Business plan development
2.2.3 Budgeting
2.2.4 Fundraising
2.2.5 Guerilla Web 2
2.3 External Tools
2.3.1 Presentations
2.3.2 Public Speaking
2.3.3 Guerilla Web 3
2.3.4 Transmedia campaigns
Module 3: Pairing individual entrepreneurs 3.1 Provide advice and support for young adults at the
Mentorship with successful individuals in that beginning of their journey
entrepreneur’s field of interest 3.2 Generate networking opportunities for young
(ongoing) entrepreneurs
3.3 Involve successful entrepreneurs in securing the
success of young ventures in the Boston area
3.4 Engage successful entrepreneurs more intimately
with the efforts of the CJP to enrich the community
Module 4: Field trips to successful ventures in 4.1 Transfer practical skills from successful
Boardhopping the Boston area to meet founders entrepreneurs to start-up leaders
who built their organizations from 4.2 Create connections between young entrepreneurs
Master the bottom up, and learn key skills and successful ventures in the field
Classes from these masters of 4.3 Invest successful founders in the generation of
implementation (once a month, Jewish community
weekdays) 4.4 Provide heroes for young entrepreneurs to emulate
The success of the pilot program will be measured along the following metrics in
order to evaluate success:
Number of applications submitted for the fellowship, and the percentage of the
number accepted
Comparison of pre- and post-program self-scores for entrepreneur’s readiness
Participant’s level of satisfaction with the course, and attitude towards the CJP
Number of ventures launched at the end of the program, compared to projects
entering the program
Percentage of fellows admitted to the program who come from under engaged
sectors of the Jewish Community
Number of fellows completing the fellowship:
Number of ventures attaining viability and attracting capital in the months
following program launch
Prestige of faculty
Increased involvement by participants in Jewish organizational life, including
alumni donations
These statistics will be gathered periodically during the course of the program,
building in assessment as a primary component of the program itself. Program elements
will be refitted according to data gathered during the assessment period to ensure the
curriculum will account for the unique needs and offerings of the community.
Long-Term Vision:
For the Jewish community to become a beacon to those searching for meaningful,
engaging lives, new spaces and institutions will have to evolve to further the search for
engaging employ and value-driven activity in the digital age. PresenTense has three years
of experience with a model in Jerusalem for a center for Jewish pioneering that it seeks to
replicate in cities across the world. The primary motivation for creating centers for
pioneering stems from the understanding that the information age is marked by two
factors that challenge the current model of communal infrastructure: a large creative class
of individuals who work in smaller and faster-moving economic units, and a highly-
mobile population that travels internationally on a regular basis.
PresenTense can provide planning and support, as well as education personnel for the
quarterly seminars and moderators for the workshops – but it cannot run the daily
administration of the program within the CJP. As such, PresenTense seeks true
partnership with the CJP, whereby a CJP staff-member will be dedicated to the success of
the project, and the CJP’s support of the program over time will grow such that:
1. For the Spring 2009 pilot, CJP will provide one staff person as a point of contact
for the program. This person’s weekly commitment will waiver from 6
hours/week until 12 hrs/week at most.
2. After a mid-pilot assessment in April, and depending on program success and
desire by CJP to continue and regularize the program, PresenTense will hire a
full-time coordinator to ensure program growth and sustainability in Boston.
3. Following decision to launch a year-long program for the Fall of 2009, made in
April following mid-pilot assessment, PresenTense requests CJP send its staff
member for a three-week training session in Jerusalem at the PresenTense
Institute. There, that staff member will learn in practice from the on-the-ground
experience of PresenTense, and form a community of practice with other
Federation professionals working to bring the PresenTense methodologies and
program components to their host community.
4. Given program success for the full-year pilot of 2009-10, PresenTense will
request the CJP provide the program with a full-time CJP staff coordinator to
provide on-going venture development to Boston fellows year-round.
Resource Requirements
In order to develop an autonomous program in Boston that will sustain itself over time,
the initial set-up is labor intensive in its hands-on requirements from moderators and
trainers from PresenTense. In addition, this proposal assumes the CJP has the physical
assets—meeting rooms, lecture halls—to streamline the budget for such a program.
As such, the budget below for the pilot run represents personnel expenses, taken at
cost with the intention of developing a strong partnership between the CJP and
PresenTense, enabling the ultimate establishment of a pioneering hub in the Boston
Community. As such, hours invested remotely by program staff are cost at $100/hr, and
hours invested in person are cost at $150/hr.
Each module is independently priced, and can be run independently for the benefit of
the community. Additional costs are related to travel, printing, purchase of educational
materials and general administration and oversight. For a breakdown of cost and
structure, please see below. The following is a projection of costs, both PresenTense costs
and expenses to be directly out of the CJP. It is presented only for budgeting purposes.
In order for PresenTense to grow to scale to ensure the CJP receives the best possible
service, the CJP is requested to pay in quarterly increments, in the first week of every
quarter for the quarter to come. If additional costs – or reductions – occur during the
period of engagement, the budget will be adjusted from the coming quarter.
Potential Problems:
Potential problems include the availability of CJP staff to coordinate the project, and the
travel costs of bringing in PresenTense staff to conduct trainings—trips in which have
been reduced in order to fit budgetary demands. This will increase the pressure on local
staff, leading to increased need to prepare and train local staff for moderation. Ideally,
seminars will include only one PT professional from Jerusalem, and one Boston based
individual trained to take over the position in the years to come. In addition, this should
increase training on the ground in Boston prior to launch.
Project Summary:
PTLogistical Services’s management division has at the top of its priorities the
development of young and enterprising leadership. As service providers and as citizens
of the world, it is incumbent upon us to develop the younger generations in the Jewish
world and enable them to lead us to a world imbued with the values of social justice,
concern for the Other, respect, and continuity. In order to create and be a significant part
of such a society, the senior management is committed to develop and promote the
working abilities of its staff, perform employee evaluations, and build the best working
team according to these evaluations.
By developing its team, PTL is aimed at creating an ideal working place, on both the
physical and the material levels, for Jewish entrepreneurs all over the world who
diligently work at developing ideas to lead the Jewish people. In order to develop this
team, the management will convene a number of professional development opportunities
where staff will receive additional training, work plans will be presented by the
department heads to increase autonomy and ownership, possibilities for developing the
team will be discussed, and much effort will be made to make the team and its work more
This work is an iterative process, since PTL is committed to repeatedly examine new
ways team members could use to evaluate their work and environment. It is clear to all
that success in meeting PTL’s goals in terms of staff development will be measured
according to how management provides support for its staff, and the staff’s ability to lead
the Jewish people through these transformative times.
Since the purpose of the organization is to create and support Jewish entrepreneurs
destined to lead the Jewish people, PT is committed to see first and foremost that the
people it employs meet these expectations and can build the basis for the progress of the
Jewish people accordingly. There is no doubt that the success of the organization as a
whole in achieving the larger mission is directly dependant on the way the leading team
performs and succeeds. For this reason, we aim to develop and reinforce this team so it
can fulfill the tasks it is facing. We are aware that different people involved in the Jewish
or Israeli society around us can see themselves contributing in different ways: as leaders
or as followers, but we must develop a leading team that will make it possible for both to
exist and be involved.
We rely on several working assumptions in order to examine our work's efficiency and
that of the team we are working with. Without the existence of these working
assumptions, it would be difficult to examine the goals we are trying to meet and measure
the success or failure of the courses of action we chose:
Training The role of - Expand the team's 1. Monthly team 1. Team training: 5
training is to knowledge base training sessions – to 9 study sessions
offer various finding topics to learn a year.
- Provide new tools
tools that will and bringing an outside
for work 2. Team learning:
enable team expert who can enrich
5 to 9 internal
members to - Develop new work the team in that area.
study sessions a
maximize their methods and skills
2. Monthly shared team year.
work ability and
- Build team spirit learning session – once
expose them to 3. Two workshops
a month, one of the
various skills - Increase the a year for
team members will
and work personal and developing the
teach the others a topic
methods. For collective collective team.
he or she is interested in
this purpose we confidence of team
and would like to share 4. Finding mentors
will hold several members in their with the rest of the team according to
training sessions, work in order to enrich them. needs.
some of which
are based on - Expand the 3. Development
outside experts knowledge shared
workshops for the
and some on by the team.
entire team. These
internal forces. - Maximize each workshops will be
employee's personal given by outside
abilities experts who will focus
on different tools that
can make the team
work more efficiently
and expand individual
and collective ways of
4. Finding mentors who
can coach individuals
on the team according
to their specific needs
and requirement.
Suggested personnel
All team members take part in the processes mentioned above. The processes will be
examined by all participants and especially by the senior management. The company's
associate director, who also serves as the human resource manager in this context, will
see to the execution of the plan, definition of the schedule and the examination of the
various elements.
Resource requirements
There is no intention that the abovementioned processes be costly. However, there is
need for full cooperation, willingness, and adherence to the schedule by all team
members. Several costs that are still required in order to perform the work in the best
possible way are:
Project Summary
As the PresenTense Group enters its fourth year of existence, poised to become a leading
agent of impact for the Jewish community in the 21st century, it is preparing itself to leap
its organizational structure forward exactly as the overall financial markets are in
recession, and philanthropic dollars grow scarce. While this external challenge has
proved daunting to the not-for-profit market, PresenTense has approached the task of
securing financing aggressively and with confidence, believing that its message and
momentum resonates even more than usual during bleak financial times. Its confidence in
its success emerges from a unique approach to long-term funding, which includes the
operating principles below:
Philanthropic investment should be treated as a catalyst for a sustainable models
that generate revenue
Financial Resource Development (FRD) should be undertaken in a similar manner
to other community building efforts, and wherever possible integrated into
Volunteers should be welcomed into activities typically seen as reserved for paid
professionals (web dev, materials design, grant writing), thus reducing costs, yet
also maintaining the highest quality standards
Finance streams should be several and sustainable
FRD should be seen as a function of the power and growth of the Group’s
network, thus programs and projects that extend PT’s network ultimately
constitute FRD
Considering the ability of PresenTense to grow programmatically even in this
challenging period –in January PT will launch fellowships in Boston and Jerusalem— we
believe that PresenTense has reached the point where reliable growth capital can and
must effectively be used to establish a sustainable programmatic, human resource, and
financial base that can provide the Jewish People value for years to come. PresenTense’s
FRD efforts over the next two years will thus concentrate on consolidating existing
funding opportunities, securing growth capital, and using that capital to open new
horizons by supporting the growth of sustainable and revenue generating funding and
program models.
Consolidating Existing Opportunities: PresenTense has built a strong network and base
over the past several years, and is currently in multiple processes with individuals and
foundations who are either currently supporting or interested in financing PresenTense.
PTFRD is responsible for maintaining and growing these relationships, while also
insuring timely and sufficient reporting to the financing partner.
New Horizons: Over the horizon there are opportunities for immediate financial return,
but also a base for longer term sustainability and fungible value. The network of young
professionals gathering around PTInvestments, for example, will become board members
of new Institute ventures as well as funders. Franchised fellowships will grow
PresenTense’s overall value to the community, and network, while also bringing in fees
in return for service.
Overall, FRD adopts a net-centric approach to charting a course for PT’s financial
growth , understanding PresenTense as a traffic director of streams of financial and
human capital. By understanding itself as having obligations to support the financing and
growth of aspects of its community not explicitly under its own incorporated
organizational interest (such as its fellows, and projects in the network), PresenTense
becomes a conduit for delivering value, and not merely a site for donations.
PresenTense’s concept of providing value is at the core of PresenTense’s efforts
to build a widely distributed financing network, emphasizing multiple but reinforcing
models, where actual programmatic or mission value is created for funders through their
investment in PresenTense. We are optimistic that the outside market conditions do not
represent an insurmountable obstacle to our organizational aspirations, but, rather serve
as a reminder to maintain our qualitative edge, act innovatively, and constantly assess our
value to the community.
Investing in PresenTense and its programs is a means of Jewish People R&D,
while also a risk reduction opportunity across the community. By building up
PresenTense’s platform, the community will hook into the grid of new and innovative
activists, and find a proving ground to test ideas that hold high growth potential.
FRD for 2009-2010, then, will be organized around efforts that lead to consolidation
and efforts that lead to opening new horizons with promise for long term funding yield
and sustainability.
1. To support PresenTense’s existing program and secure growth capital for expansion
programming and staff growth
2. To support the existing and expansions financing models including chairs for the
summer institute, winter institute, and fellowship franchises
3. To create communities that have the potential to support PresenTense as well as
innovators in the PT Network
5. Consolidate growth funding opportunities already identified in PT’s opportunity list
o Insure that 10% of possible funders on PT’s new opportunity list engage in
any capacity during 2009-2010.
o Insure that 10% of foundation opportunities engage in any capacity during
6. Consolidate PresenTense’s existing significant-funding streams already supporting
o Secure multi-year commitments from supporters who have committed initial
or second year funding. Multi-year commitments will provide PresenTense
staff with the necessary stability for developing new solutions that can be
o In the case of highly invested/highly interested existing investors, transition
them from Stage II level funding to Stage III level funding.
o Mapping the ideal relationship cycle and time frame between PresenTense and
each of its funders. To be done in consultation with each funder, this will
provide PresenTense with a clear sense of the funder’s time commitment and
financial interest, enabling better planning by Group Management. Each
funder map will be detailed in a one-page “chart” for how PresenTense can
reach their maximum funding capacity, and in what time frame. It is crucial to
understand the phase out point of existing funders, thus structuring time
frames on sustainable model building.
7. Significantly expand PresenTense’s network of investors emerging from the young
professional, business, and venture capital community, for the purpose of insuring
independent investment and strong social and financial capital over the long-term.
Leverage this community to support others in the PT Network.
o Add fifteen individuals to PresenTense’s network through PTInvestments
o Identify and engage PTInvestments partner/match funder
o Hold four events (in person or geodispersed) over the course of next year
building community and value around the young supporter group.
8. Support existing earned-revenue models such as Chairs
o Tag current and new supporters, in the existing individual and foundation list,
as possible “Cluster Funders,” as described in the Investor Prospectus, v.
possible “Chair Funders,” spread across the Summer Institute and the
Jerusalem Institute and initiate conversations/meetings and pitches with the
top 30 most likely for 2010 and 2011 investment.
o Launch the “City RFP” model to test over the summer 2010 Institute
o Indentify 15 federations as possible City RFP participants
o Close on two federation participants
o Raise the likelihood of establishing the “chair” model over the long-term
success by clearly segmenting the funding market surrounding PresenTense’s
Fellowship Programs, to be translated into a list of 30 possible chair investors
o Hold one “Franchise PT Fellowship” program during the 2010 Institute
introducing potential franchising partners to the franchising opportunity
All of PresenTense’s programming divisions involve extending PT’s network, which
provides excellent opportunities for growing PT’s FRD. Therefore, PT’s FRD must focus
on a network centric approach to building investment. Further, staff must be educated on
how to bring network to bear in building funding relationships. Further, as PT’s
programmatic reach is growing, and including sustainable project, FRD should focus on
providing the startup capital necessary for the programs.
The plan outlined in this proposal rests on a number of core assumptions outlined below.
Should assumptions be shown to be wrong, elements of the plan will require re-
Capital markets will be poor leading to tighter philanthropic markets, making it
unlikely that most foundations will be seeking new significant funding opportunities.
Even if markets improve, foundations and other philanthropic actors may continue to
operate in a threat stance in their giving, minimizing growth.
Project Elements
This is the overview of the proposed projects that will be implemented under
Development during 2009-2010, subject to final review by Group Directors and Board.
Each of these sub-projects is covered in a separate project proposal.
Summary of Workplan
August – November
Phase I is a time for actively consolidating existing opportunities, as well as preparing the
ground for an active December-February. Activities during this time will include:
o Meetings with existing funders and new likely opportunities to act on objectives
o Submitting renewal requests to foundations
o Implementation of CRM
o Establishment of base for PTInvestments
o A combination between marketing chairs to new potential investors and
introducing Federations to CityRFP opportunity
o Intensively marketing and funding website target
1. Designation of 16 Chairs for summer Institute including 2 CityRFP’s
2. Fully fund website development target (as listed in project proposal)
3. Fully fund 1-2 entrepreneurs in residence (as listed in project proposal)
4. Engage 20 young VC and professionals involved in PTInvestments
5. Transition of two Stage I donors into Stage II
6. Conversion of stated percentages of lead sheets into funders
7. Identify that staff are using CRM: to be judged through records entered by
each staff member
8. Achieve multi-year commitments from at least two more funders
9. Ten participants on each quarterly call
10. Usage of donor portal at a percentage agreed upon by advisory committee
Budget Overview
Primary costs will include:
Travel: 16K (includes six-trips booked at 2K each, which should
incorporate time of other directors spent on development).
Materials: 4K (includes updating prospectuses, printing costs, gifts, and
some new material development towards March)
Personnel: 2K (includes outsourced grant writing, as well as potential
translation of certain materials to/from Heb/Eng.)
Consulting: 2.5K (salesforce CRM consulting—cost developed in
consultation with consulting company)
The financial markets represent a challenge to achieving the targeted number of chairs
and new funders. This is especially the case as many of the relationships that came to
fruition for the 2009 Institute had been developed prior to the worst of the crash.
Further, there may be a need to hire staff support for the FRD operations earlier than
anticipated, depending on other responsibilities required for current FRD director.
This is an exciting year for the PresenTense Group, as new ideas and new horizons have
intersected with a community ripe for taking what we’ve built to the next stage. As such,
as seen above, the PresenTense Group has very aggressive goals for this next year of
operations – goals only overshadowed by the enormity of the challenges facing the
Jewish People in these times of transition.
We are on the look out for partners to help us with ideas, introductions, investments and
(cross-platform) initiatives to help increase our potential impact on the world. If you
connected with any element of this collection of our operations, please contact us at
[email protected]