This document provides recommendations for column design considerations to avoid reinforcement congestion and construction difficulties. It discusses 12 options for the designer to consider if preliminary analyses find the column reinforcement exceeds acceptable limits. These options include pinning columns, adding more columns, using broader columns, incorporating continuity, utilizing structural rigidity, increasing column size, using higher strength concrete, and shortening spans. The designer should evaluate which options are applicable and consider constructability, costs, and impacts on other elements in selecting the best solution for the specific project.
This document provides recommendations for column design considerations to avoid reinforcement congestion and construction difficulties. It discusses 12 options for the designer to consider if preliminary analyses find the column reinforcement exceeds acceptable limits. These options include pinning columns, adding more columns, using broader columns, incorporating continuity, utilizing structural rigidity, increasing column size, using higher strength concrete, and shortening spans. The designer should evaluate which options are applicable and consider constructability, costs, and impacts on other elements in selecting the best solution for the specific project.
This document provides recommendations for column design considerations to avoid reinforcement congestion and construction difficulties. It discusses 12 options for the designer to consider if preliminary analyses find the column reinforcement exceeds acceptable limits. These options include pinning columns, adding more columns, using broader columns, incorporating continuity, utilizing structural rigidity, increasing column size, using higher strength concrete, and shortening spans. The designer should evaluate which options are applicable and consider constructability, costs, and impacts on other elements in selecting the best solution for the specific project.
This document provides recommendations for column design considerations to avoid reinforcement congestion and construction difficulties. It discusses 12 options for the designer to consider if preliminary analyses find the column reinforcement exceeds acceptable limits. These options include pinning columns, adding more columns, using broader columns, incorporating continuity, utilizing structural rigidity, increasing column size, using higher strength concrete, and shortening spans. The designer should evaluate which options are applicable and consider constructability, costs, and impacts on other elements in selecting the best solution for the specific project.
6-1 COLUMNANALYSISCONSIDERATIONS ColumnsdesignedinaccordancewiththeCaltransBridgeDesignSpecificati ons(BDS)and theCaltransSeismicDesignCriteria(SOC)mayresultinadensere inforcementarrangement. This often leads to reinforcement congestion and maycause constructi on di fficulties. To avoidtheseconcerns,thereareanumberofoptionsadesignershouldconsiderbeforedeciding on parameters such as bent locati on, co lumn s ize, number ofcolumns per bent and the column s pac ing best suite d for the structure. Some of these optio ns, a lo ng with recommendati ons, a re di scussed in the following paragraphs. These recomme ndations generally apply to long or narrowstructures. The designer should be aware that column designconsiderationsbasedonGroup1-VI loadsmaysometimescontradictthoseforGroup VII loads. I Spanlengths,col umns izes,andcolumnarchitecturalfeaturesaresometimesselectedrather arbitrarily when the GeneralPlan is first developed.The next step istodetermi newhether thesearbitrarydecis ions will be practi cal. Preliminary ana lyses using the Bridge Design SystemandtheBENTprogram shouldbemadetogetherwithpre liminarydynamicanalyses. These analyses may be rather limited in scope in the early design stage. When a more detaileddynamicanalysisisrequired,theanalysismodelshouldencompasstheent irestructure, includingconnectingrampssubjecttoprogramlimitations.Fordynamicanalysis,longstructures maybedi videdintogroupsofframes,butindi vidualgroupsmustoverlap.In supports andtheboundaryconditionsforeachgroupshouldbeproperlymodeledusingsuitablesprings. I Theresultsofpreliminaryanalysesshouldbereviewedforcriti calcolumnloadings,bothfor GroupI-VI and GroupVIIloadings. Columns which require maximumreinforcement(for GroupI-VIloads)shouldbefurtheranalyzedus ingtheYIELDprogram.Non-linearanalyses ofacriticalbent(us ingXSECTIONand WFRAME)mayberequired ifductilityrequirements are a concern. Based on these pre liminary analyses, if the longitudina l and transverse re inforcementincolumns isfoundtobeacceptable,thenthegeometri candstructuralframe arrangements can be assumed to be sati sfactory. However, if the column re inforcement exceedsacceptabl elimits,thenthefollowinga lternativesshould becons idered: I) In multi-columnbents,pincolumnsatthefootings.Insingle-columnbents,pinning the baseofthecolumnadj acentto abutments maybe cons idered. 2) Addadditionalcolumnsper bent. 3) Usebroadersinglecolumns. 4) Forsinglecolumnbents,cons iderincorporatingcont inui tyatthetopofcolumns in analyses. 5) Utilizetors ionalrigiditytoreduceP- loadeffectsonsinglecolumnbents. 6) In multi -columnbents,increasecolumnsize. 7) Use hi gherstrengthconcrete forcolumns. 6- 1 CoLUMN A NALYSES CoNSIDERATIONs MEMOTOD ESIGNERS 6-1 OCTOBER2001 ~ i 8) Shortenspan lengthsbyaddingbents. 9) Add hinges or consider temporary construction hinge to reduce sens iti vity to shortening. I0) Increasetheelastic lengthof shortcolumns. II) Usepileshafts in lieuof foot ings. 12) Reduce prestressand thennal force coefficients where appropriate. Thedesignershouldconsiderthebestoptionthatisapplicabletoaspecificproject. Inadditionto theabove-mentionedoptions,thefollowingtwoitemsmayhaveanimpacton decisionsmadeby thedesignerindesigningcolumns: I) Aesthetic features (Column Flares). 2) Outriggerbents. Thedesignermay adoptanyoneoracombinationof theabove-mentionedopt ions.Whilecost should be a primary consideration, it should not be the onl y criterion. Some ofthe options recommended above may not appearto be costeffect ive, but may result in savi ngs in other bridgeelementssuchasfootings,andleadtoanoverallefficientdesign. Thedesignershouldbe aware that any one ofthe above-mentioned opti ons may solve one problem, butmay cause another. Thefollowing isabri ef reviewof eachopti on,citing bothbeneficialanddetrimentaleffects. 1) Pincolumnsatthebase:Thisopti onshouldbethenormforall multi -columnbents. Pinnedcolumnsleadtoasofterstructureincomparisontofixedcolumnsandresult in largerdrift(lateraldisplacement)particularlyunderGroupVIIloads. Inaddition, the momentsatthe top ofthe columns due toGroup I-VI loads would increase. Consequently, these columns maybesubj ected to higher moment magnification factorsinthedesignstage.Thecombinedeffectsof increasedgrouploadmoments atthe fixed end and moment magnifi cation could requirean increase in primary rei nforcement. Insinglecolumnbents,columnsmaybepinned iftheabutmentortheadjacentbent canassumeincreaseddemandsandretainstability.Pinnedcolumnsmustbesupported duringconstruction. Thi s option should beconsideredonly as a last resort. End columns in framescanalsobedesignedtoslideonthefootingduringprestressing andthenexternallykeyedtothefooting. The biggest advantage ofpinning the column at the footing is that it leads to a reduct ion in the foundati on sizeand reduced footing costs. Pot bearings orbase isolati onbearings, thoughexpensive, may providea sat isfactorysolution in some situations. 6- 1COLUMN ANALYSES CONSIDERATIONS 2 MEMo To D ESIGNERs 6-1 O c TOBER 200 I ~ i 2) 3) 4) 5) Addmore similar columns per bent: This alternative usually leads to a reduced column s ize which may reduce the longi tudinal stiffness and moments, but may increase the transverse frame stiffness. Adding columns may not be aesthetically pleasing. While aesthetics is important, it should not take precedence over structural integrity. In s ingle-column bents, addition of a second column may be the appropriate soluti on (for narrow structures, two closely spaced columns may not leave room for flares). Axial tension due to overturning effects may reduce shear capacity in multi-column bents, but other benefits may prevai l. Use broader single columns/oblong columns: This option may be cons idered as an alternative to adding a second column to a single-column bent. The oblong column may be pinned with reference to longitudinal response to reduce foundation costs. Such columns typically have interlocking reinforcement cages. For single-column bents, consider incorporating continuity at the top of columns: For analysis under Group 1-VI loads, the designer should cons iderthe restraining effects ofadjacent spans. Box girder bridges on s ingle column bents should not be considered as true cantil evers (0.99 Distribution Factor) in the transverse direction in the YIELD program. The tors ional rigidity ofa box girder provides significant restraint and a D.F. of 0.90 can conservatively be used without a frame analysis. Thi s wi ll greatly reduce the column moment and reinforcement. The designer should use STRUDL analysis to obtain actual lower D.F. values if slenderness causes a signi ficant moment magnification. Utilize torsional rigidity and distribution to reduce P-load effects on single- column bents: STRUDL analyses show that superstructure ri gidi ty reduces transverse moments s ignificantly in many s ingle column bent structures under Group 1-VI loads as compared to the typical cantil ever bent analysis. These analyses also show that a s igni ficant portion of wheel loads, applied at a bent near the edge of deck, is di stributed to adjacent bents. Therefore, the des igner should take advantage of such analyses when conventional cantilever analysis shows that the selected column size/shape is inadequate for the appli ed Pern1 it Truck load. Trial STRUDL analyses have a lso shown that the reacti ons from distributed Permit loads are simi tar to reactions caused by HS loads analyzed in the usual cantilever manner. Therefore, an approximate alternative to a detailed analysis for Permit loads in the maximum transverse load case, is to use only HS li ve loadings to analyze the bent as a cantil ever. Bridges with unusually large span-to-width ratios ( i.e., connector ramps) are not good candidates for this approximate method. 6-J COLUMN A NALYSES CONSI DERATIONS 3 MEMo TO D EsiGNERs 6-1 O cTOBER 2001 ~ i 6) 7) 8) 9) In multi-column bents, use larger columns: A larger column section will allow more room to place main reinforcement and provide greater shear capacity for Group 1-Vlloads. However, increasing the column size would also draw more moment and shear. For Group VII loads, in additi on to increased sti ffness, a possible increase in plasti c moment would lead to an increase in footing and superstructure costs. Thi s option may not be viable if horizontal roadway clearances are ti ght or when existing bridges are being widened. Use higher strength concrete for columns: Thi s opti on may be used as a means to reduce main reinforcement without significantly increasing stiffness. Thi s will also increase the shear capacity (unless tensile axial loads exist). However, the resul ting increase in plasti c moment capaci ty may lead to increased footing and superstructure costs. The designer should consider the economics ofspecifying more than one high strength concrete in the design of prestressed concrete bridges. In general, the designer should not use 12 mm (No.4) primary aggregate in concrete as a means to allow a more closely spaced, dense network ofcolumn reinforcement. This type of materi al is not readi ly avai labl e in all geographical areas and may also require the use of concrete additi ves to develop assumed concrete strengt h. Shorten spans lengths and add bents: This option should be considered primarily for viaducts. Other long structures (connector ramps) generally have bent locations dictated by facilities that are crossed (such as roadways and rai l roads). Shorter spans can reduce structure de pth (i.e., dead load) and proportionately reduce seismic loads to the bents. The applicabi lity of both, conventionally reinforced as well as prestressed concrete sections should be considered. While prestressed concrete sections typically result in a smaller dead load, they cause secondary prestress moments in columns and may require more expensive joi nt seals due to increased movement rati ngs at the joints. Short prestressed spans reduce dead load, but the superstructure depth may be too shallow to pennit the development ofcolumn bars. Add hinges: This opti on s hould be considered primarily for long, prestressed structures. Adding a hinge will effecti vely shorten all frames in a structure. The end bents of the frames, especially the short bents near abutments, will draw less prestress moment. The structure may become more fl exible resulti ng in increased defl ections under Group VII loads, but would also benefit from reduced force levels due to a lengthened primary response peri od. lnte nnedi ate construction hinges, strategically placed on selected reinforced concrete segments within long prestressed structures, allow for creep forces to stabilize before connecting frames together. In general, it is preferable to avoid/minimize hinges so as to maintain structure continui ty whi ch is parti cularly desirable under seismic loads. 6- 1 COLUMN ANALYSES CONSIDERATIONS 4 MEMo TO DESIGNERS 6-1 OcTOBER 2001 ~ i I0) Increase the elastic length of short columns: Signifi cant moment reductions can be achieved, especially in prestressed concrete structures, by increasing the column elastic length. This can be accomplished by taking advantage of footingtranslationduetoelasticandplasticsoildeformation,loweringthefooting elevation,orboth.lfthefoot ingislowered,passiveearthresistanceonpilesand footingswillincreaseandresultin lesstranslation.Soi lspringscanbeusedwith theSTRUBAGprogramtomode lfoundat ionreleasesfromfull fi xity. II) Use pile shafts in lieu offootings: The benefits ofthi s option are si mi lar to increasingthecolumn lengths.Generally,theresulting increasein fl exibili tywill leadtoreducedseismicforces,butdisplacementswill increase.Shaftconstruction may become morecompl icatedin thepresenceofshallowgroundwaterand/or loosesand.Elasticcolumnlengthscanbeincreasedbyrequiringthetopof shaft tobebelowtheground-lineandbyspecifyingaspacercasing(isolation)around theundergroundportionofcolumn.However,theconsequencesofplastichinging belowground-lineshouldbeconsidered. Shaftswhichdonot requireunusualconstructiontechniquesarelessexpensive thanfixedpilefootings. 12) Reduce preslress and !henna/ force coefficients: There are several theori es describing the effects ofprestress and thermal forces on a structure. Some expertsfeelthatinitialmomentsincolumnsduetoprestressshorteningeventually creepto nearly zero. Since thermal stressesdevelopgradually, there is some plastic re lief. In additi onto momentreductionsdueto creep,thee lasto-plastic characteristicsof thesoi lsurroundingthefoundationsalsopermitsomemoment re liefforthecolumns. Somereductionin theseforcesshouldbeuti lized.Since there isnoagreementona llowablereductions, it issuggestedthatmomentsand shears dueto prestressingcouldbe reduced by 50%,and thosedueto thermal actionbereducedby25%.Thesevaluesareconsideredreasonablewhenapplied tofixedfoundations.Whenallowinglimitedfoundationreleaseusingspringsor somefoundationtranslation,orifshaftsarebeingused,theprestressandthermal forcesshouldnotbeadjustedasradi cally.Adjustmentsmustbemadecons istent withtheanalysismodel. 6-1 COLUMN ANALYSES CONSIDERATIONS 5 MEMo TO D ESIGNERS 6-1 OcTOBER 2001 l!;ic Additi ona lconsiderat ionswhichmayimpactcolumntypeselection,ana lysisanddesign: I) Aesthetic features: Aestheti c features often require fascia concrete suchasflares. Ingeneral,columnfl aresshouldbeisolated fromthesuperstructurewithahorizontal gap as shown in Attachment I, unl ess structura l cons iderations require that the fl aresbemonolithicwiththesuperstructure. Theconcreteinthefl areregionoutside the column core (fl are concrete) s ha ll be adequate ly reinforced with fl are rei nforcement to minimize shrinkageandtemperature related cracks aswell asto preventtheseparationoffl aresfromthecolumncoreatdesigndi splacementductili ty levels (approximate ly,a ductili tylevelof4). Flarere inforcement istheadditi ona l re inforcement(longitudina landtransverse)provided in thefl areregionoutsidethe confinedcolumncorereinforcement. Whenagapisprovided,thecontributionfrom fl aresshouldnotbeincluded inserviceloadanalysisaswe llasinseismicana lysis. The fl are details areshown inAttachment I. Testson40% scaled mode lsofcolumns with isolated fl areshaveshownthatthese columnshavealargedisplacementductil itycapacity[Uni vers ityofCaliforni a,San Diego,Report# SSRP-97/06]. Thesetests alsorevealthatthe pl ast ic hingeforms in the column in the concentrated region ofthe fl are gap. However, due to the confi ningeffectsofthebentcapandthecolumnflare,theshortplastichingelength canstillprovidethecolumnwithadequatedi spl acementductilitycapacity. Mono lithicfl ares(structuralfl ares)shouldbeavoidedwherepossibleforthefollowing reasons: a) Incolumnswheretheflare is improperlydesignedand detailed, it is like ly that the plasti chingemayformatthebaseofthecolumnfl are( insteadofformingat thetopof thecolumn). Thi snotonlyincreasesthesheardemandonthecolumn, buta lsoresul tsin severelossofbridgedeckprofi le if plasti chingefa ilurewere tooccur. Whileproperdesignanddeta ilingassuresthattheprobabilityof failure ofaplasti chi ngeisextreme ly low,itispossiblethatpl astichi ngesmayfail due to unforeseenoverloads. b) Monolithicfl aresleadtoanincreaseinforcedemandsonadjacentsuperstructure andsubstructureelements,andmayresult in reduceddi splacementductil ityof bents. Withproperj ustificati on,theDesignEngineermayadoptmono lithi cfl ares. The approvalofChief,Offi ceofStructureDesignshall beobtainedbeforeadecis ion toadoptmonolithi cfl aresismade. 6-1 COLUMN A NALYSES CONSIDERATIONS 6 MEMOTODESIGNERS 6-1 OcTOBER2001 ~ i When monolithic flares are approved for adoption, these flares shall be designedanddetai ledsothattheyareunlikelytoseparatefrom thecolumn evenatdesigndisplacementductilitylevels. In such structural flares,the flare reinforcement (longitudinal and transverse) shall be determined in accordance with the c'Oiumn performance requirements specified in the CaltransSeismicDesignCriteria. Thecontributi ontocolumncapacityand stiffnessfrom thestructuralflaresshallbemodeledand incorporatedinthe seismicanalysistoidentifyplastichinge locations. The Design Engineer shall ensure that the plastic hinge forms in the column and not in the superstructure. Furthermore,throughproperdesignanddetailing,theDesign Engi neershouldensurethattheplastichingeformsatthetopofthecolumn and notat thebaseofthe flare. 2) Oulrigger bents: Outriggers are extremely vulnerable under seismic forces becausetheydonot havethesuperstructureconcreteenclosureatthecolumn- capjoint.Thejointmustbeadequatelyconfinedusingclosedtieswithseismic hookstopreventdegradationduringplastichinging.Also,thejointmustbedesigned anddetai ledtoensurethat aplasti chingefonnsinthecolumnandnotinthecap in accordancewiththeguidelinesin SOC. Theexposedportionofthe capmust beproperlydesignedfortorsionand reinforcedwith closedseismictiesiftorsionissignificant.Thecomerjointmustbecapableofresistingall torsion,moment,andshearsoccurringatthejoint. Adequateconfinementmustbeprovided for developingbarsfrom boththeoutriggerandcolumn. In concl usion, it is importanttoemphasizethat thedesignerbe awareofall the preceding factorswhich are applicabletothestructure beinganalyzed.Attentionshould begiven to producingadynamicmodelrepresentingactualsiteconditionsratherthanassumedgeneral practicemethodswhencol umndesignproblemsarise.Secondaryeffectsshouldbeinvestigated whenlargecolumndeflectionsareindicatedbyanalysis.Thecolumnsshouldbe investigated earlyin thedesign process.Relegatingcolumndesigntotheendcanresult in redesignand many wasted hoursofwork. 6-1 COLUMNA NALYSES CONSIDERATIONS 7 MEMoToDESIGNERS 6-1 OcTOBER2001
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