The White Magician's Pantheon

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The White Magician’s Pantheon

Dear student of the occult,

Some black magicians are spreading the lie that there is no difference between white and
black magic and that all magic is neutral. They’re telling only half the truth and they’re doing
that for a reason. I shall explain why there is a huge difference between black and white
magic and I will also explain why they’re telling this lie. I also will give you, presuming that
you are a white magician yourself, the description of the White Magician’s Pantheon.

There is only one aspect of magic that is neutral. That is the technical aspect of magic: the
techniques; ritual, invocation, evocation, divination, prayer et cetera. Then we have the
powers which the magician works with; they aren’t neutral at all, except a small group of
them. The neutral ones are the powers that are never been ‘created’ by a magician, like the
elements. Every power, god, goddess, spirit, and so on that has a name and a function, is
sometime created by a magician or a magical lodge. Most magicians don’t realize this.
Throughout the ages, the clergy had all the power. These were mostly black magic lodges,
suppressing the common men through the energies of there created powers.

To be clearer about this; every power has a form and a formless aspect. The formless aspect
is neutral, because its energy is an aspect of nature. The form aspect – the name and function
of the power – is the part which the magician ‘puts around’ the formless energy to make it
useable. The magician adds in this process his or her own intentions. We only have to look at
history and to the religions of today, to see that these intentions were often black indeed
therefore these powers are serving Darkness as well.

Eventually it’s the big question if the magician him/herself can be black, white or neutral. To
answer this question we have to look at the magician’s development. The way of the
magician is a path of self-realisation. This path follows three stages of development:

1. The learning process and discovery of magical techniques

2. Defining the magical self
3. Playing a mythical role in the universe

Most magicians are in their first stage of their spiritual development not following a dark or
light path, they just use some magical techniques - which are neutral in nature - to gain some
wealth, some friendships and some luck in life. People who are potentially more attracted to
white magic are in most cases on the path of self discovery and meditation during this stage
of spiritual development. We speak of grey magic in this stage of development.

In the second stage of development, the magical personality is created. This is the time when
the apprentice really decides his or her path. In this period the old personality dies and the
new magical personality arises. The old personality dies through detachment; the new
magical personality arises through action. Every action that comes from a self-image that is
connected with the cosmos, builds up a white magician’s personality. Every action that comes
from a self-image that is disconnected with the cosmos, builds up a black magician’s
personality. The black magician who is using magic to simply harm people is on a dead end
path. He or she who directly hits people in a negative way will encounter the cosmic law that
says: what you put out is what you get back. There are some ways to trick karma
temporarily, but within a relative short period of time the black magician will destroy
Black magicians who understand this law of karma walk a different path. They influence
other people to do their dark deeds for them. This kind of magic is all about misleading and
temptation. A black magician works often like a hunter; he sets up a trap and waits. The trap
itself is not directly a deadly one, but when the victim is stuck in it, the magician takes his
chance to direct the victim’s free will into a certain direction. Not by force, but by creating
the illusion that there is only one way out for the victim.

In the third stage, the magical personality is matured. This development stage is reached
when the magician fully understands the nature of reality. The white magician becomes an
archetype for the Light; the black magician becomes an archetype for Darkness. The
personality enters the realm of timelessness and immortality. Now he or she plays an
important role in the destiny of one or more universes.

I think you can see the bigger picture now. The black magician doesn’t want you to know
that a lot of the deities have a hidden dark intent, namely to bring you under his influence.
Compare it to a hunter who doesn’t want that his victim is aware that he is walking into his
camouflaged trap. Their magic is based on the ignorance of their victims. This kind of black
magic worked quite powerful for several thousands of years. The white magicians on earth
are quite outnumbered during the beginning this 21st century. Many magicians were misled
in their early spiritual developments and turned to the dark path.

But the tide is turning. As promised I give you the White Magician’s Pantheon.

Let me make the intentions of the white magician who’s created them clear: These powers
only serve the white magician in his or her development towards the Light.

This White Magician’s Pantheon consists of 8 deities. You can work with them by means of
the use of various magical techniques like invocation, prayer and channelling.

Use this knowledge wisely.


Sesah is a guidance spirit; she leads the white magician to his/her goals.
Notice the direction of flying birds when you consulted her for guidance; she
often use them as pointers. It is possible to build up a clear telepathic contact
with her. She will never interfere with your free will; it’s her task to support
you on your path to the realisation of your goal.

Picture her as a beautiful woman with black hair and piercing light blue eyes.
Sesah wears a long blue robe and is always accompanied by all kind of birds.

Aehul’s being is composed from the raw forces of nature. His influence
reaches from the inner earth to the outer planets. He provides the white
magician in his or her basic needs. A strong relation with Aehul makes
your body less dependant on food, water and even oxygen. His energy
tunes you to a force that can eventually replace the need for food and
other physical addictions. His power also regenerates the body when it
is hurt of weakened.

His appearance is that of an old white bearded man. He wears a dark

wizard robe and hood. Electric like energy swirls continuously around his hands and body.
Sometimes dark creatures want to feed from his life giving energy when they notice Aehul
from a distance. But when they come close, Aehul’s purity drives them away and sometimes
even makes them disintegrate.


Sculce is an androgynous spirit. It lives in the shadows on all planes of

existents although its essence is light. The white magician consults Sculce
when he or she is in search for that what is hidden and invisible. This
search can be a self examination or for example the unmasking of hidden
plans of a black magician. The best way to communicate with Sculce is to
be in the dark yourself. Be aware that his answers are subtle like someone
whispers to you from behind. Welcome his kind soft light when he
approaches you.

Sculce can be pictured as a silhouette with sparks of soft colored light emitting from its core.


Lusesh is continuous in contact with the wisdom of the universe. She is

a light bringer and provider of inspiration and new ideas. The path of
self-realisation can be difficult and this is where Lusesh supports the
white magician. Lusesh speaks to the white magician through the
silence of meditation.

Lusesh can be visualised as a naked women with long hair, sitting in

meditation posture. She resides in a realm beyond space and time,
looking into the core of the unfolding universe.


Heca’s spheres of power are the physical and etheric planes. Her state of
being radiates ascendance and natural power. Because of her counterpart
Ussael - the warrior on the higher planes - Heca never has to go to battle,
although she is a skilled warrior. Her enemy knows instinctively that she
would crush him. Heca protects the white magician against physical harm.
The connection between Heca and the white magician is a sexual one.
When you approach Heca, her energy will sexual arouse you.
You can picture Heca as a beautiful charismatic woman. She has a tall, athletic body and
dark long hair. Heca is dressed in brown leather and carries a spear with her.


Ussael is Heca’s counterpart on the higher planes of existence. He is the

warrior of the Light, protector of that what is righteous. Heca can be in a
state of non-violence because of Ussael’s victories. The white magician
can count on his assistance when he is assaulted by dark forces.
Concentration on your own heart beat is an excellent gateway to come in
contact with Ussael. He is also a great teacher when it comes to spiritual
warfare. His teachings can be received telepathically or by channelling.

Ussael wears red/golden magical armour. He is armed with a very

powerful staffs which is feared by the allies of Darkness.


Aslecus is in a sense the watcher of the earth. She is connected with the
minds and bodies of all living creatures of the earth. You could also
describe her as the collective mind of planet earth. A good relation with
her is very valuable for the white magician. A profound empathy can be
gained through the contact with Aslecus and also a deeper understanding
of the purpose and the destiny of planet earth. She likes to speak with
magicians through dreams, but a contact through telepathy or
channelling is also possible.

Seeing Aslecus with your minds eye can be quit a challenge because of the fluid state she is
in, while living through all the experiences of life on earth. Once you caught her attention
she takes on a more solid form. She appears as a mystical woman, dressed in green, yellow
and bleu fabric. She is connected with countless energy cords.


Sasule is like a mother for all that is vulnerable and weak. She gives
unconditional love and comfort to that what is unable to care for itself.
She is a great help to the white magician in his spiritual development and
self exploration. Because the most damaged and hurt parts of the self can
be healed by Sasule. She also is a great teacher in compassion. Contact
with her is always a peaceful experience.

Visualize Sasule as an angelic being with a dark skin, wearing a green


Let the Eternal Light guide you in your magical practice.

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