Gesta Romanorum 62 de Pulchrtudine Fidelis Animae

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Gesta Romanorum 62 de pulchritudine fidelis animae

Caius regnavit prudens valde; in eius regno mulier quaedam erat nomine Florentina miro # modo pulchra et gratiosa, unde tanta pulchritudo erat in ea, quod tres reges eam obsidebant et a $ quolibet rege erat violata. Post haec inter reges propter nimium amorem commissum est bellum % et quasi infiniti homines ex omni parte occubuerunt. Satrapae imperii haec audientes omnes ad regem venerunt dicentes: " omine, illa Florentina in regno tuo est tam pulchra, quod quasi infiniti cotidie pro eius amore occiduntur, et nisi citius remedium apponatur, quotquot sunt in regno, peribunt." !udiens haec rex litteras scribi fecerat anulo suo signatas, quod sine ulteriori dilatione illa ad eum veniret. Praeco cum litteris ad eam perrexit, et antequam ad eam pervenit, defuncta est. "ediit praeco, de morte Florentinae regi nuntiavit.
nulus, - m - ring appn, ere, psu, positum - to place b., place near Caius, - m - Caius, a man/s name citius - adv - more quic0l. ctdi - adv - dail. dfungor, , fnctus sum - to finish, die dlti, nis - f - dela., putting off Flrentna, ae - f - Florentina, a 1oman/s name grtisus, a, um - adj - agreeable nfntus, a, um - adj - limitless, 1ithout bounds mrus, a, um - adj - 1onderful nnti 2#3 - to announce, report occub, re, u, itum - to lie lo1, lie dead perveni, re, vn, ventum - to arrive #. Caius - 4ust ta0e the name and go 1ith it. in 5ius r5gn6 - in su rgn in classical 7atin; medieval 7atin sometimes mixes ius and suus. 7anguage change in the directon of modern "omance languages. $. quod - behaving li0e an ut introducting a result clause set up b. tanta pulchritd, but no sub4unctive. %. commissum est bellum - not am6rem commissum. &. haec audient5s - hearing these things; participles can ta0e direct ob4ects. '. v5n5runt d8cent5s - the. came; one 1a. to introduce direct speech. 9erb : participle about tal0ing. quod - li0e the quod in line $. (. pr6 5ius am6re - for the love of her or for her love. epends ho1 .ou 1ant to interpret it. ;s she giving her love to the 1inner< =r are the. fighting inspired b. their love of her<

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praec, nis - m - to1n crier, auctioneer prudns, entis - adj - prudent pulchritd, dinis - f - beaut. quod - conj - that qu-, quae- quodlibet - pronoun - 1hoever 2.ou li0e3 quotquot - adv - ho1ever man. rgn 2#3 - to rule remedium, - n - cure, medicine, remed. satrapa, ae - m - governor, vicero. sign 2#3 - to mar0, seal lterior, ius - adj - farther vald - adv - ver. viol 2#3 - to dishonor, violate, outrage, inflict violence ). per8bunt - euphemism for mor. *. !udi5ns haec - hearning these things; direct ob4ect 1ith participle again. scr8b8 f5cerat - had made to be 1ritten; this causative construction loo0s more li0e acc : inf indirect speech rather than facere : ut. sign>t>s - goes 1ith litters. +. illa - Florentina. ven8ret - imperfect sub4unctive; indirect order. 9er. indirect. d5functa est - another euphemism for mor. #,. "ediit - s.ncopated form of redvit.

"ex contristatus est valde, quod eam videre non poterat in sua pulchritudine, et omnes

pictores regni ad eum convocari fecit. Cum autem venissent, ait rex: "Carissimi, haec est causa, $ quare pro vobis misi: ?rat quaedam mulier nomine Florentina in tanta pulchritudine, quod quasi infiniti occubuerunt pro eius amore; defuncta est et eam non vidi. ;te ergo et cum omni industria vestra imaginem eius depingite cum sua pulchritudine, per quam potero discernere, quomodo tot occubuerunt pro eius amore." !t illi: " omine, rem difficilem vos quaeritis; tanta erat in ea pulchritudo et decentia, quod omnes pictores orbis imaginem eius non depingerent quantum ad omnia, excepto uno pictore, qui latet in montibus. ;lle solus est et non alius, qui voluntatem vestram adimplere poterit." @aec audiens rex pro illo pictore destinavit.
adimple, re, v, tum - to fill up contrst 2#3 - to ma0e sad convoc 2#3 - to call together decentia, ae - f - decenc., proper proporiton dfungor, , fnctus sum - to finish, die dping, ere, pnx, pictum - to dra1, describe dstin 2#3 - to establish, appoint, ta0e aim at discerno, ere, crvi, cretum - to separate, divide #. quod - sets up purpose clause 1ithout sub4unctive. $. convoc>r8 f5cit - made to be called together; this causative construction loo0s more li0e acc : inf indirect speech rather than facere : ut. v5nissent - pluperfect sub4unctive after cum. Ao special meaning. %. quod - sets up result clause after in tant pulchritdine. &. pr6 5ius am6re - see line ( note on the previous page. Bte - plural imperative of e. '. im>ginem 5ius - a picture of her. Cnli0e line ( on the previous page, there/s no real interpretation option here. cum su> pulchritDdine - li0e in ius rgno on line # of the previous page, but the other direction. 7anguage change stri0es again. Flrentna, ae - f - Florentina, a 1oman/s name industria, ae - f - dilligence, purpose nfntus, a, um - adj - limitless, 1ithout bounds occub, re, u, itum - to lie lo1, lie dead pictor, ris - m - painter pulchritd, dinis - f - beaut. quod - conj - that vald - adv - ver. per quam - through 1hich; the quam refers to im>ginem. (. pr6 5ius am6re - again. ). ill8 - pict6r5s. v6s - plural referring to a singular 0ing. Probabl. some sort of politeness mar0er. *. quod - result clause, this time 1ith sub4unctive. orbis - the 1orld/s; or is is often not 4ust a circle. d5pingerent - imperfect sub4unctive in result clause. quantum ad omnia - at all; Eas far as concerned all thingsF is more literal. except6 Dn6 pict6re - one painter excepted; abl. abs. #,. @aec audi5ns - hearing this; participles ta0e direct ob4ects.

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Gui cum ad eum venisset, ait ei: "Carissime, de tua industria informati sumus, ite et imaginem Florentinae per omnia depingite in sua pulchritudine et condignam mercedem dabo tibi." !t ille: ""em difficilem quaeritis, verumtamen mihi concede, ut in conspectu meo omnes pulchras mulieres totius regni saltem per unam horam habeam, et faciam, quod vobis placebit."

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"ex vero fecit omnes convocari et in conspectu eius stare. Pictor quattuor pulchriores ex ) eis elegit et alias licentiavit, ut ad patriam suam redirent. Pictor ille cum rubeo colore imaginem eius incepit depingere, et quae illarum quattuor * +

mulierum habebat magis faciem gratiosam aut nasum, et sic de ceteris membris, hoc in imagine #, posuit, ita quod ex qualibet muliere aliquam partem accepit et imaginem complevit.
comple, re, v, tum - fill up, finish, complete condgnus, a, um - adj - ver. deserving cnspectus, s - m - sight, vie1 convoc 2#3 - to call together dping, ere, pnx, pictum - to dra1, describe Flrentna, ae - f - Florentina, a 1oman/s name grtisus, a, um - adj - agreeable, full of favor industria, ae - f - dilligence, purpose nfrm 2#3 - to give form licenti 2#3 - to dismiss #. qu8 - the 0ing. eum - the painter. v5nisset - pluperfect sub4unctive after cum 1ith no special meaning 8nf6rm>t8 sumus - 1e. ;t/s 4ust the 0ing spea0ing. 8te - plural imperative for one painter. $. per omnia - in all 1a.s. d5pingite - another plural imperative for one painter. su> - li0e in ius rgno on line # of the first page, but the other direction. 7anguage change, .ada, .ada, .ada. !t ille - no1 the painter is tal0ing. Hhis is a ver. t.pical 1a. to s1itch spea0ers in dialog. '. per Dnam h6ram - using per : acc to sho1 duration of time rather than acc alone. mercs, dis - f - pa., 1ages, re1ard nsus, - m - nose pictor, ris - m - painter pulchritd, dinis - f - beaut. qulibet - adv - an.1here, an.1a. quod - conj - that rubeus, a, um - adj - reddish saltem - adv - an.ho1, at least vrumtamen - adv - nevertheless, ho1ever habeam - present sub4unctive to sho1 a desire after ut. quod - a relative pronoun here v6b8s - plural for singular againI ). f5cit - see line * on the first page. ;t/s the same thing. omn5s - suppl. pulchr>s mulier5s. pulchri6r5s - ver. beautiful. Hhe comparative ad4ective isn/t comparing an.thing. red8rent - imperfect sub4unctive sho1ing purpose after ut. +. im>ginem 5ius - see note on line ' of the previous page. quae - tr. it as 1hoever or 1hichever then the genitive plural part. #,. magis - goes 1ith gr>ti6sam s8c - tr. it as li0e1ise. ita quod - so that


Cum vero completa fuisset imago, venit rex, ut eam videret. Guam cum vidisset, ait: "= # Florentina, Florentina, si vixisses, ultra omnes istum pictorem deberes diligere, qui depinxit te in tanta pulchritudine."
comple, re, v, tum - fill up, finish, complete dping, ere, pnx, pictum - to dra1, describe Flrentna, ae - f - Florentina, a 1oman/s name - interj - oh pictor, ris - m - painter pulchritd, dinis - f - beaut.

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#. compl5ta fuisset - had been completed; past participle : v8disset - pluperfect sub4unctive 1ith no special meaning. pluperfect 2sub4unctive3 is not ho1 classical 7atin does $. s8 v8xiss5s - if .ou had lived; pluperfect sub4unctive it. Jore medieval language change that reflects the sho1ing contrar. to fact past condition. development of the "omanace languages. d5b5r5s - .ou ought to have; imperfect sub4unctve sho1ing vid5ret - imperfect sub4unctive sho1ing purpose after ut. contrar. to fact present condition. quam - refers to the picture; in the topic position before cum.

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