101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You..
101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You..
101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You..
101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You... - Nocturnal Medics
Nocturnal Medics 101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You arent required to know everything. 2) You are required to know the foundational knowledge and skills of your job. No excuses. 3) Always be nice. Its a force multiplier. 4) There is no greater act of trust than being handed a sick child. 5) Earn that trust. 6) Dont ever lie to your patient. If something is awkward to say, learn to say it without lying. 7) Read Thom Dicks, People Care. Then read it again. 8) You can fake competence with the public, but not with your coworkers. 9) Own your mistakes. We all make them, but only the best of us own them. 10) Only when youve learned to own your mistakes will you be able to learn from them. 11) Experience is relative. 12) Proper use of a BVM is hard and takes practice. 13) OPAs and NPAs make using a BVM less hard. 14) Master the physical assessment. Nobody in the field of medicine should be able to hold a candlestick to your physical assessment skills. 15) Keep your head about you. If you fail at that, youll likely fail at everything else. 16) There is a huge difference between not knowing and not caring. Care about the things you dont yet know. 17) Train like someones life depends on it. 18) Drive like nobodys life depends on it. 19) Pet the dog. (Even when youre wearing gloves.) 20) Have someone to talk to when the world crashes down. 21) Let human tragedy enhance your appreciation for all that you have. 22) Check the oil. 23) Protect your back. It will quite possibly be the sole determining factor in the length of your career. 24) Say please and thank you even when its a matter of life or death. 25) Wipe your feet at the door. 26) When you see someone who is really good at a particular skill say, Teach me how you do that. 27) Nobody can give you your happiness or job satisfaction. It is yours and yours alone. And you have to choose it. 28) We cant be prepared for everything.
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101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You... - Nocturnal Medics
29) We can be prepared for almost everything. 30) Check out your rig. Its more meaningful that just confirming that everything is still there. 31) Tell your patients that it was a pleasure to meet them and an honor to be of service. 32) Mean it. 33) Keep a journal. 34) Make it HIPAA compliant. 35) Thank the police officer that hangs out on your scene for no good reason. 36) Recognize that he or she probably wasnt hanging out for no good reason. 37) Interview for a job at least once every year, even if you dont want the job. 38) Iron your uniform. 39) Maintain the illusion of control. Nobody needs to know that you werent prepared for what just happened. 40) Apologize when you make a mistake. Do it immediately. 41) Your patient is not named honey, babe, sweetie, darling, bud, pal, man or hey. Use your patients name when speaking to them. Sir and Maam are acceptable alternatives. 42) Forgive yourself for your mistakes. 43) Forgive your coworkers for their quirks. 44) Exercise. Even when it isnt convenient. 45) Sometimes its OK to eat the junk at the QuickyMart. 46) Its not OK to always eat the junk at the QuickyMart. 47) Dont take anything that a patient says in anger personally. 48) Dont take anything that a patient says when they are drunk personally. 49) Dont ever convince yourself that you can always tell the difference between a fake seizure and a real seizure. 50) Think about what you would do if this was your last shift working in EMS. Do that stuff. 51) Carry your weight. 52) Carry your patient. 53) If firefighters ever do #51 or # 52 for you, say thank you. (And mean it.) 54) Being punched, kicked, choked or spit on while on duty is no different than being punched, kicked, choked or spit on while youre sitting in church or in a restaurant. Insist that law enforcement and your employer follow up with appropriate action. 55) Wave at little kids. Treat them like gold. They will remember you for a long time. 56) Hold the radio mike away from your mouth. 57) There is never any reason to yell on the radio.ever. 58) When a patient says, I feel like Im going to die. believe them.
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101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You... - Nocturnal Medics
59) Very sick people rarely care which hospital youre driving toward. 60) Very sick people rarely pack a bag before you arrive. 61) Sometimes, very sick people pack a bag and demand a specific hospital. Dont be caught off guard. 62) Bring yourself to work. There is something that you were meant to contribute to this profession. Youll never be able to do that if you behave like a cog. 63) Clean the pram. 64) Clean your stethoscope. 65) Your patients are going to lie to you. Assume they are telling you the truth until you have strong evidence of the contrary. 66) Disregard #65 if it has anything to do with your personal safety. Trust nobody in this regard. 67) If it feels like a stupid thing to do, it probably is. 68) You are always on camera. 69) If you need save-the-baby type hero moments to sustain you emotionally as a caregiver you will likely become frustrated and eventually leave. 70) Emergency services was never about you. 71) The sooner you figure out #69 and #70, the sooner the rest of us can get on with our jobs. 72) People always remember how you made them feel. 73) People rarely sue individuals who made them feel safe, well cared for and respected. 74) You represent our profession and the internet has a long, long memory. 75) Dont worry too much about whether or not people respect you. 76) Worry about being really good at what you do. 77) When you first meet a patient, come to their level, look them in the eyes and smile. Make it your habit. 78) Never lie about the vital signs. If the patients vital signs change dramatically from the back of the rig to the E.R. bed, you want everyone to believe you. 79) Calm down. Its not your emergency. 80) Stand still. There is an enormous difference between dramatic but senseless action and correct action. Stop, think and then move with a purpose. 81) Knowing when to leave a scene is a vital skill that you must constantly hone. 82) The fastest way to leave a scene should always be in your field of awareness. 83) Scene safety is not a five second consideration as you enter the scene. It takes constant vigilance. 84) Punitive medicine is never acceptable. Choose the right needle size based on the patients clinical needs. 85) Know whats happening in your partners life. Ask them about it after you return from your days off.
101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You... - Nocturnal Medics
86) If your partner has a wife and kids, know their names. 87) No matter how hard you think you worked for them, your knowledge and skills are not yours. They were gifted to you. The best way to say thank you is to give them away. 88) Learn from the bad calls. Then let them go. 89) When youre lifting a patient and they try to reach out and grab something, say, Weve got you. 90) Request the right of way. 91) Let your days off be your days off. Fight for balance. 92) Have a hobby that has nothing to do with emergency services. 93) Have a mentor who knows nothing about emergency services. 94) Wait until the call is over. Once the patient is safe at the hospital and youre back on the road, there will be plenty of time to laugh until you cant breathe. 95) Tell the good stories. 96) You never know when you might be running your last call. Cherish the small things. 97) You can never truly know the full extent of your influence. 98) If youre going to tell your friends and acquaintances what you do for a living, youll need to embrace the idea that youre always on duty. 99) Be willing to bend the rules to take good care of people. Dont be afraid to defend the decisions you make on the patients behalf. 100) Service is at the heart of everything we do. The farther away from that concept you drift, the more you are likely to become lost. 101) There is no shame in wanting to make the world a better place.
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Steven Joseph This is by far the best thing i have read! Who wrote this? I ask cause i would like to give proper credit! Hace 12 horas Me gusta 1 Jonathan Farrow Its a great list, sure it will piss off people that are more worried about being heroes than healthcare providers (I'm looking at you Mr. Ramson). Thanx for sharing it Noc Hace 12 horas Me gusta 17 Brandon Compton Excellent! I was just going to glance over it but had to end up reading each and everyone. Hace 12 horas Me gusta 4 Larry Grabinski That is equally as good as my Sgt G's List!!! Well done - Emphasis on #7... in fact #7 should be the first on the list. Hace 12 horas Me gusta Pat E Howard Sums things up quite well !! Good job Hace 11 horas Me gusta Ryan Klackle I feel foolish for not knowing what a Pram is.... Hace 11 horas Me gusta 1
Francis Mute Jr. Thank you sir Hace 11 horas Me gusta Stephen White 41 - a particular favourite Hace 11 horas Me gusta 1
Louise Lommerse Except #52. Only carry if truly necessary. Hace 11 horas Me gusta 2
101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You... - Nocturnal Medics
Kimberly Davis This could go for about anyone in the medical field. I think I will print this out for my nursing students when I precept. Thanks! Hace 11 horas Me gusta 2 Laura Gandy I like this. I'm printing it out for my younger coworkers. Hace 11 horas Me gusta Julie Martin I love this! Hace 10 horas Me gusta Randall Thames It's all so true! Hace 10 horas Me gusta Lottie Gillen-basset Cruden Listen watch and learn from experienced. Staff you still. Have a long long way to go there advice is valuable Hace 9 horas Me gusta Amy Padgett Love it! Hace 8 horas Me gusta Nocturnal Medics I take no credit for writing this and wish I had the name of who did Hace 8 horas Me gusta 4 Patrick Clark It's from theemtspot if you want to find the author of it. Hace 8 horas Me gusta 1 Bonnie VanDeraa Boyer Love this list! I know several people who would have"issues" with what's said here, but that's because it hits the nail on the head. Hace 8 horas Me gusta Charity Dawn Stephen-Whiteaker I do #41. But in my rural neck of the woods everyone does. And I always get a thank you from the elderly for it. Hace 8 horas Me gusta 2 James Dickens Best thing ever posted to this page. Hace 8 horas Me gusta 1
Megan Cook I agree with all but #41. I work in Georgia. Down here everyone is sweetie, honey, darling, or bud. Hace 8 horas Me gusta 2 Cara Weiler Zinkowich Love this! Hace 8 horas Me gusta Tammy Nelson Josey Love this. Going to post! It's a great feeling when a co worker and I walked into a Wal Mart one evening and a man walks up to me and shakes my hand saying " you saved my life". That made my day! Hace 7 horas Me gusta 5 Ben Sones Awesome Hace 7 horas Me gusta Sarah Boudreau I am a new EMT, and this list is great Hace 6 horas Editado Me gusta Paul Runyon Too many to memorize, so just treat everybody like they are your mother. Hace 6 horas Me gusta 1 Lacey Lajoie Rozlyn O'Connor Hace 5 horas Me gusta Evert VandeBruinhorst Great list! I'm just wondering what the reasoning behind #37 is? Hace 5 horas Me gusta Chermaine Oreilly Old EMTs need to go back to school to learn these things. Lol Hace 5 horas Me gusta Jessica Fox I'm not an EMT or paramedic, but I read all of these and they are wonderful. I appreciate all who serve. It can't be easy but your time and dedication to your passion is a blessing to all you help. Thank you. Hace 5 horas Me gusta
101 Things We Should Teach Every New EMT 1) You... - Nocturnal Medics
Angela Bristol Vancleef Love this, treat all they way you would want to be if you were them! Hace 5 horas Me gusta Brandon Firster Thank you for this. Hace 5 horas Me gusta Roberta Coffman 23 & 96 : ( Hace 5 horas Me gusta Christopher M. Bracewell Awesome Hace 5 horas Me gusta Richard Gonzalez I looked up Thom Dicks, People Care on Amazon...$75 bucks...ouch! Hace 5 horas Me gusta Mark Smith This is awesome and valuable words of wisdom. Hace 5 horas Me gusta Debbie O'Mellan Great Hace 5 horas Me gusta Sarah Watson Awesome tools for any job Hace 5 horas Me gusta Sarah Watson Richard, I look at that book as am investment in my chosen field. I believe learning is on going Hace 5 horas Me gusta Jerry Jimenez Solomon Thorn Hace 5 horas Me gusta Nancy Bennett Especially #23. Take it from an old medic sitting in a recliner most of the day. Also consider private long term disability insurance. Hace 4 horas Me gusta Solomon Thorn Lol, Jerry Jimenez @93. Hace 4 horas Me gusta Jerry Jimenez Solomon Thorn learn the golden rule #1 Hace 4 horas Me gusta Solomon Thorn Oh, do unto Jerry before Jerry does unto you? Hace 4 horas Me gusta 1
Jerry Jimenez Solomon Thorn no rule #1 on here. Hace 4 horas Me gusta Kenneth Manning Melanie Mann Melissa Catalanotto Melissa Warren James Ogden James Swayze Beaux Duhe' Ramona Bowen Shannon Gray Hace 3 horas Me gusta 1 Sara McHale Hi Noc! I love this list. I know many EMT's and paramedics who would appreciate it as well. Hace 3 horas Me gusta Michael Jones #8 isn't faking competence a lie? Hace aproximadamente una hora Me gusta Anne Walters Start now Hace 53 minutos Me gusta Nancy Karolus Phillips #23 is why I always included body mechanics, taught by a physical therapist in my EMT classes--even though it was not part of the curriculum. Hace 14 minutos Me gusta Escribe un comentario...
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