During light reaction of photosynthesis, ATP formation occurs when electrons are transported
between cytochrome:
A) a and b
B) b and c
C) b and f
D) c and f
A) Granum
B) Stroma
C) Mitochondria
D) Leucoplast
A) Light reaction
B) Dark reaction
C) Glycolysis
D) Krebs cycle
A) 400-500 nm
B) 500-550 nm
C) 600-650 nm
D) 700-750 nm
6. Which of the following are the principal photoreceptors in the chloroplast of green plants?
A) Chlorophyll b and c
B) Chlorophyll a and b
C) Chlorophyll and d
D) Chlorophyll d and c
7. The sequence of electron acceptors in the light reaction is
8. Which of the following is the source of hydrogen in the glucose molecule formed during
A) Water
B) CO2
A) Green algae
B) Blue green algae
C) Angiosperms
D) Pigment containing bacteria
11. Which of the following colors of light work best for photosynthesis?
A) Red
B) Yellow
C) Blue
D) Both a and c
A) Cellulose
B) Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase
C) Insulin
D) Diastase
A) 10 – 100
B) 100 – 200
C) 200 – 400
D) 400 – 500
15. The final acceptor of electrons during the light reaction of photosynthesis is:
A) Cyt. F
A) Cyt. B
16. Which of the following is obtained from phosphoglyceraldehyde in the dark reaction of
A) Phosphoglyceric acid
B) Glucose
C) Carbon dioxide
D) Plastoquinone
17. Of the total sunlight reaching the earth, the percentage used in the photosynthesis is:
A) 2%
B) 20%
C) 30%
D) 50%
18. Which of the following products of light reaction of photosynthesis is not used in the dark
a. ATP
c. Oxygen
d. None of these
a. Yellow
b. Orange
c. Green
d. none of these
a. 600 nm
b. 650 nm
c. 680 nm
d. 700 nm
a. CO2
b. Chlorophyll
c. H2O
d. Oxygen
23. In photosystem II, the electrons lost by reaction center are replaced by electrons from
a. H2O
b. C2 O
c. Photosystem I
d. ATP