Mock Aptis Test
Mock Aptis Test
Mock Aptis Test
! "inal Preparation
You are going to try out a real Aptis exam on the internet which will be very similar to your final exam. Before you do, lets prepare you for it so that you can get the most out of it. &uic' (ui) ! in pairs 1. ow much time do you have for the whole exam! 2. "o you have to spend the recommended time on each tas#! $. %an you stop the cloc# after youve pressed &'tart %omponent! (. %an you go bac# to a previous part of the test if you want to! ). *ill you lose mar#s if you go over the word limit! %hec# your answers on the last page of this boo#let.
"ont press &'tart %omponent yet. e- After completing each tas# on the website, copy your text 0%trl 5 %- and paste it 0%trl 5 6- into the /icrosoft *ord document. Your trainer will tell you when to start. 7emember that once you press &'tart %omponent, your )8 minutes will start tic#ing. -e%ore you clic' %inish. re e ,er to copy your answers to Microso%t Word/
<f your answer to any of the :uestions is &no, write some &self2recommendations below, 0e.g. < will spend a maximum of 18 minutes on the informal email in tas# (-
+ell a colleague how you self2evaluated and what recommendations you made to yourself.
2 ! Error Correction
*or# in pairs. Doo# at both your answers together 0rather than swapping- and discuss any possible errors. %an you correct them! As# your trainer for help 3 confirmation if you are not sure. Add any corrections you find to your Brror %orrection Dog. +his will help you to remember the corrections. You can also use an Brror %orrection Dog in your classroom with your learners 0see image-E
3 ! Model Answers
ere are model answers for all the exam tas#s you Fust completed. ?nderline any expressions, words that you thin# would be useful to learn. Add them to your vocabulary noteboo#.
< am interested in travel because < love to go to fascinating places. < can learn about other cultures too. < can have my precious time with my family travelling to many places.
i 'am, < still remember when < went to Dang#awi last year. < :uite nervous at first but < enFoyed my Fourney so much. < tried to find the way to %henang Beach. Iinally, < managed to reach at the beach with the help of the local people there.
i /iguel, < would suggest 1uala Dumpur and %ameron ighland.1uala Dumpur is the capital city of /alaysia and you can visit the s#ysraper called +he +win +owers.You can enFoy the picture:ues scenery in %ameron ighland.
i /ichelle, +he most exciting Fourney that < have ever been on is a motorbi#e convoy to the orphanage house.+he Fourney was great and < had a wonderful time with the orphans.
*or# in pairs. "iscuss the model answers using the following :uestions, 1. <n 4art 2, *hat language does the writer use to describe her interests! 2. <n 4art $, *hat verb tenses does the writer use in the $ different answers! *hy! $. <n 4art $, *hat modal verbs does she use to ma#e recommendations! (. <n 4art (, ow does the writer express her feelings in both the informal and formal emails! ). <n 4art (, *hat tense does the writer use to indicate her plans for the future to her friend! H. <n 4art (, ow does the writer indicate her future intentions in the formal letter! C. <n 4art (, ow does the writer start and finish the formal letter!
%ontributed by, =ason Anderson
> +he British %ouncil, 281$ +he British %ouncil is the ?nited 1ingdom@s international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities. British %ouncil /alaysia is a branch 0AA)2$22A- of the British %ouncil, registered as a charity in Bngland and *ales 028A1$1- and 'cotland 0'%8$CC$$-
http,33play.typeracer.com3 http,33www.typingweb.com3
6 ! My Learning Plan
Between now and the exam, you can really improve your writing s#ills if you do a little every wee#. +he following table will help you to plan. You can even plan to wor# together with a friend 3 colleagueE *hat < would li#e to practise 3 study ow often < plan to practise 3 study it *here < will find the materials ow < will evaluate my wor#
$. (.
%an you stop the cloc# after youve pressed &'tart %omponent! %an you go bac# to a previous part of the test if you want to!
Level: B1 to B2
9o. But it is not a good exam strategy. <ts better to #eep to the word limits and write more accurately.
Part 0 You are a member of a travel club. You are tal#ing to some other members in the travel club chat room. +al# to them using sentences. ?se $82(8 words per answer. You have 18 minutes in total.
Level: B1 to B2