Little Bird Tales Is A Site Where You Can Create A Step-By Step E-Book. It Can Support
Little Bird Tales Is A Site Where You Can Create A Step-By Step E-Book. It Can Support
Little Bird Tales Is A Site Where You Can Create A Step-By Step E-Book. It Can Support
com This site is helpful because it allows students to enhance math skills while playing games. There are math games, math problems, logic games and math videos designed for students from grades K-6. There is even a section for ommon ore !ath which is alligned to the "". This is very helpful in preparing lessons that match up with the "tandards. This is a great site for strengthening math, language arts and basic computer skills such as typing. The site offers multiple interactive lessons and activities that are aimed to increase understanding and computation to the primary grades. This site provides students an opportunity to learn about things that they are curious about. Teachers can create a #$onder of the %ay# to grab student&s interest. "tudents can submit a 'uestion that they are curious about and there is an online network of supporters who will answer the 'uestions. This is beneficial for students because they are learning about things that truly interest them. This engages students and encourages them to want to learn more about the sub(ect. - - Brainpop is an amazing resource for educational videos. Brainpop has a variety of topics for grades 1 through 2 (brainpopjr) grades !-" (brainpop) and resources for #$% students. &he videos ta'e topics students might find challenging for e(ample topics in math and science put it in simple terms for students to understand while offering comedic interactions between the characters to maintain student engagement. )*ve used brainpop during mini-lessons as the beginning of a lesson for a simple e(planation of comple( topics to engage struggling learners and the interactions between the characters 'eep students that are either on level or above level engaged. Brainpop also offers activities after the video such as +ultiple ,hoice -uestions that the students can answer on the $martboard. Brainpop is not free however some of the videos are free to use. -www.superteacherwor' - $uperteacherwor'sheets is a website for a variety of wor'sheets. &he best part of the website is that for many of the wor'sheets are differentiated. .or e(ample for an #%/ or +ath activity they have the same topic0wor'sheet offered in different levels which ma'es differentiated instruction a lot easier. &here is no need to ma'e every differentiated wor'sheet from scratch. $uperteacherwor'sheets is not free however there are specially mar'ed wor'sheets that are free. &he website is not overly e(pensive. +y school has a membership but ) loo'ed into an individual membership1 )t is 223 per year. Prezi- similar to ppt but much cooler. Slides can be placed to go deeper into the main page; it is a much more visually appealing way to present information. Little Bird Tales is a site where you can create a step-by step e-book. It can support multiple modalities of learning(te t! pics! audio! " play- back features# $ another mind mapping free program similar to %indomo! which I&ve mentioned before. It uses lots of colors and may be more engaging for students.
My main suggestion is Classroom Suite, which is partly mentioned in the chapter as Intellitalk. They are both part of Intellitools software. I use Classroom Suite in my Technology lab and it is the foundation for the content, activities, and assessment for my special education elementary students. The official website describes Classroom Suite as Classroom Suite is a uni ue software intervention tool developed upon the principles of !niversal "esign for #earning $!"#% that combines two educational paradigms&systematic, e'plicit instruction and fle'ible creativity tools.
- Natural Reader is online software to convert any written text to spoken word. It can be used to help student that have trouble with auditory communication in the classroom, improves reading comprehension and make proofreading more effective. - Spellingcity is an interactive website that allows students to enter their words into the website and study them by playing game worksheet and other interactive activities. - !on"ohnston is a free reader theater implementation toolkit accompanies this autobiography by !on #ohnston, which helps learners take charge of their learning potential
4osetta $tone is a great tool for students to use. &hey can learn multiple languages too. 5ne time when ) was at the high school1 ) had to help some 'ids to log on the program. 5nce they did1 these 'ids were actually amazed on how the teaching pattern was for the program.
1. PBS Teachers: This can be used for supplemental information online through videos, images, and lessons, as well as online activities 2. Google Education: Unbelievable content here. This is a way to help the students learn through many APPS, and online activities. The teacher can collect data on each student, when they use any app, through the ADM ! dashboard on their "oogle Account 3. Khan: This site is crucial for #e$tra% help in A!& sub'ect, with tutorials and content help
"oogle Docs http())www.tag$ or and any other word cloud generaters. These websites are e$cellent for students creating engrossed in poetry or poem ma*ing. http()) http())www.guided,,for,*ids.html This is a list generated on many many websites for math. -ne of my favorites are( http()) !ot only does this website focus on math but all other sub'ects and across grade levels. .ere students can wor* on their writing s*ills, word recognition, map s*ills and the water cycle.
http()) This is an awesome idea where students start with a given picture and create their own story, a great visual representation of what students are thin*ing. http())www.befun* Photo callage ma*er where students can alter general photograhs such as ma*ing them cartoons or simply changing the color ascpects of them. Students can use this /ree website to create their own graphic stories. They are the author and the illustrator. http()),starters) A great tool for helping students generate ideas and help them in writing fictional stories. https())www.faceboo*.com)/reeTech0Teachers 1astly 1i*e this on /aceboo* they offer many free websites, programs, tools, tutorials, technology for teachers. Did mention /2334 1ittle 5ird Tales( https()) This is a digital storytelling tool. Students can ma*e things li*e podcasts, presentations, history timelines, and commercials to display their learning. This also allows students to record their voices and act as a narrator to their creations. 5lendspace( https()) This tool is a way to #blend% multiple medias into one forum. Teachers can use this to ma*e a lesson, by adding videos, images, games, wor*sheets and even online 6ui77es all to one easily accessible space. 1i*ewise, students can ma*e a 5lendspace to bring together resources they find that will help them with a topic as a way to review or as an assessment. SmartBoard technology: this interactive whiteboard is an e'cellent way to support !niversal "esign for #earning. !sing classroom technology helps manage differentiated learning by engaging digital learners. !sing the smartboard is a simple way to target all different types of learners at once whether they be visual, audio, or (inesthetic learners. Teachers can include multimedia into lessons, pro)ect readings on the board, listen to and watch youtube videos and engages students with the pen tool where students can go up to the board and write or even drag images onto the smart noteboo( file. There are numerous interactive images that are great for math lessons. *or e'ample, smartnoteboo( can have a pair of rolling dice to teach probability or can animate a translation. The smartboard is so fle'ible and diverse that it allows teachers to choose the best tool they need for certain audiences or lessons. Smartboards incorporate sight, sound, and touch. It is also an e'cellent way to adapt lessons for students with special needs. Te't can be resi+ed for visually challenged students and videos or images can also be enlarged for students so that they can be viewed in greater detail. Moreover, students with behavioral challenges seem to focus much better when using the smartboard since it is an interactive whiteboard and provides stimulation.
$ordle% is a way to take large text and visuali&e it so the most repeated words become large. It would help someone pick out meaning in a text. 're&i% is a presentation software that is non-linear and the presenter can &oom far in or out to easily show depth and si&e of potential topics. (dobe (uthorware% is a multimedia platform creator which allows users to manipulate and create environments that are interactive for students to experience. )ast *!+ ,ookbuilder% you can create a story that can be read to you and also has individuals that can be clicked on which provide help or ask the reader -uestions to check for understanding. 'adlet% Is a presentation software that allows users to present information and incorporate graphics and video into a linear or non-linear progression which would allow teachers to present multiple types of information. Padlet, A program that gives user a wall that allows them to create a visual interpretation by inputting images and comments based on the content. "reat for an assignment after reading a story in class, option for students who may not perform when in writing assignments. 8eebly, Tool that allows you to create your own website gives a variety of layout and themes. Also is compatible with a computer, phone or tablet so students can use different resources at home to update their website. They have a version that is also free so cost efficient for school districts. 9ooburst, A resource that allows students to create a Pop,up boo* using the computer. Program has images that students can choose from to help with the story they are creating. Smore( s another online resource where students can create news type bulletins to present a specific topic they are given. find Smore to be very user friendly and easy for children to use. Pre7i( s great presentation software that allows the designers to 7oom in and out on a specific piece of their presentation. Microsoft 8ord Press( A blog type of software to present written material on the nternet. t is very user friendly and a good way to get your message across. :o*i( s an online resource where students can create their own avatar and ma*e it tal* using the material they are trying to present. They can do this by typing it in or using a microphone to give it a voice.
CmapTools, Concept maps are a great way to organi+e pro)ects, distribute tas(s or even illustrate a term paper with a colorful e'planatory chart. I have used this program in past classes to map out ideas and concepts.
Garageband is a program created by /pple, the computer company. 0arageband features a lesson area, where students can ta(e different instrument lessons as well as learn about different songs, directly from the artists that wrote them. This section helps the students not only to learn an instrument and a song, but it gives them history and (nowledge about the instrument and the songs that they are learning. /nother section of this program is the )am section, where students can )am along with a digital band. 1hile the student performs or practices the song that they are learning, there is a digital band that will play behind the student, giving the student a real life e'perience of performing with multiple instruments. 2ne thing that I li(e about 0arageband, is that it goes one step further with this program, if students don3t want to practice or perform the songs that they learned, students can use the program to create and communicate their own musical ideas through it.
Adobe /lash, ;an be pricey at over seven hundred dollars, but a well developed flash game or software can really engage the students in learning. The students use flash to play some games and run some websites. 1ucidpress, a free website in which you can create different flyers and other visuals. &ou can create and online visual boo* for the students to use if you wanted to add more visuals that are associate with the story. "oogle Drive( "oogle .as MA!& new initiatives that are happening daily to not only help ma*e teachers lives more organi7ed, but also offer our students with varying ways to learn and access content. There are many educational apps available on "oogle for students and teachers to use to help foster students individual needs. Smartboard)other interactive white board( Most people believe that this tool is obvious. .owever, the saying you don<t *now what you got until its gone applies here. My Smartboard bulb blew in December and administration says it will not be replaced this year. The whiteboard provides for S- many meaningful lessons that can be differentiated for students, yet am lac*ing this ama7ing tool in my classroom4 Smore( This is an ama7ing tool that students and teachers can use. This tool is fun and engaging or all who use it. &ou can design various pro'ects, flyers, presentations, or reports, and share
them easily through social media, google, and Pinterest. This site has various templates to get students started and provides for a great e$perience for students)teachers who want to include technology into their curriculum. = There are many interactives such as essay maps, :enn diagrams, acrostic poem generators, time line creators, and more. The one tool we use the most is the essay map. My >th graders find this especially helpful to use when generating an outline in order to create an essay. This interactive allows students to place information in an interactive organi7er, and then generates a chart that can be saved, edited, and printed for future use. This is especially good for students who have difficulty creating charts on paper. 3ven when we do not use this generator in class, see many of my students going home to ma*e a chart online and they print it out and turn it in with their essay. Us = love this website because students have an opportunity to get into the shoes of a slave, !ative American, or a colonial person while playing a game that is similar to a #choose your own adventure% boo*. have only had my students participate in the slave adventure game so far. The game is a great depiction of how life was li*e for a slave living on a plantation and the struggles of fleeing north to freedom. This game allows students to ma*e choices, fuels curiosity, and engages them by using real,world connections. t is a great way to support and supplement a unit on slavery through engagement, audio, visuals, and te$t. This is a website which allows the user to create a rubric based upon a certain subject. While this isnt a resource which will help students learn, it is a website which allows teachers to break down their assignment appropriately.
http()) "liffy is an e$cellent tool for creating any,type of graphic organi7er. -ne can create concept maps, venn,diagrams, story, maps, plot,line maps etc? -ne can create any type of graphic organi7er that you can thin* of using "liffy. The s*y is the limit. t appeals to every grade level and content area. t<s very user,friendly, easy to manipulate and master, 8eb @.A tool. use the free version and have found it to be a useful tool when loo*ing to brea* down large stories and concepts into smaller, more manageable pieces. Also, <ve created my own graphic organi7ers using this tool.
Infographic Creators: and both of these free online resources help students display data/research using an engaging and informative visual presentation. Ive had students use these links to make infographics based on their personal lab data as well as research projects. The students feel pride in their work because the end product is very professional looking. ost of my students preferred pikochart over
Smore: Smore is great presentation tool. I recently "ust learned about this new tool and fell in love with its easy use. .he graphics and colors are eye catching and give an alternate option to using powerpoint. $ith this program teachers can easily embed videos, pictures and links.
Prezi: 're&i is also a presentation tool which is wonderful/ *nlike Smore, this presentation tool has various elements to it and movement. 're&i provides great templates and built in transitions. .his program is great for all ages and its another great alternative to powerpoint.
67% Boo' Builder - ) used this program in my %anguage /rts and &echnology class and ) though it was pretty cool. &he user uses this program to create their on digital story. )t allows the reader to become creative with the use of pictures and voice recording. 8oice&hread- ) also used this program in one of my grad courses. ) used this program to show my students how to solve word problems in math. ) read the -uestions aloud and highlighted important information as ) read. ) was able to go through each step of the problem while e(plaining why we needed to do that. Voicethreads- This program allows students to use their voice to express their understanding of specific topics or class objectives. Screencasting- This program allows students to show and voice their ideas, create a presentation, describe an image and its aspects, ect. It copies the students computer screen and allows the student to use their voice to describe what they are presenting. This program has a variety of tools a student can use to demonstrate or identify different parts of the image(s being captured. Wikis- This program allows students to add text, video, and images to an online page. Toondoo- This program allows students to create their own story using cartoon animation. It is very user friendly and engaging way for students to see their stories come to life. Wordle- This program allows students to input text and create a visually appealing word cloud. The more a word is used the bigger it appears on the !ordle. This is a great way for students to introduce the words they will be using in a project or presentation. Evernote- This online program allows students to create a project using images and text. Weebly- This is an online program that allows students to creatively present a project or presentation with the use of a variety of images, text and videos.
:oice Thread. :oice thread is a free online service that allows user to ma*e slides with te$t, picture, video, or other media. Then students have the ability to comment on their slides with additional te$t that is presented around the slide. The most attractive feature of :oice Thread is that you can attach audio to your slides. t seems to be similar to the .yperstudio where students can ma*e a presentation and then tal* or guide the viewer through the pro'ect. 8hat is nice about :oice Thread is that when you view a peerBs presentation, you can leave feedbac*, 6uestions, or comments on their presentation using te$t, audio from a connected microphone, or video via webcam. t allows students to modify content in ways that wor* for them as well as being able to collaborate, interact, and respond to other classmates.