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Ratio Analysis

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MTB Profile The Company was incorporated on September 29, 1999 under the Companies Act 1994 as a public company limited by shares for carrying out all kinds of banking acti ities with Authorised Capital of Tk! "#,$$,$$$,$$$ di ided into "#,$$$,$$$ ordinary shares of Tk! 1$$ each! The Company was also issued Certificate for Commencement of %usiness on the same day and was granted license on &ctober $', 1999 by %angladesh %ank under the %anking Companies Act 1991 and started its banking operation on &ctober 24, 1999! As en isaged in the (emorandum of Association and as licensed by %angladesh %ank under the pro isions of the %anking Companies Act 1991, the Company stared its banking operation and entitled to carry out the following types of banking business! i! All types of commercial banking acti ities including (oney (arket operations! ii! )n estment in (erchant %anking acti ities! iii! )n estment in Company acti ities! i ! *inanciers, +romoters Capitalists etc! ! *inancial )ntermediary Ser ices! i! Any related *inancial Ser ice! The Company ,%ank- operates its .ead &ffice at /haka and 01 branches! The Company2 %ank carries out international business through a 3lobal 4etwork of *oreign Correspondent %anks! Registered Name of the Company (utual Trust %ank 5imited 5egal *orm The Company was incorporated on September 29, 1999 under the Companies Act 1994 as a public company limited by shares for carrying out all kinds of banking acti ities with Authorised Capital of Tk! "#,$$,$$$,$$$ di ided into "#,$$$,$$$ ordinary of Tk! 1$$ each! Company Registration No. C"#1$1 ,00'-299on September 29,1999 %angladesh %ank +ermission 4o! %6+/ ,+- 144,1#2997"$#1 on &ctober ', 1999 6egistered &ffice 8 (T% Centre, 20 3ulshan A enue (6% 9rishi is designed for direct lending in the agriculture sector! &nly eligible farmers and agri S(:s may apply for the loan! Crops culti atiion, fisheries, li estock ; poultry are the priority sector of lending! *eatures and %enefits 8 5oan amount up to %/T "!$$ crore! 5oan tenure up to ' years 6ate of interest 1$< p!a ,only in case of re7finance from %% =p to %/T '!$$ lac is collateral *ree! :asy repayment shedule! 4o ser ice charge charge or hidden charge! Timely disbursement SWIFT CO ! MTB" B # Corporate We$isite

Mem$erships Chamber of Commerce and )ndustry, /haka ,(CC), / The )nstitute of %anker>s %angladesh ,)%% %angladesh *oreign :?change /ealer>s Association ,%A*:/A %angladesh )nstitute of %ank (anagement ,%)%( )nternational Chamber of Commerce %angladesh 5imited ,)CC% Associate of %ankers %angladesh 5imited ,A%%-! %angladesh Association of +ublic 5isted Companies ,%A+5C American Chamber of Commerce in %angladesh ,A(C.(O%r Mission & @e aspire to be one of the most admired banks in the nation and be recogniAed as an inno ati e and client7 focused company, enabled by cutting7edge technology, a dynamic workforce and a wide array of financial products and ser ices! O%r 'ision (utual Trust %ank>s ision is based on a philosophy known as (T%"B! @e en ision (T% to be 8 &ne of the %est +erforming %anks in %anglaesh The %ank of Choice A Truly @orld7class %ank (T% %oard of /irectors The following are members of the (T% %oard of /irectors! To iew their brief biographies please click on the bames! (r! Samson .! Chowdhury, Chairman /r! Arif /owla, Bice Chairman (r! Syed (anAur :lahi (r! (ohammed Abdur 6ouf (r! (d! Abdul (alek (r! 6ashed Ahmed Chowdhury (r! (d! .edayetullah (rs! Casmeen .aDue (r! (d! @akiluddin (rs! 9hwaEa 4argis .ossain (r! (d! 4asirullah (r! (ahaboob (orshed .assan (r! Anis A! 9han, (anaging /irctor ; C:& (T% S(: %anking (T% %hagyobati (T% %hagyobati loan is only for the S(:s owned by the women entrepreneurs! Feat%res and Benefits & 5oan amount range %/T 1!$$ lac to %/T '$!$$ lac 5oan tenure up to " years 6ate of interest 1$< p!a ,only in case of re7finance from %% =p to %/T '!$$ lac is collateral free :asy repayment schedule 4o ser ice charge or hidden charge processing :asy processing! At least one years of business e?perience!

At least one year of business e?perience!

M%t%al Tr%st Ban( "imited %alance Sheet As at /ecember "1, 2$1$

2$1$ 2$$# Property and )sset B T Cash /+00/+*0.+*30 )n .and ,)ncluding *oreign Currency@ith %angladesh %ank and its agent %ank ,)ncluding *oreign Currency%alance with other %anks ; *inancial )nstitutions 4!$$ 1$",$'2,94' )n %angladesh &utside %angladesh Money at Call and Short Noti4e In5estments ',0$0,491,9"# 3o ernment &thers "oans and )d5an4es 2#,'29,"4',019 5oans, Cash Credit, & erdrafts, etc! %ills +urchased and /iscounted *i?ed Asset including +remises, *urniture ; *i?ture 1!$$ 01,19$,109 &ther Asset 1,240,'#0,412 4o7%anking Asset Total +roperty and Asset

2$$9 B T B T *+10*+1-*+222

Note "!$$


'2$,$$",'49 2,9"0,1$#,011

"40,1'$,1$9 21#,12',#1' 1,12",'#$,'0' 2,1'1,2$",$0# ",0$1,111,1"9 ",""1,$19,0"1 21$,$91,'$# 4'2,'14,111 2'$,41#,114

2,01',#"#,121 2,11#,1##,$"2 ''1,$'$,$#9


9,$9#,9'4,"#0 #,$1$,9'','90 1,$21,99#,19$

9,'"1,91",'2# #,901,9##,1'' ',"00,""1,2"$ '1',9#4,11" 24$,10$,1$#


"1,1"$,4'#,09$ "',9'2,#11,#'# 1,111,040,#"2 122,$'",$$9

"",##",92",1$' "1,49",0$1,911 2,"9$,"1',1"4 2','$2,$$4,#10 ",$21,"4$,14"

44','10,##$ 2,19,101,$4$ 7


2,114,$20,$1$ 7

5iabilities and Capital %orrowing from other %ankers, *inancial )nstitutions ; Agents 9!$$ 1,21$,$$$,$$$ ",''$,$$$,$$$

/eposit and &ther Accounts 42,"'4,$0',9$1 %ills +ayable Sa ing /eposit *i?ed /eposit /eposit7+roducts Other "ia$ilities ",1#0,191,$49 S%$ordinated e$t 7 7 Total "ia$ilities 49,$9$,2'0,9'0 "0,4#1,#19,42' 2,001,411,919 "",#2$,4$1,'$0 Current /eposit ; &ther Accounts



#,'9$,'$2,22# '29,1"1,122 ',0'','11,$91 2','10,"14,""1 ',494,111,#29

',419,#9',4'9 0,'11,1'0,"'1 '2#,90",9"1441,412,""# 2,94",$10,2"1 ',1$4,$#1,#91 22,"0$,011,1#9 20,229,$0',1'0 2,049,2#',0#" ",9#$,#$2,'0$

11!$$ 12!$$

2,01",''$,""1 2,'#2,191,1#$ '2,"12,$'1,"1#

Capital2 Shareholders2 :Duity +aid up Capital Statutory 6eser e 6e aluation 6eser e on )n estment in Securities 3eneral 6eser e 6etained :arnings Total Shareholders> :Duity 2,4#",$94,09# Total 5iabilities and Shareholders> :Duity
'2,114,100,$0# "#,904,914,12"


2,119,'#2,$$$ 1,219,222,010 14!$$ #9,'9$,194 "01,111!"24 "'',21#,"#4

1,490,##$,$$$ 1,100,"1#,4$$ 9#$,"2',011 1$1,941,9$1 ",$'1,$1" "#",#00,1#9 #1,#91,$'4 101,111,"24 19","24,01$ "92,221,'##

1'!$$ 10!$$ 4,14',"91,11# ",0#4,'$9,112


4et Asset Balue ,4AB- +er Share



M%t%al Tr%st Ban( "imited %alance Sheet As at /ecember "1, 2$1$

/010 /003 Property and )sset B T Contingent "ia$ilities "etter of 6%arantee )rre ocable 5etter of Credit %ills for Collection &ther Contingent 5iabilities
11,401,111,$14 11,401,111,$14

/001 B T B T ",24",'"",#04 2,9#9,#9',0$2 10$,214,"$# ",$01,"99,$#1 ",110,'11,#"2 ",009,012,22" 0'4,''4,1'9 ",900,900,2$$

Note 12.00

",12","4$,2#" 4,0#",91$,229 10$,0'",'0$ ",#41,00",$90


Other Commitments /ocumentary credits and short term trade related transactions *orward asset purchased and forward deposit placed =ndrawn note issuance and re ol ing underwriting facilities =ndrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments Claim against the bank not acknowledged as debt 5itigation pending against %ank 2,4#","$$,$$$ &ther (emorandum )tems Balue of Tra elers> CheDue on .and Balue of %angladesh Sanchoy +atra on .and 7
1$,$01,$42,#01 11,401,111,$14

7 7 2,4#","$$,$ $$ 7 7 7

7 7 7 7 7 7

7 7 7 7 7 7

7 7
1', 49#,#01,19#

7 7

7 7

M%t%al Tr%st Ban( "imited +rofit and 5oss Account *or the year ended /ecember "1, 2$1$

/010 /003 Property and )sset B T B T B T )nterest )ncome 19!$$ 5ess 8 )nterest +aid on /eposit and %orrowing, etc! 2$!$$ Net Interest In4ome 320+1,1+1,1+21. 2*2+1*,+,20 )ncome from )n estments Commission, :?change and %rokerage &ther &perating )ncome 21!$$ 22!$$ 2"!$$ Note B T 4,"'2,400,#$$ ",214,1#9,110 1+022+.22+./,


4,219,499,#"9 ",'29,11#,092 ",4$9,"'$,$4" 2,192,'#4,222

1,$1$,04$,0'4 190,940,14$ 11$,4$',404

#'1,400,'$# 4'4,#"#,""9 00","49,0'$ '11,'12,190 1'",$'4,#2$ 1"$,$#9,12"

1,911,992,#'# 1,01",#1$,91# 1,1$2,44$,2'# Total Operating In4ome /+-,,+0/0+22, 1+3*1+-2,+2/3 "ess & Operating !7pendit%re Salary and Allowances 6ent, Ta?, )nsurance, :lectricity 5egal :?pense +ostage, Stamps and Telephone +rinting, Stationery, Ad ertisement (anaging /irector>s 6emuneration /irectors> *ee Audit *ee /epreciation on and 6epair to %ank>s +roperty &ther :?penditure Total Operating !7penses 112+10/+//* 1+./.+113+-.,,+,3.+**0 1+20*+2*-+2-/ 1+11-+033+*13 Profit Before Pro5ision 29!$$ "$!$$ 1+*-1+1*,+2*0 20!$$ 21!$$ 24!$1 2'!$$ *+0--+.20+,3/

'"#,0'1,#11 4#9,#$',21' 110,2"2,0#9 24!$$ 211,194,101 2,4#","$$,$$$ 1,011,229 1,$'0,2$1 41,""9,110 21,414,1$0 1$,41#,2"' "",'40,4"2 9,12$,$$$ 1,##1,999 0'4,$$$ 0"2,$$$ 02",$$$ 4$$,$$$ 94,0#',110 2#!$$ '#,911,2$' "1$,911,"90 1#1,1$1,11$

"$",$$4,$0' #1,#4$,909 1'4,"11 2#,2##,119 21,41',122 4,2$$,$$$ '90,$$$ 2$$,$$$ 41,#12,9'" 144,2'4,12'

5ess 8 +ro ision against 5oans ; Ad ances including &ff7%alance Sheet )tems

'$#,#"1,$12 "1!$$ 41",11" 7

2"',$$$,$$ 7 7

0"2,1"2,$$$ 7 ",#2","2" 7

5ess 8 +ro ision against )n estment in Fuoted Shares 5ess 8 +ro ision against &ther Asset Total Pro5ision /*-+000+000 Profit Before Ta7 1+*11+113+--1 --3+-**+02"2!$$ ,*1+*/2+./. .*.+---+*/* 1+11,+,3-+0/2 -01+/-0+2/-

"ess & Pro5ision for Ta7 -21+*1*+/-* Current Ta? /eferred Ta? Net Profit )fter Ta7 3/0+.0-+/13 19","24,01$ *0.+0*1+/36etained Surplus %rought *orward 1"1,091,0$9 /-*+-01+210

4"1,1"',2#1 2,192,"4'

'94,$$$,$$$ 2'1,""9,##4,22,0#0,141- 2,101,9$0 2--+1-2+,01 "92,221,'## 1+1,2+*23+131



M%t%al Tr%st Ban( "imited +rofit and 5oss Account *or the year ended /ecember "1, 2$1$

/010 )ppropriation %onus Share )ssued during the year Transferred to Statutory 6eser e Transferred to 3eneral 6eser e Note B T "'",20",0$$ 2"#,#91,$$' 2$$,$$$,$$$

/001 B T 19","24,01$ 21#,"#",11$ 1'$,$$$,$$$ 1"1,091,0$9 111,1$0,01' 7

021,1$#,"#$ Retained S%rpl%s+ Carried For8ard *1/+//1+-33 11*+*/,+.20 !arnings Per Share *3.2/ 12./2 **.00

192,10$,0$' 24","9#,224 *--+/13+*3,


M%t%al Tr%st Ban( "imited Statement of Cash *low *or the year ended /ecember "1, 2$1$

/010 /001 /003 )9 Cash Flo8 From Operating )4ti5ities & Note B T B T B T )nterest 6ecei ed ',$11,0$#,1#$ ",90",009,'1$ ','"9,242,""' )nterest +aid on /eposits, %orrowing, etc! ,",2'9,$10,""2-,2,''9,$#1,241,",419,1#9,92'/i idend )ncome 1$,"1',24# 10,#"2,#'$ 1,1$2,$$$ *ees ; Commission )ncome 41#,211,"12 '91,99',012 "$1,0#1,102 7 1,$$$,$$$ 6eco eries of 5oans pre iously written off ,"14,'2',9$0- ,212,2$4,$0' ,41$,##1,$$0Cash paid to :mployees as Salaries and Allowances ,"41,'14,409- ,100,9$#,$'','9',114,0#1Ad ance )ncome Ta? +aid "9#,1#1,1'# ""1,0$9,$94 "14,"'0,'"2 Cash 6ecei ed *rom &ther &perational )ncome "4!$$ ,"'#,29$,#11- ,29",1"$,#91,111,$94,''0Cash +aid for &ther &perational :?penses "'!$$ Cash Flo8 From Operating )4ti5ities Before Changes in Net C%rrent )sset 1+*/0+,31+/11+-0,+130+1/0 1+*0.+2*3+12, Changes in Net C%rrent )sset & ,2,011,1"#,141,2,49$,19$,0#0,0#$,'9',#9#)n estment in Treasure %ond ,',24','9',101,4,$"9,'$2,110,',#"$,##0,'$25oans ; Ad ance ,'##,41',92$,1,$1",12$,"'#9#,022,"40 &ther Asset #!$$ ,11",'01,194,110,4'1,'91#'$,$$$,$$$ %ank /eposit 9,1'0,#91,##4 ",#"',2#1,420 1,9'9,9#',''1 7 Customers> /eposit 2,'$$,$$$,$$$ ,",1$$,$$$,$$$",''$,$$$,$$$ ,2,2#$,$$$,$$$Subordinated /ebt ,04$,91",$"",420,2#',01$,'$0,41",#$'%orrowing from &ther %anks, *inancial )nstitutions ; Agents 9!$$ Other "ia$ilities Net Cash Flo8 From Operating )4ti5ities ,",""4,99$,"19B9 Cash Flo8 From In5esting )4ti5ities & :/+0/3+/-/+/0-9 )n estment in Shares ; %onds ,11',9"$,"#0+urchase of +remises ; *i?ed Asses ,net,1$#,41$,#2"Net Cash Flo8 From In5esting )4ti5ities :,.2+**,+*1,9 :/3,+,01+/019 C9 Cash Flo8 From Finan4ing )4ti5ities & 6ecei ed *rom )ssue of 6ight Shares 249,4#$,$$$ /i idend +aid 7 Net Cash Flo8 From Finan4ing )4ti5ities 249,4#$,$$$ 11.00 ,2,"01,4'0,94#:1+0,0+12-+2**9 ,4'2,$14,$11,"0",'"#,4#0:31-+--/+-0*9 ",1#2,110,1$1 ,+.32+2-2+./2 ,""',#24,$0',1"1,'1$,249-

7 7 ;

7 7 ;

9 Net In4reases in Cash and Cash !<%i5alents :)=B=C9 :1+3-.+-/3+/*.9 :/+0.*+12*+,1,9 !9 !ffe4t of Changes of !74hange Rates on Cash and Cash !<%i5alents ; F9 Opening Cash and Cash !<%i5alents 3+233+/0.+/,. .+.1.+.-1+/31 Closing Cash and Cash :Dui alents ,/G:G*#,1##,2$0,24' 0,9"1,01#,$$9

,+//0+,/*+*1* ; ,+-.2+23/+1*/

4,'01,1#2,9"2 '2$,$$",'49 2,9"0,1$#,011 2,01',#"#,121 7 19#,20",20# 1,404,4$$ "40,1'$,1$9 21#,12',#1' 2,1'1,2$",$0# 1,12",'#$,'0' ",0$1,111,1"9 1$",$'2,94' 7 '1$,$$$,$$$ 1,"'$,991,0$1 2,$1',#1#,4"$ 1,420,$$$ 1,202,9$$

The abo e closing Cash and Cash :Dui alents include 8 Cash in .and %alance with %angladesh %ank and its agent %ank %alance with &ther %anks ; *inancial )nstitutions (oney at Call and Short 4otice Treasury %ill +riAe %ond
#,1##, 2$0, 24'


4et &perating Cash *low +er Share ,1"'!'$-



M%t%al Tr%st Ban( "imited Statement of Changes in :Duity *or the year ended /ecember "1, 2$1$ Parti4%lars Paid %p Capital %/T 1,100,"1#,4$ $ "'",20",0$$ 7 7 7 7 7 7 2,119,'#2,$$ $ Share Premi% m %/T 7 7 7 7s 7 7 7 7 7 Stat%tory Reser5e %/T 9#$,"2',011 7 7 7 7 7 7 2"#,#91,$$' 1,219,222,01 0 6eneral Reser5e %/T 101,111,"2 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 2$$,$$$,$$ $ "01,111,"2 4 Re5al%ation S%rpl%s on In5estments %/T "#",#00,1#9 7 7 7 7 ,294,21',"9' 7 7 #9,'9$,194 Profit > "oss )44o%nt %/T "92,221,'## ,"'",20",0$ $7 7 7 7 1'',1'1,4$1 ,4"#,#91,$'"'',21#,"#4


%alance as on $1 Hanuary 2$1$ %onus Share )ssued /uring the year 6ight Share )ssued during the year Cash /i idend +aid during the year Transferred to 3eneral 6eser e 6e aluation 6eser e transferred during the year 4et +rofit After Ta? for the year Appropriation made during the year %alance as on "1 /ecember 2$1$

% ",0#4 1



4,14' 1

Fig%re in B T Millions S". 1! 2! "! 4! '! 0! 1! #! 9! 1$! 11! 12! 1"! 14! 1'! 10! 11! 1#! Items Authorised Capital +aid up Capital Shareholders> :Duity Total Capital ,CoreGSupplementaryTotal Assets Total /eposits Total 5oans and Ad ances Total )n esment :?port )mport Total Contingent 5iabilities &perating )ncome &perating :?penditure +rofit before pro ision and ta? +rofit after pro ision and ta? Total +ro ision maintained :arning assets 4on7interest earning assets :arning per Share ,*igure in /010 1$,$$$!$$ 2,119!'# 4,"1#!#1 0,22'!'0 '#,240!$" 4',#40!"1 "9,010!12 9,210!"" 10,#42!#' 21,0'2!#$ 1',49#!#1 ","9#!0' 1,"90!9" 2,$$1!12 9##!"0 1,2#"!1' '1,1#4!11 1,$01!20 40!0" /001 ",#$$!$$ 1,100!"2 ",0#4!'1 ",909!"" '2,114!11 42,"'4!$1 "",##"!92 9,'"1!91 19,010!"# 29,12$!99 1$,$01!$4 2,'44!$2 911!1$ 1,020!92 #2$!01 1,1"9!#2 40,$1'!$4 0,099!12 "#!12 /003 ",#$$!$$ 1490!## 2,4#"!$9 2,###!"" "#,904!91 "",#2$!41 2#,'29!"' ',0$0!49 19,40"!24 "$,"#1!02 11,401!11 1,#"9!'1 044!49 1,19'!$9 "$'!$" 1,2"0!$1 "",944!0$ ',2$!"1 14!"9 /002 ",#$$!$$ 991!92 2,$44!"$ 2,"1$!'9 "2,1#1!9$ 24,110!92 22,0#"!2" ",9'0!'" 1#,2#2!$$ 24,#00!$$ 1$,910!14 1,1##!"4 424!4# 10"!#' 21$!#$ 0$"!4" 2#,41$!91 ",11$!9" 9!9' /00. 1,$$$!$$ 9'$!4$ 1,9$4!#$ 2,114!'" 2',9#"!92 22,204!$' 1#,'91!'2 2,#21!02 12,94"!29 20,2''!29 9,011!"9 1,2#4!#0 "1'!"9 909!41 41#!2# 2"9!9# 2",'1'!#" 2,042!10 22!'0

%/T%ook Balue per Share ,*igure in %/T/i idend7Cash 7%onus Share 6eturn on A erage :Duity 6eturn on A erage Assets ,6&AAClassified 5oans as < Total 5oans and Ad ances 5ending7/eposit 6atio Capital AdeDuacy 6atio +rice7:arning ratio ,Times4o! of %ranches 4o! of %ranches

2$0!'9 7 2$< 24!'2< 1!1#< 2!2#< #0!'4< 11!49< 1'!1# 01 1,$'$

11"!#" 7 2$< 20!01< 1!19< 2!#1< #$!$$< 9!2$< 1$!04 44 #41

111!1' 7 1#< 1"!41< $!#0< 4!92< #4!"0< 1$!"9< 22!2" "0 1"9

90!4' $< 2'< 1$!0#< $!12< 2!"9< 91!''< 1$!19< '9!94 "$ '1#

#9!#1 2$< '< 21!11< 2!1$< 1!$"< #"!'$< 11!#"< 1'!10 2' 41$

S" . 1! 2! "! 4! '! 0!

Items "o4al C%rren4y eposits Current /eposit ; &ther Accounts %ills +ayable Sa ings A2C *i?ed /eposits /eposits7+roducts *oreign Currency /eposits Total /eposits e?cluding 6efinance 6efinance Total /eposits and 6efinance

/010 #,212!$' '29!14 ',0''!'# 2','10!"1 ',494!1# 1##!02 4',0'0!4# 1#9!#" 4',#40!"1

/001 0,211!20 '2#!9' ',1$4!$9 20,229!$0 ",9#$!#$ 9$!"$ 42,1'$!40 2$"!0$ 42,"'4!$0

/003 ',21$!02 441!41 2,94"!$# 22,"0$!0# 2,049!2# 99!#" "",11$!90 49!4' "",#2$!41

/002 ",###!#0 '2'!"1 2,141!"$ 10,""4!14 1,#"0!1" 44!'2 24,110!92 7 24,110!92



190!12 1,4"9!4$ 10,'19!12 1,"$4!0# 49!'# 22,204!$4 7 22,204!$4


Items "o4al C%rren4y eposits Term 5oan S(: *inancing Consumer *inancing .ouse %uilding 5oan Trust 6eceipts Cash Credit Secured & erdraft 5ease *inance %ills +urchased and /iscounted 5oans to (T% Securities 5td! &ther 5oans and Ad ances Sub7Total *oreign Currency Ad ances Total






2! "! 4! '! 0!

1$,201!91 2,040!10 1,"1#!$9 1,1$"!#1 0,121!0# ',1'#!#' 4,114!9# 109!$$ 1,111!0' 2,0'0!#" 1,142!#" "#,4$4!4' 1211!01 "9,010!12

9,"09!'1 '49!99 1,191!11 #01!'" 0,1'0!'" ',421!1$ ',9$0!11 2'4!'' 2"9$!"1 7 11"'!#2 "",#49!## "4!$4 "",##"!92

0,$12!42 "$1!41 00#!4$ #$'!4$ 1,01$!92 4,0'0!0' ",024!1# 2'1!2' "$21!"4 7 1490!#1 2#,'21!44 1!9$ 2#,'29!"4

",00$!0' '9!2" 142!'9 0$4!$# 0,40'!0# ",149!2$ 2,940!"1 2'1!$1 2,#4$!'$ 7 1,902!09 22,0#2!$0 1!11 22,0#"!2"

2,"42!41 7 1'!4' 419!2$ 0,2$9!$1 2,910!$1 ",$21!0$ 11#!"2 2,2"'!1$ 7 1,1#2!#1 1#,'#$!$ 11!4" 1#,'91!'

36&@T. (:AS=6:(:4T8
3rowth means de elopment and maturity! &n the other hand, growth is an increase in siAe, number, alue or strength etc! @e can measure growth of an organiAation through profitability ratios! The profitability ratios are used to e aluate the firm>s profits with respect to a gi en le el of sales, a certain le el of assets or owner>s in estment! These profitability ratios include the following8 3ross +rofit (argin &perating +rofit (argin 4et +rofit (argin :arnings +er Share

6eturn on Total Assets 6eturn on :Duity

S&5B:4CC 6AT)&S
5iDuidity refers to the sol ency of the firm>s o erall financial position7the ease with which it can pay its bills! The liDuidity of a firm measures its ability to satisfy its short7term obligations! The three basic measures of liDuidity are as follows8 4et @orking Capital8 4et working capital is used to measure the firm>s o erall liDuidity! )t is e?pressed as follows8
4et @orking Capital I Current Asset JCurrent 5iabilities

Current 6atio8 The current ratio measures the firm>s ability to meet its short7term obligations! )t is e?pressed as follows8
Current 6atio I
Current Assets Current 5iabilities

Fuick 6atio8 The Duick ratio is similar to the current ratio e?cept that it e?cludes in entory, which is generally the least liDuid current ratio! 3enerally low liDuidity of in entory results from two primary factors8 1- (any types of in entory cannot be easily sold because they are partially completed items, special purpose items and the likeK 2- )n entory is typically sold on credit! )t is e?pressed as follows8
Fuick ratio I
Current Assets 7 )n entory Current 5iabilities

:**)C):4CC 6AT)&S
Acti ity 6atios are used to measures the speed with which arious accounts are con erted into sales or cash! )n entory Turno er8 )n entory Turno er measures the liDuidity of a firm>s in entory! )t is e?pressed as follows8
)n entory Turno er I
Cost of 3oods Sold )n entory

/ebtors Collection +eriod8 The /ebtor Collection period is useful in e aluation of credit and collection policies! )t is e?pressed as follows8
/ebtors Collection +eriod I
/ebtors "0' Total Credit Sales

Creditors +ayment +eriod8 The A erage +ayment +eriod measures the a erage amount of time needed to pay accounts payable! )t is e?pressed as follows8
Creditors +ayment +eriod I
Creditors "0' Total Credit +urchase

*i?ed asset Turno er8 The *i?ed asset Turno er measures the efficiency with which the company has been using its fi?ed Assets to generate sales! )t is e?pressed as follows8
*i?ed asset Turno er I
Sales 4et *i?ed Assets

Total Asset Turno er8 The Total Asset Turno er indicates the efficiency with which the firm uses all its assets to generate sales! )t is e?pressed as follows8
Total Asset Turno er I
Sales Total Assets

+6&*)TA%)5)TC 6AT)&S
(easures of profitability relate the returns of the firm to its sales, assets, eDuality, or share alue! These measures allow the analyst to e aluate the firm>s earning with respect to a gi en le el of sales, a certain le el of assets, the owner>s in estment, or share alue! 3ross +rofit (argin8 The 3ross +rofit (argin measures the percentage of each sales /ollar 2 Taka remaining after the firm paid for its goods! )t is e?pressed as follows8
3ross +rofit (argin I
3ross +rofits 1$$ Sales

&perating +rofit (argin8 The &perating +rofit (argin measures the percentage of profit earned on each sales /ollar2Taka before interest and ta?es! )t is e?pressed as follows8
&perating +rofit (argin I
&perating +rofits 1$$ Sales

4et +rofit (argin8 The 4et +rofit (argin measures the percentage of each sales /ollar 2 Taka remaining after all e?penses, including ta?es, ha e been deducted! )t is e?pressed as follows8
4et +rofit (argin I
4et +rofits After Ta?es 1$$ Sales

6eturn &n Total Assets ,6&A-8 The 6eturn on Total Assets ,6&Ameasures the o erall effecti eness of management in generating profits with its a ailable assets! The 6&A is called the 6eturn on )n estment! )t is e?pressed as follows8
6eturn on Total Assets I
4et +rofits After Ta?es 1$$ Total Assets

6eturn &n :Duity8 The 6eturn on :Duity measures the return earned on the owners> ,both preferred and common stockholders>in estment in the firm! )t is e?pressed as follows8
6eturn on :Duity I
4et +rofits After Ta?es 1$$ StockholdersL :Duity

:arnings +er Share ,:+S-8 The :arnings per share represents the number of /ollars 2 Taka earned on behalf of each outstanding share of common stock! )t is e?pressed as follows8
:+S I 4umber of Shares of Common Stock &utstanding
:arnings a ailable *or Common Stockholder

A4A5CM)43 /:%T 6AT)&S

Creditors claims must be satisfied before earning are distributed to the shareholders, so it is in the best interested of the present and prospecti e shareholders to pay close attention to the indebtedness of a corporation! /ebt 6atio8 The /ebt 6atio measures the proportion of total assets financed by the firm>s creditors! The higher this ratio, the financial le erage the firm the firm has! )t is e?pressed as follows8
/ebt 6atio I
Total 5iabilities Total Assets

/ebt7To7:Duity 6atio8 The /ebt7To7:Duity 6atio indicates the relationship between the long7term funds pro ided by creditors and those pro ided by the firm>s owners! )t is e?pressed as follows8
/ebt7To7:Duity 6atio I StockholderL s :Duity
5ong Term /ebt

Times )nterest :arned 6atio8 )t measures the firm>s ability to make interest payments! )t is e?pressed as follows8
Times )nterest :arned 6atio I
:arnings %efore )nterest And Ta?es )nterest

*i?ed +ayment Co erage8 The *i?ed7+ayment co erage 6atio measures the firm>s ability to meet all fi?ed payment obligations, such as loan interest and principal, lease payments, and preferred stock di idends! )t is e?pressed as follows8
*i?ed7+ayment co erage 6atio I

:%)T + 5ease +ayments )nterest + 5ease +ayments + Q,+rincipal + +referred Stock /i idend- P121 7 T-NO

6AT)& A4A5CS)S &* (=T=A5 T6=ST %A49 *&6 T.: C:A6 2$1$
Sol ency 6atios8
1! 4et @orking Capital I Current AssetsJCurrent 5iabilities I "4'011222$7121$"$$$$$$ I 21#011222$ Comments8 4et @orking Capital is used to measure the firm>s o erall liDuidity! So, the o erall liDuidity of the bank is Tk! 21#011222$! 2! Current 6atio I I
Current Assets Current 5iabilities "4'011222$ 121$$$$$$$

I 2!1281 Comments8 @e know the higher the current ratio, the greater the (argin $f Safety! Although there is no hard and fast rule, con entionally, a current ratio of 281 is considered satisfactory! %ut, the current ratio of the bank is 2!1281K 2!1281 therefore, it may be interpreted to be insufficiently liDuid! "! Fuick ratio I I
Current Assets 7 )n entory Current 5iabilities "4'011222$ 7 $ 121$$$$$$$

I 2!1281 Comments8 .ere the minimum relationship between liDuid assets and current liabilities should ideally be 181! &therwise, the company might fail to meet its current obligations! .ere the Duick ratio is 2!1281 and it is recommended! The Duick ratio pro ides a better measure of o erall liDuidity only when the firm>s in entory cannot be easily con erted into cash! .ere,

in entory is liDuid! So, the current ratio is a preferred measure of o erall liDuidity of this bank! "! Current Asset 6atio I
Current Asset Total Asset

"4'011222$ I '04'14424"0


+rofitability 6atios8
1! 4et )nterest (argin I
)nterest )ncome 7 )nterest :?pense Total Asset 4"'2400#$$ 7 "2141#9110 '04'14424"0

I $!$19$# Comments8 A high net interest margin ratio is a sign of good management! : ery firm should try to increase its gross profit as much as possible! @e can see that the bank has a higher gross profit margin! )t is a ery good sign of business! 2! 4et %ank &perating (argin8 I
Total &perating 6e inues 7 Total &perating :?pense Total Asset

"$''01$4#2 1"'19"41"$ '04'14424"0

I $!$"$11 Comments8 4et %ank &perating (argin are R+ureS because they measure only the profits earned on operations and ignore interest and ta?es! A high operating profit is preferred! The operating profit of this bank is better! So, it is recommended!
"! 6eturn on Total Assets I
4et +rofits After Ta? 1$$ Total Asset 1''1'14$1 1$$ '04'14424"0

I1!"4 <

Comments8 6&A measures the o erall effecti eness of management in generating profits with its a ailable assets! The higher the percentage, the higher the effecti eness of the firm! %ut, here 1!"4 <is relati ely satisfactory le el!
4! 6eturn on :Duity I
4et +rofits After Ta?es 1$$ StockholdersL :Duity

1''1'14$1 1$$ 414'"9111#

I 1!#!22 < Comments8 .ere 6&: is 1!#!22 <! 3enerally, the higher this returns, the better off are the owners! '! :+S I
:arnings a ailable *or Common Stockholder 4umber of Shares of Common Stock &utstanding

I 40!0"< Comments8 There is 40!0"< earning per share because it is listed foreign bank in %angladesh!

&ther 6atios8
1! /ebt 6atios I I
Total 5iabilities Total Assets '04'14424"0 '04'14424"0

I1 Comments8 The higher this ratio, the greater the amount of other people>s money being used to generate profits! The alue indicates that the bank has financed 1 < of its assets with debt and the alue also indicates that the bank has the degree of indebtedness and financial le erage! 2! /ebt7To7:Duity 6atio I I
5ong Term /ebt StockholderL s :Duity

2''10"14""1 414'"9111#

I 0!109# <

Comments8 The bank is not in a good position from the iew of debt to
eDuity ratio! .ere the lenders> in estment is 0!109# < of the owners> in estment! So, maEority financing is being done by the shareholders> fund!
"! Times )nterest :arned 6atio I
:arnings %efore )nterest And Ta?es )nterest 11$"1"'1'2 4"'2400#$$

I "9!144< Comments8 The higher its alue, the better able the firm is to fulfill its interest obligations! .ere the times interest earned ratio for this bank seems acceptable because a alue of at least "!$ and preferably closer to '!$ is often Suggested! Thus it has a good margin of safety!
5ong Term /ebt 4et @orth 2''10"14""1 414'"9111#

'! 5ong Term /ebt To 4et @orth I I

I 0!109# <

Comments8 The bank is not in a good position from the iew of long7
term debt to net worth ratio! .ere the lenders> in estment is 0!109# < of the owners> in estment! So, maEority financing is being done by the shareholders> fund!

+roprietary 6atio I

+roprietors *und Total Assets

1"4$9'#41# 414"2#"#99

I $!2#81 Comments8 .ere the proprietary ratio is $!2#81 that means e ery asset of Tk! 1 the proprietor fund is $!2#! The proprietary ratio is not acceptable because it could not touch the standard norm ,"8'-! %ut there is no hard and fast rule con entionally! +roprietor *und To Total 5iabilities I
+roprietors *und Total 5iabilities

1"4$9'#41# "4$2"2'4#1

I $!"981 Comments8 .ere the proprietor fund to total liabilities is $!"981 that means e ery liability of Tk! 1 the proprietor fund is $!"9! This ratio is not acceptable because it could not touch the standard norm ,"81-! %ut there is no hard and fast rule con entionally!

6AT)& A4A5CS)S &* (=T=A5 T6=ST %A49 *&6 T.: C:A6 2$$9
Sol ency 6atios8
1! 4et @orking Capital I Current AssetsJCurrent 5iabilities I "1$"9'"1117"''$$$$$$$ I ,440$4022"Comments8 4et @orking Capital is used to measure the firm>s o erall liDuidity! So, the o erall liDuidity of the bank is Tk! ,440$4022"-! 2! Current 6atio I I
Current Assets Current 5iabilities "1$"9'"111 "''$$$$$$$

I $!#1481 Comments8 @e know the higher the current ratio, the greater the (argin $f Safety! Although there is no hard and fast rule, con entionally, a current ratio of 281 is considered satisfactory! %ut, the current ratio of the bank is $!#1481K $!#1481 therefore, it may be interpreted to be insufficiently liDuid! "! Fuick ratio I I
Current Assets 7 )n entory Current 5iabilities "1$"9'"111 7 $ "''$$$$$$$$

I $!#1481

Comments8 .ere the minimum relationship between liDuid assets and current liabilities should ideally be 181! &therwise, the company might fail to meet its current obligations! .ere the Duick ratio is $!#1481 and it is recommended! The Duick ratio pro ides a better measure of o erall liDuidity

only when the firm>s in entory cannot be easily con erted into cash! .ere, in entory is liDuid! So, the current ratio is a preferred measure of o erall liDuidity of this bank!
"! 4! Current Asset 6atio I ?%i4( ratio @
Current Asset "1$"9'"111 I I $!$'##1' Total Asset '2114100$0#

Current Assets 7 )n entory Current 5iabilities

"1$"9'"111 7 $ "''$$$$$$$$

I $!#1481

+rofitability 6atios8
'! 4et )nterest (argin I I
)nterest )ncome 7 )nterest :?pense Total Asset

4219499#"9 7 "4$9"'$$4" '2114100$0#

I $!$104# Comments8 A high net interest margin ratio is a sign of good management! : ery firm should try to increase its gross profit as much as possible! @e can see that the bank has a higher gross profit margin! )t is a ery good sign of business! 0! 4et %ank &perating (argin8 I
Total &perating 6e inues 7 Total &perating :?pense Total Asset

2'44$2$114 9111$222" '2114100$0#

I $!$"$#21 Comments8 4et %ank &perating (argin are R+ureS because they measure only the profits earned on operations and ignore interest and ta?es! A high

operating profit is preferred! The operating profit of this bank is better! So, it is recommended!
1! 6eturn on Total Assets I
4et +rofits After Ta? 1$$ Total Asset #2$0$'29# 1$$ '2114100$0#

I1!'' < Comments8 6&A measures the o erall effecti eness of management in generating profits with its a ailable assets! The higher the percentage, the higher the effecti eness of the firm! %ut, here 1!'' < is relati ely satisfactory le el!
#! 6eturn on :Duity I
4et +rofits After Ta?es 1$$ StockholdersL :Duity

#2$0$'29# 1$$ "0#4'$9112

I 22!21 < Comments8 .ere 6&: is 22!21 <! 3enerally, the higher this returns, the better off are the owners! 9! :+S I
:arnings a ailable *or Common Stockholder 4umber of Shares of Common Stock &utstanding

I "#!12< Comments8 There is "#!12< earning per share because it is listed foreign bank in %angladesh!

&ther 6atios8
4! /ebt 6atios I I
Total 5iabilities Total Assets '2114100$0# '2114100$0#

I 181 Comments8 The higher this ratio, the greater the amount of other people>s money being used to generate profits! The alue indicates that the bank has

financed 1 < of its assets with debt and the alue also indicates that the bank has the degree of indebtedness and financial le erage! '! /ebt7To7:Duity 6atio I I
5ong Term /ebt StockholderL s :Duity

20229$0'1'0 "0#4'$9112

I 1!11#1<

Comments8 The bank is not in a good position from the iew of debt to
eDuity ratio! .ere the lenders> in estment is 1!11#1< of the owners> in estment! So, maEority financing is being done by the shareholders> fund!
0! Times )nterest :arned 6atio I
:arnings %efore )nterest And Ta?es )nterest 102091#''1 4219499#"9

I "#!$10 < Comments8 The higher its alue, the better able the firm is to fulfill its interest obligations! .ere the times interest earned ratio for this bank seems acceptable because a alue of at least "!$ and preferably closer to '!$ is often Suggested! Thus it has a good margin of safety!
5ong Term /ebt 4et @orth 20229$0'1'0 "0#4'$9112

'! 5ong Term /ebt To 4et @orth I I

I 1!11#1<

Comments8 The bank is not in a good position from the iew of long7
term debt to net worth ratio! .ere the lenders> in estment is 1!11#1< of the owners> in estment! So, maEority financing is being done by the shareholders> fund!

+roprietary 6atio I

+roprietors *und Total Assets

1"4$9'#41# 414"2#"#99

I $!2#81 Comments8 .ere the proprietary ratio is $!2#81 that means e ery asset of Tk! 1 the proprietor fund is $!2#! The proprietary ratio is not acceptable because it could not touch the standard norm ,"8'-! %ut there is no hard and fast rule con entionally! +roprietor *und To Total 5iabilities I
+roprietors *und Total 5iabilities

1"4$9'#41# "4$2"2'4#1

I $!"981 Comments8 .ere the proprietor fund to total liabilities is $!"981 that means e ery liability of Tk! 1 the proprietor fund is $!"9! This ratio is not acceptable because it could not touch the standard norm ,"81-! %ut there is no hard and fast rule con entionally!

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